Ljubljana Airport sees growth as Skopje and Sarajevo break records |
The airports in Ljubljana, Skopje and Sarajevo have all seen their passenger numbers grow during the second last month of the year. Ljubljana Jože Pučnik Airport welcomed 84.507 passengers, a modest increase of 1.1% on the same period last year. Growth was achieved despite a significant dip in the number of operated flights. Slovenia’s busiest airport registered 1.915 flight operations, down 11.1% compared to 2013. It handled some 773.000 kilograms of cargo, a decrease of 3.6%. So far this year, Jože Pučnik Airport has seen 1.226.947 travellers, up 3.1%. A total of 8.900 tonnes of commercial cargo has been delivered while the number of flights decreased 5.6%.
Month | PAX | Change (%) |
JAN | 75.317 | ▲ 16.9 |
FEB | 75.132 | ▲ 14.4 |
MAR | 86.324 | ▲ 5.1 |
APR | 99.129 | ▲ 1.1 |
MAY | 107.401 | ▼ 7.0 |
JUN | 127.837 | ▼ 0.9 |
JUL | 147.871 | ▼ 2.9 |
AUG | 162.867 | ▲ 6.0 |
SEP | 143.071 | ▲ 5.6 |
OCT | 117.491 | ▲ 6.7 |
NOV | 84.507 | ▲ 1.1 |
Skopje Alexander the Great Airport continued with its growth streak in November. The airport welcomed more passengers than Ljubljana, handling a total of 86.857 travellers during the month, an increase of 21.3%. On the other hand, the country’s second international airport, Ohrid, saw 1.038 travellers pass through its doors, all of them using Helvetic Airways’ Zurich service. Overall, Macedonia’s busiest airport has welcomed a record breaking 1.120.870 passengers so far this year, up 21%, and has registered its busiest year since opening its doors. Almost half of the passengers, or 45.5%, travelled on Wizz Air flights to and from Skopje.
Month | PAX | Change (%) |
JAN | 62.362 | ▼ 1.4 |
FEB | 65.223 | ▲ 20.4 |
MAR | 76.589 | ▲ 12.3 |
APR | 105.596 | ▲ 42.0 |
MAY | 109.029 | ▲ 24.3 |
JUN | 116.352 | ▲ 20.8 |
JUL | 132.227 | ▲ 17.5 |
AUG | 143.424 | ▲ 25.4 |
SEP | 115.794 | ▲ 21.6 |
OCT | 107.517 | ▲ 21.2 |
NOV | 86.857 | ▲ 21.3 |
Finally, Sarajevo Airport also performed better than last year with a significant jump in the amount of handled cargo. It saw 46.833 passengers pass through its doors, an improvement of 5.4%. The number of operated flights increased only by four, or 0.9%, from 422 last November to 426 this year. The airport handled 355.715 kilos of cargo, up by an impressive 149%. Sarajevo is also set to record its busiest year on record with Bosnia and Herzegovina’s largest airport welcoming 666.822 passengers so far in 2014, up 6%. The number of flights increased markedly from 5.160 last year to 5.630, or 9.1%.
Month | PAX | Change (%) |
JAN | 36.114 | ▲ 8.0 |
FEB | 35.435 | ▲ 16.6 |
MAR | 45.789 | ▲ 2.6 |
APR | 56.611 | ▼ 0.5 |
MAY | 71.513 | ▲ 9.2 |
JUN | 74.978 | ▲ 2.8 |
JUL | 74.948 | ▲ 7.5 |
AUG | 88.591 | ▲ 11.0 |
SEP | 71.168 | ▲ 6.7 |
OCT | 64.844 | ▲ 0.7 |
NOV | 46.833 | ▲ 5.4 |
Good results for all ex-yu airports this year.
ReplyDeleteBrilliant results wouldn't you say ?
Deleteprojected traffic at major airports in ex-YU. for 2014 and (2015)
Skopje - 1.21 million (1.4 million)
Pristina - 1.3 million (1.3 million)
Podgorica/Tivat - 1.63 million (1.81 million)
Belgrade - 4.65 million (5.2 million)
Nis - NA ~ (35 000)
Sarajevo - 710 000 (800 000)
Tuzla - 150 000 (180 000)
Mostar - 70 000 (90 000)~
Osijek - 30 000 (40 000)
Zagreb - 2.44 million (2.85 million)
Rijeka - 155 000 (175 000)
Pula - 355 000 (385 000)
Zadar - 495 000 (520 000)
Split - 1.75 million (1.87 million)
Dubrovnik - 1.60 million (1.72 million)
Brac airport - NA ~ (NA)
Ljubljana - 1.31 million (1.44 million)
Maribor - NA ~ (NA)
I actually think Split has a really good chance at reaching 1.9 million this year!
