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Wizz Air completes summer line up of new routes from Skopje |
Wizz Air will introduce flights from Skopje to Friedrichshafen in southern Germany, completing its line-up of new routes from Macedonia’s capital this summer, the Ministry for Transport has confirmed. Previously, it was announced that the no frills airline will launch new flights from Skopje to Sandefjord, Barcelona, Nuremberg and Lubeck (near Hamburg). In addition, Wizz Ar will inaugurate year-long services from Ohrid to Basel. Friedrichshafen is a small university town located on the German border with both Austria and Switzerland. The Ministry says the new flights will commence this June and will operate twice per week. Tickets will go on sale next month. The latest additions to the airline’s network come after it won an international tender to introduce new state-subsidised flights from Macedonia this year.
Wizz Air will operate flights from the Macedonian capital to a total of nineteen destinations this summer, seven of which are in Germany. Its passenger numbers at Skopje Airport soared in 2014 after basing a second aircraft in the city and introducing four new routes. The low cost carrier is estimated to have handled over half a million passengers on its flights to and from Macedonia in 2014. Wizz Air carried 15.8 million travellers across its network last year, an increase of 17% compared to 2013. The airline serves 106 destinations in 37 countries and a total of 355 routes. Its fleet consists of 54 Airbus A320 aircraft, with Skopje being one of its eighteen bases across ten countries.
Commenting on its growth, Wizz Air’s CEO, Jozsef Varadi, recently said, “2014 was another great year for Wizz Air marked by a network of more countries and destinations on more routes than ever before. We are set for further growth on the back of our continuing fleet and network expansion in 2015 to bring more low fares to more travellers in Central and Eastern Europe”. He added, “We are proud of contributing to the economic development of our markets and creating new direct and indirect job opportunities resulting from our growth”. Macedonia’s two international airports, Skopje and Ohrid, handled a combined total of 1.278.343 passengers in 2014, an increase of 20% compared to the year before.
Wizz Air's 2015 summer network from Skopje |
neverovatno kako WizzAir siri linije na balkanu! Za svaku pohvalu, neke kompanije bolje da malo da se ugledaju, ma koliko negativno mislili o wizzair
ReplyDeleteKaže se "širi pipke" :)
Deletea šta kad presuši izvor?
ReplyDeleteSubvencije za postojece linije zavrsavaju kroz mesec dana. Nove subvencije su iskljucivo za nove destinacije.
Deletepitanje se odnosi i na nove, ne samo na stare
DeletePonovi pitanje 2018te.
Deletethe fact that they are continuing with the 14 old routes without the subsidies tells u everything ...
Deletebut haters gonna hate anyway
Actually, they plan on increasing existing route capacity. We'll know the details in a week or so.
DeleteIt tells us Wizz has to expand even without subventions. Airports can use that to negotiate better deals from Wizz.
Wizz has more airplanes on order than in fleet so they have no other choice but to grow, no need for airports to offer big subventions. Situation in Ukraine, two failed IPOs, failure of other airlines to buy Wizz, leaseback of new planes all point to Wizz not having real leverage except at desperate airports like Nis. They have no choice but to push for expansion at many more small/medium Eastern/Central Europe airports.
@ 3:!5 Anon
DeleteThis comment is the exact opposite of what's actually happening.
If you were involved at all in the business end of the aviation industry you'd know there's oversupply of airports to choose from. In addition, current fuel prices are stimulating growth, so successful companies are actually looking to place more aircraft in the following couple of years.
In other words? You're witnessing the full effect of a win-win scenario that this business model is capable of producing. Business in SKP is booming and the market is enjoying the low fares.
DeleteCurrent fuel prices are less than 6 months old and are available to other carriers as well. Wizz didn't order all those planes only 2 months ago. Same for airports, they existed all over EE before oil price drop but I didn't see Easy, Ryan or LH use that airport oversupply in EE the same way as Wizz, so it's not just about current low oil prices and availability of airports - those circumstances were available for everyone.
DeleteSay, if civil war suddenly erupts in Saudi Arabia and prices go back Wizz is not going to pull out of SKP or many other airports.
