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SkyGreece gets the all clear for Zagreb - Toronto service |
SkyGreece Airlines, which intends to launch seasonal flights between Zagreb and Toronto this summer, has secured necessary permits from Canadian authorities. The Canadian Transportation Agency (CTA) issued SkyGreece Airlines a license last week. In a statement, the CTA said, “The Agency is satisfied that the applicant meets all the applicable requirements. Accordingly, the Agency approves the application for a licence to operate scheduled international services between member states of the European Union and Canada”. Flights between the Croatian capital and Toronto are set to launch on June 22 and operate each Monday until October 15 with a Boeing 767-300ER aircraft.
The Croatian Ministry for Foreign and European Affairs negotiated the new route late last year, with talks initiated by the Croatian Ambassador to Canada, Veselko Grubišić. The planned new service will mark the resumption of flights between Zagreb and Canada’s largest city in seven years. Skyservice Airlines previously operated the route once per week on a seasonal summer basis for two years, in 2007 and 2008, with a Boeing 757 jet. SkyGreece is a Greek-registered airline set up by expats living in Canada with offices in Toronto, Montreal and Athens. Its B767-300ER is 22 years old and has the capacity to seat 274 passengers. The aircraft was previously utilised by the now defunct Martinair from the Netherlands. Last year, SkyGreece leased the jet to Bulgaria’s BH Air and Air Madagascar. Despite its age, the aircraft has spent several years on the ground in storage.
SkyGreece Airlines says it is “extremely happy” with the CTA’s decision and will soon release an official timetable of its operations for the summer. The charter specialist has agreed on a joint marketing approach with the Croatian National Tourism Board in Canada in order to attract more Canadian tourists to the flights. In addition to the large Croatian communities in North America, interest in Croatia from the United States and Canada has increased significantly over the past few years. Last year, Zagreb Airport said it was in discussion with two airlines to launch flights from Toronto in 2015.
...........just my kind of airline. One 22 year old aircraft.
ReplyDeleteYeah! Air Serbia's fleet of 22 year old aircraft is much better.
Delete@Anon 11.00... ASL flota Airbuseva nije nista starija od Lufthansine pametnjakovicu
Delete@Anon 11:07, methinks you will find that Lufty's fleet is much younger, and 13 times bigger.
Awww c'mon! the pant's line was funny!!
Delete22 godine? Pa to je mladić za Air Serbijine prastare (30 godina) 737-300 sa kojima redovno leti, te ATR-ove koji su letjeli još za vrijeme Jugoslavije.
DeleteA i neki Airubsi imaju preko 15 godina, dakle nisu daleko od toga. Zato cool down. Starost flote Air Serbie je jedna od loših stvari kompanije.
Zanimljivo kako se neki vade na starost aviona. :-D
DeleteIstine radi..
DeleteASL A319 - prosecna straost 10,6 godina
LF A319 - prosecna straost 13 godina
ASL A320 - prosecna starost 9,2 godine
LF A320 - prosecna straost 8,5 godina
Ukupna starost ASL 14,9
Ukupna starost LF 11,2
Luftikina flota od 22 x B737 je prosecno stara 23,6 godina.
Ukupna starost ASL je 17,5 godina.
DeleteExYu starost flote:
1. 6,4 Adria
2. 10,8 Croatia
3. 11,1 Montenegro
4. 17,5 Air Serbia
5. 19,5 B&H Airlines
Lutikina flota od 22 737 je tek nekih 3% ukupne flote Luftnase i subsidiaryes, a Air Serbijina flota od 4 737 je 21% flote i prosječna starost te flote je 28,8 godina.
Proof of how one stupid comment can turn the entire discussion off topic.
DeletePurger, tvoji podaci su sa Planespotera a moji sa Airfleets. net. Razlika je u tome sto Planespoter drzi u ASL floti 4 x 737 a Airfleets 1 kao sto i jeste...
DeleteNe mogu da vjuerujem kaj vidim, neki ovdje misle ASL je bolja od Lufthansa, omw.
DeleteLufthansa has retired or is about to retire entire B737 fleet, they've made an order for 120 brand new Aribus A320Neo/A321Neo and from next year on Lufthansa will utilize Airbus aircraft only on short to medium routes, and all aircraft are almost or brand new.
However on long hull routes Lufthansa will retain fleet of 17 B747 400s, 20 B787 and has and order for B777 900 for deliveries after 2020. Lufthansa plans to retire entire A340 fleet following year and replace these with 25 brand new A350s,
No plans to retire B747 400 fleet yet, until A350s are all delivered.
