Public to foot bill for Jat Airways debt |
Over a year after Serbia’s national carrier Jat Airways was transformed into Air Serbia, the Serbian government is seeking parliamentary approval to take over and repay debt amassed by Jat over the years. Under the agreement signed between the Serbian government and Etihad Airways for the latter’s minority takeover of Jat, the government has to provide 33.5 million euros in cash payments and a further 32 million to cover debt towards local companies, 80% of which are state owned. However, according to the draft bill, the obligations now total a whopping 155.3 million euros. The debt, which will ultimately be reimbursed by Serbian taxpayers, is owed to Belgrade Airport, maintenance company Jat Tehnika, the Directorate of Civil Aviation, the Serbia and Montenegro Air Traffic Services Agency, the Petroleum Industry of Serbia and several state owned banks.
According to the draft bill, the government will make part of the payments directly to Air Serbia, since the airline has already covered outstanding debt owed towards several local companies. The agreement signed between Etihad Airways and the Serbian government has been criticised over the state’s obligation to take over all of Jat’s debts. However, defending the move, the Serbian Prime Minister, Aleksandar Vučić, has said, “Have we not taken these measures, Jat would have been shut down, which would have caused economic and social problems”. The proposed bill is being urgently ushered into parliament, meaning lawmakers will debate the proposed legislation during the next sitting of parliament.
During its last year of operation, Jat Airways, for the first ten months of 2013, and Air Serbia, for the last two months of the same year, recorded a loss of 73 million euros. The Serbian carrier accumulated an operational loss of 45 million euros during 2013, while the remaining 28 million came as a result of errors made in previous financial reports. In an earlier statement, Air Serbia’s CEO, Dane Kondić, said, “We now turn to the future and thanks to our partnership with Etihad Airways and the strong support from the Serbian government, Air Serbia now has a strategy for recovery as well as the foundations for creating a profitable and strong company”. In line with earlier reports, Air Serbia expects to end the year with a profit of at least one million euros. Full financial results will be made public in May 2015.
This is what we call a Good Business Plan Mabye the Ceo of Croatia Airlines Kucko can Learn something from Ceo of Air Serbia
ReplyDeleteis that sarcasm?
DeleteDane je zavrsio fakultet za to a Kresimir Kucko je ko covek sa ulice postavljen na to mesto.
Not only that, but he has international experience with quality airlines and companies - Qantas, British Airways, Malaysia Airlines and Etihad - not to mention with tour operator Kuoni and IT company Sabre. I don't think any of his peers in the region can say this ...
DeleteNije da je Kučko neki stručnjak i da mnogo valja, ali odakle vama ideja da čovijek nije završio fakultet? Pa po hrvatskim zakonima ne možeš obnašati takvu funkciju bez fakulteta.
DeleteHas anyone noticed the ridiculous fares that both JU and OS have between Belgrade and Vienna? Perfect example of duopoly. Argh...
ReplyDeleteYes i have! I have booked a flight VIE-BEG-VIE for 190EUR! Austrian for the same date 480 EUR! Today the same route also with Air Serbia 330EUR, the flight is in two weeks! If you want a cheap price you have to book one month earlier! But it is shamed, if you think that fly niki has prices between 60-100 EUR on the same route before there cut the route!!!
DeleteActually, if you want to find a more decent fare on Austrian then book it via
DeleteThis February Austrian had a fare for €481 on their website but it was €239 via Lufthansa's one.
Air Serbia was €231... fail. At least with Austrian you get to fly on a jet or a Q400.
You are saying OS was 239 and JU was 231, so how is that a "fail" for JU? I don't see a logic there. Or is it that you used to support JU before and now you don't?
DeleteWell, Air Serbia sends its Atr to Vienna which is much cheaper to operate than the Fokker birds. Plus, I am sure Austrian's overall cost is higher than the JU one, yet both of these airlines charge the same price between these two cities.
DeleteEven though I like the Atr, it's much noisier and less comfortable than the Fokkers. One would expect JU to be cheaper.
So... logically speaking, people would go for OS rather than JU.
