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State protectionism blamed for Aviogenex’s fate |
The Serbian government has sent its struggling charter airline, Aviogenex, into liquidation, together with another 187 state-owned companies, as it looks to lay off 5.000 workers. The long-promised move is aimed at meeting the terms of a one billion euro loan deal with the International Monetary Fund. The government says the charter airline, once the former Yugoslavia’s busiest, will be liquidated since no interest was shown for the company when it was listed for privatisation mid last year. However, JetVision Balkan from Serbia, GLT Overseas (Middle East) from the United Arab Emirates, Euroswiss Investment Holding from Switzerland and Arctica Airlines from Russia all submitted letters of intent for the purchase of Aviogenex in August 2014.
GLT Overseas has contradicted the Serbian government’s version of events, explaining that the state failed to respond to any of its investment proposals. “Our investment and development team visited Belgrade in December 2013 and held talks with Aviogenex’s management”, the UAE-based company says. It adds, “In the summer of 2014 we held talks with Serbia’s Privatisation Agency and submitted a formal letter of intent”. According to GLT, the company proposed to register two wide-body aircraft in Serbia worth sixty million dollars and invest fresh capital into Aviogenex. “We would have employed several hundred people and given them the opportunity to inherit the vast experience accumulated at Aviogenex over the years”, the company says.
Prior to the break-up of Yugoslavia, Aviogenex was the busiest charter airline in the country, handling over half a million passengers per year in the late 1980s. However, the carrier has fallen on hard times with a single and aging Boeing 737-200 jet grounded at Belgrade Airport and 39 employees, which includes pilots, cabin crew, ground engineers and flight dispatchers. The company says its privatisation process has been mishandled by the government so as to protect the Etihad-backed Air Serbia. Its employees claim that the state does not want to create additional competition for its national airline. Over the weekend, the acting CEO of Aviogenex, Bojan Nikolić, sent an open letter to the Serbian Prime Minister, urging him to reconsider the government’s liquidation decision.
Aviogenex was set up by one of Yugoslavia’s leading foreign trade giants, Genex, in April 1968. It operated its first commercial flight between Belgrade and Dusseldorf on March 30, 1969 with a Tupolev Tu-134 aircraft. Aviogenex clocked up 2.166 hours of flying time and carried 51.178 passengers during its first year. The company grew at a moderate pace, solely as a charter airline, catering for the needs of Yugoslavia’s largest tour operator, Yugotours (which has also been listed for liquidation by the government). In 1983, Aviogenex began modernising its fleet by purchasing three Boeing 727s and later two B737-200s. The airline saw its busiest year on record in 1990 when it carried 633.932 passengers with a fleet of ten aircraft. Ironically, its B737-200, which has been grounded in Belgrade since February 2014, is younger than most of Air Serbia’s remaining Boeing 737-300 jets operating under the Aviolet charter brand. Under liquidation, Aviogenex’s assets and property will either be sold or redistributed before the company is officially dissolved by the liquidator.
Aviogenex is entering bankruptcy, not liquidation. For some reason, general public in Serbia considers bankruptcy to be the end of a company. If that was the case, you would not have a single airline in the US.
ReplyDeleteDuring the bankruptcy process, GLT will still be able to purchase the assets and Aviogenex brand, keep the people it needs and bring the company out of bankruptcy. Aviogenex will survive if there is a business plan behind it that will generate profits.
We also need to consider those who Aviogenex owes money to. They will get repaid, at least partially, which is the only fair way to complete this saga.
Airlines are expensive toys and I don't want any more of my tax money going towards government run airlines, especially where the partner is not a well known player.
No they are entering liquidation not bankruptcy. There is a difference. You are obviously not aware how liquidation works in Serbia and trust me never has a company been bought during its liquidation process.
DeleteNothing surprising for our mafia government.
In order for a company to be liquidated, it needs to enter bankruptcy first. You can't use government executive orders to force a liquidation.
DeleteTake a look at the law (Zakon o stečaju), especially article 1 where you have two options - reorganize or liquidate. GLT can take part with either option. You and I can participate as well...
DeleteIssue here is that people expect the government to take on the existing debts and continue with a 51% ownership in yet another airline with a partner whose about us page looks like this (assuming that this is their site) - http://www.gltdubai.com/about-us.php.
For the sake of your correct information, we are Overseas Group, not GLT Overseas...
DeleteYes, we have two wide bodied Boeing aircraft and we are not planning to use them WITHIN Serbia. Our plan is to use Aviogenex' expertise in other regions where they have operated successfully not very long ago.
Within Serbia we don't have an ambition to be a competitor to Air Serbia, but could pose as a feeder in the future.
With our investment Aviogenex would still be a Serbian registered company, paying tax in Serbia and employing mostly Serbian staff.
