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Air China likely to launch Belgrade flights |
Air China could launch flights from Beijing to Belgrade in cooperation with Air Serbia, the CEO of Serbia’s national carrier, Dane Kondić, has said. The news comes a day ahead of the third annual summit of Chinese and Central and Eastern European leaders, which will take place in Belgrade on December 16 and 17. Speaking to the Chinese “Xinhua” news agency, Mr. Kondić said, “We are in the middle of concluding a codeshare partnership with Air China. We want to, they want to, and it is only a matter of finalising the details. We don't have wide-body aircraft in our fleet, so we are looking for an opportunity to work and partner up with a Chinese carrier”.
Initial discussion of a possible air link between China and Serbia began in late 2013, when the then CEO of Belgrade Airport, Velimir Radosavljević, told China Radio International there was a possibility for the Serbian capital to be linked with Beijing through Air China. In August 2014, the Serbian Civil Aviation Directorate signed a Memorandum of Understanding with its Chinese counterpart after talks, which were attended by both Air Serbia and Air China. The CEO of Serbia’s national carrier added, "We are always open to explore areas for further cooperation with our Chinese brothers", revealing that he will visit China in the first quarter of 2015 to meet with representatives from the civil aviation sector, banks, airlines and airplane manufacturers. Mr. Kondić also confirmed that he will attend the upcoming meeting between China and Central and Eastern European countries as well as a business forum in Belgrade, to be attended by 200 Chinese businessmen, where he hopes to meet representatives from several Chinese airlines and aircraft producers.
The last time a Chinese airline operated flights to Belgrade was prior to the collapse of the former Yugoslavia. Flights were initially launched from Beijing in the early 1980s by Air China’s predecessor CAAC and were operated with a Boeing 707 via Karachi. Later on, services were introduced from Urumqi via Budapest. On the other hand, JAT Yugoslav Airlines operated its final service to Beijing in late 2000. The airline resumed three weekly flights to the Chinese capital in the late 1990s and maintained services with a DC-10.
The Chinese have become our brothers? Hmm...
ReplyDeleteAir Serbia Ceo sure has a business plan.something that the Ceo Kucko of Croatia Airlines doesn't have wake up people of Croatia Airlines .
ReplyDeleteThat's true unfortunately he is linked politicaly to the government something that the Ceo of Air Serbia doesn't .business and politics don't go together
Deletebusiness and politics always go together, no matter if it is USA, China or Balkans
DeleteBut not when you got the position not due to your quality but due to your Political color
DeleteIs there a life feed/camera at Belgrade airport we can all tune in to ? life feed camera, something similar to Zagreb airport or Split, Dubrovnik airports ...
Makes sense. None of the countries in the region can generate the demand for year-long flights on its own. But it gets much different if you can fly the passengers to one destination and then quickly transfer them to the neighbouring capitals. All exYU capitals, plus Budapest, Bucharest, Sofia and Tirana could generate the demand required to fill a widebody 3-4x times per week (plus tourists in summer). Of course there are TK and OS to mind, but a little bit of competition can only be good for passengers. It is worth trying and can of easily be abandoned if there are no results.
ReplyDeleteAbsolutely wrong. Croatia has 54.000 Chinese tourists, and is having serious talks, through CSEBA, to at least triple that number. In addition to that, tourists from China are even more interested to visit Croatia during winter period, less in summer. Therefore, it might be true for other ex-Yu countries, but definitely not for Croatia that it cannot generate demand for year-long flights on its own. I don't claim those flights will start tomorrow, or even start at all, but yes, Croatia alone could sustain year-long flights to/from China on its own
DeleteBut then again they are late. If CA sarts Belgrade most Chinese tourists will come to Cro through...Bg.
DeleteAt this moment, ZAG airport is negotiating China service with China Southern (btw. the biggest in Asia, and the 3rd in the world by pax numbers). But, again, at this moment, those flights are IF flights, the same as IF flights are those of Air China to BEG. And even if Air China starts Belgrade, and China Southern doesn't start Zagreb, which I highly doubt, still majority of chinese tourist will not be coming to Cro through BEG, with all other and more convenient ways (direct charters, Aeroflot, Turkish, Qatar, and most of all same-alliance-flights (CA/OU/LH through MUC,FRA)
DeleteFunny enough, Qatar is making a killing at Zagreb airport, Turkish as well. It looks like now Turkish will up number of flights to Zagreb from 14 to 18 from April/May next year, they've already indicated they want to increase number of operations.