DeleteOpšte je poznato da je OS uništio JU na liniji za Beč. Kao prvo, ima vise frekvencija, ima jaku bazu te nudi vise mogućnosti za presedanje a kao što je Nemjee već spomnuo i cene su im približno iste.
DeleteLetovi sa JU su dobri za njihova presedanja ali OS je vise gasterbajter-friendly sa onim letovima oko 15.00 i 18.00. Kao što je ovde već spomenuto, JU letovi sa Erbasom ili Boingom nemaju više od 60 putnika što je katastrofalno.
Pozz iz Beograda
Austrian Airlines has three flights today one is with A320!
Deletecesto letim na toj liniji! Austrian je skoro uvek bio jeftiniji od JU zato je vecina letela sa OS! E sad, u zadnje vreme se cesto desi da JU ima jeftinije karte! Meni je bitno da je karta povoljna, a kad su cene iste onda cu opet pre leteti sa JU, jer OS jeste stvetska kompanija, ali je JU nasa, i takodje nemam lose iskustvo sa JU!
Deletep.s cene su ocajne!!!! Za ovaj komentar za 60 putnika, ni OS nece imati jos malo mnogo vise, jer sa cenama karte od 440EUR! Ipak neleti se za JKF nego BEG!! Poz
Deletea za 50€ moze se autobusom do Beca, 6 sati voznje do Erberga sa Sava Centra.
DeleteA sto je vec i receno, pre Nikija, karte su bile oko 250€+, sa Nikijom 9.500 din, a sada...strasno.
Thank god there is finally one media outlet that figured out this is predominantly about Jat's debts. If blind hatred could be packed and exported Serbia would get rich overnight with all the comments left on various portals yesterday.
ReplyDelete158 milijuna = javni dug koji će Srbija platiti bankama, NIS-u, nabavljačima, aerodromima...
ReplyDelete16 milijuna = otpremnine za višak zaposlenih u Jatu platila Srbija
0,5 miliijuna = otpremnine za višak zaposlenih u Jat Cateringu
23 milijuna = postupak restrukturiranja (objavila podatak i preuzela vlada)
43 milijuna = postupak premošćivanja gubitka (objavila podatak i preuzela vlada iako nikom nije jasno što je to zapravo)
73 milijuna = enorman minus koji je nekim čudom nastao tijekom 2013. i preuzela ga je Srbija
14 milijuna = direktne subvencije u 2014.
7 milijuna = otpisao BEG u prvoj polovici godine
7 milijuna = plača CEO i senior managementa u 2014 temeljem ugovora Etihada i Srbije
= znači do sada 451 milijun EUR
+ 25 milijuna subvencija Srbije u 2015.
+ 25 milijuna subvencija Srbije u 2016.
= preko 500 milijuna
+ bog te pitaj hoće li BEG otpisati još koji milijun kao što je to učinio u prvoj polovici godine
+ Srbija je unijela vrijednost zrakoplova, slotova, uredskih prostora, hangar, ostale imovine…
+ odricanje svih prihoda od kerozina kod NIS-a (ovime se daje privilegirana cijena Air Serbiji spram ostalih prijevoznika u BEG, ali i država se odriče enormno visokog prihoda)
+ veliki popusti na BEG i ne plačanje dobrog dijela troškova na BEG (i opet će to netko morati snositi da bi BEG mogao funkcionirati)
+ Etihadu se plačaju leasing aviona
+ Etihadu se plača školovanje posada, i bog te pitaj što još i po kojoj cijeni
+ tko zna koliko nakon 2016. poglavito radi uvođenja širokotrupaca.
Purger, ove dve stavke uopste nisu tacne
Delete+ Etihadu se plačaju leasing aviona
+ Etihadu se plača školovanje posada, i bog te pitaj što još i po kojoj cijeni
You gotta spend money to make money. The whole plan is for JU to become a profitable carrier. So what if the government has to spend some to make it viable?
DeleteAlternativa je bila sledeca: Pustiti sve niz vodu, otkaz za 2000 radnika, nepostojanje lokalne avio industrije i Wizz Air kao nacionalni prevoznik koji nije placao dadzbine aerodromu i leteo kao Madjarska firma iz Beograda.