Overseas Group - East Europe
Wow. This could be interesting if this is truly the real Overseas Group here, and not someone pretending to be them.
DeleteIf you are really representatives of that company, can you clarify what do you mean by not using the Boeings within Serbia, do you mean that you will do ACMI leases to airlines outside of Serbia? Will you do any charters to Serbian travel agencies?
If I can add to Aleksandar's words, I'd kike to know what were the terms of the rejected offer. What %, how about accumulated losses. What you are saying is great and no brainer but is there something else to it. Thank you
DeleteMy point still remains - you can get Aviogenex expertise for free! You can hire the entire team tomorrow - just offer to pay them market rates on time. Start a new company, hire Aviogenex staff, place the Boeing wide bodies in the YU register, and you will be up and running by September. What I am missing?
Delete@ Aleksandar StojanovicFebruary 9, 2015 at 11:56 PM
DeleteAviogenex’ history and business model is based on chartering aircraft with Serbian staff. The interest of Overseas Group in acquiring Aviogenex is to develop the chartering part as an extension to Group’s ongoing aviation business. The balance between setting up a new company and purchasing a going concern can be measured by evaluating time and costs associated with each option. We did our calculation, but time is slowly running out. For Aviogenex and Serbia math is simple: tax and employment.
Overseas Group – East Europe
SMFebruary 10, 2015 at 1:02 AM
DeleteSerbian Government did not issue any notices in accordance to their circular email dated November 14th, 2014. It is unclear if any of the interested parties received an email notifying them of the Announcement of Public Invitation for the Privatization of Aviogenex.
On the contrary, the Announcement in public domain was a Declaration of Liquidation.
There were no talks with the Government about the details of our offer or the AGX price.
Overseas Group - East Europe
Thank you very much for your detailed replies. I wish you good luck.
DeleteAre the two planes 767s?
It might be in JU's interest also because maybe one day they would want to charter aircraft from AGX.
So the dear leader did not respond to a request for someone to purchase Aviogenex.
ReplyDeleteThere is nothing there to purchase! They have negative equity, which means that the assets can't be used to pay off debt. Those assets no longer "belong" to Aviogenex - they belong to the companies that Aviogenex owes money to.
DeleteGLT can take all Aviogenex employees, find a local partner in order to get an AOC and they can be up and running by fall this year. Why bother with Aviogenex?
Why bother with ASL? Do you know how much debt is now on RS government?
DeleteI do not see point in your talk. Every single airplane company in exYu is loosing money. All need state support.
ReplyDeleteIt seems to me, the director would like to continue combing even though the house has been on fire for 20 years now.
ReplyDeleteOf course it must go to liquidation. UEA company plan to bring two wide-bodies, and that should be huge competition to Air Serbia in possible future intercontinental routes. And then we will not have the best of the best of the best company as business conducted by Prime minister. And that was the reason why there was no respond to UEA company letter of intention. Who cares about people losing jobs, another company in liquidation, passengers… whatever is on Air Serbia dream-way must be destroyed. Even CEO of Belgrade airport who gave discount to Wizz to make BEG growing, competition who run away from Belgrade, LCC who cut frequencies or routes… For who is that good? Passengers? Sure not. Belgrade airport? Of course not! Self-promotion of Prime minister… well…
ReplyDeleteI sad krece odbrambena web brigada predsednika vlade u akciju.
DeleteВидим да је опозиција већ стиглa.
Delete*grabs popcorn*
DeleteLol ”competition in Serbia for future intercontinental routes".
DeleteLet ASL start first. If at all.
What is UEA? Yet another Air Dalmatian or Bosnian Wand? I would take some caution towards any announcement of new carriers in exYU, let alone those who have widebodies in their 'plans'.
DeleteWell Serbian government is really embarrassing and baddd. Your president bought a degree just like many sponzoruse in Serbia. When asked what did he specialize in, he said come to my house and I will show you. I am not a hateful neighbor, but in fact a Serbian. Ask yourself people why are so many young people leaving Serbia. If you want to get a job its either "veze" or "krevet".
Delete^ Of Serbian origin I meant
DeleteHmm from what university did Tito graduate from?
Delete^ do you really believe that crap about tito that he came from a farmer family. He spoke multiple languages, knew how to play a number of musical instruments, etc. Do you really believe that a farmer family back in the 1900 knew how to educate their son like that. No offense to farmers who are hard working people and contribute much to the society but it would be dumb to believe what they tell us
DeleteUnless you have proof to present here keep your bourgeois theories for yourself.
DeleteYou are just another government follower who bows to Vucic and Nikolic.
DeleteWell, better to bow to them than to the ones you bowed to over the course of the past ten years.
