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Brussels Airlines to operate six weekly flights to Zagreb in 2015 |
Brussels Airlines will inaugurate flights to Zagreb from September 20, 2015. The Belgian carrier and Star Alliance member will operate six weekly flights between Brussels and the Croatian capital. It will codeshare with Croatia Airlines on the route and offer an afternoon departure from Monday to Friday and on Sundays as well. Services will run with an Airbus A319, which has the capacity to seat 141 passengers and operates in an all-economy class layout. Tickets are already on sale. In October, Brussels Airlines announced it would operate seasonal summer flights to Dubrovnik starting April 25. The service will initially run once per week before increasing to two on June 16. It will operate with a mix of A319 and Avro RJ 100 aircraft.
Commenting on the new addition to its network, Brussels Airlines said, “Zagreb is the 18th European capital that Brussels Airlines will connect to Brussels, and the third capital in Eastern Europe, following Warsaw and Riga. Unlike Dubrovnik, Zagreb is a destination for business tourism, economic events and commercial trade fairs”. It added, “The flight schedule allows convenient connections to a significant number of other destinations within the Brussels Airlines network”. The Belgian carrier operates a sizable number of flights into Africa and maintains services to New York in the United States, which could prove popular with connecting passengers from Croatia.
Despite the codeshare partnership, Brussels Airlines will compete directly against Croatia Airlines on the route. Since joining the European Union last year, the Croatian carrier has introduced additional flights to Brussels and maintains eleven weekly services (morning and evening) between the two capitals throughout the year. They operate with a Bombardier Dash 8 turboprop aircraft. The route is popular with EU bureaucrats travelling between the two cities. Brussels Airlines joins a growing list of carriers to launch flights to Zagreb. Only this year the likes of KLM, Eurolot, Air Serbia and Flydubai introduced services to the city. Lufthansa owns a 45% stake in Brussels Airlines. Flight details for the new service can be found here.
I'm wondering what OU's response will be? Ticket prices are outrageous on this route.
ReplyDeleteCroatia Airlines Fail
DeleteYesterday in Zagreb:
Zagreb Airport has really awesome snow removal team. You can see it in this timelapse video
Good news! :)
ReplyDeleteHere are some pictures of Yamal's landing in Nis. I really like the livery on the A320.
Hope more of them are to come.
Here are some more:
And a video of the landing:
164 passengers arrived, 86 departed.
DeleteObzirom na totalnu stagnaciju CTN-a, te enormnu ekspanziju Air Serbie i BEG mislim da bi MZLZ trebala poraditi na tome da dovuće što više kompanija u Zagreb. Koji su realni prijevoznici:
Pegasus - Istanbul
- poharao je cijelu regiju, leti za SKP, SJJ, PRN, BEG, OTP, SOF..., ZAG je logičan izbor
- nema konkurencije u CTN, dva dnevna leta TK za IST nisu mnogo, daleko veću konkurenciju su imali u svim ostalim gradovima exYu
Aegean - Atena
- izuzetno se brzo šire
- Star Alliance, code-share na CTN
- dva glavna grada EU
Air Bulgaria - Sofija
- 100-seater je idealan za ovu liniju, a oni ih imaju
- dva glavna grada EU
- nema konkurencije
- ZAG ozbiljno fale konekcije na Istok
TAROM - Bucharest
- ATR je odličan avion za ovu liniju (za početak imaju i ATR-42 koji nezaposleno čuče na OTP, a kasnije mogu preći na isplativi ATR-72)
- dva glavna grada EU
- nemaju konkurencije
- ZAG ozbiljno fale konekcije na Istok
ČSA - Prag
- PRG je definitivno destinacija koja može i mora imati vezu sa ZAG
- ČSA jest u ogromnim problemima, ali isto tako ima brdo viška kapaciteta zbog smanjenja prometa prema Rusiji i Ukrajini koji su bili glavna tržišta ČSA
- nemaju konkurencije
- dva glavna grada EU
Finnair - Helsinki
- odlična povezanost sa Azijom
- dva glavna grada EU
SAS ili Norwegian - Stockholm i Oslo
- vrlo bogato tržište, gospodarske veze
- turizam
- nemaju konkurencije
- Stockholm dva glavna grada EU
- u slučaju SAS Star Alliance, code-share sa CTN
Germanwings, Lufthansa ili Air Berlin - Dussleldorf
- ogromna hrvatska dijaspora
- vrlo bogato tržište, gospodarske veze
- turizam
- nemaju konkurencije
- u slučaju Germanwings ili Lufthanse Star Alliance, code share sa CTN
Swiss ili Darwin - Geneva
- sjedište niza međunarodnih organizacija
- dijaspora
- vrlo bogato tržište
- turizam
- nemaju konkurencije
- u slučaju Swissa Star Alliance, code share sa CTN
Brussels - Brussels
- sjedište EU
- CTN ekstremno skupa
- Star Alliance, code share sa CTN
Iberia ili Vueling - Madrid (sa sezonske u cjelogodišnju)
- turizam (velik broj Španjolaca dolazi u ZAG)
- dva glavna grada EU
- nemaju konkurencija
Alitalia - Rim i Milano
- turizam
- Rim dva glavna grada EU
- Milano, nema konkurencije
Montenegro - Podgorica
- već su najavili letove za ZAG
- svakako bi im bilo pametno što više vezati se na ZAG i CTN kako bi smanjili ekspanziju Air Serbije u TGD i TIV
- najavili su mogućnost i pokoje linije iz ZAG na treće destinacije što vi bilo win-win kako za njih tako i za ZAG
- code-share ne CTN
Aer Lingus - Dublin
- dva glavna grada EU
- nemaju konkurencije
flyBe - Manchester
- turizam
- nemaju konkurencije
- flyBe se ozbiljno razvija, te širi svoj hub u MAN, a nije prisutan u ovoj regiji
Icelandair ili Wow - Reykjavik
- obije kompanije imaju savršene i jeftine veze prema SAD i Kanadi i na tome grade mrežu
- turizam
- nisu prisutni u široj regiji
