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Adria’s fleet shrinks to ten aircraft |
Adria Airways has phased out its last Airbus A320, brining the carrier’s total fleet size down to just ten aircraft. The 21-year old jet, registered S5-AAS, performed its last flight on behalf of Adria on Tuesday to Egypt. It joined Adria’s fleet in April 2011, performing its first flight for the carrier from Ljubljana to London Gatwick, with an all-economy 180-seat layout. The A320 was primarily used on charter flights to Greece, Turkey and Egypt but on occasion would also operate on regular services to Frankfurt, Vienna and Zurich. Recently, the aircraft was involved in a series of minor technical glitches, bringing bad publicity to the Slovenian carrier. The jet will now return to its lessor.
The Airbus A320 has been a staple of Adria’s fleet since May 1989. The airline ordered five aircraft of the same type in 1985 with the first arriving 25 years ago, still operating under the Yugoslav flag. The jet delivered to Adria was the first to be powered by IAE engines and the first Airbus A320 ever to be registered in Yugoslavia. As a result, after more than two decades, Adria will no longer feature the A320 in its fleet. However, the Slovenian carrier plans to wet-lease several A320-family aircraft in 2015 while a total of five or six jets will join the fleet by 2016.
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Adria’s first A320, registered YU-AOA |
The CEO of Adria Airways, Mark Anžur, recently said his airline was considering leasing out aircraft larger than the A320. The carrier’s fleet is expected to shrink further this winter with the retirement of its last two Bombardier CRJ200s by March next year. The airline will scrap one of the aircraft while the other will be used for charter flights. Earlier, Adria’s CEO said the carrier’s fleet will consist of sixteen CRJs and Airbuses by 2020. Mr. Anžur notes Adria will need higher capacity aircraft in order to keep up with expected growth trends next year. The Slovenian carrier now operates a fleet of ten aircraft with a pair of Airbus A319s, six Bombardier CRJ900s and two CRJ200s.
An end of an era. I hope Adria will be getting some A321s soon.
ReplyDeleteLast flight was to Egipt...
ReplyDeleteNa jučerašnjoj sjednici uprave i pilota g.Kučko je iznio slijedeće:
ReplyDelete1. Uspjet će podnjeti svoj udio u restrukturaciji, teško je, govorimo o 100.000.000,00 EUR ali uspjevaju. Svoj dio restrukturacije će odraditi. I uz toliko ogroman novac koji moraju iznaći firma je već 2. godinu profitabilna.
2. U tu svrhu prodat će se još 4 motora na sell and leaseback (od kojih je jedan rezervni kojeg treba reparirat), te jedan Airbus.
3. Nema novih aviona do 2018. godine. Pregovara se sa svima živima oko 100-seater jetova čak se i SSJ nudio (no on nije opcija), za zada je najizvjesniji Embraer. Možda će 100-seateri zamjeniti Q400, nije jasno odgovorio jer bi se njima širila flota ili bi samo zamjenili Q400 kojima izlazi lizing do tada, no u tom kontekstu je spomenuo kraj lizinga Q400.
4. Novi Airbusevi dolaze 2020 i 2021, o tome je postignut dogovor sa Airbusom. Postojeći Airbusevi su u odličnom stanju i nema potrebe za njihovim mijenjanjem do tada.
5. Država forsira prodaju, Kučko je energično protiv toga, smatra da CTN sama može i da je on to dokazao sa 730.000.000,00 kn koje je namaknuo u restrukturaciji. Država spominje nekog (neimenovanog) njemačkog investitora.
6. Kompanija vodi velik broj sudskih sporova protiv novinara.
No, naučili smo da nije za vjerovati ono što Kučko javno kaže, posebno pred pilotima. Sjetimo se iznesenih planova za kupnju Airbuseva, lizing slovenskih A319, pa CRJ, pa Embraera, pa linija za Moskvu, Bucharest i Sofiju, pa domaćeg konzorcija kao investitora... Indirektno upakirati priču kako će se Q400 mijenjati sa jetovima je najveće obečanje koje možete dati pilotima. Em mrze Q400, em znate onu za pilote "što veći...". Pa ako bi i mijenjao dio Airbus flote sa Embraerima na ovaj način im je zamazao oči i pregovore može raditi javno, jer će se oni nadati da je to zbog zamjene omraženih Q400.
U svakom slučaju indikativno je da:
- firma rasprodaje posljednju obiteljsku srebrninu (sell and leaseback)
- nema nikakvih razvojnih planova do 2018. a i onda je pitanje radi li se samo o zamjeni i neznatnom povečanju kapaciteta (a potpuno izbacivanje turbopropa bio bi totalno glup potez obzirom na linije za SJJ, ZAD, PUY, VIE, ZRH, MUC, kao i veći broj frekvencija prema SPU, te možebitne nove linije prema PRG, OTP, BEG, OMO, TGD, MXP za koje je ovaj zrakoplov savršen, a jet bi značio gubitak). Istime nije za očekivati ni novih linija i bitnog povečanja frekvencija u idućih 4 godine.
