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Montenegro Airlines and Etihad finalising strategic partnership agreement |
Montenegro Airlines’ CEO, Daliborka Pejović, has announced that her airline will sign a strategic partnership agreement with Etihad Airways in four months time, describing it as “a major opportunity for the promotion of Montenegro”. Ms. Pejović says that the strategic partnership agreement with the Abu Dhabi-based carrier will give Montenegro Airlines access to Etihad’s global network of destinations and will allow the airline to use the Emirati carrier’s resources in order to improve fleet utilisation during the slow winter months. Furthermore, the two will ink a codeshare agreement. “Codeshare agreements will better position Montenegro Airlines onto the vast market which has been conquered by Etihad”, Ms. Pejović says.
According to the CEO, the new partnership will boost synergies between the two carriers, providing Montenegro Airlines with access to better airport handling services, reduced costs and other benefits enjoyed by Etihad on the market. Ms. Pejović says the two sides are still considering whether the Emirati national carrier should buy a stake in Montenegro Airlines. The Montenegrin government has listed its carrier for privatisation this year, with a minority stake to be offered to interested partners. Etihad Airways already owns a 49% share in Montenegro Airline’s neighbouring counterpart Air Serbia and nearby Alitalia. The airline saw its passenger numbers decline 5% last year as it faces strong competition on its key markets - Serbia and Russia.
Talks regarding Etihad’s involvement in Montenegro Airlines have been ongoing for almost a year. Initially, the country’s Foreign Minister, Igor Lukšić, met with Etihad’s CEO, James Hogan, in Abu Dhabi in May 2014 after which he announced that the Emirati carrier would screen the Montenegrin airline. Discussions were again held in Abu Dhabi recently where Serbia’s Deputy President for Cooperation with the UAE, Mladjan Dinkić, credited for finalising Etihad’s takeover of Air Serbia, headed the talks. “This partnership is important and will further stimulate Montenegro’s openness and accessibility, serving as the foundation of the country’s transport network”, Ms. Pejović concludes.
So basically they will just have a partnership without any form of ownership?
ReplyDeleteI guess that all competition will be pushed out of Montenegro as the market will be dominated by Belgrade and then to a lesser extent by Rome.
I guess to code-share will be via Belgrade?
ReplyDeleteCEO Montenegra je izjavila da će u roku od 4 mjesec potpisati strateško parnerstvo sa Etihadom. I dok Etihada ovdje radi punom parom, naši genijalci u Croatiji i dalje spavaju zimski san. Pitam se, zašto do vraga nisu reagirali još u srpnju 2013. i dovukli Montenegro u najbližu ugovornu suradnju sa Croatiom, kako sam i pisao. Sve do prije 4 mjeseca Montenegro je ozbiljno stradavao radi Air Serbie i bio je više nego voljan napraviti deal sa bilo kime, prenstveno Croatiom. No, mi smo čekali i čekali i čekali. I k vragu, sada kada je Etihad vidio da bi inicijativa Monenegra mogla nešto i izroditi ponudili im da dođu pod skute majčice Etihada. I ovi naravno presretno prihvatili. Bravo za naše spavače. Ali nama Air Serbia nije prijetnja, kaže naš CEO.
ReplyDeleteSve one mjere koje sam napisao u ljeto 2013. se tako rapidno tope, da Croatia više nema odgovora spram Air Serbie. Sada samo ostaje da još opcija da ju netko kupi. A i to ide krivo jer ako to bude Lufthansa onda je zapravo Etihad napravio ono što je i htio. Zagreb će prestati biti hub i postati će samo feeder za MUC, FRA, ZRH, BEG, IST, eventualno FCO.
I guess the planned flights to Zagreb are as good as dead. With Etihad in the game, Montenegro Airlines will direct all of its transfer passengers via BEG and FCO- since these two cities have enough O&D to support the flights.
DeleteWhich other hub can compete with Belgrade which will offer 10+ daily flights to Montenegro this coming summer season.
What's worrying is that with this decision they will have a monopoly/duopoly between the two countries. Maybe it's time for the government to impose a cap on how high the fares can go... at least until a new player enters the market.
Croatia Airlines + Aegean Airlines merger ASAP.
