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Hainan Airlines from Chongqing to Zadar from May 1 |
Hainan Airlines will introduce charter flights from Chongqing, in China’s south-west, to Zadar from May 1. The service will operate once per week with the exact aircraft type and fares to be determined in the coming weeks. The CEO of Zadar Airport, Irena Ćosić, finalised the details of the new year-long service in Beijing recently where the Civil Aviation Administration of China (CAAC) issued necessary permits for the new route. In the future, Hainan will consider adding Zadar to its scheduled destination network by introducing the city as a stopover on its two weekly service from Chongqing to Rome, which will launch on April 27.
Speaking at a press conference in Zadar yesterday, Ms. Ćosić said, “I cannot stress enough how important this development is for our airport. We now have a year-long route and will need to employ additional staff”. The CEO adds that Zadar will hold talks with Hainan at the end of March regarding the introduction of scheduled services from Chongqing. “According to our information, Hainan Airlines is not satisfied with loads on its Rome service so we see an opportunity here for the airline to improve its numbers if flights were to operate via Zadar”, Ms. Ćosić said.
An estimated 25.000 Chinese tourists will use the new charter service to Zadar. The flights have been initiated by the Chinese Southeast Europe Business Association (CSEBA). According to Ms. Ćosić, Zadar’s position on the Adriatic coast will give Chinese tourists an opportunity to make a quick visit to Italy as well. Charters between China and Croatia would mark the first air link between the two countries. Chinese tourists will be offered holiday packages in Croatia which will include cruising and tours as well as winter sports during the season. Far off markets hold huge potential for Croatia's tourism industry. Zadar Airport handled some 495.000 passengers in 2014, an improvement of 5% compared to the year before. Hainan Airlines is China’s largest privately owned carrier and the fourth busiest Chinese airline.
Didn't people say that Zadar can't handle it?
ReplyDeletePeople were talking nonsense.
DeleteI was the one who stated that an aircraft of the type you suspect they would use, 767 or A330 may face a number of restrictions at Zadar.
DeleteGiven that this will start as a charter and different civil aviation law applies when it comes to runway length plus clear way requirements compared to a regular public transport service they may legally and remember this is European JAA-JAR law be able to land and take off.
I still have no idea how the aircraft can turn to backtrack or use the taxiways at Zadar.
If I get the time I will have a closer look at the Jepps for Zadar and read through the JAA-JAR RPT and charter airports requirements.
Has the CAA (Croatian Aviation Authority) approved the flights? if yes, then I stand corrected as they would base the decision based on JAA-JAR standards.
I'm happy for Zadar if this is true but I still have my doubts and I'm sure that RPT or regular scheduled flights would not be legal but like I said I'm happy to be corrected. :)
I was the one who stated that an aircraft of the type you suspect they would use, 767 or A330 may face a number of restrictions at Zadar.
DeleteGiven that this will start as a charter and different civil aviation law applies when it comes to runway length plus clear way requirements compared to a regular public transport service they may legally and remember this is European JAA-JAR law be able to land and take off.
I still have no idea how the aircraft can turn to backtrack or use the taxiways at Zadar.
If I get the time I will have a closer look at the Jepps for Zadar and read through the JAA-JAR RPT and charter airports requirements.
Has the CAA (Croatian Aviation Authority) approved the flights? if yes, then I stand corrected as they would base the decision based on JAA-JAR standards.
I'm happy for Zadar if this is true but I still have my doubts and I'm sure that RPT or regular scheduled flights would not be legal but like I said I'm happy to be corrected. :)
I still don't get which plane they are going to use
ReplyDeleteDreamliner would be nice.
DeleteNice, something exotic. Now we are waiting on those Beijing - Belgrade flights :D
ReplyDeleteWait few more weeks. Hainan will buy OU and then Etihad will buy Hainan so there will be A330 PEK-BEG flight soon as someone promised here.
DeleteHainan is too big company for Etihad.
DeleteReally? Compared to tiny Air Serbia, or Air Berlin or Alitalia or all of them together?
DeleteAir Berlin, Alitalia and Etihad together don’t have number planes not even near to number of planes of Hainan with its subsidiaries (413 planes). Not to mention that Hainan had 276 million EUR profit last year. That is twice as much as was Etihad profit, and not to mention Air Berlin and Alitalia debts.
DeleteHainan is not on sale, but it does not own 413 planes.
