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Air Serbia to offer in-flight Internet access |
Air Serbia is expected to roll out wireless Internet access on board its Airbus fleet this year, according to local media reports. The new service will allow passengers to connect their devices onto an on board hotspot, providing them with access to surf the Internet mid air. Initial contact between the Serbian carrier and maintenance companies are underway regarding the implementation of the new service. Therefore, Air Serbia would become the first airline in the former Yugoslavia to provide wireless Internet on board its aircraft.
Air Serbia’s CEO, Dane Kondić, has previously said that the airline will put an emphasis on customer service in 2015. “During the year ahead, we will continue to improve our inflight and on ground experience, with new innovations already in development. These will dramatically raise the competitive bar, as we remain focused on becoming the region’s leading airline”, Mr. Kondić said. A growing number of European carriers offer Wi-Fi Internet access on board a select number of their aircraft. Some of them include British Airways, Lufthansa, Air Berlin and Turkish Airlines. The product is widely available in the United States as well as the Middle East, with Air Serbia’s part-owner Etihad also offering the service on selected routes.
Meanwhile, the internationally acclaimed “AirlineRatings” website has upgraded Air Serbia’s safety and product rating. The Serbian carrier has received six out of seven stars for safety, joining B&H Airlines and Croatia Airlines as the only two other carriers from the former Yugoslavia to enjoy top marks in almost all categories. Furthermore, Air Serbia has received a five out of seven star product rating, the highest in the region. “We are committed to the full service concept, having placed great emphasis on our products and services as being the key differentiators against our competitive set. We are particularly pleased to be recognised by ‘AirlineRatings’ for these two essential components. Such recognition by experienced industry professionals, provides further proof of the strides we are making at becoming the region's leading airline", Air Serbia said in a statement. "AirlineRatings" is the first website to independently rate airlines on safety. The company’s rating system is endorsed by the International Civil Aviation Organisation (ICAO) and rates 449 carriers.
Air Serbia has 199.493 likes on Facebook. They will probably roll past 200.000 likes either today or tomorrow.
DeleteThat's fascinating...
DeleteZapravo, da- jeste fascinantno.
Nijedna aviokompanija u regionu nije uspela da prikupi toliko lajkova.
Moram ti saopstiti i da je Air Serbia najbolje ocenjena u regionu- takodje.
Deal with it
buying likes is nothing new.
Kako vam ne dosadi da pljujete vise ASl nije mio jasno
Mali ...
DeleteKao prvo i osnovno: veoma mi je zao da te razocaram, ali moras da smiris svoje frustracije i shvatis da to sto si ljubomoran uopste ne znaci da si pametan i da si spustio bilo koga time sto koristis kupovinu lajkova da bi se izvadio iz toga da Air Serbia ima vise lajkova na facebooku od bilo koje druge aviokompanije u rergionu.
Kao drugo- lajkovi na facebooku u sustini uopste nsu bitni, niti znaci da govore o bilo cemu. I opet, leteo sam i Montenegro Airlines-om, i B&H Airlines-om, i Adriom i Croatiom, i TAROMom, i Air Serbiom i sa jos bezbroj aviokompanija. Usluge koje Air Serbia pruza na svojim letovima su dosta bolje od onih u Montenegro Airlines-u, Croatia Airlines-u i drugim kompanijama u regionu. Sto se tice bezbednosti, sigurno nisu bez razloga dobili 6 od 7. Naravno da nije najbolja aviokopanija na svetu, ali pomirite se vise sa tim da Jat nije bankrotirao, Air Serbia je tu i, da- pravi rast, napredak i boljitak. Dosadili ste sa svojim jadnim komentarima. Ne zanima me da li ste iz Hrvatske, Slovenije, B&H...Nije bitno. A bogami i ovi nasi znaju dobro da pljuju po Air Serbiji jer 'narod nema sta da jede a oni narucuju avione. Air Serbia nema pravo na napredak. Mora opet da bude gora da bi mi kao najveci seljaci mogli da pljujemo po svome. Avioni su stari 30 godina, svi su uzeti na leasing. Blablabla- mi smo pametni i Vucko nas nece prevariti. Vi ste botovi i nemate pravo da verujete da ce Air Serbia jednog dana biti jedna od najboljih aviokompanija u Evropi'.
