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Bosnian Wand Airlines faces challanges on first day of operations |
Bosnian Wand Airlines (BWA), which was to inaugurate operations today, has gotten off to a bumpy start after it cancelled all of its flights for this Friday. The airline’s Airbus A321 landed in Bosnia and Herzegovina’s capital yesterday afternoon and was greeted by staff and members of the press. It was originally planned to inaugurate flights to Amsterdam this morning and later head to Stockholm, but the services have since been cancelled and moved to next week. The airline says the cancellations are the result of "additional training" its cabin crew are undergoing. BWA will also link Sarajevo to Athens from Sunday. Flights to Stockholm will operate via Gothenburg. All flights are scheduled to operate once per week until the end of the winter season in late March. Haris Čoloman, BWA’s Ground Operations Manager says, “At the moment we will be operating with a single aircraft and only from Sarajevo when Bosnia and Herzegovina is concerned. One of our goals in the coming period is to develop our operations and grow our network in Europe”. Mr. Čoloman adds, “Afterwards we will begin long haul flights from Sarajevo to Amsterdam and then onwards”.
In addition to its operations from Sarajevo, BWA will also run a range of flights from Sweden to the Middle East, primarily to Iraq, with the airline itself established by the Iraqi Al Wand group. The carrier’s A321 jet has been leased from Air Méditerranée and has the capacity to seat 214 passengers. BWA will operate flights under Hermes Airlines’ IATA designator code H3. Hermes is a subsidiary of Air Méditerranée and is based in Athens. However, Mr. Čoloman says the airline is working on receiving its unique code and certification. A total of 28 cabin crew members from Bosnia and Herzegovina have been trained and will begin work today on board BWA’s flights. BWA recently launched a “Happy January” sale, with promotional fares for its flights from Sarajevo. Tickets are on sale and available for purchase on the airline’s website.
Flight details for each of BWA's new services from Sarajevo can be found below by clicking on the provided links
Route | Launch date |
Sarajevo - Stockholm | 09.01.2015 |
Sarajevo - Athens | 11.01.2015 |
Sarajevo - Amsterdam | 16.01.2015 |
Sarajevo - Gothenburg | 16.01.2015 |
Gallery courtsey of Fedja Krvavac - Klix.ba. Click to enlarge.
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Good luck and clear skies to Bosnian Wand Airlines!
There is no flight Sarajevo-Amsterdam today. There will be flight Sarajevo-Stockholm in the afternoon, instead. Check BWA official web-site and SJJ official web-site, too.
ReplyDeleteWell they planned to fly it this morning. There were obviously 0 passengers, same way they cancelled Athens - Sarajevo yesterday because there were 0 passengers.
DeleteYeah even on their website it says "Bosnian Wand Airlines first flight from Sarajevo International Airport will be Sarajevo – Amsterdam on January 9th 2015". What a way to start. You cancel your first flight
DeleteThere are no passengers to Gothenrbug and Stockholm either which is why they dropped the GOT stop today but they will fly to Stockholm since they need the plane there to fly to Iraq. You can't start sales 5 days before you start flights.
DeleteGood luck, BWA! Bosnia and Herzegovina is underestimated and BH Airlines a lousy company, hope this'll work!
ReplyDeleteIndeed good luck. Not sure about the prospect of one flight per week in the winter season but let's hope they will make it.
ReplyDeleteSo is this A321 going to be single class (no business)? What is the product like (baggage allowance, meals)? Any info on how their sales go?
Well they wrote here earlier that the airline said they will have 12 business class seats and that's what it also says on their website. Sales are obviously going poorly. They started sales a few days ago.
Deletegood luck BWA...
ReplyDeleteThe flight to Amsterdam is cancelled today! I just checked on Sarajevo airport website!
ReplyDeleteeasyJet has sent its A320 from GVA to BEG! Seems like this route is a gold mine for them and for Swiss.
