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Air Serbia resolves bureaucratic issues in Croatia |
As EX-YU Aviation News learns, Air Serbia has today been issued with all necessary permits for flights and sales in Croatia. The permit has been issued in accordance with the European Common Aviation Area Agreement.
On the other hand, the Serbian carrier did not face similar problems during the summer when it operated seasonal flights to Dubrovnik, Split and Pula, offering similar connections and special fares from Croatia via Belgrade. Furthermore, it has been able to sell tickets from other European Union member states to third countries via its Belgrade hub, raising questions whether the state has moved in to protect its own national carrier, Croatia Airlines, as well as its interest. Air Serbia has been hinging its success in Zagreb on transit passengers. Recently, the airline’s CEO, Dane Kondić, said, “The new service will offer business travellers excellent connections through Air Serbia’s Belgrade hub at Nikola Tesla International Airport to popular destinations across the airline’s network. It will also provide two-way connections over Belgrade between Croatia, mainland Europe and key global destinations”.
Flights between Belgrade and Zagreb are to resume this December after a 23-year hiatus. Following yesterday’s developments, passengers turned to Facebook and Twitter to ask Air Serbia weather their flights and onward connections out of Belgrade were still valid. The airline is yet to comment on the issue. According to sources at the Ministry for Sea, Transport and Infrastructure, passengers who purchase tickets with Air Serbia to and from Zagreb to countries other than Serbia will have to disembark their flights in Belgrade, pass through passport control and collect their baggage, after which they will have to check-in for their next segment. As a result, passengers cannot stay in the airport’s transit area and the minimum connecting time would have to be extended in order for passengers to collect their luggage. Furthermore, passport holders from countries needing visas to enter Serbia would find the connection impractical. However, the Croatian Civil Aviation Agency has told the “Jutarnji list” it is reviewing the issue.
ExYU, I think you are making a mistake with today's feed. First, it is solely based on a trash propaganda coming from typical misinformation and manipulation services we unfortunately have in the Balkans - they don't event deserve to be called tabloids. Their 'reliable sources' are in fact their own journos who fabricate lies day and night, disgracing the profession (they are widely known as 'burek novinari').
ReplyDeleteSecond, this update will create nothing but a whole-day chauvinist flame on the blog. You will have 120 'whose is bigger' comments and you will end up deleting 90 of them.
You should have ignored this 'news' and posted anything else IMHO.
DeleteWhat is going on with the supposed flights from Niš?
Very good comment. In fact I am not going to read any comment on the today news. Have a good day.
DeleteKada pcnu letovi Er Srbije na liniji BEG -ZAG veoma vazna ce ova nova destinacija biti. Ljudi ce dobiti mogucnost i sansu izbora.da biraju vrstu prevoza, sto u zadnjih gotovo cetvrt veka nije moguce bilo. Ljudima Srbije (o kojoj prvenstveno govorim) uvek je bilo uslkracena mogucnost i izbor od usluga pa do ostalih odnosa koji su sastavni deo zivota. U ovom kontekstu nemam zelju da govorim o drugoj drzavi, jer bi gresio, posto je nepoznajem. Prevoz ljudi i robe jeste razlog Er Srbije da bi letela. To je i povod svakom pristojnom coveku da se raduje novoj mogucnosti i izboru putovanja... Sto pominjete tabloide, i kako kazete "burek novinare", How care. Po Srpski to bi doslo "psi laju karavani prolaze" . Bitno je da komunikacija dobija mesto, a ljudi izbor...
DeleteTo AIR SERBIA lot of business and good luck. Ljudima dobru volju medju sobom.
Rodney, well wisher. Kraljevo // Sydney.
ECAA Agreement is crucial for Air Serbia..Air Serbia officialy get permission yesterday for flights Beograd - Zagreb - Beograd and thats it. Air Serbia cannot sales tickets from ZAG via Belgrade to another destination..
DeletePosljednje informacije iz Ministarstva prometa i veza. Isto ce se desiti sa Splitom, Dubrovnikom i Pulom ukoliko AS ne bude raspolagala za potrebitim dozvolama za ove destinacije. Da rezimiram, nije samo ZAG sporan
ReplyDeleteHrvatske vlasti ovaj potez opravdavaju time što slede jasne procedure. A, da li to znači da u uređenoj državi procedure mogu da se pokrenu i retroaktivno? Zvuči neodgovorno.
DeleteCroatian authorities justify this move by following clear procedures. Does it mean that in an ordered state procedures may be initiated retroactively? It sounds irresponsible.
Što je ovdje pokrenuto retroaktivno? SPU, PUY i DBV su sezonske linije i dozvola za njih se tek mora tražiti. To što prošle godine nije uvedeno ili znači da su prošle godine papiri bili uredni, ili da se zakon nije striktno proveo. No, morate znati da se u Hrvatskoj užurbano provodi uvođenje reda u sve oblike javnog života. Od poreza, preko sudova, katastra, administracije, policije, carine... Većina poslovanja prebačena je kompjuterski tako da danas sve sa porezno upravom radite preko isključivo preko kompjutera a ne preko referenta, sve dokumente (domovnice, izvode iz matice rođenih, umrlih...) naručujete i podižete komjuterski, sve sa zdravstvenim i socijalnim, kao i radnim pravima se radi kompjuterski (više ne postoje čak i radne knjižice). Isto tako je provedena legalizacija nezakonito izgrađenih objekata, sređen je katastar (što je bio gotovo sizifov posao). Upravo radi toga se danas daleko više nego prošle godine, a neusporedivo više nego prije dvije ili više godina provodi zakon i administrativni red.
