Sarajevo to begin work on low cost terminal

Sarajevo Airport to expand facilities following record year

Sarajevo Airport intends to open a dedicated terminal for low cost airlines next year and upgrade its infrastructure. The designated low cost terminal (pictured above) is presently being used by the airport’s management, which will move to its new headquarters in 2016. The no frills terminal (known as Terminal A), which was built in 1969, is located next to the current passenger building and will be connected to it. As a result, Sarajevo Airport hopes to attract new budget carries and boost passenger numbers, since services offered to airlines at the terminal will be cheaper than those presently provided. Pegasus Airlines is currently the only low cost airline operating flights to Bosnia and Herzegovina’s capital, while hybrids Norwegian Air Shuttle and Germanwings also serve Sarajevo. They will be joined by Flydubai from December 8.

In 2016, Sarajevo Airport will begin work on constructing rapid-exit taxiways in order to allow aircraft to leave the runway at higher speeds. This provides aircraft with the opportunity to vacate the runway quicker, permitting another to land or depart in a shorter space of time. Furthermore, the apron should be expanded to allow a greater number of aircraft to park. In 2017, Sarajevo Airport will begin work on overhauling its runway as well as its taxiways. Ivica Veličan, the airport’s CEO, says the upgrades are necessary in order to accommodate growing passenger numbers and traffic. “Investments in infrastructure and the reconstruction of Terminal B will raise safety levels for passengers, aircraft, baggage and other goods”, Mr. Veličan says. He adds, “We are planning further investments through the purchase of modern airport equipment and the continuous education and training of our staff”.

Sarajevo Airport is set to record its busiest year on record. Over the past ten months, the airport handled 619.989 passengers, an increase of 6.1% compared to the same period last year. In October, Sarajevo welcomed 64.844 travellers through its doors, up 0.7% on 2013. The number of flights operating in and out of the city also increased, by 5% to 545. The airport estimates it will handle over 700.000 passengers by year’s end. With 665.638 passengers, Sarajevo Airport was the tenth busiest in the former Yugoslavia last year, behind Podgorica.

MonthPAXChange (%)
JAN36.114 8.0


  1. Anonymous09:33

    Nice. Has SJJ overtaken TGD this year?

    1. Yes it did :)

    2. Anonymous11:22

      Really glad that SJJ is moving ahead.
      Greets from BEG.

  2. Anonymous10:48

    That is good news but even with the low cost terminal I doubt Wizz Air will come to Sarajevo with all the development in Tuzla.

  3. Anonymous10:49

    Why don't they just go back to the poriginak plan and expand the current terminal? Ivica Velican was the one who blocked that project after Sarajevo Airport got money the EBRD.

  4. Anonymous11:27

    Can someone enlighten me please. Why Pegasus is considered low-cost compared to Norwegian, when Pegasus fares include hand luggage and checked in luggage, you can pre-order proper meals on board, where with Norwegian you do not have luggage included in the price. I am not saying that Norwegian is any worse, on the contrary, I flew with them and they were amazing, but wouldn't make more sense to call Pegasus (I flew with them too) hybrid airline. Just a thought.

    1. Anonymous12:11

      because pegasus are quite cheap compared to Norwegian and Germanwings

  5. Anonymous11:55


    I just saw billboards promoting Zagreb as a Christmas destination. I wonder if the Croatian tourism board got more initiative to do it now when there are going to be flights.

    1. Purger13:37

      Advent u srcu Zagreba is 10 years old project with several hundreds top events in centre of City (all main squares + streets in centre + cathedral + other institutions and objects). Last year in Advent in Zagreb there were 46.284 tourists with 83.323 overnights.

      More about that top-tourist project you can read on

    2. Anonymous13:54

      Well, there were no Zagreb adverts in Belgrade until now. It was mostly for the coastal destinations.

    3. Purger14:07

      I saw those banners in Sarajevo, Montenegro, Slovenia even Hungary, but not in Serbia. I am happy that they put them also in Serbia.