Delete@AnonymousDecember 18, 2014 at 11:53 PM
DeleteU mean next year, this year it'll be around 1.757 million or there about.
OT but somewhat related to Adria: an interesting article on 'ghost airports' in Poland - and it includes Lodz.
A quote:
"He added that the fees charged to airlines for using the facilities were a problem.
'The relationship between the local airports and low-cost carriers is suicidal. Nothing will ever be enough. At some point they will say, ‘If you don’t give us more, we’ll go.’ And they’ll go.'
Another interesting development during the China summit in Belgrade:
Seems like the socialist government in Croatia was the best thing to happen to Serbian-Croatian aviation.
Another interesting OT (somehow related): http://www.seebiz.eu/milijuni-eura-potroseni-na-nepotrebne-zracne-luke-u-eu-u/ar-101250/
ReplyDeleteinteresting from the perspective of justification for supporting local/small airports...
@ ex-YU:
ReplyDeleteI think LJU had so far 8.900t of cargo - not 8.9t
Yes, fixed. Thank you.
DeleteCongrats Ljubljana, Skopje and Sarajevo! Also nice news about Serbia-Croatia agreement signed in Belgrade!
ReplyDeleteWhy did the number of flights fall so much at LJU last month?
ReplyDeletehttp://exyuaviation.blogspot.com/2014/09/winter-201415-adria-airways.html + Iran Air (end of sanctions)
DeleteAh ok thanks. Now that you mention Iran Air, i find it odd they still land in BEG but don't at most other airports since sanctions were lifted. Cheaper fuel I assume?
DeleteIran Air is back in december, but I think not so frequently as in the past.
DeleteThey still fly to Budapest as well i think.
DeleteAny news on the Air China deal? I think the summit is ending today.
ReplyDeleteAn agreement was signed yesterday, but the details of the agreement were not published.
ReplyDeleteIf the details are secret that means BEG-PEK will be flown with a stealth plane.
DeleteMali Djokica
Intergovernmental bilateral agreement was signed yesterday that is based on memorandum of understanding that was signed earlier. Has to ratified by parliament.
DeleteTherefore it should not be a secret. What's in it?
DeleteThanks to your dear Aerologic we no longer see Zagreb - Pleso but only "Zagreb" on BEG.aero.
DeleteJust CPH to be fixed then - as far as I know only Kastrup serves the city no? The rest is fine and correct, airport names are necessary to distinguish multiple airports serving a city.
DeleteI'm sorry you didn't understand but that was a critic of actions of the given person after i read his comments, i don't know how he got the right to change Zagreb or any other airport name, but of course CPH wasn't, so much about our newly found brotherhood...
Много приче претходних дана о историјском дану за авијацију у Србији и најављеним летовима Ер Србије за Кину, кад оно: тресла се гора, родио се миш! Ни онај историјски споразум са Америком на коме се радило годинама још није ратификован. Где су конкретни резултати?
DeleteBucharest is being changed as well.
DeleteАеролоџик, кад већ поправљаш ствари, кликни на Ред Летења па на Сезонски Ред Летења и на мапи кликни на било који град. Све пукне и избаци грешку 404.
DeleteТаj коментар нисам био jа већ неко коме jе сметало да jе Загреб био "смањен". Jа са аеродромом Београд немам никакве везе, ja сам само сугерисао неке ствари, коjе се joш увек спроводе.
Delete@Anon 4:05
DeleteMozda su ta dva sporazuma povezana! Emirates ce ponovo leteti Dubai-Milano-Njujork, pa posto za razliku od Italije Srbija nije u EU mozda sad hoce da naprave sporazume tako da Air China leti PEK-BEG-JFK? LOL
Dzabe ismevate liniju BEG-PEK i BEG-PVG ;)
Koju liniju? Ne vidim gde mogu da kupim kartu za te linije koje pominjes, molim te stavi ovde link gde to moze da se uradi. Ako nema linka nema ni linija. Hvala!
DeleteLiniju BEG - PEK? Nesto sam propustio?
DeleteIzgleda da je jedino što smo svi mi propustili izvinjenje onog ili onih koji su iz dana u dan najavljivali letove Er Srbije do Kine avionima A330 koji treba da stignu u martu-aprilu. Čekali smo strpljivo ovih nekoliko dana da čujemo i to čudo, a sad kad se to nije ostvarilo - tišina.
DeletePa desice se ali dali ce to biti JU ili CA niko nezna ali prva inerkontinentalna linija iz BEG ce biti za PEK ;) Posto bice kao sto ste rekli da nemam pojma da Dane ide za ZAG a vidi otisao je .