DeleteEven though it's always sad when an airline goes bankrupt everyone should have known this was coming. Serbia and Belgrade are too small for three airlines.
ReplyDeleteLegacy: Air Serbia.
Lowcost: Wizz Air.
Charter: Aviolet.
Flights from Nis: too late, Wizz Air is already there.
So what exactly could have Aviogenex done? Unfortunately their presence has become obsolete and any potential business opportunity was snatched by others. One thing the government can do is to transfer the flying staff to Air Serbia, that is to Aviolet.
Company from UAE want to invest. Two wide bodies.Who cares what was their business plan. Jobs saved! More options for passengers.
DeleteBut that is not good for political project of Air Serbia.
Excuse me but who will fly on these widebodies?!
DeleteDo you seriously believe that such a business plan would have ever worked in a poor country like Serbia?
Even Travel Service, which operates out of incomparably richer eastern European countries, doesn't have any widebodies.
One more time. I don't care if UAE company want to do it. It is their risk, not Serbian. It is not about us to think what is business plan of some rich company which want to invest.
DeleteMaybe they want to open intercontinental routes before Air Serbia and to harm Etihad. Who knows? Maybe they want to make wide-bodies charter company for all regions (for Greece, Bulgaria, Hungary, Romania, Slovenia, Croatia, Montenegro, Bosnia, Macedonia, Albania). Tourists, pilgrims to Mecca for what A320 are too small, ad hoc charters, Diaspora), and for that BEG is perfectly suited in middle of Balkans.
It is not a question what was their business logic, but if they have enough money and credibility or not. But our Government did not even respond to their LoI
Lol... sure, because that's how sustainable business operate.
DeleteOne should not care what was a goal of private capital in private company. Only thing here what is important is that Serbian Government did not even react on LoI and because of that jobs will be lost and company will be history.
DeleteIn my opinion, the GoS should sell AGX to any company that has these two things:
Delete1. Money
2. Business Plan for AGX
Since AGX has negative value, it is impossible to buy the company and just close it down and sell all the assets. If there is a company that is willing to take on all the commitments of AGX and offer to try to develop the company, there is no harm there.
My only concern is this talk about two widebodies. I suspect that B767s are in question because I think those are the only widebodies that could be valued at 30 million each. 767s are a lot of capacity, too much in my opinion.
Pa nije tako, avioni koji su u Avioletu su avioni koji su vlasnistvo vlade, a ne Air Serbie? Kao i Aviogeneks. Stalne promene izvan ugovora. To jednostavno nije dobro.
ReplyDeleteКако су Б737 у власништву Владе?
DeletePo ugovoru o osnivanju Air Serbia. Oni su im na papiru visak, a da nema njih ne bi mogli ni da posluju prosle godine ni upola dobro sa A319.
DeleteNe lupetaj,života ti. Kakav višak, kakvo vlasništvo vlade. Cela flota B737 je bila u vlasništvu Jata, prekinite da pišete gluposti. Kad vam odgovara onda SRbija unosi suvo zlato vredno milijarde dolara u ASL, a kada vam treba nešto drugo onda SRbija ništa nije unela i sve je ostalo u vladinom vlasništvu. Kako vam ne dosadi više.
DeleteCitas ti nesto o ASL? Po planovima B737 odavno ne bi trebale vise da lete pod ASL sada su i to uspeli da uzmu.
DeleteJeste sad srecni sto ste to napisali ?
Da treba nam jos jedna kompanija u Srbiji izvan Beograda i da radi cartere.
DeleteWizz Air има летове ван Београда.
DeleteNema jos.
DeleteПуштени су у продају тако да као да их има.
DeleteSeta je svakog coveka koji gubi posao koji iskreno voli,
ReplyDeletea nemoze u aviaciji dobiti drugi. Po meni je to ziv a mrtav. Bar sa emotivne strane. Srecno penzionisan posle cetvrt veka sluzbe u avio kompaniji i jos toliko prije
sluzbe, mnogo, mnogo leteo, osecam zalost tih ljudi. Ako isto vole koliko ja, a godine im dozvolavaju, neka tragaju za mogucnostima do Solomonskih ostrva i dalje. Licno sam i sam tako uradio. Vec pocinje 46 godina kako sam gledao radjanje zore na dalekom Pacifiku. Da nije telo slabo a Duh srcan opet bih million puta isto ponovio i u svet bi odleteo. Nikada nisam psovao drzavu. Ni jednu, pa ni Srbiju. Uvek sam se trudio da izmaknem glavu da mi drzava "ne tuca beli luk na vrh glave". Uspesno. Lava nahranim. On ne samo da me nece prozdrati. Ne, on nece ni da rezati. Ali prije toga mora se imati velika Vera, snazna volja, veliki trud, strpljenje trenutak po trenutak. U svetu to je nacin zivota po mojem iskustvu od pola veka. Mozda nije sasvim dovoljno, Ipak Hvala je Gospodu! Dosta zreo plod je na mojem dlanu. Stvaranje je osnov, a novac je plod stvaranja. Ako je Avio Genex stvarao novac, gde mu je plod kada i dlan je izgubio. Potajno, "da se vla ne doseti". Rezultat je "zlo radjenje, gotovo sudjenje". Bez novca nema ni kompanije ni Avio Genex-a. Head up, world is wide...
