Wizz Air’s Tuzla base to cover Serbia and Croatia |
Low cost airline Wizz Air will open a regional base for Bosnia and Herzegovina, Serbia and Croatia at Tuzla Airport from June 1, 2015, local authorities have said. The no frills carrier will base one of its aircraft in Bosnia and Herzegovina’s third largest city and operate 25 weekly flights. It expects to handle some 300.000 passengers per year. “This means they [Wizz Air] will base one to two aircraft in Tuzla, with more jobs to be created and at least two new destinations to be launched”, Mustafa Isabegović, Tuzla Canton’s Minister for Transport, said. The low cost airline launched services to the Bosnian city last summer and is the only carrier offering scheduled flights out of Tuzla. It currently serves the city from Malmo, Basel, Dortmund, Gothenburg and Eindhoven.
It is unknown whether Wizz Air’s expansion in Tuzla will affect its operations at nearby Belgrade Airport, where it also has an operational base, as well as potential flights to Croatia. The carrier’s expansion in Serbia was abruptly halted earlier this year when the airport discontinued its benefits for the airline and hiked fees. At the time, Wizz Air said Belgrade had become the most expensive airport in its destination network. However, the no frills carrier recently confirmed it was also in talks with Niš Constantine the Great Airport, in Serbia’s south-east, to launch flights to the city during the 2015 summer season. On the other hand, the airline has a limited presence in Croatia. Following a brief and unsuccessful stint in Zagreb, it now operates only seasonal flights to Split.
Over the past nine months, Tuzla Airport handled 109.160 passengers, an increase of 182.5% compared to the same period last year. Prior to Wizz Air’s arrival, the airport was mostly deserted since it opened its doors for commercial traffic in 2008. The airline’s CEO, Josef Varadi, recently said, “Introducing flights from Tuzla and increasing services later on is indicative of the strong cooperation we have and we think it is time for the next phase”. According to Bosnia's Federal Minister for Transport and Communication, Enver Bijedić, Wizz Air is considering launching flights to Sarajevo. Talks between the budget airline and Sarajevo Airport are in progress, with the carrier’s CEO indicating services from three different cities could be launched to the Bosnian capital during the 2015 summer season.
Northern Bosnia keeps on getting good news. First it was announced that Air Serbia will be increasing Banja Luka to 8 weekly from 04.04.2015 and now Wizz Air opens up a base in Tuzla! This is fantastic. Both of these airports can serve continental Croatia. I wonder if this could spell the end for Osijek airport?
ReplyDeleteCould this also affect BL airport as well?
DeleteThe end for Osijek airport? Haha, seriously?
DeleteWell, Osijek will be surrounded by a lot of airports. To the west it will have Zagreb, to the south-west Banja Luka, south Tuzla, east Belgrade and a bit further to the north Budapest.
DeletePlus, it's not like Osijek is served by a plethora of different airlines. ;)
As for Banja Luka, I think they are safe because a great number of passengers on the route are actually O&D hence why a morning departure has been added. It doesn't really connect to anything.
DeleteCould it mean that in the future they will operate flights like Tuzla-Memmingen-Belgrade-Memmingen-Tuzla?
ReplyDeleteWhat are the terms of this agreement???
ReplyDeleteIs TZL being taken to the cleaners? I know there are benefits for Tuzla but I would love to hear from an insider how much they are being squeezed by big bad Wizz.
-- Charlie
Actually, a good way to see this is to monitor the financial performance of the airport since Wizz Air launched flights there. Does the airport publish those numbers? They really should.
DeleteI think it would be a really good idea if they tapped into the charter market from Tuzla. They could cover a huge market in the three countries. They could fly one weekly flights to popular summer destinations.
ReplyDeleteHow realistic is it that people would drive for about two hours from Beograd or Novi Sad to use TZL? Osijek is much closer. Sarajevo is where a lot of travellers come from I would think.
ReplyDelete-- Charlie
Well, maybe not Novi Sad but people from places like Sabac or Valjevo could do it.
DeleteYou would need two-hour drive from Sarajevo too. I hope that corrupted Wizz Air project will fail before it starts.