      Last year delegation of one city in Serbia (mayor including) were my guest in Advent in Zagreb, they were thrilled and this year mayor of that city will come to Advent with his family including New Year party.

    4. There were bilboards promoting holidays in Zagreb last year in Belgrade. Even maybe two years ago...

    5. Anonymous18:58

      There were billboards promoting Winter holidays in Zagreb a few years back now, I believe this is the third season we see them in Belgrade...

  6. The information when Terminal B building (i.e. the old terminal) had been built is 100% wrong: the year when this terminal opened is 1969., and it's the CURRENT passenger building that opened for Winter Olympics '84. See more at:

    1. Sorry, mix-up. You are right. It has been fixed. Thank you.

  7. FlyingBoy12:56

    4 Airbuses A319 and 3 Boeing's 737 operating this morning's flights. What the heck? Is this how Air Serbia meant to "get rid of the 737 by the winter season" and justified all those shameful cuts? I guess the introduction of Zagrab will only increase their utilization.

    1. Anonymous13:16

      YU-APG is still not flying and YU-APH is going to London.

    2. Anonymous15:11

      They have to use 737s because of a fleet shortage, they will get 3-4 more A319s in 2015 and then they will be able to get rid of 737s. Winter cuttings are probably happening because of smaller number of passengers during the winter season, there are many airlines which are cutting some flights during the winter.

  8. Purger14:02


    Bio sam danas na kongresu CSEBA Chinese Southeast European Business Association, gdje sam razgovarao sa direktorima asocijacije. Iznenadilo me zapravo da su ove turističke avionske linije samo usputan i ne baš tako bitan projekt, iako su dva predavanja unutar kongresa bili turizam (u prošloj godini gotovo 60.000 turista je došlo iz Kine, a oko 20.000 je bilo u Zagrebu) i zdravstveni turizam u Hrvatskoj (kako jeftine zdravstvene usluge za Kineze, tako i pokretanje zajedničkih projekata na otvaranju ordinacija tradicionalne kineske medicine u Hrvatskoj). CSEBA radi sa najvišim businessmenima Kine i Hrvatske od kojih je dio bio prisutan i na ovom kongresu, ima ogromnu moć i utjecaj, a i izuzetno su dobro organizirani.

    Glavnina projekata koji rade su investicije u hotele, turističke projekte, no i infrastrukturalen projekte (posljednji je u Luku Rijeku). Meni je za oko zapelo projekt koji se već provodi, a to je izgradnja hotela Hilton uz novi terminal Zračne luke Zagreb, koji je jedan od 20 top projekata koji koordinira CSEBA.

    1. Anonymous14:24

      To ne bi bilo lose, turistima je mnogo lakse da odsedaju u hotelu odmah pored aerodroma. Bezveze sto i u Beogradu to ne urade, transfer-putnicima bi bilo mnogo lakse da cekaju po 9-10 sati na svoj let, a i mogli bi da svrate do Beograda, bila bi dobra investicija.

    2. Anonymous14:33

      Sta ce Beogradu to kada je aerodrom da pljunes od grada. Da ne spominjem to sto duz autoputa, pre Gazele, imas Hyatt, Crowne Plaza i Holiday Inn.

    3. Anonymous14:49

      Mozda da se Hrvati ne bi hvalili da oni to imaju a mi ne kao da smo deca :|

    4. Anonymous15:46

      Svrha komentara je da u Beogradu jednostavno ne treba hotel na aerodromu jer ih imamo dosta u neposrednoj blizini.

    5. Anonymous16:38

      Ljudi, uvek je dobro imati Hilton, gde god i kad god.

      Pogotovo ako znamo da Beograd nema metro.

    6. Anonymous16:41

      Gde bre ti zivis i sta si video od sveta? Ima dosta hotela u blizini vecine velikih svetskih aerodroma pa opet ima razloga zasto ti aerodromi imaju hotel ili vise hotela bas na aerodromu! Ako nisi putovao imas internet pa se prvo raspitaj.