DeleteU tom svijetlu se vjerovatno dešava i ovo oko Air Serbije. No, ni Air Serbia niti itko drugi ne mogu VIŠE očekivati da im se progleda kroz prste. Jer ako građani Hrvatske i institucije ove države moraju postupati prema zakonu bez izuzetka, onda ne vidim zašto to ne bi morale strana poduzeća.
Sve je to divno i impresivno, no u svu tu striktnu provedbu zakona povjerovat ču onda kada netko od hrvatskih dužnosnika imenom i prezimenom istupi te potvrdi sve ove navode da Air Serbia nema potrebnu dokumentaciju za prodaju transfernih letova iz Hrvatske.
DeleteDok zvanična potvrda ne stigne, tretirat ču čitavu stvar kao obično propagandno smeče. Jer Hrvatska možda jeste postala uzornim primjerom striktne provedbe zakona čitavoj EU (koja, glupa kakva jeste, nije uvidjela nikakve probleme u transfernim letovima JU iz svojih gradova pa im propagandni bilten iz Hrvatske mora pomoči da se osvijeste i striktno provedu zakone) ali se na kioscima od Čakovca do Cavtata i dalje ne može pronači ozbiljan tisak več isključivo propagandni bilteni koji fabrikuju senzacionalizam i budalaštine. Članstvo u EU tu nije od neke pomoči.
Naravno da sad pretjerujete. Naravno da ima tona smeča među medijima, naravno da Jutarnji nije baš neka uzorna novina, ali bogami nije ni 24 sata. Jako teško da bi oni objavili netočnu informaciju, a poglavito što su oni ogroman protivnik Croatia alirnesa i Kučak kojeg su nekoliko puta naguzili, i zbog kojih na grbači imaju nekolko sudskih sporova od strane Croatia Airlinesa.
DeleteBojim se da ste ovo napisali sa pozicije "tamo daleko" te da ne čitate baš previše hrvatske novine koje "fabrikuju" (hrvatski se kaže fabriciraju) informacije.
I hrvatski se kaže službena a ne zvanična...
DeleteIspričavam se, doista živim negdje daleko te mi svi novojezici uspostavljeni nakon raspada SFRJ ne idu baš 100%.
DeleteU svakom slučaju, vidjet čemo brzo što če se ispostaviti kao točno. Čak i da postoji neki problem sa dokumentacijom, siguran sam da nadležno hrvatsko tijelo o tome najnormalnije komunicira sa JU i da obje strane najnormalnije rade na tome. Cijela je stvar normalna dok ne stigne tisak da od toga pravi nekakve političke pobjede naših odnosno poraze njihovih. Takve se gluposti na žalost i dalje veoma dobro primaju kod ljudi.
Eto dugo živite vani, ali zato znate vrlo dobro kakvi su mediji u Hrvatskoj. I u stanju ste ih ispljuvat na pasja zvona sa pozicije nekih 15.000 km daleko. Ovome ne treba ništa dodavati!
DeleteKakvi su mediji se vidi sa mnogo veće udaljenosti od 15000 kilometara
DeleteDa, mozemo biti sigurni da netko iz Australije može procijeniti medije u Hrvatskoj. Ništa lakše nego redovno pratiti medije u Hrvatskoj sa pozicije Australije. Da su loši, jesu, ali da je većina totalno smeče to je u najmanju ruku glupost.
DeletePre nego sirite lose vesti o ASL naucite IATA ili ICAO kodove.
Hmm so if Jutarnji used 'sources' at the ministry then shouldn't the ministry step forward in order to refute them?!
ReplyDeleteI think it's pathetic that OU was forced to pull its strings in order to keep JU away, especially since they are not fighting for the same market. Unless OU feels afraid of losing its 2.4 passengers per flight which are going with them to the Balkans via Vienna or Munich.
The Croatian government should pull its act together and actually encourage OU to cooperate with JU in stead of fighting them. Look at JP, you can't imagine the amount of tickets they are selling on their code-share to/from Belgrade!
What's up with beg.aero? They haven't updated their statistics from October and the month is almost over! Why do they take so long! Each month it's the same story.
ReplyDeleteTalking of BEG, nice upgrades today: Aegean A319, Aeroflot A321 and Austrian Airlines A319.
DeleteBilo kako bilo, samo putnici koji zele da lete od "A" do "B", eventualno preko "C", ce da izadju kao gubitnici iz ove price. Svi oni dobri ljudi koji zele jednostavno da putuju ce biti ometani.....
ReplyDeleteI think it's worrisome that Air Serbia has not published a statement! I guess that only goes to indicate that there is more to this story? Is their PR service that useless and inactive?! They will lose passengers like this.
ReplyDeleteI dont think it is. Many articles have been written negatively about JU and there hasnt been any reaction from them. PR team should not be used on ridiculous stories that come out on a frequent basis. This 'news' was mentioned in a yesterdays comment, todays update was that all barriers were removed, citing the stupidity in having todays article in the first place.