DeleteQatar Air is going with 5 direct flights to Zagreb and they might even go to daily flights soon enough, so much so FlyDubai has seen the opportunity, the only problem here is distance, are they sending a wide body to Zagreb ?
I am asking cause distance between the two cities is over 6 hours, and I am sure there are laws in place regarding number of work hours crew is allowed to perform in any given time.
I think they don't have widebodies. FlyDubai, I mean.
DeleteAnon 6:06
DeleteNo problem at all. Enjoy the tourists and never, ever even think of humiliating your highness with some regional cooperation.
DeleteBravo! The important thing here are only tourists from China who are coming to Croatia? Dude, flights which transport tourists have their name- they are usually charters. In the case of Air China's arrive at BEG, we are not talking about charters. There are some O&D passengers, transfer passengers who would travel with ASL/CA if the price is ok. I really do not see the whole point of your stupid comment.
FZ ima samo 738 nema ni jedan veci avion ni porucen to je partner firma EK.
"still majority of chinese tourist will not be coming to Cro through BEG, with all other and more convenient ways (direct charters, Aeroflot, Turkish, Qatar, and most of all same-alliance-flights (CA/OU/LH through MUC,FRA)"
DeleteWhy in the world do you consider as "more convenient" flights via the Gulf, MUC or FRA then via Belgrade almost non-stop, if not for the 30 min. on the Atr?
Talking about alliance, Air China is in the same alliance.
Are you sure? In an interview from couple of days ago, Kondic only mentioned codeshare is being worked on, not confirming Air China flights to Belgrade.
ReplyDeleteYou are right, the Chinese are not interested for the time being. However, things can change. You never know.
DeleteHe did actually; Mi nemamo širokotrupne avione za tako duge rute, tako da tražimo priliku da izgradimo saradnju i partnerski odnos sa kompanijom Air China
DeleteДа, траже прилику што значи да би ЈУ био заинтересован да се успоставе летови. Нигде није споменуто да је интересовање обострано.
DeleteWell the article doesen't say Air China is launching flights. It says "Air China COULD launch flights from Beijing to Belgrade in cooperation with Air Serbia"
Delete@Anon 9:25, zapravo jeste spomenuto da je obostrano: "We want to, they want to, and it is only a matter of finalising the details."
DeleteI very much doubt JU would give any significant publicity to this if it was just about adding Air China's flight nuber on the BEG-AUH service.
DeleteActually, since Air Serbia is key SNS and Vučić's project, I think it could just be what you have just mentioned.
DeleteI would like to be wrong.
I would have given you full credit if the Air China announcement was made by Vucic or Mali. But it was made by an Etihad executive who would think twice before making any announcements that could make him look like cheap manipulator. Politicians can afford such shameless games of words, professional executives can't. So let's be optimistic :)
DeleteIf that happens Athens will be dropped and served via BEG with a higher frequency cause there is no sense in the way it is:
Only sense is MUC and ATH are Star Alliance hubs and CA is it's member.
DeleteLet's hope this materializes and we'll have widebodies at BEG :)
Iran Air is a regular widebody (but cant get on a plane) and Turkish A330F is also regular widebody at BEG (but cant get on a plane unless you are a pallet). Bunch of VIP and cargo widebodies from time to time.
DeleteAnd what's the point of having widebodies, or narrowbodies, or turboprops, anything, anywhere, if you can't get on them?
DeleteWhat's the point? Ever heard of plane spotters? If Etihad brings A380 for a short visit there will be dozens if not more people all around the airport trying to take a picture.
DeleteIs Etihad happy about this?
ReplyDeleteMy guess is that Etihad doesn't really care. If you think about it, the routing from Belgrade to China via AUH is not direct at all. I am sure most passengers are taken away by Aeroflot and Turkish Airlines.
DeleteI'm pretty sure it's all being done with Etihad's blessing
DeleteZagreb this morning arrived with 61 passengers, 9 to Athens, 5 to Istanbul, 6 to Tirana, 7 to Bucharest and 8 to Stockholm. ;)
ReplyDelete26 were O&D? That's over 40%, not bad at all.
DeleteNo, no... 46/61 were transferring in Belgrade.
DeleteSo if I get it right, this is the second day in the row that ZAG has more than 60 passengers?!
DeleteSo the guy who persistently cried that Croats and other people from ex-Yu will not fly AirSERBIA (cause of the carrier's "nationalistic" name) is, not right! Happy for that!