Malo ste mi se vise zgadili.
A kako ce tek da pljuju kad dodju 4 ATR 4 A319 i A330 i kad se uvede wi-fi i online check-in
DeleteBG | NIC
Sad ce da vas zamrze sto branite ASL.
DeleteImam mnogo vaznija posla nego da se brinem da li me mrzi neko sa ovog bloga.
Ne vidim sta sam pogresno rekao. Ne govorim samo o onima koji pljuju ASL. Govorim o svima koji provociraju ovde, ne desava se to samo sa ASL. Koliko puta su ovde pisali da ce OU bankrotirati bez posebnog argumenta, koliko su puta desavalo da neko isprovocira samo jer je cuo neku lepu vest o nekoj aviokompaniji? Ovde ima dosta ljudi kojima nije mesto ovde. Ako hoce da se svadjaju ceo dan, neka idu na neke 'blogove' koji su odavno izgubili ozbiljnost- tipa b92.net ili blic.rs. Tamo su skoro svi komentari otprilike kancerogeni kao i neki ovde.
I ja cesto lupetam gluposti ovde i to priznajem ali necu da im cutim na provokacije mozda je to greska.
Budale najbolje oteras tako sto ih ignorises, ne tako sto se spustas na njihov nivo.
DeleteMislim da je bolje da svi ubuduce ignorisemo komentare kao sto je @12:26
I agree too.
DeleteIgnore stupid comments like that one you mentioned.
Will these hotspots be for IFE distribution on own devices as well? Look, internet is great, dont get me wrong, but ASL needs movies and music especially on flights to AUH and SVO.
ReplyDeleteYou have a smartphone and unlimited wi fi - go crazy
DeleteI doubt it will be free and unlimited. LH is charging for wi-fi muchos dineros
DeleteIt will be free, not sure about unlimited
DeleteI recently flew with Alaska Airlines (the real AS, lol) and I liked the system they had. They had a network where anyone could stream entertainment for free (films, TV shows, Music), and for a fee it was possible to buy unlimited WiFi for the entire day. I assume Business class had free WiFi.
DeleteBy the way, I flew a 737-900ER with split scimitar winglets.
Did it feel any different in flight?
DeleteGreat news for passengers! Hope Air Serbia makes free wifi feature front and center in every marketing initiative, this will be a major competitive advantage.
Delete@Aleksandar Stojanovic
DeleteNorth American customers already had seatback IFE at various airlines and were used to wider availability of media content. Average NA stage length is longer and it makes sense there to offer onboard wifi video streaming, effectively replacing heavy and expensive seatback IFE devices. However unlike free streaming entertainment, internet connectivity is mostly considered as a premium pay for use service in that market.
Anonymous at 3:04 PM
DeleteNema razlike u letenju jedina razlika je da npr usteda kerozina na B739ER je 1.6% na daljini od 1000nm a 2.2% na 3000nm. :)
The only difference was that the take off run takes forever in a 900ER. I flew at the end of the weekend after New Years break,and the plane was filled with people going back to my uni. It took forever to reach cruise,
DeleteWiFi should be available when aircraft is above 10 000 ft so it should be useful even on shorter routes like BEG-LJU (but not very short like SJJ) when operated by an Airbus.
Deletesuper, dali neki zna kad uvode web checkin?
ReplyDeletenovi sajt ce uskoro ali ne znam da li ima web checkin
DeleteOvo uskoro slušamo eto već godinu i pola.