Lufthansa had an revenue of €30.03 billion in 2013, ASL had revenue of €180 million~ in 2014.
Lets not plan domination of entire European continent just yet ASL die hard fans.
Kako to misliš da je samo 1 737-300 u floti. Pa 4 komada lete za Air Serbiu, najčešće sva četiti. Aviolet je samo odjel Air Serbie (realno ne bi ga se moglo nazvati ni subsidary) i sam ima zanemarivo malo letova. Više-manje lete za Air Serbiu na redovnim letovima. U najboljem slučaju može se reći da je jedan 737-300 okupiran za charter tržište, a konačno i da su svi, to su zrakoplovi Air Serbie.
DeleteAnd major hater @ 12.19 is back here as well.
DeleteBoring, boring discussion today, and Purger joining the numbers race as usual. What a crap.
Naravno da niko ne misli da je necija flota bolja, nemojte da se pravite ludi, samo sam uporedio starost flote Airbuseva LF i ASL, kao sto vidite, vrsnjaci su..
DeleteTwisting, turning and playing with numbers all day.
DeleteThat's what's left for some of our hr friends here as there's nothing else happening there. Sad:)
@ Anon 12:02
DeleteActually this thread is a proof of how difficult and poor must be a life of an average nationalist or 'domoljub'.
Did the guy @9:13 say a single word about ASL? No he did not.
Did he say a single word about OU, ZAG or Croatia as such? No he did not.
He commented on a GREEK REGISTERED AIRLINE operating a single, fairly old aircraft that has been conserved for some time. His comment was very much valid and worth some discussion on how much can be achieved with such hardware.
And yet, by some really amazing chemical processes (characteristic for the 'domoljub' brain), some brilliant minds somehow managed to link his comment to ASL and immediately launch their daily barrage of slime and hatred.
How do they know the guy is a Serb or an ASL fan? He might as well be a Croat who loves OU. Or a Macedon who likes Wizz. Or a Kiwi who enjoys ANZ. He could be BLOODY ANYONE and he did not say BLOODY ANYTHING that could trigger ASL in any brain that is at least 10% normal and balanced.
The fact that some people turned his comment into an ASL row very clearly shows what heavy kind of paranoia still batters through some parts of the Balkans.
DeleteAko si hteo naglasiti:"Mrzim Air Serbiju i ocajan sam da nadjem nesto zbog cega ce ASL biti gora od bilo koga" slobodno mozes to naglasiti, ne bi se blamirao kao sto se blamiras.
Niko nije tvrdio da je ASL bolja od LF.
Ti si to sam umislio samo da bi imao razlog da napises nesto sto ce 'spustiti' Air Serbiju a spustio si samo sebe.
Receno je da ASLova flota nije nista starija od flote LF.
Read it again. Then laugh at yourself.
DeleteAnonymous at 12:19 PM
DeleteNe znam gde ste videli porudzbinu od 20 788 kad LH ne namerava u opste da ih poruci zbog nekih sitnih problema motora,
Nisu svih 120 neo varijanta ima i 15 ceo varjantu ;)
A i LH nema ni jedan avion na leasing sve je u njenom vlasnistvu
jedan je na lease, D-AISH
DeleteYou are wrong about the first comment it was jealous man unhappy with the article its phycology you don't under stand clearly. Simply put for you a croat will not make a comment like that. First comment was provocation and your comment is stupidity.
Please read this before posting. Thank you!
@ 2:14
DeleteThe point exactly was that it did not matter whether the guy was a Croat, a Serb or an Eskimo. Very easy to grasp - unless you are a poor unfortunate domoljub.
I was and still am sceptical...as it normally takes way too many factors for the flights to realize.
ReplyDeleteWhat's positive this time, is the fact that this service was initiated by governmental stakeholders (Ministry of foreign Affairs) and as such will probably receive proper marketing etc.
All the other efforts by private enterpreneuters so far had been running into problems at the point in which particular flights had to be promoted on a more organized level... For a successful sales, you need network of partners (agencies, touroperators that will conduct a program and start selling it) and individual sales. More trustworthy the company/airline, better the individual sales - and that is very hard...
Look at Air Croatia - dumb *ucks think it's enough to do award sweepstakes on their Facebook which only has 8.000 fans. No FB campaigns, no acquisition of new followers, no advertising on google search network, not to mention 1998 quality web etc. the only good thing Air Croatia did is a proper visibility of flights (Skyscanner) at last !