DeleteZAG will be double Airbus this time next year. Looks like Kondic knows what he's doing.
DeleteI wish they will increase the frequency before they upguage. Air Serbia needs more ATRs so they can increase their frequency to Ljubljana, Zagreb, Prague, and Tirana.
DeleteJeli to greska na sajtu aerodroma ili stvarno LH salje svoj 733 za LYBE.
Није грешка. Луфтханса шаље D-ABEB, Б737-300 данас.
DeleteEvo jedno moje razmišljanje napisano za jedan drugi forum. Nema zlobe u njemu nimalo, samo razmišljanje naglas, koje ponavljam nakon par mjeseci. Naglašavam da sam ovo i ovdje napisao da će se situacija bitno izmeniti kada nafta naglo krene dolje, a što je neminovni podukt američke imperijalizacije i sukoba sa Rusijom još dok je nafta bila 180 USD barel. Hajde da izbjegnemo nacionalistička prepucavanja "čiji je veći" i trezveno razmislimo o ovome što se dešava i kakve će to imati posljedice na zrakoplovstvo u našoj regiji.
ReplyDeleteE to je ono što sam ja pisao prije par mjeseci. Rekao sam da je "uhodani" recept američkog imperijalizma manipuliranje cijelom nafte. Nisu to napravili prvi puta. Dakle visoka cijena jednako "porobljavanje" ostatka svijeta. Osiromašenje svih osim SAD-a (koji se rapidno bogati), a onda kupovina svega što vrijedi od strane SAD-a za kikiriki jer su svi očajni pa prodaju za bilo što samo da "ljudi rade". Na njihovu žalost to bogati njihovog najvećeg neprijatelja Rusije. Kako su i 19898/89. spuštanjem cijene nafte na rekordno nisu razinu uništili SSSR u samo godinu dana, tako i sada nafta ide naglo dolje. Već je ispod 60 USD za barel (bila je 180), a pasti će i na ispod 40, što je ispod svih isplativosti eksploatacije. I time će vrlo brzo završiti "sukob" u Ukrajini. Jer Rusija neće imati novaca. Da bi Rusija mogla ishendlati svoj trenutni proračun potrebna joj je cijena od 90 USD po barelu (OK, ovo je američii podatak, pa je pitanje kolka mu je točnost, ali svako sa 60 ili manje USD po barelu Rusija jest u velikim problemima).
To pogoduje nama (OU, LH i drugima), ali ne pogoduje MEB3, dakle ni Etihadu. Jednostavno se pipa zatvara, više ne curi nego kaplje. A kad nema lovice, onda se daleko teže uletava u riskantne businesse poput svih u koje je Etihad do sada uletio (a svi do jednog su riskantni, govorimo o ozbiljnim gubitašima koji su bili na samom dnu). Konačno, trebat će se odlučiti gdje utrpati to manje novaca koji će preostati (ako će ga uopće biti), a enormno mnogo će trebati za Air Berlin koji i dalje rapidno tone i Alitaliju koju tek trebaju sanirati. Konačno vrlo brzo će i Rusija biti u problemima i sva preostala sredstva utrošiti u sukob u Ukrajini, a onda neće biti više sredstava za pomoć Srbiji, svakako ne u obujmu kao danas. Tu bi mogli biti problemi i za Air Serbiu.
1) Nafta nikad nije bila $180.
Delete2) UAE cena kosta ja nafte za barel je par dolara.
3) UAE ima Sovereign Wealth Fund sa >$800b AUM sto je najveci buffer posle norveskog.
4) Etihad je dugorocni projekat, ne kratkorocno spekulativno poslovanje. Nafta je jedno vreme bila jeftinija nego danas (posle okupacije Iraka), da li su MEB3 tada propali?
Inace, Rusija ne donira Srbiji jedan jedini dolar godisnje.
DeleteНа крају крајева ова криза ће више нашкодити западу него Русији. То је примарно зато што су је сада приморали да се окрене другим државама, примарно Индији и Кини (више него раније). Ето, одличан пример је то што ће произвоња Сухоја бити пребачена или у Кину или у Индију. Тако ће заобићи све препреке.
DeleteНо добро, што се тиче Етихада, они су свој чек добили још пре неколико година. Не исплаћује им шејк кинту на месечно нивоу па да их то дотакне. Исто тако, Етихад је профитабилна фирма тако да су смањили зависност од државних субвенција.