- žele li se dalje širiti (zapad su već "poharali" moraju krenuti na istočne destinacije, a ZAG je tu svakako odlična opcija)
Air Baltic - Riga
- vrlo razvijena mreža iz vlastitog huba sa velikim brojem konekcija
- izašli su iz krize
- nisu prisutni na ovom tržištu
Air Malta - Malta
- turizam
- realna je samo ljetna sezonska linija
Air France - Toulouse ili Nica
- ovo je već vrlo nevjerovatno, poglavito radi relativno malo destinacija koje se lete iz ovih zračnih luka
- činjenica je da nema prisustva na ovom tržištu (VCE i VIE su najbliže sezonske destinacije), a najbliže destinacije CDG, BCN i FCO su vrlo daleko, dakle opcije za putovanja su vrlo skupe
- vlasnici MZLZ su Francuzi, pa to može biti motivirajuća činjenica
- za ovako nešto trebalo bi dati maksimalne popuste ili čak poticaje
Delete- easyJet je svakako najbolja opcija po ZAG
- Norwegian traži bazu u Istočnoj Europi, ZLZ bi se trebala ubiti da ju dobije obzirom da je Norwegian izvrstan prijevoznik, sa odličnom strategijom, uslugom i inteligentnim načinom širenja
* možda čak i linije iz ZAG u regiji, pa i jedna-dvije linije sa 3 frekvencije za SAD iz ZAG (naručili su vrlo mnogo dodatnih 787)
- Transavia također traži nove baze , u iduće dvije godine otvoriti će 6 novih baza izvan Francuske i Nizozemske, a logičan izbor bi bio obzirom na francuskog koncesionara u MZLZ
- Vueling, šire se, no upitno je koliko smo im interesantni obzirom na blizu bazu u FCO
- Germanwings, zašto ne, kao prva ozbiljna baza izvan Njemačke
- Wizzair, kao specijalista za istočno tržište, a obzirom da na vrlo malenom prostoru imamu mnogo baza (OTP, SOF, BUD, BEG, TZL, SKP) nije nevjerovatno da baziraju jedan avion i u ZAG
- Ryanari, radije ne, ali obzirom na njihovu ekspanziju nije nevjerovatno
- daleko više charter kompanije koje bi odvozila turiste iz Hrvatske preko ZAG umjesto preko LJU i to za Grčku, Tursku, Egipa, Tunis, Maltu, Kanarske otoke
- sa TZGZ poraditi na linijama iz Europe, Azije i Amerike za turiste koji dolaze u ZAG (kao što je to slučaj sa Koreanom i JAL-om)
Egyptair - Cairo
- turizam
- Star Alliance i code-share sa CTN
- ZAG enormno fali veza na Jug, poglavito sa konekcijama prema Africi
Air Canada ili Air Canada Rouge - Toronto
- ogromna hrvatska dijaspora, te dijaspora svih naroda exYU
- Hrvatska ne treba viza za Kanadu pa je ZAG daleko bolja opcija nego gradovi u regiji
- turizam
- Star Alliance i code-share na CTN
Delta, Virgin Atlantic, American, United, Singapore - New York
- ogromna hrvatska dijaspora, te dijaspora svih naroda exYU
- uskoro ukidanje viza za SAD
- turizam
- u slučaju Uniteda Star Alliance i code-share na CTN
Singapore - Singapore
- ukoliko bi se linija SIN-FRA-JFK prebacila na SIN-ZAG-JFK to bi bila odlična opcija kako za naše veze prema JFK, tako i za veze prema Dalekom Istoku, a ozbiljno bi smanjila rizik lega ZAG-JFK
- SIN ima već zasičen broj linija prema FRA, a u ovoj regiji nema ništa, to bi bio i odličan potez prema MEB3
- via SIN velika dijaspora u Australiji
- Star Alliance i code-share na CTN
neka od Kineskih kompanija - Peking
- obzirom na širenje Kineskih kompanija ovo i nije tako nevjerovano
- gospodarstvo, turizam
Korean - Seoul
- trenutno 75.000 turista iz Koreje u Hrvatskoj, većina u ZAG
- obzirom da ima je rast oko 30% godišnje, za očekivati je da će ova brojka vrlo brzo prerasti 100.000 posjeta
- samim time charteri mogu prerasti u redovnu liniju, barem sezonski
- svakako bi im bilo pametno što više vezati se na ZAG i CTN kako bi smanjili ekspanziju Air Serbije u TGD i TIV
DeleteI don't see how they could ever compete with Air Serbia here. They could offer what, three to four weekly flights at most. On the other hand, Air Serbia has two daily flights to Zagreb and then 7 daily to Montenegro. It would be way more convenient if passengers just went via Belgrade as it provides them with more flexibility.
I don't see Bulgaria Air flying to Zagreb. They are too conservative and they are more concentrated on ethnic travel. A likely candidate is Tarom but who knows.
The only one I don't understand is Pegasus. In my opinion they should have launched Zagreb ages ago.
Purger, imaš li ti kakva saznanja o pregovorima rukovodstva MZLZ-a s Finnair-om, ČSA, Alitalia o kojima je netko već nekoliko puta pisao na ovom blogu? Usput, hvala na detaljnoj analizi i trudu u gornjim postovima!
DeleteAlthough Coratia is indeed more developed than most of the Balkans, I think Finnair is really not so likely. For the same reasons Air Lingus won't be appropriate.
Because every destination outside of Zagreb/Belgrade has a strong base in either diaspora, business or tourism (like Portugal for people from Belgrade). You cannot rely the whole route completely on connecting passengers. It is not that Asia is a place where hundreds of thousands Croats live. Neither there are a lot of Croatian immigrants there.
Also Air Lingus, to my knowledge, I think there are still not so many Croats there. As for connections to America, there are other companies that Croats already use.
So the key is at least MINIMUM O&D passengers!
Maybe Air Serbia did not have a lot of O&D passengers to Israel, Warsaw, Beirut, but it could afford it because of Etihad and dumping prices. Then, step by step, brand awareness starts to grow, and only then you can think about some exotic destinations.
Also I think Sofia and Riga being not so likely. Sofia because neither Bulgaria relies on transit pax, neither there are any O&D between the countries.
DeleteRiga... It is more probable than Sofia but not enough. What Air Baltic has to offer to Croats is Chisinau, Kiev, Minsk, Tbilisi, Moscow. Not so attractive.
