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Germanwings to bid farewell to Berlin - Sarajevo service |
Germanwings will terminate flights between Berlin and Sarajevo at the end of the 2014/15 winter season after only a year of operations. In a statement to EX-YU Aviation News, Germanwings’ PR Manager, Andreas Engel, said, “I can confirm that Germanwings will stop flying from Berlin to Sarajevo at the end of March. We will be focusing on the summer schedule, from the beginning of April, and our flights from Cologne and Stuttgart to Sarajevo”. The Lufthansa-owned airline will operate its last service on the route on March 28. The carrier maintained two weekly flights between the two capital cities. As mentioned by Mr. Engel, it will continue flying from Cologne and Stuttgart to Sarajevo during the summer. It will maintain three weekly flights from Cologne (increasing to four during July) and one weekly service from Stuttgart (increasing to two per week during August).
Germanwings’ service between Berlin and Sarajevo ran into problems early on. In April last year, the carrier informed the Embassy of Bosnia and Herzegovina in Germany that demand for the new route was poor and that flights could be cancelled during the initial trial period. The Lufthansa subsidiary called on authorities in Bosnia for assistance. Since then, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Bosnia and Herzegovina informed the country’s Foreign Trade Chamber to promote the new service to its business partners. Following the suspension, only four capital cities from the former Yugoslavia will be linked to Berlin. They include Belgrade, Pristina and Zagreb, with services from Ljubljana to be launched by Adria Airways on April 24.
Despite Germanwings’ route suspension, Sarajevo Airport should not be too phased, with several new destinations to be launched over the coming months. Swiss International Air Lines will inaugurate flights from Geneva on April 4 and Zurich from May 1 to the airport. In addition, Bosnian Wand Airlines has added four routes from the city and has said it will further develop its base in Sarajevo. Talks with several other carriers are ongoing. Sarajevo Airport recorded its busiest year in 2014 since opening its doors. It welcomed 709.901 passengers, an increase of 6.6% compared to the year before. As a result, it overtook Podgorica Airport in the region, which has up until now performed slightly better than its Bosnian rival.
How is Germanwings doing on the route ZAG-TXL? Has anyone some info?
ReplyDeleteIt was struggling from the beginning. People from these parts of the world still prefer to go by bus.
ReplyDeleteI flew with them recently. LF around 80% inbound, 70% outbound.
DeleteCan someone explain to me the status of Germnawings and Eurowings. I understand that Lufty is creating Eurowings but what will happen to Germanwings and aren't they both serving the same market? Thanks.
ReplyDelete4U bi trebao da nestane sa trzista.
DeleteEurowings je odgovor LH na Evropske LCC prevoznike.
Izvan FRA-MUC ce sve linije obavljati Novi Eurowings preko cerke firme 4U.
Posade ostaju iste kod obadve firme.
Evropske nove destinacije Eurowingsa ce biti zamenjene sa CRJ 900 do Marta 2017 sa 23 A320 ( 10 novo porucenih A320 i 13 ce preuzeti novih iz iz porucbinskih knjiga A320)
Takodje Eurowings ce imati negde bazu izvan Nemacke to se jos ne zna .
Preko okeanske letove ce obavljati sa AOC-om XG ( I takodje bice i Piloti i ostala posada od XG ) a nove destinacije ce biti Florida negde oko indijskog okeana i juzna Afrika.
U pocetku ce imati 3 A332 sa kapacitetom od 310 sedista.
Tokom sledecih godina bi interkontintalna flota bi trebala da ima 7 A332.
A glavna baza novog Eurowingsa i interkontalnih letova bice CGN.
Ovo je dosad najveci udarac za AB.
Hvala :)
DeleteNeke regionalne kompanije će također ući pod Eurowings, špekulira se da bi to mogli biti i Croatia i Adria.
DeleteTo prvi put cujem mozda ADR zbog CRJ 900 flote.