DeleteSame Fleet
Same Alliance
Same Market type (seasonal VFR)
Similar Diaspora
Same Region (Also EU)
Same Route structure (both with many bases)
Same Product (no dedicated business class)
I doubt Aegean would be interested, it doesn't fit into their business strategy. The Greek market is far more lucrative than the Croatian one so any spare aircraft they is used for expansion in Athens, Rhodes, Heraklion, Larnaca...
DeleteIn Larnaca alone they are expecting to carry an addition million passengers this year. This summer season they will operate up to 9 daily flights between Larnaca and Athens, all with the A321. They are also establishing a mini hub in Cyprus so I doubt that Croatia is on their radar.
That was one of my proposals. After it was published in Večernji list reaction of Croatia Airlines CEO was like I want to kill him. So first of all no one did even read those proposals in government, and second CEO still does not want CTN to go on privatisation.
DeleteReaction to the OU-A3 tie-up?
DeleteASL is not problem of Croatia, it is LH.
DeleteKucko or whatever he is called doesn't want OU to go to someone else because then he will have to report to the bureau of unemployment.
DeleteI read your stuff, nice. Delta won't bite. I know that for sure.
Aegean is the airline that is most similar to Croatia and as such could be aligned in the least time and with the least money.
@Purger... zasto kazes "mi" i "nama" jel si to poceo da radis u CTN? E to je vidis razlika koju ti ne mozes da skapiras.. Kada kazem ASL ja ne mislim na "mene" ili "nas", to je ta razlika koju ti nikada neces razumeti.
DeleteВерујем да када пише ми мисли на Хрвате, на њихово колективно размишљање.
DeleteI know Aleksandar, that is why I wrote this in Delta article:
Delete"Izvrsni potencijali za kupnju CTN, no upitno jel im to u interesu (...) Novac koji bi Delti bio potreban za kupnju Croatia Airlinesa oni zarade u par dana. U prošloj godini profit im je bio 2,7 milijardi USD, što će reći da sa manjim dijelom tog novca mogu kupiti i razviti Croatiu. Samo je pitanje možemo li ih zainteresirati za tako što."
Today I wrote:
"CTN se neće prodati, nego se može pokloniti + još nešto uz to (mogla je to biti ZLZ npr. ako je već išla u koncesiju). No, isto tako nije da kompanije ne kupuju problematične. I nije to samo Etihad. Učinila je to i Delta, Hainan, niz kineskih kompanija, British, Air France, tukli su se Ryan i Aegean za superproblematičan Cyprus... Imao je čak i Turkish izlet u B&H Airlines. A mislim da problematičnije kompanije na planetu nema od B&H Airlinesa. I imalo bi to bajkovit kraj da Bosanci nisu i dalje htjeli tjerati istu priču no da ju Turci financiraju. Kupovao je i Singapore problematične, čak i prije par mjeseci.
Sve se svodi na vrlo jednostavnu priču:
- prezentirati potencijale
- prezentirati što potencijalni vlasnik dobiva i što mu se može dati kao benefit (i toga se stvarno držati)
- imati ozbiljan plan da ta kompanija ne ruši image vlasniku i da se ostvari sve ono što se obečalo (a ne kao B&H Alirnes što je natjeralo Turkish da se povuče iz kompanije)
To je priča sa Etihadom u Air Serbiji. Srbija je spucala za to par stotina milijuna EUR i dala potpunu kontrolu Etihadu, ne petljaju im se u kompaniju, ne talasaju, ne zapošljavaju više po babi i stričevima. Konačno Etihad kupuje i druge problematične kompanije, koje su u daleko većem shitu od Jata. Alitalija, Air Berlin, Air Seychelles, Jet, Darwin - sve su to daleko problematičnije kompanije nego što je bio Jat i tu Etihad nije dobio ništa što bi ga motiviralo osim otpisa dugova i kontrolu.
Daleko najbolja opcija za Croatiu bio bi Qatar. No, za razliku od Etihada koji uzima najgora smeča u nadi da će od njih nešto napraviti, Qatar želi kompanije koje stvarno imaju šanse. Je li to CTN? To ipak ovisi o Hrvatskoj i ova tri pitanja iz početka ovog komentara."
. U prošloj godini profit im je bio 2,7 milijardi USD, što će reći da sa manjim dijelom tog novca mogu kupiti i razviti Croatiu. Samo je pitanje možemo li ih zainteresirati za tako što.