It's the first day after orthodox Xmas, what did you expect? Loads are maxed out at this time, otherwise the route's a bloodbath.
DeleteIt's not really a bloodbath since the market is very big and there aren't that many weekly frequencies.
DeleteIf it were a big market it would've had more than zero weekly frequencies prior to Dec 2013.
DeleteSo are you saying that generally Belgrade-Switzerland is a small market since until about two years ago we had two flights per day between BEG and ZRH?
DeleteGVA <> ZRH. You swapped the argument right there. Very sneaky.
DeleteDoes anyone have real info on easy and LX fligjts n the route?
DeleteI do. That's the cause of the bloodbath comments.
DeleteThis is still amazing for me...I thought that they will never take off and yet here they are in just couple of months...probably will disappear in same way
ReplyDeleteStill.. Better than Air Croatia, or whatever it was called :D
ReplyDeleteTrue ...lol
ReplyDeleteLose vesti za CTN
Kako pise AANet QR planira da kupi do 20 % akcija od IG i da ce biti slicno kao AZ - EY saradnja.
To ako se desi onda stvarno ce tesko neko CTN da kupi.
Ovo nije provokacija nego me zanima sta ce reci strucni ljude ovde.
Gospodine Purger sta vi mislite da ce se desiti ako QR kupi stvarno IG.
Hvala unapred
Zasto trolliras ???
DeleteKakve vezo to ima s Croatian Airliners ?
Ne trolliram zato sto je mnogo gospode navodilo QR kao potencijalnog kupca CTN.
DeleteKao sto sam gore napisao to nije provokacija.
Znaci qatar kupuje meridianu. Kako si to objasnjavas? Nije li i meridiana okruzena jakim igracima kao i ctn?
DeleteJeste okruzena jakim igracima ali je veca kupovna moc, industrija i ima mnogo vise business putnika nego prema HR.
Ali je meridiana lokalna tal kompanija. Planovi im sigurno nece biti kao u slucaju EY AZ. I zato mislim da nije receno da nece kupiti jos koju kompaniju i uloziti vise od 20% Ja ne bih bio bas siguran da je to losa vijest za CTN. Previse smo je brzo otpisali.
DeleteTako barem pise u tekstu da su im slicni planovi kao AZ -EY deal.
DeleteZa sad su samo zaintresovani za IG ( Meridianu) .
Neverujem da ce kupovati kompaniju jednu pored druge.
QR nije bio spominjen kao kupac OU jer mi jos ne znamo struktura privatizacije OUa, a ti tamo vec o QR kao kupac OUa.
DeletePa niko u Hrvatskoj negovori o QR kao kupaca, zasto govoris gluposti Inn-ns?
Naravno da provociras, nema nikakve veze sa OU ovaj deal.
Ponavljam, mogli bi se iznenaditi.
DeleteNego koji su ti fantomatski kandidati?
DeleteEvo upravo citam tal novine. Govorili su o tome jos u septembru, a prije dva dana predsjesnik Meridiana fly izjevljuje da ne postoji NIKAKAV interes qatarske kompanije.
DeleteAnonymous at 3:10 PM
DeleteNije niko od Politicara navodio da ce QR biti kupac.
Nego je nekoliko ljudi ovde sa foruma govorila da je QR mozda potencijalni kupac.
Ovo nije provokacija .
I naravno da ima veze sa CTN.
@AnonymousJanuary 9, 2015 at 3:21 PM
Deletema da, koje gluposti, QR nije nikad bio u igri za OU, to ako si ti spekulirao to ne znaci da ce biti istina.
