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Serbia and Kosovo to discuss aviation link |
Flights between Belgrade and Pristina are expected to launch in 2015 for the first time in sixteen years. The Kosovan Minister Without a Portfolio in Charge of Dialogue, Edita Tahiri, recently said that the governments of both Serbia and Kosovo will discuss air transport links at high level reconciliation talks which resumed in Brussels yesterday, following a ten-month hiatus. Kosovan media state it is “a matter of months” before Air Serbia launches services between Belgrade and Pristina. Furthermore, an agreement signed between the two blocks in Kosovo’s ruling coalition, LDK-PDK and the Serbian Srpska List, foresee the introduction of flights between the two cities.
The head of Kosovo’s Civil Aviation Authority, Driton Gjonbalaj, says Air Serbia has not requested permits to fly to Pristina yet. “I do not have any additional information other than those already made public. Edita Tahiri recently stated that air transport will be discussed at upcoming talks between Serbia and Kosovo”, Mr. Gjonbalaj said. Air Serbia has made no secret of its intentions to fly to Pristina. In October last year, the carrier’s Chairman, Siniša Mali said, “Our goal is to eventually fly twice daily to all cities in the region but before we do that we need to connect the last two cities in the former Yugoslavia that we do not fly to yet - Zagreb and Pristina”. Air Serbia has since launched double daily flights to the Croatian capital.
Kosovo’s upper airspace was reopened for commercial traffic in April 2014 after Serbia and Kosovo agreed that airlines could fly over Kosovo and enter Serbian airspace. The upper airspace control over Kosovo has been in the hands of Hungary’s Hungarocontrol since 2011. Flights between Belgrade and Pristina could attract a number of transit passengers. In 2014, the largest number of travellers from Pristina, who transited through various cities, were on their way to New York. Over 10.000 passengers had onward connections to John F. Kennedy Airport, followed by London Heathrow and Helsinki at 7.000. Other popular destinations included Oslo (6.800 passengers), Copenhagen (5.800), Zurich and Frankfurt (5.000). Some 4.000 passengers, who began their journey in Pristina, flew to Chicago as their final destination, while a further 3.800 were headed to Washington. Moreover, 3.000 travellers were bound for Toronto, while an additional 2.100 were headed to Newark Liberty Airport last year.
If they want the talks to succeed then they should get rid of that bulldog Edita Tahiri.
ReplyDeleteAs far as these flights go, I am sure PRN and Pristina have more to gain than JU. Since Belle Air went belly up the market has lost a lot of its competitiveness. At times I feel that the market in ex-YU is basically a race between JU and W6.
We don't need Air Serbia in Pristine. What we need is Kosova Airlines which will not have ban to fly over Serbia airspace and even to Belgrade. If Serbia cannot allow that we should not allow Air Serbia to fly to Kosovo. The only reason why there is no Kosova Airlines is ban from Serbian Government. To fly around (Montenegro - Adriatic) is too expensive to be competitive. So if we are banned Air Serbia should be also.
ReplyDeleteBuddy, that will never happen. All of the Kosovo airlines did not fail because they couldn't overfly Serbia, they failed because they were mismanaged, the same with all the Albanian airlines.
DeleteEven if JU doesn't come to PRN it's the latter who will suffer more, not the former. It's in Kosovo's interest for JU to launch flights.
Korem ba!
DeleteKosova Airlines did not fail. It could not operate because Serbia does not allow them to fly over its territory and that makes impossible for them to operate profitable and compete against other companies. As company still exist it is essential for Kosovo Government to determinate Air Serbia flights to Pristine with no discriminating Kosova Airlines and to allow them to fly over Serbian territory like all other airlines.
DeleteYeah, what's next, you are going to tell us that Belle Air failed for the same reason. Pathetic how you try to blame Serbia for all of your failures. Get over yourselves.
DeleteNooo, company can be profitable with no problem at all if it must fly extra several hundreds kilometres to come to destination in Central, Western and Northern Europe. What this extra few hundred kilometres, extra several tons of petrol and extra half of hour on each flight in today struggle for cost cutting. And with all of that you can compete with those who doesn’t have that costs with no problem at all!