DeleteBice pocetkom iduceg meseca najverovatnije
Deletesajt je u redu...bitno je da bude jednostavno kad hoces da narucis kartu.. dali znate kad se pusta novi sajt? a webcheckin je potreban. Dali je mnogo komplikovano da se uvede?
DeleteToliko ga dugo prave da će biti zastareo kada se pojavi :/ Bacite pogled na aireuropa i virgin america web sajtove. Nadam se da ce sajt ASL-a biti u toj rategoriji
DeleteNadam se da nece. Prvi put sam otisao na aireuropu i smorilo me odmah. Jedini jezik za izbor je engleski. Na IE11 ubrljan je deo gde se nudi biz klasa, ekstra prtljag itd. Ne mogu da nadjem mapu destinacija. Posle dva minuta sam dosao do zakljucka da je djubre poput beg.aero sajta.
DeleteAdmin, when will we find out new Asl routes?
ReplyDeleteprobably as soon as AS announces them
DeleteATR engine was on fire
'Pilot je primetio da jedan od motora na avionu gori, dok je letelica i dalje bila u fazi penjanja...'
DeleteКако да не, пилот баш може да види мотор из кабине. Свака част српском новинарству.
You think that the pilot must make visual contact with the engine to know it's on fire?
Deletesigurno da uopste nije lako kada si u takvoj situaciji! Ipak dobro je da su svi putnici dobro, i da nije nesto gore!
Delete"Pilot je PRIMETIO da motor GORI" suggests a visual contact with the engine.
DeleteAlso, comment section gave me cancer...
Primetio must specifically mean making visual contact with the engine? Pilots can notice an engine fire without seeing the engine.
Deleteno it doesn't, not at all.... noticing instrumentation warning of an engine fire would still warrant the same phrasing in Serbian, there is absolutely no reason to infer a visual confirmation by the pilot. Seriously the comment section of ex-yu is getting just as bad as local trash tabloids.
DeleteI was mostly referring to GORI part. They didn't phrase as if he'd seen fire warnings, but more like as he'd seen the engine burning. As far as we know it could've been a false alarm, it 's not like it never happened before.
DeleteBefore haters start speaking "it only happens to Air Serbia":
e stvarno ove novine treba da bude sramota!! Nije sto je air serbia u pitanju tako lupaju i za narodom!!! Avion se zapalio hitno sleteo? ja pomislio gotovo izgoreo ceo avion! Sad okrenuli motor bio u kvaru, nije se zapalio pa se zato veatio!!! Prestacu da citam novine i da gledam tb....
DeleteWhat's the reg of the aircraft on which that happened?
DeleteKomentari naroda me, kao i uvek, teraju na smrt. Kad vidim da im neko pojasni da se to desava svuda i da je jedina bitna stvar to sto su putnici i posada preziveli i da se poradi na tome da se to ne ponovi i da je ATR jedan od najbezbednijih aviona, povratim nadu u koriscenje onoga u glavi. Treba da prestanem da citam komentare na sajtovima tipa b92.net, kurir.rs ili blic.rs, boli me glava od njih vise...
DeleteBG | NIC
That's the newer version, i expected it to be the other one.
DeleteJa sam davno prestao da citam komentare na veb izdanja, uglavnom je to go gomila frustriranih "strucnjaka za sve" koji tamo lece svoja nezadovoljstva.
Nemam zelje da toliko trujem svoj mozak...
YU-ALP je avion koji se vratio zbog kvara, a YU-ALU je otisao za bnx kao zamena.
DeleteProfi odradjeno. Svaka castro.
ReplyDeleteTonight is also Air Serbia's last night flight to Athens until mid-June. :(
ReplyDeleteActually, I just checked and it seems like JU reversed their decision and night flights to Athens resume at the end of March.
DeleteBice jos iznenadjenja od strane ASL.
ReplyDeleteKako sam cuo novi sajt bi trebao da ima i online check-in ali ne drzite me za rec i necu da tvrdim ovaj put.