OU strategija je da dobije nekog iz Azije, kine, koreje ili japana, jer Zagreb ako vec ne znas je jako popularna destinacija u kini, Koreji i Japanu od kuda prosle godine je doslo oko 175+255+145 = 575 000 turista, ove se godine ocekuje vise, pa bi naravno bilo logicno da se ima izravna linija izmedu Zagreba, Seoula, Tokija i Pekinga, naravno ako je moguce da se nage strateski kupac za OU iz tih azijskih drzava bilo bi najbolja solucija za OU, Zagreb ali i Hrvatsku, i tu je strategija zasto se trazi kupac bas tamo, tako da QR ili EY ili koji bilo drugo slovo abecede su irealvantne ako nisu iz juzen ili Istocne Azije, nadam se da sam bio prilcno jasan tako da molim te da prestans govoriti gluposti i provocirati.
Gospodine mnogi ovde su pisal ida bi bio QR odlican kupac.
DeleteNe provociram opet kazem nego pricam istinu. A iz Azije ce tesko neko da baci pare u ovko jak region A3-JU-OS i jos skoro sve najjace Aviokompanije iz EU lete za ZAG.
@AnonymousJanuary 9, 2015 at 7:21 PM
DeleteMa da, to si mozda ti pisao, svi znaju vec sada gdje Hrvatska Vlada zeli prodati pola Croatia Airlines, dali su vise nego dovoljno razloga za njihovo misljenje o tome sada.
molim te da ne pises gluposti o OU jer ne zenas kaj se dogoaga, samo govoris gluposti i nagadanja o OU.
Da te malo informiram, kao sto sam rekao OU trazi kupca u koreji, Japanu, Kini ili Jugoistocnoj Aziji, prodaje se 49%, ako se moze dobiti dobar deal kao long term solucija za OU onda be se 49% OUa prodalo za nekih 550 miljuna kuna ili oko $100 miljuna, ali sa ponudom da se OU naparvi u regional leader i sve ostalo kaj je Hrvatska Vlada rekla o tome, naravno makretinska cijena 49% dijela uOU je oko 1.25 miljarde kuna tako da bi kupac morao imati streategiju razvoja i kako ici natreg za vizijiom koja sadasnje vodstvo OUa nema.
Kratko o statisrikama,
OU je imao 1.85 miljuna putnika u 2013 i imat ce oko 1.92 miljuna putnika u 2014, planiraju oko 2.0 miljuna putnioka u 2015 a u 2016 prva godina poslje restrukcije OU ce rasti malo brze tako da 2.2 miljuna putnika ali vise je jako mkoguce.
OU je imao oko 1.76 miljardi kuna dohotka i dobit u 2013 je bio oko 12 miljuna kuna, poslje trosarina, a u 2014 planirani dobit je oko 150 miljuna kuna, u 2015 dobit be trebao biti oko 200 miljuna kuna and dohotak oko 1.85 miljardi kuna. Te sve informacije su na Croatian airlines website ali i ovaj blog ih je napisao nekoliko puta.
Dali OU bi isla u bankrop jet Qatar Airways nije kupio Croatian airlines je prilicno glupa statement kad se zna kako posloduje OU u zadnjih 2-3 godine. Hrvatska je u EU, znaci sve avionske kompanije ioz EUa imaju mogucnost da dogu u Hrvatsku, Its a Free Market !!!
DeleteIstina je da ima nekog smisla da bi OU mogla da preuzme neka kompanija iz Kine, Koreje ili mozda Japana, ali onda bi ne neki nacin usli u 'borbu' sa Air Serbijom tj. Etihadom za region.
Bilo bi zanimljivo videti OU i ASL kako se takmice za vodjstvo u ex-yu.
@AnonymousJanuary 10, 2015 at 9:55 PM
Deletene be bilo nikakve takmise izmedu ovih dva jer ovi imaju potpuno drugaciju strategiju i smjer razvoja, OU ne leti prema istoku, Sarajevo, Pristina i Skopje su najistocnije destinecije za OU, to govori puno kamo OU zeli ici i ide.
Sto Hrvatska Vlada zeli, i njena strategija je da primami viseturista iz Azije u Hrvatsku, a to ze moze uciniti jedino ako se uspostave dobre avionske linije sa Azijom, posto OU nema strategiju razvoja prema istoku, mozda i tako Hrvatska Vlada misli bi bilo dobro da istok doge u Zagreb.