DeleteIli uloziti nesto i napraviti nesto sto ce na duge staze imati vrednost.
Ако се не варам, запослени у Визу имају мађарске уговоре, не српске. Свака част Демократској странци.
DeleteWould be easier to close JAT and open new company. This way we got company that will be returning its invest 500 years if profits stay the same as projected this year, around 1 mil euro. This is too much for an airline, and when will AirSERBIA start to pay for services at BEG? Or do we have to pay another 500 mil euro for new terminal, because it won't be built from operational revenue?
DeleteEven if you closed down JAT you would still have to repay its debt. And what would you do with a new airline set up by the government? They would put a moron as CEO, you would run into the same problem, you would loose all your slots, IATA, ICAO codes, loose all international agreements. Etihad pays for abosultelty everything except for old debts and the obligation the government made in the deal which is public. Half of the things Purger wrote are not true like paying for aircraft and training, which is completely false and he based on I don't know what. Also, remember who got JAT out of the deal with Airbus for 8 aircraft. Have you created a new company you would still have to pay for it.
Deletedamn thats a lot of money
DeleteDoes anyone know for how long will state will allow for not paying airport services and for how long will fuel be cheaper? Is it defined in contract, or do we have to pay for it alongside with 25 mil for subsidy? I mean, tickets are now cheaper, but do we have to spend millions on company that will make most traffic from transit passengers (foreigners)? I know it will boost revenue of BEG through taxes and commercial services (shops and etc.) but I still think it's too much.
DeleteAnd what will happen once ASL fuel and handling privilegies? More expensive tickets and drop in number of pax? And millions of euros for mediocre company?
Dvije upitne stavke od njih 30 je "pola toga nije točno"?
DeleteI da, Air Serbia plaća leasing Etihadu, a platila je i školovanje Etihadu u Abu Dhabiu, te Air Berlinu (Etihadovoj firmi) u Njemačkoj (kao i preuzeđenja aviona). Obzirom na iskustva sa plaćama top managementa koji uopće nisu definirani nego navedeni kao "pošteni", te hitnost školovanja i nabavke ti troškovi niti su mali, niti su na razini tržišnih cijena, nego vrlo vjerovatno daleko iznad. Zato i jesto to tu dodatno napisano, a ne kao dio investicija koje se gore spominju.
This is Jat's debt, and Serbian Govt. agreed to take it over as a prerequisite in order to sign the deal with Etihad and create Air Serbia.
DeleteWhile nobody is happy about that much money paid by taxpayers, what would be alternative? That is the price paid for incompetent, politically appointed previous managements of Jat Airways. I would love to see the investigation of the dealings of all Jat's CEO's from 2000 onwards, most of them deserved to spend some time behind the bars for negligence and mismanagement.
But that's up to the courts.
So in order to sell such a loss making airline for decades, you would have to sacrifice something (a lot of money in this case). But we would continue to pay that money anyway shall Jat continued to exist in previous form and make losses.
At least that has stopped, and Air Serbia is on the way to start making profit soon.
As of some comments from our friends from Croatia, prepare yourself to take the very same steps if you want to sell OU to anyone, and if you find the interested investor because they will request the clear sheets, and some creative accounting popular across our entire region will not be allowed.
Great day to anyone!
Voleo bih da mi pokazes dokaz da je Air Serbia placala trening posade i iznajmljivanje aviona. Ja ti kazem da nije, a malo sam vise upucen u celu ovu pricu nego neko ko se nalazi u Zagrebu. Druge stavke ti nisam ni sporio.
DeleteNeznam sto narod nesto izmislja kad nezna I NIJE UPUCEN ko i ono da placa EY posadu a ne placa je .
Srbija je bila izdvojila 6,5 milona eur za otpremnine a potrosila duplo manje od tog iznosa, odakle 16milona??
DeleteNevjerojatan si lažac. Ali nevjerojatan.
DeleteNajpre nam poturaš da je (158+16+0,5+23+43+73+14+7+7) = 451. U stvarnosti to iznosi 341 milijun, fulao si tek za nekih 110 milijuna.
