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Belgrade Airport registers strong October performance |
Belgrade Nikola Tesla Airport has seen its busiest October on record. It welcomed 406.757 passengers during the month, an increase of 38.2% compared to 2013. The number of flights operating to and from the Serbian capital also increased sharply, by 22.8% to 4.908. A total of 795.068 kilograms of commercial cargo was handled, an improvement from 762.271 kilograms last year. The strong growth is being primarily driven by Air Serbia which has more than doubled its passenger numbers this year. Over the past ten months, Belgrade Airport has handled 3.996.988 travellers, up 32.1% on the same period in 2013. On November 4, the airport welcomed its four-millionth passenger for the year.
The acting CEO of Belgrade Airport, Saša Vlaisaveljvić, recently said, “Next year we expect to see passenger growth of around 10%, which means we are reaching the upper limits of our capacity, so we have to invest in infrastructure”. According to the CEO, the airport is ready handle long haul flights from 2015. Earlier this week, the Serbian Minister for Transport and Communication, Zorana Mihajlović, said, “During next year we will definitely decide how we are going to expand Belgrade Airport, because it will be unable to handle all passengers if this growth rate continues. We could never have anticipated such large growth”.
Meanwhile, the Serbian Civil Aviation Directorate has concluded Bilateral Air Agreements and Memorandums of Understandings with fourteen countries over last week at the ICAO Air Services Negotiation Conference in Bali, Indonesia. Successful talks have taken place with counterparts from the United States, Egypt, Thailand, Singapore, South Korea, Jordan, Saudi Arabia, Bahrain, Oman, Seychelles, Morocco, New Zealand, Pakistan and Vietnam. The Directorate says talks with the United States were held in relation to planned flights from Belgrade to the States in the second half of 2015, while Air Serbia has expressed interest for agreements to be made with the other abovementioned countries as well. The Serbian Directorate was the only aviation regulator from the former Yugoslavia present at the ICAO conference among 78 other countries.
Month | PAX | Change (%) |
JAN | 270.784 | ▲ 28.9 |
FEB | 232.061 | ▲ 33.8 |
MAR | 282.447 | ▲ 28.2 |
APR | 368.171 | ▲ 46.2 |
MAY | 383.773 | ▲ 27.5 |
JUN | 451.324 | ▲ 28.8 |
JUL | 539.823 | ▲ 24.7 |
AUG | 576.461 | ▲ 30.7 |
SEP | 485.383 | ▲ 38.8 |
OCT | 406.757 | ▲ 38.2 |
I'm not surprised. This is the only international airport in the country. I hope they will soon revive Kraljevo and Nis
ReplyDeleteYou Right !!
DeleteUntil the economy is not revived they will not have any flights. Best case scenario is to get Wizz Air.
DeleteAlso, i do not understand your comment about the only airport in the country. This growth occurred thanks to transfer passengers.
To je neki Nislija pati dok putuje u Beograd da bi leteo ;) Ili Kraljevcanin? Kako mozes da ocekujes da bilo sta jos proradi u zemlji kad je sama zemlja pred bankrotom? Strpi se dok krenemo da se oporavljamo. Drugo, Nis bi mogao da dobije WizzAir sledece godine, i to je sve sto mozes da ocekujes.
DeleteХвала Богу... не знам зашто је то тако тешко да схвате. Визер је једино што може да их спасе.
DeletePa sta ako je jedini aerodrom u Srbiji onaj u Beogradu? Kako vama ljudi ne ulazi u glavu koliko ce novca trebati da se rekonstruise aerodrom Nis, ili da se obnovi pista na aerodromu Morava, ili da se obnovi aerodrom u Sjenici, Uzice...Brdo para, mnogo vise nego jednostavno sagraditi T3 u BEG-u, i napraviti ga hubom Balkana. Razmisljajte malo bre, sta mozes ti da oceujes od Nisa kad aerodrom ima 2 check-in deska, i koliko gejtova? Tri? Aerodrom Nis bi morao da se renovira da bi bilo koja aviokompanija mogla da stavi bazu tamo, kao sto je Wizz uradio sa Tuzlom. Ljudima je mnogo lakse i jeftinije da razvizu BEG, nego da trose milione na aerodroma u Srbiji za koje nisu sigurni da ce ostvarivati profit. Pogledaj Moravu, sagradjen terminal iz temelja, a pista jos uvek nije dovrsena. I sad ce da truli ta zgrada tamo, a novac je potrosen. Razmisljajte malo, Nislije. Bilo bi lepo kad bi nasi putevi bili prohodniji, i kad bi nam iz vecih gradova do Beograda saobracali brzi vozovi, tad nikome ne bi bilo problem da putuje 2 sata do Beograda. To su uradili u Madjarskoj, jedini aerodrom u Madjarskoj sa stalnim letovima je onaj u Budimpesti, sa nesto malo, malo letova iz Debrecena. Jel hoces da ti odbijaju jos od plate da bi mogli da renoviraju taj terminal u Nisu, pa da ga placas ni kriv ni duzan, ili da stignes do Beograda i putujes k'o covek na aerodromu solidne usluge i velicine? Ispeci, pa reci. :|
DeleteЈа уопште не схватам зашто се уопште води полемика око Ниша. Неће бити летова и ћао, нека се они мало саберу и нека ураде нешто место што кукумавче већ 15 година како живе у сиромаштву због Београда.