DeleteWorrisome would be why hasnt QR come out against accusations of worker rights abuse.
Air Serbia DID NOT REQUEST NECESSERY PERMITS to sell tickets from Croatia to countries other than Serbia.
ReplyDeleteNow how can that be guilt of Croatian authorities? It is guilt of Air Serbia and their unprofessionalism. Croatia with 7 million air passengers does not need to overlook someone mistake. It cannot be unfair that authorities work by law. I know that you are not use to this kind of law enforcement and 100% legal order as it is not practice in Balkans, but in last two years Croatia made huge step to this. In taxes, judiciary, administration, police…
So, it is totally mistake of Air Serbia and their well-known administrative unprofessionalism. When they sent right paperwork they will get proper licence as every of 214 other air companies flying to Croatia.
What about Dubrovnik, Pula, Split? "100%" legal order"?
DeleteAnd you know all this because one trash paper says so?
DeleteAnd JU is unprofessional because you say so?
Do you people ever read your own crazy writings? I would advise you try that...
There are 3 possible answers:
Delete1. SPU, DBV, PUY papers were OK. ZAG papers are not.
2. Last year law was not enforce and that can be mistake of public servant working on that paper, or it was overlooked that time with remark “OK, this time we will overlook, but do not do that next time because we will not do that second time” (this is regular practice that you worn for first time)
3. Law was not on last year, and now is. It is also possible concerning that Croatia is working hard on inputting European standard and low order in their system.
Exactly, let's not forget the scandal a few years ago when the Croats revoked Jat's licence without any explanation a day before the flights were supposed to take place. I think that was in 2009.
DeleteWell, Air Serbia did make a lot of administrative unprofessionalism last year, unbelievable mistakes. In this blog we witness most of it.
DeleteThere is absolutely no way to blame Air Serbia this time around because they already flew to Croatia and no other country in the EU presented similar problems.
DeleteAnn 10:39:
DeleteIt is not true again. What you are talking about was again mistake in procedure by Jat then. It was problem with paperwork concerning charter/regular flight. Jat made mistake, and they try to make job done in last second. So, it was their mistake not to do paperwork earlier and to have enough time for make mistake right. It is fascinating how you try to turn facts upside-down
There is law! I must act by that law, and Air Serbia must act by that law also! One cannot ask from Government to have some privileges and does not need to act by law.
DeleteAir Serbia did not REQUEST NECESSARY PERMITS! Mistake! Make it right and you will get your licence! Same standard as for Croatia Airlines, Trade Air, Air Croatia, European Costal and other 214 airliners. End of story.
No, you are wrong because they already flew to Pula so it wasn't the first time they were applying. The licence was already issued, youcan read about it on this blog.
DeleteWhere is Air Serbia's response to this? Jutarnji list is a trash, no doubt about that, but Air Serbia should answer if they're lying or not!
DeleteAnn 10:42
DeleteThe only fascinating thing here is your rock-solid faith in one single piece of propaganda distributed by some guy who already proved himself a fool with zero relevant insights into aviation.
You believe in his propaganda so strong (and defend it so persistent) because he offered you something you so badly wanted to hear. Trashing and bashing JU is your soulfood and music for your ears. Nothing to do with laws and papers. Pure hatred. So sad.
If you check the Air Serbia website you might notice that you can buy tickets from many EU airports to another EU airports - all via BEG. Does it mean that, for instance, the connections Paris-Thessaloniki or Frankfurt-Larnaca (via Belgrade) are illegal?
DeleteNo, it means the entire EU has no clue on how to implement and enforce its own regulations. Fortunately there is one member state that knows better than others and that state will now open the eyes of sleepy old EU.
DeleteIf you trust trash media, that is.
AnonymousNovember 19, 2014 at 11:28 AM
DeleteAre you being ironic?
It is highly unlikely that the entire EU has no clue how to act and that the newest EU member is now opening the sleepy eyes of the others. Irony or not, the problem of ZGB-BEG flight will certainly open more questions than previously anticipated.
DeleteNo, that means AIr Serbia made paperwork well in other countires (in most of those they have rights from time od Jat which they inherited), but they thought that Croatia is some banana country where is enough just to say "we are here".
DeleteShall I remind you that Air Serbia did not inherit Jat's flights to destinations such as Varna, Sofia, Bucharest, Budapest, Beirut, Abu Dhabi, Ljubljana, Warsaw...
DeleteSo it's not like Zagreb is their first destination. PLUS Air Serbia already got the clearance for Croatia when they applied for the coastal cities. All they needed to submit for Zagreb was the AOC, insurance and a flight schedule. That's why this attempt of protectionism is pathetic.
There is an apparent flaw in your argument - whether Croatian authorities are "opening up the EU's sleepy eyes" (i.e. Croatia as the EU's moral stronghold) or Air Serbia has apparently inherited JAT's older flights (a rather dubious idea) is a matter of analysis. However, I think that both Serbian and Croatian national frustrations are reaching the peak. Unfortunately, the traveler's benefit is at stake and I doubt that we will have to wait much more time to see the free market working freely in the ex-Yugoslav context. Can you, perhaps, imagine the situation similar to that of daily flights of the Irish AerLingus from Belfast to London? It would be as if a Kosovo (private or not) airline will be operating a route from Belgrade to Nis... This comparison says enough about the ex-Yugoslav traumatic heritage and a lack of the free market - at least in Croatia, as regards this specific issue. I doubt if the same would happen if a Croatian airline had opened the same route with same opportunities - probably, yes.