Potom to sve prezentiraš kao iznose u EUR iako je večina službenih brojki bila objavljena u USD.
Ali ono najgore od svega - i to si več ko zna koji puta učinio - je da si iste vrste troškova ponovio po dva ili tri puta kako bi napuhao svoj proračun na neke silne stotine milijuna i potom im još dodao 110 milijuna kao bonus.
Za tvoju obavijest, gubitak od 70 milijuna u 2013-oj (koji ti nazivaš nekakvim "čudom") obuhvača onih 23 milijuna iz restrukturiranja i 43 milijuna premoščenih gubitaka. Dakle, 67 milijuna si namjerno udvostručio.
Dalje, 14 milijuna direktnih subvencija ne postoje. ASL ne dobija nikakvu živu lovu od države več dobija oproste na aerodromu i na into-plane diferencijalu kod NIS. Buduči da si te oproste naveo zasebno, ovih si 14 milijuna jednostavno izmislio.
Leasing ZRAKOPLOVA (a ne aviona), školovanje posada i plače senior managementa plača ASL iz svojeg tekučeg poslovanja. Ništa od toga ne plača država tako da tu imamo još 7 milijuna koje si izmislio a potom im dodavao neke buduče stavke koje su potpuno besmislene.
Kada podvučemo crtu, tvojih 451 milijun prvo postaju 341 jer ne umiješ računati. Potom se tih 341 umanjuje za još 87 milijuna koje si izmislio ili navodio po 2-3 puta u svom proračunu kako bi napuhao brojke do neke razine koja bi zazvučala poput kakve senzacije.
Tako nam ostaje 254 milijuna od kojih se 174 odnosi na čiščenje dugova Jata koji su svakako morali jednom biti očiščeni, potpuno nevezano uz Etihad.
Na kraju vidimo da se iz tvog čitavog proračuna na potporu ASL odnosi 80 milijuna (73 milijuna gubitka u 2013-oj i 7 milijuna otpisa na BEG u 2014-oj). Pri tome se gubitak iz 2013-te odnosi na ASL samo u posljednjem kvartalu dok se u prva tri kvartala odnosi na Jat.
Tvoj proračun je hrpa laži koju si več ranije prosipao ovdje i trebalo bi te biti sram zbog toga.
DeleteASL je iznajmljivala (po komercijalnoj ceni) pilote od Air Berlina kako bi premostila rupu koja je postojala u periodu obuke njihovih pilota za A319/A320 (koja je, opet, rađena u Berlinu). Takođe im je nedostajalo pilota zbog velikog povećanja operacija. Mislim da još uvek imaju neki mali procenat iznajmljenih pilota ali će vremenom sve popuniti svojim ljudima. Logično je da su iznajmljivali od Air Berlina jer je u pitanju drugi član EY "familije" koji je pri tome rezao troškove i verovatno imao višak pilota.
Dakle, nije nikakav skandal nego je potpuno normalna stvar što su u jednom periodu letele iznajmljene posade. Onaj ko od toga pravi skandal je zlonameran ili glup, ali ništa pametniji nije onaj ko mu na to vrišti kako nikakvog iznajmljivanja nije bilo. Pre nego što kreneš da "braniš" ASL, raspitaj se malo o stvarima koje ti striko i Dodik možda nisu ispričali.
Dobro kolko je to onda? Dvestapedeset miliona? Pa čoveče znaš li to koliko je to? Za što? Da se Bugari preko Beograda voze na moj račun u Nemačku. A nema se za plate i penzije. De ba, steram ja i Jat i na Air Srbiju. Neka mi srede železnicu da mogu da odem do Leskovca ko čovek a ne avione kojima može u ovoj državi da leti 1% stanovnika.
DeleteNije bas toliko pogresio ;) samo kad je kopirao tekst sa drugog foruma nije iskopirao 100 milona koje krstio kao "investicije". To je onaj novac koji je Srbija morala da uloži kao i Etihad.