Ja sam savjetnik HSPP-a dakle sindikata pilota Croatia Airlinesa, analize i elaborati su prvenstvno pisani da oni imaju informacije ili alat u svojim rukama tijekom komunikacije sa kompanijom i u tom kontekstu meni to je "nama".
Delete@Purger... lepo je što se kao savetnik sindikata osećaš tako prisno sa njima da bi CTN smatrao "svojom". :)
DeleteПо мени Кроацијан је готов, посебно сада када су Црногорци прешли у њихов табор а самим тим дошли под утицај суседне Ер Србије. Свима је јасно да ће Монтенегро постати обични фидер и то је то.
DeleteДакле, данас имамо ситуације где је Кроацијан окружен са три стране Етихадом а на северу имају Остријан. Не видим зашто би Катар и размишљао о Кроацијану када би им, на пример, Ер Балтик или Меридијана били неупоредиво боље опције.
Ni na koji, pa ni najmanji način, ja ne smatram CTN svojom. Kupujem karte na CTN-u kao i svi, nemam nikakvih privilegija, nemam vlasništvo u kompaniji, pa ni ne može biti moja. No, kada kažem "mi" i "nas" onda se to odnosi na djelatnike CTN-a i one koji grade kompaniju, a za koje i ja radim. Dakel "naši" spavači su direktori kompanije u kojoj smo i "mi" djelatnici.
DeleteNo, okanite se ovakvih primjedbi. Na ovom blogu vrlo često ljudi govore "mi" da skrate duga pisanja. "mi smo čekali" je puno kraće nego "management Croatie Airlinesa je čekao". I to dobro znate, dobro znate da nitko ne smatra CTN "svojom" (iako kao državna komapnija to i jest), niti je to dokaz nekakvog nacionalizma, soc-realističkog rudimenta kolektivizma, šovinističkog opterečivanja ili ičeg drugog. Vaš komentar je zloban i nema ni trunka realnosti. Konačno, on odvlači pozornost od sadržaja komentara. To je čista semantika, a njoj nema mjesta na strukovnom blogu ovakve vrste.
Пардон, када су прешли у етихадов табор.
DeleteOvo za Qatar i Air Baltic se slažem (za Meridianu ne). Osim Air Batica ima tu još kompanija koje se prodaju i bolja su opcija (TAP, LOT, Aer Lingus), možda će se prodavat i neke dionice onih koje su privatatne poput Bulgaria Aira, Aegeana, flyBe... No, kompanija više nema baš mnogo na tržištu, a i Etihad i neki drugi su pokazali da ne kupuju samo jednu kompanju. To je isto kao da ste 2013. rekli zašto bi Etihad kupio Jat ako ima Alitaliu, Aer Lingus, Darwin... Dakle ako Qatar uđe među predatore kupovat će kompanije na tržištu, a tu je onda stvar porcjene što je dovoljno dobro, što ima potencijala i koliko novaca imaju na raspolaganju za tu svrhu. Možda za sve, a možda ni za Air Baltic, pa je Croatia jeftinija.
DeleteCovek se uzivi tako u ulogu, a samo je sovjetnik udruge kocijasa CTN. Pravi ogromne planove o razvoju avio saobracaja, mega merdzerima bankrot kompanija koji nemaju veze sa mozgom. INN sa sveucilisnom diplomom.
DeleteЗанимљиво да си споменуо Меридијану када су они једина европска фирма за коју је Катар показао интересовање.
DeleteZanimljivo, mislio sam da se sindikati i njihovi savetnici bave drugim poslovima.... Uslovima rada, cenom rada...
DeleteNisam se ja ništa uživio u ulogu. Niti se zanosim da će ovo imati nekog utjecaja, niti smatram išta drugo. Samo radim svoj posao.
