
Wishing all EX-YU aviators marking the holiday today a Merry Christmas

Sretan Božić
Vesel Božič

Have a look at what you read, liked and discussed the most on EX-YU Aviation News in 2014 here and don't forget to visit tomorrow for your latest fix of aviation news from the former Yugoslavia

Best wishes


  1. Anonymous09:07

    Happy holidays to all! May we reach 20M pax in ExYU airports next year and may there be some cooperation and collaboration behind it. The more we learn how to celebrate our diversities the more successful we will all be.

    For more details on how a positive thinking should look like, please refer to valuable posts of our honourable member Rodney Marinkovic :)


    1. Oh my dear friend,(at9:07 AM)
      Od GOSPODA VAM hvala. Moje ime nezasluzuje biti uzor ni reference ni poceemu, a ponajmanje medju ljudima koji su ozbiljno u putnickoj avijaciji. Postujuci u mojoj mocin sve ljude, slaveci avione sa aerodromima sirom planete, ploveci kroz moje penzionerske dane pojednako vremenski u Kraljevu i Sydney-u, a cekajuci Bozic sa svima januarskim blagim danima, neka su svima svi blagi dani blagi. Avioni da lete svoj blagi krug. Spajajuci ljude po dalekim aerodromima. Nama dajuci mogucnost da postujemo svakog coveka, ali ne i ljudsku oholost...
      Vas Rod Son & Aviation.

  2. Purger09:54

    Čestit Božić i mnogo božjeg blagoslova svim ljudima dobre volje!

  3. Happy Christmas and one queestion.
    Why are there no morning flights to Munich or Frankfurt from Belgrade until the 28.12?

    1. Anonymous11:21


    2. Look at the airport webpage today as well as schedule http://www.flightradar24.com/data/flights/lh1725/

    3. Anonymous12:30

      Well tomorrow there are two Lufthansa flights to Munich (06:10AM and 13:10PM) and 3 flights to FRA (one with Air Serbia) and two with LH (06:35AM 13:20PM) so WTF?

    4. Where do you see the flights? There are no departures in the airport website for today and the flights are not in the system for tomorrow.

    5. Anonymous18:30

      But...Just 10 minutes ago I could see them, now I can't.. O.o
      Maybe it's because of the slow internet lol
      But seriously I don't know, maybe website just can't load those flights, although they exist?

    6. Anonymous18:33

      A lot of airlines opeprate a reduced scheule on Christmas so that might be why there was no flights. For example Sarajevo today has only 4 flights!

  4. Anonymous10:32

    Merry Christmas to all of you celebrating it today! Beautiful pictures of Zagreb and Ljubljana!

    1. Anonymous14:07

      sretan bozic svima!

  5. Anonymous10:34

    Merry Christmas from BEG to all those who are celebrating today!


  6. Anonymous10:42

    Zagreb Airport by Justin Case:


    1. Anonymous10:55

      OMG what a hot picture! I love Aeroflot Nord as well. Is it a substitute for the regular SU flight?

  7. Marry Christmas,
    To people in aviation, to all and every one who celebrating Holy Day today have joy in the Peace.
    Never forget to glorying pasanger 's aviation and its people. Budimo ljudi medju sobom I sa drugima.
    Hej srecan vam Bozic.
    Rodney belong to, QANTAS + AIR SERBIA. Kraljevo Serbia /// Sydney Aussye Land.

  8. JU520 BEGLAX11:34

    Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays to all of you. Beautiful sunny day today near Ljubljana airport, hopefully you enjoy the same in nearby Croatia or even further away. Tomorrow flying LJUTGD YM. will give you some figures. Yesterday ZRH LJU JP 311 CR2 app 38 out of 48 seats sold
    Rodney u still work at QF?

    1. Hi, (at 11:34)
      My active service at Qantas Airways ended over four years ago. As retiree, flying from Belgrade to Sydney, and vv.
      All the best.
      Rod Son & Co. Kraljevo // Sydney.

    2. Podgorica-Ljubljana on YM was always such a strange route for me. Please let us know how the loads were.

  9. Nikola11:48

    Merry Christmas to you all for sunny BEG :-) Srećam vam svima Božić, i da nam 2015. bude još bolja od 2014.

  10. Anonymous12:25

    Merry Christmas to all our friends from Croatia and Slovenia and all the others who celebrate Christmas today, from Belgrade! I hope for the good 2015 to all ex-Yu airports and airlines, but especially ASL and BEG :D

    BG | NIC

  11. Anonymous13:52

    Svima sretan Bozic koji ga slave danas =D

  12. Anonymous16:53

    Sad mi je palo na pamet da ASL uzme jedan ATR 72F . Dali bi imali neke sanse da se probiju u Kargo svetu u EX YU.

    1. Anonymous18:01

      What's the EK 747F coming for a week to Belgrade daily now?

    2. IR 72018:09

      The A319/A320 have about half the cargo capacity that an all-freighter Atr-72 has. Therefore, when taking into account the number of frequencies, it would make no sense for Air Serbia to go for those. What would make more sense is the conversion of let's say 2 737-300 and/or the Aviogenex bird into the freighter variant, such as UIA has.

    3. Anonymous20:29

      Air Serbia has set up a big Christmas tree on Republic sq. It bears its insignia and those of Etihad & Etihad Airways partners. It boosts a metal double-headed eagle/Air Serbia insignia on the top.

    4. Anonymous23:55

      Ja mislim da je EK 744F bio zbog oruzija .
      IR 720 sta mislite dali postoji potencijal za 733F kod ASL posto taj avion su mnoge aviokompanije preradile u kargo verziju.
      Mene bas zanima potencijal avio kargo saobracaja u EX YU pa ako moze neko da mi objasni bio bih zahvalan mnogo :)
      Hvala unapred =D

    5. Anonymous03:19

      I agree, this is probably the best question you ever asked INN.

  13. Anonymous21:12

    Srecan bozic svima koji ga danas slave! Veliki pozdrav svim ljudima dobre volje i svim ljubiteljima avijacije u bivsoj Jugoslaviji iz Kalifornije! Ovde lici vise na leto nego na zimu! Jedva cekam da vidim sta nas ceka u 2015!


  14. Anonymous21:46

    Pridruzujem se cestitkama za Bozic svima koji ga danas slave!
    Pozdrav iz danas suncanog Beograda

  15. Anonymous23:50

    From what I hear, Emirates SkyCargo is transporting fireworks for New Year which is why there are so many flights to BEG these last few days.

    And Merry Christmas to everyone celebrating :)

    1. Anonymous01:26

      Stop spreading false info. I know for a fact that something is being exported from Serbia to Doula ( I am assuming weapons, although not sure). It would not make sense for Serbia to export fireworks to Cameroon lol. Even Dubai does not need 5 full planes of fireworks.

    2. Anonymous02:10

      Well, i'm glad someone mentions this at last, it was about time. We haven't seen a daily 747 at BEG in ages, even less and -F one.


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