DeleteKad bi Srbija izdvajala samo 5% novaca za Nis koji izdvaja za Air Serbiju iz BEG, INI bi imao vrlo prihvatljiv broj letova svake sedmice. Ali sve mora da se radi u Beogradu. Ostala Srbija sluzi samo da popuni budzet za Beograd.
Delete@ 11:41
DeleteBEG bi morao da prestigne IST da bi postao HUB Balkana sto nije takolako moguce.
@ 1:02 otkud vi znate koliko drzava daje ASL. Pa neka je karta INI-BEG 60 eur ko ce iz Nisa to da plati niko zato sto je narod tamo tezak na pare radijece putovati busom za 40 eur.
@1:49 Turska geografski ne pripada Balkanu. Informisi se prvo, i smanji frustracije.
DeleteINN sinko golobradi po toj logici ni u BEG nema za 100 eur platit se za kartu, pa se ipak plaća. Nije Niš toliko siromašniji od Begeša. I jedan i drugi su mnogo daleko od Budimpešte, Beča i Minhena pa se ipak leti. A paz ti bogate klijantele u Banja Luci. Pa Niš je Amerika za Banja Luku. No, za Banja Luku se ima i para i može da se leti, ali za Niš ne može.
Delete@ 2:52
DeleteVi ocigledno ne znate gde se nalazi IST .
A to sto vi iz Nisa pricate za letove pa ne mozete ni ERJ135 da napunite na liniji ZRH-INI
Ататурк се географски налази на балканском полуострву.
DeleteХтео бих да подсетим паметњаковића да Бања Лука тренутно пуни авион за Београд као и лет за Цирих а од лета имаће и Свис.
Оно што је занимљиво је то да лет за Бања Луку не пуне искључиво трансфери већ има све више локалних путника.
Што се Ниша тиче, свака компанија која је закорачила тамо се повукла после неколико месеци. Да је стандард Београда и Бања Луке сличан нишком, ситуација не би била каква јесте.
Anonymous at 3:23 PM
DeleteTaj let placa Vlada Republike Srpske kroz velike subvencije . Ako vam je toliko stalo idite skupljajte pare po gradu pa kupite onaj krs od AGX ne vredi vise od 200000-300000 eur pa nek leti gde vam je zelja. BEG radi na osnovu O&D putnika.
ИНН, не причај којешта.
DeleteКао прво Влада Српске не дају субвенције већ је дала олакшице које су омогућиле да карта буде 54 евра. Између осталог неколико такси је суспендовано што на локално а што на државном нивоу. Зато је овог пута ЈУ успела да напуни авион.
2. Раст у Београду није захваљујући локалним путницима, то јест O&D, већ примарно трансферним путницима. То није ништа ново, то се очекивало од првог дана.
Vi sad snate bolje nego moj stric sto je prijatelj Milorada Dodika pa olaksice i subvencije to je isto ima tu i subvencija ali su male ;)
Izvinite pogresno sam se izrazi za O&D :)
Субвенције и олакшице нису иста ствар.
Deleteevo i za tebe pametnjakovicu sto pises cirilicom i stalno se pravis pametan. subvencija je zaista vrsta olaksice, dakle postoji podudaranje u nekom smislu, a drugo, to sto bulaznis kako su iz nisa letele kompanije i nisu mogle da napune avion, pa naravno da nisu za trst, forli i podgoricu. i ju je ugasila linije za trst i geteborg i to iz beograda. prema tome ne lupetaj. kad bi postojali letovi iz nis za frankfurt i viena, bili bi puni avioni. dakle, da cujem sta mislis zasto je ju ugasila let za portoroz pre par godina i trst? sta bili su puni avioni za trst pa se nije isplatilo. ako jedan beg ne moze da napuni atr za trs, nece ni ini, ali tebi je stalo samo do toga da se pravis pametan.
