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Air Serbia joins Etihad Airways Partners |
Etihad Airways has launched a new brand entitled Etihad Airways Partners that includes the Emirati carrier, Air Serbia and four of its other partner airlines in a group that will synchronise schedules and frequent flyer benefits in a similar way to the three global alliances. The effects on the new alliance will be apparent as early as this month with Air Serbia to begin operating flights between Belgrade and Abu Dhabi, as well as from Abu Dhabi to Muscat on behalf of its partner Etihad. Besides Etihad and Air Serbia, the founding members of the new alliance include Air Berlin, Air Seychelles, Darwin Airline and Jet Airways. However, any airline can become an Etihad Airways Partner even if it is part of an existing alliance, with Air Berlin being a member of Oneworld itself.
Etihad Airways CEO James Hogan suggests that Etihad Airways Partners differs from "legacy airline alliances" by offering benefits beyond "pure commercial cooperation". "We are a grouping of like-minded airlines working together to improve our competitive offer against those alliances and the major legacy carriers", the airline said in a statement. It added, “The depth of our relationships allow us to go further than the long-established global alliances, from greater network alignment, which maximises flight connectivity, to shared centres of excellence in cabin interior design, catering, in flight entertainment and customer service". As part of the new alliance, Air Serbia’s aircraft will display the Etihad Airways Partners logo which has promptly been added to the airline’s website. The formation of the alliance comes in the lead-up to Air Serbia’s first anniversary, with the carrier keen to emphasise the benefits of its partnership with Etihad.
In addition to its new alliance, Etihad has named Bruno Matheu to the newly created position of CEO for Equity Partners in the Etihad Airways Aviation Group. Mr. Matheu will lead strategic developments to optimise business performance, revenues and cost synergies between Etihad and its equity partners across the world. Mr. Matheu will assume his new role in December 2014, reporting directly to James Hogan. Commenting on the new role, Mr. Hogan said, “I am confident he will be able to direct our partnership strategy and manage the supportive collaboration between our equity partners to optimise its commercial and network benefits within the geo-political environment in which we operate”. Mr. Matheu joins the Etihad Group after two decades at Air France-KLM.
Ovo vec ima smisla !
ReplyDeleteB&H should join seeing as they are being destroyed by * alliance
ReplyDeleteB&H Airways is much too small company for alliance. What they can synchronise with rest of members, which routes? Air Serbia should buy B&H Airlines put 1 ATR on SJJ-BEG-XXX-BEG-SJJ route, 2 ATR on OMO-BEG-XXX-BEG-OMO route and gives them the best 737-300 they have to fly routes to Air Berlin hubs (DUS, ZRH, TXL), Alitalia hub (FCO) and Darwin hub (ZRH) and few routes to Scandinavia. When become profitable they can change 737-300 to A319 and start Abu Dhabi flights. The end!
DeleteStar Alliance ima 27 članova
ReplyDeleteSky Team ima 20 članova
Oneworld 15 članova
Dakle Etihad bi mogao okupiti bez brige 15 članova u kratko vrijeme i to na svim kontinentima (čak i u Americi kad bi skupili 3-4 slabija igrača i ujedinili ih dobili bi 4. ozbiljnog parnera koji bi mogao parirati Unitedu/Air Canadi, Americanu i Delti, tj. postojećim alijansama). Smatram da je ime preglupo, demotivirajuće za potencijalne članove i da izostavlja globalnu notu, te im fali rasprostranjenost po cijelom svijetu.
Slobodne kompanije koje nisu članovi niti jedne alijanse, a niti trenutno ne pregovaraju sa alijansama su (uskličnicima sam označio one koje bi mogli privući o koji bi im mogli biti od koristi, a sa liste treba zanemariti LCC i politički neprihvatljive kompanije koje nisu interesantne Etihadu):
(8U) Afriqiyah Airways
(AH) Air Algérie !!!!
(MD) Air Madagascar !!!!