DeleteThe no-fly zone applies to everyone. It's not like Lufthansa and Austrian can fly into PRN through the Serbian airspace. They also need to go around, so this is not the reason why the airlines based out of Kosovo are failing.
DeleteThe main reason behind their failure is zero experience in aviation. Look back at the days of JNA when appointments were made based on nationality (aka "the key"). Even then, they could not find enough Albanians who wanted/could become pilots.
Exactly, plus the ban would add maximum 30 minutes additional flying time and that would be mostly for Nordic destinations, primarily for ARN.
DeleteThis is not only about what Belgrade and Pristina wants. We can all agree this route will not happen if US does not approve it. US interests do not seem to be negatively affected if it opens, so it has a chance of being approved. The question is how will this route fit with all the other items to be negotiated between Belgrade and Pristina. This route is far from being the most important issue to be negotiated.
DeleteOn the other hand, starting PRN for Air Serbia makes a lot more sense if US allows Air Serbia to fly to the States. US companies are not interested in flying to BEG nor PRN but could be interested in a codeshare, so allowing Air Serbia to fly to the US and then connect to PRN would seem to be in everyone's interest.
Could be wrong about this, but that's how things looks like to an outsider.
The United States have become irrelevant in Europe, the Balkans included.
DeleteIt's all about what the EU and Russia want, as we can see in Ukraine these days.
Since the EU wants the normalisation of relations these flights will happen... regardless of what the US wants.
Is it Kosovo or Kosava?
ReplyDeleteKosovo is the ethnic Serbian word which is also used in most languages, Kosova is the Albanised version of it.
DeleteOT: dolazi drugi FX AT4 iz CDG u BEG za JAT Tehniku, EI-FXC
ReplyDeleteФантастична вест. Јако ме радује што је Техника нашла нове муштерије. Тако ће мање зависити од Ер Србије која се показала као непоуздан партнер (примарно зато што је хтела да покрене сопствени систем одржавања ваздухоплова).
DeletePostovani @Anon 9:46 AM
DeleteSto se radujete dobijanju poslova za JAT Tehniku, to je potpuno prirodno za ljude koji zele drugima, svakom dobro.
Koliko je poznato, Er Srbija nema monopol nad JAT Tehnikom. Nesme ni Tehnika imati ni primat ni monopol na odrzavanje aviona nacionalnog prevoznika ili bilo koga drugog. U ovom kontekstu koliko shvatam, Er Srbija je formirala sve potrebne sluzbe ukljucujuci i linijsko odrzavanje.
Sve ostalo jeste kontrakt. Svak koliko je sposoban u dobijanju poslova kojima se bavi, toliko ce i veseselja biti. To vazi i za Srpsku MRO. JAT Tehniku. Sto se monopola tice on je otisao pod zemlju u sanduku pre 35 godina u nedrima Dedinja. Laka mu zemlja i neka u njoj u monopolu vecno pociva. Ostalima sloboda izbora, bez nametanja. "Ko izgubi a ko dobi, ko se teskom mukom probi". Klijenti na trzistu odlucuju koga ce birati za odrzavanje, sa kim ce leteti... Na slobodnom trzistu covek slobodno bira da bi bio i ostao SLOBODAN covek. Ostalo je demagogija u onom pomenutom sanduku, zasluzno nezno zatrpanog...
Uz najbolje zelje da domaca Maintenance Repair Organization, JAT Teehnika, ima dosta klijentele uz zasluzeni profit i rast. Tople pozdrave iz kraj aerodroma MORAVA, hladnog Kraljeva. Radovan.
Rodney & Son. Home of Qantasville.
Kraljevo +++ Sydney.
Дакле Радоване замолио бих вас да у будуће проверите чињенице пре него што кренете да пишете ваше теорије.
