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Flights from Germany to Niš to launch this year or next |
Low cost airline Wizz Air is expected to launch flights between Memmingen and Niš in late 2015 or early 2016, the head of the city’s Tourism Organisation, Uroš Parlić, has confirmed. “This service was discussed from the very beginning and Germany has been identified as a market with strong potential”, Mr. Parlić says. Last week, Wizz Air’s Executive Vice President, John Stephenson, said that even though the airline did not initially plan to introduce additional flights to the south-eastern Serbian city this year, flights from Germany could be considered by the end of 2015. The low cost airline will commence flights to Niš this summer with a three weekly service from Malmo, starting June 25, and two weekly flights from Basel, beginning July 3.
The head of the Tourism Organisation says Wizz Air opted for the Malmo service first, rather than Memmingen, as the airline’s research and analysis showed there is more interest for flights from Scandinavia than from Germany. Furthermore, Mr. Parlić believes Wizz Air will open a base at Constantine the Great Airport as early as next year. Meanwhile, Bojan Avramović, the head of the Regional Development Agency, has also confirmed that the low cost airline will introduce services from Memmingen to Niš in the coming period.
Niš Airport estimates that some 30.000 passengers will fly with Wizz Air from Malmo and Basel during the summer months. Furthermore, the airport is hopeful to attract charter carriers from Turkey and Greece during the holiday period. Last year, Turkey’s Freebird Airlines was to operate charters from Antalya to Niš, but the service was cancelled due to low interest. However, the airport is confident the flights could attract more travellers this time around due to its new pricing and a passenger tax of only three euros. On the other hand, local authorities have confirmed that Air Serbia has expressed no interest in operating commercial flights out of Niš for the time being.
Niš proving there's a market there after all.
ReplyDeleteNo one was saying that there was no market, people were just saying that there was no market for legacy carriers (read Air Serbia).
DeleteIf anyone can make INI work then it's a super lowcost airline, that is Wizz Air or Ryanair.
I am happy that they are adding more flights. It will really open up the southern parts of Serbia to Europe. I wonder if Dortmund or Eindhoven might come next.
DeleteHaters in ruins.
Dortmund / Eindhoven would indeed be a good next step.
Oh yes, there was a lot of blogers here, espetialy from Belgrade, to point that there is no market in INI! If so, there would routes.
DeleteSo, there was need for little financial push from Serbia and here are results. Still Air Serbia is not flying INI-BEG like it should be and like it is in Croatia for example (OSI-ZAG) and still amount of financial support is not fair concerning that this area is 1/10 of Belgrade area and INI does not ger 10% of air subventions from Republic of Serbia.
Yes and once Belgrade ordered INI to lower its taxes an airline came. Money was thrown at YM for no reason which is a shame and that was an idea created by the Nis people.
DeleteStill, good thing is that the airport will finally have some commercial operations. Let's also hope Russian charter flights return.
Guys don't jump the gun here on demand, once they start flying only then you can assess the interest. Adding new destinations and/or basing ac in Nis will be sure sign. Until that happens I'll wait and see. The reason is that there were attempts in the past (albeit legacy airlines) and they all failed miserably.
ReplyDeleteIt was just question of time when some LCC such as Wizz which will recognize huge potential of Niš! Well done both wizzair and Niš Airport
I wonder if there would be enough demand for seasonal Malta flights next year. There is A LOT of Niš people in Malta. But the problem could be the fact that Sofia already has that route.
ReplyDeleteAlso, Charleroi would be great.
ASL recently put on sale flights to Malta for next summer.
DeleteWizz Air starting early to Basel from 29th June http://flyfromnis.blogspot.com/2015/01/wizz-air-od-29juna-startuje-iz-nisa-za.html …
ReplyDeleteGreat news! Do you know from which base Niš flights will be operated? Belgrade, Tuzla, Skopje maybe?
DeleteСкопље и Тузла.
DeleteINI-MLH will be operated by SKP aircraft, while INI-MMX will be served by Gdansk airplane.
DeleteGo Niš, Go! Just hurry up with that ILS!