DeleteAnonymous 3:17, evo, potpisano danas, dobices i voz, zadovoljan? ;)
DeleteA tko će da mi da platu. Radim i sretan sam kad dobim 250 EUR (ne baš svaki mesec), a ovde se govorio o 250 miliona. Ko da smo Amerika. Za što. Za avione sa kojima lete Bugari, Grci, Rumunji, Izraelci, Albanci, Hrvati, Mađari, Libanonci, Kiprani... ma idi bre
DeleteSav taj novac tih Bugara, Grka, Rumuna, Albanaca itd. koji su dali pare za kartu id Air Serbiji, to jest Srbiji. Moras nesto da das da bi nesto dobio. Setimo se kakvo je TK bio s*anje pre samo 15-tak godina, i sta je danas. Smucili ste mi se vi i vase pateticno kukanje o tome kako vi morate da dajete novac od svoje plate kako bi drzava vratila dug. Ali da mi se smucilo. Onda bi sad rekao:"Zasto bi mi davali kad politicari kradu". Sami ste izabrali te politicare koji su na vlasti da budu na vlasti, pa samo kukajte i prebacujte drugima, to je oduvek bila najlaksa opcija. To sto je Srbija zemlja sa najmanjom prosecnom platim u Evropi znaci da ne treba da ima nacionalnog avioprevoznika? Znaci da ne treba da ulaze u nesto da bi to sutra bilo isplativo? Znaci da samo treba da sedimo i cekamo da nam zemlja skroz propadne pa da krivimo politicare i ko zna koga? Znaci da treba da cekamo da se desi cudo, da ocekujemo vece plate a da nista ne preduzmemo/zrtvujemo za to? Ma mnogo smo mi Srbi gospoda, svi bi vece plate a ne bi da daju 20-tak evra od svoje trenutne pa da se skupi novac, vrati j*beni dug, pa da imamo nesto prfitabilno i isplativo u drzavi. A ti sedi za kompjuterom, pisi ovakve komentare i kukaj sto imas platu od 250 evra. To svako moze ;)
Uradi nesto u zivotu umesto sto serem po blogu o avijaciji, jer se u pomenutu ocigledno ne razumes ni malo.
A idi kukaj tako na ili u komentarima, ljudi su tamo dosta famozni po pateticnim komentarima. Cao.
Anonymous at 2:24 PM
DeleteGde sam ja naveo da nisu od AB ?
A i neznam sto je Purger to gore pisao kad on nece ni jedan Euro dati iz svog dzepa drzavi Srbiji koja ce to iskoristiti za ASL kad je on drzavljanin HR.
Cudno govore ovi iz "juzne srbije" :) 4:56
DeletePreuzimanje duga bivseg JAT-a jeste preuzimanje obaveza drzave, pod cijom upravom je napravljen ceo dug bivse kompnije naslednice AERO PUT-a koja se zvala JAT-(airwats). Kada je drzava vlasnik, gubitak kompanije placaju poreski obaveznici. Kada je privatna kompanija gubitnik, tada posao gubi menadzment, opada broj zaposljenih, prodaje se deo kompanije, cela ili bankrotira... U ovom slucaju dzep poreskih obaveznika ostaje nedirnut... Ova vlada ocigledno postavlja ekonomoju sa ostalim u tom kontekstu na svoje mesto. Sve sto se proglasava nacionalnim interesom, a ne stvara profit, placaju obaveznici poreski naravno. Kada se povecava porez zbog gubitaka, tada su najglasniji pristalice nacionalnih interesa. Ideologija je mekinje za narod a pojedince pretvara u licemer i siri socijalnu hipokratiju. Zdrav biznis jeste privatan biznis koji je pod kontrolom adekvatnih zakona. Srbija ide napred a putnicka avijacija jeste Prime exsample kako dalje. Posledica pogresne strategije politike, valja ljude, a djepove ostavlja prazne. Drzavu brock... Svako penjanje uz planinu je tesko. Srbija ce se preporoditi. Er Srbija utrostruciti!
ReplyDeleteRodney, Airports & Aircrafts. Kraljevo /// Sydney.
OT: ExpressAirways (from Maribor) wants to fly from Bremen, Karlsruhe/Baden-Baden, Dortmund, Düsseldorf and Leipzig to Brac and Split. They already started selling tickets
ReplyDeleteI really don't understand something. JU 800 always departs on time but it comes back with a two hour delay! What are these fools in AUH doing? Don't they know how to turn around an aircraft?!