DeleteПре неколико месеци када је ЈУ најавио успостављање сопственог система за одржавање авиона, Јат Техника се нашла пред банкротом. То је примарно зато што јој је ЈУ био главна муштерија. Од тада, Јат Техника се разлетела на све стране да нађе нове авио компаније са којима ће сарађивати и тако смањити доминантну позицију Ер Србије.
Тако да, јако се радујем што је Техника нашла нове муштерије и што има додатни извор прихода. Надам се да ће то бити једна од ретких српских ваздухопловних установа која ће успети да преживи.
ASL je pokrenula i ima sopstveno samo linijsko odrzavanje vazduhoplova btw...
DeleteНико то не оспорава али првобитни план је био да ЈУ све сама ради. Када су схватили да за то нема шансе одлучили су да наставе сарадњу са Техником.
DeleteМало су се били залетели у почетку, сви се сећамо кадетског програма и кој је то неуспех био.
Buduci letovi za Pristinu je zadnji veci aerodrom jugoistocne Evrope u mrezi Er Srbije. Bice to do bar potez i zaokruzenje mreze letova. Po prirodi optimista, nadam se da ce u toku ovog leta A319, ili ATR72 biti redovni letaci na Pristinski Aerodrom Slatina. Nova mogucnos, nova pogodnos za normalan zivot i putovanja.
ReplyDeleteMir, putovanja i bizniznis su osnova zadovoljstva svakog normalnog ljudskog bica. Mnogo nade za mir. Mnogo letova za sretanje...
Rodney. Home of QANTASVILLE II. Kraljevo+++Sydney
Name of Pristina airport is not "Slatina" but "Pristina International Airport Adem Jashari".
DeleteThat name is shameful and it says more about the Kosovars than anything else.
DeleteBez uzbudjenja @Anon at 10:45.
DeletePpredgradje gde se nalazi Pristinski aerodrome jeste Slatina, kao sto je predgradje Surcin gde je smesten Beogradski aerodrome, ili Rinai kod Tirane, ili.... Uzivajte na Pristinskom aerodromu, do dolaska novih avio kompanija i novih insignija na avionima koji ce pristajati na taj pristojno lep terminal. Be happy, head up, don't worry!. Ostalo ide svojim tokom.
Sa postovanjem prema ljudima dobre volje.
Rodney & Ass. Home of QANTASVILLE
Kraljevo +++ Sydney.
It's a matter of time before this happens. When it does would it be the shortest JU route or is SJJ the king of short hops?
ReplyDeleteSo JU's regional network would include:
1. Ljubljana (14/week)
2. Zagreb (14/week)
3. Pula (3/week)
4. Split (5/week)
5. Dubrovnik (4/week)
6. Tivat (28/week)
7. Podgorica (21/week)
8. Tirana (7/week)
9. Skopje (7/week)
10. Athens (14/week)
11. Thessaloniki (14/week)
12. Istanbul (7/week)
13. Varna (4/week)
14. Sofia (7/week)
15. Bucharest (7/week)
16. Budapest (7/week)
17. Sarajevo (7/week)
18. Banja Luka (5/week)
Did I miss something?
SPU 7/week,DBV 7/week,SKP 14/week,BNX 9/week or 8/week
DeleteBut in the system SPU and DBV are not daily, the same with BNX.
DeleteTo make BEG a real hub JU should in summer/winter season have flights like:
Delete1. Ljubljana (14/12)
2. Maribor (7/3)
2. Zagreb (14/12)
3. Pula (7/3)
4. Rijeka (7/0)
5. Zadar (7/0)
6. Split (7/3)
7. Dubrovnik (7/3)
8. Tivat (28/14)
9. Podgorica (21/14)
10. Skopje (14/12)
11. Ohrid (7/3)
12. Sarajevo (14/12)
13. Banja Luka (10/6)
14. Mostar (7/0)
15. Tirana (7/6)
16. Athens (14/7)
17. Thessaloniki (14/7)
18. Varna (7/4)
19. Sofia (7/7)
20. Bucharest (7/7)
21. Budapest (7/7)
22. Beirut (7/4)
23. Tel Aviv (7/4)
24. Cairo (7/4)
25. Istanbul (7/7)
To cut costs in winter flights can be triangle like BEG-OHR-SKP-BEG, BEG-PUY-MBX-BEG etc.