- Dopuna
DeleteCena nafte od 1998. do početka 2013. godine:
DeleteVećina tvog posta ima jako malo veze sa avio biznisom a mnogo više sa politikom. Ono malo što ima veze sa avio biznisom ostavio si potpuno nedorečeno i bez objašnjenja.
Na osnovu čega tvrdiš da pad cene nafte ne pogoduje MEB3? Koja će se to pipa zatvoriti zato što je cena nafte pala? Pipa sa koje oni dobijaju naftu je toliko jeftina da nema te cene na tržištu koja je može ugroziti, osim ako USA ne odluče da nafta ima biti besplatna za sve.
Kakve veze ima cena nafte sa Etihadovim ulaganjima? Etihad ne prodaje naftu pa da ulaže od tog novca. Oni zajmove dobijaju od državnih banaka koje im sigurno neće uskratiti finansije jer je cena nafte pala.
MEB3 ovaj udar na cenu nafte neće ni osetiti, kao što ni prethodni nisu osetili. Na drugoj strani će evropski prevoznici neko vreme imati benefit u vidu manjih troškova ali to smanjenje će iskoristiti ili za maksimizaciju profita ili za ublažavanje gubitaka. Sigurno neće krenuti da spuštaju cene karata kako bi naudili MEB3.
Boze mili sta ste navalili na Purgera. Covjek ima neko razmisljanje, ali cinjenica da je razlicito od vaseg neznaci da je 100% ni u pravu ni u krivu. Na kraju krajeva ovo nije matematika da je tacnost neupitna. Neke stvari vjerovatno nisu tacne kao npr. $180 za barel ali dobro to se lako preskoci.
DeleteLicno mislim da Etihadovo ulaganje u ASL je relativno sigurno jer je manje vise vec realizovano (sto su dali dali su), ne cini pretjerano puno zive love itd itd. Kad govorimo o Air Berlin I pogotovo AlItalia gdje ta ulaganja tek predstoje, mozda to vec i nije tako cisto sbzirom na kolicinu para koje su ukljucene. Sa druge strane, sporazumi su vec potpisani I siguran sam da postoje veliki penali da se iz njih izadje. Tako da kad se sve podvuce, milsim licno da Etihad nastavlja sa onim sto je poceto (neznam dali imaju I izbora uopste), ali neko novo ulaganje (tipa neke juzno americke kompanije) je vjerovatno na cekanju.
Sa druge strane, netreba zaboraviti da je jedan od najvecih troskova svake avio kompanije gorivo. Procjene su da u prosjeku to iznosi i do 1/3 svih troskova neke firme. U pitanju JP, OU a pogotovo JU mozda cak i vise jer su plate relatvno niske u poredjenju na svjetski nivom. Tako da sto se tice ASL-a mislim da je pad cjena nafte za njih samo pozitivna stavka jer odjednom su im troskovi puno manji a u isto vrijeme nije da bas lete na sve oil producing trizista (sem Abu Dhabija i Moskve) tako da generalno nece vidjeti kneki ogroman pad koji ce negirati to smanjenje cjena goriva.
Meni je jako zanimljivo pitanje, sta se mjenja po pitanju ostalih regionalnih kompanija I njihovih privatizacionih procesa. Dali npr, QR (ako je uopste zainteresovan) sad gleda na sve ovo i ostavlja to za bolja vremena. Sa druge strane, OU je mali I relatvno jeftino ulaganje koje oni vjerovatno lako progutati ez pomoci banaka itd ali dali zele pogotovo kad se uzme u obzir velike narudzbe I njihovo finansiranje koje im predstoji. Mozemo li ocekivati povecan interes tzv. instituacialnih investitora tj. raznih fondova? Oni generalno gledaju bottom line onli I nacin kako da “zacas” zarade.
- matematika je da nafta nikada nije bila 180 za barel. Ni 170. Ni 160. Ni 150.
Delete- matematika je da je Etihad osnovan kada je nafta bila 40 dolara. Eto koliko bogatim Arapima znači cena nafte kao merilo za ulaganja u aviokompanije.
- matematika je da stanje Ruskog budžeta nema veze ni sa SRB budžetom, a kamoli sa Air Serbia. Matematika je da ni 1 dolar iz RUS ne ide za budžet SRB.