DeleteYes it does with 9 subsidiaries in which 2 of those they have 50% i 1 80% and in 6 100% ownership
DeleteSo you can't count them all as they don't own them all. Hainan only has a handful of widebodies and still has ways to go with the longhaul experience compared to Alitalia and Etihad.
DeleteSo if they have 6 companies with 100% you cannot count them? All together they own 15 companies. In one they have 80%, in two more than 50% and rest less than 40% but majority.
DeleteBut even with those 6 companies they own 100% they have 3 times more planes than Etihad and more than 4 times bigger profit that Etihad. So how can Etihad buy them?
With endless supply of government cash, remember that was explanation heard here when EY started shopping spree. But Hainan is not on Etihad's list.
DeleteWhere is the article from this morning? :)
ReplyDeleteIt was published for two minutes by mistake. Waiting for some additional confirmation. Should be up in a few days.
DeleteWhat was the article about? If I may know...
DeleteFifth freedom rights for Qatar Airways. You will see in a day or two.
DeleteAha, ok, thank you!
DeleteIs this true http://tesdfdfd.blogspot.com/2015/02/qatar-airways-sofia-belgrade.html?m=1
DeleteSomebody posted this link in the comments couple hours ago...
Looks pretty true to me: https://www.kayak.com/flights/BEG-SOF/2015-03-31-flexible/2015-04-13-flexible
DeleteGreat news for Zadar and Croatian tourism in general!
ReplyDeleteBig news. Now all we need is for Hainan to buy Croatia Airlines :D
ReplyDeleteMaybe for one kuna...
DeleteHow does a one-weekly flight require the employment of additional staff?
ReplyDeleteBecause during winter there are practically no flights to Zadar and this will operate during the winter as well.
DeleteDuring winter Zadar has 6 flights per week to Zagreb, 6 flights per week to Pula and several nonregular charters. So, one cannot say there is no traffic.
DeleteThere are 65-120 planes per month in winter (November-March) and it is average of 91 planes per month or 3 planes per day.
U članku o Croatiji Purger je napisao da u EU lete samo za TXL, BRU i CDG, dakle idu još i u FCO?
ReplyDeleteMože li ovo značiti nešto u kontekstu kupvine Croatije?
Tek 27 aprila.
DeleteA tada se događa što?
DeleteProcitaj clanak.
DeleteWill I still get prsut, chees, fish, blitva, olives, scampi during my holiday on island next to Zadar or should I get ready for fried nudlles and lice wit ciken??
ReplyDeleteWhy that thing can't land in Zagreb?
ReplyDeleteThey said they chose Zadar because of lower taxes and fees.
Delete"Charters between China and Croatia would mark the first air link between the two countries." This is not true
ReplyDeleteWhen were there ever flights between China and Croatia?
DeleteIt is! Stop spamming!
DeleteI read somewhere in comments on this blog a while ago that they will be visiting Kumrovec because of their fascination with Tito and that their tour with end there. If so, they would use ZAG as outbound airport. None of such is mentioned in this news, so I guess that plan is folded.
ReplyDeleteMaybe they will use Croatia Airlines to fly Zadar - Zagreb - Zadar. Does OU fly to Zadar during the winter? I'm pretty sure they do but then again that would be a pretty expensive holiday package.
DeleteYes, they fly zg zd pu
DeleteDoes anyone have JU's loads to ZAG for today?
ReplyDeleteMorning flight ZAG-BEG was full, almost all of them transfer passengers
DeleteB788 at MTOW ne moze da uzleti u ZAD njemu treba pista od 3139m
ReplyDeleteA332 at MTOW bi mogao da uzleti na onoj pistiu ZAD od 2500m posto njemu treba 2206m
Sorry INNs for writing in English but its a bit more complicated then this.
DeleteYou have to apply the legal safety factor to the calculated take off and landing distance. On a wet runway the legal landing distance could be increased by almost a factor of 2!
Takeoff distance varies a lot and is based on many different factors but the calculated distance required has to be multiplied by 20% safety factor (from memory) for regular public transport.
Charter can getaway with a lot less and might make this service legal but just.
Also, the CAA has to take into account that this will not be a one off charter thus the chance of an incident occurring on take off or landing increases and for this may not approve it. Croatia could risk it's international civil aviation safety reputation and put certain international civil agreements it has at risk if something did happen and it was found that certain international norms were not followed.