Keep in mind that Bill Franke is getting older and not likely to wait another 10 years to get his investment back.
A kad persuši izvor onda će da bude ista priča kao u Beogradu: napraviće se "iznenađeni i uvređeni" jer kao nisu znali da im korumirani direktor odobrava dodatne popuste van ugovora.
Deletethis could yield in 1,5 mil pax for SKP in 2015. easily...
ReplyDeleteGSE will actually be GOT, as Gothenburg City airport is closed by the authorities for heavy aircraft.
ReplyDeleteI don't think the new National airline of Macedonia will be able to open service.
ReplyDeleteWizz Air took Skopje airport opened destinations to every where, so National Airline of Macedonia will be hard to begin.
I'm guessing there is big demand between Macedonia and Germany?
ReplyDeleteMnogo gresis, pobaruvacka je veca nego sta mozes da pretpostavis.... Idea je da se direktno itica Kosovo i linije koe operira Germanwings i Air Prishtina.... tako da sve sto se desava je logicno ;)
DeleteOT but related to Wizz air.
ReplyDeleteWizz Air je suprotno ukupnom porastu broja putnika u Srbiji imao pad od oko 10 posto.
U periodu od januara do novembra prevezena 401 hiljada putnika u odnosu na 443 hiljade u 2013. Razlog za smanjenje broja putnika je u smanjenom broju letova i povlačenju jednog aviona iz beogradske baze.
How is this possible? Almost 50% reduce in frequencies but only 10% less pax.
Am I overlooking any important factor?
I dalje u danima kada ima vise frekfencije(vise linija za obavjavanje) radi sa dva vozduhoplova, ali samo jedan je baziran, tako da to je to...
DeleteWizz je prvih 4 mjeseca godine 2014. godine letio sa 2 aviona (i boljim rezultatima nego u istom periodu 2013.), dakle pravi rezultati bi se mogli uspoređivati teko od 5. mjeseca 2014 do 5 mjeseca 2015.
Delete+1 .. especially since even exYu published stuff like this:
Does anybody know which one is the weakest route operating from Skopje by Wizz? (lowest loadfactor)
ReplyDeleteIf i remember correctly it was one of those flights to Italy, either Bergamo or Treviso (I think Treviso)
DeleteDoes anyone have sonething like this for their BEG operations
DeleteOT at this moment CEO's of AF KLM DELTA and ETIHAD are in Holland!
ReplyDeleteSo what?
DeleteThey are in "One world".
Jedan od velikih strucnjaka KLM-a je presao pre nekoliko meseci u EY.
DeleteAF-KLM grupoa saradjuje sa EY i sa ASL .
Nadam se da ce biti zanimljivih vesti mozda i kupovina jednog dela AF-KLM Grupe.
Sarajevo, you mean "SkyTeam", right?
DeleteJos malo pa iz SKP nece moci da se leti ni na jedan Glavni Aerodrom.
ReplyDeleteBolje da su dali subvencije da dolaze full service carrier.
hahahah, kolko si samo ocajan...... a Barcelona, Ajnthoven, Geteborg, Malmo, Koln, Dortmund u mrezu Wizz sta se ??
DeletePo cemu sam ocajan ?
DeleteJedino je BCN Glavni Aerodrom.
GSE se zatvara.
U CGN mozete dalje da se konekujete na FX pa da nastavite dalje let sa 777F.
DTM i CGN su blizu DUS-a koji je 3 po velicini Aerodroma u Nemackoj.
Tirolska je tuga pregolema.
DeleteNemam Austrijsko drzavljanstvo a i nisam vozac Kamiona ;)
INN-NS is right. From Skopje Istanbul is main airport for transcontinental flights.
for sure are small local not even regional airports
OT BWA will not start flying from SJJ on January,22nd.
ReplyDeleteBWA fail
DeleteDoes anyone know out of this 1.278.343 pax combined for SKP and OHD what are the separate results for this airports in 2014. Thanx.