DeleteIt sounds good for Tuzla initially, but is it really? They are charging 1,5 euros per pax and paying certain percentage of Wizz Air fuel.
There is investigation going on and I hope that we will see Tuzla airport CEO and minister of transportation Enver Bijedic answering some question pretty soon since they political party lost the elections and there is nobody anymore to watch their back. It is very well know how much they took and whats the deal.
good old Balkan style "envelope business model"
Yes but because we live in the Balkans we will not see them persecuted for the mess they created.
Delete^ if it is a mess at all.
DeleteWizz Air should in any case hold on their Belgrade base,because i dont see people from Serbia taking the bumping ride to Tuzla when BEG offers it in front of their faces.
Tuzla still can be succesful with pax from Bosnia and Croatia if they do not open a base in Sarajevo.
Because then they really would be sandwiched between SJJ and BEG.
Ni ja nisam ljubitelj wizzaira, ali ne mozemo reci da je losa kompanija. Posluje po principu southwesta, ryanaira i easyjeta. Jedina mana, po mom misljenju, koja me, uzgred budi receno, donekle odvaja od toga da kupim kartu na wizzu, je to sto, za razliku od drugih niskotarifaca, na wizzu mozes kupiti ultrajeftinu kartu samo pod uslovom da letis sa rancem na ledjima. Ali nije ni to problem za one koji imaju tetke i strine po Nemackoj i Svedskoj ili one druge, koji dolaze u rodna sela na produzeni vikend. Sve ostalo je ok. Imaju nove avione i lepo posluju. Po principu: finansiraj me i donosicu ti profit sto od turista, sto od poslovnih ljudi, sto od gastarbajtera. Ne verujem da Air Serbia u Banja Luci ili Wizzair u Tuzli ne placaju bas nista. Nesto se mora platiti. Sto vise linija, to i vise novaca. Tako funkcionisu i Memmingen i Luton i Skoplje, a boga mi i Barahas i ostali, mnogo veci aerodromi. Zamislite spanske manje aerodrome bez ryanaira ili Easyjeta. Negde placaju manje, negde vise. Negde ih gradska vlast besplatno reklamira, a negde oni to simbolicno placaju. Zato i imaju u svojim avionima revije gde podsticu razvoj turizma u svim tim manjim mestima gde lete i tako pune budzet tog mesta. Ima mnostvo primera za to, da ne nabrajam. Uostalom o Balkanu se sve vise pise na zapadnim turistickim portalima i to svi znamo. Mladi Amerikanci, Australijanci i zapadmoevropljani sve vise dolaze u posetu u exyu region. Iskreno se nadam da ce Ryanair u jednom trenutku odluciti da dodje u Beograd jer ima najbolju politiku prtljaga u Evropi kada je rec o niskotarifnim kompanijama. Pozdrav
ReplyDeleteWizzair ce da stacionira cak dva A320 u Tuzli, a Nislije ni da vide avion Air Serbie, mozda im se posreci ako bude guste magle u BEG.
ReplyDeleteVidim, sve aviokompanije se otimaju da lete iz Nisa a neko im kao brani.. Alo Nislije, avio biznis nije socijalna kategorija!
DeleteKako ne mozete da shvatite da u Nisu jednostavno nema putnika? Zasto su SVI koji su pokusali da lete tamo i odatle otkazali letove? Zato sto ne ptuje mnogo ljudi. Da iko putuje Ryanair, Easyjet ili Wizz bi se odavno odlucili da pocnu letove odatle. U Montenegro Airlinesovim avionima koji su leteli preko Nisa vise od 60% putnika nije imalo veze sa Nisom, vec su leteli za destinacije do kojih je i isao. U Nisu bi mozda samo low cost aviokompanija opstala, AirSerbia NIKAKO.
DeletePostedite nas tih vasih "strucnih" komentara kako u Nisu nema putnika.
DeleteTo isto su govorili i za Tuzlu.
Mi i dalje cekamo famozni potpis.
Svakako da ce vreme pokazati da vi svakako gresite, jer ceo jug i istok Srbije ima svoj udeo putnika koji su rasuti po aerodromima u regionu(Sofija, Skoplje, Pristina, pa i Beograd).