DeleteAnon 12:26
DeleteAnd you just happen to know exactly what Air Serbia thinks about Croatia? You figured that out... from where exactly? One trash 'news'? Or the crystal ball?
Correct me if I am wrong, but last time I checked, bilaterals were the responsibility of the respective governments and not airlines.
DeleteWith Croatia being part of the EU, and Serbia having signed an open skies agreement with the EU, Serbian carriers should have already all rights to fly between cities in the EU and Serbia. Last time I checked, Croatia was a EU member.
Since Air Serbia had been offering connections from DBV, SPU and PUY for the past several months, one would think that Jutarnji list has just fabricated a story without any grounds. It is still today possible to purchase tickets from ZAG via BEG to the JU network.
Again, there are 3 possible answers:
Delete1. SPU, DBV, PUY (and other destinations in Europe) papers were OK. ZAG papers are not.
2. Last year law was not enforce and that can be mistake of public servant working on that paper, or it was overlooked that time with remark “OK, this time we will overlook, but do not do that next time because we will not do that second time” (this is regular practice that you worn for first time)
3. Law was not on last year, and now is. It is also possible concerning that Croatia is working hard on inputting European standard and low order in their system.
Which part of this komm was not clear enough for you?
Scenario 1 is not very likely as there is no reason for JU to submit a different set of papers to ZAG compared to what they previously submitted to DBV, PUY and SPU.
DeleteScenario 2 clearly puts the responsibility on Croatian authorities and the inconsistency of their approach.
Scenario 3 would mean it is a purely administrative matter and there are zero reasons to make any sensational news out of it.
Actually none of the scenarios is sensational enough to be published the way Jutarnji did. Pure creation of flame so that they could get a few extra clicks and likes from frustrated nationalists.
Even if this 'news' are true,This is not a problem for Air Serbia it all, they will just get that licence, or tell all the passengers that they have to take their baggage, and then check-in again. Yes, it is a little bit harder to do, but at least they won't spend so much money for tickets, which are pretty expansive in OU, and Lufthansa + they won't lose their baggage in BEG(It's well known that BEG is not doing so well with so much baggage (transit passengers) this year, so they lost a lot of it.
DeleteAnonymous at 10:20AM
DeleteReally? Look, you just had to emphasize by caps lock that Air Serbia did not request necessary permits, without any real argument. How can you actually know what is to blame Croatia, and what is to blame Air Serbia?? How? Do you work in Air Serbia or Croatian government? I think no, you are just an rabid nationalist who toke this news, which may actually are incorrect, too serious. Please calm down, this is not nothing so important to both Croatia and ASL. This will be settled, and all will be fine, why you have to argue about who is to blame, that is not your job. So please, don't write nonsense here.
And what kind of permit we are talking her? They obviusly have permit for flight from BEG to ZAG. They said they don't have permit for transferring passenger to other destination? Did someone now how that permit is called ?
ReplyDeleteAnd ok maybe AirSerbia didn't reply ,what is with offical Croatian authority ? Whay they didn't say anything ? If some company try to cheat Croatian citizens isn't they obligation to warm them about that ?
I think Jutarnji is like serbian Kurir. So information in these newspapers should be taken with caution.
ReplyDeleteAnyway, this will be solved quickly. If Air Serbia succeeded to get back to Ataturk, they will succeed this as well.
I am certainly no fan of ASL and they wouldn't be my first (or fiftieth) airline of choice but this is outrageous. You can check in straight through from Paris, Amsterdam or Stockholm to Tel Aviv via Belgrade and back but you cannot do it from Zagreb? Utter rubbish.
ReplyDeleteMy comment about Croatia suspending Jat Airways' licence back in 2009 for flights to both Pula and Dubrovnik is being deleted for the second time. Any specific reason why the administrator(s) of this blog do not want it on here? Hmmm...
ReplyDeleteYour comment was not deleted. It's there - Anonymous November 19, 2014 at 10:36 AM
DeleteKoliko li je para dobio Jutarnji List da objavi ovo propagandno smece o ASL .
ReplyDeleteOni nemaju pojma o Aviaciji a objavljuju gluposti ajde da je to uradio Aero.de ili Flug Revue pa da i poveruje neko.
Sto li Kucka nisu uhapsili .
Jutarnji list ima reklamu za Er Srbiju na pola strane, pa zapravo Er Srbija njih placa. Nigde ih oni u tom clanku nisu pljuvali. Pisu isto sto je napisao danas i EX-YU Aviation i juce Tanjug, Bolje da se manimo Kucka i da se pitamo sto li Vladimira Ognjenovica, Sasu Vlaisavljevica i Srdjana Radovanovica nisu uhapsili za svo zlo koje su nacinili Jatu.
DeleteJutarnji nije sklon Croatia Airlinesu. Cak stovise pokrenuto je nekoliko sudskih sporova od strane Croatie Airlines radi niza clanaka u kojima se navode makinacije, zlorabljenja i gluposti CEO i ostalih u CTN-u. Moglo bi se raci da su u ozbiljnom ratu.
DeleteDakle, kao i uvijek tvoj nacionalisticki djetinjasti stav nije ni priblizno tocan.