Kao sto sam vec rekao 575 000 turisa je doslo zamo is koreje, Japana i kine u 2014oj, oko 725 000 iz Azije, znaci strategija je trostruciti taj bro do 2020, i to se jedonio moze kao se ide sa direktnom linijom Seoul/Peking/Tokyo Zagreb ill combinacija svih 3,vise je bolje.
Povraca mi se od ovih koji pisu:
ReplyDeleteCTN, QR, IG, AZ, EY, INN-NS!
To sto upotrebljavate skracenice ne cini Vas strucnjakom u avijaciji!
Gospodine ja sam daleko od strucnjaka ja sam
Deletesamo obican Fanatik aviacije
CTN - Croatia Airlines
QR - Qatar Airways
IG- Meridiana Airlines
AZ - Alitalia
EY- Etihad Airways
Mrzime da pisem zato koristim kodove.
Povraca mi se od onih koji moraju da googluju to da bi saznali sta znaci.
DeleteTo sto ti smetaju iata oznake ne znaci da si pametniji od ostalih.
:D ;) <3
DeleteI had to Google the IG code.
DeleteNisam ni ja bio siguran da je IG 100% iata kod Meridiane.
Does anyone know what is happening with BH Airlines flight to BEG these days, it has been cancelled a few times lately.... ?
ReplyDeleteИ мене исто занима. Видећу да сазнам нешто.
DeleteСве најбоље!
Изгледа да је у питању магла у Сарајеву! Није сто посто проверена информација.
DeleteСве најбоље!
Jeste Magla je u pitanju tako sam i ja cuo.
Some will be mad:
Nadam se da ce to pojedinim clanovima ovde zacepiti usta.
DeleteI onaj Milan Tomic je ispao samo smesan sa onim pisanjem
MilanTomic From Germany, joined Apr 2010, 1 posts, RR: 0
DeleteReply 24, posted Fri Jan 9 2015 12:29:18 your local time (28 minutes 43 secs ago) and read 183 times: Support Airliners.net - become a First Class Member!
Quoting yowza (Reply 6):
Controlled and funded via AUH? Real indeed. I have to say the best part of that video for me was that the Airbus is named Vlade Divac!
Let me correct the misconception people on this forum has. EY is NOT doing any favors to JU. People of Republic of Serbia (ROS) are being fleeced left and right through the DISASTROUS deal made by a corrupt and incompetent government.
EY's total investment is ONLY $40 million. On the other side, once ROS absorbs outstanding liabilities of old JAT ($500 million), JAT's property is estimated at around $200 million ($80 million of that are slots only). So ROS is investing $200 million of property plus $82 million in subsidies. In addition, EY will give a $60 million LOAN (with interest) to JU and Serbia will give a $20 million loan.
Now, JU is NOT getting anything for free from EY. JU PAYS management fees to Etihad, and it pays standard fees for the aircraft leased from EY. As an icing to the cake, EY got for free $23 million advance to Airbus, ROS made in 1998 for eight new A319.
If you think this concessions to EY were crazy, wait, there is more! EY is allowed to pull out from the deal unilaterally and take back its $40 million investment plus LIBOR interest. On top of that, an omission was made in the contract which apparently made ROS liable for all debts incurred by JU till 2014 (we only found out about this few weeks ago when Prime minister asked the Parliament to give approval for absorption of $150 million of new debts of JU)
Taj gospodin sto je to napisao pise gluposti.
Опет погрешна рачуница, трагедија да неко ко за себе пише да је физичар дозволи идеолошком слепилу да киднапује рационално. Ослободи се токсичних емоција и видећеш да је ово најбољи сценарио.
DeleteTomkeus is still stuck with numbers that other critics, even S Radulovic, admitted in his abandoned blog long time ago are not accurate. His assumptions and estimates were shown to be based on errors and sloppy work. See comments from September timeframe on his b92 blog for proof.