Аман човече вама је пропао чак и чартер лет за Турксу. О чему ти причаш? Доле нема путника и то је то. Чињеница је да све што је кренуло да лети из Ниша се завршило неуспехом епских пропорција.
DeletePobogu nedokazani ljudi, kako se priblizava Bozic ili letnji praznici raste rezanje za letovima iz Nisa. Imate kompaniju Aviogeneks daj te im subvencije koje ste trosili na Montenegro A i letite tih par meseci do Ciriha, Antalije i jos par mesta, a oni ce moci da zanove i uvecaju broj aviona.
DeleteSlazem se sa tobom. I sve je to u redu, ali isto tako sam ubedjen da je po sredi u pitanju cista politika. Ja sam za to da Air Serbia postavi jedan atr u Nis i sigurno bi dobro poslovala iz tog grada. Verujem da je bar 15% gradjana iz juzne Srbije proslo kroz beogradski aerodrom ove godine. Samo bi bilo vazno da znamo ka kojim su gradovima leteli, a to bismo znali kada bismo malko istrazili. Cinjenica je da je mnogo njih otislo davno u Austriju, Nemacku i Svajcarsku. I danas dan lufthansa ima na svojim letovima iz Minhena dosta ljudi koji slete na beogradski aerodrom, a zatim se ukrcavaju na nisekspresov autobus i odlaze u svoja rodna sela na jugu. Svakako to ne bi bilo dobro za aerodrom u Beogradu, jer bi se neosetno smanjio broj putnika. Ali Air Serbia je mlada kompanija koja je tek pocela sa svojom prezentacijom sirom Evrope, a uskoro i sveta. Siguran sam da ce Nis imati nekoliko direktnih letova u par narednih godina, samo da Air Serbia stane malo na noge, sto bi se reklo. A dotle, nislije ce leteti za Frankfurt, Cirih i Bec iz Sofije i Beograda. Pozdrav
ReplyDeleteEr Serbija nema nameru da uspostavlja letove iz Nisa. To je za nas zavrsena prica. Low cost je nasa sansa koja je u iscekivanju.
DeleteSvakako da Er Serbija pravi nacionalni avioprevoznik, jedan ili cak dva ATR-a bi vec uveliko obavljala saobracaj iz Nisa. To trenutno nije slucaj i pitanje je da li ce uopste biti, ako low cost letovi krenu iz Nisa.
DeleteЕр Србија, баш зато што јесте прави национални авио превозник не лети из Ниша. Њима није сврха да лете на линијама које нису профитабилне. Једног дана када се индустрија покрене у нишком округу онда можда, до тада не.
DeleteЈедино што може да се деси је да се уведу летови из Београда за Ниш.
Zadnjih par dana bilo je dosta komentara o Air Serbia tretmanu Nisa I okoline. Mislim da su vase kritike usmjerene na pogresnu adresu. Cinjenica da je Air Seria je nacionalni airlines neznaci da oni imaju obavezu da podrzavaju lokalni razvoj bilo kojeg regiona. Njihov posao je da PRAVE PARE I nista drugo. Regionalni razvoj je posao vlade. Mislim da bi pametnije bilo lobirati vladu da naznaci neke pare za subvencije, nesto slicno kao sto imamo u Hrvatskoj za neke lokalne letove.
DeleteE sad znam da ce neki reci pa je drzava vecinski vlasnik I trebao bi biti njihov intetres. Slazem se ali najgore sto se moze desiti za jedan biznis je da drzava isti za provodjenje svoje politike (socijalne, razvojene itd.).Primjera za to je mnogo, ne samo u Srbiji nego u citavom svijetu
...ma naravno SM, to bi bilo tako da Srbija radi po načlu PSO i to za svaku konkrentu liniju. No obzirom da Srbija već i ovako debelo direktno i indirektno subvencionira Air Serbiu, i to ne po načelu PSO, nego subvencionira projekt u globalu onda nije normalno da se cijeli jedna aerodom i regija izostavi.