Agree with you Petar but anyway hope these flights happen.
DeleteHope these flights will happen, it would be good for tourists, let's see how it goes from there! :))
ReplyDeleteAt the end of the day it will on depend on ticket sales, so let's see how they will go.
ReplyDeletepa zašto iz Zagreba braćo naša pravoslavna i Grčka, zar nam je to hvala za sve ove godine teglenja paradajza i lubenica do Paralije i nazad :-(
ReplyDeleteAko te kupili lubenica i paradajz u Grčkoj, da bi letio u Beograd
DeleteIz Zag a ne iz Bgd, jer ne zele biti konkurencija predstojecim direktnim letovima Bgd-Sjev.Amerika.
DeleteReally? The Serbian government is begging the IMF for a loan, the nation is on the verge of bankruptcy, and you still think air serbia will be flying to North America?
DeleteGo and feed your pet Unicorn.
DeleteAlbanian? Croat? Maybe American?
@AnonymousJanuary 27, 2015 at 11:24 AM
@AnonymousJanuary 27, 2015 at 11:24 AM
nicely put
JU's transatlantic flights will be filled with transfer passengers as well as the Serbian diaspora, not so much the local population. Anyone remotely educated knows that.
DeleteOve godine krecu 99 % preko okeanski letovi JU izvinjavam se sto sam to rekao zbog vaseg zdravlja.
This plane was called prins Floris, ive been sitting in it allot at Amsterdam, when we where doeing cabin checks. This plane was only stored for 2 years, so not 'many' years like in the text :)
ReplyDeleteThere will be more flights from that continent as there will be charter flights during the period June-September from New York and Chicago to Zagreb.
ReplyDelete3 times weekly from New York and 2 times weekly from Chicago with American carrier
News will be published in mid february
@AnonymousJanuary 27, 2015 at 12:00 PM
DeleteHate to ask, but you got any verifiable source for this bit of gossip ?
Is it a bit late to announce June flights in mid Feb?
DeleteWhy is that, most people book ticket max 60 days before departure and nit 6 months in advance
DeleteYeah but I thought they could use some time to promote/advertise. It is not easy to convince passengers to try something other than connections through major European hubs. Also SkyGreece will not be in a position to dump prices in order to attract pax. That's why I think they need some extra time for ads and PR.
DeleteSorry, not SkyGreece. I meant these other carriers and routes that were mentioned.
DeleteThis charter route is perfect news but not a big deal. It is not a regular route.
ReplyDeleteThere were 70.000 tourists from Canada to Croatia in 2014 out of what 25.000 in Zagreb. In 2014 there were 230.000 USA tourists in Croatia and 85.000 of those in Zagreb. So primarily those routes would be to support Canada and North USA tourists and to make opportunity for more of them to come in 2015. Of course 110.000 Croats in Canada will be great help to that route. Also Croats don't need visa for Canada so there would be also some passengers from Croatia to Canada.
@PurgerJanuary 27, 2015 at 12:18 PM
Delete267 000 US tourist and 81 000 Canadian visitors to Croatia in 2014, http://press.croatia.hr/Documents/3495/Dolasci-i-nocenja-turista-SIJECANJ-PROSINAC-2014-2013.pdf
13.7 million in total, 75 million nights. revenue €7.55 billion.
Zagreb had 970 000 visitors and 1.6 million nights.
Thanks I had data from 2013 and that was estimate, so result was even better.
DeleteWith non-stop route that would be much better in 2015.
Concerning number of tourists Zagreb should have regular weekly charter from:
New York
Pittsburgh (150.000 Croats)
Seoul (now 10 flights and for 3 top-season months that should be 13 flights)
That should be top project of Zagreb tourist board, Croatian tourist board and Croatian Diaspora office.
Ja sam mislio da samo ja ovde fantaziram za neke linije.
wow - impressive. Croatia = Tourism Superpower... Although still with many problems and opportunities to improve/grow... nice nonetheless.
DeleteI honestly hope 2015 to be another successful year: so far things are looking solid: relatively cheap oil (good for airlines), depreciated Euro (good for outside EU visitors), Swiss citizens also have more money in their pockets... down side are tourists from Russia (luckily croatian tourism is not overly dependent on them as opposed to Montenegro)
Hopefully, no terrorist attacks, volcanoes nor floods :/
mala je razlika između Beograda i Zagreba u broju stranih turista. Zagreb je imao 743.367 za celu 2014, a Beograd se procenjuje na oko 640.000, što i nije neka velika razlika ako se uzme u obzir koliko Hrvatska troši, a Srbija ne troši, na reklame.
