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B&H Airlines and Croatia Airlines score high in AirlineRatings safety review |
B&H Airlines and Croatia Airlines have been named the safest airlines in the former Yugoslavia, in an annual global review conducted by “AirlineRatings”. For a third consecutive year, the two carriers scored highest for safety, receiving six out of seven stars, ahead of Adria Airways and Air Serbia, which settled for five stars. Montenegro Airlines received a ranking of four stars. B&H, Croatia Airlines and Montenegro Airlines all scored lower than last year, when the Bosnian and Croatian carriers boasted a perfect seven star score, while Montenegro Airlines received five stars In 2014. On the other hand, Adria and Air Serbia maintained last year’s results.
B&H Airlines and Croatia Airlines fared well as they both have successfully undergone an IATA Operational Safety Audit, are allowed to operate within the European Union, have had no fatalities in the past ten years and are endorsed by the United States Federal Aviation Administration (FAA). However, the two airlines failed to receive a perfect score as their countries did not achieve top marks in all eight of the International Civil Aviation Organisation’s (ICAO) safety perimeters. The eight ICAO audit parameters that pertain to safety are legislation, organisation, licensing, operations, airworthiness, accident investigation, air navigation service and airports. Bosnia and Herzegovina scored lower in accident investigation and organisation, while Croatia received lower scores in legislation and airports. These concerns do not necessarily indicate a particular safety deficiency in the air navigation service providers, airlines, aircraft or airports, but, rather, indicates that “the state is not providing sufficient safety oversight to ensure the effective implementation of applicable ICAO standards”, the regulatory body says. It should be noted that “AirlineRatings’” scorecard for EX-YU airlines is based on ICAO's last audits conducted between 2009 and 2011.
Australia’s Qantas Airways has been declared the world’s safest airline for a third year in a row, followed by Air New Zealand, British Airways, Cathay Pacific, Emirates, Etihad, EVA Air, Finnair, Lufthansa and Singapore Airlines. "AirlineRatings" is the first website to independently rate airlines on safety. The company’s rating system is endorsed by ICAO and rates 449 carriers. “AirlineRatings” has been used by millions of passengers from 232 countries. The editorial team has won almost fourty international and national awards and have also authored or co-authored more than 27 industry books. To review the full rankings please visit AirlineRatings.com.
Ofcourse JA would be the safest - their planes barely lift off the ground!
ReplyDelete"Safest thing is for our planes to stay on the ground... Barely anything can happen to them while they aren't in the air."
DeleteDoes your stupid statement also explain why EASA and IATA had zero findings in their operation manuals, paperwork, procedures etc.?
DeleteYou you are just being retarded nationalist once again?
Nationalistic? Racist? Why? Because that is the truth?
DeleteBTW moron - I'm Bosnian
Cyprus Airways suspended operations on Friday, after the European Commission ordered it to pay back 65 million EUR in state aid, plus interest. Let me just remind you that this is 3 times less than Serbian government will pay for debts of its own state company Jat, or less than last year debt of Air Serbia.
DeleteCypus is in EU, Serbia will never be so no reason for fear
DeleteWill not? Than OK. But if you think that you will finish transportation chapter and will finance Air Serbia just forget about it. Or learn on example of Malev and Cyprus.
DeletePre ce se to desiti CTN nego ASL.
DeleteNe znam sto uporedjujete kompaniju koja je nazalost propala sa ASL.
It is not compering it is just example how those finantial injections are illegal
DeleteHow does JU and OU rank in numbers of passengers and flights operations for the last year?
DeleteCyprus is a country of 800.000, Serbia is a country of 7 million plus.
DeleteDo the math.
CA was the very definition of a basket case.
Hungary is country of 10 millions and same thing happends there.
DeleteSerbia BDP 42,6 billion USD
Cyprus BDP23,6 billion USD
Serbia BDP per capita 5.924 USD
Cyprus BDP per capita 27.085 USD
Do the math.
1 ASL vode pravi strucnjaci.
Delete2 Na vasu zalost ASL nece propasti
3 Koliko je para upumpala Italija u AZ a koliko ce tek EY.
Your math neglects one small fact: what Serbia does with ASL is investing in a joint venture project with Etihad Airways. It is not a simple pouring of cash to cover annual losses as was the case with Malev and Cyprus.