ReplyDeleteI think the best idea for Ništa would be following: Air Serbia introduces triangle flights. They Start in Niš, land in Belgrade and continue to Paris, Berlin, London... And if they are flying south (Athens, Tel Aviv) they Start in BEG and fly via Niš. If they make it like this Niš Airport would get more money than if they would fly BEG-INI with a small ATR 72.
ReplyDeletePassengers from Nis to Tel Aviv.. well that's a LoL. Don't go over your head..
DeleteThere is no point to fly INI - BEG. I think that AS if ever come to fly from Niš should fly only INI - VIE with one of those ATR's'. Thats all! I am expecting more fly from Wizz as well. A part from Mamingen, Paris and Eidhoven for example
DeleteZaboravite te gluposti zvane linija ini beg drugi grad.
ReplyDeleteBWA sve pomerio za mesec dana?
When they finish ISL SWISS can fly from Zurich.
ReplyDeleteBez sumnje, Nis ce postati mala baza za Wiz Air operacije. Za duze vreme LCC ce biti jedini realan avio prevoz. Juzna i centralna Srbija, logicno bez Beograda, u iducih 10 godina nece biti atraktivna za putnicko vazduhoplovstvo, osim LCC letova, kao poneki carter i kargo servis. Nis sa obaveznim up grading facility and equipments, jeste pocetak decentralizacije putnickog vazdusnog saobracaja zemlje Srbije. To jeste dobar pocetak sa trendom u tom pravcu. Pocetak priprema aerodroma Ponikve-Uzice takodje se krecu u tom pravcu da bi se aktivirao potencijal manjeg avio saobracaja za avione kapaciteta izmedju 15 i 80 putnika. Svakako taj saobracaj bi se odvijao turbo elisnim avionima avionima, uglavnom. Posete Zlatiboru, Drven Gradu, Andric Gradu, Tari, Uvcu, Uzicama... ce porasti za vise od 35.000 posetioca na gdisnjem nivou ovog dela centralno- zapadne Srbije. Nemoze se zaboraviti ni Aerodrom MORAVA Kraljevo. Sa ulozenih dvadesetak miliona evra u prelepi mali terminal, sa AC tornjem, avio parkingom za par aviona velicine A320, sa energetskom zgradom, parkingom ispred pristanisne zgrade... Za sada, i ako je za tri meseca se navrsava tri godine od tada uveravanja da ce putnicki sobracaj poceti od juna pa septembra 2012 godine. Kako se kome svidjalo tako se i oglasavao. Do sada ovaj buduci aerodrome je ostao "tuzan sirak bez igde ikoga". Jos pride kao dodatak je dobio polovinom prosle godine iskipovanih 4 do 5 kubika sodera iza glavne kapije na ulazu prema predivnom terminalu kapaciteta verujem iznad 300.000 putnika na godisnjem nivou. Zasto je taj soder, koga je neki kamion iskipovao bas na glavnom ulazu? Ostaje pitanje 2015 godine!?!. Ostaje produzenje piste za 400 metara, prosirenje za 15 metara, zagradjivanje aerodroma... Bar jos polivina novca koliko je ulozeno do sada... Ne postoji ni jedan racionalan covek ukljucujuci i politicare koji zeli, misli i radi u ovoj zemlji koji nece dovrsiti zapoceto i toliko ulozeno. Naravno dali ce to biti drzavno, privatno, kombinovano, sasvim sve jedno. Ko ima novca taj i ulaze. Relativno skoro ceka me uobicajen 70-ti let za moj native Sydney Kingsford Smith irport. Pre polaska obicicu kapiju sa sve soderom ispred Kraljevackog aerodroma Morava. Prilikom povratka na jesen, kada dolazim na zimovanje u Otadzbinu, iskreno se nadam da ce na terminalima i areodromu Nikola Tesla biti intezivnih gradjevinskih, inzinjerijskih aktivnosti. To ce se dogoditi. A Kraljevacka MORAVA? Ima ljudi dobre volje koji su upuceni u ovu oblast. Progovorice svima koji vole avione, aerodrome, putnike i ljude. Kako Otadzbine Srbije, tako i svako drugo mesto odakle se poletce i slece sirom ove nase male planete.