Deletena republičkom nivou ne možemo da se poredimo, jer ipak imate more, a mi ne. kada ga ne bi imali, opet bi bili vrlo blizu (kontinentalna Hrvatska 1.086.726 stranih turista a procena za Srbiju je 1.063.525). jbg, ovde nisu još objavili decembarske rezultate
istina, pa i nije (pre)velika razlika. Zagreb ističemo, jer nas je sve iznenadio. Do nedavno je bio najobičnija da ne kažem "rupa"... i ni blizu s brojkama kao jedan Dubrovnik ili Rovinj, koji su i dalje jači u broju noćenja. Međutim, ono što veseli u Zagrebu nisu samo pojačane stope rasta, već i maštovitost/kreativnost svih dionika: od turističkih djelatnika, restorana, hotela, zanimljivih hostela, manifestacija, te općenito načina na koji je grad počeo "živjeti" turizam. Više smo sretni trendom i razvojem, no samim brojkama koje su i dalje bezveze ako ćemo se uspoređivati sa Budimpeštom, Bečom... Zagreb da bi njima bio "ravnopravan", morao bi imati umjesto 0,97 mil turista barem 1,5 do 1,8 mil - onda bi s obzirom na veličinu bio ravnopravan... Ali polako, uvjeran sam da će do 2020 doseći tu razinu, a onda o tom potom... nekim manjim stopama od 2-4% godišnje.
DeleteDruga ohrabrujuća činjenica je što Zagreb ima šaroliko i ugledno društvo turista (nijemci, talijani, španjolci, francuzi, ameri, japanci, korejci, te sve više egzotičnih poput indijaca, australaca i sl.)
"AnonymousJanuary 27, 2015 at 1:18 PM
DeleteJa sam mislio da samo ja ovde fantaziram za neke linije.
)))))))) :D
@PurgerJanuary 27, 2015 at 1:16 PM
Delete@PetarJanuary 27, 2015 at 2:30 PM
Totally agree Purger, but you're bit too optimistic with your projections, I think connection to New York and Toronto are must, preferably with United and Air Canada, Delta is in deep trouble and they have poor EU connections as it is. Air Canada once flew to Zagreb, Zagreb tourist board should under EU rules apply some sort of incentives for Zagreb - Toronto flights, lets say 20$ per passenger per flight, 150 000 passengers x 20 = $3 million, this should prove very profitable for all involved and could maintain link throughout the year with Zagreb and in summers with Dubrovnik too.
Same deal should be made with United Airlines as well and ensure 500 000 visitors from United States each year, right now we have 267000, although US incentives should be $10, for there are a lot more alternatives.
With Korean Air and JAL same deal should be made for year round flights too, to ensure high paying visitors come to the city and Croatia.
These should be priorities for Croatia imho.
@NikolaJanuary 27, 2015 at 1:59 PM
Deletecan you post your source for your claims ? i mean Serbian visitor numbers, I genuinely want to take a look at numbers.
And no, even if Serbia had a see it wouldn't really matter much in terms of visitor numbers, Romania has also sea but its visitor numbers are appealing.
Serbs are culturally very close to Romanians and Bulgarians and even Bulgaria hasn't got great visitor numbers, has 4 million foreign and 2.5 million domestic for total of 6.5 million, has been this way for a while now.
its all relative and you can always try to argue that the other, but so far the evidence points to the contrary, O btw, continental Croatia has had very little or no advertising, of any sort, tourist that visit Croatia only just started to discover Continental Croatia, Varazdin and Zagreb are topping the list, Samobor is also up and coming with 50 000 visitors and 80 000 nights last year.
Zagreb once has 1.02 million visitors, hopefully this number will be reached this year, i remain hopeful, but by 2020 Zagreb should easily reach 1.75 million visitors at present levels of growth 11-16% pa.
Deleteyes, numbers are alike, Zagreb has just little more tourists than Belgrade. However, there is one HUGE difference : 90 percent of foreign tourists to Belgrade are from neighbouring Balkan countries, and 90 percent of foreign tourists to Zagreb are "real" foreigners, half of which from the EU, another half from the Far East and North America. And for this post, and this blog, it makes MAJOR difference
"Romania has also sea but its visitor numbers are appealing."
DeleteHahaha, do you know to write?