Route was doing fine. I think Lufthansa is loosing passengers on transfers trough Munich and that could be reason for the cut. Big mama Lufthansa and their well known 350/400 euros airfares between Munich and Sarajevo. Sarajevo needs an airline outside Star alliance to brake this insane monopoly at the airport , if it wasn't for Air Serbia all we have here is Starr, no wonder airfares are so high
ReplyDeleteYes! At least with Air Serbia you can find an ok price to travel to Europe, they are no longer dirt cheap, which I suppose makes sense.
DeleteI hope they add more flights in the future.
Air Berlin can launch flights to Sarajevo!
DeleteReally really soon we will know new destinations of Air Serbia. Guesses?
ReplyDeletePa recite nam vi sto mi bezveze da pogadzamo.
Pristina, Madrid, Baku, Kiev, Cairo, Munich.
DeleteNazalost ponovo nista od INN .
Those were my guesses, not confirmed destinations.
DeleteNajvaznije destinacije bi bile po meni :
DeleteHEL 7 pw A319
KRK 5 pw ATR 72
DUB 6 pw A319
EDI 4 pw A319
BGO 3 pw A319 puno poslovnih putnika a ASL ima jednu od najboljih business class
GYD 4-5 pw A319
IKA 6-7 pw A319
TBS 4 pw A319
KBP 7 pw ATR
CAI 4 pw A319
CMN 3 pw A319
INN 4 pw ATR 72 Zimi A319
Sta mislite koje bi se od ovih destinacija najbolje uklopile za ASL
- MAD is a must to feed the flights to Romania, Bulgaria
Delete- TBS, GYD, EVN are essential to complement Air Serbia's Western routes, could be a triangle service of one of those two cities (it'll be either TBS/EVN or TBS/GYD).
- IKA, EBL, AMM, also candidates but less likely due to Etihad proximity and competition at these hubs.
- KBP: certainly not an Atr destination, ODS would be a better choice for now, could serve KIV as well without directly entering the rear-garden of RO
- CAI: a must
- KRK, BTS and secondary Romanian cities - discussed before already.
Dodatne linije i frekvencije mogu da izvedu samo ako zrakoplove iseku na pola i jednu polovinu pošalju za Madrid, a drugu za Kiev i sl. Flota im je nedovoljno velika za veću ekspanziju...
DeleteAnonymous at 5:18 PM
DeleteDocice 6-8 novih aviona na leasing.
Ja neverujem da ce da lete za MAD zbog AZ zbog letova za J . Ameriku da nebi neko slucajno leteo sa IB za J . Ameriku
Može li neko da mi objasni zašto uporno ignorišu MUC, Lufthansa drži monopol i cene su uglavnom previsoke.
DeleteAlitalia has yet to expand into South America in order to compete on routes IB has to offer. Currently, Air Serbia is funneling all its S. American passengers via Paris (AF) which is hardly part of its alliance. Their international long-haul network is pathetic at the moment and i hope we see soon what's Etihad magical recipee for Alitalia. I'll repeat what was written here long-ago, before the deal actually taking place:
DeleteAэrologicFebruary 5, 2014 at 2:20 PM
The only way i could see Etihad-Alitalia partnership working and Alitalia becoming profitable is:
- Alitalia introducing all-widebody fleet
- Cutting and cancelling most of short-haul routes that can't be served with a wide-body on a daily basis
- Turning Rome into a hub for flights to Western Africa, South, North and Central America, equal or superior to Madrid and Iberia
- Opening lines or increasing frequencies to central Asia, far East, South East Asia
- Massive lay-offs (as a consequence) and disbanding the power of unions
- Opening ASAP: Mexico, Bogota, Santiago de Chile, Montevideo, Abidjan, Nouakchott and other cities in West Africa
The questions are:
- How could they do that without directly competing with Etihad?
- How would they do that without ruining Air Serbia?