I asked the question if these flight have been approved by the CAA? They could have good reason to not allow these flights.
Hainan could easily just plan for a suitable alternate like Zagreb to make the flights legal but this is usually a legal loop hole that regulators would approve of on one off charters. Weekly, could be a different story.
DeleteZnam ja dobro Engleski nego necu da ga koristim ovde.
Ja sam to napisao kad je suvo vreme.
Onda se meni cini sve vise da ce se leteti sa 738 sa stopoverom u TSE.
Ali ne mogu shvatiti da nisu izabrali ZAG ko da je bog zna koliko skuplje.
Off topic.
ReplyDeleteMecedonia and Serbia lead European airports growth:
Sorry Moldova is ahead of Serbia. Double check. Yes ahead of former SFRJ but not Europe
DeleteCalm your frustrations... he wrote that they are leading which means that they are among the top ones... which they are. Some people...
DeleteBaš gledam kako je red letenja Air Serbije desetkovan. Od sredine jenuara letova letova je jako malo
ReplyDeleteAbu Dhabi 14 tjedno
Amsterdam 10 tjedno
Athens 7 tjedno
Banja Luka 3 tjedno
Beirut 3 tjedno
Berlin 7 tjedno
Brussels 7 tjedno
Bucharest 6 tjedno
Budapest 7 tjedno
Copenhagen 5 tjedno
Dusseldorf 7 tjedno
Frankfurt 7 tjedno
Istanbul 7 tjedno
Larnaca 3 tjedno
Ljubljana 7 tjedno
London 7 tjedno
Milan 6 tjedno
Moscow 12 tjedno
Paris 14 tjedno
Podgorica 17 tjedno
Prag 10 tjedno
Rome 7 tjedno
Sarajevo 7 tjedno
Skopje 7 tjedno
Sochi 1 tjedno
Sofia 7 tjedno
Stockholm 5 tjedno
Stuttgart 7 tjedno
Tel Aviv 4 tjedno
Thessaloniki 5 tjedno
Tirana 3 tjedno
Titvat 7 tjedno
Vienna 14 tjedno
Warsaw 6 tjedno
Zagreb 14 tjedno
Zurich 14 tjedno
Tek 274 leta tjedno ili ti 39 dnevno. Obzirom na flotu od 19 aviona ovo znači tek 2 leta po avionu.
I još se na sve to otkazuje oko 20% letova svaki dan.
To vam je dobra provokacija i zaboravili ste dodati da ima samo 2-3 putnika po Letu a za ZAG niko i onako ne leti.
DeleteJa ne znam sta bi vi radili da znate da su letovi dobro popunjeni.
AnonymousFebruary 18, 2015 at 2:23 PM
DeleteŠta hoćeš da kažeš sa ovim redom letenja? Čekaj da počne letnji red letenja pa ćeš videti da su avioni uvek u vazduhu. S obzirom da je zimski red letenja ovo je solidan broj letova. Šta reći tek za OU?
Bas tako. Hajde sad uporedite Croatijin letnji red letenja sa zimskim.
DeleteS jedne strane kazete da ASL ima los LF, s druge strane kazete da se mnogo letova otkazuje, povlaci..
Naravno da ce aviokompanija smanjiti frekvencije tokom zime ako je broj putnika znatno manji. Naravno da ce otkazati let ako ima 2 putnika.
Аман људи ако већ хоћете да постујете онда барем проверити своје информације.
DeleteЕто најбољи пример, Љубљана није 7 већ око 10 летова недељно.
Исто тако, одавно је већ установљено да авиони сада иду у сервисирање тако да ЈУ нема 19 авиона... барем не тренутно.
Bogami po redu letenja Ljubljana je 7 letova od sredine januara.
DeleteI za vašu informaciju CTN ima 256 tjednih letova ali na 12, tj. 7 manje aviona.
Kako to mislite da Air Serbia nema flotu od 19 aviona? Naravno da ima, i većina jest prizemljena. To i je poanta ovog komentara.
Air Serbia koristi trenutnu flotu sa tek 50% i još na sve to otkazuje letove da bi poboljšala LF. Sve to je skupo (posade i avioni nezaposleni, komenzacije za otkazivanja, image, konekcije) i donosi vrlo nizak yield.