(SW) Air Namibia
(UU) Air Austral
(TM) LAM Mozambique Airlines
(MK) Air Mauritius !!!!
(W3) Arik Air
(LN) Libyan Airlines
(AT) Royal Air Maroc !!!!
(SD) Sudan Airways
(DT) TAAG Angola Airlines
(TU) Tunisair !!!!
(G9) Air Arabia
(AK) Air Asia
(NX) Air Macau !!!
(FG) Ariana Afghan Airlines
(PG) Bangkok Airways
(BG) Biman Bangladesh Airlines
(5J) Cebu Pacific
(LY) El Al
(EK) Emirates
(G8) GoAir
(GF) Gulf Air !!!
(HU) Hainan Airlines !!!
(6E) IndiGo
(IR) Iran Air
(QV) Lao Airlines
(JT) Lion Air
(W5) Mahan Air
(8M) Myanmar Airways International !!!
(WY) Oman Air !!!
(PK) Pakistan International Airlines !!!
(PR) Philippine Airlines !!!
(BI) Royal Brunei Airlines !!!
(SC) Shandong Airlines
(3U) Sichuan Airlines
(SG) SpiceJet
(9C) Spring Airlines
(TR) Tigerair
(IY) Yemenia
(EI) Aer Lingus !!!
(BT) airBaltic !!!
(KK) Atlasjet
(B2) Belavia !!!
(FB) Bulgaria Air !!!
(U2) EasyJet
(BE) Flybe !!!
(LS) Jet2.com
(IG) Meridiana
(ZB) Monarch Airlines
(YM) Montenegro Airlines !!!
(N4) Nordwind Airlines
(DY) Norwegian Air Shuttle
(8Q) Onur Air
(PC) Pegasus Airlines
(FR) Ryanair
(XQ) SunExpress
(UN) Transaero !!!
(PS) Ukraine International Airlines !!!
(U6) Ural Airlines
(UT) UTair Aviation
(VS) Virgin Atlantic
(W6) Wizz Air
Sjeverna Amerika
(FL) AirTran Airways
(AS) Alaska Airlines !!!
(BW) Caribbean Airlines !!!
(CU) Cubana
(F9) Frontier Airlines
(HA) Hawaiian Airlines !!!
(B6) JetBlue
(WN) Southwest Airlines
(NK) Spirit Airlines
(VX) Virgin America
(TS) Air Transat !!!
(WS) WestJet
(SB) Aircalin
(PX) Air Niugini
(TH) Air Tahiti Nui !!!
(FJ) Fiji Airways !!!
(DJ) Virgin Australia !!!
Južna Amerika
(AD) Azul !!!
(OB) Boliviana de Aviación
(V0) Conviasa
(G3) Gol Transportes Aéreos !!!
Azul was already approached by Lufthansa and United Airlines so they are most likely heading to Star Alliance.
DeleteeasyJet is cooperating with Emirates so they are out of question.
I think Air Serbia, Air Berlin and Alitalia are enough when it comes to Europe. They need someone in Africa and the Americas.
If they could get Egyptair to join them then it would be a huge success. I heard they are not too happy in Star; it doesn't help that they are also sandwiched between two large and aggressive Star Alliance carriers, Turkish Airlines and Ethiopian Airlines.
Zasto je ime "preglupo"??? Suvlasnici su svake od kompanija, zato nisu klasicna alijansa. Tim imenom zapravo pokazuju da su drugaciji od drugih.
DeleteIme je preglupo ako kane postati globalna alijansa. Ovako ispada da je to njihov feud (što trenutno i jest, ali se nadam da ne kani takav ostati). Konačno, i do sada su imali suradnju sa tim svojim kompanijama i bez formalne alijanse. Alijansa ima smisla samo i isključivo ako kane privuči još neke igrače u kojima nemaju suvlasništvo. A za takve je naziv više nego demotivirajuć jer ispada da su podređeni igraču koji i nije baš tako velik. Neki od slobodnih igrača su daleko veći od Etihada.
