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Belgrade Airport to offer flights to five destinations in Croatia |
Flights between the Croatian island of Brač and Belgrade are set to launch in May, the island’s Tourism Organisation announced at the Belgrade International Tourism Fair this weekend. The announcement echoes similar statements made recently by the CEO of Brač Airport, Tonči Peović. The name of the operating carrier has not been revealed, although flights will operate with an aircraft that can seat up to eighty passengers. In a statement to EX-YU Aviation News in January, Air Serbia’s CEO, Dane Kondić, said the carrier has no intention of flying to the island in the near future. Croatia Airlines has said it will be resuming seasonal flights from Split to Belgrade this summer but has made no mention of the introduction of additional services to the Serbian capital. The airline operates flights between Zagreb and Brač each Saturday afternoon during the summer months.
Flights from Belgrade to the Croatian island are set to launch in mid-May and operate once per week, each Friday. Services will be chartered by Serbia’s Kon Tiki tour operator. Last year, some 2.100 people from Serbia holidayed on the island, with more expected to come this year as a result of the new seasonal flights. Therefore, this summer, in addition to Brač, Belgrade Airport will offer flights to Zagreb, Split, Dubrovnik and Pula in Croatia. Tonči Peović, who ran Dubrovnik Airport for sixteen years from 1993 to 2009, and Zagreb Airport from 2009 until its takeover by the French in 2013, said in September last year, “We are interested in flights to Belgrade, not just because of Serbian tourists but also because Jat was purchased by Etihad Airways from the Middle East. Jat has ATR 72 aircraft in its fleet, which can land on our runway. In partnership with Etihad, a considerable number of transit passengers could use this route from faraway places such as Dubai, India, South Korea, Australia and Singapore”.
Brač is eyeing a busy summer, with the airport’s CEO confirming that Austrian Airlines and Croatia Airlines will boost frequencies on their flights from Vienna and Zagreb respectively. Furthermore, the recently established European Coastal Airlines will also introduce services to the island. The German-based Express Airways, which has been operating on and off since 1998, plans to base a BAe 146 aircraft in Brač this summer and operate flights to “Dortmund, Leipzig, probably Malmo and maybe Zurich”, the airport’s CEO says. Express Airways last attempted to establish a base in Maribor in 2013, without success.
Ok, we all know that the mentioned seat capacity means little... could it be Trade Air's Fokker?
ReplyDeleteI have my money on OU though, especially since JU doesn't have the aircraft to operate this route.
But wouldn't OU mean O&D route, with no transfer pax from the ASL network? I am not sure there is such a demand for Brac in Serbia, even for one flight per week...
DeleteIf the flight is sold by a tourist agency as part of a vacation package, I could see them filling up one flight per week. It would be aimed at Serbian tourists vacationing on the island.
DeleteWell, the article states that these flights would be sold via Kon Tiki so they should do ok.
DeletePlus, we are talking about a weekly flight on a 80 seat aircraft...
Fokker 100 needs longer runway than Q400 or ATR. At MTOW it is 1620 m, and runway at BWK is only 1440 m. Maybe AVRO RJ85 is within runway distance.
DeleteTraveling to the coastline can sometimes be pain in the ass.
ReplyDeleteNevertheless, Brač had a solid number of Serbian tourists.
I think this is the first time in many years that a tour-operator offers Brač by plane. That's why this charter will be a real hit.
Here is a very nice picture from BEG:
Great pic man, thank you!
DeleteKoji dvostruki kriteriji!!!
ReplyDeleteNeka blentava sezonska linija sa minijaturnim avionom i frekvencijom od jednom tjedno jeste vijest ako je za Beograd ili Niš (vijest je čak i možebitna linija za INI koja još nije ni potvrđena nego se o njoj kalkulira). No, istovremeno nove linije iz SPU, DBV, ZAG, PUY, TIV, TGD, PRN su eventualno flash news a koji puta ni to, a sve pod izgovorom da sezonske linije ne mogu biti vijest dana. Kako ovaj puta mogu?