Dobro ja sam po vama nacionalista nema veze.Ja samo branim Gospodine ASL od vasih napada to nema veze sa nacionalizmom.
DeleteZa tu trojicu me boli briga vazno je da je ASL sada lider u Regionu, a to je cista laz proverite i dalje se mogu kupti karte ZAG-BEG-SVO tako da je to glup pokusaj prodaje CTN .
Ja samo branim Gospodine ASL od vasih napada to nema veze sda nacionalizmom.
U tome je i problem. Sto se prodaju karte bez da je dobijena dozvola. To su radili i sa Bejrutom pa su odlagali pocetak letenja i imali stravicne probleme.
DeleteA kako ti to znas da nemaju dozvolu, ili da cela ova stvar nije pokusaj spasavanja OU, ili cak marketing Air Serbie? Kako? Jel imas neku zvanicnu informaciju osim ovu sa "Kurira 2"? Ja ne bi rekao da imas. A Air Serbija ne mora ni da leti za Zagreb, to su hteli samo da bi dokrajcili OU, mada OU im i nije neka pretnja, pa mogu preziveti i bez letova za ZAG. Mada ipak mislim da je ovo sve neka vrsta lazi, kao prvo. Kao drugo, oni imaju dozvolu za letove za ZAG, ali sad odjednom Hrvatska ima pravo da odlucuje da li ce putnici iz Zagreba putovati dalje putem Air Serbije. Malo je tu ocigledno o cemu se radi -odbrana OUa, koji je poceo da propada, i propadace polako pored ASL-a.
DeleteBraniti ASL nije izjava "Koliko li je para dobio Jutarnji List da objavi ovo propagandno smece o ASL ".To jest čista kleveta i kao takva je krivično dijelo.
Delete1. Jutarnji nije dobio nikakve pare, to si mogao zaključiti i iz činjenice da su vrlo neskloni CTN-u.
2. Ako nemaš dokaza onda činiš ozbiljnu klevetu i možeš biti ozbiljno sudski gonjen, bez obzira što si maloljetan i govoriš gluposti bez razmišljanja.
3. Apsolutno ničime nisi branio ASL na ovaj način, upravo suprotno radiš štetu i svom narodu i kompaniji kada izvališ ovakvu glupost, kao i ostale gluposti poput velike korupcije u Hrvatskoj isl.
4. Nitko nije napao ASL. Članak jest izašao, vjerovatno je puno prenapuhan, tj. vrlo vjerovatno se od ASL tražila nadopuna dokumenata koje će oni i poslati i sve će biti OK. Radi se o administrativnom posupku, o grešci koju je napravila ASL i činjenici da Hrvatske vlasti traže potrebne dokumente. I tko tu napada ikoga?
5. Na ovom blogu ima daleko pozvanijih ljudi da brane ASL inteligentno i bez balavih ispada, jer ovako joj samo štetiš.
Još jednom pozivam Admina da kontrolira INN jer istinski je postalo neugodno na ovom forumu sa ovakvim glupostima i ljude samo radi njega odlaze. Ovo nije dječji vrtić nego respektabilan zrakoplovni forum koji bi trebao imati neki nivo komunikacije. Stvarno je žalostno da je na ovom forumu jedinstveno mišljenje o iritantnosti INN, te da je to apsolutno jedna jedina stvar gdje se slažu i Srbi, i Hrvatsi, i Bosanci, i Crnogorci, i Makedonci, i Slovenci...
Ajde se vi potpisite da vidimo sta znate ja znam vise o aviaciji nego mnogi stariji forumasi sto je zalosno. Da ja teram ljude ovde sto ih vredjam kao vi mene svaki dan.Da ne radite u jutarnjem.Mene ovde samo ne vole neki HR zbog mog stava prema CTN, kad kazem da CTN nece biti nikad prodat odma krece napad na mene. I kad cete me tuziti posto mi nemozete nista.
DeleteI ne zelim vise sa vama nikakvu raspravu posto vi glumite nekog advokata ovde i vredjate.
Dobro dosta ove rasprave vise verujem da nas sve boli glava kad vidimo OVO na svakom mogucem tekstu u kome se pominju Hrvatska i Srbija, Srbija i Albanija..blablalba.. Kao prvo ja, da sam admin, postavio bi ovu vest ali bi zabranio komentare odmah, znalo se da cemo da se coramo...
Delete@ INN
Deletebas me zanima, koliko si puta leteo avionom, a da ne pricam za JU.
Dnevno trolujes sa glupostima nekoristan forumu. Vise puta od vise korisnika iz svih zemalja bivse YU su ti zamolili da budes obziran i da se upristojis sa komentarima, a izgleda da ili ne zelis ili teras neki inat. Ako si toliko patrijota koliko se ovde predstavljas, sto se onda ne vratis za Srbiju?
Adminu bi zamolio da malo bolje kontrolise komentare, lepa sugestija da blokira neke korisnike po IP adresama.
Admin je vishe puta rekao da ne moze da blokira korisnike i da nema tu opciju ....