I Gol je pregovarao sa Lufthansom, čak štoviše izbacivali su se optimistični press materijali, pa ništa. Niti jedna od ta dva velika brazilska igrača nije ni blizu jednoj od alijansi, dakle Etihad ima šanse. Star je zacrtao plan 50 članova alijanse u 5 godina. Prošlo 5 godina, oni imaju pola od tog cilja. Očito je da bi 4, drugačiji igrač mogao nešto ponuditi. Jer sva ova tri zapravo uništavaju manje igrače u alijansama, što je više nego vidljivo, a što je demotivirajuće za potencijalne članove
Etihadu u Europi fali igrač za Sjever i Zapad (flybe ili AerLingus bi dušu dali za to). Naime sadašnji puleni ne pokrivaju ovaj najbogatiji dio europe (Aie Serbia jugoistok, Alitalija jug i jugozapad, Air Berlin srednja i istok, Darwin srednja). Isto tako potreban im je igrač za Rusiju. Transaero je još jedini koji nešto vrijedi, ili da Etihad po svom uobičajnom kljuću kupi neku kompaniju i pretvori je u feedera, no to u Rusiji neće ići toliko lako kao u Europi.
Ja za easyJet nisam napisao da Etihad ima šanse. Odakle ti to? I ja mislim da nema.
Ok, trenutno sa 700 aviona nisu veliki igrac, ali sta su bili pre par godina? Nista. Rastu ko gljive posle kise. Mnogo se bolje organizovani od konkurencije a najveca snaga je u jedinstvenom nastupu prema proizvodjacima aviona, opreme i uslugama.
DeletePurger, mislim da daješ prevelik značaj imenu. Swissair na primer, nije imao "demotivirajuće ime", svoju su alijansu nazvali Qualiflier ali su drugi prevoznici u njoj od početka bili veoma demotivirani. Ne zbog imena već samo zbog toga što su svi bili patuljci u odnosu na Swissair i bilo je jasno da se tu manje radi o alijansi a više o udruzi koja bi se mogla zvati "Swissair i buranija". Eno i Star Alliance ima lepo globalno ime pa to ime nije od bilo kakve pomoći malim članovima kao što je OU - oni su tu samo da rade ono što im veliki kažu.
DeleteAko Etihadovu alijansu budu činila velika imena onda se tu niko neće osećati ugroženim zbog imena. Osećaj ugroženosti nastaje kada vidiš da te niko ništa ne pita već samo dobijaš naredbe. Etihad bez obzira na svoj vlasnički udeo neće moći tako da tretira jednu Alitaliu već će se ona tu pitati ponešto. Slično važi za Air Berlin i Jet Airways. Air Serbia će, pak, proći slično kao OU u Star Alliance ali i to je mnogo bolje od onoga što bi ih čekalo da nije bilo ulaska Etihada.
U svakom slučaju, odnose unutar alijanse uvek određuje veličina glavnih (i ostalih) igrača. Ime je običan dekor i ne predstavlja bilo kakav ključan faktor u donošenju odluke o priključenju.
Pa da ali isto tako moramo imati u vidu da se situacija znatno promenila od kada su pregovarali sa GOL-om. Star je zadobio ogroman udarac kada je TAM napustio savez posle spajanja sa LAN-om. Trenutno su relativno slabi i potreban im je novi saveznik juzno od Paname. Kao sto je vec spomenuto ranije, jedini preostali ozbiljni igraci su GOL i Azul.
DeleteFlybe je u savezu sa Finnair-om te ne vidim zasto bi se priblizili Etihadu. Sto se tice Aer Lingusa, ja njih vidim samo kao potencijalni most izmedju Evrope i Amerike. Isto tako, ulaganje u Lingus kao i njihovo potencijalno sirenje u Dablinu moze da otvori Pandorinu kutiju te da iziritira Ryanair. FR nije sala, njihova niska cost-structure ih cini jako opasnim, uz to imaju mnogobrojne baze sirom Evrope zahvaljujuci kojim bi mogli da otpocnu rat na vise frontova.