Нови сајт неће имати онлајн чекин због већ споменутих разлога.
Deletene brini se, niko te ovde ne drži za reč. svi znamo s kim imamo posla.
DeleteINN-NS - we love you :) Your presence on this blog is the best thing that happened in months, seriously.
Deletegood one ;-)
DeleteNe mogu da verujem da je taj online check in toliko problematicna stvar i da ne moze brze da se uvede, pa kostalo koliko god.
DeleteMislim da bi jako znacilo, narocito u jutarnjem i popodnevnom talasu, a da ne govorimo tokom letnje sezone.
Jel moze neko da podseti sta je tu najveca prepreka za uvodjenje.
Ja sam samo reko da sam tako cuo a dali me neki Anonymous-i drze za rec ili ne mene to ne zanima
@AnonymousJanuary 17, 2015 at 4:38 PM
DeleteNemam informacije o tome kakva je situacija u ASL-u i zasto je njima to problem, ali generalno, implementacija Web Checkin-a zahteva integraciju softvera za operacije, prodaju i rezervaciju karata, softver koji se koristi na aerodromima za izdavanje bording passova i pravljenje liste putnika i kompanijskim web sajtom. Svi ovi sistemi su najčešće implementirani katastrofalno, sa vrlo ograničenim mogućnostima za integraciju, sa preskupim konsultantima koje treba angažovati za neizvesnim rezultatom. Ne postoji nikakva mogućnost da se da tačna procena kada će se ovakva integracija završiti. Pretpostavljam da zbog toga ASL i ne izlazi sa bilo kakvim najavama. Kao programer sa podosta iskustva, to je poslednji projekat na kome bih voleo da radim. Ovakvi projekti su obično dolina plača i za naručioce i za timove koji to implementiraju
Hvala na odgovoru.
DeleteNadam se da ce ASL, ipak, uskoro biti u prilici da ponudi online c/in.
INN-NS: wrong guess, no online checkin for now. No ASL fault.
DeleteWhose fault is it?
DeleteКад порастеш кашће ти се само
DeleteAir Serbia web fail
DeleteAir Serbia web check in fail
Air Serbia self check in fail
Zna li neko kakvo je posluzenje na letovima DUS-BEG u ekonomskoj klasi ASL-a? :)
ReplyDeleteDUS je, cini mi se, preko 2 sata pa bi trebao da bude kompletan obrok sa predjelom i alkoholnim i bezalkoholnim picima. ;)
Topli doručak ujutru, odnosno ručak na popodnevnim letovima, uz full bar (izbor pića, sokova, alkohola, kafa, čaj).
DeleteNe brini, devojka dolazi tebe da vidi, a ne servis u Air Serbiji. ;-)
Deleteahaha hvala vam ljudi! :)
DeleteDzabe i wi fi kad danas zamalo ne pade pri poletanju...
ReplyDeleteVasi komentari su toliko niski .
DeletePa posto hocete raspravu dobicete je barem ne prokisnjava ko neki.
Idi sa bloga o aviaciji ako vec nemas pojma o istoj ni malo. To moze da se desi svaki dan.
Ovaj tvoj komentar je poprilicno nizak i besmislen, slobodno mozes da odes da napises tako nesto negde gde ljudi razmisljaju kao ti. Ovde si ispao smesan. Bitno je da su svi preziveli i da je pilot odradio sjajan posao. Avion ce se pregledati i sve ce biti u redu.
Your comment gave me cancer. It hurts that there are still people like you in this world.
@anonymous at 8:48
Delete"...danas zamalo ne pade pri poletanju..." - rece i ostade ziv.
Najbolje je da se ti vratis dnevnoj dozi tabloidnog komentarisanja na kuriru, blicu, b92, itd.
Ovo je blog o avijaciji i tako zlonamerno "lupetanje" ce ovde naici samo na podsmeh.
I zaljenje...
Goodbye forever.
Completely agree.