"are "real" foreigners, half of which from the EU, another half from the Far East and North America. And for this post, and this blog, it makes MAJOR difference"
DeleteHahaha, are you sure about that? For sure, handling 2.4 million pax with all those REAL foreigners makes a huge difference. Wonder how they make it to Croatia, through telepathy or something? Hahahaaa
Jel se to racunaju i Hrvati sa USA pasosem kao turisti u HR ili kako se racuna?
@AnonymousJanuary 27, 2015 at 6:38 PM
DeleteNe, putnici koji idu u Hrvatsku ispune formular na kojem se pita razlog dolaska u Hrvatsku, tako da vecina Hrvata koji zive u Americi bu napisali visiting family ili nesto slicno.
prijatelj mi zivi u Michiganu, i on putuje u Hrvatsku preko Frankfurta svake godine 2-3 puta.
"Serbs are culturally very close to Romanians and Bulgarians"
DeleteI don't know what's sadder, your racism or your delusion that Serbs have more in common with Romanians than with Croats. As someone in living in Split, all I can say is - look around you.
Really, this obsessive need to put Serbs together with Romanians and Bulgarians and then label them all together as some sort of a slave race compared to supreme beings who live west of river Drina is such a heavy syndrome, it deserves its own name in medicine. Amazing how badly screwed are the brains of some people.
Delete@Anon at 10:23
DeleteDid you read this?
There will never be regular route as there is no demand for that and there is cheap tickets during winter season with many companies as LF and others.
ReplyDeleteThose numbers you are mentioning are mainly for the summer period, how many of those are diaspora counting as tourists?
Maybe 60-70 %
Od sledece Godine novi Catering u ASL svaka cast kako managementu kako radi
Novi catering u ASL pocinje od 1. marta ne sledece godine.
DeleteWhat exactly do u mean by new catering? New facility or just improved food?
ReplyDeleteJa koliko sam video na FB stranici ASL bice nova jela :)
Nista spektakularno, ali uzimajuci u obzir izbor jela npr. na OU letovima puno bolje.
ReplyDeleteDon't most American/Canadian tourists to Croatia combine their trip with other parts of Europe? Longhaul to balkans will not work with large feeder traffic. The premium passengers won't use a Balkan Airline and one-stop flights are so cheap these days.
ReplyDeleteThis is greased up by croatian politicians and will be failure performed by another grease SkyGrease. Planes will be empty.
DeleteDo you hope it won't work, or are you just bitter?
Delete@AnonymousJanuary 27, 2015 at 2:32 PM
Deleteu're absolutely right, Most Canadian and US visitors to Croatia come in conjunction with their Euro Trips, that being said Zagreb is a regional center for many US/Global based firms, Microsoft, Facebook, Google...
Croatian Priminister just got back from US and he met with number of big technology firms and plans are to bring some of them to Croatia. Few large EU based energy firms also have their main head office for entire region in Zagreb, and now that Croatia has large quantities of natural gas and oil, demand for direct flights to North America would be a must once exploitation of said resources start, not forgetting a large LNG terminal is planned for Omis/Rijeka, a $3 bn investment is planned in to terminal and infrastructure that should supply middle east LNG to the region, namely natural gas from Qatar, Azerbaijan (via Turkey) and Libya once things clam down there..
But as you pointed out you're correct that American travelers prefer to travel from one point to another which should indeed play well for direct link with Zagreb.
SkyGreece link might be interesting, we'll see more when things start to run, is it profitable or sustainable, Croatian passport holders do not require visa for Canada, and soon for US too.
Only new Croatian issued biometric passports are recognized as valid Croatian nationality documents, somewhat unrelated issue but wanted to point out the visa problem we still have with US and why US hasn't lifted visa yet, another option is when new EU biometric passports roll out these would only be recognized by US as a valid travel documents, which would be simplest solution.
You're so delusional it just hurts. Microsoft has an entire development center in Belgrade, they don't even register Zagreb on the map. And could you elaborate on the "regional centres" (lol) FB and Google have in Zagreb? What sort of operations do they have there?
DeleteThey have a sales office lol, there are hundreds of multinationals with sales offices in Belgrade, no one cares. Unless there's a factory or a dev centre, it's irrelevant.
DeleteJust look at global city rankings, Belgrade is a Beta city while Zagreb is a Gamma city, one whole league bellow. So what are you talking us about? Just talking s*it as usual.