- Will Etihad have the will and sufficient cash to prop-up a large money-loosing airline for a decade or so before it becomes eventually profitable and what risks would they incur for their own business?
Bonus: The purchase of Alitalia and proposed initiaves leaves us with an unavoidable question: who's gonna feed their short-haul flights and compete with the low-cost onslaught? While Air Serbia can secure them a decent portion of South-East European traffic and Air Berlin of German one, that's far from sufficient to propell a European mega-hub into a profitable operation.
-> Creating a feeder airline from another European country with a significantly lower cost-base
- Could that be Air Serbia on the European level and Etihad regional on the regional, national level? Could we see Air Serbia rebranded into 'Etihad Europe' without a change of livery? Could we see Darwin getting like 50 turboprops for European operations, feeding 'Etihad's partners hubs?
- Who is gonna finance a 50+ widebody order/fleet renewal for Alitalia? Those are not 10-20 A320neos for Air Serbia.
- Having that in mind, Iberia or TAP would have been a much more logical investment, without conflict in interest with heir current shareholding companies, unless they make them work concurrently in a complimentary manner.
Ja mislim da je njihova najveca greska Kupovina AZ zbog ogromnog prisustva LCC kompanija.
DeleteJa mislim da AZ nikad nece doci do profita iz prostog razloga prevelika je konkurencija na FCO. Cak se nemogu izboriti ni na MXP.
Mozda je jedina sansa pretvoriti AZ u LCC i samo da lete za Afriku i J Ameriku i za te destinacije da poruce A330neo. I da prepuste sve letove za USA i Kanadu ASL.
I kao sto ste rekli EY bi bilo mnogo bolje da je kupio IB ili TAP.
Te pare sto ce uloziti u AZ bolje da su pola ulozili u ASL. Nikad necu shvatiti zasto su kupili jos jednog prevoznika pred raspadom kad vec imaju tolike muke sa AB dzaba bacaju samo pare nazalost.
I just noticed the article a year ago was also about Sarajevo.
Back to the topic, AZ has to be a LCC on Italian and Euro-mediterranean level (with a small business class like FlyDubai) and an Emirates-type of airline on the inter-continental level (all wide-body, high-level of service, innovations etc.).
How are they gonna do that without directly competing with Etihad remains to be seen.
*and mid/short-haul as well where demand justifies it.
DeleteJa mislim da bi trebali da ugase Alitalia CityLiner.
Delete14 A320 ce dati AB.
I takodje mislim da bi trebali da se rese 5 772ER
Neverujem da ce njih ASL da feed-uje npr na routi za JNB ASL ce feedovati EY kao sto ste rekli da ce AZ i EY sami sebi da smetaju u Africi i na Bliskom Istoku
Barem jos ne smetaju jedno drugom u J Africi.
Mislim da je kupovina AZ cist promasaj.
Barem jos ne smetaju jedno drugom u J Americi.
Gluposti INN ko i uvijek. Italija sa najvecom Europa-SAD dijasporom, ofromnim turizmom, dobrim gospodarstvom, nacija 10 puta veca od srpske bi trebala ukinuti letove za SAD naustrp Air Serbije sa 200.000 srpske dijaspore, mikro turizmom i minijaturnim gospodarstvenom razmjenom.
DeleteCestitam ovo ti je najveca glupost do sada.
INN kako to da sada Etihad vise nisu super strucnjaci koji znaju svoj posao kao sto si ih branio u slucaju Jata. Tada si rekao da su svi ostali diletanti i da nemaju kredibilitet kritizirati strucnjake iz Etihada.
DeleteSto bi? Zar su prestali biti strucnjaci iznedju kupovine Jata i Alitalije?
Anonymous at 7:02 PM
DeleteMislio samda prepusti na letovima za ORD posto tamo lete sezonski.