DeleteOve godine sam leteo 10 puta avionom sto liniskim sto sportskim. Sa JU sam ove godine 3 puta i prezadovoljan sam uslugom . A vi gospodine . Ja dolazim 1 mesecno u Srbiju a mozda se i vratim kad zavrsim skolovanje. To su me zamolili fanovi CTN. Ali eto posto vam toliko idem na zivce od sad cu da komentarisem samo vesti ASL-BEG ili gde se oni napadaju .
O drzavama oko Srbije ni sam ne diskutujem. Neupucen sam u njihov saobracajni i svaki drugi vid aktivnosti. Duznost svakog coveka jeste da postuje druge. Za to je potrebna iskrenost sa dobrom voljom. Tu slobodnu iskrenu volju za dobro. Ljudi koji ne postuju iskrenost, na putu su da postanu mucak... Od svakog zla pozeljno je da se uzdrzavamo jer zlo uznemirava mirnu savest. Izaziva sukobe a od dobrog coveka postaje necovek. Covek koji postuje i voli nje prirodno da mrzi narode, drzave, kompanije, pojedince... "Nama dobro a nikome zlo"!. Hocemo li biti iskreni ljudi, to uvek zavisi od pojedinca.
DeleteRodney Marinkovic,AME. Kraljevo /// Sydney.
DeleteDo sada, ove godine, sam za AUH leteo nekoliko puta, za koju slike imam na flickr. Prosli put leteo EY za AUH radi kilaze u koferu (JU 23kg, EY 30kg).
Opet ne razumes sustina ljutnje neke korisnike ovde. Moras biti obziran drugima ovde i da se upristojis sa komentarima. To sto persiras nije resenje. Mrznja i dezinformacije nije okej, a i dnevna doza trolovanje.
PS ne moras mene persirati.
Starting from 06.12.2014 flydubai will start offering free meals and a drink to/from Belgrade. Nice to see them improving their offering, I guess they are feeling the pinch from Air Serbia's double daily AUH flights.
ReplyDeleteWould be great to see them bring down their fares. Theyre always more expensive than JU, at times EY, and before the competition, 600€ offering by a LCC for the 5 hour flight was criminal. I guess the same offering will be for ZAG and SJJ as well.
DeleteThere is an apparent flaw in your argument - whether Croatian authorities are "opening up the EU's sleepy eyes" (i.e. Croatia as the EU's moral stronghold) or Air Serbia has apparently inherited JAT's older flights (a rather dubious idea) is a matter of analysis. However, I think that both Serbian and Croatian national frustrations are reaching the peak. Unfortunately, the traveler's benefit is at stake and I doubt that we will have to wait much more time to see the free market working freely in the ex-Yugoslav context. Can you, perhaps, imagine the situation similar to that of daily flights of the Irish AerLingus from Belfast to London? It would be as if a Kosovo (private or not) airline will be operating a route from Belgrade to Nis... This comparison says enough about the ex-Yugoslav traumatic heritage and a lack of the free market - at least in Croatia, as regards this specific issue. I doubt if the same would happen if a Croatian airline had opened the same route with same opportunities - probably, yes.
ReplyDeleteThe issue is not of Air Serbia flying from ZAG to other points, rather Air Serbia taking transfer pax from ZAG to BEG where they will connect in Belgrade to other cities in the JU network.
DeleteJust like Aer Lingus will take pax to DUB to connect to other Aer Lingus flights, like BA does in LHR, LH in FRA and MUC, AF in CDG, AY in HEL, SU in SVO, EK in DXB....
Vi ste svi gomila primitivnih balkanskih kompleksasa. Ova informacija je nezvanicna, o cemu pricamo mi? Zasto uvek moramo da se poredimo medjusobno i raspravljamo kao da ne zivimo u 21. veku, i da se mrzimo samo jer su se nase dede klale medjusobno? Zasto smo toliko glupi i primitivni? Sad se i ovaj blog, za koji sam jednom davno mislio da je ozbiljan blog o avijaciji, pretvara u "kurir", "jutarnji"...Dajte molim vas ovo je prosto smesno, ne vidim zasto je admin postavio ovako glupu vest, da bi veceras obrisao 80% komentara koji budu danas objavljeni...Air Serbia je ono...Air Serbia nije ovo, Hrvatska je ovo, ono...Dosadili ste i bogu i narodu. Zasto ne mozemo da komuniciramo kao civilizovani ljudi, bez da se vredjamo i raspravljamo? Ja danas vise ne gledam komentare za ovu glupu vest, cista provokacija glupih medija...
ReplyDeleteJoj smaras, ako ti ne odgovara pokupi se i pali sto sa ovog bloga a sto sa primitivnog Balkana.
DeleteSmarate vi sa svojim glupim komentarima o tome "ko je bolji, koje krizv, ko je sta uradio ko nije uradio", a ja sa Balkana bezim uskoro, smucili ste mi se ;)
DeleteФантастично, један мање гласач за ЛДП.
Delete"Bolje da komsiji crkne krava nego da se moja oteli"
ReplyDeleteEven though Jutarnji might not be the most trusted newspaper around, the apparent silence from Air Serbia shows that there might be something to this after all. If this was a lie I would i'll be all over the news letting people know that the business is as usual.
ReplyDelete@eX-Yu have you made any attempts to contact them or the ministry?,
You are wrong if you think Air Serbia should publicly respond to every trashbag thrown on them. In addition, it is not their policy to argue with the media.