ReplyDeleteRodney Son & Co. Home of QANTASVILLE.
Kraljevo +++ Sydney.
samo tu ima jedan mali problem, u Srbiji ne postoje racionalni ljudi koji donose odluke. a pogotovo ne racionalni političari
DeleteWizz Air doesn't care for Mr Vučić's wishes. That's the difference.
Delete"Bez sumnje, Nis ce postati mala baza za Wiz Air operacije."
DeleteNisam tako siguran. Wizz Air ima bazu u Sofiji i Skopju, oba na oko dva sata komotne vožnje autom od Niša. Plus PRN, isto blizu. Neka prvo doleti prvo avion pa onda da vidimo za dalje. Ništa bez sumnje ... znamo svi kako se to kaže kod naš narod, prvo skoči ... pa ...
Linija INI-BEG nema potencijal dzabe bi leteo AT75 bolje da leti za INN.
ReplyDeleteIzgleda ce W6 da napravi cudo u INI.
Mislim nikada te nisam vređao, ali smorio si sa INN... Never gonna happen
DeleteINN rekal si pred par dan da letis prvi put sa avionom iz INN do BEG. Nevidim nista da ce ASL letiti iz INN. Ce to bit privatni carter za tebe?
DeleteAnonymous at 1:06 PM
DeleteNeshvatam to kao uvredu nego navodim vrlo profitabilnu rutu .
Anonymous at 1:44 PM
Pa nego sta nego privatni Charter za mene.
JU is not flying neither to INI nor to INN. So your point being? Or just to create trouble?
DeleteNigde nisam rekao da cu leteti direktno nego sa presedanjem.
Under the Nis Airport deal with Wizzair, what is the max number of routes or frequencies Wizzair is allowed to make from INI?
ReplyDeleteNice work the people around there don't need to go to Belgrade anymore.
ReplyDeleteSorry for this OT but some here might find it interesting.
ReplyDeleteQatar Airways bought 10% stake in IAG (parent of British, Iberia, Vueling etc.)
@ Anon 3:48
DeleteGlad to hear, I feel the same.
I gave it a little thought and I have a feeling people at LH and AF/KLM are not going to like this in the long run. BA seems to be by far the strongest of big 3 European airlines and now it might be even stronger. So, what is the other two’s answer going to be? EY’s investment into AF/KLM? They already have some codeshares in place, would make sense if EY is still into it and is willing to cash out significant $$$ for small power. One other curious thing came to my mind. If all of this goes through and IAG’s attempt to buy Air Lingus is successful, then you Air Lingus will be part owned by rivals QR and EY. Which side would they lean towards?
Good OT always welcome.
ReplyDeleteAssumptions: Wizzair 1x daily to INI from 3 destinations. Av LF around 75%, ie 135 passengers/incoming flight/day. Over 3 years, Wizzair is paying 2 EUR/passenger landing/handling and 1 EUR passenger tax. For approx. 1000 days @ 135 pax @ 1 EUR = 135000 EUR passenger taxes collected total in 3 years.
ReplyDeletePassenger taxes can be found in 10-20 EUR range at some other airports, so that's at least 10 EUR per passenger gift to Wizzair. Over 3 years, at least 1,3M EUR in passenger taxes alone that will not be collected so that foreign airline can be financially supported. That subsidy will be covered by taxpayers money. If Wizzair adds more destinations or frequency, subsidy on passengers taxes alone will be in millions.
On top of that, taxpayers will have to cover about 20M EUR loans needed for Nis airport infrastructure upgrades.
Divide overall subsidy + infrastructure cost by the number of passengers to be flown over this period and you will get taxpayer cost of way over 100 EUR per each passenger flown. Did I screw up my math somewhere, this can't be true?
If Belgrade airport had 100 eur investment for every traveller for 3 years at average 5 millions passengers annually, that would be investment of 1,5 billion eur for BEG! For that money you can build new terminal, second runway, cargo center, hotel and throw in a daily Air Serbia ATR72 BEG-INI (subsidized)!
DeleteJos jedan dokaz da W6 posluje na podmukli nacin.