DeleteJa nisam savjetnik za uvjete rada, cijenu rada, suradnje sa drugim sindikatima, nit išta takvo. Za to HSPP ima pravnike i savjetnike. Moj segment je poslovanje Croatia airlinesa i to niti financijsko, niti operacijsko, nego isključivo analitika sustava, mreže, linija, reda letenja, suradnje sa drugim kompanijama, te pozicije u zrakoplovnom okruženju i globalnim zrakoplovnim tijekovima. Ne nazivam se analitičarom, čak niti stručnjakom nego uvijek kažem da se bavim analitikom. Ne zanosim se da sam netko i nešto, ali nastojim pomoći. Nažalost, u ovom momentu to nikome ne treba. Jel nitko zapravo ne žali niti prodaju, niti da se promijeni status quo, a firma rapidno gubi poziciju, potencija i u ekstremno kratkom vremenu neće se više moći čak ni prodati. I zapravo to je najbolja vijest za Air Serbiu koja ima odliku odlične ekspanzije i rapidnog prilagočavanja trenutnim promjenama na tržištu. To joj je glavna pozitivna odlika. A konkurencija spava i spava. Good for Air Serbia!
Pazi, iskreno zadivljen sam da sindikat pilota CTN-a ima strucnjaka koji se bavi "analitikom sistema, mreže, linija, reda letenja, saradnje sa drugim kompanijama, pozicijom u vazduhoplovnom okruženju i globalnim vazduhoplovnim tekovima".
DeleteJeste, dobro za "njih", mislim ASL.
@AnonymousFebruary 24, 2015 at 12:51 PM mnogo si dosadan
Delete@AnonymousFebruary 24, 2015 at 1:00 PM Vrlo jednostavno, ti preskoci post i ucini zivot sebi zanimljivijim. Ovo je vrlo bitno, jer sam konacno hteo da saznam sta se podrazumeva pod tim "mi" i "oni" jedan od uticajnih clanova bloga.
DeleteMa šta je tu vrlo bitno? Čovek je koristio "mi" da ne piše toliku kobasicu svaki puta. Oladi malo. I naravno da je njemu "mi" Croatia, kao što je nama "mi" Air Serbia, ili Francuzu "mi" Air France ako diskutuje o uticaju ili udaru Biritsha preko OpenSky Airlinesa na CDG. Croatia je javno preduzeće i ono je vlasništvo grašana Republike Hrvatske. I naravno da je "njihova".
DeleteE tu smo isterali zeca na čistinu. "Svaki puta", trudiš se da pišeš srpski jel? Vidiš, ja ne mogu da kažem "mi" jer ne radim u ASL. Možda bi je smatrao svojom da imam njene akcije. Možda ih gradjani hrvatske imaju pa im se duboko izvinjavam. Šalu na stranu, možda sam ironičan ali avio kompanije nisu fudbalski klubovi da bih "navijači" svojatali.
DeletePa na ovom blogu definitivno jesu kao klubovi. Ne da imaju navijače, već dosta postova graniči sa huliganizmom :D
DeleteAnonymous 3:50 PM, Croatia Airlines je nacionalna aviokompanija u 100 postotnom vlasništvu (građana) Republike Hrvatske, ne davi nas s trivijalnostima. Kad si već tako gramatički pismen, " jel " se zapravo piše " je l' "... I koliko god neki od vas priželjkivali i najavljivali, ta prokleta Croatia Airlines nikako propasti, a sigurno "vam" je naporno čekati! Pozdrav!
Delete@4.59 čemu to foliranje sa šatro srpskim? Zeznuo si se, nisam od tih koji se raduju bilo čijoj propasti. CTN-u želim sve najbolje i da nadje dobrog partera. Živ bio kolega.
Delete@4.59 Jel? http://kakosepise.com/rec/je-li-ili-je-l/
DeleteAnonymous 5:54 i 6:02 PM (ista osoba), s obzirom da sam radio do 4, moj post u 4:59 PM je moj prvi napisani post danas. Za "jel" ili "je l'" si u pravu, moram ti priznati, drago mi je da si potražio na internetu kako se pravilno piše.
Delete@6.42 obično kad postujem potražim po netu kako se koja reč piše...
Deleteif something happens, they'll probably split YM between JU and AZ (49:51) and in due time completely merge it with them
ReplyDeleteExactly ! Seems to be bypass for succfly merge..
Deletebolje, da AZ kupi sto posto
Delete"The airline saw its passenger numbers decline 5% last year as it faces strong competition on its key markets - Serbia and Russia." and yet their passenger numbers to these two destinations went up last year. A misleading statement to link the decrease in the passenger numbers to Serbia or Russia.