^ Boeing 737's are mostly grounded that is true, but at the same time there is an atr-72 undergoing servicing as well as one boeing 737. Also do not forget about 1 Airbus 319 that is always "stuck" in Abu Dhabi. From those 19 planes, realistically 16 are in service plus its February people the worst month for any company.
DeleteКада Боинзи лете народ кука, када не лете народ кука... дакле патетично и јадно.
DeleteКроацијан може да има колико хоћеш недељних летова, оно што нема је загарантована будућност. ;)
Anonymous 5:04 PM, kad Srbija bude imala zagarantiranu svijetlu budućnost, bolji standard i veći broj turista, onda se javi s ovakvim glupim komentarom. Avijacija u Hrvatskoj ima budućnost, i ne patim od neke patetične ljubavi prema nacionalnom prijevozniku (Kroacijan, je li tako), ako ne znaju raditi, neka slobodno propadnu! ;)
Super da si siguran u super buducnost ASL. ;-)
Bravo anonymus 6:50. Ovdje je mnogima ASL stvar ponosa. Meni je CTN zadnja rupa na sviralu i ako ce propast necu plakat. :-)
DeleteПа да, камо среће да ми у Србији имамо Томпсоне, Туије као и остале чартер компаније као што имају широм хрватских аеродрома.
DeleteНо добро, ми имамо Ер Србију и Визер кој има базу у Београду као и редовне летове из Ниша. Јадни ми, да нам је као у Хрватској. ;)
А Кроацијан вам је сада задња рупа на свиралу од како нема више највише путника у бившој Југи... нема везе, супер је то што ћете летети Ер Србијом и овог лета. :))
DeleteInače bih letio Air Serbijom, ali zašto presjedati u Beogradu kad idem prema zapadnim odredištima, a i imam plaću da mogu sebi priuštiti avionsku kartu koja nije na akciji (bez uvrede)! ;)))
Skužili smo stari, ASL broji posljednje dane i uskoro če im svi zrakoplovi biti prizemljeni. Najsiromašnija zemlja Europe ne može se uspoređivati sa liderom koji se trenutačno dvoumi hoče li surađivati sa Emiratesom, Deltom ili Qantasom, buduči da se svi oni tuku rukama i nogama za največe europsko tržište, največu europsku dijasporu, največi europski load factor, največe europsko sve što se može zamisliti.
DeleteSkužili smo, doista. Ne moraš svakog dana, tjedno bi bilo posve OK.
Anonymous 7:42 PM, nauči se čitati i ne prilagođavati postove kako tebi odgovara, jer to što ti pišeš nitko nije rekao, i nauči razliku između č i ć, blesavo je da odrasla osoba ne zna pravopis...
DeleteUsput, Anonymous 7:42 PM, niti je Srbija najsiromašnija zemlja Europe, niti je Hrvatska Eldorado, niti je OU lider ičega, a meni osobno bi bilo svejedno hoće li je netko kupiti ili će propasti jer su se svojom krivicom doveli do teškog stanja, jedino bi mi bilo žao dijela radnika kojih je na burzi rada svakim danom sve više! Molim moderatora da izbriše ovu nepotrebnu diskusiju! Hvala unaprijed!
DeleteFYI seems like people in ZAG love our poor country's airline:
DeleteThis morning: 29 and 57 passengers.
This evening : 64 and 30 passengers.
On tonight's Rome there are 156 passengers.
Well the evening load is bad since it was flown with Boeing 737. If it was Atr then yea its good. What is happening with the atr's lately and how come its so difficult to get another 2 atr.
DeleteActually, I am wondering if the loads might have been better if the B733 was planned in advance. With a load 64/66 I am sure they could have gone to at least 75 or even 80 if a Boeing was scheduled far in advance.
Delete19 aviona? 20% letova se otkazuje?! Hehehehe
ReplyDeletePurgeru, bilo bi mi zaista drago da saznam zasto nemate bitnija posla no kritikujete Air Serbiu.
ReplyDeleteZasto niste napisali zimski red letenja za OU i smanjenja frekvencija u odnosu na leto? Ili zasto ne kritikujete broj putnika na letovima ZAG-SKP ili ZAG-PRN? Broj putnika je ocajan. Zasto konstantno trazite letove ASLa na kojima je popunjenost ocajna? Naravno da ima takvih letova, svaka aviokompanija ih ima.
lol, he constantly critisizes OU, you are obviously not reading those posts.