Зато што је у питању нова линија унутар Југе... кога брига што ће Пула или Дубровник добити још један недељни лет за неко немачко или енглеско село.
DeleteИзмеђу осталог, ако ти смета држе ти слободно игнориши данашњу вест и има да ти буде супер. Олади, диши, попиј лимунаду.
Pa eto izgleda da su prekrisli pravilo kada su objavili kao glavnu vest carter liniju Congping - Zadar prosle nedelje. Ajde oladi malo. Vise si nego nepodnosljiv.
DeleteKoja je to "mozebitna" linija za INI koja je objavljena? Ja samo znam da je objavljena linija za Malme i Bazel. Obe su u prodaji. Ne znam o kojoj "mozebitnoj" liniji ti pricas. Mozda govoris o liniji Ohrid - London koja je objavljena. Toliko si pun mrznje da ne znas ni sta pricas.
DeleteJao, a objavise kao glavnu vest i 10 letova koje ce ovog leta obaviti Sky Greece Zagreb - Toronto. Nisi bio glasan onda.
DeleteШто је још горе је то што та линија из Загреба није ни сигурна... то јест нису још почели да продају карте.
DeletePre neki dan galame neki što je vest o Dreamlineru u Dubrovniku glavna vest, a ne o tome kako sleću B747F u Beograd, a danas ovaj galami što glavna vest valjda nije let Leipzig - Split nego linija koja ce spojiti dva grada u ex-Yu (a vidi blog se zove Ex-Yu Aviation).
DeleteTako jer je ovaj puta posrijedi linija unutar exYU a svaka je takva linija vrijedna pažnje. Osim ukoliko nisi frustrirani šovinist koji je u školi bio posljednjeplasiran svaki put kada su dečki mjerili pimpeke u svlačioni.
DeleteOMG what a fool, I bet he never travelled from Serbia to the Croatian coast. The road is long and tiresome, air links are necessary so this news is more than welcome!
Delete+1 especially since Bol is not getting any flights from BEG this summer. Good for Brac. Isn't the airport run by the same guy who used to run DBV?
DeleteOvo je super vest za Brač i ZL Brač ko razume...
DeleteOva linija je unutar bivše jugoslavije i zato je dobila više pažnje nego linije do engleske i nemačke jer ih ima pregršt i ni sam ne mogu da ih pohvatam.
DeleteZanimljivo je da tebi više smeta pominjanje Beograda nego što ti prija činjenica da Brač dobija još jedan let.
Mislim da je admin vrlo korektan.
Ovo će da bude strava linija!
Isto tako, februar je loš mesec u civilnoj avijaciji. Bile su sezonske linije već, druže.
DeleteEvo gledam na google maps, ispod 9 sati autom nema načina da se dođe do Brača. Svaki od ovih 2000 putnika iz Srbije zna koliko je ova linija korisna.
Ovaj let će biti obavljan nekom vašom aviokompanijom, tako da eto još jednog razloga da se opustiš ;)
Lepa, prijatna vest za ljude koji zele da lete na ovoj destinaciji. Prelepa vest jeste za svakog ko moze da pozeli dobro SVAKOM coveku. Kon Tiki jeste poznata agencija u ovom delu Evrope. Er Srbiji mirne letove sa punim avionima. Ljudima koji se ne slazu sa mojim tekstom, zelim napredak u dobru svake vrste... Sa iskrenim pozdravima iz Kuce QANTASVILLE, Rodney.
ReplyDeleteNeznam kome je poznata agecija u Evropi, osim u Srbiji
DeletePostovani anon at 12:49 PM
DeleteAko neznate kao sto kazete, kome je u Evropi, osim u Srbiji poznat tur operator Kon Tiki, ako zaista zelite opsirnije saznanje, idite na Google gde mozete saznati mnogo vise od mene. Na Google mozete naci i Email Kon Tikija, pa mozda se dovoljno obavestiti iz prve ruke. Ko ima zelje i volje taj moze na pravi nacin doci do saznanja. Ne sumnjam da se necete obavestiti.