Haters gonna hate. Quite an effort you made there as well. The lengths you guys will go to, hilarious.
DeleteYou screwed up when you assumed that this is a zero sum game, i.e. whichever amount is taken off Wizz' costs in INI it is automatically taken from taxpayers' pockets.
DeleteLet me ask you a simple question: what is INI's income with zero carriers and routes? Well, zero. It makes no money. But it still must pay salaries to its staff and must maintain its infrastructure. It all costs money. So where does the money come from? Taxpayers of course. 3 EUR per passenger is way better than 0 EUR per passenger. It means less money will be needed from taxpayers to cover INI's operational costs.
Of course you can shut down the airport and leave its staff unemployed in order to save the taxpayer money but it is worth trying saving it first. Any fool can shut down and cancel things.
Landing and handling fees are 2 eur per passenger, that is also below cost and that's where staff expenses should come from, not passenger tax. Deal is forcing airport to collect only 1/10th of passenger tax it should collect.
DeleteAre Nis citizens fine with giving 100 eur per passenger? Do they know the real price they will be paying over years?
@Anon 4:24
DeleteMath does not know hate. 2+2=4 regardless of hate. Showing your numbers is the right way to fight hate, so go ahead, prove your point with math.
Jednostavno ja mislim da je trebala neka druga aviokompanija da leti a ne W6.
Math is also blind to outdated assumptions.
DeleteBut let me cut to the chase. The name of the airport game is ancillary per pax and is achieved through volumes. Of course, this requires one to get off their lazy butt and get some work done.
Considering how much entrepreneurial spirit there is in your public administration laden society, no wonder the above illustrated business logic is still stuck in the 19th century.
Let me put this in simple terms some of you might understand. With Wizz Air's arrival, the airport will reduce its loss. Obviously, as the airline keeps on expanding and as more frequencies and passengers appear the more income the airport is going to have.
DeleteObviously that with a single daily flight the airport can't sustain its operation. With ten weekly or double daily flights things will start to look better.
Belgrade with its own charges could not be profitable with only 3 daily flights... but it can be with its current 60 to 80. The same scenario/logic should be applied to Nis.
Touched a nerve there. Crystal ball says Wizz will pull out in 3 years. Government will look into 20M Eur hole left behind and decide to pay the debt and subsidize Air Serbia INI flights going forward. Media in Nis will cry "why do we have to pay 20M Eur so that Air Serbia can fly here!" even though none of that debt is Air Serbia fault. EU will say "we have to investigate of this GoS help is legal" etc. And Wizz will leave smiling with pockets full of $$$.
Delete@Anon at 5:10
DeleteYou say that the name of the airport game is ancillary per pax and is achieved through volumes. I say that both BEG and INI airports are owned by Government. If volume at INI gets out of hand and starts hurting their main airport, Government will find a way to clamp Wizz down, meaning less volume, less ancillary revenue.
I guess Wizz will withdraw the same way it did in SKP...oh wait...
DeleteOh wait... if W6 had to pay same fees as ZAG is asking for, they would withdraw from SKP.
DeleteWhen Air Serbia received subsidies at Belgrade, all hell broke loose and some media went ballistic, but now that EU airline receives even more subsidy per passenger, everything is kosher and no one wants to investigate?
DeleteAs mentioned above, and I have to agree, better to have 3€ than 0€.
DeleteSaying that, there may be a minus from the airport side but what about the possibilities of tourists visiting a new destination? Tourists bring foreign currency which is good, will spend money in a local hotel which again is good, they will need to buy food and drink which is good again for local business. That 1 tourist will help support employment for a check in person, baggage handler, cleaner for the ac, passport control officer, security check person, a shop owner, hotel staff, bus driver, taxi driver etc. Lets not forget that those flights are not only for Serbian nationals.
However big or small, it will stimulate some form of tourism in the region which is good. It will again allow Serbian diaspora to travel more easier and possibly more frequent travel back to Serbia where theyll spend once again their money earned abroad in Serbia. The biggest misconception here is always looking at the airline and airport, but that airport is part of the countries infrastructure just like a road or railway is.
As people here like maths soo much, calculate how much income local business will receive per pax per flight!