Zato kazem da im je za sada mnogo bolje da se skoncentrisu na konsolidaciju AB-a jer oni imaju najbolje sanse da se prosire sirom severa, zapada i istoka.
airBaltic bi bio dobar kandidat ali nazalost njihov odnos sa EY-om je zategnut od kako su propali pregovori oko preuzimanja udela u toj firmi.
Kao sto sam rekao, po meni oni treba da se skoncentrisu na AB, JU i AZ jer ova tri igraca mogu sasvim solidno da pokriju trziste Evrope. Ako pogledamo koliko su izazova imali sa JU i AB, ne zelim da zamislim sta ih tek ceka sa AZ.
Ma naravno da dobro ime nije garancija uspjeha. Možeš imati najbolje ime na svijetu (Star alliance) i svejedno biti najgore smeče. Jasno. No, isto tako loše ime može biti demotivator, jasno da može. I je! Zamisli situaciju u kojoj neki ozbiljan slobodni igrač (Hainan, Alaska, Azur...) ili neki igrač koji je nezadovoljan postojećom alijansom (Aeroflot npr.) želi ući u alijansu, bi li se stvarno odlučio za nešto što se zove "Etihad partners i takav logo stavio na svoj avion, tiskao u svojim materijalima, objavljivao na svom webu...)
DeleteUzgled, Qualiflier je bio super idea, ali koma realizacija. Jednom sam spomenu kako je Swissair upravo na tome slomio zube, jer je investirao grdosiju novaca u propale kompanije da bi ih dobio u svoju alijansu. I na koncu i sam bankrotirao radi toga. Jednom sam spomenuo da bi se tako što moglo desiti i Etihadu, posebno ako presuše izvori financiranja (npr. SAD posebne za mjerom kao i 1989. i naglo spusti cijenu nafte da naškodi Rusiji/tadašnjem SSSR-u).
No, ne slažem se da su u Qualiflieru bile bitno manje kompanije od Swissaira. Podsjetio bih te da su članovi Qualifliera bili Sabena (koja je tada bila ozbiljna i velika kompanija daleko veća od današnjeg Brusselsa), Turkish, Austrian, TAP, LOT... a jedno vrijeme i Delta (zapravo je sve otišlo nizbrdo kad je Delta raskinula deal i ušla u Sky Team).
Ma slažem se ja sa tobom što se tiće Brazila, isto tako je i sa Rusijom (Transaero koji LH opako vabi), gdje Star nema partnera. Ali dok je netko "slobodan" svašta mu se može ponuditi, a Etihad nudi puno ljepih privlegija, pa i novac. I to mnogo novca.
Flybe nije "u savezu" sa Finnairom, nego je sa Finnairom suvlasnik regionalne kompanije Flybe Nordic. Isto tako je suvlasnik sa Aer Lingusom ušao u deal u Irsko-engleskoj regionalnoj kompaniji Stobart Air, te sa Loganairom u Škotskoj. Nemoj zaboraviti da Flybe već ima izuzetno jak code-share agreement sa Etihadom i to za linije:
Abu Dhabi
Paris-Charles de Gaulle
Belfast City
Isle of Man
Što se Aer Lingusa tiće Etihad uporno kupuje dionice ove kompanije i već iritira Ryanair. Povečali su svoje ušeće za 100%, što je još uvijek daleko od ozbiljnog učešća, ali su jasno naglasili da su kupci ako se Ryanair odluči prodati svoje dionice (a što je već više puta najavio, bog te pitaj jel to prijetnja ili stvarno), ili ako neki drugi suvlasnik odluči tako što učiniti. Ryanair je već ozbiljno isfrustriran Aer Lingusom, pokušao je sve da se dočepa preostalih dionica Irske (i ima kontrolu od preko 50%), dumpingira u Irskoj, dupla linije, čini sve da preuzme kontrolu nad Aer Lingusom, pa nije uspio ni nakon 10 upornih godina (i tri napada za neprijateljsko preuzimanje). A da se Etihad boji velikih igrača još bi se više bojao Lufthanse koja je daleko veća, jača i utjecajnija od Ryanaira, pa su im ga svejedno smjestili u ček 4 strateška tržišta uključujući i vlastito dvorište (Air Berlin u koji je LH uložila kamaru para da ga uništi).