A, na te tri matematika je bazirao čitav svoj post....samo na nekim njegovim matematikama koje su pogrešne. Zato mu je i ceo post, tj. njegov sadržaj pogrešan, budalaština.
p.s. Gospoda se inače nikada ne uvrede kada mu objektivno primete da mu je post budalaština (pun netačnih informacija), već gledaju da ubuduće ne lupetaju baš zato da bi ga i dalje shvatali kao čoveka koji zna o čemu piše.
DeleteAnon 7:40
DeleteCinjenica da je Etihad osnovan kad je nafta bila $40 sam po sebi nista ne govori. Kao ni ja, nemas pojma sta je bio cilj na pocetku i dali su se apetiti znatno povecali kad je ta cjena otisla gore.
SM, probaj da shvatiš da cena nafte na svetskom tržištu nema ama baš nikakav uticaj na MEB3 i njihove biznis modele. Etihad je državni projekat kao i gomila drugih projekata pokrenutih u UAE. Finansira se iz državnih fondova koji su odlično hedžovani za slučaj potresa na tržištu kao što je ovaj trenutni. Niska cena nafte pogoduje pre svega evropskim i azijskim prevoznicima a za MEB3 je to 'ni iz džepa ni u džep'.
DeleteEvo probaću, ali šta nemogu da shvatim kako ti i drugi ovdje sa takvom sigurnošću tvrde nešto što nema šanse da znaju osim ako su članovi najuzeg rukovodstva neke kompanije ili članovi kraljevske familije ali nema veze.
DeleteStvar je u tome sto cak i da budzet UAE ode u deficit (a nece) oni imaju toliko ogroman buffer (premo $800b u JEDNOM investicionom fondu) da se to nikako ne koze odraziti na Eithad, koji je za njih sicusna kompanija sto se tice cash flowa. Ako Emirates u, za Abu Dhabi, siromasnom Dubai nije propao 2008. kada je Dubai bio na rubu bankrota, Etihadu sad nista ne moze da bude.
DeleteDruga stvar je u tome sto u avio biznisu, zahvaljujuci leverageu, vi mozete da uradite jako mnogo sa jako malo. Air Serbia sa equity investicijom od ~$100m je vec dobila 10 Airbusovak narucila 10 novih u vrendnosti od $1b, narucice widebody avione kad tad, a i narrowbody narudzba ce se verovatno prosiriti (uz vec realnu kupovinu novih ATR-ova). Paralelno sa tim, AS ce vrlo brzo biti cashflow pozitivan. I to za godinu dana sa $100m. Sta onda moze da se kupi sa par milijardi? Za Abu Dhabi, to su trivijalni iznosi. Nisu oni ulozili $500b u Etihad pa da se sad mole Bogu da im taj biznis ne propadne ili da zamrzavaju planove za ekspanziju zbog loseg stanja cene nafte.
Anonymous @ 7:40pm
DeletePrava Gospoda bi objasnila to što ste Vi hteli bez korišćenje reči koje ste koristili.
Što ste napeli na Purgera. Dobro čovijek je vjerovatno spomenuo cijenu koja je uvrečana za postorak Agencije za obvezne zalihe nafte i naftnih derivata, lapsus, ništa strašno. No, isto tako niz argumenata stoji. U svakom slučaju kada je Etihad pokrenut (dok je nafta bila 40 USD po barelu) pokrenut je sa dva aviona koji su ostvarivali 10 tjednih letova. Apetiti, odgovor na Emiratesovu ekspanziju... porasli su samo zahvaljujući prebogatoj državi koja iza toga stoji i koja si je mogla dozvoliti investiciju prvenstveno rade visoke cijene nafte. Pa svi znamo o kojem se iznosu investicije radi, a možemo onda tek pretpostavljati koji je sveukupan iznos prikrivenih, polujavnih i javnih subvencija. Naime, Etihad dobiva prejeftino gorivo u AUH to se neće mijenjati, ono neće postati jeftinij, no ispovremeno dobiva niz subvencija, a to se može promijeniti ako državna blagajna neće imati odakle crpiti enormna sredstva. E sad, da je to presudno nije. NIti će Etihad propasti, niti će to utjecati na Air Serbiu, i tu se ne slažem sa Purgerom. Tu se neće desiti efekt Swissaira. Ali će iz pipe teći bitno manje. Mislim da će to više utjecati na Air Berlin i Alitaliu nego na Air Serbiu.