DeleteBaš ne znač čovijeka. On je u ratu sa upravom Croatie zato što ih stalno kritizira. Vjeruj mi u Croatiji je na crnoj listi, a ljudi tamo imaju njegovu sliku uz natpis "živ ili mrtav".
DeleteI konačno on je mnogo puta javno rekao kako je Air Serbia bitno bolja kompanija od Croatie. No, to ne znači da je Air Serbia savršena i da se ne smije staviti nikakva kritika.
Konačno, zar sam nešto preskočio. Koji dan je on kritizirao Air Serbiu na ovom ili nekom drugom blogu?
Jeste, istina... ali tako moze da kritizira i moja baba! Kako moze da kaze da se leti sa 19 aviona i da se dnevno otkazuje 20% letova, to jednostavno nije istina!
DeleteAli zasto svaki tekst odmah mora da znaci sukob JU vs OU? Svaki dan polemike na temu cija je pisa veca...
DeletePa ne znam... samo pogledaj ko obicno zapocinje te rasprave i sve ce ti biti jasno kao dan.
DeleteZnam da je on rekao dosta puta da ASL jeste bolja od OU, ali opet, nije to moja poenta. Ne razumem zasto covek kritikuje to sto ASL smanjuje broj frekvencija rokom zime kad dosta aviokompanija to radi, jer putnika nema. Mogu oni da povecaju broj letova, pa da lete s praznim avionima.
DeletePomenuo sam OU zato sto je i on pominjao OU u svojim komentarima. On moze da pominje Air Serbiju, a ja ne mogu Croatiju?
Pogobu zašto mislite da sam ja napisao ovaj komentar o razanju linija. Komentar nije moje. Ipak, moj stav je tu jasan i više sam ga puta javno iznio:
Delete1. Naravno da je Air Serbia trebala srezati linije, svi to rade zimi. To je način kako smanjiti gubitke. No, Air Serbia je neke linije previše smanjila tijekom zime, neke nije smjela toliko smanjiti ako želi biti mrežna zrakoplovna kompanija i napraviti hub JI Europe u Beogradu
2. Dodatna otkazivanja letova (izvan reda letenja) su vrlo loša za image kompanije, putnici to neće prihvatiti sretno, a i ostavlja dojam da Air Serbija nije u stanju održati vlastiti red letenja. Trebalo je tako što predvidjeti prije i napraviti takav red letenja. U svakom slučaju dodatna rezanja već, u nekim slučajevima, previše izrezanog reda letenja još su slabija vijest za BEG kao tranzitni hub.
3. Velik broj prizemljenih letjelica i posada koje dobivaju plača za sjedenje kod kuće i kompenzacije za otkazivanja letova svakako neće pridonijeti yieldu. Trebalo je te avione zaposliti na trećim tržištima, turističkim letovima, iznači model koji bi privukao putnike i povećao broj letova. To je ogroman problem Croatie airlines, a bojim se da Air Serbia ne odgovara dobro na isti taj problem.
Air Serbia doesn't have any extra crew, many have left the company so for the time being they are just ok.
DeleteIf they use 50% capacity they shoud have 50% crew to be paid and not working. If many have left the company they will have huge problem in near future, in summer time table.
DeleteHehe.. ASL ima "visak" posada ;) lol
DeleteThey are currently hiring more.
DeletePa ako ima viška posada, a lete samo 50% onda gube opake pare!
DeletePurger, pa sta i da si napisao, tako ionako mislis i to je ok, ali daj prestani vise da negiras da neke komentare nisi ti pisao....Tako je providno da jesi, veruj mi, i to je potpuno ok. Samo prestani da negiras nesto sto nije...
DeleteOkanite me se tih dječjih posla, ljubazno molim. Ja imam 46 godina i ne bih se spuštao na ovakav nivo komuniciranja, koji sam prerastao prije vrlo mnogo godina. Hvala na razumijevanju.
ReplyDeleteIs it me or is the new Air Serbia schedule to TLV a total disaster?
DeleteYes? What's the point of the link?
DeleteAs to answer your question, the problem is that JU couldn't get a decent slot in Tel Aviv.
