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Slovenian President proposes for Qatar to acquire Adria |
The Slovenian President Borut Pahor has urged Qatar Airways to buy a share in its national carrier Adria Airways, which is up for privatisation this year. The Slovenian State Secretary at the Ministry for Economic Development and Technology, Ales Cantarutti, says the proposal was made during the President’s meeting with the Emir of Qatar, Sheikh Tamim bin Hamad al-Thani, in Doha last Thursday. “During talks with the Emir, the idea was raised for Qatar to invest in Adria Airways”, Mr. Cantarutti says. Citing Etihad Airways’ 49% stake in Air Serbia, the State Secretary notes, “I don’t see why Qatar Airways would not do the same. We want Qatar Airways to invest in Adria in line with European Union legislation. As a result, there are some limitations to ownership”.
Qatar Airways recently confirmed it was mulling a 20% stake in Alisarda Holding, which owns Italian airlines Meridiana, Meridiana fly and Air Italy. The investment would allow Qatar to better position itself against its regional rival Etihad which recently acquired a 49% stake in Alitalia. Mr. Cantarutti believes Qatar will give “serious consideration” to Slovenia’s proposal to invest in Adria. “Mergers and partnerships are necessary in the airline business”, Mr. Cantarutti says. Last week the Slovenian government agreed to sell up to 91.6% in Adria. Under European Union regulations, only a company from inside the block is able to buy a majority share in another EU-based business.
Slovenia’s former President, Danilo Turk, initially proposed for Qatar Airways to invest in Adria back in 2009. A year later the CEO of the Qatari carrier, Akbar Al Baker, ruled out a possible acquisition following talks with Adria’s management, noting that Qatar will instead focus on organic growth. However, last year, Mr. Baker said the airline is again pursuing acquisitions in foreign airlines. “When we see that there are strong synergies between the two carriers we are open to investment”, the CEO said. He added, “We want to make sure that we don’t create a burden on us. We want airlines that we acquire to be complimentary to us, we don’t want to get involved in fixing other people’s problems”. Adria Airways’ CEO, Mark Anžur, recently said it would be best to offer the carrier to small airlines or financial investors, as big European players have "problems of their own". Mr. Anžur added, “One problem is that a company from outside of the Union can only take a 49% stake. Our choices are limited, so in my opinion we can realistically expect interest from Europe”.
Middle Eastern airlines have shown interest in EX-YU carriers on several occasions. In 2008 Royal Jordanian Airlines placed a bid to purchase a 49% stake in B&H Airlines while Etihad successfully acquired Jat Airways and transformed it into Air Serbia. Furthermore, the Emirati national carrier sought tender documentation for the purchase of a minority stake in Montenegro Airlines in 2012 but never placed a final offer.
Croatia airlines would be a better investment for Qatar. It has more potential!
ReplyDeleteThat's correct but wrong management Ceo Kucko bad news not a good business partner only has personal interests
DeleteThis would be great for Adria, and an interesting move in Ex-Yu region, Qatar vs Etihad! Good luck, Slovenia!
Deletewhy are you trolling ????
DeleteYou full well know where Croatian Airlines strategy lies!
Privatization if it happens this year, and i doubt it will, but if it does happen it'll be an airline from South East Asia, China, Japan or South Korea for obvious reasons.
I wouldn't call this trolling. What's wrong with you? Would you refuse a potential offer from Qatar?
DeleteIt would be great if Qatar bought both Adria and Croatia Airlines and make one carrier!
DeleteHow can Qatar buy both airlines when both are restricted by EU to only offer 49% to non EU buyers?
DeleteThey could do that to anyone, but those two.
I know that, Spale, I meant it would be great if Qatar had bought 49% of both Adria and Croatia Airlines!
First flyby shots of future Zagreb terminal, building dimensions are around 355m from one end to other, main body is 155mx 145m, 2 passenger boarding bridges (only columns) are freestanding and 6 others are being worked on, platform is very narrow might be expanded (projected called for 750x250m apron) but from what I can see it's about 570-580mx100-120m so a lot shorter and narrower than originally planned, that doesn't mean in future it won't be enlarged to original planned size, just that from this early shots I can only assume it is 570x120m, it is quite likely 2 additional passenger boarding bridges will be added on top of 8 planned, as there's large clearing for future expansion.
Main construction works are 50% done by now, or there about. just to recap new 67500sqm terminal is to be completed by the end of 2016 with planned capacity for 5.5 million pax per year and 8 million under phase 2A and 10-12 million under phase 2B, phase 2A will see 4 additional passenger boarding bridges being added to right shoulder/arm and additional 4 4+4 passenger boarding bridges will be added to left shoulder/arm as part of phase 2B.
Total projected capacity of Zagreb airport once all work on current terminal is completed should be in the region of 15 million, there are no plans to knock down terminal 1, instead terminal 1 will become a low cost terminal with major works being done to it after terminal 2 is completed. Work carried on terminal 1 will include 5500 additional space, and increasing capacity from present 2.5 million to 3.0 million, with extensive internal re-arrangements terminal 1 will receive new look and increased capacity.