Rodney from home of Qantasville II. Kraljevo +++ Sydney
Bravo Radovane, veliki pozdrav.
DeleteNi JAT nista vise nije vredeo imao je vece gubitke od imovine.Tako da ta prica ne drzi vodu.
Delete@Anonymous 11:56 AM, da, istina, nije nista vredeo ali su stvari ne uporedive sto se tice potencijala koji je neko prepoznao i zeleo u njega da ulozi..
Deletepa prepoznali su i ovde, ali vlast nije htela da razgovara. I ovde su bili bogati Arapi, sa mnogo para, konkretnim planom. I što ne odgovoriše na pismo namere?
DeleteJel smo videli njihovu ponudu, ako je uopste i bilo?
DeleteNažalost ne, vlada ne objaljuje takve stvari. Ali ako netko da LoI onda je bar red da se vlada izjasni oko LoI, pa neka kaže da isto ne valja radi toga i toga, da je to diletantizam, da iza ne stoji realan kapital. Ovako kada se ni ne izjasniš oko LoI onda nešto jako zaudara.
DeletePo tebi Radovane radnici Aviogenexa niti su imali dovoljno 'vere' niti su bili dovoljno vredni, jer nisu stvarali novac. To je malo naivno i uvredljivo za bivše radnike. Rekao bih pre da su bili sasvim dovoljno vredni jer nekada jesu zarađivali novac. Pre bi rekao da ih je vreme pregazio, i političari izigrali. Lako je deliti savete šta su trebali raditi, ili otići iz zemlje svojih dedovine. Moje telo je jak i duh, ako ga imam, srećan.
DeleteI really liked their livery. Simple and elegant.
ReplyDeleteWhich other quality does Aviogenex consist in except the livery? Fleet? Promissing business plan for 2015? Or what?
ReplyDeleteASL has just started to cancel flights in the first two weeks of March. Till now around 30 flights are cancelled according to not clear pattern. Many routes are affected, among them are those to Amsterdam, Athens,Vienna,Copenhagen,Prague,Larnaca,Milan,Moscow, Paris....
ReplyDeleteOuch... that's bad. I was hoping that the situation in March would be better.
DeleteASL has the worst loads in Europe period
DeleteThis information is legit and I dare anyone to argue with me
The guy who shared the information regarding cancellations was right, you could check it at airserbia.com/timetable. The flight for CDG on 4th March in the afternoon is missing.
DeleteThis dare of yours... what do I get if I win?
DeleteEr Srbija je u Januaru ove godine imala povećanje putnika u odnosu na isti mesec prošle a što predstavlja još veće povećanje u odnosu na isti mesec predprošle god.
DeleteI još manji LF jer je u prvom mesecu ove godine imala bitno više letova i linija nego u januraru 2014. A u januaru 2014. LF je bio ekstremno loš.
DeleteNe znam sto uporno sirite ne istinu.
Не знам зашто упорно одбијаш да поштујеш правила српског правописа.
DeleteNe znam zasto uporno odbijas da ASL ima jako lose loads.
DeleteJa ne odbijam nista nego se cudim sto uporno pljujete ASL a ASL ima dobar LF
Opet ovi truju kako ASL ima mali LF jer je više letova nego prošlog januara. Istina je (http://www.beg.aero/lat/strana/11161/Статистика) da je u januaru 2015 u odnosu na januar 2014 broj putnika povećan za 14% a broj avio operacija za samo 9%. Dakle istina je potpuno drugačija od ovoga što hejteri pokušavaju da falsifikuju. Istina je da je broj putnika rastao oko 50% više od broja letova, što se može objasniti ili mnogo većim avionima (svi znamo da to nije slučaj) ili mnogo boljim LF aviona! Dakle ASL ima mnogo bolji LF ove zime nego prošle i pored povećanog broja operacija!
DeleteЗаборављаш да та статистика не представља само бројке Ер Србије већ свих авио компанија које лете за Београд.
DeleteХа ха ха па која је то страна авиокомпанија увела нови лет за Београд у односу на јан 2014 и која је страна авиокомпанија увећала ЛФ толико да је раст путника за 50% већи од раста операција? Можда мало Туркиш, али не толико да утиче на статистику целог аеродрома. Раст ЛФ је скоро искључиво због Ер Србије.