ReplyDeleteThere is a distinct dislike of Montenegro Airlines in this blog, both by the author and readers, however it seems like Air Serbia is unable to land a punch, let alone a knockout punch, that many in this forum were hoping for. Now it looks like a possibility that Montenegro Airlines might even join the equity alliance. If that happens, and it's a big if, some people here will hurt bad, real bad. Ouch!
Why would they hurt? I don't get it. YM will become a mere feeder for the bigger players.
DeleteJU managed for the first time in many years to carry more passenger to/from MNE than YM. That hurt them.
I would link their passenger decline to Russia and Serbia because they increased flights to both (added another daily flight to BEG and added more flights from TIV to Moscow, introduced special fares etc) and saw their numbers improve 1 and 3%. Like it said in the other article, Russia and Serbia account for 65% of their traffic.
DeleteSounds to me like Etihad will just push passengers through BEG and FCO to join up with their networks... so not entirely sure why Etihad would want to buy a stake in Montenegro Airlines when they can monopolise some routes without doing so! Longer term I guess YM will just become the feeder airline, operating all flights in an out of FCO/BEG themselves, and freeing up some planes for the other two to use.
ReplyDeleteSo basically YM is more desirable than OU and JP?
ReplyDeleteАло бре ова вест се појавила само у ЦГ и СР медијима. Нема шансе да нађете реч о овоме из Етихадових извора. Директоркине жеље и стварност нису исте, ово ће се завршити на другачији начин. Сачекајте мало пре него што се машите за гусле!
ReplyDeleteEtihad nikada ne iznosi takve vijesti dok posao nije parafiran. Čak štoviše nekoliko puta je demantirao da pregovara, a onda se ipak ispostavilo da je pregovarao i da se posao ipak realizirao. To je jednostavno politika firme, i nikako nije dokaz da se to neće desiti.
DeleteПреузимање Дарвина није било објављено до самог дана потписивања.
DeleteМа јок бре, ова директоркина изјава је само параван за потпуно преузимање у следећих пар месеци. Прво крену са овим стидљивим најавама сарадње и кодшера, а онда за који месец ће бити "Етихад неће само кодшер, хоће да купи 49% фирме а нама требају паре па смо продали!". Ово је све "смоук енд мирорс" да се не види прави дил у позадини.
DeleteVrlo moguće
DeleteNajbolje rešenje je za YM je da tokom zimskog perioda korisnike gura preko HUBova ASL i AZ, i da deo flote se koristi za njihove potrebe . Tokom leta pored toga što bi jedan deo aviona koristili i za O&D putnike na evropskim frekvenicjama,,za te potrebe bi se mogle koristiti i ASL avioni. Npr. BEG-LED - TIV - LED - BEG . Ovako bi ASL mogla da uskladi svoje linije sa svojim talasima (narocito na duzim linijama gde ne mogu da se rotiraju u predvidjeno vreme), avion bi se iskoristio maksimalno,bolji kompfort. ..
ReplyDeleteTreba samo rascistiti ukoliko postoji potreba za npr 2 nedeljna leta za Pariz,to treba da ostane . Ostali putnici kojima to vreme ne odgovora bi se gurali na BEG . Time bi se sprecio dolazak drugih kompanija (LCC ne bi imali P2P putnike a broj frekvencija za BEG bi bio takav da bi destimulisao dolazak nekog drugog takvog avioprevoznika.
My question is what's in this for EY unless they are getting some equity stake in YM?
ReplyDelete-EY’s access to parked Embraers during winter? Hard to believe considering the types of ac.
-Abu Dhabi feed? Small market as it is, any incremental compared to existing one stop via BEG is minimal.
-JU and AZ access to parked Embrares during winter? Maybe, but both need aircraft in summer, not winter.
-Helping equity partners with BEG, FCO feed? Maybe but it can’t be huge increase, market is well covered, especially Montenegro-BEG portion.
-Releasing some JU and AZ metal in summer by having YM cover certain routes? Possible, bigger impact in JU’s case. Might be some impact on JU’s pax numbers, Montenegro is a big market for them.
-Strategy of moving YM away from OU, LH etc.? Probably, but why they would take a lead here and not AZ or JU
Looking all of this above I really don’t see big impact on EY itself. Every positive is towards JU and in lesser extent AZ. A lot of this cooperation and synergy between EY and for example JU is not known to us. Does this shows how far EY is actually willing to go to help their equity partners and in turn its own bottom line. Am I missing something here guys?