12 flights:
123456- 2nd wave
12345-7 4th wave
6 flights
1-3-5-- 2nd wave
-2-4--7 4th wave
Just a small correction, Beirut is currently 5/week so I don't think there is a need to lower it. Loads are ok, around 85 passengers per flight (on average).
DeleteI completely agree with the rest but JU needs more Atrs, they are the most ideal aircraft for the vast majority of regional routes.
Mostar i Maribor kako da ne.
DeleteMaribor za 3. val, to ima smisla, LJU i ZAG u 2. i 4.
DeletePostoje mnogo bolji aerodromi za letenje kao Venecija i Ankara od luzerskog slovenackog i rvatskog u BiH. Nijedan nema redovan saobracaj.
DeleteJa nisam govorio o tome da ne treba letjeti za druge desinacije na Zapadu ili Istoku, čak štoviše postoje neke destinacije koje bi Air Serbia morala prioritetno uvesti poput Madrida, Barcelone, Kieva, Munchena, Helsinkia..., no tvrditi da bi Air Serbia mogla polučiti rezultate u Ankari ili Veneciji kao feeding destinacijama radi konekcija je u najmanju ruku smješno. Venecija ima 62 redovne kompanije od čega 3 u njoj imaju bazu/fokus aerodrom. Ankara ima bitno manje kompanija, njih 18, no čak 4 tamo imaju hub/bazu/fokus, a pri čemu je Turkish i njegovi subsidirai toliko utjecajan da nema te kompanije koja ovdje može ozbiljno računati na ikakav feeding.
DeleteLako je bilo preuzeti dio kolača u hubovima malenih i slabih igrača poput Bucharesta, Sofije, Zagreba, Sarajeva, Skopja, Podgvorice... ali bogami ovi gradovi nisu tako lak plijen i znači li bi daleko više novaca potrebnog za dumping i marketing, uz bitno više cijene usluga.
Što se tiće aerodroma poput Mostara, Ohrida i Maribora, jasno je da ovdje nema previše potencijala. No, isto tako je jasno da
1. Ti aerodromi su očajni i bili bi voljni dati prepovoljne uvjete da se na njih leti
2. Air Serbia ima prednost spram drugih igrača jer ima i komponentu etničkog letenja, te još uvijek jake gospodarstvene, kulturne, znanstvene, obrazovne, sportske, vjerske, zdravstvene, političke, obiteljske i ine veze sa tim krajevima. Istina, to ima i Adria, a još više Croatia no te dvije kompanije nemaju ni sredstava, ni vizije, ni mogućnosti rizika (investicije) u takva tržišta.
3. Onaj tko prvi dođe na ove aerodrome će profitirati i uspjet će se pozicionirati na njima. Svi ostali nakon toga nemaju šanse.
4. Jedina šansa za dolazak na ove aerodrome jest pozicionirati se prije dolaska Wizza, Ryanaira ili drugih LCC.
5. Daleko je lakše i jeftinije "iznači" putnike (bolje rečeno preuzeti putnike iz okolnih aerodroma ili alternativnih prijevoznih sredstava poput automobila, autobusa, vlaka) na aerodromima koji nemaju prometa a imaju "etničku" i inu povezanost sa BEG nego na onima gdje nepoznata, malena kompanija pokreće konkurentske feeding letove uz dumping kao jedino rješenje, a što Air Serbia danas radi u velikom broju svojih feeding destinacija (OTP, SOF, ZAG, VRN, ATH...)
Linije za MBX-RJK-OHD-OMO ne mogu biti nikad profitabilne za ASL sa AT75 nikako bez velikih subvencija neverujem ni da bi bile profitabilne da ASL ima AT45 u floti.
DeleteBolje da lete za ODS-INN gde bi pravili profit za razliku od gore navedenih linija.
Letovi sa ATR-42 više nisu komercijalno isplativi. Oni su mogući jedino uz velike subvencije.