DeleteAegean је увећао капацитет пошто сада искључиво шаље А319. Исто тако ту је и Визер кој се одлично држи и има феноменалну попуњеност, чак су задржали и Ларнаку преко зиме.
DeleteTK je cманьио броj летова у односу на прошлу годину након разрешеног конфликта око Ататурка, укинут jе 3-и дневни лет.
Delete...био је и ТАП са попуњеношћу око 60% што је ок.
DeleteНије укинут трећи дневни лет већ су укинута два недељна поласка у 20.20.
DeleteOvo je strasno. TAP nije leteo proslog januara, ovo je poredjenje sa proslim januarom a ne ko je sve leteo prosle godine. Pokazite brojeve, koja je to kompanija osim ASL vise doprinela sa dodatnih 38000 putnika u jan 2015 u odnosu na jan 2014? Bre ni jedna nije ni blizu, dosta vise trovanja!
DeleteМа да бре, доста више! Стока безобразна! Како се ико усуђује да било шта каже!!!
DeleteDva puta sam prosle godine leteo Air Serbiom Lrnaka u Januaru i Rim u Oktobru i oba puta i u odlasku i u povrtku avion je bio popunjen skoro 100 % do poslednjeg mesta, video svojim ocima
Deletea ja bogami letio sa Air Serbiom 8 puta u prošloj godini i ni jednom nije bilo višeod 50%, a na nekim letovima i ispod 30%.
DeleteJa sad ne razumem. Stalno čitamo kako Aeroflot dolazi sa A321 umjesto A320, i Lufthansa i Austrian i Turkish i drugi da dolaze sa većim avionima nego što se planira. Stalno se sa time ponosite i to objavljujete ovdje. A onda odjednom nitko nije imao veće kapacitete kada treba uzdizati Air Serbiu preko realnosti.
Posalju A321 jednom u par nedelja i to je dodatnih 38000 putnika? Daj ne sviraj. Broj putnika +14%, proj letova +9%, Air Serbia oko 50% putnika na aerodromu, jasno je da je njihov LF bolji nego pre godinu dana.
DeleteШта сте се толико раскокодакали касно ноћу, аман бре идите на спавање!
DeleteA jeli, pa meni je djelovalo da se priča kako je toga bilo jako mnogo. I kako su kompanije masovno dolazile sa većim avionima od planiranih. I to velik broj kompanija, ne samo jedna-dvije. E sad, nešto tu nevalja. Ili je netko kakio kad se kurc*o da stalno dolaze A321 umjesto A320 i A320 umjesto A319, pa 739, paAirbusevi umjesto 100-seatera, ili netko sada kaki!
DeleteМа то сада каки дежурна дивизија која брани ЈУ шта год да било.
DeleteНико не оспорава да је ЈУ главни фактор раста, али није једини.
Заборавили сте Алиталију која је углавном слала А319 и А320 овог јануара.
DeleteI'm really sorry for Aviogenex!
ReplyDeleteJoš jedan dokaz stručnosti velikog maga koja se pored svega razume čak i u vazduhoplovstvo, Zorane Mihajlović!
ReplyDeleteKucko: "Ja i dalje vjerujem da je CA regionalni leader"
ReplyDelete... ?#$&!!**?
Croatia Airlines Regional Leader in Failiure
DeleteFor all I care, Mr Kucko can conceive anything what can help him feel better after he got frozen in a hold of some of his airliners.
ReplyDeleteNe moze Vucic da dozvole da neko bude konkurencija njegovom cedu Etihadu.Etihadu su u strahu velike oci,da slucajno AGX ne vaskrsne,jer kad je AGX bio suvereni vladar ovim nebom Etihad nije niti postojao,niti znao sta je avijacija.dakle sve je stvar politike (para).Drzava je oprostila jatu 140m evra duga,a nemoze AGX-u 2m evra,od ceka pola otpada na plate,ajte molim vas.Cim je vlada cula da bi neko nesto ozbiljno ulozio u AGX,brze bolje ih gase.PROVIDNO !!!
ReplyDeleteUpravo sam pročitao vijest da je preminuo Boba Stefanović. On je bio tipični predstavnik tog vremena kad je toliko toga lijepog moglo da se vidi i čuje. Danas nema ničega. Nigdje na prostoru bivše Yu.
ReplyDeleteNeke njegove pjesme: Klečim i molim, Mari Mari, Bolno srce plače, Obriši suze draga, Kažu mi da još uvek si sama, Hiljadu mandolina, Koliko te volim, Vrati mi snove za dvoje, Ruže, Srećni ljudi...
DeleteMeni je zao jedino zaposlenih.