Milo is on good terms with the Sheikh. I am sure this is a political decision so as to improve (a tiny bit) the situation at YM.
DeleteNobody wants Croatia.
ReplyDeleteOvo je i meni nevijerovatno. Letovi iz Podgorice u SAD i Kanadu. Newyork za 359 €, Washington, Boston, Chicago, Atlanta, Philadelphia, Seattle, San Francisco, Houston, Los Angeles i Miami izpod 500 €, Montreal 503€ i Toronto 535€
Žvaka za ludaka, odlazak 2 novembra povratak 17 novembra, 9 meseci unapred bez fleksibilnih datuma i 2 međusletanja. Probaj prve dve nedelje avgusta sa samo jednim stopom da vidiš kako cene rastu kao kvasac!
Delete^ true. I am looking for a ticket from Toronto to BEG for may and return during July. The lowest I can find is 1148 Canadian. I bought a ticket for a family member of mine during second half of January and I paid like 580 with KLM ( AF was only 30 dollars more) which is pretty good to me. So it all depends on when you travel and not the airline or route you take.
DeleteO.T. Etihad Region is removing ATR72 aircraft from its fleet.
ReplyDeletehttp://airlineroute.net/2015/02/24/f7-s15update2/ .
What will happend with their 4 ATRs? Two of them are already wet leased to AItalia
Mozda dodju u flotu ASL.
Izleda da ce ce biti samo fedderi AZ i ASL sto i nije tako lose .
ReplyDeletejust flew ZRHGVA on F7. 8 dudes on board. Hve no good feeling gor them. Inflight magazine was fm Dec Jan (in all seats around me). After i ask the flt attd she got me the Feb March issue brand new but not fm another seat. Pilot did not sound very motivated. Seats older and look really used.
prize was cheap. 84 chf return ticket all in, thats cheaper than SBB
Etihad Regional has disintegrated so fast... it's unbelievable.
DeleteOT: Zagreb numbers for February are very encouraging, growth for first 3 weeks is around 12.5%, projected traffic and pax for February is 144000, growth of 16000 on February 2014. I'd like to also add that March will see Swiss returning to Zagreb with daily flights, and April will see introduction of seasonal flights by few LCCs, including Norvegian, Vueling and Air Europa. German Wings is also adding Hamburg in June, so numbers should go up steadily. 2.8 million pax for this year is achievable,.
ReplyDeleteZagreb traffic in 2014 in 000: (projected 2015)
Jan: 135.4 (150)
Feb: 128.4 (140)
Mar: 175.5 (200)
Apr: 192.4 (215)
May: 217.8 (250)
Jun: 243.9 (285)
Jul: 260.7 (310)
Aug: 269.7 (315)
Sep: 251.3 (290)
Oct: 226.2 (260)
Nov: 175.6 (200)
Dec: 163.6 (185)
Works on new terminal are 12 weeks ahead of the schedule and all work isexpected to be completed by the end of 2015, with april of 2016 new terminal being ready for traffic, but it'll take up to a year for new terminal to be given operation certificate, EU will be issuing EU wide certificate and international transportation organisation as well as US FAA will also need to do their inspections before new terminal is cleared, reason why there's 1 year delay in terminal getting full service state. Domestic flights might be operated from May 2016, but only if CAA gives its permission. At the earliest new terminal will be open for public sometimes in late 2016 after extensive testing for all domestic flights only, with terminal being fully certified by April 2017 when international flights are expected to commence.
Old terminal will be closed down and all new traffic will be directed at new terminal, old terminal will remain operational till mid 2017, but with new terminal completion old terminal will be shut down with some proposals for old terminal being turned in to LCC base, if more LCC operator can be enticed to come to Zagreb, namely EasyJet, Norwegian, GermanWings, Veling, RyanAir, WizzAir, and so on.
Zagreb is expected to handle 5.0 million pax by 2020, and 8.0 million by 2030
Hmm cute.
DeleteOne big LOL. How does he imagine that Zagreb will double the number of pax in less than 5 years, that's beyond me.
DeleteEven though it is theoretically possible that Zagreb handles 5 million pax, none of the reasons you mentioned would be the main factor.
DeleteThat can ONLY happen if Qatar or some powerful airline buys Croatian, and implements the same model as it was done with Air Serbia.