DeleteNesubvencioniran i nedumpingiran break-even na ATR-72 je oko 32-38 putnika po letu (naravno te ovisi o nizu faktora). A reči da ne bi bilo dovoljno putnika za tako što in ovih gradova je u najmanju ruku diletantski
- MBX nema letova, iako je GRZ vrlo blizu (na nekih 45 minuta vožnje od grada), lokalna vlast i vlasnici aerodroma su očajni i voljni su suvencionirati letove, aerodromu gravitira preko milijun stanovnika, a letove prema istoku i exYU svakako bi koristili i putnici iz Štajerske (Graza) koji sada nemaju zadovoljavajuću opciju (moraju letjeti preko VIE koji je na sjeveru za jug, što je skupo i gubitak vremena)
- RJK gravitira oko 300.000 stanovnika, otoci i mjesta u neposrednoj okolici su izuzetno turistički jaki (Opatija, Crikvenica, Novi Vinodolski, Krk...), u gradu i zaleđu (Gorski Kotar i Lika) je velik broj srpskog nacionalnog stanovništva, relativno slab broj letova, ekstremno slaba povezanost sa regijom
- OMO gravitira oko 500.000 stanovnika, velik broj turista i hodočasnika u Međugorje, u okolini velik broj stavnovnika srpske nacionalnosti, ogromna hrvtska, srpska i bosanska dijaspora, nema redovnih letova uopće, mogućnost suvencija se odavno nudi, obližnji aerodromi jesu blizu po km (SPU, SJJ, DBV) ali zbog loših cesta do njih treba preko 2 sata vožnje
- OHR turizam, velika dijaspora, slaba povezanost uopće, mali broj zrakoplovnih linija, Jat tradicionalno na ovom području, nude se subvencije, do obližnjih aerodroma treba preko dva sata vožnje
Neupitno je da sve ove linije imaju bitno više šanse nego feeding linije Varna, Budimpešta, Tirana, pa čak i Thessaloniki, Bucharest, Sofija...
OHR = OHD, sorry
DeleteTrenutno imaju prece linije nego te
DeleteLjudi iz GRZ imaju povoljnu mogucnost putovanja vozom ili Autobusom do VIE
Neverujem da ce ASL da se upusti skoro u taj izazov.
Why should Venice or Ankara be any different than Athens, Copenhagen, Moscow, Stuttgart... being all destinations from which JU draws countless transfer passengers.
DeleteLet me remind you that destinations such as Beirut draw predominantly Western passengers.
You make it sound as if JU can only be competitive in the Balkans. That's clearly not the case.
I wouldn't say ATR42 isn't payble anymore. However, the new ATR42-600 with its 50 seats is the best choice for connecting ex-yu towns.
DeleteIt makes no sense acquiring ATR42 when operating cost of ATR72, that can accommodate 50% more passengers, is just 10% higher.
DeleteConcerning Venice and Ankara you should read my answer again.
DeleteIf you still don't understand than let me clear that for you: Venice as "western" destination is not different than Milan, Rome, Zurich or Paris. It is all about analyze if that route should be worth or not, concerning potential passengers. But to have Venice or Ankara as feeding routes and to compare them to Zagreb, Sarajevo, Sofia, Tirana etc. is totally wrong as I explain. Maybe in some future it can be so, but today for sure not, and even more it is not comparable to those destinations I mentioned above.
Simple fact is that Venice would be scheduled like any Western European destination. Ankara would be scheduled either as Istanbul or more likely like Larnaca, Beirut or the night flights to Athens, Thessaloniki...
DeleteVenice would offer flights to Air Serbia's Balkan destinations, as well as the eastern Mediterranean ones while Ankara would be linked with western Europe.
As things stand right now, Air Serbia can't launch flights because of a restrictive bilateral agreement, This is unfortunate because Ankara is currently underserved and TK is the dominant player which is harming the market dynamics.
Purger, from your argument it seems that you are implying that JU can only rely on passengers from the Balkans when it's clearly not the case.
DeleteThen again, people predicted on here that no one would fly on JU out of ZAG.