ReplyDeleteU zadnjim Godinama AGX nije bio profitabilan niti bi mogao biti.
Oni ne mogu vise ni po Africi chartere da lete posto Africke Aviokompanije imaju daleko modernije avione od AGX.
GLT-u je bolje da krene ispocetka i preuzme zaposlene.
OT SU flight to Tivat that diverted to Belgrade was an SSJ, I hope some people in BEG took pictures of it.
ReplyDeleteOd 26 Marta letece novi OS za BEG :)
What does it mean novi OS? You comments are always so vague.
DeleteNece vise leteti sa nalepnicama Tyrolean Airwaysa
DeleteTrebali bi takodje da dobiju novi livery .
I da odluce se dali ce uzeti Embraer-e ili C Seriju za zamenu za Fokker-e
I mogucnost uvodjenja sezonske linije za MIA
I moguc dolazak 77L u flotu 2016 :)
Kako je za ostale gradove u ex yu?
DeleteIsto letece novi OS
Admin, tou are wrong, busiest charter company in Yugoslavija was Adria which had in best year of operation more then.1.7 milion pax...
ReplyDeleteAdria Airways was not a charter airline, it operated a dense network of scheduled flights from Ljubljana and Zagreb, being an effective competitor to JAT (never close to it, though).
DeleteAir Yugoslavia, on the other hand, was somewhat of a charter airline.
Wasn't Air Yugoslavia abandoned rather fast?
DeleteWell, no - it lasted for decades, as JAT`s charter arm.
DeleteAviogeneksovcima smeta vlada i Er Srbija, a ne smeta im sto nisu smislili plan kako da uspesno rade. Svaki MBA student bi smislio bolji plan!
ReplyDeleteTrebalo je upravo da se priblize Er Srbiji i vladi i pitaju ih kako da se uklope u novu sliku. Vlada hoce da aktivira sve male aerodrome, a sigurno je da ni Er Srbija ni Wizz ni bilo ko drugi nece da leti za Ponikve ili Sombor. Mogli su da naprave plan da se otarase onog 737 i viska ljudi i umesto toga lete malim avionima do 20 sedista sa malih aerodroma kao sto je Morava ili Ponikve do Begrada. Vlada bi im dala legalne subvencije za domace letove (EU to prihvata), Er Srbija bi im bila partner jer bi dobijali dodatne putnike, aerodromi bi bili srecni jer imaju stalne letove, gradovi kao sto su Kravljeno bi bili srecni jer imaju avio linije, svi zadovoljni!
Zar niko u Aviogeneksu nije imao mozga da predlozi ovako nesto???
+1 svaka cast
(EU to prihvata)
DeleteКакве везе има Србија са Европском унијом? Ми нисмо чланица те можемо да дајемо субвеницје коме и како желимо.
Smani dozivljaj sa Ponikvama i Somborom. Pogledaj u kakvom su im stanju piste. I 20 uzicana ne bi nasao da lete za Beograd.
DeletePa sta drugo moze AGX da radi kad i Africke Aviokompanije imaju daleko bolje flote od njih
DeleteAli vazno je da je ASL kriva za sve uvek
Ништа није иритантније него твоје кукумавчење као и патетична одбрана Ер Србије.
DeleteZbog cega je pateticna odbrana kad ASL nema nikakve veze sa AGX oni su bili i onako pravili gubitke pre ASL.
@Anon 4:13
DeleteГде бре ти живиш? Зашто је ЕК копала по Етихадовом улагању у ЈАТ ако Србија нема везе са ЕУ? Да је Авиогенекс обновљен уз поменуте субвенције и једног дана почео да лети за ЕУ (Румунија, Мађарска, Хрватска) наравно да би имало везе.
Zašto da smanji doživljaj sa Ponikvama i Somborom, to je plan države zar ne pratiš šta se radi? Kad Kusturica već sada može da dovodi goste na festival Sokatom TBM700 na Ponikve zašto ne bi mogao da leti Beechcraft 1900D sa putnicima? Pre neki dan su DCV i ANT odneli poklone Ponikvama i najavili projekat od 9M dinara, zar to nije jasan znak? Ne radi se o 20 Užičana koji bi leteli za Beograd, radi se o 20 Užičana koji bi leteli dalje za Pariz, Frankfurt, Moskvu... a takvih ima više od 20 dnevno.
DeleteEvo kako je Aviogeneks trebao da razmišlja, to su aerodromi koje je država već najavila da će biti aktivirani:
Хмм... Србија неће постати чланица ЕУ у наредних 15 година тако да можемо слободно да дајемо субвенције коме хоћемо. Субвенције су опасна пред само приступање...
DeleteЕУ је копала али она реално нема по којој основи да натера Србију на било шта.