You keep writing essays about the terminal, but the fact is terminals don't fly! The reason why Zagreb has less passengers is because of its main airline, demographics etc, not because there are not enough new terminals!
Those low costs that you mentioned.. It is still O&D type of traveling. You won't gain too much. You need to connect Beirut with Paris, Zagreb with Moscow, Tirana with Stockholm, in order to succeed!
Even though it is theoretically possible that Zagreb handles 5 million pax, none of the reasons you mentioned would be the main factor.
DeleteThat can ONLY happen if Qatar or some powerful airline buys Croatian, and implements the same model as it was done with Air Serbia.
You keep writing essays about the terminal, but the fact is terminals don't fly! The reason why Zagreb has less passengers is because of its main airline, demographics etc, not because there are not enough new terminals!
Those low costs that you mentioned.. It is still O&D type of traveling. You won't gain too much. You need to connect Beirut with Paris, Zagreb with Moscow, Tirana with Stockholm, in order to succeed!
like Budapest which does not have any connection or domestic company but still has 7,5% increase of passengers and some 1 million more passengers since MALEV bancrupcy.
DeleteYou are not seriously comparing BUD and ZAG? Plus, Hungary has only one real airport which funnels all of the country's traffic.
DeleteLook at SKP. Without Wizz Air the new terminal wouldn't be of much use. Same scenario applies for ZAG. You should pray OU pulls its act together.
"Zagreb is expected to handle 5.0 million by 2020, and 8.0 million by 2030"
DeleteI guess he is counting the number of bricks brought-in for the construction and not the actual number of pax. That way it seems very real.
This will definitely be encouraging if true.
DeleteZagreb needs growth for the investment to be successful by the operators and I'm sure they will do what they can to achieve solid growth in the coming years.
But I will agree that OU now cannot rely on anymore on organic growth and needs to move to create a real hub system in Zagreb. Will be interesting to see what direction the airline takes.
@AnonymousFebruary 24, 2015 at 10:15 PM
DeleteAir Serbia model indeed is one way to go for OU but from a financial point it would be ill advised model to follow.
OU will expand in 2017 and go back to n normal trading in 2016 after EU imposed restrictions are lifted. OU is expected to add few more routes and increase passenger numbers by 8% in 2016 and about same in 2017, although 4 ordered airbus aircraft are to join the fleet that year so number of routes should go up and number of operations as well, with significant increase in passengers is expected as a result of fleet expansion.
I think OU could with a fleet of 16-17 aircraft by 2020 handle around 3.25 million passengers and 70% of that from its hub in Zagreb, or around 2.3 million, by 2020 OU's market share at Zagreb airport should fall down to 45% if not lower, with foreign carriers playing increasingly significant role at Zagreb airport, in 2014 OU's market share at Zagreb airport fell to 58.4%, this year that %g is expected to go further down to 55% and in 2016 down to 50%.
So far this year we know that Montenegro Airlines , Brussels and Airlines, Swiss are coming to Zagreb, with highly likely return of Alitalia, SAS and Czech Air this year as well, I think we can safely say Zagreb will hit 5 million pax without OU's major expansion Air Serbia experienced in one year.
OU' is expected to handle 2 million pax this year, it handled same number in 2012, so hitting 3.0 for OU won't be that difficult once they exist EU imposed restructuring, another reason for my assertion that 5.0 million is quite doable and possible.
Assuming OU hits 2.5 million pax in 2017, and 2.25 million in 2016, and we see arrival of at least another 10 carriers to Zagreb with 250-300 annual operations to Zagreb each, than numbers for 2016 and 2017 should look like this. imposed on current projections.
Zagreb traffic in 2014 in 000: (projected 2015) {2016} [2017]
Jan: 135.4 (150) {170} [200]
Feb: 128.4 (140) {160} [185]
Mar: 175.5 (200) {225) [255]
Apr: 192.4 (215) {245} [300]
May: 217.8 (250) {280} [325]
Jun: 243.9 (285) {325} [375]
Jul: 260.7 (310) {355} [420]
Aug: 269.7 (315) {370} [430]
Sep: 251.3 (290) {335} [375]
Oct: 226.2 (260) {300} [340]
Nov: 175.6 (200) {225} [255]
Dec: 163.6 (185) {210} [245]
OU's share at Zagreb airport would also fall, from current 58.5% in 2014 to 50% in 2017.