The reason why Croatia lacks eastern destinations is the nature of its economy itself: it is western oriented. Even if there would be 200 people who would be flying to Air Baltic destinations, they would be really scattered across dates. And some of them would use Star alliance hubs.
The rest is okay. Good luck to Zagreb!
airBaltic might come if the conditions are right. I mean, they already serve some rather exotic destinations such as Poprad and they flew to Balaton.
DeleteWhen it comes to our region, airBaltic flies to Budapest and Bucharest while they seem to struggle big time in OTP. They have even suspending all flights throughout February.
The thing with Zagreb is that EuroLot beat them to it. These two carriers would compete for, more or less, the same market.
I remember airBaltic had an average loadfactor of 75% in Belgrade. The problem is that the yields were catastrophic and the airline chose not to return. Interestingly enough, airBaltic has just suspended their Aberdeen route. They are in a precarious position so I am not too sure if they are willing to engage themselves in yet another adventure.
Like I said, it all depends on what Zagreb airport management offers to them. Maybe they will wait until their C-series are delivered next year.
Kada bi Baltic leteo za Toronto, Njujork, LA, onda bi i moglo, jer su to izuzetno privlačne destinacije za Hrvate i za ceo region.
DeleteOvako, Riga je nepeivlačna O&D linija koja nudi konekcije ka takođe neprivlačnim destinacijama. I tu je kraj priče.
Čak i se i Aerosvit mučio sa Beogradom, a znamo da je nudio konekcije ka Moskvi, Pekingu, Petersburgu...
airBaltic currently offers flights to New York through its codeshare with Uzbekistan.
DeleteTurkmenistan is set to launch its own flights to Toronto via Riga and BT plans on codesharing.
Also, airBaltic has an extensive network throughout the Nordic countries which could be interesting for Croatian travellers but there are currently enough alternatives so...
DeleteI wanted to say "koja nudi >jedinstvene< konekcije ka takođe neprivlačnim destinacijama. I tu je kraj priče.
So yeah, we basically talk about the same thing..
Naglašavam da su Air Baltic i Aer Lingus navedeni u kategoriji "MANJE VJEROJATNI"!!! I tu se slažemo
DeleteNo, za Finnair se ne slažem. Razlozi zašto je Finnair vjerovatan:
1. Odlična povezanost sa Azijom, što znači da bi dobar dio putnika letio iz ZAG via HEL za Aziju, ne samo za Skandinaviju.
2. Povezivanje dva glavna grada Europske unije nije glupa stvar jer političke, vojne, znanstvene, obrazovne i ine veze članica EU se izuzetno jake pa je i broj takvih putnika među njima velik. Ovo će se još povečati kada u Zagreb dođu najavljeni uredi EU.
3. Gospodarske veze između Finske i Hrvatske su dosta jake. Gospodarska razmjena je 70 milijuna EUR godišnje, ali ubrzano raste. Stoga je 2013. osnovana Team Finnland (prema inicijativi Finskog veleposlanstva u Hrvatskoj) koji se bavi investicijama Finske u Hrvatsku i obratno. Najveće finske kompanije u Hrvatskoj su Lindex, Lindstrom, Alma Media, Patria.
4. Turizam je ogromna grana koja će puniti putnike. Ljeti uopće nije upitna linija, a zimi via ZAG do Jadrana mogu će prijevoz turista. Zbog oštre skandinavske klime ogorman je broj turista iz Skandinavije koji dolaze na Jadran, a broj letova ljeti je više od 100 tjednu. Tu bi zasigurno i linija iz Finske bila dobar dodatak.
AnonymousDecember 29, 2014 at 12:24 PM
DeleteWell, we are not talking about the same thing but we are not far off. I am saying that airBaltic could offer flights to some destinations which could be interesting for the Croatian market but BT would have to start a price war in order to position themselves, something they can't really afford at this point. Plus, Zagreb is not such an important/high-yielding market for them to tolerate losses as part of a consolidation and long-term strategy.
As far as Finnair goes, I don't see them launching flights. Zagreb already has decent enough links with Asia thanks to Turkish Airlines, Qatar and flydubai/Emirates.
There are also smaller players (in terms of presence in Croatia) and they are EuroLot and Aeroflot. Just like airBaltic, they would have to fight for a market that is not that big.
Finnair već leti iz Helsinkija za Hrvatsku i to Split i Dubrovnik.
DeleteIstovremen iz Helsinkija za Hrvatsku leti još 3 kompanije (Norwegian, SAS, JetTime)
Sveukupno 5 kompanija (Finnair, SAS, Norwegian, ScanJet, JetTime) leti iz čak 6 finskih graodva (Helsinki, Jyroskyla, Turku, Kokkala, Vaasa, Oulu) za Split, Zadar, Pulu i Dubrovnik.
Sveukupno govorimo o 11 linija. Još oko 50 linija redovno saobrača iz RJK, PUY, ZAD, ZAG, SPU i DBV za doslovce svako selo u Skandinaviji i na Baltiku.
Zar je onda stvarno nevjerovatno da bi tome nadodali Finnairovu ljetnu liniju za ZAG koja bi zimi preko ZAG mogla opsluživati turiste za ZAD, PUY, SPU i DBV kada ovih 11 sezonskih linija ne leti?
Овде се не прича о летовима из Финске за Хрватску већ специфично за летове из Хелсинкија за Загреб.
DeleteТе линије из Финске за хрватску обалу су потпуно друге природе и мислим да не можемо да их поредимо са врстом путника који би путовали за Загреб. Исто тако, чисто сумњам да постоји толико интересовање из Хелсинкија за Дубровник током зимских месеци.
Да је има први би Норвиџн летео, барем једном недељно, као што то раде са Ларнаком.
Загреб увек може да их привуче тако што ће им понудити повољне цене мада питање је колико је реална та линија једном када се оконча медени месец.
Nemjee nije baš tako kako kažeš. Iz nekoliko razloga:
Delete1. Ako postoji 11 linija iz Finske za Hrvatsku tijekom ljeta onda je logična linija i za ZAG i to radi konekcija koje su moguće ne samo prema DBV, SPU, ZAD i PUY (gdje se leti direktno), nego i prema ostalim destinacijama. Uvijek će biti putnika koji će morati letjeti u zadnji čas (izvanredne okolnosti, bolest, smrt bliske osobe, ne dolazak na let, posao...), koji neće uspjeti kupiti kartu na direktnoj liniji, a i oni koji će letjeti iz nekog drugog aerodroma koji nije u ovih 6 koji imaju redovnu liniju.