DeleteЈа не морам да се правим паметан зато што то и јесам, за разлику од тебе.
DeleteКао прво, Јат је угасио линије ка Трсту, Гетебургу и Порторожу зато што је сваке године имао све мање и мање ваздухолова. Да те подсетим да су у фебруару 2013. године достигли дно дна када су имали свега 2 Атра и 4 Б737. Ја ипак верујем да им је већи приоритет Копенхаген, Франкфурт или Париз од Гетебурга или Трста. Јат је био такав распад система да су до 2008. летели са Атром за Минхен. Наравно повукли су се јер их је измасакрирала Луфтика.
Трст је иначе имао ок попуњеност, око 60% што уопште није лоше. Данас Трст може врло лако да се покрије са летовима за Љубљану. Што се тиче Порторожа, то је трајало јако кратко јер је првобитни план био да се уведе и лет Порторож-Рим. Наравно на крају није ништа испало од тога и летови су ишли са по 5 путника.
Што се тиче Ниша и фамозних линија које су све до једне пропале, хтео бих да те питам зашто је Атласџет суспендовао своје летове из Истанбула или зашто су чартер летови за Турску били отказани овог лета? Аеродром кој не може да напуни један лет недељно за Анталију током лета сигурно не може да напуни авион за Беч или Цирих. Између осталог, Дарвин је летео за Ниш па се сви сећамо како је то прошло.
За крај, хтео бих да поновим да докле год нема привреде доле, неће бити ни летова. Једино што може да се деси је да неким чудом Визер пусти пар летова за Ниш. Дакле, не постоји нека теорија завере зашто Ниш нема летова. Нема летова јер нема куповне моћи доле. Ер Србија се шири у Београду јер је то једини аеродром са потенцијалом.
Моја препорука је да у вудућност баталите идеју о летовима из Ниша ка Европи већ да лобирате за летове ка Београду где ће се нудити преседања. То је једини начин да ЈУ слети поново на нишки аеродром.
Надам се да сам ти мало објаснио реалност ситуације. Ако нисам, слободно питај.
п.с. шта ти смета што пишем ћирлицом?
Burn. :D
DeleteDa si pametan ne bi promenio ime gradu, dakle geteborg je napustila asl a ne jat. Sta cemo sa skyworkom koji je posle par meseci napustio beg? A? A znas da pises o darwinu i njegovim trzisno neprihvatljivim cenama? Sta cemo sa skywork airlinesom? Nema klijentele na letu beograd-bern po ceni i to gotovo najnizoj od 300e za povratnu kartu. Ne bih te vise zadrzavao. Cmok
DeleteAre they dumb or they really expect only 10% growth? November and december will be indicative of the rate to expect for the next year since Air Serbia will be competing against its own performance.
ReplyDeletePS: I expect the rate to be around 25-30% which means nearing 6 million pax. Better they get their shit together now and face some realistic forecasts.
DeleteI'd be interested to hear what are you basing your predictions on. As it stands right now, they can offer little or no seat mile increase and improved LF can't bring 30% increase for sure.
DeleteWell, if they transported 3.996.000 pax by end of October, and then it took them 4 days to reach the 4 million mark, I'd say that we can expect negative numbers in November... or maybe it was just PR :)
DeleteWill be interesting to follow what happens in 2015.
ReplyDeleteI am still hoping that they will add more aircraft because there is no way they will manage to pull off another summer season with this fleet. Let's not forget that the beloved YU-AOU was returned which was the perfect aircraft for summer flights to Tivat.
It's also unfortunate that YU-APG is still not flying. I hope the rumours are not true and that it went for a C check.
Anyway, all the best to BEG and I hope they add a few more bus gates when the renovation of A6-A10 begins.
What rumours?
DeleteYU-APG fell from the crane while they were repairing the undercarriage, that's a fact, not a rumour.
DeleteRegards from Tehnika.
nemoj zezati, kako se to desilo?
DeleteAviokarta previously reported that Air Serbia and Serbian government were willing to sign a contract with 15 countries, including Saudi Arabia.
ReplyDeleteToday, Saudi Arabian delegation visited Belgrade.
Can we hope for some flights? I know there is not much O&D demand between two countries, but maybe Air Serbia can transfer pax to Arabia since it would be one of the unique airlines to have flights to Riyadh.