OT: ticket dilemma Wizz vs Adria
ReplyDeleteWizz fares for June are rather high (higher then I would want to pay them), JP surprisingly low but when i summarize i dont see benefits if I choose JP
duration: quicker with Wizz overall ! (transport to the vukojebina Wizz regional airport included), transfer at LJu in one direction is 3hours
service: SAME! (didnt know you have to pay for a glass of water now @JP)
comfort: ok JP wins here (airports, planes, better pax-crowd lol)
What would you book??
quick vs comfort is the question here and the non existing service at JP is a major blow too
I would go with Adria, it's more classy. For me Wizz Air is too gipsy-like on certain occasions. Customer service is non-existent.
DeleteLeti sa čim hoćeš ali nemoj da vredjaš.
Deletetruth hurts I guess. ;)
DeleteJP without the slightest hesitation.
DeleteSplit dobija nove sezonske letove
ReplyDeleteTRN-SPU 2 nedeljno sa VY do 7 sep.
Bice zanimljivo leto u SPU.
U2 -EasyJet ove sezone ce imat 18 destinacija za SPU.. dosta su produzili neke destinacije to jest pocinju dosta ranije i zavrsavaju kasnije u sezoni...
DeleteMislim da je oko 1.90 1.95mil pax realno ove godine
Gde je 1.95 tu je i 2.0! Omg skoro pa kao ZAG!
DeleteMa 1,7, 2,0, 2,5 milijuna sve je to isto. Za čast natučeš tih milijuna putnika više! Split je u prošloj godini imao 170.000 putnika više, Zagreb 130.000. Uz tendenciju od 40.000 putnika razlike, trebalo bi im 21 godinu da dostignu Zagreb.
DeleteBogami po toj logici bliže je Skopje da preotme treću poziciju Splitu, nego Split 2. Zagrebu.
The main difference being that SPU has the tourism industry which will keep on fuelling its growth. ZAG has the local traffic plus some tourists here and there. Their numbers will not keep on climibing much more in the future, they will stagnate in the next couple of years which is normal.
DeleteDon't pay attention to these people in ZAG, they just can't deal with the fact that one day they will no longer be on top! We ignore them and keep on growing. :))
DeleteSplitsko-dalmatinska županija koja gravitira Splitskom aerodromu je imala 2,3 milijuna turista (Šibensko-kninska i Zadarska gravitiraju Zadru, Dubrovačko-neretvljanska Dubrovniku), dok Zagrebačkom aerodromu gravitiraju grad Zagreb, Zagrebačka, Karlovačka, Sisačko-moslavačka, Krapinsko-zgorska, Varaždinska, Međimurska, Bjelovarsko-bilogorska, Sisačko-Moslavačka, Brodsko-posavska, Požeško-slavonska, Virovitičko-podravska i Koprivničko-Križevačka županija. U ovim županijama bilo je ukupno 1,5 milijuna turista. Broj turista u ovim županijama raste bitno brže nego u Splitskoj županiji.
DeleteBroj zrakoplovnih putnika u Zagrebu za posljednjih 5 godina narastao je za 370.000 putnika. U Splitu taj broj je narastao za 540.000 putnika. To je razlika od 30.000 putnika godišnje. Zanemarivo.
No, da preduhitrimo bilo kakvu raspravu. Zagreb nema fobiju od Splita. Hvala bogu da ima putnika u Splitu. Split je turistička raskrsnica i mi smo u Zagrebu vrlo sretni kada on raste. Kod nas u Hrvatskoj je normalno da se podržavaju lokalni aerodromi i zajednice, za razliku od nekih drugih država u okruženju gdje se sve centralizira.
Hmm I know, the situation in Slovenia is really bad. Only one airport and LJU is sucking up all the traffic.
DeleteI wish it could change like it did in Serbia where there are two functional airports. Lucky people... especially since JU is the only ex-YU carrier with its future secured.
Usput, Anonymous 7:42 PM, niti je Srbija najsiromašnija zemlja Europe, niti je Hrvatska Eldorado, niti je OU lider ičega, a meni osobno bi bilo svejedno hoće li je netko kupiti ili će propasti jer su se svojom krivicom doveli do teškog stanja, jedino bi mi bilo žao dijela radnika kojih je na burzi rada svakim danom sve više! Molim moderatora da izbriše ovu nepotrebnu diskusiju! Hvala unaprijed!
ReplyDeleteWhat's going on in IST today? All flights to BEG cancelled and when you zoom fr24.com looks like they have a lot of ground vehicles cleaning runways....flights from ORD and JFK circling for quite a while.