ReplyDeletekafica i trac partija. take it easy
DeleteYes but it creates chaos with connecting passengers and aircraft rotation in Belgrade.
DeleteEY delays into AUH hence waiting for transit pax from all over EY network... can't blame JU here, rather the perils of large hub ops at AUH.
DeleteI think it's not even about being a large hub, just a disorganised hub.
DeleteWhen JU800 was departing just before midnight in the summer (2355), the unofficial delay was so that crew were not payed for 3 days work but rather 2. JU crew are still payed in the old Jat system of flight allowances, which means a certain amount is payed per flying day (0000 - 2359). This delay is always made up inflight.
DeleteAs for the return (JU801), the organisation in AUH doesnt seem the best, 1 flight I did, the flight was fully boarded 25 minutes before STD but a delay from EY ground staff delivering flight documents resulted in doors being closed 10 minutes after STD. Add pushback, taxi time and hold at the runway, we landed 15 minutes behind STA in BEG. My next flight (JU801) was delayed as the computers were slow to respond during the boarding process for a full flight, making the boarding longer to complete. Neither did I find it impressive the Arab guy (prob Egyptian) asking his colleague (who was probably Indian) if he spoke 'that' language (Serbian). In question was if a wheelchair bound pax who didnt speak english was able to climb stairs as like always the ac in AUH is always on remote stand, which as well took a few minutes on it self to accomodate.
Oh and the security screening in AUH is a horribly frustrating experience to put it nicely. No sense of urgency to accomodate pax on tight connections to fast track the security line (which was for flights which had already started boarding - my case with 5 others bound for BEG), resulting in arguing with staff. I am yet to have an AUH flight that departed or landed in BEG on its scheduled time. Nothing over 30 minutes, but 12:15 is 12:15, not 12:30, not 12:20, not 12:35, but 12:15.
JU crew onboard and airside do a great job, are friendly and know their job. Land side (ie check in) makes me miss the old Jat staff!
"Land side (ie check in) makes me miss the old Jat staff!"
DeleteReminds me of Qatar, 5 stars in the air, 2 stars on the ground.
Thanks for your detailed comment.
Wizz Air arrived from Larnaca this morning with 142 passengers, 82% full! Fantastic!
ReplyDeleteWOW! Hvala! To bi bio skoro pun JU A320!
DeleteWow, Nemjee is becoming a Wizz Air fan boy,all purple!
DeleteHahaha I am not, I only fly them to Cyprus because it's more convenient, as I posted in my other posts. As far as my other flights go, they are either on JU or other legacy carriers. :)
DeleteWe love you Nemjee any way you are! :)
DeleteHaha love you too. <3
DeleteNemjee vi bas volite LCA +1 =D
Pa ziveo sam na Kipru 14 godina. :)
DeleteYU-APH (A320) went to IST!! Does anyone have the loads?
ReplyDeleteSwiss is also sending its A321 to Belgrade today!
DeleteHolidays are starting, gastrosi arriving, upgauges will happen between now and Orthodox Christmas
DeleteBoth LX flights tomorrow are A321
DeleteTK will send an A320 to BEG tomorrow, perhaps today as well.
Deletei dont know why....only 35 to ist, and 46 back to beg
DeleteIs that on JU you're speaking?
Delete^ this guy is giving false loads!! Nobody would send airbus 320 with such loads
DeleteTurkish does not have smaller plane than a319/a320
DeleteFor me this was a first article in a long time I didn't read, ditto for most comments. Yawn. Starting to look like 2009.
ReplyDeleteyou cant handle critical articles about your beloved country. nije sve sjajno
DeleteNone of this is news if you were paying attention to this topic over the last 12-18 months. Yawn, back to sleep.
DeleteDanas je Rojters objavio da je Rublja devalvirala za 20 odsto i da ljudi čekaju u redovima da zamene Rublje u Evre i Dolare.