Uspesan zivot i svako Vam dobro.
Iz Kuce QANTASVILLE, Rodney.
Al' ste mu dali odgovor. Svaka čast.
Deletetrebalo bi leteti bar 2x nedeljno, i to ne kao carter od strane tur. agencije, vec kao sezonska linija er serbije. npr. sredom i nedeljom, bila bi dobro popunjena, ali onda bi verovatno opao broj putnika na liniji za spu itd itd.. ko ce ga znati..
ReplyDeleteMozda si i u pravu. Znam bar cetiri porodice koje su prosle godine letovale na Bracu, a letele do Splita.
DeleteKon Tiki bolje da je uspostavio neku Africku Destinaciju nego Brac ali mozda gresim .
Gresis imaju oni vec do Sharam al Sheika. I u Beogradu zivi dovoljno Rvata da lete i na Brac. Ko inace da se lomata do Jadrana kolima. Do Korcule npr da polomis kicmu preko Peljesca.
ReplyDeleteBalkanFly is a virtual airline which developed inside IVAO network. Our goals are to enhance the simulation of our hobby and serve the community. Moreover we are trying to create a friendly environment between our members. Our schedule is updated in a regular basis with new routes, we provide you all the information you need before you start a flight, we organize events etc. Join us today and become part of our Flying Community.
Ozbiljna nezgoda na zagrebačkom aerodromu Pleso dogodila se u subotu nakon sletanja aviona "Piper 33 Turbo Aztec" koji se zaustavio "na nos" pored piste, saopštila je danas hrvatska Agencija za istraživanje nesreća u vazdušnom, pomorskom i železničkom saobraćaju.
ReplyDeleteKako je precizirano, nezgoda se dogodila kada je tokom vožnje po pisti došlo do zatvaranja prednjih točkova aviona, takozvane "prednje noge", naleganja prednjeg dela trupa letilice na stazu i zaustavljanja uz rub piste, prenela je Hina.
Aerodromski radnici i pripadnici Ministarstva unutrašnjih poslova odmah su o tom dogadjaju obavestili Agenciju, nakon čega su istražitelji Odeljenja za istrage nesreća sproveli uviđaj i pokrenuli istragu, čiji će rezultati biti objavljeni nakon okončanja postrupk
Swiss cancelling GVA-BEG as of October, 2015. Rather weird, as they claimed all along that was very popular route.
ReplyDeleteI took this flight last week, there was about 70 pax...
DeleteLet's see if people are going to complain how easyJet killed them by offering artificially low fares. ;)
DeleteOn a more serious note, let's see if easy adds a fourth weekly flight. Somehow I am happier that LX is leaving.
LX was cheaper than easyjet I think
DeleteDo you have a source on that, or you were just checking their website? For the last couple of seasons they loaded the Geneva flights into the reservation systems somewhat later than their flights to Zurich. By the way, I took the Geneva-Belgrade flight last night - Airbus 320 with 2 passengers in Business class and some 85-90% in Economy.
ReplyDeleteI took it last sunday and 4 passengers in buisness and about 65-70 in eco
its really sad how so many companies are leaving BEG and the big carriers are not there ( KLM, AF, BA, Iberia, SAS etc). I am not blaming ASL but I wish there was more competition on some routes. The next one to leave might be Lot or Qatar ( even thought they got rights for Sofia route). At the end we will be left with LH, TK, LX, SU, AZ, and EY. ASL will not expand this year ( maybe a route to Pristina only) so overall it shows how bad the situation is country is. I feel like a am expecting too much from Serbia, and as I said yesterday Serbia is selling their land ( agricultural and best land in whole country) to Arabs. People we are not talking about a property development, its thousands and thousands of hectares of land in Vojvodina. Selling land is the worst business and political decision ever. Also do not forget that our good old friends Albanians are buying land in Nis area and Vranje area. At the end Serbia will be only Belgrade and the rest will be Arab land, Albanian land ,etc. I feel sorry for Serbians leaving in Serbia especially since they are run by a bunch of corrupt politicians who dont care a bit about their people.