DeleteWhat Serbia does is exactly the same as what Italy does. You were probably too busy doing your dodgy math so you missed the news that Italian government will pay TWO BILLION EURO of Alitalia's debts. In your math this probably means Alitalia is already dead. However, both Alitalia and Air Serbia equations have some variables your math is completely unaware of. I would suggest you to do some additional education before you start advertising your math skills again.
Dane is that you posting again on here?
DeleteActually, the investment in Air Serbia, Alitalia or Air Berlin is still qualified as throwing money into the wind. It will be just that until one of these airlines becomes self-sustaining, financially stable and actually profitable.
DeleteHahaha JU will become profitable about the same when its Beirut flights start leaving on time... never!
DeleteJU vode strucni ljudi i JU ce biti profitabilan.
DeleteASL ce barem krenuti sa prekookeanskim letovima za razliku od CTN.
JU je naso kupca OU nije niti ce naci .
When profits appear then you can say what you want. This coming February they are going to publish their results so I am curious to see how creative their accountants are.
DeleteU Februaru ce sva gospoda sto hejtuje da cuje da je ASL ima profit ;)
Samo nemoj da bude ista prica kao i sa letovima za Kinu ;)
Delete@ 2:34, 2:41 and 2:48 (three split personalities of a single hater):
DeleteNo, this is not Dane or anyone related to ASL in any way. This is just someone who had some education and knows how to tell serious math from 2+2=5 (your math).
Time will show whether Etihad's investments were throwing of money or smart business deals. Bottom line is they are INVESTMENTS and NOT the type of state aid the EU forbids. Your math may put '=' between them as many times as you wish, but it will not make it true.
A joint venture becoming profitable and a legacy carrier receiving state aid against the EU rules are two very different things. Your math may put '=' between them as many times as you wish, but it will not make it true.
Finally, even if ASL fails and goes bust it will not be the end of the world. Airlines go bust here and there, it is a tough industry. At least they tried to do something and it was a worthy effort. Maybe they make it, maybe they don't. It is how the market works. And you can damn well be sure it is better to try and fail then to live your life preaching to yourself and others about 2+2=5.
I za njih sacekajte Februar tad ce valjda biti konferencija za novinare pa ce mozda tad da kazu kad se krece.
How many pax JU transported last year?
DeleteAbout 2,3 million i guess (much more than OU).
Deletei'm pretty sure they will publish the numbers here when they are available like they have done last year
DeleteItalia did not invest in Alitalia.
DeleteEtihad Airways’ investment of €560 million will be provided through a combination of equity injections, asset purchases and other financing facilities and funding arrangements to re-structure the airline’s balance sheet. This is to be complemented by a further equity investment of €300 million from existing core Alitalia shareholders, including Intesa San Paolo (€88m), Poste Italiane (€75m), UniCredit (€63.5m), Atlantia (€51m), IMMSI (€10m), Pirelli (€10m) and Gavio (€2.5m).
Additionally, up to €598 million in financial restructuring of short and medium term debt has been provided by financial institutions and existing bank shareholders. €300 million of new loan facilities have also been extended by Italian financial institutions.
Unlike this in Serbia all debts and investments were paid by Republic of Serbia.
Опет овај свакодневно мрачи као да је Дарт Вејдер. На Мрачној страни се изгледа не објављују вести колико су година Остријан или Кроејша били у губицима и како је то и даље велико бацање пара јер изгледи на дуже стазе нису добри.
DeleteСамо неко ко је на Тамној страни може да каже како Италија није улагала у Алиталију. Од оснивања Алиталија је само једне године била профитабилна све остало су губици, наравно да је држава улагала! Подаци о аферама су бројни.
Наравно да Алиталија жели да се ослободи такве прошлости, зато је уговор са Етихадом чист. Одобрен је од Европске Комисије (као и уговор Ер Србије!) уз минимални услов препуштања слотова на Рим-Београд линији. То је истина, остало је мрачење. Као правни лек Дарт Вејдер може да пише Европској Комисији и нада се промени, а до тада ћу морати овде да користим Силу на страни Добра да би га средио!