DeleteOT: Od 4.mjeseca 2015 god. iz Osijeka kreću nove linije za Beč,Frankfurt i Munchen :)
Jeri 4 mesec April ilista
DeleteAviokompanija koja ce obavljate te letove je sigurno CTN sa Q400 da se feed-uje LH i OS mreza.
4 mjesc je Travanj ili April...taj detalj ti je jako bitan??
DeleteНаравно да је битан детаљ, за тада су најавили летове. Duuuh...
DeleteMožda i jest riječ o CTN-u, ali i da jest, sumnjam da bi letjeli na sva tri odredišta... Ako bi nekim čudom CTN odlučio letjeti iz Osijeka, vjerojatno bi to bio samo Minhen (nešto kao i Rijeka, tri puta tjedno tijekom ljetne sezone). Frankfurt mi nekako miriše na Ryanair i Hahn (i mislim da su letjeli prije 5-6 godina sa sasvim solidnim LF-om), a Beč, iako ima dijasporu, po meni nema neke šanse jer je riječ o point-to-point destinaciji...
DeleteБеч може бити и Трејдер. Зашто да не?
DeleteШто се тиче Франкфурта, и ја исто мислим да је реч о Рајанеру. Додуше и Минхен може бити Рајанер, то јест ако причамо о Мемингену.
Sumnjam da će Trade air u Osijeku tražiti kruha... Njihova Brasilia nije ekonomična ako ne dobivaju subvenciju za letove, a Fokkeri imaju previše kapaciteta za linije iz Osijeka. Moguće da i Austrian uleti u cijelu priču... Ali nekako su mi najizgledniji CTN Dashovi ili Ryanair. Ma da bude bilo tko, dobro je došao!
DeletePosto sam video na Video da RYR leti iz OSI da nece mozda nekim slucajem Bazu da otvore.
DeleteNeverujem da ce TDR da leti zato sto tesko mogu da napune F100 za VIE, a i mislim da je ne isplativ let sa E 120 za VIE, A i VIE je skup aerodrom .
A moze biti da RYR leti prema sva ti grada osim da slece u VIE sletali bi u BTS. Mozda je to pogresno razumeo direktor Aerodroma Osjek. Nadam se za OSI da ce RYR otvoriti bazu :) Znaci leteli bi prema HHN-FMM-BTS OSI bi doziveo onda nesto slicno kao TZL :) :)
Nadam se da se Marinić nije zaletio kao i Peović s najavama novih letova. U svakom slučaju, daj Bože da se barem nešto od osječkih i bračkih planova ostvari!
ReplyDeleteI give this airline 3 months... tops!
ReplyDeleteI wouldn't be suprised if BH airlines intentionally canceled all those BEG flights these days to give a head start to BWA because these BWA destiantions can be reached very easily via BEG using that morning JA376 flight. Air Serbia needs to ditch them immediately. Let them fly to NRT with their ATRs if they want to. They are to blind to see that being a feeder to ASL is the only way they can do anything usefull and competitive with those ATRs!
ReplyDeleteRyanair flying to OSI. How did I miss that! Any info/comments about those flights?
You simply have to go on their website. Ryanair flew a few years ago, stopped and came back last year seasonaly from March till October, STN-OSI. if you didn't know they fly to OSI then maybe you missed Podgorica too from STN and CRL
ReplyDeleteCyprus Airways has been ordered to repay more than €100 million in state aid. Probably we'll have Malev 2.0 very soon.
Very sad and disgusting. I wonder why isn't LH or AF asked to pay back retroactive state benefits and subsidies.
DeleteYes. The last Cyprus Airways flight CY 377 landed from Athens at 20.16.
DeleteThis is the end of a truly great airline.
Namjee, how big were they in that market? I know at some point they were sizable company. I read somewhere that Ryanair and Aegean already applied for AOC to establish subsidiaries there.