DeleteNije normalno da tolika silina milijuna EUR bude rezervirana samo i isljučivo za jedna grad i jedan dio Srbije. U Hrvatskoj Croatia Airlinesu nisu isplative linije za PUY, ZAD, RJK, SPU, BWK i OSI (samo DBV je isplativ iako CTN tvrdi da i on nije), pa se svejedno leti za te gradove. I subvencija je tome namjenjena. Nije godišnje investiran novac potrošen na način da se leti samo iz ZAG za Europu ili regiju, a zapostavi ostatak Hrvatske, nego se na taj način povezuju ostali dijelovi Hrvatske, ali se i indirektno financiraju veze iz tih gradova prema Europi (ako ništa drugo kroz 1stop letove gdje je 1. i posljednji leg PSO, preko pozicioniranih letova koji ne bi mogli postojati da nema PSO, preko konekcija via ti gradovi kojih ne bi bilo da nema PSO...)
ali opet ja bih radije hteo da drzava finansira kroz subvencije uspostavljanje jedne nove i zdrave kompanije nego da Er Srbija leti iz Nisa za Bec ili Cirih. Pritom, subvencije ce do 2016. godine ispariti tako da nije kao da ce Srbija i dalje davati pare za JU.
DeleteSlazem se sa vama da to nije normalno , ali tamo je to nekako tradicija I sve sto valja je u BG, ostali gradovi manje vise tavore. Sta je razlog neznam, slaba infrastruktura mozda, svjetla velikog grade, neznam ni sam… Malo je ovo I specificna situacija. Vlada je ipak vlasnik I to vecinski I nakon dugo remena su konacno shvatili da se biznisom neznaju baviti I da treba da prepuste profesionalcima da to rade I smatram da to tako I treba. Isto tako se slazem da bi trebalo da razvijaju I druge gradove I aerodrome. U najidealnijoj varijanti drzava kao vlasnik Air Srbije I drzava kao vlasnik INI bi bila u stanju da te dvije funkcije tretira odvojeno I da u INI uradi nesto kroz subvencije ili neku drug vrstu ulaganja pokusa da privuce neke od kompanija. Znaci dadne javni oglas, ponudi uslove pa ko god hoce (ukljucujuci I JU) zapocne letove. Nazalost to je kod nas malo tesko ostvariti.
Jednu stvar se sa vama nebih slozio a to je da Srbije daje ogromne subvencije Air Srbiji. Daje neke, to soe slazem ali I kroz njih ona kao suvlasnik tog biznisa investira u njega (na ovaj ili onaj nacin) sa nadom da ce to nekada vratiti, prodati svoj dio itd. Cifra jeste ogromna pogotovo kad se uzmu dugovi. Medjutim kakav god biznis da zapocnete on zahtjeva pocetna ulaganja. E sad mozemo diskutovati o tome dali je drzava dobar biznismen ili ne dali je mogla bolje da prodje ili ne, tu definitivno nema jasnog odgovora I svacije misljenje ce u neku ruku biti tacno. Aali za mene najgora situacija bi bila da ne urade nista, puste da JAT propadne I onda veliki igraci puste svoje pipke i preuzimu market share. Rezultat toga je da sav profit, dobar dio poreza na prihod, plate itd. i sve ostalo ide negdje drugo I ne ucestvujeu u lokalnoj ekonomiji. Subvencija u mojoj glavi je vise podsticaj da neko radi nesto sto inace mozda nebi bilo moguce. Kao PSO kod vas, gdje vlada izdvaja odredjene pare da bi stimulisala letove I omogucila lokalnom stanovnistvu I biznisima da imaju vezu sa svijetom. Ja to smatram kao neku vrstu infrastrukturnog projekta, kao sto je pruga, autput itd. gdje omogucavas bolji kvalitet zivota svom stanovnistvu ali u isto vrijeme omogucavas nekom investitoru neke uslove koje on vjerovatno ocekuje, a to je da moze relativno lako doci do mjesta u koje je ulozio pare. U Srbiji ocigledno jos uvijek nevide stvari na ovakav nacin, a sto je najgore ta vrsta ulaganja je relativno mala u srazmjeru koliko kostaju neki drugi infrastrukturni projekti
Drzava Srbija da je pametna kad proda Telekom i EPS da te pare ulozi u ASL sad ne znam koliko bi tacno moglo se dobiti para od prodaje.