DeleteUzgred, tiče, udio ili udjel (a ne učešće), dogoditi (a ne desiti)...
Ovo nije forum o pravopisu, niti se članovi trebaju opterećivati gramatikom. Ovaj forum je razbibriga, razmjena mišljenja, nije znanstveno okupljanje, već forum koji dozvoljava i kolokvijalni govor i narječja, a i pogreške. Sigurno ne treba tražiti od članstva da check-spela svoje tekstove, niti da ih lektorira.
DeleteS15 - Hmmm it will be interesting since A319s will be gone from EY fleet as announced by their chief planner few months back... rumors are plenty about and around including A330 to BEG with onwards connections somewhere... let's wait and see I guess
Delete@Anonymous October 9, 2014 at 1:48 PM
DeleteNaravno, ali mislim da nije preteško pridržavati se minimalnog standarda u pravopisu. Komentari su tada čitkiji i djeluju ozbiljnije, ne kao da razgovaraš s "babom na placu".
Air Croatia nije na vasoj listi. Da li to znaci da ce Air Croatia biti novi clan Etihad Airways Partners?
DeleteNajbolje da se pridruzi E Alliance bilo bi :
DeleteAH-MD-UU-AT Africa
EK (ako hoce zbog rivalstva) -JT-PK Asia
Gulf Air je u jako losim odnosima sa EY
XQ nece nikada uci u tu alliancu
AS-WN( bi bilo fenomenalno)
TH-DJ( bi mogla leteti za BEG sa jedniom Stopover u AUH)
Juzna Amerika
AD mda bi bilo bolje da doju TAM-LAN
Pa bas to je to jedan vise razlog sto flybe ne bi trebao da se pridruzi Etihad savezu. Kada bi to uradili onda bi bilo tesko da odrze svoju nezavisnost, to jest mogucnost da saradjuju sa kime zele i kako hoce. No dobro, vazduhoplovstvo je krajnje nepredivo te sve je moguce. Vreme ce pokazati sta ce se desiti i ko ce im se jos pridruziti.
DeleteSto se tice Lingusa i ostalih, kako EY i njegovi parterni jacaju, to ce sve vise smetati ostalim. Lingus je vodjen od strane fantasticnog coveka koj napusta tu firmu 2015. godine. Treba videti ko ce ga naslediti pa tek onda komentarisati i spekulisati.
What I don't understand is why did they decide to operate the Etihad flight?! It's horrible, they are losing an A319 which will be gone between 13.00 and 05.45! No wonder they are cutting down their network.
ReplyDeleteBlah blah blah. Another aviation specialist.
DeleteThey did not decide that! It was ordered by Etihad to make wave logic to fly. You still think Air Serbia has autonomy to decide especially in strategic decisions.
DeleteAnd in same time they will get some money to fly 2 legs for Etihad. Knowing Etihad business tactics they will not get a lot of money on that, but...
I'd be interested to see what happens with this arrangement in summer 2015. If they continue with it (which I doubt) that would be really bad deal since they are going to need this plane for the peak season. In winter it's not such a bad deal, being a low season and out of obvious A319 markets to expand to.
DeleteI think its a very good move.
DeleteAir Serbia would loose much money if one of its A319 is flying around empty in the cold season.
OU would benefit even more if it was able to have similar arrangement with someone. In my mind that's an ideal way to address high seasonality
DeleteIt would be better if they launched a new destination with the A319 instead of sending it to Abu Dhabi and Muscat... there is St. Petersburg or even Barcelona that would do well thanks to the O&D and transfer passengers.