DeleteA što se Rusije tice, ne radi se samo o investicijama, kreditima (nemalo puta Rusija je izvukla Srbiju kreditima za penzije i druge potrebe, pa do tako banalnih stvari kao što su akomulatori za Mig 29, o ovoj nesretnoj poplavi da i ne govorimo). E pa to će se teško ubuduće dešavati, i tu se slažem sa Purgerom.
@ SM:
DeleteOno o čemu ja govorim nisu nikakve top secrets iz kraljevske porodice UAE već zaključci doneti na osnovu javno dostupnih informacija. Purger je takodje doneo svoje zaključke na osnovu javno dostupnih informacija ali su mu zaključci bili pogrešni :)
Ova priča o Rusiji nema nikakvih dodirnih tačaka ni sa JU ni sa avijacijom u exYU regionu, tako da ne vidim svrhu upuštanja u taj deo diskusije.
Da ali i dalje je to tvoj zakljucak koji si ti napravio na osnovu necega sto je receno. Ja licno sam toliko siguran samo u ono sto licno cujem. U danasnje vrijeme u medijima se mogu citi razno razne stvari koje se tamo stavljaju iz raznoraznih razloga, ali na kraju nije to ni bitno jer cini mi se da je za veliku vecinu ljudi iskljucivost #1 osobina.
DeleteOT: Vezano za predaju Croatia Airlines!
Nece niko kupiti CTN oni su zatvoreni sa svih strana sa jakim igracima. A i LH nebi dozvolila da joj neku ugrozava OS.
Boring, boring, boring. Would have liked to see your great comment when JAT was desperately trying to find an investor. Many times.
DeleteYet it found it in the end.
DeleteDon't get me wrong, I am happy about that. Not everybody here is so obsessed.
DeleteAnd so may OU.
DeleteOf course Croatia Airlines could find a buyer, every airline can find a buyer if the the price is right. What I don't think that OU can find is a buyer that is willing to invest and risk a lot of money for expansion.
DeleteOT: Skp 11.2014 - 86.857 +21,03%
ReplyDeleteMore than LJ (84.507). Bravo!
DeleteAny reason why BEY was so late today, Larnaca as well?
ReplyDeleteDid anyone notice that BEG.aero stopped publishing gates?
DeleteAmsterdam took-off 3 hours late, good memories of the summer.
DeleteThe plane had some technical problems and then it lost the slot.
DeleteThe same A320 that made the BEY flight, did it also had some problems there?
DeleteNo, it just departed late from Belgrade and its turnaround time in BEY is too short.
DeleteAt what time the Chinese plane lands and what type?
ReplyDeleteAccording to RTS, Air China Boeing 747-400 is scheduled to land at 19:50.
DeleteThe aircraft B-2447, took off from Astana at 19:29 local time. The aircraft is now in Turkish Airspace
Zna li neko sta je sa FB stranicom nostalgičara JAT-a, objavljivali su zanimljive stare slike a onda nestali?
ReplyDeleteBice sutra zanimljiv dan za Srpsku Aviaciju.
A sho? Stize A330?
DeleteChina and South and East Europe summit in Belgrade. There will be a lot of government and business jets visiting.
DeleteIma veze sa samitom ali zato sto dolaze sirokotrupci nego i za ASL.
Ima veze sa samitom ali ne zato sto dolaze sirokotrupci nego i za ASL.
Vidi ovu pametnu izjavu, svaka ti se pozlatila. Znaci EY daje 777-200LR ASL-u da bi ASL leteo za AKL?!?! Sta je sledece, da ce ASL da leti za Kinu?!?!?
Delete"AnonymousNovember 17, 2014 at 5:43 PM
Drago ce mi biti ako sam pogodio da ce uzeti 2-3 777-200LR od EY =D
Mesecni leasing za 772LR je 0.800 do 1.200 mil $ .
Ja mislim da tu routu za AKL hoce EY da leti ASL zato sto oni ne lete tamo pa bi mozda to ovako izledalo BEG-AUH-AKL-AUH-BEG to bi bio pun pogodak i za jedne i druge .
Air China's A330-200s have 207 economy and 30 business seats. I think that Air China could start 3 weekly PEK-BEG and fill the planes up well. At least 100 of those seats could go to O/D between China and Serbia. China has some big construction projects in Serbia, such as the Second Danube bridge in Belgrade, and large sections of the A2 Belgrade-Bar motorway. The other half of the plane could be filled up Air Serbia's feed from Ljubljana, Zagreb and the rest of Croatia, Sarajevo, Tirana, Montenegro, Skopje, and also Air Serbia's Western European destinations.