Samo ako su ludi. Prodati jedan kvazi monopolski biznis i uloziti te pare u veoma kompetitivan biznis sa vrlo tankim margins i ROI (return on investmant) bi bilo suludo.To rade samo veliki vizionari ili veliki zaljubljenici u nesto. Prema tome, ti svoje pare ne ulazi molim te LOL
DeletePa Gospodin Vucic je najavio Prodaje od 50 ili cele Telekom Srbije i jedan deo EPSA:
DeleteZato sam rekao da te pare uloze u ASL nego na neko drugo mesto :)
Gospodin Vucic (tj. drzava kuju vodi) je suplja na sve strane prijatelju. Valja njemu rupe krpiti, ne razmislja on sad o ulaganju.
DeleteValjda ce od 1.4 MRD EUR od prodaje Telekoma zavrsiti i na koji novi avion ASL :P ja se barem nadam =D
DeleteAli sto vi kazete ima precih rupa (zdravstvo ) i to je samo moja zelja da se sve pare uloze u ASL =D
Prece rupe su isplata plata i penzija. Drzava je pred bankrotsvom ako nisi primetio.
DeleteVery good job Tuzla airport!
ReplyDeleteBut now it is time to attract some other companies. It is crucial for existence of Tuzla, because of your development rely only on one LCC they start to blackmail airport with huge amount of money. Bigger and bigger every year and after 2-3 years you cannot finance that anymore and in same time you cannot (politically and economically) terminate this „collaboration“ (in meantime you invest in logistics, employ lot of people, open hotels, restaurants, bars, rent'a'car offices, taxis…). It is not unrealistic to say that Tuzla can attract:
IST, 7 flights weekly by Turkish, Pegasus or B&H Airlines
VIE, 4 flights weekly by Austrian or B&H Airlines
ARN, 2 flights weekly by Norwegian (if they are allowed to work with another LCC by contract)
CGN, 2 flights weekly by Germanwings
at least one charter flight to Greece during summer period (up to that one to Antalya they already have)
If there is any sense in Croatia Airlines management they would opened ZAG-TZL route 3 years ago when TZL was desperate and would finance route. I don't find any problems in 6-7 flights per week in middle day wave. But that ship has sailed like so many others…
What's your take on these developments around Croatia? Why hasn't an airline established itself in Osijek? It has an even bigger/better catchment area than Tuzla. Wizz Air could have done a lot there.
DeleteI am still surprised at Banja Luka going 8 weekly. I thought it would fail miserably.
Banjaluka flights are not doing bad at all. My aunt flew to BEG the other day and said the plane was pretty full.
DeleteYes, it's fantastic to see them perform so well! I think it also helps that you have public transport from the airport to the city. Line 72 goes through New Belgrade and Bezanija which makes the plane more appealing than the bus!
Delete...for those who live on the other side of the river, of course.
DeleteI wonder if bringing back the bus between BEG and Novi Sad could work better this time around.
Today was their first morning flight and my friend came back with them. He said that there were around 40 passengers!
DeleteYes, thanks to the Saturday morning flight and the Wednesday afternoon flight, people from Banja Luka can finally connect to the London flight!
DeleteBNX-BEG 08.35-09.25
BEG-LHR 10.20-12.25
BEG-LHR arr. at 17.00
BEG-BNX 18.45-19.40
Good job TZL.
ReplyDeleteIf I owned low cost airline my next destination in ex-Yu would be OMO. Lots of tourist (pilgrims, Croatian even Montenegro coast), fairly large amount of diaspora from Western Herzegovina, relatively close and with good road to Sarajevo, Eastern Herzegovina. They could even attract some pax from western part of Montenegro. Only then I would try INI which I think suffers mainly from a lot of competition (SKP, SOF etc.) and than to certain extent from the bad infrastructure.