DeleteAnonymousJanuary 27, 2015 at 10:06 PM
Delete@AnonymousJanuary 27, 2015 at 8:23 PM
even i can edit wikipedia
Koji ste vi kreteni, svi skupa. To je za medalju, gospe mi.
DeleteI guess you can edit this as well:
sorry for OT but what happened to airSerbias flight from Belgrade to Skopje today??
ReplyDeleteToday Air Serbia cancelled flights to Skopje, Zagreb (evening flight) and Podgorica ( two flights, morning and evening). For instance, for the day after tomorrow (Thursday) Air Serbia cancelled flights to Skopje, Budapest, Zurich (morning flight), Podgorica (evening flight), Tel Aviv and Warsaw. But I think it is wise to cancel flights on the days when demand is low.
Deleteso unprofessional!
Deletein ZAG this month you had Turkish cancel at least 3 flights, KLM around 3 to 4 flights and Eurolot up to 5-6 flights. Just a bad month with low demand. If you have 20-30% LF on some flights, I guess it's cheaper to reschedule/move pax around and pay them some kind of incentive than operate a completely empty aircraft... Tuesdays in general seem to be specially bad...
DeleteUnprofessional?!? WTF, cancelling is taking care of business much more than this, two weeks ago on a Delta flight:
I was on JU's BEG-ZRH today... 125/128 pax... Overbooked - I was upgraded to J class.
Delete^ what is your point? The only 80%+ load destinations are Paris, Zurich, Moscow, London, and Athens and Istanbul to some extent.
DeleteSwift Air wanted to fly charter Chicago Belgrade. SkyService flew Toronto Zagreb for a short time. Scanderbeg Air back in 2009 with New York Pristina charters. Uzbekistan Airways with Belgrade New York service. List goes on with failed services between Ex Yu and North America. What is SkyGreece and partners doing so differently this time to ensure survival of this venture? Otherwise it is destined to fold sooner or later.
ReplyDeleteI don't know. However, based on published media statements, this time it should be different given that a more systematic approach may have been used to ensure a set of promotional and financial support.
ReplyDeletethis time croatian state stakeholders have been involved: from ministry of foreign affairs, ministry of tourism and croatian tourist board.
Also, judging fthat the first mention of Zagreb-Toronto flights was announced 1 year ago - this might signify that a more thorough and well planned out process of preparing for the opening of the line have been carried out.
Maybe... I sure hope ... :/
YYZ-ZAG is StarAlliance turf. Croatia Airlines, LH and friends are not going to be happy with someone trying to take away thousands of seats from them. Expect StarA to brutally undercut them once pricing is released.
DeleteRight now you can travel to most North American destinations from Zagreb with OU code-share for $700, some even cheaper and some tickets can be bought for a baring price when promotion is on, seen tickets for $550 return. OU has codeshare with United, and other star alliance members...
DeleteThat being said, a direct link even 5-10% more expensive say $750-800 would sell well in Croatia, for its a direct link, no need to hustle with stop overs. But last year 350 000 American/Canadians and 55000 Croats traveled to north America, this is last year, this year might be even more, so I think there's plenty of room for growth here. Lufthansa has agreements with Air Canada, United and others so no fear of loosing money if there's a direct link to Zagreb, there'll be a heavy demand for direct link to North America, lets wait and see how Sky Greece pan's out before we start condemning things.
And yes Sky Greece is a Balkan outfit, but I think this is just to test waters to be honest, if this route proves to be profitable Air Canada might join the fray, would love to see them back in Zagreb.
"no need to hustle with stop overs"
DeleteWhat does that mean, can you translate?
"no need to 'bother' with stop overs"
Delete@AnonymousJanuary 27, 2015 at 8:23 PM
Deleteeven i can edit wikipedia
OT - Was this morning's flight to Budapest full?
ReplyDelete^ of course not lol
DeleteI saw they sent the 737, just asking.
Deletesad....18pax to bud, 30 back, on 737. such a waste of resources.
Deletelol. pathetic. no ATR again?
DeleteIma se, može se.
Delete^ yea right :D
DeleteOT: ASL flights to LJU down from 14 to 10 weekly. Starts tomorrow.
ReplyDelete14 weekly is too much for LJU, but it'll be back in summer season.
DeleteI am happy for SkyGreece,however very unhappy with an old airframe B767 - 300 ER they intend to use for this very profitable route .......
ReplyDeleteImam jednu ideju ajde makar do petka da ne pljujemo jedni druge ovde i da ne pljujemo ASL i CTN i ostale kompanije: