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Serbia to set up single airport operator in a bid to attract investors |
The Serbian government has announced plans to launch a state-run company to manage up to 25 of the country’s airports, including Belgrade, by April. The public company running Belgrade Airport will be renamed to “Airports of Serbia” with more than twenty smaller airports to be added to its managing portfolio. The move is believed to be in relation to the upcoming concession of Serbia’s busiest airport, through which the future operator will also gain control to the rest of the country’s airport infrastructure. The Serbian Minister for Construction, Transport and Infrastructure, Zorana Mihajlović, says the company will be set up either next month or in April. “Airports of Serbia is not just an idea, its formation is planned for March or April. A lot of work has already been done in setting up the company”, Ms. Mihajlović says.
Airports which will fall under the new state-run enterprise include Niš, Kraljevo and Užice. Previously, Ms. Mihajlović said, “We are not setting up a stand-alone company, rather, these airports will be added to the “Aerodrom Beograd” operator which manages Belgrade Airport. By developing smaller airports, as well as our busiest, we will improve passenger numbers and boost tourism and traffic”. The creation of a state-run operator for Serbia’s airports could increase Belgrade Airport’s concession price. Late last year, the Serbian government said it would decide on Belgrade Airport’s expansion model by June 2015. Furthermore, the country’s Prime Minister, Aleksandar Vučić, ruled out plans to sell the airport, noting that the government was considering whether to offer a concession or invest in the airport on its own, with the former being the likelier option.
Last week, the Serbian Civil Aviation Directorate allocated just over 70.000 euros for Užice’s Ponikve Airport in Western Serbia, while Belgrade Airport donated necessary equipment. The donations are aimed at raising safety levels at the airport. Staff from Užice will undergo training at Belgrade Airport in the coming weeks. Several million euros have already been invested into Ponikve Airport over the past five years. The European Union granted 550.000 euros for the development of the airport’s master plan in 2011, while a further two million euros were pledged at an international donor’s conference. Ponikve Airport is a military air base which was used for commercial purposes during the 1990s by JAT as a stop on its domestic flights from Belgrade to Podgorica and Tivat. The airport was destroyed in 1999 by NATO with undetonated bombs recently cleared around the airport’s perimeter. It currently caters for private and taxi charters. It handled its first international flight in July last year when representatives from a Belgian company jetted in from Brussels.
Last week, the Serbian Civil Aviation Directorate allocated just over 70.000 euros for Užice’s Ponikve Airport in Western Serbia, while Belgrade Airport donated necessary equipment. The donations are aimed at raising safety levels at the airport. Staff from Užice will undergo training at Belgrade Airport in the coming weeks. Several million euros have already been invested into Ponikve Airport over the past five years. The European Union granted 550.000 euros for the development of the airport’s master plan in 2011, while a further two million euros were pledged at an international donor’s conference. Ponikve Airport is a military air base which was used for commercial purposes during the 1990s by JAT as a stop on its domestic flights from Belgrade to Podgorica and Tivat. The airport was destroyed in 1999 by NATO with undetonated bombs recently cleared around the airport’s perimeter. It currently caters for private and taxi charters. It handled its first international flight in July last year when representatives from a Belgian company jetted in from Brussels.
What a joke, 25 airports? There is only one operational airport in serbia, this is just a way to shift belgrade losses to other "airports".
ReplyDeleteWhat losses?
DeleteThis is the same guy who probably thinks that 787s and A380s would be flying from Nis if it wasn't for JU and Belgrade's centralism.
DeleteThere are no losses in BEG.
Nis has its chance now, let them prove us all wrong.
DeleteFor years they have been crying how BEG has been killing them. Well, Belgrade has arranged flights for them so it's up to them to fill them now.
No, it is upside down. Those airports with no traffic (and totally in red) will be financed from Belgrade profit. Now Belgrade with its money will pay for paycheques and costs of those airports. And that is the way how Nis can give price of 1 EUR per passenger to Wizzair and others. Rest of the money to real price will be paid from Belgrade.
DeleteAnd how than this will make Belgrade concession better, Belgrade more attractive to possible concessionaire, and from where will Belgrade find money for necessary and urgent expansion?
Well, the government may have the idea of securing the survival (read: jobs/salaries) of INI and other airports by incorporating them together with BEG and then selling the ownership over the entire package. This way, they would not have to think about INI or KVO anymore - somebody else would. And the government would get rid of the cost of salaries in all those airports.
DeleteCute plan it is. The only problem is, would any investor buy such package? Who would buy one decent airport, one barely alive airport, one ghost airport, one still-unexploded-bombs-around airport and a bunch of lawn stripes called airports for some reason? I would really like to see such investor...
But then again, such crazy airport corporation that no one wants may as well be the government's real goal. They get the perfect excuse not to give BEG into concession and they can continue to use it to support ASL's growth.
One thing I am sure of: no country in exYU can have a super-modern airport operating under concession and a strong national carrier at the same time.
Is there anything we won't sell?
ReplyDeleteYes. Our souls. . . . . Oh, wait...
DeleteFor Vucic and SNS, no...
DeleteOT: u ZAG je jedan C17? USAF?
ReplyDeleteNow the new corporation managing board will know the best what INI needs as well as what Morava needs.
ReplyDeleteWhat idiots!
Држава је пред банкротом, већ годинама се наставља тренд рециклирања неспособних партија и политичара. Вртимо се у круг а са почетком сваког новог круга додаје се још терета на грбачу овог напаћеног народа.
ReplyDeleteОва небулоза од јавног предузећа није ништа више од још једног начина пресипања из шупљег у празно. Иако је обећано да ће се државни апарт смањити мене чисто занима кога ће запослити у ово предузеће.
Као што је горе написано, ово је само механизам отимања пара од Николе Тесле како би се финансирали неспособни директори широм Србије, почев од Ниша.
To je sve sto trebamo da cujemo o ovoj nebulozi. Iako svi aerodromi mogu da rade u ogranicenom obimu ovo ce biti samo odlivanje novca sa BEG.
ReplyDeleteBas me zanima dali bi koncesionar buduci kupio to preduzece ili samo LYBE.
Pa preduzece se stvara da bi koncesionar dobio sve. Na taj nacin ce se resiti svega. Trenutno i gace rasporadjemo. Juce su na prodaju stavljeni tenkovi i vojna oprema. Ziveo drug Vucic.
DeleteМислим да би достигли врхунац своје менталне ретардираности када би пробали да продају све аеродроме заједно... примарно зато што нико нормалан не би купио било кој сем Београда.
DeleteMislim da je cilj i da daju koncesiju nad BEG-om a da ostali aerodromi idu u paketu za dz posto im je jasno da to nikada samostalno ne bi uspeli da ih prodaju.
DeleteМогу да им дају за џабе када ће изгубити милионе ради одржавања аеродрома без икакве комерцијалне вредности. У Србији постоје само три аеродрома који могу да преживе: Београд, Ниш и Краљево.
DeleteНаравно ова два уз ванљудске напоре. Ниш ће бити литмус тест за даље ширење ваздухопловства.
@Anonymous 11:57 AM, To su Tenkovi jos samo po obliku... inace staro gvozdje.
DeleteNazalost neverujem da ce koncesionar da ulozi milione u INI-KVO posto nema nekog potencijala.
DeleteJedino da INI pretvore u Cargo Aerodrom ali ni od toga nema nista.
Ниш за сада показује добре знаке. Визер солидно продаје карте што их је охрабрило да пусте додатну линију. Наравно како додају учесталости тако ће бити и финансијски позитивнији аеродром.
DeleteТаквом моделу пословања је потребан велики обрт путника да би остварили солидне финансијске резултате.
Ja barem cisto sumnjam da ce se isplatiti koncesionaru iplatiti i ostalih 24 ako ih bude uzimao.
DeleteSta vi kazete Aэrologic posto ste jedan od vecih strucnjaka ovde :)
Наравно да се неће исплатити, нико то није ни рекао овде. Једина три аеродрома која имају неку шансу су, уз Београд, Ниш и Краљево.
DeleteThe main goal should be to establish a clear long-term strategy that would ensure complementarity and that airports would not overlap each other, for example:
Delete- BEG: Air Serbia hub, legacy carriers, cargo center
- NIS: Low-cost airport
- UZC: Primarily touristic airport that should catter to the resorts in of Tara and Zlatibor in South-western Serbia, that should go in parallel with an international campaign to make that beautiful region of Serbia known to the worldwide tourists (which also fits into ASL's agenda)
That's the first reaction you'd have but in my opinion, Kraljevo is the best alternative for the Serbia's Kutaisi (exclusive LCC airport), a much better option than INI and that could at the same time replace Uzice due to its superb central position, while not being far from neither Nis or Belgrade (removing the need to develop Batajnica as a low-cost airport on long-term).