Deleteha, where is Alitalia ?
ReplyDeleteHa, where is Alitalia ?
ReplyDeleteFake alliance
To isto ste pitali i za Air Serbiju prvih par meseci, cim se ne bi pojavio logo AS na sajtu ili fb alikaciji Etihad partnera. Polako samo, gde zurite hejteri...
DeleteYou obviously have little to no understanding of English ... this is NOT an alliance
DeleteOf course it is (or will be) alliance. That is start. You must have something to start with, to show possible members.
DeleteAlitali is not in jet, probably because deal is not formally finish! After that for sure they will come in, even if that means they must leave Sky team.
You also have problems with English ... it is NOT an alliance. It is a grouping of airlines who have chosen to work closely together and to brand their partnership. Airberlin is in Oneworld and they are not leaving that alliance. They are prohibited from joining another alliance while currently being members of oneworld. This applies to the other 2 airline alliances as well. James Hogan has also said that this is not an alliance, rather, a grouping of airline partners ....
DeleteOf course you can call it „interest group“, „partner airlines“, „union“, „airlines association“, “collaboration”, even call it „potato“ if you want. But, it is alliance in every mean, by every definition. Synchronisation and improved networks and schedules + utilization + synergies + frequent flyers program + „standardised mileage and tier benefits across all partners, no blackout periods and priority services“ (quote Hogan) + terminals and business lodges + “joint procurement of services and supplies, and shared pilot and cabin crew training at the Etihad Airways facilities in Abu Dhabi” (quote Hogan), that is even more than alliance. And if you want to define “alliance” as less collaboration than “Etihad partner” than you are right. In that case it is not alliance.
DeleteBut de facto and de iure it is alliance with name “partner” instead. All professional public is calling Qantas-Emirates deal as alliance and that is nothing to what Etihad implements.
Hogan did not say it is not an alliance, not even one time. Please do read original material. He points “allow us to go FURTHER THAN the long-established global alliances“
I am so sorry that I am too stupid not to understand English!
I don't know if you are stupid or not ... that is for others to judge ... However, if you have any knowledge at all around how the branded airline alliances work, then the rules of their membership clearly state that they are prohibited from being simultaneous (that means at the same time - just in case you don't know what this means) members of any other alliance. airberlin is BOTH a member of oneworld and now the Etihad Airline Partnership. By definition, if Etihad's partnership program was an alliance, then airberlin would not be able to join ... it's as simple as that
Delete@AnonymousOctober 9, 2014 at 4:35 PM
DeleteNo, it is not just simple as that. Politics, and relation between such large companies is that-politics, does not work in such black and white fashion. If Air Berlin is important to One World, they might use them to influence Etihad in some way, or to benefit from that collaboration. Words on paper are just that - words. And rules are changing all the time...
Another person that doesn't understand English - awesome ! Why don't you articulate yourself in your native language and maybe then you will better get your point across ? Here, you are making a comment which is completely out of context to point being made in the earlier post ....
DeleteIt's an alliance in making... ;)
DeleteI think people generally associate airline alliance with Star or One World etc. Qantas/Emirates is sometimes called alliance because of the meaning of this word. In reality it's a joint venture (if I remember well the agreement they signed). Either way, doesn't matter, everybody here knows what the purpose is
Deletefew days ago someone said that EU investigation is finished. But, in fresh EU memo about ExYu aviation situation we can see it is not:
ReplyDelete"The new national airline, Air Serbia, was established in October 2013 as a joint venture owned by the Republic of Serbia and United Arab Emirates’ flag carrier Etihad Airways. Inquiries are ongoing regarding the airline’s compliance with the ‘effective control’ requirements stipulated in the ECAA. The administrative capacity of the Civil Aviation Directorate needs to be strengthened in order to fulfil obligations of the ECAA Agreement."