BTW two business class tickets for JU’s two millionth passenger – not a bad, good for her.
To add regarding INI, the only flights they could see from JU is to BEG (maybe in the morning) to offer connections. I know it would be a struggle but if they stuck this long at BNX to make it work I don’t see the reason why they couldn’t do this at INI as well. How I see it is that they are really working on this Trans-Atlantic flights and developing regional network to feed them. I have a feeling that most of the diaspora from Nis and area is in Western Europe and maybe that’s why INI is not a priority for them.
ReplyDeleteAs far as direct flights are concern, Nis people should look at LCCs. There is no way JU will operate any kind of mini hub there, just not enough pax there for that kind of business.
Problem with Nis andTuzla is, that it only makes sense to fly there with an all economy outfit.
ReplyDeleteAir Serbia would only generate losses with sending their business class there.
That seats would stay empty and then you have the mess...
Air Serbia could fly its Atr from BEG to INI as it does not have a business class. However, flying from Nis to other points in Europe would make zero sense.
DeleteAir Serbia's concept is simple - to develop BEG as a HUB. That means that NO flights will ever fly from Nis direct to any city, other than BEG - if that is to ever happen. Flying from Nis direct to any other city, goes against the concept of developing a hub.
DeleteNe treba zaboraviti i cinjenicu da je mnogo mnogo Bosanaca pocetkom rata dobilo boravak u Svedskoj, Nemackoj i Svajcarskoj. To su cinjenice kojih smo svi svesni. Poseban akcenat je na Bosni i Hercegovini jer je ta zemlja posebno bila zahvacena ratnim zbivanjima. Dovoljno je da odete u Geteborg i okolinu, manja mesta kao sto su Trolhetan, Venersborg, Udevalu, kao sto sam i ja, pa da vidite koliko je samo Bosanaca tamo naslo svoje domove. Zato wizzu i nije nekakav specijalan problem da ima liniju ka Geteborgu iz Tuzle. Taj aerodrom koriste ne samo stanovnici Tuzle, vec i Bijeljine, Sarajeva i okolnih gradova i mesta u radijusu od 200km. I nije samo Svedsko podrucje u pitanju, vec i Holandija i Nemacka. Verujem da mnogi od vas koji su bili u Becu verovatno znaju da kad prosetate gradom, svaki drugi govori ijekavicu, dakle mnogo je Bosanaca sirom Evrope. I zato i postoje letovi iz 4 bosanska grada ka Evropi. Evo, uskoro ce i swiss poleteti iz Banja Luke ka Cirihu. Da ne pricam o Mostaru. Ka Mostaru uglavnom postoje sezonski letovi zbog religioznih pobuda. Kao sto svi znamo, ka Mostaru uglavnom postoje letovi iz italijanskih gradova. Ako bi wizzair odlucio da poleti sa Fjumicina i Begama ka Mostaru, siguran sam da bi ti letovi bili jako dobro popunjeni. Cak i adria nikako ne ispusta Sarajevo iz svog reda letenja, jer je mnogo ljudi iz Bosne naseljeno u Sloveniji. Adrijina Banja Luka nije funkcionisala jer Adria nije imala uslove kao sto ima danas Air Serbia, a i blizina (3 sata voznje) Ljubljane je uticala na to da se linija ugasi. Ne bih da komentarisem extremno visoke cene na linijama Banja Luka - Ljubljana - Evropa. Dakle, aerodromi u Bosni i Hercegovini mogu vrlo lako popuniti sedista na niskotarifnim kompanijama. Wizzair je uvideo pravovremeno mogucnost dobrog poslovanja i odlucio se da konacno u Tuzli napravi 'hub'. Da li ce to uticati na smanjenje poslovanja sarajevskog aerodroma sumnjam, s obzirom na to da sarajevski aerodrom i dalje koriste ljudi iz Sarajeva kao i poslovni putnici.
Bravo OU! (If these numbers are real)
DeleteIt would be interesting to know how much their maintenance business earned. Every profit is good but long term questions remain in my head. How is their core business doing? What % of this profit was due to extremely profitable maintenance business? Also. they are at the tail end of their restructuring, are they hitting their cost cutting, earnings and profit targets as spelled out in the restructuring plan? And probably the most important one is, how is this all going to look when oil prices go north of $120 which will happened eventually for sure.