I highly doubt YM will be coming to Zagreb if they plan on cooperating with the Etihad alliance.
DeleteFurthermore, where will OU expand to? It's not like markets are only waiting for them to start flying there. The aviation industry changes on a daily basis and it will be extremely difficult for OU to position itself. Just look at their catastrophic performance in Pristina or Skopje. What makes you think they will do any better elsewhere? They will not because of their state of mind.
So be happy if OU manages to handle 2.5 million passengers in the next few years.
As far as JU goes, I would like to remind you that they are about to announce a profit soon, a modest profit but a profit nevertheless.
Help two students from Zagreb achieving their pilot dream by following the link below or sharing, making a post and spreading the word:) All help is very appreciated!:)
Dang in Europe pilots have to pay for their own type rating? That is crazy. Doesn't even make sense to be a pilot then I guess.
DeleteIn America, all my friends who graduated before me got their ATPL and type ratings paid for by their airline.
Or, you can just get the airlines to pay for it like they should!
DeleteAs in America most airlines will pay for your type rating. Some low cost carriers will ask you to pay for the type rating up front but will pay you back in installments usually fully paid back in 3 years. If the pilot leaves the company say in 18 months then the pilot will usually only be paid back 50% of the cost. This is done by airlines as an incentive to stay on. I can understand the airlines position here as pilot are readily poached once they get some Jet airline time experience under their belts.
What I don't agree is that the LCC usually charge an over inflated price for the rating. The 2 students above have quoted $15000. Jetstar here in Australia charge $33000 last time I checked.
What the 2 students above have to be really careful of is that most airlines will not accept a type rating done by a third party so it could all just be a complete waist of money.
I could go into more details and give some horror story examples too of very smart pilots I know who went down this path and as a result and a long time can't find employment in western countries. Crazy stuff but it just leads you into the wrong direction if you want to invest in becoming a pilot.
I am being vague here a bit and I am not saying that all who chose to pay for a type rating wont become successful pilots but it does seem to be frowned upon here in Australia by the main airlines.
To the 2 students above, if you are employable as a pilot you will get a flying job and the airline who employs you will direct your training. You night have to pay for it but at least you should get it back. To build up hours, you might have to consider going bush, Africa for example.
Thanks for all the information, Q400. In America, it is very frowned upon for a pilot to pay for anything besides basic training because that cheapens the profession for everyone.
DeleteHere is the how it flows in America, and overall it is better than paying for training.
Flight school (student pays)
-Flight Instructor
First Job (Paid poorly, but still earns a little money)
Choose one:
-Flight instructor (most common)
-pipeline patrol
-skydiving pilot
-small cargo plane pilot (Cessna caravan)
-commuter plane pilot (Cessna 402c)
First airline jobs are acquired after 1500tt. The airline usually wants to see the pilot has completed an ATP written test. The airline then pays for the ATP, type, and they do the whole indoctrination process. Training is usually not part of salary, but housing and food is usually taken care of. First year pay at the regional airlines is very poor (~$25.000) but it grows a bit from there. The regionals fly a lot of erj145 and crj200 planes.
After upgrading to captain and getting a few thousand PIC hours (pilot in command), the pilot can then find a job at the majors (delta, United). Finally, here is where the real money starts!
I wouldn't do it any other way. Pilots paying for their own training cheapens the entire profession. If paying for their own type is actually common in Europe, the unions should seriously look into that!
That looks like a really tough and poor experience to me. It meas that when your 40 years old you will get a decent job. In Canada minimum wage is 20k so that means that pilots in US are payed like people with benefits or people who work in a supermarket. VERY SAD!
Delete^ Regional pilots, I know pilots in Delta and United have much higher salaries
DeleteAnon 12:01. Um only regional first officers get paid poorly. Regional captains start around $70.000, which is okay. These days, upgrades at the regionals in America take about 3-5 years.
DeletePurely based on the number of mandatory retirements schedules for 2017-2020 at United, Delta, and American, there will be some really rapid movement in the pilot market in America. I think we will be seeing a lot of first officers at the majors under the age of 30.
Does anyone saw that lately price between BEG and TGD are now cheaper with YM than with ASL? Usualy ASL was cheaper on that route.