Longer term city might knock this terminal down and build a new larger terminal but still aimed at low cost and domestic operators.
As part of the project 57m tall Air Traffic control tower is yet to be built, $8 million tower hasn't been designed yet and architectural competition is yet to be held.
New Zagreb terminal - is it going to have Q400 airplane capable air bridges?
DeleteHmm... I am also urging my body to lose weight yet the result will be the same.
ReplyDeleteMr. Baker do you want additional burdens and do you want that fixing other problems is your new problem? If the answer is yes welcome to Adria. Spending energy (!!!), time (!), money for loosing all.
ReplyDeleteI don't think they will take Adria but if they take it there will not be problems.
ReplyDeleteThe major drawback with Adria is that its market is very small. On the upside they have bases in a few countries both in and out of EU and this is a big plus
ReplyDeleteJa to zamisljam ovako: qatar im je dao uslov da naprave sto vise baza kako bi kupili udeo od 49%, pa će investirati i pretvoriti adriu u lc kompaniju sa vise baza (lodz, pristina, ljubljana...) Ovo je samo nagadjanje, da me ne shvatite pogrešno.
ReplyDeleteThere would be two main obstacles to such deal:
ReplyDelete1. Qatar being unwilling to play with investments in other carriers - it is not their business model. And if they decide to try something like that they may have some bigger fish on their radar.
2. Lufty being unwilling to allow MEB3 buyouts in their own backyard. Adria is a Star Alliance member and if anyone would be likely to step in and invest in them it would be a fellow Star Alliance carrier.
Anything goes of course. At the end of the day, nothing is certain or uncertain in this particular business.
They bought some time when they sold airplanes but it will not last forever.
ReplyDeleteAn airline cannot last forever selling and leasing back its fleet. Therefore, any positive news is welcomed, but with caution.
ReplyDeleteQR neverujem da ce da kupi ADR zato sto ce da investira najverovatnije u IG.
ReplyDeleteA pokrenuo je i novu Aviokompaniju Al Maha Airways koja treba da krene sa letovima za 6-18 meseci. Zato neverujem da ce biti bilo sta od kupovine ADR
Qatar je daleko veća i bogatija kompanija od Etihada, pa Etihad svejedno u jednoj godini uspjeva kupiti nekoliko kompanija... zašto onda Qatar to ne bi učinio ako je najavio kupovinu kompanija?
DeleteOdgovorit ce ti da su JP i OU okruzeni velikim igracima, da nemaju nikakav ekonomski potencijal. Uvijek isto. Svaki put zaboravlja u kakvom je stanju bio JAT.
DeleteNaravno da bi neko mogao da preuzme OU, mozda cak i QR. Ali morali bi dosta da se potrude da stignu ASL. OU ne moze mnogo da se siri do 2017., sto zbog kapaciteta ZAG , SPU i ostalih aerodroma odakle leti, sto zbog "zabrane" zbog koje ne moze jos uvek da otvara nove linije. Dok OU pocne sa se siri, ASL ce mozda vec imati long haul letove za SAD, Canadu a mozda i Kinu. Dosta toga bi trebalo da uradi onaj ko bi preuzeo OU da bi OU mogao da konkurise ASLu za vodjstvo u regionu. Naravno da to nije nemoguce, ali onaj ko bi zeleo da preuzme OU sigurno zna sta ga ceka.
DeleteRestrukturiranje OU završava krajem 2015., već 2016. mogu početi s novim linijama, ne 2017.! Ali, slažem se, bez ozbiljnog strateškog partnera i ozbiljne razvojne vizije u skladu s kapacitetima, teško će konkurirati Air Serbiji! Pozdrav iz Dubrovnika!
DeleteJa nigde nisam napisao da nema para ima ih i viska cak.
DeleteCTN mora da se bori sa svojim prijateljima iz Star Alliance i pogotovo sad sa KL pa je tu manji problem ASL.
CTN nije nista uradio iz DBV i SPU gde ce ih ovo leto rasturiti LCC i TUI Grupa i naravno Star Alliance gde nece imati sanse ni malo da se odbrane.
I izgleda bicu upravu kao i za letove SkyGreece Airlines tako da nema nista od toga.
Naslov je presmesan ovo mu dodje kao kad mali rom cima za rukav daj dinar daj dinar.Adria mislim da za najdalje 3,4 god nece postojati kao kompanija OU ce zbog eu pravila drasticno smanjiti prevoz putnika,svake godine sve manje i manje jer nece biti u mogucnosti da primaju pomoc drzave plus koncesionar MZLZ ce dovesti jos loucostera a realno jedini spas im je privatizacija ali je i tu sansa izuzetno mala svakim danom sve manja po mom misljenju imaju vremena do kraja 2015 da nadju investitora kad krenu prekookeanski letovi ASL i uhodaju se linije krene ekspanzija na istok mislim da ce tu biti kraj svake price o potencijalnoj privatizaciji i uspesnosti OU.Niko ove kompanije ukljucujuci i bivsi jat nije hteo i mogle su opstajati tako jer niko nije prejak ali samim ulaskom Etihada potpuno nova je situacija i vise pravila igre nisu ista.Morate shvatiti da ASL nije nastala zato sto se etihadu to isplati ili sto hoce da pravi hub ili bilo kakva veza sa nihovim poslovim planovima vezana iskljucivo za jat vec je to deo velikog paketa investicija i interesa emirata u Srbiji pocev od poljoprivrede,gradjevinarstva,vojne industrije,bankarstva.