Do we know what kind of delegation came to Belgrade? Would be cool if Saudia launched flights to Belgrade in cooperation with Air Serbia. Though I don't know where we would find a gate for them. :D
Delete*wishful thinking*
Ljajic is in Riyadh and successfully organized for a group of Saudi businessmen and politicians to visit Serbia. He is also trying to increase the number of Saudi tourists in Serbia - so we may see some charter flights.
DeleteAegean is launching flights to Saudi Arabia (and other Middle East destinations). Seems they are also launching a similar strategy to that of Air Serbia.
DeleteLet's not forget that Aegean will be also launching daily Beirut flights (some with A321) in addition to five daily flights to Larnaca, 3 A319 and 2 A321.
DeleteThey will be launching Riyadh (2pw A320), Tehran (3pw A320), and Yerevan (2pw A320) among others.
DeleteAegean is a great reminder of how small and insignificant Air Serbia is within the wider European civil aviation landscape. After all, it is an airline with just 15 aircraft!
DeleteOh please, how old are you? When you compare what was Jat just 15 months ago and what is ASL now..You will understand what I am talking about. ASL is not small and insignificant airline, it is one of the best airlines in the Balkans. I think that Aegean is better, but you can't just say like that like you are 10 years old and wishful to throw ASL on the bottom. ASL is a pretty good airline, not perfect of course, but it's not insignificant. Are you Croat or Greek troll or something?
Aegean and Air Serbia have interline agreeement and their routes are more complementary than competitive. Both are great examples of growing success in the region and both are codesharing with Etihad. Go ASL and AEE!
Delete@ 7:28
DeleteIma vise aviona ali ASL ima bolju uslugu u Bussines class i economy.
A3 jeste da ima dosta mladju flotu ali je usluga u ASL jedna od najboljih u Evropi.
Ja sam leteo i sa ASL i sa AEE, obe aviokompanije imaju sjajnu flotu i uslugu, mada nalazim ASL kao malo bolju zbog vece ponude. Mada glupo ih je porediti, ipak je Aegean niskotarifna aviokompanija.
DeletePod jedan, A3 ima jedan od najsavremenijih IFE sistema, ASL nema nista.
DeletePod dva, zbog tankih sedista u avionima, A3 ima vise prostora za noge. JU je ravan svakoj lowcost.
Pod tri, Aegean ne samo da je clan alijanse vec ima i frequent flier programme. ASL je u kvazi-alijansi i moze se reci da nema frequent flyer programme.
Sve i svemu, ja bih ipak rekao da je A3 bolja kompanija iako JU nije losa, ali nije medju najboljim.
p.s. Aegean NIJE niskotarfina, ja ne shvatam sta bi ih kvailifikovalo kao lowcost!? Isto me zanima, koju to ASL ima bolju ponudu?
Jel si leteo sa business classom u ASL? Ocigledno ne. Ja nisam spustao AEE kao sto si ASL, smanji svoje frustracije. Sad si dosao do toga da poredis cija su sedista tanja, ma daj molim te. AEE je odlicna aviokompanija, ali ja sam doziveo bolje iskustvo sa ASL. To nije tvoj problem da sudis. Isto tako, ASL jeste jedna od najboljih aviokompanija jugoistocne Evrope. OU, B&H, MGX, JP sigurno ne mogu da se porede sa njom. Air Serbia je postigla za godinu dana ono sta OU, AEE nisu za 3. Kad pogledas sta je bio Jat, a sta je sada ASL, to su nebo i zemlja. Naravno, jos mnogo toga mora da se usavrsava u ASL-u, ali tvoj komentar sa tim grubim dodavanjima tipa "nema nista", "ASL je ravan lowcost", samo dokazuju koliko si se frustrirao cim vidis da neko hvali ASL. Smiri to, komsije smo, pa treba da nam cestitas ;)
DeleteKao prvo ti si isfrustriran cim me nazivas komsijom te pretpostavljam da si pomislio da sam Hrvat cim pljujem ASL. Da te odmah razocaram nisam, Beogradjanin sam.
DeleteKao drugo, leteo sam sa obe kompanije x puta bas kao i sa starim Jatom. Er Srbija u ekonomskoj klasi nije nista posebno, posebno ne na jutarnjim letovim kada je prezentacija dorucka krajnje jadna. Kao drugo, ASL je pre nekoliko meseci dodala jos jedan red u svim A319 na ustrb prostora za noge. A3 zbog dizajna ima vise prostora. To je jako vazno zbog komfora putnika.
U pravu si, ASL jeste najbolja kompanija u jugoistocnoj Evropi ali plasim se da to nije merilo... barem ne bi trebalo da bude.
A zelim samo da te podsetim da je A3 preziveo mnogo gore, uspeli su da prezive katastrofalnu ekonomsku krizu u Grckoj uz sve to morali su da konkurisu sa OA i mnogobrojnim lowcost kompanijama. Uz sve to, nivo usluge im je ostao isti a uz sve to uspeli su da zabeleze profit. To je za pohvalu. Pre nekoliko meseci sproveli su merger sa OA koj je prosao fantasticno i niko ga nije osetio... oni su spojili dve firme a ASL ne moze da se sabere i da uvede online check-in. ;)
Meni je A3 bolji od JU, kao sto sam vec rekao. JU jeste dobra, nema sta, ali nije bolja od A3.
Anon at 9:44
DeleteHrana kod A3 bas nije jaca strana, vidi sliku:
Vidis da vecina ljudi ovde voli i JU i A3, ne vidim razlog za svadju.
Ovo kako ASL ne moze da se sabere za online checkin, e tu se vidi da ne znas sta pricas ;) Duga prica, ukratko ASL nije kriva zbog toga.
I AEE i ASL su odlicne aviokompanije. Zasto moras da pravis raspravu ovde? Nisi ti hteo da izrazis da je AEE bolji, vec da je ASL gora. A to nije isto, nije isto kad kazes " ja mislim da je AEE bolja jer..." i kad dodas na kraju recenice "...ASL nema nista". Mozda i nema nista, ali hteo si time da se pravih pametan kako ti znas sad sta je bolje a sta ne. I ASL i AEE su odlicne, kraj price. Zasto da ih uporedjujemo? Ovaj iznad rek'o gde mu je bolje, i ti odmah nasrnes. Mozes da kazes svoje utiske, ne da sudis sta je sta.
DeleteTo im je regionalni ketering, isto kao sto JU zna da da hlebasti kolac i jogurt na jutarnjim letovima. ;)
DeleteA za online check-in znam pricu. Kao sto kazu, when there is a will, there is a way. Za sve se nadje nacin, samo je potrebna volja. Ja ne radim za ASL tako da me bas briga za te detalje. Ja sam putnik i mene samo zanima da li ga nude ili ne. U 21. veku nemati online check in je neprihvatljivo.
Ne, nego je problem u tome sto niko ovde ne sme nista da kaze protiv JU. Predstavlja se situacija kao da je ASL najbolja kompanija u Evropi a ocigledno da nije... barem meni nije i to je moje pravo. JU je ok i to je to. Biznis je druga prica mada on se ovako i onako ne prodaje tako dobro.
DeleteKome je to neprihvatljivo ne mora da putuje sa JU, niko te ne tera. Nekom je to mozda manje vazno nego sto je recimo ASL 30 EUR jeftinija od nekog drugog prevoznika pa zato putuju sa JU, svako ima svoj razlog. Ako ti je A3 super, putuj njima, nema problema. Meni su okej i jedni i drugi, ako tebi nisu, opet je sve u redu. Probaj ih jednog dana kad uvedu online checkin, mozda ti se dopadnu! Ako ti se ni onda ne dopadnu, probaj Singapore Airlines sta drugo da ti kazem!
DeletePa nista... to ti je zivot.
DeleteAny news on Tirana? Will we see additional frequencies? Three weekly is really nothing.
ReplyDeleteRedovno obavestavanje javnosti o rastu broja putnika, o osavremejavanju avio mostova, povrsina u terminal Dva, pojedinih Sistema. Povecanja povrsine avio platform... Sve to daje nadu, objektivno raduje ljude koji prate i zele stvarrnu fizicku transformaciju ovog jedinog pravog aerodroma koji Srbija ima, a koji ima sanse da se u svetu prikljuci na zacelje srednje velicine aerodroma. Nravno rast putnika i kargo tereta uslovljava velicinu i rast. U ovoj zemlji bar sto se tice vazdusnog saobracaja postoji veliki otpor mnogih, svakom vecem razvoju, Unapred ga nazivajuci "megalomanskim" ... Poznata je drakonska sporost politicko-birokratske bratije u donosenju odluka. Do bola teska teska birokratska procedura po sistemu, "we do you slowly". Verovatno nije tesko zakljuciti znacenje. Ukoliko jeste, utoliko lakse ko ne razume. Ostaje iskrena nada bar kod onog dela ljudi koji pozitivnije gledaju na razvoj Beogradske vazdusne luke, da ce veliki talas promena od "samo-upravljackog", promenom zakona, svega drugog sto je potrebno da bi bez prolongiranja zapocelo fizicko menjanje ANT BEOGRAD. Skromnosti, improvizacije, sve drugo sto bi ometalo gradnju i kapacitet izmedju deset i petnaest miliona putnika. Poneko ce reci da neznam sta govorim, neznam nista o vazduhoplovstvu. Neosporavam ljude u odnosu na mene, vec ih podsecam da postovana Ministarka Mihajilovic izjavljuje da su ljudi zateceni, iznenadjeni ovakvom ekspanziom ovog aerodroma koji neminovno ce se izgraditi u solidan srednji aerodrom Evrope. Sto prije bude, manje ce se cuditi ljudi i ljudi ministry. Ako se bude gradilo u partnerstvu sa drugim ili koncesiom, tada tempo gradnje ce biti dinamican. Aerodrom bice svetski, A1. Vrlo brzo ce multicipirati profit. Ako dalji razvoj uzima sama Srbija sa formiranjem domacih konzorciuma i od profita samog ANT aerodrome, moze se ocekivati "efikasnost" slicna onom delu auto puta od Uba do Lajkovca. To uvazena Ministarka se uverava prilikom poseta gradilistima... Ponovo velika nada i iscekivanje sta ce ova vlada uspesna u pojedinim segmentima, efikasno u hodu brzo donositi pravilne odluke, a mi da ugledamo mnogo masina i kranova na Surcinskom ravnom polju!... Rodney Marinkovic, AME. Kraljevo /// Sydney.
ReplyDeleteNada umire poslednja
DeletePostovani Radovane, vidim da uporno, i ako ste kako kazete vazduhoplovac, pisete ANT Beograd. Na ovom blogu imamo vec jednog, do duse, mnogo mladjeg od vas, koji koristi oznake kako njemu odgovara. Molim vas, da zbog mladjih ljudi koristite oznaku BEG ili Aerodrom Nikola Tesla ili prosto aerodrom kako mladje kolege koje tek uce ne biste dovodili u zabludu. Veliki pozdrav.
DeleteVeoma sam Vam zahvalan na primedbi koju ste mi uputili zbog mojeg nepravilnog pisanja naziva Aerodroma Nikola Ttesla Beograd. Vasa primedba mi je dobro dosla i poucna. Prevenstveno prema meni i svakom dobronamernom ko ima dobre volje i bazicnog poznavanja eksplicitnosti o onome o cemu pise ili govori... Uz vasu pouku meni, postovani PM at 4:14 svako vam dobro u oblasti cime se bavite. Ostajmo u uverenju da ce Aerodrom NikolaTesla u iducih cetiri godine biti veoma prosiren na Surcinskom polju uz efikasne ucesnike u gradnji ove vazdusne luke u Beogradu. Rodney & team. Kraljevo.
DeleteNadajmo se, postovani kolega ;)
DeleteSvako dobro!
Seems like the Austrian Airlines flight arriving at 14.05 has become a regular A319.
ReplyDeleteReal forward thinking: "we'll reach upper limit of capacity next year, so next year we will think about expansions"... Because it would really hurt them to think about it now...
DeleteIdeas and designs on how to expand BEG airport were available for decades. Money wasn't and still isn't. Those who have it (EBRD, anyone?) don't want to invest as it could be seen as a threat to EU airports in the region, and they are doing everything they (legally?) can to prevent others (UAE, anyone?) to invest. Best way for EU to deny this is to invest big in BEG, but that's not happening, so it makes it true.
Delete^unfortunately you are right.
DeleteIt's just funny how stupid the management is. Now you tell me that they will wait while BEG is too tight, and than they will..See how they are gonna expand it??? Wut? So even if construction of T3 or expansion of T2 begins next year, we wont see results before 2017-2018?? Are they retarded?
ReplyDeleteyes, yes they are
DeleteExpansion of T2 should be complete by summer 2015 so all is good.
DeleteThey forgot somehow t1-refurbish it for 6-8 months and....whoop there it is 8mil pax can be handled within a year and paralel to that construct a new terminal to be ready for summer 2018.
DeleteIf you knew how many years it took airport to refurbish C and A gates so far, you would not dare make a statement about expansion of T2 by summer of 2015. To expand (assuming building new gates C7-C10 plus adding another level) and refurbish A7-A10 gates it would take probably 1,5-2 years at the rate we've seen so far. Not even part of it will be ready by S15.
DeleteWhen I mentioned the expansion I was referring to the refurbishment of the A6-A10 gate area were small terminal space will be added, the same formula as with the C gates.
DeleteI assumed that people on here would understand that I was not speakng about the actual enlargement of the terminal. I guess I was wrong. ;)
It's sad that Serbia does not have money for expansion in BEG, still government said that Serbia will probably invest in BEG or they are gonna find concessor. I hope for this second. And BEG has to be expanded, I would renovate T1, increase capacity to 8 million, and than when I see that the number of passengers is coming to 7 million I would start building T3 and the second runway,
DeleteArghhh, T1 redux... reminds me of TWA terminal saga at JFK. Great piece of history but just a piece of you-know-what when it comes to modern day practical use as terminal. JetBlue figured it out and BEG should too: leave old one alone (or destroy it) and build a brand new, functional terminal. Call it T5 if you want :)
Delete2. I doubt somebody from outward will invest in BEG, already 3 companies wanted and finally they give up.
I hope BEG will be expanded in the future, but I will wait until I see construction site at BEG, cause too lies were told here.
No, there is enough capacity at ANT. They look how to get money from expansion projects.
ReplyDeleteThis is a complete lie that has been debunked in detail many times. It is not about capacity to operate today, but rather about capacity to operate in the same "wave hub" fashion using same facilities (airbridges) during peak season in a couple of years (with planned expansion of Air Serbia). If you have any detailed facts to back up your statement, please provide links here.
DeleteGovernment has been trying to sell or lease Belgrade airport back in mid 2013 with additional terminal (among other things) as a requirement. If there was enough capacity (or potential to stretch current facilities beyond 2020 needs), they would not continue to seek investor/buyer for the airport.
As long as BEG is not under ASL they do not need to follow their rules. Much bigger airports have smaller number of airbridges. Capacity of BEG is around 8-10 millions. Many airline companies will use larger plains in future. No one will buy it with additional terminal requirement with this unstable government. They have two strikes in same time with possibility to get additional ones.
DeleteWTF 8-10 million?!?! Please show us the link where we can find detailed analysis for this (fake) estimate.
DeleteAll the real estate you actually NEED to have is a runway, taxiway and a slab of concrete called apron to park the plane, but if that's how you got to 8-10 million for BEG I would not entertain to continue this discussion.
Just go and check every second airport between 6 and 10 M passengers has smaller number of airbridges and similar number of standing places for airplanes. BEG needs much better baggage handling.
DeleteOT: latest news-Fraport owns 98% of LJU airport from today.
ReplyDeleteLooks like thst Fraport will squeeze out those 2% and become 100% owner of the LJU.
ReplyDeleteJel kasne mozda letovi ASL za AUH zbog jake magle :) ?
Ne. =D
DeleteDoes anyone know how Air Serbia is doing in Sofia and Bucharest?
ReplyDeleteBy the time the Serbian government decides what it will do with BEG, Munich airport will open its new satellite terminal with an additional capacity of 11 million. ;)
ReplyDeleteI would like to believe they decided what to do with BEG long time ago, but funding that vision is another story.
DeleteInvesting in MUC expansion is great if you believe that LH will continue to corral central and eastern European neocolonies through FRA/MUC and that LCC’s and ME3 are just a temporary fad that will fade away soon. My financial advisor doesn’t think it’s a good long term investment.
Well, Lufthansa keeps on recording growing profits so I am sure they know what they are doing. By the way, the airline secured record growth despite the strike(s).
DeleteLufthansa and Munich airport have shared the expenses necessary for this terminal to be built. They understand how important an airport is for the success of an airline. Unfortunately the peasants running Serbia are too primitive to understand that, even less to think strategically.
LHA stock is down in 2014, outlook has been cut for 2015 and the consensus is not promising.
DeleteI suggest to share your last sentence with your therapist at the next visit.
What wrong with last sentence? If they knew Serbia wouldn't be here where is today.
DeleteI don't expect you would understand what is wrong, just like Christoph Franz did not understand what was wrong when he said "Don’t sell Alitalia to the Sheikhs". Conversation with the therapist should help.
DeleteHahahah he was actually doing a favour to the Arabs when he told them to not get involved with Alitalia. My therapist told me.
DeleteI guess you are just a pathetic ASL employee with a God complex. ;)
DeleteNot an ASL employee. Just standing up against chauvinists and racists.
DeleteMaybe you should start by learning the definition of racism buddy.