AGX da je bio pametan bolje da je uzeo 2 ERJ 135 i leteo u saradnji sa ASL na sve male regionalne Aerodrome ali ne bitno je da kukaju vecito i optuzuju ASL.
Kao što je Er Srbija davala karte ZAG-BEG-SVO jeftinije nego BEG-SVO, tako bi i let Ponikve (ili Morava)-BEG-SVO bila jeftinija ili recimo 5EUR skuplja nego BEG-SVO. Naravno da bi svi hteli tako da idu a ne kolima do Surčina pa onda dalje. Subvencije od grada i države, posao i za Aviogeneks i za Er Srbiju. Avion izgleda sasvim dobro iznutra:
Ma gluposti letovi ispod 300 km nisu ispaltivi ni u Zapadnoj Europi, a kamoli siromašnoj srbiji. Ne gluparite sa tim idejama kako će da se leti do BEG iz bilo kojeg aerodroma u Srbiji. I Banja Luka je neisplativa uz sve subvencije, veću razdaljinu i dvije gradnice koje moraju autom da se prođu.
Delete@AnonymousFebruary 9, 2015 at 5:22 PM
DeleteLinija Zagreb - Beograd, nije baš profitibilna za ASL, popunjenost na toj liniji je ispod profitabilnosit, oko 40-45% što je prilicno loše ako se uzme informacija da cijene na liniju su dumpingške.
Ne znam kako ASL raćunica radi ali oni gube novce na linji, prilićno debelo.
Naravno zima je, pa možda se situacija poboljša u 4tom mjesecu ili mozda u 5om, ali ne znam da li ASL može kontuirano letjeti za Zagreb sa dumpiškim cijenama.
Bumo vidili kak sve to završi za ASL, ja sam jako zadavoljan da ASL leti za Zagreb, to je još jedna avio kompanija koja leti za Pleso, ali nisam siguran da ovu u ASL imaju matematiku u vidu kad su počeli sa ovom linijom.
Dobro je, samo neka više avio kompanija bu došli u Zagreb, trebamo ih, više je bolje u mojoj knigi.
Jel moze jedan dan da prodje a da se ne pise o nekim cudnim LF ASL
Не заборави да Ер Србија добија огромне попусте у Загребу а исто тако не танкирају гориво што им додатно смањује трошкове.
DeleteПросечна попуњеност је релативно лоша зато што су десетковали ноћне поласке из Београда. Током пролећа ситуација ће се побољшати. Јутарњи лет из Загреба као и вечерњи лет за Загреб су хронично добро попуњени.
ИНН, не смарај. Ако немаш нешто конструктивно да кажеш онда боље ћути.
DeletePa takvim osobama ne vredi pisati nesto kostruktivno posto one su opterecene sa ASL sto ne napisu kako im dobro ide za ZRH-DUS naprimer to me cudi .
Zapadna Evropa ima autoputeve i pruge zbog kojih kratke linije više nisu konkurentne. Letiš avionom recimo 2 sata do Beograda i još 3,5-4 sata kolima do Kuste (ili 3 do Užica) od Aerodroma Beograd nije zabavno, a bilo bi da se ide 120kmh autoputem ili brzim vozom, što neće skoro. Svi bi radije avionom kad bi moglo. Na kraju ko će da leti sa svih ovih aerodroma u koje država hoće da ulaže? Osim BEG i INI, možda ima šanse da Turkish leti za Kraljevo, sve ostalo nije interesantno za velike kompanije.
DeleteOvo za Banja Luku je bilo istina na početku, ali je sada mnogo bolje. Recimo u novembru je bio LF 64% a sad u januaru 59%, sasvim u redu za zimu. Kad otopli Banja Luka će biti odlično popunjena.
ИНН, исто као што су они оптерећени АСЛом ти си исто тако оптерећен њима. Олади и искулирај (их).
DeleteATR može da bude na nuli i sa 45% popunjenosti, mnogo je to štedljiviji avion od q400.
DeleteEr Srbija bivši Jat ima veći značaj za državu jer ima i imao je daleko veći obim poslovanja od Aviogeneksa i imnogo više zaposlenih ASL nekoliko stotina a AGX 39. Aviogeneksovci će se posleovoga uhlebiti u Er Srbiji
ReplyDeleteASL should take AGX 737 and use it for Aviolet
ReplyDeleteEven beter, our government should take AGX 737 and its crew, and use it for official state visits instead embarassing our country with that old and tired Falcon and Learjet. And when it is not used for state visits they could use it for military charter flights to Beirut and Cyprus.
ReplyDeleteWouldn't it be cheaper for our troops to fly out on Wizz Air rather than to organise charter flights? :D
DeleteOn a more serious note, our troops used to fly with Jat so I am sure they travel with Air Serbia now.