ReplyDeleteOT - http://www.novosti.rs/vesti/turizam.90.html:529097-Er-Srbija-najbezbednija-avio-kompanija-u-regionu
ReplyDeleteMod, will this be in the news?
Officially now, Croatia has a LOWER product rating than ASL. Good job Dane and Air Serbia!
DeleteKao sto sam rekao bice ovo vrlo zanimljiva godina za ASL.
I am sure that next year SKP and SPU will be the airports the watch.
ReplyDeleteSKP will come close to 1.5 million and SPU will finally pass the 2 million mark, thus coming one step closer to being the busiest airport in the country!
Sounds interesting:
Now that's old news http://exyuaviation.blogspot.com/2014/10/b-considering-podgorica-and-skopje.html
DeleteYes, but now it seems that they went from >considering< to having a deal.
DeleteHope so :) would be good
DeleteOT: BH Air is starting SOF-JFK and SOF-ORD in May : http://worldairlinenews.com/2015/01/16/bh-air-plans-to-fly-to-new-york-and-chicago-starting-in-may/
ReplyDeleteGood idea, but i wonder who will feed their flights. BH Air has almost no regional network.
Deleteit puzzles me also, they are a charter company with no network at all
DeleteNema nista od toga neverujem da ima toliko turista izmedju USA i BG.
ReplyDeletePrijatelj treba da doleti iz Dizeldorfa za Beograd ASL-om, zanima me kakvo je posluzenje na letovima od (kako kaze sajt) 2h:10min?
Svakako bih voleo da prvi utisak (avion) bude sto pozitivniji:)
Seems like JU 314 (YU-APH) is diverting to Vienna, squawk 7343.
ReplyDeleteAnyone have more info?
18.34 it lands in Vienna.
DeleteNot a tech emergency sq. Probably medical emergency
DeleteWell, let's hope everything turns out well in the end!
DeleteAmbulances on tarmac with emergency lights, medical diversion
DeleteGreat, thank you! If you have any additional information do share it with us here. :)
DeleteOT: ASL314 Papa Hotel is diverting to VIE right now. Is it medical?
ReplyDeleteWhat does Papa Hotel mean?
DeleteTripadvisor says it's a hotel in Rome :)
DeletePapa Hotel is the phonetic alphabet meaning for PH. In this instance it mean YU-APH, nicknamed Vlade Divac.
DeleteBetter it wasn't nicknamed at all if you ask me.
DeleteAko hocete mogu ja da pitam AANet da oni neznaju sta je .
Rođak na putu za Pariz, kaže putniku ozbiljno pozlilo imali prioritet sletanje u Beč, hvali posadu preko poruke samo tako, Odlično reagovali. Sad ih tankuju I nastavljaju dalje, putnik teško bolestan... samo da preživi.
ReplyDeleteTo mi je isto rekao Drug on je Pilot u HG dok ceka let za TXL.
Meni jedino nije rekao da je bas bolestan nadam se da ce dobro proci.
Za očekivati je da će sutra novine Danas ovim povodom objaviti sliku Qantas A380 sa naslovom "Air Serbia avion napravio paniku na aerodromu u Beču!".
DeleteJa imam prijatelje u ASL, HG, LH, KL, AC, etc. Zato i znam dosta informacija naspram nekih ljudi na ovom blogu.
Modest as usual.
DeleteAny news on wizz air starting flights to Pristina?
ReplyDeleteZa sad barem to je pitanje bez buducnost !!!
ReplyDeleteKad vec pricaju o letovima za Severnu Ameriku, zanima me koliko ima putnika godisnje izmedju Srbije i Severne Amerike? Koji deo ima Star Aliance? Nedostaje British
ReplyDeleteWikipedia page List of the largest airports in the former Yugoslavia has been deleted by Josip Rodin from Croatia and replaced by (redirected to) Balkans list. Not only is Balkans list full of errors (missing Bulgaria etc) but instead of having separate Balkans and EX YU lists he just deleted the one he hated.
Fans of this site and EX YU aviation, please reach out to Wikipedia users you know to (re)create list of EX YU airports!
DeleteCan't it be retrieved?