Further than that, from now-on the Airports of Serbia should be closely integrated with Serbian railways with a possibility of AoS buying a share in the later. The developments must be closely coordinated in order to ensure the development of both the air and adjacent rail-traffic since two are often interdependent (efficient rail transport to the airports or cities near to them, Belgrade airport railway station etc.). All that would require minimum investments due to existing railway lines (both in Nis and Belgrade) but maximum coordination and strategy.
Optional and depending on other developments:
- BJY: Belgrade region low-cost airport
- BNX to be included as part ownership
- TIV, TGD: Acquisition to be set as a condition in an eventual takeover of YM by JU
Since an incredible load of lies and delusions that we haven't seen in a long time coming from his excellence was posted yesterday, i feel my duty to repost my yesterdays rebuttal of Purger's claims (you'll maybe have to save the picture on your HDD for good resolution):
Никада ми није било јасно зашто народ инсистира да ЈУ треба да купи Монтенегро. Ништа не добијају од тога. Једноставније и јефтиније је да једноставно пусте да пропадне, што ће се десити за максимум две сезоне.
DeleteOd juce nisam vise prvak u lupanju gluposti na ovom Blogu posto me je skinuo sa trona ahahah =D
but in same time Air Serbia has bad LF with very bad yield
Ali ovo nisam ocekivao da ce da napise posto je to teska ne istina a rado bi napisao nekoliko linija koje posluju dobro ali ne smem bojim se da im nebu muka :) :)
Јој ИНН друже, када ћеш научити мало боље да пишеш?
DeleteNobody insists JU should buy Montenegro, but in the case they do, it should come with Montenegro's two airports.
DeleteIf JU buys MGX, in total JU would have a very big monopoly on air traffic out of Montenegro. If they also take over all the airports, it could be very bad because they would have a conflict of interest. Either develop the airports or develop their own business.
DeleteOn the topic of Airports of Serbia, BEG and INI are now accounted for. I don't think any other airport should be developed unless an airline agrees to develop it, similar to the Wizz situation in INI.
I must remind you that TIV was owned by JAT and was robed by Djukanovic for silly amount of money which was not paid in full. I do not think ASL will make offer for MGX.
DeleteAnd it shouldn't have, in case they go bust ASL should just increase the frequencies from Montenegro.
DeleteIn my opinion, during the summer months they should have 7-8 daily flights with the Atr while the 13.45 flight should be an A319.
DeleteOK guys, do you have any better idea of how to finance INI, I mean how to pay salaries, first ? How you could finance an airport with passenger service of only 1 EUR, and landing, handling, parking, lighting etc with only 2 EUR per passenger ? These fees are applicable for all airplanes, even for smaller ones.
ReplyDeleteBringing Wizz Air was definitely a move in the right direction. They will finally have some cash flow which should reduce their dependency on the government.
DeleteSecond of all, now that there are going to be scheduled flights, the airport can open a café, shops and so on which will provide the airport with additional income so as to compensate for the low charges.
Naturally, I wouldn't be surprised if the airport itself has far more employees than it needs. A chronic issue in Serbia.
Let's hope Yamal returns with the summer charters as they had previously announced!
DeleteWhat will Air Serbia say about all those airports merging? And when their "quiet period" is over in a couple of weeks, are they going to provide an update on the status of USA flights?
ReplyDeleteThis morning JU600 BEG-VIE was diverted back to BEG just before approaching VIE. In Belgrade the airplane was changed and now JU601 VIE-BEG is heading to BEG but is 3:30 h late. Any info what had been happening ?
ReplyDeleteHow on earth do they think that joining all these airports will result in increased sale or concession price is beyond me. They probably think that if they do this there is going to be more assets and naturally suitors are going to jump at the opportunity and pony up even more money. They seem to be forgetting liabilities that go with it (operating costs, salaries, required investments etc). Just another example of politicians coming up with ideas that don’t make any business sense
ReplyDeleteYU-ANK to Banja Luka!
ReplyDeleteYes, and 2 A320 to Podgorica and Tivat. But all of that was decided during last 2 hours, It is likely that ATRs go out of service one by one.
DeleteI think some Atrs are undergoing their C checks. It's been a year since some of them underwent them.