ReplyDeleteEvo neki dan se tu vodila rasprava. Kako će to da utiće na nas? Mislim krediti, pa letovi za Moskvu, pa ruski kapital, pa Rusi kao jedna od 3 najveće turisičke nacije u Srbiji, pa NIS i kerozin za Er Srbiju...?
Русија је постала још јефтинија за странце тако да Ер Србија може ту групу да привуче.
DeleteDevalvirana Rublja
Delete= manja kupovna moć Rusa = manje će Rusa da leti i u turizam = nije dobro za nas
= slaba Rublja = problem sa investicijama i sadasnjim kapitalnim investicijama = NIS i druge ruske investicije u Srbiji u problemima
= preskupa nafta koja se ne isplati da se vadi = manje ruske nafte = NIS u problemima
= kreditna linija staje = što ako će opet da zatreba za penzije i plate, odakle?
A Europa i Amerika pamte. Pamte tko nije stao iza njih u Ukrajni, gdje se Putin šepurio na vojnoj paradi, kako se nije htelo da se podrže sankcije...
Glupost do gluposti.
DeleteNije bas toliko pogresio ;) samo kad je kopirao tekst sa drugog foruma nije iskopirao 100 milona koje krstio kao "investicije"
A few facts that seem to have been lost in all of this:-
ReplyDelete1. The accumulated debt of JAT would have had to have been paid, irrespective of any strategic investment in the airline. If it had of gone into bankruptcy, the taxpayer would have had to pay this debt - so the taxpayer is no worse off.
2. If it had of gone into bankruptcy, 2000 people would've gone into unemployment.
3. it didn't and now people are still employed, new people are being employed and everyone is paying taxes and contributing to the state bgt
4. The airport has doubled the number of people passing through it and the value of the airport for any future privatization has more than doubled
5. As for the leasing of aircraft, all 10 airbus have been leased through BBAM and CIT - NOT Etihad. A simple check with either of these 2 lessors will confirm this.
6. Etihad's entry into JAT ensured that the USD23.8m deposit paid by the old Yugoslav govt to Airbus in 1998 has been rescued and offset against the purchase of new NEO aircraft. Most importantly, it also ensured that Airbus did not pursue a USD500m lawsuit against the govt of Serbia for breach of contract after they did not go forward with their purchase of aircraft.
7. All training of pilots was done by airberlin at commercial rates - not at some inflated rates.
It obviously suits some out there to continue with this misinformation.
Deleteto add: it's clear who is placing misinformation.
6 = 5
Deleteand 6. So Serbia could for same amount of money buy those planes and than sell it to someone, or sell and lease back tham. Or get deal to buy ATR's or something else. No, need for Etihad to be involved. And for sure that is not reason to get into that huge investment, much bigger rhan those 28 millions of deposit or some other millions as fee (and for sure it is not half of billion, what is much more than 6 planse price is)
Prvo Anonymous tvoje pisanje je tipićno Vučićevsko izvrdavanje istine. Ili lažeš ili iskrivljuješ podatke jer misliš da neće da se nađe izvor pravih informacija. Svakodnevno se to dešava po internetu. Armija ljudi je zaposlena na tome da iskrivljuje istinu. No ako laže koza ne laže rog.
DeleteJedini koji su ovde zaposleni da iskrivljuju istinu ste ti i ovaj u 5:19 PM. Možda da probate da vodite svoje političke bitke i kampanje na nekom političkom blogu? Ovde ljudi pokušavaju da razgovaraju o avijaciji.
Delete@Anon at 5:19PM:
DeleteOMG here we go again, zombie h8trs are back. All of this has been rectified before, so let’s protect our brains from hungry zombies once again:
1. “if that would be not enough…” LOL tiny word “if” proves you have no idea you are talking about. Rewind 12 to 18 months and see how almost penniless old JAT was during its deathbed days. There is no IF!
And then you continue “…it would be not paid”. WTF?!?! This is NOT how it works! Do you have any idea about financial guarantees?!? GoS would be left holding the bag!!! This alone proves you have no business discussing this topic! But you want to be humiliated all the way, so be it:
2. WTF how could have (in case of a bankruptcy) JAT pilots just step out from 733, casually walk over to Wizzair and get A320 job?!? Do you have ANY idea many had a hard time switching to Airbus even though extensive paid training was provided to them?!?!