DeleteCould we see JU increase its presence there? Might be tough with present fleet.
At one point they had 16 aircraft in their fleet, I think it was when they had 2 A330-200, 2 A319 and 12 A320.
DeleteHowever, as time went by their fleet kept on shrinking and with it their market share in Cyprus. Their downturn started once Cyprus became a member of the European Union in 2004 since the government did not adequately prepare them for what was coming.
Mind you, prior to the complete liberalisation of the Cypriot market, CY was a profitable carrier.
Their biggest mistake was replacing the 4 A310 with 2 A332. Just imagine, they needed a loadfactor of 85% on their LHR route just to break-even!
There are no words to describe how sad I am. I grew up with this airline and I remember flying on their A310s and the Eurocypria birds from BEG to LCA in the 1990s.
What many don't know is that CY withdrew from BEG during the 1990s so that JU could have more passengers, that is more income. Cyprus has been a long-term ally of Serbia and they shown that on many occasions. It's a truly sad day for Cyprus as a whole.
As far as Ryanair goes, they are happy in Paphos and anything they did was just for marketing purposes.
DeleteAs for Aegean, they have already announced flights from Larnaca to Tel Aviv and Kiev. The former will be operated daily, the latter three weekly.
Namjee, I know what you mean. I met many Greek Cypriots here in Canada. I can't tell you how much some of them helped me, my parents , friends etc. It was enough to say that I'm Serbian and all this at times when being Serb wasn't very popular in Canada (not that now much has changed). I spent many hours working and talking with them and they very much reminded me of us Bosnian Serbs, proud nation went through rough history separated from their mother land.
DeleteMy next vacation is for sure going to be there. My small contribution to their economy.
@ Aэrologic
DeleteYour question is very valid and answering it would take us very much into a political sphere of things. Out of respect for this blog I'll stay away from it but I'm sure we both share the same feeling.# hypocrits
If you need any tips don't hesitate to contact me!
DeleteActually, the Church of Cyprus used to bring mentally handicapped children from RS to Cyprus for summer holidays. I remember at times the B727 or B737 would be filled with them. Very nice of them I must say.
Here is it fellows, the last CY flight landing in LCA:
Very sad day indeed.
The same awaits OU.
DeleteNazalost uvek male igrace pogodi a to sto mnoge kompanije neplacaju porez nema veze.
Gde su sve leteli sa svojim A332 ?
Zar nije bila neka prica da ce ih mozda preuzeti RYR
ASL bi mogla njihove A320 (uz ova 4 319 sto bi trebala da se pridruze floti ) da preuzme posto i oni imaju takodje IAE V2527-A5 engines. Jedino ne znam dali bi se 5B-DBB uklopio posto on ima 23 godine i IAE V2500-A1 engines
Hvala unapred :)
A sto se ne bi uklopio? Jer zato sto ima 23god? Pa i Air Serbijini 737-300 imaju svaki po 30 god i ATR-72 po 25 god. Nebi im taj Ciparski pokvario prosjek starosti ionako stare flote.
DeleteNisu problem godine nego ne znam dali type rating vazi i za V2500-A1 engines znam da vazi za IAE V2522-IAE V2527 I CFM56-5B4:
DeleteI kao drugo Airbus flota ASL u opste nije stara.
Prosek starosti flote: ASL = 17.5 god http://www.planespotters.net/Airline/Air-Serbia
DeleteCroatia - 10.8 god http://www.planespotters.net/Airline/Croatia-Airlines
Adria 6.3 god
DeleteThank you for the offer, we'll stay in touch. Maybe in year or two.
Trust me there is plenty of examples like that in a recent history. I met an 87 year old lady from some village in Cyprus here that organized shipment of 7 containers of humanitarian aid during nineties. In my oppinion Greeks in general were and still are the only true friend of Serbian people. Unfortunately, they never had any real power to influence their NATO and EU friends, but at the grassroots level they did a lot and I will always be thankful for that.