Ne mogu da shvatim kako im ne dosadi da pjuju ASL svaki dan
DeleteShvatite ASL je lider u EX YU hteli vi to il ine a bice jos 3 put veci ove godine.
@ 7:22
DeleteFor god's sake, will you stop writing about things you know nothing about???
Alitalia was TWICE cleared from all debts by the state (in 2008 and 2014) and on both occasions a new legal entity was created (Alitalia carried on as the brand) and started from zero, whereas the old entity went into the government's ownership along with ALL its debts. These debts now accumulate to TWO BILLION EURO - property of Italian state, that is, taxpayers.
Also on both occasions the small shareholders were completely screwed - their shares became worthless overnight. These are the facts so you may wish to adjust that propaganda of yours a bit because it is really easy to handle.
Back in Serbia, Etihad DID INVEST AND WILL FURTHER INVEST in ASL. There are several publicly available documents and sources that support this and the entire investment plan is clearly visible.
I understand that your biggest wish in life is to somehow make 2+2=5 but that will simply not work. Try discovering something less complex than aviation because your league is way below it.
Najgori su ti sto govore da EY nije nista ulozio i kako ce da se obogati preko ASL kao sto je onaj Radulovic pisao.
DeleteBice lepih investicija od strane EY u ASL .
Jedino ce biti profitabilni EY - ASL ne znam kako stoje HM i VA. a i svi znam oko ce biti gubitasi u EY Alliance.
Ja bi pod hitno preporucio pravnom timu ASL da tuzi pojedine ljude za uvredu ugleda.
Italia was not clear any debts to Alitalia in 2008 and 2014. That is typical Vucic stile lie.
DeleteBut I don't know why you put Croatia into this discussion. EU have a rules, if Serbia want to open first charter you will stop with subvention in second and for sure will have review on this deal with Etihad.
And it is also not true that EU allow Etihad-Jat deal. There is investigation about it, it is no finished and for sure there is no any document which allows this contract.
OK, so you will advertise your lies as truth and you will put a Vucic label on arguments that can be so easily verified - it is all available online, just a few clicks away.
DeleteNo argument with such troll makes any sense, so just one final note: that superior tone you use to address the entire nation ('If you want this, you will stop that') you can take home to your family or hamster or whoever - and you can practice your supremacy on them. Outside of your lair you have no higher ground over anyone.
"Under the guise of a rather quaint (and distinctly un-EU) desire to maintain the Italian-ness of the company, a group of wealthy Berlusconi cronies was enticed into taking over the healthy portions of Alitalia, leaving its debts to the Italian taxpayers. The rules of bankruptcy were changed in the middle of the game to meet the government's needs. Berlusconi pulled this one off, but his involvement probably cost the Italian taxpayers a lot of money"
DeleteОво је са Википедија странице о Алиталији, у вези са дуговима у 2008 години.
Какве везе има Кроација? Па у губицима је била годинама пре уласка у ЕУ, ко је покривао те дугове? Наравно држава. Сад се праве блесави.
"And it is also not true that EU allow Etihad-Jat deal. There is investigation about it, it is no finished "
Погрешно. Истрага је завршена. Не пратиш радњу.
Vidi si da je covek mentalno optercen sa JU.
There are rumours EY might be buying out AR. Surprising they choose them over GOL or BOA.
DeleteFortunately the EU won't be asked a damn in that deal.
DeleteNot true. Last press Release of European Commission about Air Serbia-Etihad deal was on 14th November 2014 and it was about investigation that was on. No information about subjects was after that date.
DeleteConcerning All nation, sorry to inform you but if you want even to open 1st chapter of negotiation you must act by EU rules. EU will not change because of Serbia, but Serbia will change a lot if it wants to come to us, to EU. Or if that will not happened you will not come even near to EU.
That was 2 months ago. Call your sources at EU for an update, inquiry is over.
DeleteIt is not.
Delete"Or if that will not happened you will not come even near to EU" - That's even better.
Delete@Anonymous at at 3:00 AM
DeleteStop spreading open lies here.
If state subsidies were subject to scrutiny by EU for the opening of charter negotiations HR wouldn't close them for example, as their Government was supporting OU for years prior to joining the EU. It is, of course, a different story once you become a member state.
So spare us in the future of your wishful thinking regarding JU, its there to stay and grow stronger.