A koliko znam nisam vas pitao dali lupam gluposto ili ne
Anonymous at 7:06 PM
Pa ocigledno ne znate stanje u Italiji da ste 3 DR nauka Aviacije prosto je ne moguce dovesti AZ do profita
Ja mislim da im je kupovina AZ pronmasaj
Mada oni znaju dali im se isplati ili ne.
Ja sinko jako dobro znam stanje u Italiji, kao i u Srbiji. U uopće ne raspravlja o tome je li to promašaj ili ne. I ja mislim da će na tome slomiti zube (posebno u kombinaciji sa Air Berlinom, Jetom, Darwinom, Air Serbiom i Air Seychellesom), no to ovdje nije bitno. Ja samo komentiram kako si tvrdio da je u slučaju Air Serbie svaki potez sa njihove strane opravdan jer su stručnjaci i nitko od nas nema kredibilitet kritizirati tj. oni znaju što rade. A gle sad... klinac od 15 (hajde recimo 17) godina uzima si za pravo da kritizira mega-stručnjake iz Etihada i da stavlja pitanje njihove dobre prosudbe.
DeleteKako sad to? Kako nismo smjeli kritizirati poteze stručnjaka kod Jata, a sada se njihova dobro prosudba stavlja u pitanje u slučaju konkurentske Alitalije?
A što se tiće toga da si mislio samo na letove za ORD, ne kaki sinko. Jasno si rekao (citiram):
"...pretvoriti AZ u LCC i SAMO da lete za Afriku i J Ameriku... I da prepuste SVE letove za USA i Kanadu ASL."
Maksimalna je prepotencija u kojoj ASL ima više šanse letjeti za ORD umjesto AZ usprkos neusporedivo veće talijanske dijaspore u ORD, orromnog broja turista koji dolaze u Italiju, 10 puta većeg stanovništva, te gospodarstvene razmijene Italije-SAD. A još je veća prepotencija tvrditi da bi JU zamijenio AZ na svim linijama za SAD i Kanadu.
Super slika. Gde je samo iskopa. :)
Aviokompanija pod tim imenom ne postoji ili je ja ne mogu naci. I kojim avionom bi trebali da obavljju tu liniju?
DeleteHvala unapred
Scandjet nije aviokompanija nego vise organizator putovanja. Na linijama Balkan-Skandinavija letece A320 aviokompanije Limitlis Ervejs (Limitless Airways), sa bazom na aerodromu Krk (Rijeka)
Svaka cast upraci Aerodroma RJK koga su sve uspeli da dovedu u proslim godinama.
DeleteJa mislim da je najveci pogodak dovodjenje RYR .
Mnoge uprave Aerodroma bi trebali bi da se ugledaj u na njih.
Svaka cast upravi Aerodroma RJK koga su sve uspeli da dovedu u proslim godinama.
DeleteJa mislim da je najveci pogodak dovodjenje RYR .
Mnoge uprave Aerodroma bi trebali bi da se ugledaju na njih.
Can anyone wtite a timeline of AirSerbia's new route opennings?
ReplyDeleteASL should start flying to ESB
ReplyDeleteScandJet is a Swedish travel agency, selling tickets to Croatia, B&H and other destinations. Flights from GOT to OMO will start on 2nd of April 2015 and will be operated by Small Planet Airlines (Lithuanian charter airline). Prices are pretty reasonable at the moment. Ex Yu this is worth adding to the list on the right, also the seasonal flights from St. Gallen to PUY.
ReplyDeleteDo you think AZ and EY are competing for the same market? If AZ introduces more flights to North/Central/South America and West/North/Central/South Africa, they're not necessarily competing for the same travellers, in the sense that I, for example, wouldn't fly 6 hours to AUH from BEG in order to fly in the other direction to GRU or NYC, and FCO or MXP in that sense would be a more logical stopover? What are your thoughts?
I think that this line has no success because of its hours. Infact it lands at 8 in the morning. If company did another hour a lot of people took this plane.