You only need to learn the small difference between the words 'inquiry' and 'investigation' and you will be a Cat1 hater. You are almost there so don't give up :)
DeleteLast anonymous,
DeleteThat tone and the kind of comments is getting really old.
“Inquiry” and “investigation” can be used in lieu of each other since they are synonyms and mean the same thing although they have some very subtle differences. An inquiry involves investigation and an investigation involves inquiry.
DeleteOne difference is how they are handled. While an inquiry is usually done through questioning and probing into the circumstances relating to the matter at hand, an investigation is done more carefully and by thoroughly inspecting details in an organized manner and assessing facts which are uncovered in the process.
1.“Inquiry” is the process of searching for knowledge and information about a problem through asking questions and probing while “investigation” is the organized process of inquiring about a problem through inspection and assessment.
2.Both an inquiry and an investigation may be used interchangeably, but an investigation is a more lengthy process than an inquiry.
3.An investigation involves an inquiry and vice versa; inquiries may be done not as painstakingly thorough as that of an investigation.
So, that makes EU process against Air Serbia less serious or with possible lower sanctions? Of course not! That can open official investigation or can even produce some consequences even from inquiry. As you can see I know the difference between inquiry and investigation and you should know much more about European legislative and formal procedures.
...and it is not finished as you told us!
So, do you now want a medal for your 'investigative' work ?? Or, should I say, 'for your inquiry' ?
DeleteBut of course not! Why should I, my god? It is just a simple answer. Not a fight, not a war! Just communication, just answer, just FORUM (lat. = A public meeting, media or presentation involving a discussion usually among experts and often including audience participation). Why you have this need to make all and every topic as fight?
DeleteWhy don't you simply publish the URL to the Oxford dictionary ... Might save you a heap of keystrokes and allow you to go and do something more constructive with your time.
DeleteCopy-paste is simple enough. And is there any problem to copy Oxford dictionary? In my World that is normal practise for reasonable people who don't want to discuss just on presumption and by dreaming.
DeleteAlready discussed here:
Why hasn't BEG published their numbers for September?!
ReplyDeleteThey are to great to just publish them...
DeleteAs I can recall, july or august figures were published around 20th next month
DeleteLufthansa's new 'Jump' airline sets sights on Asia-Pacific
ReplyDeleteLufthansa will launch a new airline named 'Jump' next year with its eye on the Asia-Pacific market.
However, Jump isn't the German carrier's as-yet-unnamed budget offshoot – instead, it will adopt a 'hybrid' model closer to that of competitor AirBerlin, but on an international scale, with a launch date of November 2015.
Jump's startup fleet of eight Airbus A340 jets will be fitted with 18 business class seats, 19 premium economy and 261 economy seats, according to reports in Asia-Pacific Business Traveller.
Those business class seats will be the same as offered on Lufthansa's Boeing 747-8 jets.
At the same time, Jump is expected to run with far leaner operating costs than its parent, including new contracts struck with unions for as much as 25% less than Lufthansa.
Jump's primary destinations will cover key cities in China, India and Thailand, as well as select cities in North America.
Lufthansa's low-cost airline, also due to begin flying in late 2015, will target "more tourist-centric markets, for less money than both mainline Lufthansa or ‘Jump’ could offer", according to a Lufthansa spokesman.
Ovo sprema LH :(
Why are you sad??
ReplyDeleteBecause i hate LH =D
Any person of the working class should be sad because these so called "low-cost" airlines are cheaper partly because they they do not pay a fair wage to their employees (especially pilots).
DeleteHopefully, if the demand for air travel continues increasing at the same rate as it has been increasing in the past few years, these low cost carriers won't be able to fill their cockpits because all the pilots would rather work for airlines that actually treat them like professionals.
What was the flight today to Yerevan, any idea anyone?
DeleteEuro 2016 qualifier I think
DeletePity it's not a regular line, i'm sure Air Serbia could do well on the route.
DeleteAnd if I may ask why do you hate? And you are so young, don't.