Delete+1 absolutely agree with you!
А330-200 је летео за Бејрут, Тел Авив, Атину, Париз и Лондон. То су биле најчешће линије на којима су саобраћали али исто тако могао си да их видиш и у Москви као и у Амстердаму. Проблем са Москвом је био тај што никада нису могли да буду конкурентни због Турске.
Цела флота сем тог једног је изнајмљена те не верујем да ће ЈУ бити много заинтересован.
5B-DBB је доста стар и истрошен. Он је почео каријеру са Јуросипријом још давне 1992. године а са Сајпрусом је од 2003. када је Јуросиприја прешла на Боинг.
Сајпрус је у последње време имао доста техничик проблема са њим те мислим да ће њега продати у старо гвожђе и од тих пара платити одређене трошкове.
Синоћна ситуацја у Ларнаци је била доста емотивна, посебно када је изашла посада са последњег лета. За време слетања сви су плакали. Посада је обавештена о одлуци Европске комисије док су били у ротацији на атинском аеродрому.
За све заинтересоване ево можете да видите последње рулање Сајпрус Ервејса.
I quote:
Delete"Their downturn started once Cyprus became a member of the European Union in 2004 since the government did not adequately prepare them for what was coming".
It was certainly not the EU or the Americans or the big bad wolf - it was CYs own incapability to adjust to new (EU) rules which btw do not allow state subsidies to national carriers- so this lament is totally out of place.
"prior to the complete liberalisation of the Cypriot market, CY was a profitable carrier"
you know what: thank God for that liberalisation!- it is nice to be an only child in the family, or the have siblings but your parents exclusively take care of you- but such constellation does not bring anything to anyone.
I for sure will not miss this disfunctional carrier.
So long CY!
Bitter much?
DeleteActually, the European Union allows subsidies under strict guidelines hence why they had no problem with the first cash injection- it was the second one that caught their attention.
So tell me, since you seem to be an expert on what was going on in Cyprus, how did CY affect your travels to/from the island? ;)
I have a feeling you have no connection to the island, you just needed someplace to vent your frustrations.
... and I have the feeling that you live in the 18th century and have absolutely no idea of market economy
DeleteThank God there are people such as yourself who are here to educate all of us. I am truly blessed master Anonymous.
DeleteThis is very nice news, however, I haven't seen much comments here, or I might have missed them, regarding all of their intended destinations - http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/3/37/BWADEST.PNG
ReplyDeleteLooking at this map from Wikipedia (and briefly looking at their website it seems accurate) - I get a feeling as if it is actually Stockholm based airline. Clearly, owners are from Iraq - and it seems to me as a deal, "OK, I let you register and create airline in Bosnia to do the work, but you have to fly few destinations from Sarajevo" - which is in my opinion totally cool, just don't get why is noone mentioning it.
Or, I have just simply missed it. :)
I think their primary goal is to gain extra profit from the current situation in Iraq which has lost a huge part of its air traffic. They want to capitalise on this situation by raising fairs sky high. Iraqis flying home from Europe don't have much of a choice now appart from Iraqi Airways. I can't think of another reason why they started off with a single A321. Economy of scale dictates that this kind of business operatation is very inefficient and costly. Only very high fairs can pay for such huge suporting costs of running a single A321. My opinion is that they will fly as long as nobody else wants to fly to Iraq. Once other much more cost efficient real airlines start flying to Iraq again they will quickly vanish.
ReplyDeleteTonights flight from SJJ to ARN (H3 2879) is cancelled as well. F-GYAN is still in SJJ. Weather seems to be ok as well.
ReplyDeleteLQSA 092000Z VRB02KT 1500 R12/1200N BR NSC M02/03 Q1024 NOSIG
Does anybody know when is ASL going to start flying 737-300s to ZAG?
ReplyDeleteFrom March 2015.
DeleteThat would be a 30min flight?