Hello Anon at 3:30 PM
Deletema da, šta zna dijete šta je trista kila. Ne kužim zašto onda uopšte proizvode ATR42. Trebaš im objasniti da ga prestanu proizvoditi kad ATR72 nosi 50% više putnika a trošak je veći za 10%. Isto to treba pojasniti i Airbusu od čitave serije A320 oni treba da prizvode samo A320.
Purger is right about operational cost but think now ATR42 is much cheaper to lease. Not sure. Can someone check that?
DeleteMesecni leasing za ATR 42-600 je 0.150 - 0.160 mil
DeleteMesecni leasing za ATR 72-600 je 0.165 - 0.190
Opet ja mislim da se ASL nebi za sada usudila na to.
ATR je prošle godine prodao tek 8 ATR 42 i ukupno 152 ATR 72. Avion se prodaje tek za neke niše, subvencionirane linije na egzotičnim otocima, vojne svrhe, obalnu stražu, specijalizirane namjene... Ukupan backlog ATR 42 je tek 34 komada, što je dostatno da se popuni tek oko 3 mjeseca proizvodnje svih ATR-ova. Avion se iz godine u godinu proizvodi sve manje i manje.
DeleteDakle, ne kritizirati ako se ne znaju činjenice.
Hahaha, congratulations, INN knows everything!
DeleteJa OMO vidim kao sezonsku liniju. Nisam siguran lokalno stanovnistvo (Srbi iz I Hercegovine i Hrvati iz Zapadne) bi imali velike koristi od ove linije. Standard zivljenja u BiH, ali malo i navika, mentalitet, itd. Cuo sam dosta ljudi, cak i onih koji imaju para, da bi jedino isli autom jer im je zgodnije a na razdaljinu su navikli. Medjutim, imigracija a posebno Medjugorje bi bili vise nego dovoljni da popune ovu liniju, Medjutim to trziste je, ja mislim, poprilicno vezano za proljetni i ljetni period.
ATR42 15 miliona US$, ATR72 19 miliona US$
DeleteDakle, nova 72-ka je u startu 4 miliona skuplja, dakle ne radi se o 10% nego 27%. Dakle skoro 30%.
Ne može onda ni leasing atr72 biti samo 10% skuplji nego bar tih 27% a i više jer je atr72 traženiji od atr42. atr72 je traženiji zato što su sve države na svijetu razvijenije od ovih banana država na Balkanu. Ono što vrijedi za Francusku, Njemačku, ili Tursku ne vrijedi za ex-yu.
atr42 je primjereniji uslovima segmentiranog saobraćaja u kojima radi Air Serbia, nego atr72. Ako na BEG-LJU, OMO, BNX, OHD, INI u prosjeku nema više od 35 putnika zašto onda uporno raditi sa atr72? Zato što su megalomanija i iskompleksiranost odlika svih na Balkanu. Kompaniju je sramota imati u svojoj floti atr42 jer ga nemaju ni Luthansa a ni Austrian. A prevoziće vazduh u atr72.
Adria je bila nabavila nekoliko airlinera sa 50 mjesta ali je umjesto atr42 uzela mlaznjak koji troši mnogo goriva i skup je za održavanje. Nabavili su i veći airliner pa su ga svako malo davali nekom drugom ko nema LJU za matični aerodrom nego radi na nekom drugom tržištu.
Ako je u atr72 72 putnika a u atr42 42 putnika onda atr72 jeste najisplativiji po putniku (to ističe proizvodjač) ali ako se u oba aviona u prosjeku ima po 35 putnika i to na kratkim linijama, onda je svakako atr42 isplativiji.
atr42 je kraći, manja je sila otpora vaduha, manje troši goriva sa 35 putnika nego atr72.
Ako će se atr42 i atr72 dizati istim brojem feet-a/minuti atr42 će sa 35 putnika u prosjeku potrošiti daleko manje goriva nego atr72. U uslovima takvog lokalnog saobraćaja gdje se radi o distancama od 250km u prosjeku, sa 35 putnika u prosjeku, atr42 je isplativiji od atr72.
atr42 je brži od atr72, a ako će ploviti istom brzinom, atr42 će sa 35 putnika u prosjeku potrošiti prilično manje goriva.