- Airbusevi dolaze tek za 6-7 godina
- obzirom da govori o dugoročnim planovima očito je da od ostavke ništa, te da ne kani podržati prodaju firme bez obzira na stav nadležnog ministarstva (što na neki način pokazuje i da je ponovo jači od ministra)
Sorry zaboravio sam još jednu stvar:
Delete- Neće prodavati slotove na LHR. Na liniji su smanjili gubitke, a predviđaju da će postati profitabilna odlaskom EasyJeta kao što je postao i CDG nakon povlačanje EasyJeta.
Hvala Purger, ne razumijem kako se čovjek postavljen od strane politike (Kučko) može suprotstavljati ministarstvu?
DeleteČuva poziciju (novi vlasnik sa sigurno ne bi ostavio u kompaniji), a očito je premijersko zaleđe jače od ministra koji želi pretvorbu i micanje vruček kestena od sebe.
DeleteNamaknuo 100 mio eura!!!!!!!!Državnih novaca,ili bolje rečeno poreznih obveznika,rasprodajom onog što su drugi namakli,a prodaja,pada li pada,čudo od modela uspjeha u kojem prihodi padaju,putnika manje,tržišni udio sve manji,........,a sponzor pokriva nedoraslo dijete,naravno opet na teret poreznih obveznika.Pa nije mu očevina!
DeleteTe izjave stvarno zvuče tragikomično. CEO želi ostati za kormilom dok svjesno ne snizi vrijednosti OU i olakša preuzimanje većoj kompaniji (uz odgovarajuću proviziju), dok on figurativno ostaje zadnja linija obrane OU. Sram me je što je Hrvatska još i dan danas plodno tlo za takve uhljebe.
DeleteCroatia Airlines Fleet Renewal Fail
DeleteOstat ce do iducih izbora. A poslije toga sve po starom ako dodje do promjene vlasti. Hdz ce se ulizivat Njemcima. ASL ima super mogucnost postati vodeca na Balkanu.
DeletePa to je predobro za ASL nema konkurenciju a ako planira da ostane do 2021 onda ce LH jeftino kupiti CTN i napraviti feedera za sebe posto ce sad na nekim destinacijama u PL i UA leteti druge kompanije tako sam cuo kao npr ADR ,
2 CRJ700 are almost on the way to Adria's fleet.
ReplyDeleteWhere are they coming from?
Deleteboth CRJs coming from Lufthansa Cityline
ReplyDeleteCRJ200 as a charter?
ReplyDeleteJP often uses CRJ200 as ad hoc charters, for sport teams etc., so no, not for "normal" charters, organised by tourist agencies:)
DeleteI wish all the best for Adria, hope they get an A321!
ReplyDeleteSorry for OT
But does anybody know how FlyDubai is doing in Belgrade and Skopje??
For next summer season FlyDubai added 3th weekly flight, soo i thing its doing good :)
DeleteTHINK! For God's sake: when you love this word, learn how to write it!
DeleteAdded 3rd to sip or beg?
DeleteTo sip.
ReplyDeleteQR introduces 4th weekly non stop ex ZAG from 21DEC and 5th weekly ex BEG (vie ESB) from 22DEC.
Both additions are permanent, not just during holiday season.
Source: published in GDS
ZAG 4x weekly non stop + 3x via BUD
DeleteSta mislite sa ex BEG via ESB ?? neshvatam :))
At least Belgrade gets something too,although its not really innovative...
DeleteInshallah next summer Belgrade gets the nonstop service it deserves!
slabo ti idu troslovni kodovi očito :).
DeleteINN, ESB is Ankara, so flight from Belgrade to Doha via Ankara. As for BEG DOH nonstop, I believe that they would first reach daily service and improve their seeling product, get additional volumes and then most probably see daily service.
DeleteCorrection: selling, not seeling.
DeleteNadam se da ce onda slati 787 ko sto su u roku od 1-2 god uradili sa VIE =DD
I don't think that we can expect wide body on BEG or ZAG near future unless demand picks up heavily (and also demand for business class)....guess there are bigger cities to be taken care of first..Venice, Warsaw, Bucharest are narrow body..also Moscow's one of daily flights is narrow body, Athens.....
DeletePa kad su VIE povecali kapacitet za 92% a tamo lete i EK-EY tako da ja mislim da ce BEG vec sledece godine dobiti 788 :))
So funny when people start comparing Vienna with Belgrade airport wise
DeleteDoesn't change a thing when it comes to long term ME outlook at BEG: in a couple of years, FlyDubai and Qatar will be gone from Belgrade, and Etihad/Air Serbia and Emirates will be ME survivors at BEG.
DeleteINN, I think you very unrealistic when you compare financial and passenger potential and demand to/from Vienna and Belgrade.
DeleteI don't think that Qatar is the one that would be leaving. Company is growing and I'm positive that they will only expand further. However, if Emirates starts to serve Belgrade (which I am not seeing happening honestly speaking), FlyDubai would be most impacted and pressured as they would lose significant number of DXB bound passengers. QR and EY are much much more dependent on beyond AUH/DOH traffic and whole network (getting larger by the day) can feed BEG; don't look just at traffic originating Serbia. That's not most significant part of business of any ME carrier in Ex YU anyway.