3. This is an airline blog, we are not going to dissect every other topics.
4. What?!?! Totally wrong, privatization is possible! New owner does not have to give any discounts, contractually that would be GoS to take care of! Just bake it into a contract, what’s the big deal? And WTF do you mean “Serbia does not have the money to pay for that”?!? Well they just took responsibility for that.
5 & 6. What A6 registrations?!?! Air Serbia does not have any A6 registered planes, you have been asleep for a looong time. Look at the links you provided to tell you the current state. And what’s your problem with maintenance in AUH? That’s C check, other stuff is done in BEG. Do you even care to think about C and D check capabilities, or even how many EU and US carriers outsource similar jobs to low cost MRO’s around the world? Didn’t think so.
7. You have a hard time separating “pilot” from “cabin crew” or “management” training. What was done by AB and what by EY? You have no idea, don’t you?
There...feels good to take out another zombie h8tr...
AnonymousDecember 17, 2014 at 5:19 PM
DeleteKo si dasi dosdio si.
Isto i ja tako kazem CTN nece naci kupca i to je istina.
Did you at letast try to check thos pages to see that they were leased to Air Serbia by Etihad. Now they don't have A6 registration, but they did have A6 registration. But still it was leased by Etihad. Please do open those links.
Everyone knows that Air Serbia had fleet shortage inherited from JAT and could not immediately get all 10 Airbus planes. Etihad initially assisted with those two A319 including the pilots. That was not a secret and planes were reregistered long time ago
DeleteAnd now, just to flip everyone on their heads, Air Serbia is currently wet leasing an aircraft to Etihad, which operates the BEG-AUH-Muscat route !!!
DeleteIs it me or has JU added additional flights to BNX? There is a flight currently going as JU 104. I don't recall there being any evening flights.
ReplyDeleteAnonymous at 5:19 you must be one of the useless ex-JAT employees that got fired and now can't stand to see Air Serbia flourishing.
ReplyDeleteSecond, your ''facts'' are wrong...
A6-SAA, now YU-API is leased directly from BBAM. The period you are talking about was the interim solution until JU pilots were trained to operate YU registered aircraft. It is the same case with ex-SAB - now YU-APJ.
This is an aviation blog, not a political tabloid, give it a rest and vent your frustrations elsewhere and lets the rest of us enjoy aviation in its glory.
BBAM lease those planes to Etihad and than Etihad to Air Serbia. Why? Think about it. For sure for less money or just to make more administration.
DeleteSad gore lupate nego ja evo ko placa leasing za YU-API - YU-APJ i
dali neko zna kolika je bila jatova flota u najbolje vreme?
DeleteNegde krajem osamdesetih
Delete-B727-200 9x
-B737-300 9x
-DC9-32 15x
-DC10-30 4-5x (2 svoja)
-ATR42-200 3x (lease?)
Sve u svemu oko 40 aviona...
Bilo je i par izuzetaka (u najmu) kao:
RomBAC1-11 (Tarom)
DC10-30 OO-SLA (Sabena)
L1011 Tristar (Royal Jordanian)
Pre toga je bilo i par B707-300, zadnji (YU-AGI) je otišao u penziju u to doba pa njih ne računam. Karavele su penzoinisane još ranije.
OT: izvinjavam se za ot, ali tek sada vidim da montenegro 11.aprila uvodi liniju tgd-lys. kako to? nijednom nije niko spomenuo ili sam ja prevideo tu vest. e super, sad cemo u lion preko podgorice. bravo montenegro!!!
ReplyDeletePa propustio si vest. Objavljena je jos juce ovde
A spomenuli su je jos pre mesec dana ;)
BEG-LYS-BEG -> 192€ Not bad at all. (And it's the cheapest option!)
DeleteGreat move by YM!
DeleteJa sam objavio to jos 14- novembra u comments:
a oni 21 oktobra. Ne kapiram
DeleteFurthermore, new seasonal summer flights will include Manchester and Lyon next year.
That's beacause the contract was signed the 13 november. I think before, it was only rumors.