Da spomenem da su i landing i handling jeftiniji za atr42 nego atr72.
Мостар би могао функнционисати по истом принципу као и Бања Лука. То значи да би Федерација, баш као и Српска, морала смањити порезе не прелет и шта год како би карта могла бити око 50-60 евра.
DeleteКада би повратна карта била 65 евра онда би линија могла опстати током целе године. Нико не би ишао бусом или колима за Мостар ако би постојала јефтина опција авионом.
LYPR or BKPR in FPL, that is the question?
ReplyDeleteNo it is not. LYPR does not exist any more. ICAO cod for PRN is BKPR.
DeleteMaybe only in your had it is not like that...
Molim admina da obriše komentar anonymusa 11:30
ReplyDeleteA sta je uvredljivo u komentaru? I mene zanima koji bi kod koristili. Stari ili novi. Bice BKPR po svemu sudeci.
DeleteWho cares what code they use, the most important thing for them to make Air Serbia richer. lol
DeleteWith dumping and spending money on stupid costs because of mistakes they will not make Air Serbia richer but faster to bancrupt.
DeleteYeah that's why the airline is breaking - even this year.
DeleteJa mislim da je previse 14 pw letova za PRN mozda ce se tek isplatiti kad ASL krene sa letovima za USA.
WHY is ASL avoiding Ohrid so much? There is a big diaspora from the Ohrid, Struga, Bitola and Resen region in Sweden Denmark Germany, and almost half of the Macedonian diaspora in USA and Australia are from this region! Plus great tourism potential, I'm keeping my fingers crossed for airSerbia in Ohrid
ReplyDeleteCause Macedonians can make the effort to take a trip to Skopje.
DeleteWhy make that effort when you can get to your destination faster via Ohrid airport?
DeleteBecause they know Wizz will add direct lines very soon once they see how good Basel is and the most lucrative connecting options will be already served.
DeleteYea but I was still hoping for some airlines with a big base like Vienna, London or Istanbul or maybe Belgrade....
DeleteGiven Air Serbia's expansion trends, Ohrid should come soon enough.
DeleteI catch your drift, Denis. I guess Air Serbia is the best bet at the moment as far as flag carriers go.
DeleteYes, it also helps that Serbs and Macedonians had migrated to the same parts of Europe.
DeleteFurthermore, JU can also offer two stop flights to Australia from Ohrid.
Preferential treatment Wizz has in Skopje is a warning sign for other airlines looking at Ohrid. Market is too small to have both LCC and legacy carrier, and Macedonia seems to be firmly under Wizz influence.
Can this be for real, no 737 flying for Air Serbia and A320 to Warsaw? Looks like the world upside down!
ReplyDeletegood, means LF is pretty good then
DeleteNot necessarily, the A320 is usually dispatched so as to avoid sending the B733. Yesterday the A320 flew to OTP and the loads were around 85 in both directions.
DeletePerhaps there was cargo, is there any? What is more economical to fly over the same distance, an 80% full 737 or a 55% full A320?
DeleteDon't forget that Air Serbia's B733s have a high density configuration which means that they have only 8 seats less than the A320.
DeleteSo in terms of seat availability there is not much difference but there is if we take passenger experience into consideration.
OT: After Turkish investment, UAE now wants to invest in Kraljevo Morava airport:
ASL ima od danas codeshare za SIN sa EY.
And TK is sending its A321 to BEG tonight.
DeleteBilo bi odlicno kad bi svaki dan jedan dolazio.
BEG gets A321, ZAG gets cancelled flight tonight :)
DeleteA321 again tomorrow morning.
DeleteWhat's the big deal about A321 on this site? It's a regular narrowbody, nothing fancy about it. I would understand the commotion if it was A350 or 748, you don't see those in the region very often (if at all), but A321? Are you also getting all hot and bothered over ATR72?