DeleteJa ne uporedjujem nego kazem kako je kapacitet povecan sa A320 na 788 sto moze lako da se desi ako nastave da prave stopover i dalje u ESB .
Ja znam vrodobro sta je VIE ;))
DeletePa ovde je veliki ´strucnjak ´ JATBEGMEL rekao da ce EK od Marta da leti ;))
In case passenger numbers increases to that point (keeping in mind financial potential) it would be more logical to split the flights. Fully or partially. Basically the same what happened in case of Zagreb and Budapest.
DeleteWell, maybe JATBEGMEL has some inside info. I would wait for official EK note on that. Meanwhile I am a bit sceptical on any wide body service by any airline happening on regular basis to any of Ex Yu cities.
DeleteCurrently, there are no plans for Emirates to fly to Belgrade, and that comes from the inside.
DeleteTrue, Emirates are not likely to start Belgrade any time SOON. Outlook mentioned above was LONG term, 3-5 years ahead.
DeleteEY, JU, QR and FZ are doing what they can to keep EK away from BEG. However EK is continuously growing, and is currently expanding to larger airports in the region, BUD and OTP. If BEG keeps growing, adding more regional and intercontinental destinations over the next 2-3 years, passenger numbers at BEG will approach what is now at OTP or even BUD. At that point EK adding Belgrade will be a natural progression in the region, and if that happens FlyDubai will drop immediately while Qatar will probably hang on for a little bit longer, but not much. Even in 5 years BEG will not be large enough for more than EY/JU and EK.
Am I missing something but I thought EK did not fly or intend on flying to OTP.
DeleteQatar still has the best conditions for expansion in BEG.
DeleteThey are already there four times a week,
in winter then maybe five times.
In summer they only have to add two weekly
nonstop flights.
For the begin twice nonstop and five times one-stop is excellent.
They are very slow but it improves year by year.
True, EK is not flying to OTP yet but that is the next destination to follow in the region.
DeleteDoubt it. flydubai already flies there and the market is not that big nor is it that lucrative.
DeleteI don't see EK starting to serve any of Ex YU in near future as these markets cannot (and judging by local development that is not about to change anytime soon) sustain wide body service, and EK is only wide body. There's to little premium demand and traffic is based on VFR and leisure. In addition, it is very seasonal. You can maybe fill ti during summer, but then again you can do it basically anywhere at that time. Airlines having narrowbody (like QR, FZ and EY) are all already here; and that is not a coincidence. It is precisely because they are not all wide body airlines and have better chance to manage year round seasonality. Whether we like it or not, Ex YU area is by no means lucrative enough at present (and that will probably stay that way for years to come) to justify investment of placing 300 seats aircraft with all of it's costs.
DeleteAs for OTP, it will probably be next EK Eeastern Europe destination (if and when, I wouldn't be able to guess). But after OTP, I think it will be a long time before EK opens anything else in the area.
^ Absolutely agree .
DeleteWe are all in agreement, no EK in BEG in the near future. Let's meet here again in 5 years.
ReplyDeleteGlavne Teme:
23.10 Slovenija
22.10 Hrvatska
21.10 Crna Gora
20.10 Hrvatska
19.10 50% Srbija 50% Crna Gora
18.10 Hrvatska
17.10 Hrvatska
16.10 BiH
Hrvatska 4
Crna Gora 1.5
Slovenija 1
BiH 1
Srbija 0.5
You will have to understand that some weeks there is more news from certain countries than others.
DeleteJadno i bedno sto ce ADR da izgubi tako jedan divan avion kao sto je 320.
usually I don't comment things, but now I cant help myself ... why on earth people comment something other than the topic in the article. I really see a lot of this on this blog. Please stay on topic.
ReplyDeleteAre you talking about Purger's comments or something else?
DeleteMi mozemo i o kuruzima ili kako neko nesto dzabe dobija da komentarisemo niste vi yakon ;))
DeleteLijepo te molim da stavis potpis na početak posta. Hvala.
ReplyDeleteAIR CEO evo pogodili ste mozda to ni nije tako losa ideja =DD
Tačno, ideja će biti sve bolja i bolja kako nova generacija NEO i MAX aviona bude dolazila na tržište. Ljudima treba vremena da prihvate novu tehnologiju koja remeti stari poredak. Sećam se kad se pojavio smartphone, ljudi su mi govorili: šta će mi to, imam i kompjuter, i foto aparat, i običan mobilni... a vidi sada...
DeleteAnyone knows why there are two flights to Sabiha from Belgrade tonight? Turkish Airlines (B738) departs at 01.00 and Onur Air's A321 departs at 01.55. Thanks.
ReplyDeleteTurkish football club played against Serbian club in Belgrade I think
DeleteJuce ujutro Air Serbia ATR odleteo na vreme za Bec al se ne vrati na vreme oko 11am, vec tek nocas u 1.37am, kvar ili sta bi? I Prag i Bukurest na ATR kasnili "samo" po 3 sata... INN-NS, sta se to desilo u VIE?