    7. Anonymous17:55

      Ima kada su sat voznje udaljeni od grada kao Malpensa ili Heatrow po 50 kilometara. Uostalom hotele ce graditi zainteresovane kompanije a ne aerodrom ili grad. Beogradski Hilton ce biti izgleda u Ruzveltovoj.

    8. Anonymous19:18

      Kad vec pominjes Hilton ovde, nece biti u Ruzveltovoj, vec na uglu Kralja Milana i Kralja Milutina... ;)

    9. Anonymous19:23

      Lele svega ima! Hitrou na 50km od grada? Pa grad je prakticno oko aerodroma, da je na 50km od grada napravili bi oni jos nekoliko pista! Ili mislis od centra grada? Pa nema mnogo gradova gde mogu sa ture pistu bas u centar grada, ali posto sam prosle godine isao u Boston, eto ga aerodrom na par kilometara vazdusnom linijom od samog centra. I na aerodromu nekoliko hotela!!! A tek La Gvardija, pa iz sobe u Meriotu mozes da gledas kao na dlanu kako slecu, ne vise od 200-300 metara od piste! A grad svuda oko tebe! Na LAX-u hoteli na samom aerodromu a grad svud okolo, samo predji dzadu I jos koliko hoces hotela. I tako dalje, ne znam gde da stanem... Boze svega ima ovde...
      A slazem se da hotel na beogradskom aerodromu treba da pravi investitor a ne grad ili aerodrom.

    10. Mala digresija, ali zarko me zanima koliko se ustvari isplati praviti hotel kod aerodroma kao sto je BEG ili ZAG. Ovi aerodrome su ipak udaljeni od centra grada (znaci nemogu ih koristitituristi koji posjecuju sam grad), neke industrije ima ali ne nesto specijalno… Slazem se da skoro svaki veci aerodrom svijetu ima hotel(e) vrlo blizu ili cak u sklopu aerodroma. Medjutim, protok putnika na tim aerodromima je puno veci i vjerovatno ga nije tesko napuniti. Zanimljivo bi bilo znati gdje je ta granica I koji jos faktori ulaze u analizu opravdanosti takve jedne investicije.

      Ja licno sam puno koristio aerodromeske hotele. Vrlo cesto se sastanci na koje idem odrzavaju tamo zato sto ljudi dolaze is raznih gradova pa je tako svima najjednostavnije I najjeftinije.

    11. Anonymous22:01

      U krugu kilometra od ZL Zagreb ima 8 hotela, a krugu 5 km (izvan pojasa grada) ima preko 20 hotela, od čega dobar dio sa 4 zvijezdice. Velika većina ih ima organiziran prijevoz iz zračne luke. No, aerodromski hotel (samo 2-3 minute od checki ina) je potpuno druga stvar.

    12. Anonymous22:33

      BEG niti je svetski aerodrom niti je toliko prometan da bi mu trebao aerodrom, posebno sto ce u buducnosti putnici uglavnom biti transferi tako da... bolje neka se dogradi i sredi parking kao i neka se pocisti smece na prilazu.

    13. Anonymous22:35

      *hotel na aerodromu

    14. Anonymous23:07

      Win-win: kome treba hotel na BEG, treba ga poslati vecernjim Air Serbia letom za Zagreb gde ce biti u Hiltonu na ZAG aerodromu, pa ce se ujutro vratiti Air Serbia letom za Beograd!

  9. Anonymous16:29

    OT: U Dubrovniku počelo postavljanje 2 aviomosta koji će biti u funkciji od decembra!

    1. Anonymous17:24

      Super, excellent upgrade! I hope BEG will upgrade their air bridges soon too, these on gates A6-A10 are really old.

  10. Anonymous16:38

    OT: Air Serbia online ad claims "best business class in Europe". If so, why is Air Serbia seating chart missing from SeatGuru, Seatexpert, skytrax, seatmaestro etc? First anniversary is over, let's tighten some screws here!

    1. Anonymous17:20

      Oh please, that is just marketing, are you so limited person?

    2. Anonymous17:43

      I am not limited as a business class customer. Not limited to an airline that has bold claims but fails to showcase them via essential travel tools business customers use when shopping around.