2. Sve je više turista koji ne odlaze samo na more, već kombiniraju ljetovanje sa Zagrebom. I to ne samo iz Koreje, Japana, Kine, Amerike i Australije (kod kojih je to pravilo), nego i iz ostalih europskih destinacija. Za takve je ZAG kao početak putovanja prvi odabir bilo da idu organizirano autobusnim turama ili uzimaju rent'a'car (poput Koreanaca koji to rade gotovo svi). Nemoj zaboraviti da je ZAG u 5 najvećih hrvatskih turističkih destinacija koji ima milijun posjetitelja godišnje.
3. Zimi ZAG i ima tolko mnogo putnika, za razliku od jadranskih destinacija jer manji broj turista nema opciju chartera nego putuje via ZAG. Ima li ih? Ima. Kako turista, tako i ogromnog broja turističkih djelatnika koji putuju radi pripreme sezone (i nisu to samo manageri i prodavači iz agencija, te management hotela, nego i novinari, radnici u hotelima kojih ima velik broj iz zemalja gdje su vlasnici hotela, nabavljači, organizatori ivenata, animacije, sudionici prezentacija, vladini službenici, prateće službe poput pomoći na cestama, transporta bolesnika, osiguravajućih društava...)
4. I opet naglašavam nemojmo zanemariti velik broj političara, znanstvenika, vojnika, obrazovnog kadra, koji su došli sa ulaskom Hrvatske u EU, a biti će ih još više po otvaranju ureda EU u ZAG za cijelu EU, te poslovnjaka kojih ima poprilično radi gospodarstvenih odnosa Finske i Hrvatske.
Што се мене тиче они могу летети и два пута на дан. Ја сам само написао зашто ја мислим да се ови летови неће реализовати, барем не у скорије време.
DeleteНаравно, ми можемо оправдати скоро сваку авио компанију и зашто би њени летови имали смисла. Теорија и стварност су две различите ствари. По мени има много више логике да прво дође БТ па тек онда Финер.
Али оно што је најосновније је то где ће Кроацијан бити кроз годину дана. Сви ови доласци су фантастични и за аеродром а и за град. Једино за кога нису добри је ОУ. Сада треба бидети како ће се они носити са свом овом конкуренцијом.
Било би занимљиво видети њихову перформансу на линији за Амстердам од како је КЛМ успоставио летове.
AY ako bude leteo u neki od glavnih gradova u EX-YU to ce biti LYBE .
DeleteA SQ netreba ni pricati zato sto nemaju codeshare na njihovim letovima iz FRA ili ZRH a o liniji WSSS-ZAG-JFK .
I drugi prevoznici ce manje verovatno doci.
A SQ netreba ni pricati zato sto nemaju codeshare na njihovim letovima iz FRA ili ZRH a o liniji WSSS-ZAG-JFK netreba ni pricati sa kojim Avionom ste mislili da lete do ZAG =D minimum mora biti 772ER ili 77W .
Ko danas miješa kodove INN? Malo ICAO, malo IATA?
DeleteJa znam da je SIN IATA kod namerno sam napisao ICAO kod .
Ajde derane malo više oladi si tim tvojim kodovima. Naporan si. Znam da imaš 14 godina i da si jako pametan, ali OLADI
DeleteVi ste 100% Vojvodjanin cim koristite rec Derane.
DeleteNemam 14 imam 15.
Ja gore sam smao naveo obicne ICAO i IATA kodove.
Nemam 14 imam 17.
@PurgerDecember 29, 2014 at 9:56 AM
DeleteTotally agree on new lines, and have said so for a while now, Zagreb needs to attract more international airliners,
Priorities for 2015 and 2016 are to bring in following carriers.
Finnair - Helsinki, for reasons you stated and the fact there's no line between Zagreb and Helsinki two Alpha (Beta) cities with in EU that are poorly connected.
Czech Airlines - Prague - Zagreb, one of the most popular routes and first ever international route out of Prague with Czech national airline almost as old as aviation industry.
Stockholm, Oslo, Copenhagen - SAS, Norwegian. These major cities need to be connected with Zagreb fast, massive Scandinavian market for Croatia, very important for future of Croatian economic and political interests, 370 000 Scandinavian tourists visited Croatia in 2013, ~540 000 are expected this year,
2500 - Island
70 000 - Finland
150 000 - Norway
100 000 - Denmark (Copenhagen only city connected to Zagreb)
220 000 - Sweden
Daily flights out of all 3 cities to Zagreb is a must, by both Norwegian and SAS.
Rome, Milano, Genoa - Allitalia, Zagreb needs to be better connected with Italy, its 2nd most important trading partner and close political and economic ally of Croatia.
Madrid, Valencia, Barcelona, Seville - Iberia, Vueling, Air Europa, daily flights out of Madrid and Barcelona, a must, out of other seasonal at least.
Hamburg, Dusseldorf, Berlin, Lufthansa, Air Berlin,.GermanWings,- Germany most important ally of Croatia, next to USA and Austria. needs more connection, not even mentioning there are 300 000 Croatian workers living in Germany, Germany is most important trading partner of Croatia with 2.1 million German tourist visit Croatia each year.
Anyhow, 13.7 million tourists are expected this year in Croatia, Zagreb is expected to be visited by around 1 million tourist.
These figures alone suggest Zagreb needs better connections for Zagreb is badly undeserved.
Od svih tih navedenih kompanija najrealnije da ce doci u ZAG su AZ. i SK. Bas me zanima dali bi SK slao svoj 736 posto je to jako redak gost u EX YU prava steta.
DeleteSamo jos ga ponekad salje TU za BEG :)
BWA has painted an aircraft (A321)
Registered F-GYAN, leased from Air Mediterranee, aircraft is 19 years old. Aircraft is parked in CDG atm.
Well the livery is not the most attractive in the world... But I am very happy for Bosnia!
DeleteThis will end before it even starts.