ReplyDeleteI fully agree! Especially if the flights are followed with extensive code share agreement. I think it would predominantly serve the Balkan region, with the focus on Croatian coast. I was wishing that PEK or PVG are first JU long-haul destinations but I would be happy for this as well.
DeleteThis summer I flew to PVG from BEG with EY. Those were excruciating 20+ hours. CA would be an awesome addition to BEG airport and JU as a partner
Mark my words, it may be even more than 4 weekly. I'm looking at a 5/w frequency.
DeleteHey guys, I bought a ticket from BEG to YYZ via AMS for 490 euros. Travelling times are in February 5 and return May 2. Do you think that is an ok prices considering that those are kind of dry months for aviation. Also which sites you use to book tickets?
ReplyDeleteI think that that is holy cheap!
DeleteYou did good. I checked the some dates myself the other day but only in the oposite direction and found the ticket for CAD$ 682!!!. I'll just tell you that since 2000 I've never heard anyone pay less then $800-850. Also, CAD $ lost about 15% when compared to the US$ recently.
DeleteComparing to prices to JFK, you made a great deal! The cheapest ticket I have ever heard of someone buying from JFK-BEG was this year with LX JFK-ZRH-BEG for 484 EUR :))
DeleteYou lucky bastard :D
Jel to via AMS sa KLM :)
DeletePosto kad sa njima letite u business class mozete da idete u cockpit.
Ok thanks for the input guys! Yea its with KLM. I had the privilege to fly with their MD-11 last summer which is now unfortunately retired. To be honest those aircraft were showing age but for an aviation enthusiasts it was a great experience.
DeleteIzvinite jel avion koji obavlja taj let za YYZ A330 od KLM.
From AMS to YYZ 747 will operate ( I am presuming the combi version) and on the way back airbus 330-300
DeleteTalking of cheap air fares, I think I found the cheapest one. This March I am going to DC from Belgrade.
DeleteI fly Belgrade-Amsterdam-Minneapolis-DCA-Detroit-Amsterdam-Belgrade!
I am still in shock at how cheap it was.
Forgot to add, it's €516.
Delete668 USD !! Washington DC Dulles - Beograd VIA Moscow with Aeroflot for April... 718 for summer!! all RT.. flew with them on this route last summer, very professional airline!! can chose Air Serbia for connections after they add the codeshare online.. they also offer cheap flights from JFK LAX and I believe Miami...
DeleteOverall we can conclude from this that air tickets to and from BEG are dirt cheap all the time except June, July, and August due to good old gajstrabajters :P.
Deletefalse... I am one of those "gajstrabajters" and I flew last summer into BEG in July, returned mid August.... paid 850 USD from IAD to Belgrade, Aeroflots prices are mainly consistent through the summer....
Delete^ Aeroflot is not flying to Toronto anymore, nor is Ukraine International and during summer prices are really expensive. Last summer when Aeroflot was there the other airlines lowered their prices, but now for the next summer prices range from 1150-1400 dollars
DeleteUmm... talking about cheep tickets (though not to/from North America): I just came back from India. BEG-BRU-BOM/BOM-CDG-BEG for 256 euros. AirSerbia (BEG-BRU and CDG-BEG) and JetAirways (BRU-BOM and BOM-CDG) :)
DeleteThat is a sweet deal, but nowadays flights from BEG to Asia are getting cheaper each day. Flights to and from Toronto are getting more expensive each day so that guy still got a better deal for 490 euros
DeleteFor the record, CAAC's first flight to BEG was flown on in August 1972 with an IL-62 on the routing Peking-Karachi-Beograd-Bucharest, Subsequent route and/or aircraft changes were as follows:
ReplyDelete01 May 1978 PEK-KHI-BEG-ORY B-707
04 May 1978 PEK-URC-BEG-ZRH B-707
07 Nov 1979 PEK-THR-BEG-ZRH B-707
01 Apr 1982 PEK-KHI-BEG-ZRH B-707
01 Nov 1985 PEK-KHI-BEG-BUH IL-62 (replaced with B-767 effective 02 Mar 1989).
JAT's first flight to PEK was an Air Yugoslavia charter on 11 Dec 1971 on the route BEG-KHI-PEK with a B-707. The first scheduled flight was operated on the same route on 30 Apr 1979 (JU 610, B-707).