DeleteAt least we agree on the chauvinist one.
ReplyDeleteУсаглашени су и парафирани споразуми о ваздушном саобраћају са Мароком, Новим Зеландом, Сингапуром, Саудијском Арабијом, Бахреином, Сејшелима, Републиком Корејом, Јорданом и Оманом, а потписани су и Меморандуми о разумевању са Египтом, Пакистаном и Вијетнамом.
На основу закључених докумената "Ер Србија", која је и изразила интерес да лети ка дестинацијама у овим државама, као и авио-превозиоци из ових земаља, могу одмах да започну са коришћењем договорених саобраћајних права.
Хахахах српско новинарство... човек очекује мало више од РТС-а. Сада ће плебс мислити да ЈУ планира да лет за Окланд или Рабат.
Deleteza Rabat možda i hoće, to se nikada ne zna, ali za Novi Zeland sigurno neće. već će da sa VA naprave kod-šer ugovor za letove od Australije do Novog Zelanda (oni ipak imaju bazu na AKL). isto važi i za ostale zemlje. to će najverovatnije biti kod-šer ugovori sa Etihadom i drugim partnerima
DeleteСврха мог коментара је била непрецизност новинара.
DeleteI'm sorry but JU's situation isn't looking too good at the moment from my point of view. They have a fleet shortage at the moment which isn't being sorted out, YU-APG apparently won't be flying for a long time, they definitely will not be able to do the summer season with the current fleet.
ReplyDeleteThey badly need 2 more A319/320 to cover CURRENT fleet needs let alone expansion. For expansion they need more ATR's and more Airbuses with no announcements yet as to them joining the fleet. The summer season is only 5 months away remember!
Can any people with more info please shed light as to why JU seems to be doing nothing about this problem that will certainly not help the airline next year?
Pa A330 dolazi u martu-aprilu a i doce nekoliko aviona A320 familije.
It appears Air Serbia management now prefers to keep it in the stealth mode when it comes to announcing new routes and fleet additions as long as possible. Competition is now paying attention to ASL and keeping things in the dark makes it harder for competitors to preempt ASL's moves. Others already announced S15 changes but ASL will probably keep cards close to their chest as long as possible.
DeleteOn the other hand, flights to North America are Air Serbia's moonshot project and from the marketing perspective (as well as outstanding paperwork perspective) those big bets are benefitial when announced well in advance.
So, Air Serbia plays smart, other carriers are just a bunch of idiots?
DeleteRight, next route will be announced only one day before! LOL don't take it seriously man.
DeleteZa Inn
DeleteKada i koliko aviona stizu na prolece?
Yugo 4ever
Moja zelja bi bila:
Delete2 x ATR72-600
2 x A319
2 x A332
i jos:
1 x 747-800 Intercontinental (+Turbo)
2 x A350 (ali ne XWB)
3 x 777-200 (ne ER + sharklets)
4 x DC-10-30 Nikola Tesla, Pupin itd
2.5 x 727-200 Cargo
1 x A380 VIP
2 x DC-9-15 NEO-LR
Ce da ne moze!
DeleteKako samo jedan A380?
Treba drugi sa se salje u Innsbruck dvaput dnevno!
Anonymous at 9:49 PM
DeleteA330 stize u Martu- Aprilu i krece na prolece sa letovima.
A ostali A320 familije neznam kad tacno stizu stvarno inace bih rekao .
Anonymous at 9:49 PM
Napredujte barem ste pogodili neki avion.
Anonymous at 10:06 PM
Ne to je promasaj bolje 8* za INI ;)
Ma boze sta 8 bre treba staviti aviokompaniju "Nis Airlines" da naruci 50 A350NEO, 30 A380, 60 B787, i oko 300 A320NEO to da kupe prasinu, da skupljaju tranzitne putnike...A Air Serbia treba da naruci jos 10-tak aviona, to sad ozbiljno kazem, jer im i sada ponestaje aviona, a nece postati najveca aviokompanija Balkana uz Aegean koji ce sledece godine dodati jos 20-tak destinacija, i mnogo letova.
DeleteAnonymous at 11:00 PM
DeleteIzvinite sto vas ispravljam ali A350NEO nepostoji postoji samo A350XWB.
I jos nesto najveca Aviokompanija na Balkanu je TK.
Sledece godine ce u ASL doci novi Avioni ali neverujem da ce ih biti 10 sa A330 koji stize u martu :)
DeleteBice i A350NEO dok aerodrom u Nisu proradi.....