Lepota interneta je da sve sto je ranije napisano i dalje stoji i lako se moze naci. Lepo pise i to mnogo puta ponovljeno da ce u prethodnim danima biti istorijska objava letova BEG-PKG i PVG, i jos od ranije poruke da ce ASL da tamo leti sa A330. Mogu da postavim link na brojne poruke ako je neko zaboravio. Jedino sto gugl ne moze da mi nadje je to izvinjenje.
DeleteJa vrlo dobro znam sta sam pisao i stojim iza toga bice letova ali dali ce u pocetku letetiCA ili JU ;) A gde je izvinjenje da Dane nece ici za ZAG .
What about Goteborg? Two airports as well.
DeleteTo za Kondica je jako bitno.. A za A330 i ASL letove si se bio svima popeo na glavu i pored toga, sto ti je bilo objasnjeno da je to u tim rokovima potpuno nemoguce. Ako izvuces neku pouku iz svega ovoga, i skapiras da ne trcis pred rudu, bice dobro, mlad si.
DeleteNe sumnjam da ce se onaj ko je to napisao za Daneta izviniti.
DeleteDesetine poruka koje sam nasao, recimo ovo, lepo pise da dolazi A330 u martu-aprilu a kad tacno krece za PEK-PVG nije tada bilo poznato:
ili ovde:
Najava zanimljivog dana za srpsku avijaciju, ovo je bilo 15 decembra za sutradan:
a par poruka dalje objasnjenje:
"Ima veze sa samitom ali ne zato sto dolaze sirokotrupci nego i za ASL.
I jos puno slicnih poruka. Taj gugl tacno zna sta je ko pisao samo ne zna kad ce vec jednom to izvinjenje!
Na kraju, ono sto sam ja naucio iz ovoga a nadam se i nauk drugim posetiocima je da poruke sa tim potpisom ne uzimaju zdravo za gotovo odnosno da ih tretiraju kao mastu a ne istinu! Ima i drugih mastovitih i izmisljenih poruka od raznih korisnika ovde, nije problem u masti.
DeleteNije masta nego ce se desiti samo neznam ja kad ce Kondic izaci sa tim pred medije .
DeleteJa sam samo preneo sta je meni receno.
Pa jeste samit bio vazan za ASL.
I na karaju ja nemam potrebe da lazem.
Ne sumnjam ja da ta vest nije dosla do tebe, ali nisu sve vesti koje cujemo istinite. Ono sto je iritiralo ljude jeste tvoja tvrdoglavost.
DeleteJa prenosim da je meni receno da vise ne uzimam za ozbiljno sta pises.
DeleteA sta cete uraditi ako se desi to sto sam saznao isto onako kukavicki cutati kao i kad je Dane otisao za ZAG .
OT Montenegro Airlines and S7 Airlines signed codeshare partnership.
ReplyDeleteAir Serbia receives an award for Zagreb line
Award? You've gotta be kidding me! Its a PR stunt on a second-grade website!!!!!!
DeleteI wouldn't call it a "second-grand" site:
Air Serbia has removed from the system all the increases for the summer season and the timetable is currently identical to the winter one. Does anyone know more about this?
ReplyDeleteThere are rumors that ASL is axing TLV. Is that true?
DeleteNever heard anything. I thought that the loads were good...
Deletethey were struggling with TLV
Deleteyou might think I am a bot but they will cancel the route sooner or later. I travelled with them in August ( best month with July for aviation in whole) and on the way to TLV there were maybe 30-40 pax ( 0 business pax) and on the way back around 60-75 ( 2 in business class).
DeleteTLV was doing ok in summer, it's in winter that it has become a total disaster.
Deletehow are the loads now? Any personal experiences on that flights?
DeleteYou'd think that premium loads would be healthier considering the significant investment Israeli companies have in Serbia.
DeleteMorning flight is a total disaster since there are no morning arrivals to feed these flights. There are days when it would depart with 15 passengers. lol
DeleteZagreb will help with TLV loads :)
DeleteHow can Ohrid have so many passengers when Helvetic is flying with their Fokker100 to Ohrid, once per week
ReplyDeleteThere are probably some private flights as well.
DeleteIt's interesting that when you compare numbers, BEG has as many pax as LJU, SKP, PRN, SJJ and TGD. And with this year's increase in pax, next year this list will include ZAG. Which won't be hard once new planes come and new lines commence. It will be a nice hub at the heart of Balkan.
DeleteAeroflot flight AFL2092 to BEG turned around before landing, as well as ASL375 from Zurich and ASL615 from Prague are turning now.
ReplyDeleteAny idea?? Check that on flightradar24.com now.
They all ended up landing so it could be due to fog and reduced visibility?
DeleteASL325 from Dusseldorf as well is turning now. WTF
DeleteIt's because BEG, as @Anonymous 9:11 PM has just convinced us, is becoming "nice hub at the heart of Balkan" LOL
DeleteHeavy fog, they all landed anyway.