Deleteand both engines now ;) (they look good tho, the rest is meh)
DeletePoprilično sam razočaran kupovinom karte na Air Serbiji. Problemi koje sam imao:
ReplyDelete1. Prije 3 dana mi nije htio prodati kartu iz ZAG via BEG za FRA. Niti nakon 5. pokušaja u dva sata razlike. Potom uopće nije htio prodati nikakvu kartu iz ZAG. Kupljena je karta kod drugog prijevoznika.
2. Danas mi je kartu ZAG-BEG-ZAG izračunao u dinarima. Glupo do krajnje boli, jer sam morao otvarati novi prozor za konvertiranje valute da vidim koliko je to u EUR. Do sada mi je uvijek izbacivalo u EUR.
3. Nema plačanja American Expressom ni Dinersom, što je vrlo čudno za legacy carriera.
4. Tijekom plačanja prekinulo je transakciju i pokazalo error! Pa sam morao zvati call centar u Srbiju. Nepotrebno gubljenje vremena i novaca (poziv prema Srbiji nije uopće jeftin). Najgore je to što mi je operaterka rekla da se to često dešava.
5. U call centru se čuje još nekoliko glasova koji razgovaraju sa strankama. Vrlo dekoncentrirajuće, neuobičajno i neprofesionalno.
6. Još uvijek nema internetskog check ina. Znači moram dolaziti na aerodrom prije 6 sati, tj. ustati oko 3:30 (iz Bele Crkve mi treba sat i pola do aerodroma) jer se moram check in na šalteru, a da postoji mogao bih ustati dobar sat vremena kasnije.
7. Web stranica je jako spora, daleko sporija od bilo kojeg drugog prijevoznika. Vrlo iritantno.
Pozitivna strana:
Uvedena je opcija identifikacije osobnom kartom, a ne samo putovnicom. Prije je to bio velik problem za nas iz Europske unije jer dobar dio nema putovnicu, a ako i ima ne uzima je sa sobom za putovanje u Srbiju ili via BEG za neku destinaciju u EU (OTP, SOF, ATH...)
I can solve your problems in 1 sec. You know how ? DON'T FLY WITH AIR SERBIA if it is such a pain in the arse for u. Go by bus, car, mule or even bicycle, but stop your constant whinging and whining about air serbia. You are like a scratched record - u keep repeating the same thing. Give it a rest dude. You are well known for your anti and negative Air Serbia views - which is ok, as u are entitled to it - but how many times do u wanna keep on giving negative comments about JU ? It's ok dude - we get it - u don't like them so don't fly with them - go with someone else so that you can put us all out of misery and not have to write the same crap again and again ...
DeleteCome on, do you think he lied anything?
DeleteHe always mentions good and bad sides of Air Serbia.
Not all options via BEG are possible to buy from ASL. It could be that ZAG-BEG-FRA is one of them.
DeleteFurther, I have bought transfer flights from ASL online on several occasions (from abroad). Never had any problems, all went smooth but I did not rush here to write a 7-point article on how the ticket purchase process goes fantastic in ASL. I figured my single experience would not make it a sample large enough to make general judgments.
Last but not least, Purger never says anything good about ASL. What he does is, he treats them with respect as any good general would respect his enemy. He is aware of their size, impact and potential as an Etihad alliance member. But he NEVER underlines any good sides of ASL except money save on certain routes. Everything else is either bad, or needs major improvement, or is an artificial balloon that will explode in flames as soon as oil prices drop globally.
JU shows the price in Euros but at a later stage, the final one that is, once you have selected your dates.
DeleteOk someone make criticism here and normal reaction should be that those things must be changed in Air Serbia. But no. Reaction here is that one who mention those „not good“ things is enemy, hater and should be forbidden to fly with Air Serbia.
DeletePurger is much bigger critic to Croatia Airlines than to Air Serbia. He even had huge problems because of that. And to say that he never writes anything good about Air Serbia is at least not fair!
Ja svoj stav promijenio nisam od početka. Naravno da sam kritičan, kao i prema Croatiji, nažalost u Croatiji ima daleko više razloga kritiziranju nego u Air Serbiji, pa to i puno češće i energičnije činim. No, moj stav o Air Serbiji je u globalu pozitivan i zato sa njima i letim, da nije ne bih sa njima letio. Ali morate shvatiti da proizvod nije onoliko dobar koliko netko želi da jest, nego onoliko koliko ga cijene potencijalni korisnici. I zato je svaka kritika dobrodošla da se izmjene nedostaci. Sve ostalo zadire u neke druge okvire, o kojima ja ne želim raspravljati.
DeleteŠto je pozitivno:
- hub u Beogradu, jedini pravi hub na području bivše Jugoslavije
- daleko bolja povezanost u regiji, ali i prema Europi i Bliskom Istoku
- 4 realna vala sa kratkim vremenom konekcija
- velik broj letova prema Jugoistočnoj Europi, preuzimanje liderske uloge na prostoru BiH, Crne Gore i Makedonije, no i velik broj regionalnih letova prema Grčkoj, Bugarskoj, Rumunjskoj, Hrvatskoj i Sloveniji
- daleko novija i veća flota, uvođenje A319 i A320
- stari 737-300 u charter kompaniji, ali i za popunjavanje rupa
- daleko bolji proizvod, poglavito u business klasi
- dovoljno kapitala da se dumpingom probije na tržište, karte smješno niske, a i na to 3 od 7 dana u tjednu se provode akcije
- korjeniti rebrending
- planovi za budućnost (nova flota, linije, tržišta, proizvodi)
Što je negativno
Delete- ogromna lova od više stotina milijuna EUR Srbija uložila u kompaniju, i još mora ulagati i dalje
- Etihad debelo naplačuje svoje "usluge"
- feeding Etihadu je prioritet svih prioriteta
- podređen položaj u široj regiji (prema Air Berlinu, ali u doglednoj budućnosti i prema Alitaliji, izostavljanje Air Serbie iz nekih aktivnosti)
- Etihad nije lojalan svom partneru obzirom da čvrste i jake ugovore radi sa neposrednom konkurencijom (Aegean, Cyprus, Turkish...)