9:03 and 10.05, your comments sound more than awful.
DeletePrimetio bi da su se iste licbosti ocde nasladjivali sa Croatijinim incidentom u Zurichu koji sada tvrde da nije nista sto se motor zapalio na 8000 fita.
DeleteJe*ote kako je normalno kad ti se zapali deo aviona u letu. I to aviona koji je star i za autobus.
@Anon 1:11
Delete"I to aviona koji je star i za autobus."
Taj ATR je star 24 godine, ma bi normalan letio tako starim avionom!?!? Mozda samo Obama, njegov Air Force One 747 je poletio 1987, to je vise od 26 godina star avion! Jos stariji od autobusa!
Air Serbia haters are running dangerously low on arguments...
Anyone who says that a plane is unsafe because of the age of the plane knows nothing about aviation. Planes are designed differently than buses and are maintained differently than buses. Buses don't have D-Checks where the entire bus is taken down to bare metal, nor do bus manufacturers have to build their buses to the same standard as planes do. Buses don't have 100% redundancy in systems such as engines, crew, etc.
DeleteThe plane that I solo'd on was 41 years old. So what. It is just as safe as any 172 coming off the line today.
DeleteHe obviously only takes buses thus what he can compare with. ;)
ReplyDeleteBelgrade airport made it as number 80 on the current list of busiest airports in Europe (Wikipedia), adding more passengers in a year than London Heathrow! Well done ASL!
Athens and SAW are the most impressive, Belgrade is third. Funny that they're all from the same region pretty much.
DeleteNot true. In terms of relative growth, Belgrade is leading on that (still incomplete) list of Europe's 100 busiest airports.
DeleteIn terms of absolute numbers, Istanbul Ataturk IST beat them all, adding 5,6 million passengers more than in 2013!
Not true. Compared to their relative size, BEG, ATH & SAW have observed the most impressive growth.
DeleteWTF, what part of 2:56 post is not true?!?! BEG leads with 30,9% relative increase, IST leads with 5,6 mil more passengers (absolute increase). Are you unable to read the simple table?!? What part of that is NOT true?!?
DeleteTo the % of their current size you idiot.
DeleteIf posters at 1:54 and 2:26 are the same, then you are the idiot: Belgrade is not third after Athens and SAW, it's the other way around: BEG % growth is first at 30.9%, SAW is second with 27.6%, ATH is third with 20.6%:
The timetable almost looks like back in the times of Jat Airways with all those 737-300 going-on. God, what would they do without those four a/c.
ReplyDeleteThey would lease 4 additional A319. Multiply A319 lease rate times 4 to see how much they save.
DeleteThen they could maybe refurbish some other Boeings and put them in line as well.
DeleteOthers are better used as spare parts than kept flying. It's all about the $$$.
DeleteI am failing to find any sense in comparing LHR which is at full capacity and had ban on expansion to any of the airports...
LOL no one is implying BEG is bigger than LHR or anything like that. If BEG gets to 1/10th of Heathrow it will be an amazing achievement! However damn statistics do show LHR grew at 1.4% in 2014 adding 1,007 million passengers while BEG grew at 30.9% adding 1,095 million passengers. No need to deny that fact.
DeleteNow if LHR was allowed to add 6 more runways and operate 24/7, if all other London airports were to close, LHR would easily beat Atlanta by a wide margin. We all know that and respect LHR's well deserved #1 spot, but that's no reason to ignore fantastic stats for a tiny airport 79 places down from LHR.
Looks like Zagreb has a ban on expansion as well.
DeleteI just dont understand point in that statistic data and your prancing about it when LHR can not increase size aprat from making all aircraft to be A380s. You get my point?
ReplyDeleteNo I don't. Read post at 2:37 if you care about LHR. Oh, and my personal opinion about LHR growth? They should have made new airport (Boris island or something else) BEFORE investing billions into new T5 and T2. It's too late now. See what IST is planning.