DeleteIn fact no, all 5 ATRs were in service in last 3 days. This morning 4 of them were supposed to fly in the afternoon, but now we see only 2 of them airborne.
DeleteYes, it was a last minute substitution.
DeleteBEG-BNX 39 (59%)
BNX-BEG 29 (44%)
Actually loads for an Atr would not have been bad at all! I am sure passengers were happy enough when they got an upgrade.
^ can you post a few other loads on today's flights
Wow seems like BNX is doing quite well. Good for them. At least that should shut some people up regarding this being a purely political flight.
DeleteDuring all 2014 long there were exactly 30 PAX per flight, overall 320 flights. Some 20 flights were operated by SAAB-2000. Load factor 47%. Really quite good because the start of the route was bad.
DeleteYes, in the beginning it was abysmal, I remember once there were 6 passengers. :D
DeleteAlso, I think the average is 30 because of the bad start. That route has developed nicely.
Deleteok, malo da manemo politike, i da vidimo kako su drugi uradili. Portugalija ima ANA Aeroportos de Portugal, koja upravlja sa 8 aerodroma u zemlji (prodato Vinci-ju). u Francuskoj imamo ADP, koji upravlja sa tri pariska aerodroma (CDG, ORY i LBG) i još 10 pista, gde je država vlasnik 52%. u međuvremenu su se proširili na još osam koje upravljaju ili su vlasnici (uključujući i ZAG). ima još zemalja da ne gušim mnogo, ali šta je poenta. ovakva firma ne mora obavezno da znači nešto loše, već može da bude i dobro, jer se više aerodroma objedinjuje, dele prihode i troškove, investicije, centralizuje se nabavka, smanjuju se troškovi, objedinjuju se trening i obuka, itd, itd.
ReplyDeletenaravno, ovo preduzeće treba da se sastoji od max 5 aerodroma (staviću ICAO jer nemaju svi IATA): LYBE, LYNI, LYKV, LYUZ i LYVR (aerodromi koji imaju međunarodni status ili su u procesu konverzije). ostale aerodorme i poljane NE TREBA uvrštavati u preduzeće Aerodromi Srbije AD (treba da bude AD) jer oni neće biti konvertovani u putničko-teretne aerodrome u skorije vreme niti su neki planirani za tako nešto. kada budu konvertovani, onda Aerodromi mogu da konkurišu za kupovinu/menadžment tih aerodroma
Češka je isto interesantan primer, tamo postoji Czech Aeroholding u 100% državnom vlasništvu a u okviru njega zajedno posluju nacionalni prevoznik (ČSA) i najveći aerodrom (PRG). Pri tome je ČSA unutra sve sa tehnikom i čarter firmom. Korean Air ima svojih 42% ali oni ne samo da su nadjačani unutar ČSA gde država i dalje ima većinski paket već iza toga ide još jedan krug državnog vlasništva u tom aeroholdingu.
DeleteSve sto si rekao definitivno stoji. Imati jednu grupaciju koju cine vise aerodroma, definitvno postoje synergies koje, ako pravilno iskoristene mogu znaciti ustedu. Medjutim, razlka izmedju baalkana generalno i primjera koje ti pominjes da su te firme biznisi koje vlada tretira na taj nacin. Znaci profesionalan menadzment, nema partijskog uhljebljavanja plus i sto je mozda i najbitnije vece drzave sa puno, puno vise putnika (samo Lisbon je skoro 20M u poredjennju sa 5M u citavoj Srbiji). Svi su vjerovatno poceli kao BEG (investirala drzava na pocetku) ali su vremenom prerasli unesto ozbiljno. Problem je sto BEG a I vecina drzavnih biznisa jos uvijek zivi u tom vremenu
Znaci to o cemu ti govoris stoji ali nisam siguran da je primjenjivo i realno u nasem slucaju. Ovo meni vise zvuci kao nece opstina vise zaposljavati svoje kadrove tu, nego ce se to dici na malo veci nivo.
Aerodromi Srbije kad se formiraju bice dati u koncesiju tako da tog partijskog zaposljavanja nece biti.Naravno da nemaju svi aerodromi perspektivu kao ANT ali bar 5,6 moze pre svega zbog turizma da ima godisnje oko 50k putnika.Uzmite recimo Uzice zbog Zlatibora hoce neki rus,amer,britanac nebitno da dodje a let samo do Bg a posle mlati se putevima a koji su znamo kakvi ovako sa operativnim aerodromom prednost je velika jer je usteda vremena velika a vreme je novac iako u Srbiji to nije slucaj.