Tvoje želje su jedno, ali se stvari u zrakoplovstvu stalno mijenjaju, o interesu emirata da ulaže u Srbiji bi se dalo raspravljati, pusti Vučićeve laži, Hrvatska ima nevjerojatan potencijal i generira najviše putnika u Ex-Yu, s konstantnim rastom. Uostalom, vidjet ćemo u godinama koje dolaze!
DeleteU prau si ti da ima potencijal i da ima najvise putnika pogotovu zbog turizma ali pazi sad uslovi privatizacije OU su takvi da ekipa koja odlucuje ne zeli strateskog partnera kao etihad koji ce odlucivati o svemu ve se zele oni pitati nesto i to ti je razlog zasto niko nece kupiti ou narednih god dana dok ne sjase sdp.A hdz kad dodje mislis da ce oni privatizovati tako da se nista ne pitaju a sto se tice Vuvivevih lazi gledaj u svoje dvoriste mora da je asl isto laz
DeleteMislim da ce ADRIA morati se vratiti svojim istinskim korijenima, a to su charterski letovi preko ljeta. Kao sto su nekad imali u Jugi. Ova gluma, da ce svaka banana drzavica koja je nastala raspadom YU, imati svoje nacionalne aero kompanije, je obicna glupost. Da nemaju preko ljeta aranzmane sa turistickim agencijama za koje voze charterske lettove u Hurgadu, Sharm el Sheikh, Grcke otoke. Ove redovne linije i preko ljeta nisu popunjene, posto su totalno cijenovno nekonkurentni. A dok imas kasicu prasicu tj. drzavu koja daje pare do onda se moze glumiti nacionalni interes.
DeleteWOW Pristina BKPR spotters take and look!!
This is awesome nice videos I love this site BKPR Spotters good job.
Bome novi terminal se radi punim tempom, lijepo je znati da su se angažirali oko gradnje hotela i pruge.
DeleteStvarno sjajna vest!
DeleteNovi terminal u Zagrebu ce izgledati fenomenalno!
Nadam se da planiraju nesto i za BEG, i on ce ove godine verovatno prevazici kapacitete.
ZAG mgmt understands the sooner they get new terminal, the better they can compete against BEG and others. BEG mgmt on the other hand keeps delaying new terminal which is against their own interest. What more can ZAG mgmt ask for than current BEG mgmt!
DeleteTočno, ali Beograd, odnosno Srbija, ima jaku nacionalnu kompaniju, dok Croatia Airlines stagnira već duže vrijeme! Ne znam što hrvatska vlada čeka s privatizacijom OU!
ReplyDeleteFRA ce da pravi novi 3 3 Terminal radovi pocinju na leto
Šta znači 3 3 terminal?
ReplyDeleteSlucajno sam 2 puta napisao 3
DeleteFRA ce da pravi novi 3 Terminal radovi pocinju na leto :)
^ kaze se Terminal 3
DeleteSo... if JP doesn't find a strategic partner, how much time would they have before being in serious trouble?
ReplyDeleteThe banks have the answer to your question.
DeleteI don't know why would anyone buy JP or OU. These two companies have no future whatsoever. Why would anyone buy them? What good are they for?
Be patient, you might get surprised! :))
DeleteMaybe Adria but Croatia Airlines with it's present Ceo Kucko it is not in his personal interest that Croatia Airlines gets sold to a foreign Airlines .
DeleteBas me zanima kakav ce odgovor LH da bude ukoliko/kada dodje do privatizacije JP i OU... + Air Berlin (koji se raspada, ali nikad se ne zna), Air Serbia, Alitalia, Darwin... Ipak se to sve desava pred vratima LH...
ADRIA is already in serious troubles!!
DeleteBudimo realni, jedno je zelja a drugo realnost. Kao takva Adria Airways nije vrijedna nista, nemaju jedan svoj avijon, Adria Tehnika vise nije njihovo vlasnistvo, suvlasnistvo na LJU aerodromu su davno prodali zbog dugova. Qatar Airwaysu bi bilo jeftinije , kad bi poslao 3-4 airbus 320 u LJU bazu i od tamo letio na destinacijama koje sada pokriva ADRIA. Sta jedan Qatar Airways dobija kupnjom Adrije ? Radna snaga, kao sto su stewardi nadjes iza ugla, a i za pilote se vise kompanije ne tuku, tako da to nije nikakav problem. Pitanje, dali bi jedna takva firma sa tolikim malim brojem putnika uopce mogla da posluje sa LJU, jer i samo znamo da sada neka frekvencija PAX po letivoma je jako niska. Zadnji put sam isao za MUC u 19h i bilo nas je 18 u avijonu od mogucih 86 putnika u S5-AAV. Toliko o popunjenosti i isplativosti.