DeleteI am sorry if this is not really aviation related but I feel like some people need to open their eyes. I would appreciate if you keep this comment ex yu.
Well, you can't have it all. You either have a strong national carrier or a weak one and a whole bunch of airlines flying there. Belgrade is not London so obviously we are going to lose some of them.
DeleteQatar will not leave as they will be admitting being defeated by Etihad, something they are not willing to do.
As for the Albanians, I hardly believe 1.000 Albanians moving into Nis is a big thing. Poor things are running away from the misery in Kosovo.
Selling lend? Noooo, not true. Here there were so many "partiots" who said it is not true and there is no lend involved in deal with Arabs. And we all were called enemy of Serbia to make such a "neprijateljska propaganda". And now lend was sold! Woooow. I thing they feel very stupid now. Same as stupid will feel those who belive in religion called "Air Serbia".
DeleteArabs came only because of land, nothing else. What is happening with the promised IT center, new missile system, transatlantic route which were supposed to begin during this time, THE BIG AND FAMOUS BEOGRAD NA VODI. None of this will finalize, in the best case one of them.
DeleteI come from Vojvodina (Zrenjanin) and there is no land being sold around here.
DeleteMind you, most of the land between Belgrade and Novi Sad is already sold... it belong to the Mrs Djindjic. ;)
Zrenjanin guy, all the land around Sivac ( close to Sombor) has been sold. A lot of people who knew Arabs are coming acquired a lot of "akcija" for cheap and now have already sold them for good buck.
DeleteOld news but nice article about Croatia Airlines: http://www.vecernji.hr/kompanije-i-trzista/vlada-hitno-trazi-kupca-za-ca-qatar-airways-najkorisniji-991187
ReplyDeleteASL should get some Q400's and do many of these "niche" routes themselves...replace the ATR fleet eventually and you got yourself a solid Airbus replacement on up to 2hr routes....or some thin routes:)
ReplyDeleteI agree, since ATR's have shown a lot of incidents in just few months. Yesterday it was nose wheel, few days ago incident with mechanics and turbulence, month ago engine malfunction and list goes on. Q400 could be aquired really fast since it has much less orders than new ATR's.
DeleteAnd airline companies are stupid?
DeleteATR burns less fuel than Q400. The letter`s important advantage is its speed, but ASL utilizes turboprop on short routes, and it would not mean much.
DeleteQ400 is not trouble free either: It had quite serious problems with nose-gears (SAS got rid of them for that reason).
ATR should stay (be replaced with -600 series).
Both aircraft are prone to mechanical failures...question is how reliable is the maintenance at an airline. You can have DC-3s flying our without troubles if you maintain them:)
DeleteAs for ATR's fuel burn, I agree is lower, but Q400 has the versatility to fly at HSC/ISC/LSC ranges....which can give it advantage, especially on longer trips. It caries 10% more pax and is much faster. It's not great on short trip, but it will kill any turboprop on 1:30h+ trips and it will embarrass even some regional jets. In N.America many regional carriers are ditching the CRJ100/200 for the Q400.
Skuplje ispadne da nabave Q400 nego da zamene sadasnje ATR 72 za ATR 72-600
I nove -600 valjda kostaju? Malo skuplje sigurno od Q400, ali u long term planu, mislim da bi Q400 bio prakticniji, jer moze da radi i kratke letove (u low speed kruzu) a na duzim moze da zemeni A319 uz razliku od nekih 15-20min.
DeleteI can't blame Air Serbia for Swiss's leave. I am sure that if Swiss was in any way disenfranchised, there would be reactions from both Switzerland and Germany... It is just a said thing. We were so excited when we had over 10 departures per week to Geneva at some point. At least it seems that Easy jet will stay, maybe even boost capacity.