No they don't use Air Serbia. They flew out to Lebanon recently on Egypt Air chartered flight and all troop flights depart from Nis.
DeleteThat's interesting but didn't the Egypt Air flight take them to some African destination?
DeleteIt might have been to some other destination. Here is a pic.
I think these flights are not chartered by the govt or army but by the UN.
I remember that once they flew from BEG to some African destination on Egyptair. I guess it was the same with the flight from Nis.
DeleteDolazili su isto jednom sa A332 u BEG :)
Mislim da je jako tesko pricati o ovim ponudama ako se neznaju detalji. Generalno gledano ako su imali bilo kakvu ponudu da preuzmu AGX a da ih to neksta nista ili Kosta malo onda je glupost to ne uraditi, pogotovo u situaciji u kojoj svi placu za stranim ulaganjima. Medjutim, pitanje je kakvi su bili uslovi tog ulaganja. Jedna druga stvar koja se mora uzeti u obzir je I dogovor sa Etihadom oko ASL ekskluzivnosti. Koliko se sjecam bilo je nesto tako pomenuto cak I u objavljenom ugovoru. Ako je to istina, mozda su vladi ovdje bile svezane ruke sa vise strana. Opravdano ili ne, tesko je reci dok svi detalji nisu poznati.
ReplyDeleteAviogenex fail
ReplyDeleteDa li je to Etihadov A330 danas sleteo u BEG oko 15.45?
ReplyDeleteJa vec neko vreme kao da vidim Etihadov A330 iznad Beograda, ne razumem O.o
DeleteОТ: Skp January 2015 -
ReplyDelete88.275 pax or +41,55%
Hubba bubba!!!
DeleteRead again: 88.000 pax, that's nothing. They'll soon be catching Zagreb though.
Deleteand Belgrade too, few more years Skopje will be biggest and best in the entire region, mark my words [/sarcasm] @ Inn or anon 8:53 which ever you prefer.
DeleteJel istina da je danas SU bio sa Sukhoi Superjet 100-95 uBEG
ReplyDeleteJel ima neko mozda sliku :)
Hvala unapred.
Aegean is revising its BEG timetable, no more afternoon flights. They all operate in the morning, five times per week.
ReplyDeleteDeparture from Athens at 08.00.
Departure from Belgrade at 09.40.
Airbus A319.
Fuck that. The afternoon flight was great. How does that fits with their waves from Athens, is this actually a reduction? I'm not sure how well this fits with their flights to the Middle-East and Caucasus.
Deleteput a quarter in the swear jar
DeleteYou can connect nicely to the Greek islands plus Larnaca
Greek islands
It's not that bad. However, some like Cairo and Alexandria have a long connection when going there.
Someone mentioned that JU and A3 will code-share so let's hope that it happens, then there will be so much more.
OT: When will SkyGrease start selling tickets for Toronto-Zagreb line? Competition is already brutal, British Airways for example offers return ticket YYZ-ZAG (Jul 5, return Jul 17) with all taxes for CAD 1016. Ideal connection times, late departure, all BA metal (including new Dreamliner) and awesome shopping at LHR T5. How can you beat that?
ReplyDeleteThey hate us, because they ain't us!
DeleteVidim potrosio si dosta vremena pa si cak i gledao vrijeme konekcija u LHR... zar nemas pametnijeg posla nego blatiti.. pusti ljude da rade svoj posao...
Don't hate me cause I used google to find flights, took me 2 minutes. BA site actually offered me even cheaper deal for July 7, return on July 16: CAD 955, all taxes in. That's crazy low for July, it's more like February type of price.
DeleteSite automatically comes up with layover duration, I didn't have to do a thing.
I don't know if you are aware, but this is what killed the last project, when Skyservice flew from YYZ to ZAG (and BEG). Competition simply dumped prices so low, instead of direct flight people choose to fly one stop for a few hundred bucks cheaper. When 3 or 4 person family flies together, it adds up to a large sum. Not sure if SkyGreece is aware how low they have to go to keep competition away. We'll see once they post rates.
I fly two to three times per year on ZAG-IAD route... I've experienced all airliners connecting IAD to Europe so I know the price range depending on season time...
DeleteIf SkyGreece offers tickets for $1200, meaning direct flight, that's something that will be competitive with big players... Just to say that return ticket from States to Europe is more than $1200 in July-August range along with layover...
SkyGrease? hahahahah good one.
ReplyDelete90% of the posts have nothing to do with Aviogenex being on its last legs. I suggest having at least ten links to different news on the home page all the time so that the posts can be sorted out as much as possible.
ReplyDeleteAir Serbia da otkupi aviogenex i sa B732 da napravi AirSerbia Cargo. Valja su sposobni da ga zaposle i da ide pozitivno.