DeleteFYI the A321 has the capacity not much lower than the A332 hence yeah, it is quite an increase in capacity that deserves to be noticed.
DeleteFYI no one gives a **** about A321 capacity. Going from A320 to A321 is still a narrowbody. A332 is not about more capacity, it is about flying long haul! Wake me up when long haul starts at BEG.
DeleteA321 is 15-20 more seats. It is much bigger deal whan A319 come instead CRJ or Embraer.
DeleteWell, of course we are going to be happy. That evening flight mostly saw the A319 in February so when TK sends the A321 it comes as good news. Also TK's A321s have a low configuration because they chose so, other airlines have far more dense cabins.
DeleteNista gore nego kad se Purger nalupeta. Pogledaj gde zivi srpska dijaspora u Italiji od Udina do Vicence nekih 70000 ljudi plus turisti iz Srbije, ko mislis da puni letove za Rim. Mogu i na Trevizo da probaju ako im je Venecija skupa. Sa Balkana lete samo iz Tirane i iz Stambola stalno.
ReplyDeleteGdje ste vi pročitali da sam ja rekao da Venecija nije dobra destinacija? Čak štoviše naglasio sam da je Venecija jednako dobra "zapadna" destinacija kao i Milano, Zurich... Ja sam samo rekao da Veneciju ne možemo tretirati kao feeding destinaciju, tj. kao ZAG, SJJ, SKP, OTP, SOF... a u kontekstu rasprave o aerodromima u bivšoj državi koje još ne pokriva Air Serbia.
DeleteI ljubazno molim da me izostavite iz rasprava u kojima koristite riječi poput "nalupeta". Kućni odgoj nije luksuz nego minimu komunikacije civiliziranih ljudi. Niti sam naučen, niti želim komunicirati takvi piljarskim načinom konverzacije.
I think Trieste could be a good Point-to-Point and also transfer destination for JU. Serbs, Romanians, and Croats are the top three origins of foreigners in Trieste. Also Trieste is a tourist destination, and there are not many carriers serving it.
DeleteTrieste has been historically an important Serbian city, especially in the 18th and 19th century when it played a key role in the formation of the first modern Serbian kingdom.
DeleteEven today there is a considerably large Serbian diaspora there. Even when JU used to fly there, they had more than decent loads.
+1 za purgera iz beograda! Hvala za informativne analize u moru subjektivnih komentara.
DeleteJat used Trieste in the past without much success. Ima znatno vise Srba u Venetu nego u Trstu.
ReplyDeleteLa regione con il maggior numero di residenti serbi è il Veneto con 19.075 presenze, pari ad oltre un ter
zo (36,0%) del totale nazionale, a differenza della quota relativa, per questa regione, alla totalità degli stranieri residenti, che si attesta su ll’11,0%. Al secondo posto si colloca il Friuli Venezia Giulia, dove i serbi sono 9.063, il 17,1% dell’intera collettività presente in Italia.
Jat Airways' average loadfactor to Trieste was 71% so that's not too bad.
DeleteMany many Serbs in Trieste
ReplyDeletedespite the fact that the number is going a little down lately.
In 2014 they were registered, with all paers ok 7.400 Serbs in Trieste alone. 22% are less than 18 years old.
TOtal number of Serbs in Trieste alone is well over 10.000 betwenn 15.000 to 18.000!!!!
If you add all the Serbs that already -leaving there long time or married to locals (mostly Serbs too- got the Italian passport (cittadinanza) the number is even bigger.
It is 3 times more Serbs in Veneto then in Trieste. Can you read Italian statistics? Why is then St Spyridon empty? .
DeleteBecause the large majority of Serbs in Trieste are atheists or/and don't care much (now and even before) about their own religion -except maybe for the big festivities (few among them taking seriously even that festivities).
DeleteThe exception to the general rule is part of the old historical community of Serbs in Trieste.
As you know most of the Serbs migrated to Trieste lately are from Požarevac. They don't care about pops and churches in Jugoslavia and they don't care now ... unless there is a need to ask for a "help" :(