DeleteWhat is most likely going on is that the Croatian authority has asked for some additional documents or clarifications. They will receive them and everything will be ready by 12 Dec. Pure administrative work. Then you have a trash 'paper' trying to make a sensation and national victory from it, which they can do if it pleases anyone but it is not something JU should tackle publicly. Sometimes working hard and keeping low profile is better option.
I don't say they should respond to every story but here maybe they should have. The reason is that this news got picked up quickly both in Croatia and Serbia and maybe had some potential customers wondering. They even got bunch of questions on FB. Now, they obviously knew that the paperwork would be sorted out soon so they chose not to respond.
This could have been the work of LH as they would lose the transfer passengers, not OU.
ReplyDeleteOvo nema nikakve veze sa LH ja znam i njih boli briga za te letove ASL posto oni imaju dosta putnika iz ZAG na druge destinacije za skandinaviju i dalje.
DeleteA posto je izleda zabranjeno ili ne znam nesme da se prizna u HR da se leti sa ASL ne znam sto u opste uvode te letove ;)
Vazno je da ce ASL uspostaviti letove za USA 2015 .
It is Lufthansa.
DeleteOf course it is Lufthansa. They start war and respond to Etihad attack:
Delete1. Investigation against Air Berlin
2. Air Berlin-Etihad code-share evaluation after no-problem seveal years with same code-share
3. Air Serbia investigation
4. Swiss expansion to exYu and rest of Europe
5. Extra low prices this winter from exYU
6. LCC Long-haul to start urgently espetialy to Meadle and Far East.
7. Air Serbia problems in Croatia
Last time, when I was searching for flights between MUC and SJJ, connections thru Croatia and Slovenia kept appearing.
ReplyDeleteNow just can´t help wondering if OU and JP have "all the necessary permits" to do this......
Wait- if Croatian government doesn't want ASL in their country, probably because OU would be in loss, why they just don't recognize that? I mean this is a little bit pathetic, they did this right after ASL told that flights to ZAG are starting, and it's just obvious that OU is using some treaty so it could drive off Air Serbia from Croatia via Croatian government. Pretty designed, but also pretty pathetic. This is probably true, and Air Serbia may won't be able to transport transit passengers from ZAG, but this is not problem for them at all- they will just change plan and passengers will take their baggage, check-in again and then go to the airplane. It's still much cheaper and better option than flying with Aeroflot to Moscow or with Turkish Airlines to Istanbul from ZAG.
ReplyDeleteAgain, Air Serbia made mistake. Whan they will present extra paper needed by law licence will be issued. And that will not be victory of Air Serbia or CCAA, that will be just simple administation procedure done which was aksed by authoroties.
DeleteТресла се гора, родио се миш.
ReplyDeleteEvo, problem je resen. Data je glupa licenca. Mi smo ljudi bolesni i kompleksni, ovi naslovi su bili cista prilika za napaljene nacionaliste da izraze svoju mrznju prema drugima. Zasto se mrzimo toliko, to mi nije jasno... Tuzno kako smo nekada bili kao braca, a danas je vecina svih nas ogranicena, ncionalisticka propaganda. Ovde je greska ocigledno bila Air Serbijina, Hrvatska je samo trazila dozvolu, Air Serbia je odmah reagovala, data joj je dozvola, i gotovo je. Braco Hrvati, zelim vam jos mnogo uspeha u avijaciji, i da vam novi terminal u Zagrebu uvek bude pun! Isto tako Air Serbiji zelim puno napretka, i da se prositi malo i Beogradski aerodrom, postaje tesan polako. Pozdrav!
ReplyDeleteAs EX-YU Aviation News learns, Air Serbia has been issued today with all necessary permits for sales in Croatia.
ReplyDeleteaahahahhaha cao poz pravna drzavo
ASL 1 : 0 CTN
E pa ne znam ni ja kako se to tako moze brzo srediti u EU drzavi ja znam kad lete vec za Austriju i hoce npr za INN AY je cekao 3 meseca na dozvolu da putnici mogu da lete dalje preko HEL. Najverovatnije cemo ispasti ponovo nacionalisti:
O Boze, pa ststo ubacujes CTN namerno? Ajmo sad izazovi Hrvate, ajmo sad Hrvati navalite na provokaciju! Balkanska posla...
DeleteDon't be such a goose .... There was never any issue to begin with ... The only winner here was "Jutarnji List", which probably sold a shit load of papers out of this fabrication and in the process, managed to stoke the flames of nationalism .... That's what happens when you get gullible idiots swallowing unsubstantiated shit. Neither the relevant authorities in Croatia nor air Serbia made any comments on this issue because there never was an issue to begin with ... Yet Jutarnji List managed to once again, concoct a load of horseshit that everyone happily swallowed ....
DeleteGood one fellow Balkanites .... proves just how stupid we are ...
Actually there was quite an issue. License was only issued this afternoon. They were selling tickets for over a week without a license.
DeleteEverybody sell tickets immediately and then they take license, it is simple procedural thing.
DeleteAnon @ 11.08pm ... you're wrong - totally wrong. if there was an issue the Croatian authorities would have immediately stopped air Serbia from selling. B.S made up by Jutarnji List to sell papers
DeleteAs someone close to the matter I can tell you that license was issued this afternoon.
DeleteNo one but Air Serbia can suspend the sale of tickets, not even the Croatian directorate.
DeleteMislim da je ovo ovako islo hrvati nece da daju dozvole koje je trazila air serbia onda neko iz uprave zove svoje kontakte iz evrope koji dalje zovu hrvate i stvar resena.
ReplyDeleteGreat outcome for both Air Serbia and Zagreb customers. Safe flying and hopefully many passengers from Zagreb!
ReplyDeleteJoj sto mi je drago gde ste vi gospodo sto ste rekli nece dobiti dozvolu ni za 3 meseca dobila je odmah 2-3 dan.
ReplyDeleteSve je to sredila svetska kompanija EY sa naftom i ta EU korpucija je najbolja .
I naravno to koristi lider u ex yu regionu ASL :)
Jesam lepo rekao da stim nema veze LH i da njih ne zanima ta linija ZAG-BEG
volim te kad tako skaces po zivcima ovim hejterima ahahah
DeleteWhy are JU's flights from Zagreb to Beirut so expensive?
ReplyDeleteJU's flights from BEG to BEY are expensive too. I think it is because JU had limited capacity. Perhaps they will get the rights to fly daily from the start of next summer.
DeleteAir Serbija je uprskala.
ReplyDeleteZazrazena je dopuna.
Odradili su sto je trazeno i dobili su dozvolu.
Ni vise ni manje od toga. Jednostavna administrativna stvar. Sve ostalo su nacionalisticka sranja i prepusavanja.
Јој како да не, упрскала у Загребу, у држави где се већ раније пријављивала и где је летела летос. Како да не, баш је директорат тражио нешто више него за Пулу, Сплит и Дубровник. Твој мржња према Ер Србији нема граница.
DeleteNaravno da je u pitanju jednostavna administrativna stvar. U takvim stvarima niko nije ništa "uprskao" jer su u pitanju svakodnevne administrativne stvari koje se rešavaju za dan ili dva i niko se zbog toga ne uzbuđuje.
DeleteAli onda dođe neka kanta od tabloida i prospe neke idiotske špekulacije, napravi problem tamo gde ga uopšte nema i onda taj izmišljeni problem služi kao duševna hrana mrziteljima koji u tome nalaze inspiraciju da jednu običnu administrativnu stvar dižu na nivo "uprskavanja". Njihov svet jednostavno ne može postojati ukoliko u njemui Air Serbia ili Srbija kao takva nije kriva za nešto. Moraju biti krivi, mora ih se mrzeti.
Tužno je gledati te ljude kako se muče i jedva izdržavaju da ih mržnja potpuno ne pokida i uništi.
DeleteDoes anyone know when BEG will start upgrading the infrastructure? I am referring to C1-C5 and A6-A10 airbridges.
ReplyDeleteIt would be nice if they could remember to freaking update their statistics! November is almost over!
Dear aviation friends,
ReplyDeleteregarding any article in tabloid Jutarnji list written by KRESIMIR ŽABEC - just disregard and just don't read them because it is pile of crap information. He is typically google, wikipedia journalist with no clue about aviation industry. He calls himself expert of aviation filed which he is not obviously. His articles (primarily about OU and other airlines) are full of wrong interpretation, articles are full of lack of knowledge conclusions. Its shame that there are journalist like this guy..
Did jutarnji retract or correct their story today?
DeleteOf course not, it's tabloid. They write only gossips.. negative exclusive not confirmed news..
ReplyDeleteWe SERBS should use this moment as an opportunity to make sure that air SERBIA becomes a little more SERBIAN and publishes their inflight magazine in SERBIAN!!
ReplyDeleteI'm talking about Cyrillic script. Croatian law is that when there is a certain percentage of a minority living somewhere, you must let them use their alphabet. THEREFORE, according to CROATIAN law, air SERBIA should have their inflight magazine in SERBIAN CYRILLIC.
Well, in aviation it's normal to speak and use English!!!
DeleteThis, from the man who writes his post in English - brilliant !!!
DeleteWhat difference does that make??? The people who made the decision to insult Serbia on SO many levels presumably speak Serbian. Doesn't mean they care. Just because I don't speak Serbian doesn't mean I don't care about our HISTORY and CULTURE!!!
Delete”Just because I don't speak Serbian doesn't mean I don't care about our HISTORY and CULTURE!!!”
DeletePre nego što nama kreneš da soliš pamet, nauči srpski sam. Ovi van svoje matice su oduvek bili veći Srbi nego mi ovde....
Povračaču. (sa č namerno)
Ево, ја ћу ти написати на српском, и то на ћирилици!
DeleteЈа баш мислим да је добро што је Мирко написао на енглеском из два разлога:
1. званичан језика овог блога је енглески те не видим зашто би писао на било ком другом.
2. пошто је користио енглески, свест о угрожености ћирилице ће се проширити што је увек добро, посебно када су у питању они мало интелектуалнији људи који цене разне аспекте сваке културе.
Ајде, сада пали да не поврачаш по тастатури.
Air Serbia has not been issued a license to sell tickets between Croatia and other countries via Belgrade, just tickets Zagreb Belgrade and reverse, without passenger transfer for another destination.
ReplyDeleteI'm confused, why is the Serbian PM Vucic on TV ragging about the Croats being afraid of competition (yesterday) when the complete issue was solved 10 days ago?!
ReplyDeleteIs he an idiot?