Anybody knows what's going on?
Would be strange if it's really a snow storm...
It is a 24-hour nonstop snowstorm. The city is partially paralyzed, total mayhem at the airport. Airport website operates in the emergency mode: http://www.ataturkairport.com/
Delete60 cm snega u Istanbulu.Opsti haos.TK je danas otkazao dva A321 za BEG, kao i JU svoj A319. Sutrasnji JU let je sa A320, mozda nam TK doleti sa necim velikim :)
Delete95% of IST flights cancelled tonight!
DeleteTurkish Airlines is not providing any assitance to the stranded passengers... some people should remember that the next time they are bashing JU.
sa lizovanim 380
Delete@ 9:46 PM
DeleteThere is a small difference between hundreds of cancelled flights and tens of thousands of stranded passengers (where there is simply nothing you can do) and a single cancelled flight (which is mostly the case with ASL and should be dealt with routinely).
This is not the first time this happened in Istanbul and an airlines such as TK should have been prepared... especially since there is a thing called a meteorological service.
DeleteSure, they need to build 10-15 mega hotels and keep them ready year-round in case they face one day of extreme weather conditions. They also need to have 20k sandwiches ready made 3x every day and a team of 1500 passenger service staff who would sit in the airport 365 days a year in case a big snowstorm hits.
DeleteGrow up please. And do not compare JU to TK in any single aspect. Any. Single. Aspect.
It also happens to prepared airports in Russia or Canada, no need to blame IST for this. On the other hand, you can even compare BH Airlines or any other airline to Turkish, that is not verboten. It will not turn good for most other airlines, but you are allowed to compare what you want.
DeleteToday Qatar A321 in Zagreb
ReplyDeletenothing unusual, since it was via BUD. Direct flights are flown with A319 or A320
DeleteOd kraja lipnja Easyjet London Gatwick Pula
ReplyDeleteZAG-BEG this morning 57/66 passengers!
ReplyDeleteWhat difference does it make to you personally if it was 5 or 65 passengers? None. Stop posting, no one wants to read it!
DeleteI bet you wouldn't mind if the numbers were pathetic.
DeleteNumbers are pahetic exempt one or two flights from time to time. And prices are extra low. So that reoute is destroing money!
Delete"I bet you wouldn't mind if the numbers were pathetic. "
DeleteI don't mind if it's 0, it's just a number. I do mind when bots abuse this site with LF info for ANY airline. If you already know LF info, enjoy it in solitude, don't spam this this site and don't test our (and moderators) patience.
The only thing that is testing anyone's patience is the lost list of complaints whenever someone posts a positive LF for JU.
DeleteSorry, auto correct, should be "long list" .
DeleteNo that's not the only thing testing our patience. Not just professionals but most people with a brain are aware LF (just like fare) can vary a lot across routes, seasons and airlines. Posting a single, or even a select few LF numbers mean absolutely nothing. Therefore people who post it, whether they like or hate the actual numbers, lack brain cells for failing to understand those individual LF data points, without yield info, mean ABSOLUTELY nothing. Look at the chart from few days ago to see how LF has almost NO correlation to profit:
For that reason (and h8ter comments that usually follow LF posts) I would like to suggest to moderator purging all LF comments (good or bad, for JU, OU or any other airline) from this blog.
I for one don't mind them and actually I like it when people post them. It gives you a good indicator of how well the route is performing especially since some on here have predicted that no one will fly on the route. These loads only go to indicate that the Zagreb market is responding positively to Air Serbia's product.
DeleteZagreb will end up like Bucharest. During the dumping season they will attract a lot of people and then later on once the fares go slightly up people will still chose them. Actually, this is what happened in Tirana, Bucharest and Sofia.
In conclusion, whoever has the loads, please, keep on positing them and ignore these bitter sad souls.
I don't think you understand. If I post loads od 47/66 what does it mean to you? Not much. If I post loads for a couple of flights: 21/66, 58/66, 32/66 does it make more sense? Nope. You can't draw reasonable conclusions about route performance based on one or even a few numbers. If you do, it speaks volumes about you. Has nothing to do with bitter souls. It just makes no sense to post those numbers regardless if you are ASL fanboy or a hater, one day numbers will work for fanboys, the other day it will work for haters, and both will be wrong to draw any conclusions from it.