In the last 10 days BH has canceled 80% of their flights to/from BEG. This is getting ridiculous. The chance of that flight actually taking off are 1 in 5. There are casino games that have better odds. When you have performance like that top safty rating doesn't mean much. Disagree? Then you go buy a 100EUR ticket and than take that 1 in 5 chance you actually get to fly!
ReplyDeleteThey cancel the flight if there are no enough passengers.
DeleteSo where is the problem?
You can just take the next Air Serbia flight from BEG to SJJ if JA is cancelled.
Besides: almost all flights to Copenhagen and Zurich are being operated.
Only the BEG route is often being cancelled due to poor demand in the winter.
Very unprofetional. If passengers wanted latter flight they will use it. No one wake up at 4 o'clock during night if one does not need to be on plane so early.
DeleteHow can I know as a pssanger which of their flights is fictional an which is not? A normal airline would have made that flight seasonal only if demand was poor during winter.
DeleteI think it's very stupid to post such topics cause the mod knows it will create such arguments of 'mine is better than yours' but he posted it anyway and now he'll play the innocent moderating and recording higher traffic. A news flash was enough. What a hypocrisy,
ReplyDeleteYou are always welcome to open your own blog and make choices on what you will publish. These rankings are published each year, and you can review the archives here to see for yourself. I haven't seen a single post comparing "whose is bigger" and neither has any post been deleted.
DeleteI didn't want to start an argument, but when you sell tickets and then don't fly for 6 days straight that is called stealing.
DeleteJel moze neko da mi objasni zasto na sajtu AirlineRatings
ReplyDeletezasto se JP i OU vode kao Full Service Carrier a JU kao Regional Carrier a pritom ima 3 veci izbor destinacija.
Veliki bezobrazluk.
to them JU is still regional carrier, while OU and JP are full service. morons
ReplyDeletetroll alert!
DeleteSeriously? Seriously???
Za sve koji vole avionske modele kao i ja.
ReplyDeleteMoce da se kupi ASL ATR 72-500 model 1:500 YU-ALU.
To Proizvodi Nemacka Herpa cena je 19,90 EUR =D
On izlazi mesecu maju
OT: Another attempt of selling Adria Airways
Voleo bi da ADR kupi IAG ili AF-KLM onda bi bilo jos zanimljivije u EX YU Regionu.
Verovatno nisi svesan da si napisao da bi Adrija trebalo njih da kupi a ne oni Adriju ;)
DeleteSta je tvoj problem?
To je najbitnije sto imas da kazes?
Priblem je tvoj sine, ne moj. Kaze se "voleo bih da IAG ili AF-KLM kupi ADR".
ReplyDeleteIn regards to the former article, Iran Air's current operations in Europe and the region:
IR710 LHR-IKA 3x weekly via LJU
IR712 ARN-IKA Direct
IR716 VIE-IKA Direct
IR720 FRA-IKA 3x weekly via BEG
IR722 HAM-IKA 2x weekly via BUD
IR724 AMS-IKA 2x weekly via BUD
IR726 GOT-IKA Direct
IR729 CGN-IKA 2x weekly via BUD
IR732 ORY-IKA 2x weekly via LJU
IR738 FCO-IKA Direct
IR750 MXP-IKA Direct
Sa kojim Avionom najvise slecu u BEG A300B4 ili Airbus A300-600R
DeleteHvala unapred :)
lete vecinoma u evropu -600R ili 310-300
DeleteNazalost jedan ET 734 F je sleteo sa piste u ACC sva 3 ili 4 clana posade su u Bolnici.
ReplyDeleteNadam se da ce sve biti uredu sa posadom.
ET 734F ?
DeleteEthiopian Airlines Cargo
Seems like Wizz Air's flight Belgrade-Gothenburg diverted to Malmo. From what I could see there is bad weather there.
ReplyDeleteSorry. It diverted to Copenhagen, not Malmo.
DeletePre dve godine, zbog vejaviceje bio zatvoren app u Malmeu. Sleteli smo u Kopenhagen u 2 sata nocu. Wizz je ponudio jedan autobus za Malme a za ostale vaucere za hotel i taxi. Tada su me ubedili da su ozbiljna kompanija.