- kompanija proždire ogroman novac i vrlo je neprofitabilna (bez obzira na falsificiranje činjenica, brojki i namjerno izostavljanje subvencija i popusta), obzirom na dumping, vrlo nizak LF i enormne troškove (školovanje kadrova, kašnjenja i kompenzacije, administrativne gluposti i propusti, kašnjenja aviona, još uvijek redovno korištenje prastarih 737)
- daleko veća kašnjenja nego kod drugih kompanija ne samo da stvaraju gubitke nego i ruše image kompanije
- usluge i proizvod u ekonomskoj klasi nije ni izbliza onom što se najavljivalo i očekivalo, on je samo prosječan, a na kraćim linijama i ispodprosječan
- nedostatak internetskog check-ina
- najave linija koji se onda "izjalove" (Beirut, Kiev, Cairo, Varna koja postaje sezonska...)
- nerealno uzdizanje kompanije u nebesa uz izjave poput "veći smo od svih kompanija u regiji zajedno"
- prekomjerne, nepoštene i čak nelegalne privilegije koje idu od 50 do 100% rezultiraju masovnim povlačenjem kompanija iz BEG čime se stvara monopolistički položaj Air Serbie,
DeleteZa vasu informaciju EY ne naplacuje nista deblo.
"preuzimanje liderske uloge ... i Makedonije"
Deletegde to vidis ???
JU ima samo 5% market share at SKP , cak JP ima vise
Što je negativno
Delete- ogromna lova od više stotina milijuna EUR Srbija uložila u kompaniju, i još mora ulagati i dalje
Zašto lažeš???
Namerno kažem ''lažeš'' jer obavešten čovek poput tebe ne može da ne zna o ovome...nego zna...i, onda ne kaže ono što zna, nego slaže.
Ako je istina, daj cifre...koje su to stotine miliona evra?
Pa, vi iz HRV morate da raščistite jednu stvar sami sa sobom. ;) Čas pričate da su u SRB svi jadni, bedni, siromašno sve, siromašno tržište, država bankrot...a, navodno onda takva država spuca za godinu dana nekakve stotine miliona evra...odakle nam te pare???
Neverovatno je da čovek koji zna koliki je minus pravio JAT godišnje, koji zna koliko je JAT dugovao NIS-u, koji zna koliko je JAT dugovao BEG-u, koji zna da bi se svi ti dugovi morali vratiti sve i da je proglašen stečaj nad JAT-om...neverovatno je da čovek koji sve to zna krene sa lupetanjima kako je SRB uložila stotine miliona evra u Air Serbia u poslednjih godinu dana.
Još jednom, zašto lažeš?
Mi bre nemam ni ono malo što treba da se uloži, nego se umesto keša računaju popusti kao deo SRB ulaganja.
Najgore sto se sad nejavlja kao i sto ce SQ leteti WSSS-ZAG-JFK je glupost da EY sve debelo naplacuje.I stvarno neznam sto sa takvim stavom uopste letite sa ASL.
People here need to remember that JU isnt perfect. Jat was a disaster. Air Serbia maybe forcing in change, but its not perfect. In general things have gone for the better, but not everything has. Its always good to see what works and what doesnt. Be realistic.
Delete@ Purger
It seems that FRA, TXL and DUS are the only destinations that cannot be booked from ZAG via the JU website. Strange. As for the price showing in dinars, you probably have your country as 'Serbia' selected on the main page, hence why it will show prices in RSD. A currency converter is also on the page, but on the 4th stage (pregled).
Hopefully a new website will come soon which will work faster. Its been talked about before. It has been mentioned that web check in will be available once the new website is launched. Ground staff at BEG for me is a negative factor in JU.
As for the catering, the economy offering on short sectors MUST be improved, i agree. Giving out bottles of water decorated for children is ridiculous. Would be good if they contract a company (Aqua Viva) to label 'Air Serbia' labels on the water bottles like a lot of other airlines do. Or perhaps offering a tray with a water cuplet...suggestions?
Boga mi, Purger iz meseca u mesec, smanjuje brojku ;) Prvo je bilo 700 milona, pa 500... sada je vec vise stotina milona evra/dolara.. vrlo precizno, onako, analiticarski ;)
DeleteI don't understand you people. What is your problem?
DeleteLet me point out this clear and loud:
Am I happy with Croatia Airlines? Of course I am not!
Is Air Serbia better then Croatia Airlines? Yes it is, much better!!!!
Would I like Croatia Aligns to be like Air Serbia? Of course I would?
Was lot of things changed to better in last few months in Air Serbia? Yes they are. First of all delays, than some changers in internet, not so rushing announcements about mega-plans, rebranding is almost complete...
But is Air Serbia perfect like most of you want to present here? Of course it is far away from that! There are so many things still to be done! And yes you all should be critical to force them to change those stupid things. It is not attack to your national pride, it is not attack to you country. If I have problem with buying ticket than it is something you have to change. Or if you will not I will next time again buy ticket to FRA with some other company not Air Serbia. And that is not good for Air Serbia, isn’t it? And because I did not have possibility to buy ticket to FRA with JU, you call me idiot and Serbian hater! You have real problem in your had.
Concerning numbers I put here several times numbers. Unfortunately it is very hard to find real numbers because they are published separately, they are hidden, some data even cannot be found. Some Serbian media even published that it is almost 800 million. I try to put those numbers together and it was 500 million till 2016. Someone here make some good points in those number (that some of things are double calculate), but by the document that are publicly published by now it is for sure more than 400 million EUR + some costs that cannot be traced.
I was not in blog because some of us are not kids in school but have to work for living!
Pored cene u dinarima, plavom bojom stoji cena u EUR, total for all travellers 15,108.00 RSD (124.00 EUR)
DeleteJa ovde cesto pisem gluposti koje nemaju veze sa pameti npr 772LR BEG-AUH-AKL-AUH-BEG.
DeleteAli kako mislite da napunite SQ 772ER 285 sedista ili 77W sa 278 .
Kako mislite da popunite business klasu ili first to je tesko i iz ZAG i BEG zajedno ni jedan let nemogu da napune a ne 3-4 pw. Ako mozete da mi date na to odgovor .
Air Serbia is perfect as a PROJECT, Croatia Airlines isn't perfect even on that level (it has none other than austerity and complying with endless EU-directives - not awe-inspiring you'd admit), which is why people have a much more negative attitude towards it.