ReplyDeleteQatar would maybe leave since everyone here testified that there are 30-40 pax from Belgrade.. Fifth freedom rights from Sofia represents the urge for saving this line. But it won't fix much. I wonder how much will it cost and who would fly that route.
Even business pax (mind that I did not say "business class pax") are questionable to take that much high quality service and pay more than for Air Serbia for such a short flight...
Even if Qatar leaves it wont be a big loss in terms of pax numbers, but losing Qatar will make the airport even more tiresome and monoton.
DeleteTrue! That's what I meant!
DeleteQatar is really a classy airline. And having it can mean prestige. Hope when Qatari investments get a full swing, as Mr Wolf said, the numbers would increase.
If they wanted to leave this was the moment to do it and they'd have to leave from Bulgaria as well since no line can survive on their own. I think by doing this they're showing their commitment to this market as said above @4:55PM.
DeleteQatar switched to Sofia as they wanted to reschedule their Ankara flights. It wouldn't work with the Belgrade tag.
DeleteI wonder how catastrophic the loads are in february for Qatar since 20-30 pax thing was in June-September period? Maybe its like 5-6 pax originating from BEG now in a 150 plane all the way to Ankara . Was there a time when there was 0 pa from BEG or to BEG? Has the route improved even slightly compared to last February? maybe ex yu admin has some more details regarding qatar.
Delete* o pax
DeleteQatar recorded 44 PAX per flight on average during last year on the route BEG-DOH vv.
Deleteno way, although I would be happy if it was true. Give me source or some official stat
DeleteIt was never 0 pax of course. And the reason why beg-sof-doh is viable is because Sofia doesn't have Pegasus. So 100 pax from Sofia would be enough. We were talking the other day how all the people we know use them.
Deleteadmin you mentioned that in the incoming days you will post an article about QR flights. Would appreciate if you also post loads and total amont of pax last year
DeleteI never understood when people ask for a source. Obviously the person doesn't have it when none of these information are published and when someone shares them on here it's usually from private sources.
Delete10:15 I disagree since people can easily give false information or even make up stuff
DeleteSo tell me, if someone is looking it up in the system or in the airport/airline documents, how on Earth can he give you a source?
The situation is such that you have no alternative choice but to be happy with what you've got.
by providing a wide array of numbers for a starter, not just " there were an average of 44 pax per flight in the year". Is it that difficult to copy and paste a number of numbers for the pure souls who do not have access to them?
Delete*poor haha
DeleteSo much Swiss in exYu? ha ha. But not in Belgrade.Almost gone like AF and BA.
ReplyDeleteTrue that but who cares, as long as Air Serbia and other lowcosts keep on growing. I am sure easyJet will add at least one more weekly frequency.
DeleteAt least haters can't say it was Air Serbia that pushed them out. It was Easyjet, Air Serbia does not even fly this route. It was obvious three carriers on the GVA-BEG was too much, there's room only for one and Easy won.
DeleteSwiss is NOT suspending flights, the winter timetable was not loaded yet!
DeleteAviokarta fail... I am just surprised they did not somehow blame it on JU.
DeleteOT: Zagreb Airport
Of course it is going faster than planned, they're building a smaller terminal and 4 airbridges less than originally planned.
DeleteRef. Comment @6.20 PM
DeletePlease read the report and you will find new end date. Instead of originally planned Dec. 2016, the new End Date is March 2017.
As usual, Government is not giving the real truth.
Especially in pre-election times.
Why was it being postponed? Didn't they constantly brag how it's moving well.
DeletePresentation dated 23.02.2015.
Please refer to page 19
ZAG NPT ostali datumi budućih glavnih aktivnosti
Početak probnog rada i preuzimanja – 01.12.2015.
Datum pretežitog dovršetka (uporabna dozvola) – 04.12.2016
Datum puštanja u promet – 04.03.2017.
And airline companies are stupid?