To finalise, the people pushing for Nis to receive flights should as well push for its sustainability. Now is a perfect opportunity to really show what it has to offer. 2 destinations are on offer with a third in the plan and a possibility of a future base. A lot is to lose if basic touristic demands cannot be met.
No, they don`t. If this were an open, market oriented economy, we would already have an airline operating to/from INI with a suitable plane (all those destinations could be covered effectively enough with DASH 8 aircraft), hence being able to pay all the taxes required for normal business etc. But now, in a highly monopolized and underdeveloped environment, in Serbia - like in Bosnia - the government will subsidize the only airline available, operating with a 180-seater or so. Pathetic, and contributing much to our poverty.
ReplyDeleteif Nis really had so much demand, a foreign carrier would fly there without there having to be 3euro passenger taxes.
DeleteWith Aeroflot suspending DBV, what other Russian carriers will be flying between the two cities. These are some great news for JU.
ReplyDeleteHello A319 from BEG to DBV this summer!!
DeleteRegular routes from Moscow to DBV are still S7 and Transaero + charters
ReplyDeleteFor immediate release
SkyGreece Airlines S.A. will offer year round service to Athens starting May 17 and a seasonal direct flight to Thessaloniki starting May 20.
SkyGreece Airlines is extremely happy to announce its new and exciting program to Greece. Starting Sunday May 17, SkyGreece will offer 3 weekly flights from Toronto to Athens and a weekly departure to Thessaloniki starting Wednesday May 20, 2015.
And the beat goes on with 2 weekly flights to Athens from November to April 2016.
We have listened to the continuous demand of the Greek community in Canada and in Greece and decided to develop our flight schedule to meet the demand.
SkyGreece will also offer a weekly departure from Montreal starting Saturday May 23, 2015.
There is a New Spirit in the Air with the arrival of SkyGreece in Canada and Canadian travelers will finally have an alternative to discover Europe with a touch of the renowned Greek hospitality.
More great news about SkyGreece Airlines S.A. and its new and exciting flight program will be unveiled in the next few days.
Ponovo nema nigde objave da leze za ZAG to je zvanicna objava Sky Grecce Airlines-a pre 19 Min.
Pre nego sto pocnes da cvrkuces od srece pricekaj par dana ;)
DeleteJa ne cvrkucem od srece nego sam samo napsao zvanicnu vest koju su objavili .Do sad je zauzeto 5-6 dana .Sve je moguce ako dodaju jos jedan avion.
Pogledaj njihovu FB stranicu. Videces da su iznajmili jos jedan B767.
DeleteTaj 2 763 ce leteti iz ORD-JFK i nigde u dosadasnjim objavama u skorije vreme se ne spominje linija za ZAG.
DeleteOpet kazem sve je moguce.
As you can clearly see, its an article related about Greece for the Greece bound pax. @INN, again you troll as per usual and look for trouble. Your comment was off topic and clearly made to create trouble.
DeleteI juce je jedan clan ovog foruma objavio iste te linije njega niste napali a ovo u opste nisam napisao da bi provocirao.
DeleteI mnoge novine su to objavile i cak njihova fb stranica.
Sve sto ja napisem vi mislite da je provokacija.
Yeah why didn't you complain yesterday?
DeleteIzvršni direktor Wizz Aira Džon Strivenson je rekao za Aviokarta.net da je ova kompanija za sada zadovoljna prodajom karata na liniji Niš-Bazel. Za prvih mesec dana od početka prodaje, prodato je nešto više od 350 karata.
ReplyDeleteIS THIS GOOD or NO?? I am assuming not too great cause that is like 2 full flights only
Have you heard of demand curves? :)
DeleteThat's just the first month. Since then they added an earlier flight and another destination.
DeleteBruxelles (Charleroi) would also be a good destination since Wizzair doesn't fly anymore from Belgium to Belgrade... :(
ReplyDeleteWizzair Basel - Skopje diverted to PRN tonight.
ReplyDeleteOT: Any info about this: http://www.flightradar24.com/flight/tk6385 ?
Deletejust blogwalking.. Nice post and have a nice day :)