DeleteWhat we're talking about here isn't the actual situation of the airline, it's delays or the luggage lost, food on board etc. but the IDEA, the synthesis of what it is now and its actual aspirations and potential. The stronger the idea - the closer you get to the idea[L] in the end, which will of course NEVER be reached.
No one says ASL is perfect - it's not - and i have far more serious examples of their inherent dysfunctionality than you ever published on this blog, yet - they have the perfect location, the perfect partner, the perfect strategy, even the perfect logo...or the best that it could be given the criterias above, therefore it inspires faith in it, unlike Croatia...and that is why it sounds that some people idealise it but they're not, they simply believe in it and we can't reproach them to be rich in faith towards something in this quite faithless world. They deserve merit at least for the power of their dreams and for their faith in Air Serbia as a symbol.
Just remember - dreams create the reality and not vice-versa.
Hvala unapred :)
DeleteYour impressions differ GREATLY from what other consumers had to say about Air Serbia and you base all that merely on one regional flight which is poor to say the least.
Did you ever hear the term "First impressions are lasting impressions".
DeletePurger is always right, because he says he is. And the additonal 1million passengers that JU have carried this year are all wrong and all fools ...
DeletePurger, money talks and B.S. walks and you're talking plenty of B.S. ....
People have spoken and chosen ....
To je svetska zavera da je ASL prevezla toliko pax .
DeleteVelika obmana kako neki pricaju ASL nema ni 10 posto LF.I niko nezna sta radi u ASL i to je laz .
A ja kad li cu dobiti odgovor kako misli da napuni 77W iz ZAG necu nikad dobiti izgleda.
A 77W moze iz BEG da se napuni lagano da leti AUH-BEG-ORD-BEG.
You are telling that he is the only one who shared with us his "first impressions"?
DeleteIt was me who challenged those numbers. You can read that post again and you will see the money we are talking about is NOT EVEN HALF of the 400 million you now revise your calculation to.
The funny part is, you do not need me to warn you of this crazy pumping of numbers. All you have to do is READ THE DAMN AGREEMENT between Serbia and Etihad which contains THE ENTIRE INVESTMENT PLAN AND STRUCTURE and is now publicly available. It is all there and it is all very clear.
Instead, you choose to copy and paste some crazy numbers that are FABRICATED by some journos who would write and sign any lies for 20 euro or one slice of burek in the bakery. You are an analyst and consultant, do you advise your clients based on what media say?? Or you do some work, get FACTS together and then make some recommendations? Is it that difficult to read at least a single-page appendix to the official agreement that specifies investment obligations until 2017?
Even if it is half of that number it is still huge. But let me calculate it one more time by your remarks, which I appreciate a lot and which I did read wrong. Of course I did read all 3 contracts and even those 2 which were not published by Serbian Government.
DeleteINN today you have route SIN-FRA-JFK. Most of the passengers on that route are from SIN to JFK, some 60%, just 40% of them finish in FRA. If you change that route to SIN-ZAG-JFK than you have 170 pax already on board. The rest is just 115 passengers and for sure you will agree that it is nothing either to ZAG-SIN or to ZAG-JFK. And what more break even (70% LF on long haul) is just 80 passengers from ZAG to SIN and from ZAG to JFK. So, it is easier like this way than to have one plane dedicated just to ZAG where you must find at least 160 passengers (767).
Air Serbia is doomed to fail as it only can survive with state support and taxpayers money, same as Croatia Airlines
DeleteBut certainly the most dangerous, the most suspicious and the most intriguing part of the Agreement is the one in which Etihad (as a minority partner) gives orders and commitments to the Government of Serbia to secure a monopoly over the airport Nikola Tesla for Air Serbia and Etihad. We already saw the danger of creating such monopolies during the last two months, when two low-price companies – German Wings and Wizzair – simply left the Belgrade airport due to unequal business conditions. Is that a precursor for the departure of other airlines?
Then, the Agreement clearly states that the Serbian government will write off Air Serbia’s last year’s debt of $13 million for services of the airport Nikola Tesla. It will be interesting to see how “happy” large foreign airlines like Lufthansa, Swiss, Austrian, Turkish Airlines and others will be about this write-off.
See what happens when your source of info is site like pescanik? You get all wrong. Wizzair did not leave Belgrade (and have no intention of doing so) and Germanwings are opening new route Belgrade - Stuttgart in summer. Rest of your "facts" are also in trouble thanks to your source.
DeleteThat site never corrected any previously published errors like Air Serbia at SAW/IST so truth is not really of any concern there.
Route statistic from MIDT as for 2014, this numbers are even lower during summer as there are direct routes to the croatian coast and almost no tourists from this destinations visits Zagreb in summer
ReplyDeleteOsl-zag – 300 pax per week tot 15,000 per year
Hel-zag - 300 pax per week tot 15,000 per year
Arn-zag – 300 pax per week tot 15,000 per year
Buc-zag - 200 pax per week tot 11,000 per year
Ath – zag - 200 pax per week tot 11,000 per year
Sof-zag - 125 pax per week tot 6,000 per year
Prg-zag - 125 pax per week tot 6,000 per year
Bud-zag - 125 pax per week tot 6,000 per year
Fco-zag - 125 pax per week tot 6,000 per year
FCO-ZAG 125 pax per week? Just CTN transport more than 400 pax per week on that route + Vueling + connestions via MUC, ZRH, VIE...! Those numbers are more than strange!
DeleteNo they dont and Vueling dont fly to Zagreb from Rome, those numbers are with all connections as per today
Delete70-80 % are business travel as well and only 10 % are croatian people living in Croatia
Some of the numbers you can find here
Those data for sure were for 2014 and Vueling did fly regular route FCO-ZAG.
DeleteCroatia flies 7 days per week with Q400, that is 532 potential passengers and even more during summer where you have A319 on some days. Most of those passengers are from ZAG minoriti from SPU and DBV. If there would be 125 passenger on board that would be less than 15% LF on that route and that is if not one of those were connection passengers. So, those numbers are not even near to reality.
These numbers are odd.
DeleteI think I believe more in IATA and MIDT statistics then your guessing and wishes, in winter season not more then 10-20 pax connects from SPU or DBV to ZAG coming from FCO
DeleteAnd for the second time, Vueling did never start any flights between FCO-ZAG just because of low numbers so stop guessing and google it instead.