    3. Anonymous18:14

      'Best in Europe' would really be inappropriate wording. Are you sure it is exactly how they advertise it?

    4. Anonymous18:40

      Essentially the same as best in Europe. Here it is, verbatim: " najbolje opremljene biznis klase u Evropi..."

      BTW styling is almost identical to Emirates' "Hello tomorrow" online campaign.

    5. Anonymous18:54

      This is a sloppy job by the PR team. JU's C in-flight product is, indeed, one of Europe's best, wouldn't go that far to call it the best - but for sure it is better than any mainline EU carrier, such as LH, BA, AF, AZ. Perhaps TK is a strong competitor. Both in terms of the seat itself and catering & service.

      However, ground service is a different kind of animal. Priority check in is available, but no fast track passport control, priority boarding or luggage delivery. Lounge is there and it's decent, until you want shower facilities - or a bathroom for that matter.

    6. Anonymous18:54

      Etihad has terminated their cooperation with Skytrax some time ago.

    7. Anonymous19:07

      anon @ 6.54pm ....

      FYI, fast track facility at BEG airport is not determined by Air Serbia, rather, by the airport authority. Not one carrier operating from BEG has this possibility. At all other European airports where this facility is offered, Air Serbia provides it. It does have priority boarding and priority luggage tagging.

      But, the order that baggage exits on arrival is once again determined by the airport baggage handlers - not the airline.

      If you want to criticise, then do so over areas which is in the airline's sphere of control, not what it is hostage to and cannot control.

      And yes, TK product is excellent, but it is not exclusively a short haul European operator as is Air Serbia. It is not an apple to apple comparison.

      No other short haul European operator comes even close to Air Serbia's business class product.

    8. Anonymous19:12

      Oh and more thing to add that you criticized - the lounge. This is owned and operated by the Airport - the same lounge that all other airlines use.

    9. Anonymous19:21

      JU will open its own business class lounge at BEG soon.

    10. Anonymous19:33

      Regarding Skytrax: I don't trust them, but how about at least Seat Guru? They are part of Trip Advisor and I check Seat Guru as soon as I find top 2-3 options for my flights. Biz class does not go for lowest fare and it does make a difference if I can find cabin layout there or not.

    11. Anonymous19:40

      I've been told Air Serbia upcoming lounge will have windows and nice view of the C apron. Thumbs up!

    12. Anonymous20:58

      anon @ 7.40pm - unfortunately, this is not true. Only 1 option was provided by the airport authority, which is the space where the old airport lounge used to reside in the A apron

    13. Anonymous21:32

      Who is saying that TK has one of the best business class in Europe did he ever travel with it? As far as i know Turkey is not even in Europe for them to be taken as a 'European' company.

    14. Anonymous00:31

      Turky is not in Europe?

      Ataturk airport, hub of Turkish is not in Europe?


      I was flaying with Turkish and Air Serbia business class. Turkish is 5 star hotel comparing to Air Serbia. And Business clas lounge is woooow. Nothing can be compare to that! Just one who was not flying with Trkish business class can say something like you.

      Air Serbia to have real business class should:

      1. Make impressive VIP lounge
      2. Make VIP limo servise to airport (espetialy because taxi and bus service are very low quality)
      3. Make VIP limo trasport from VIP lounge to airplane
      4. Insist with Belgade airport to make business class prioriti police (passport) control.
      5. Must have business class in all plane and today we have 3 or even 4 Boeing 737-300 without it and all ATR with no business class at all.
      6. Must have business lounge pass for business passengers in airports where they have more than one flight per day (for example in Podgorica where they fly 3 flights per day they don't have business lounge).

    15. Anonymous09:00

      Geographically speaking, Turkish Airlines is a European carrier. Ideologically and mentally speaking, Turkey is not in Europe.

      Let's not kid ourselves. Turkish Airlines has undergone massive transformation over the past decade. Let's not forget what a crappy carrier they were back in early 2000s.
      Air Serbia is changing and with time it will keep on getting better. Obviously, no one expects Air Serbia to become the next TK but they will be a strong regional player with a few long-haul flights. In that category, they will be on top of the food-chain.