DeleteI don't know the long term outlook of oil, but right now it is on a huge downward trajectory (at least in the US).
I don't think it is permanent, but I think that for the short term, airlines are breathing a big sigh of relief!
45-milijuna-kuna koliko je to Eura :)
6,5 million EUR.
DeleteOko 6 milijuna eura
DeleteSvaka cast TZL kako su napredovali od 0 i to dokazuje dok neplatis nece niko da leti .
ReplyDeleteINI dok ne plati debelo nekoj aviokompaniji nece imati letove dzaba i ILS-MLS. Ako ne plati 2-3 eur subvenicije po putniku posto ni CRJ 200 se nebi isplatio u Nisu bez subvencija a kamoli let za BEG sa ATR72 :)
What is going on with YU-API? According to FR24 it hasn't flown in 5 days!
ReplyDeleteIt went to Abu Dhabi where they will install internet.
DeleteNwetreba verovati uvek FR24 kad je leteo i danas sigurno.
DeleteTaj Airbus je 15 godina star :)
Dakle INN ne lupaj, taj avion je otisao u AUH na servisiranje. Zasto pises ako ne znas?
DeleteJa sam rekao da je leteo sigurno danas nisam nista tvrdio nije valjda da treba 5 dana da se namesti WI-FI =D
YU-API is on D Check according to some on skyscrapercity. I don't know for sure, but it makes sense to me. D Check would also be a good time to install WiFi, but I also have not heard it from any real source.
DeleteINN-NS hajde oladi ... Avion je na C check-u.
DeleteIt takes quite a while to install the internet system to the aircraft, up to a month depending on the size of the aircraft.
DeleteYU-API as far as I know went on a C check I believe and they found it as the perfect time to start installing the system to the aircraft at the same time.
Going by with what EY have, JU should take on the 'OnAir' system with mobile phone reception and wifi :)
@ Aleksandar
DeleteGreat minds think alike :D hahaha
My mistake, looks like its D check :)
C check, every 18 months or so. If API comes back to BEG in a week or so with a new hump on top, that means sat equipment required for internet access is installed. At that point there would be no need to hide it any more, so I hope Maya will have exciting announcement ready by then!
DeleteIf it comes back without the hump, I'd hate to be a Debby Downer but that would mean no internet just yet :(
It was mentioned in the comments here few days ago that OnAir is most likely. We'll have to see if streaming IFE to BYOD will be available as well, that would be awesome!
DeleteYU-API and YU-APJ have overhead screens, shame that they are never used. :(
DeleteThe aircraft went for a C check, not D.
Pera Kojot ko ste vi da meni govorite da oladim niko nista .
DeleteOvde nekim ljudima hvali kulture :)
You are not doing C-check in BEG. In ZAG there is C-check for CTN and other airlines.
DeleteNow let's see how much will Air Serbia charge for the internet - arm and leg for roaming type of billing, $14/one hour like Etihad, $8/day like Southwest or free like Norwegian?
DeleteAnon 12:23
DeleteThere is C check in BEG too, but now it is done in Abu Dhabi.
I highly doubt it will be free... though if they want to be a premium carrier it should be. They could make it free at least on regional flights.
DeleteThey should do the wifi like this
DeleteBusiness class- always free
Economy class-
less than 2 hr flight
3 euro
More than 2 hr flight
5 euro
I'm guessing it won't be too expensive. I just flew with Etihad, SYD-AUH. Wifi was only 22 USD for the whole duration of the flight (15 hours). There are also options for 2 hours and 5 hours and when you log out, your time stops, so you can log in multiple times and from multiple devices. Internet speed is excellent. I also found that, if you have internet on your phone through your mobile provider you can also log on the internet or check your emails with international roaming rates. Was really impressed.
DeleteAPI has c check, wifi will be installed at the beginning of the next year. ASL is preparing to surprise whole the region this year. Wait and see, especially CTN
ReplyDeletemore info please?:D