I think we had comments earlier on this site from people working on SPU saying that just a few pax on the flights from FCO connects to ZAG.
In summer there is direct flights from FCO with at least two or more companies flying to SPU, DBV, ZAD and OMO so why should anyone fly to ZAG and then connect from there to any tourist destination i Croatia.
ZAG is not that strong destination you want it to be and there is no economy flying with small aircrafts from Scandinavia with 30 pax per day and you cant fill any larger aircrafts as there is no demand, thats why nobody is flying this routes
Come on those data on annaaero are always funny. On most routes it looks like LF is 10%. Just try to find numbers for BEG. On those numbers JU should never fly to any destinations at all.
DeleteNumbers are from MIDT and not annaaero and there can not be any LF as there is no directflights, MIDT shows how many pax travelled to for example ZAG and thru which airports, this statistic all airports and airlines have but maybe they should consult some balkan airline nerd that knows better without any facts at all
DeleteBEG and Air Serbia dont dispaly their numbers becauase of a reason as then people would see what a shitty loadfactor they have, even with return tickets from 150€.
^+1. I am Serbian and I have to admit that ASL has improved in every single way, BUT the loadfactors are catastrophic, not bad! I have flown 3 different routes during months of July and August and I have to admit that only on one flight to Paris loads were in the 90's range. To my flight to TLV on the way there there were a total of 25-35 pax ( it was during freaken August) and on the way back 60-70 pax. Flight to AMS was at maybe 70% load with most of the people transferring. It is a shame that ASL cannot fill a daily flight to AMS with all those transfers ( for instance BUD has like 5-6 daily flight there). On the way back the flight was around 60 % load. Only the flights to Paris were in the 90's both times largely due to Beirut flights ( around 40 transfer pax).
Delete^ I will be travelling via AMS this February and returing during May so i will let you know how the loads are now during winter time
DeleteGospodine Vaske ASL ima odlican LF toliko od mene. Neznam kako ste zakljucili na osnovu 3 razlicita leta da im je LF katastrofa .
DeleteNeznam koliko ce ta ljubomora jos da traje. Sto niste pisali juce kad je JUBEGLAX pisao o LF YM TGD-LJU ???
Sta je ovo sa ljudima.
I agree that you cannot conclude from 6 flights the LF of the entire company, but I do remember a while back when one of the ASL employees was publishing daily LF for a number of flights during June I believe. Back then the loads were a disaster, assuming that they were from a reliable source. I DO hope that the LF has improved and wish them all the best. I remember back a couple years ago when people were avoiding Jat due to old aircraft's and terrible service. Nowadays, ASL is def my first choice airlines to BEG due to decent prices and excellent services. INN whats going on with China flights?
DeleteASL's LF is probably far from brilliant but calling it a disaster or catastrophe really makes no sense. I flew 6 segments with them so far (FCO, IST and DUS) and in two segments the LF was around 40% while in the remaining four the cabin was more than 90% loaded.
DeleteAs far as MIDT goes, be aware that it is just one of the indicators, as it does not pick up airlines direct bookings (city offices, internet engines and most of group bookings). All of that is more successfully picked up by PDEW data, which is not MIDT. MIDT is just agent bookings, which (especially on short haul and/or group heavy routes) can mean less than 50% of overall bookings. You cannot fully judge just on acocunt of MIDT (and it doesn't even pick all of the agents as some choose not to participate).
DeleteIt may be so but lets say that MIDT statistics stand for 60-70 % of the bookings and rest is direct bookings on airline sites,
DeleteStill both ZAG and BEG are overrated as destinations or hubs in this area of the world
I am not sure if they are overrated or not, but they also have little capacity, as they basically do not receive any wide body apart from charters (not regular traffic) and are served with relatively small jets/turbo propos. So, not much pax (per MIDT), but also not much capacity floating around!
ReplyDeleteNasty weather in Bucharest. YU-APC is currently circling around. Horrible weather has caused so many delays until now. :(
OT Je l' bi mogao neko da mi objasni zašto je SJJ jedini grad u Ex-Yu gde Germanwings ima liniju za Berlin? Pretpostavljam da je manja tražnja ka Berlinu nego ka ostalim gastrabajterskim destinacijama u Nemačkoj, ali Berlin je sada turistički izuzetno popularan, a ASL drži visoke cene iz Bg-a, nedavno su karte na akciji bile 200 eur. Možda bi tu mogli nešto da naprave...
ReplyDelete90 % of diaspora in Berlin are from Imotski and Mostar region so Mostar would work for sure as well as Munich and Frankfurt as the bus for a return ticket is 150-200€
DeleteSJJ nije jedini grad u ex-Yu gde Germanwings ima liniju za Berlin. Za Berlin 4U leti iz Zagreba tokom cele godine (linija nedavno preuzeta od Lufthanze), a tokom letnje sezone takodje leti za Berlin i iz Rijeke i iz Splita
DeleteSasvim sam prevideo da lete za ZAG, hvala ti što si mi ukazao na to. Sada mi je još više čudno da ne probaju sa Beogradom...
DeleteGerman/eurowings are looking for ways to expand presence in Belgrade.
DeleteJust send a plain.
DeleteWell well with all this happenning can anybody give me a reason why any airline would want to by Croatia Airlines ar all as I don't see any business plan from them again by look again every airline is flying extra flights to Zagreb what does Croatia Airlines do ?? Nothing
ReplyDeletetoday huge delays on almost every ASL flight from BEG - no snow, no fog, not enough ASL de-icing vehicles(?), whatever caused - it's a shame for an EY partner! Every winter same story...
ReplyDeleteLOL do you live on Mars? Just look at DISASTER today at MUC or IST, you can't ignore published delay stats.
DeleteASL de-icing vehicles? You kidding me right? Seems that ASL is guilty for the setting and rising sun to trolls like you. Take a chill pill. BEG not nearly as bad as some other airports in Europe - with more glamorous bases and hubs...
Deletemy flight from Zurich to Belgrade(by Swiss) was delayed 3 hours.
ReplyDeleteASL doesn't fly to MUC. LH had 30mins delay this morning to MUC.
ReplyDeleteMUC was worst airport in Europe on Monday in terms of delays. Dozens of flights were cancelled and many more delayed by hours. BEG was nowhere near the top of list of airports with most delays.