    16. Anonymous09:40

      @anonymous 7.07pm
      Well, to be precise priority baggage is under Air Serbia's control as complete ground handling service is provided by itself rather than the airport authority. Fast tracking can also be negotiated but there's no will or idea it's possible. Lounge can be built in the new terminal building so it's not quite true anonymous before you posted was wrong almost at all.

  11. A lot of this has to do with better schedules and prices between Sarajevo and Belgrade.

    Before Etihad took over Jat, it was as though they didn't want customers - midnight flight out of Belgrade, 6am flight out of Sarajevo. No possibility to go and come back the same day. Better just get a 6am bus from Belgrade.

    Now that that's changed, people are actually taking the flight.

  12. Anonymous19:51


    To all Etihad Guest members: Do you receive your miles automatically? If not, how long does the response take when you claim the ones missing? Thanks.

  13. Anonymous19:51

    OT; Nekoga cu obradovati a nekoga jako rastuziti .
    Prvi A330 stize u martu a prve route ce ici za Kinu koga zanimaju gradovi neka se javi =DDD

    1. Anonymous19:56

      Mene zanimaju gradovi.

    2. Anonymous20:07

      Reci, ali nadam se da imas dobre izvore za te informacije, ako je to tacno ocekujem za 3-4 sata da bombarduje sve vesti, za nas je A330 Bog aviona....

    3. Anonymous20:10

      Pa to su Kragujevacang, Čačaking, Nišhou, možda još neki ;)

    4. Anonymous20:13

      A ha ha duhovito, jos smesnije od INN-NSa licno, prevazisao si samog sebe. Btw to reci u jednom od komentara na oovom blogu kad eksplodira ovde vest da long haul letovi pocinju..

    5. Anonymous20:16

      Informacija jeste tacna ali ipak iz postovanja prema tim ljudima i ASL necu reci gradove nego cu reci da su 2 grada u Azija-Kina.
      A330 stize Mart-April naravno ovo nije 100% posto moze doci do neke promene .
      Znam i za Ameriku kad krece ali necu iz postovanja prema njima da kazem. Ovo je ozbiljno stvarno nadam se da nece procitati ovo i staviti u novine da nedodje do promene =D

    6. Anonymous20:19

      Odlicna vest ako je istina! Ipak verovarcu kad vidim informacije od ASL-a, verujem da ce objaviti to do kraja novembra ako je potvrdjeno, ipak treba vremena rasprodati te karte, to su ipak long-haul letovi.

    7. Anonymous20:25

      Upravo objavljeno, bravo INN i hvala na informacijama!!!!

    8. Anonymous20:28

      Mnogo vas je komicara nesto danas, idite budite 'smesni' negde drugde, ovde i jeste smesni ali verujem na nacin na koji ne bi zeleli da budete... Zasto ismevate tu tvrdnju? Sta je tu nemoguce da bi bilo smesno? Molim te daj argument, ne budi patetican!

    9. Gepek20:58

      that was quick!

    10. Anonymous22:10

      Prvi avioni za 4 meseca, to znaci da bi posade vec krenule ne skolovanje, da bi se karte prodavale (pa to je long haul), da bi se naveliko pripremala infrastruktura za isto... glupost

    11. Anonymous22:49

      You are all hilarious if you believe what that troll INN-NS says

    12. Anonymous23:40

      Hvala na uvredama .
      A330 stize u Martu-Aprilu ko hoce neka veruje posle to komentarisite to isto kad on dodje tad ;)

    13. Anonymous01:21

      INN-NS please slow down otherwise they will tell you to (in IATA codes):


    14. Anonymous01:25

      Where's the 'like' button when you need it?

  14. Anonymous22:57

    Can just someone tell me...Did I see somewhere here that INN-NS is fifteen year old?

    (I mean...full respect to teenage years!)

    1. Anonymous23:09

      Someone teased him that he was 15 but then he informed us all that he is actually 17. Though I find him rather immature for his age.


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