ReplyDeleteI believe someone was asking yesterday about the OU regional loads. Actual for today:
OU654 ZAGSPU 4/119PAX A319
OU664 ZAGDBV 1/73PAX A319
Please note this information are not supposed to fuel any meaningless discussions.
Cool. Thanks.
DeleteYes, it was me. Thank you very much. Are those business and economy class passengers, right?
DeleteNo prob. :D
DeleteYes, they are.
What is the seat configuration for OU`s A319 and DH4?
DeleteOn Tuesday Etihad 777 cargo aircraft will be at BEG
ReplyDeleteWhat are they bringing?
DeleteProbably promotional material for the tourism fair.
DeleteBas dolazi kad ja nisam u Srbiji :(
DeleteAko ga bude neko slikao neka postavi sliku ovde bio bi mu mnogo zahvalan :)
Nadam se da ce dolaziti barem 1 mesecno :)
Let me tell you why "Airport of Serbia" is being established. Very clever: they know there is just one airport foreigners are willing to buy/invest into. That's BEG. They don't want that to happen, because of various reasons (special deal with ASL, SNS staff employed). Now they create a holding company with all unattractive airports in one package. Nobody will be interested. Mrs. Mihajlovic will say: "I am sorry, nobody is willing to invest". So, miracle, the whole construct will remain state owned. In the meantime there is a bureaucratic job monster established (Aerodromi Srbije), at a very good Belgrade address and lots, lots of daughters and sons of SNS party members employed. Directors, secretaries, inspectors, drivers, messengers....All other local staff at various airport also remain in charge. Hope now bells ring!?
ReplyDeleteI agree that it will be a vehicle for party nepotism but people don't want BEG to be privatised anyway. Seems like a lot of trouble to "pull wool" over peoples eyes, unless its more for the EU. Whats more concerning to me is the idea that IF someone bought this "package" they would own/control every single airport in Serbia, even if realistically, only one is operational.
Delete'the' owner' will control much of the civil aviation. We are going to good old days of '80s, except, this time UAE is the owner.
DeleteToday was a great day at BEG and for JU.
ReplyDeleteBEG-ZAG JU230 38
ZAG-BEG JU231 59
BEG-ZAG JU234 51
ZAG-BEG JU235 42
Other loads were pretty good as well. CDG and ZRH getting above 90% once again... It seems that the dead season is hopefully coming to an end...
Interesting that JU 235 has 42 passengers given that there is only Abu Dhabi tonight... ok and Moscow through its codeshare with SU.
DeleteWhere is that lunatic who said that flights to Zagreb are empty?
If these numbers are true, it is a LF of 72%. Certainly not bad for February.
DeleteI know this isn't a political blog, but I can't hold this in anymore. Vucic and the SNS are about the worst f**king thing to happen to this country this century. I thought the DS-SPS gov was bad, this is just ridiculous...
ReplyDeleteThat is your opinion. I think this is the most capable government we had since the mid 80's. We Serbs tend to criticise everything that's beneficial and have a weird fascination and appreciation for anything that's detrimental to us. Open your window and smell the roses. The grass is not always greener on the other side.
DeleteOh you poor naive child...
DeleteNo wonder Air Serbia does not want to fly to Toronto. Crew would hate spending a night there at -23 C (feels like -30) and 50cm of snow!
ReplyDeleteOhhh don't be like that, it's only -20 today, sunday though -38 windchill brrr. But they would put them in a downtown hotel and since tgere is whole city underneath it they wouldn't have to go out at all.
DeleteDon't think so, they are still using old Boeing 737 to save money, so crew would likely stay at some Redneck Motel by the airport to save $$$.
DeleteHahaha from what I've seen JU crew usually layovers in Le Meridien, not bad.
DeleteSorry no Le Meridien in Toronto! But there is White Knight Motel right next to the runway on Dixie Rd, two stars and maybe without bed bugs!
DeleteMid January I was upgraded to business class on AirSebia flight to Frankfurt, because economy was full.
ReplyDeleteIt seems to me, with the EU companies - such Wizz is - coming to Serbia, an airport - such INI is - can go out of control.
ReplyDeleteThe authorities from Belgrade know very well what Wizz has done with its direct flights at TZL. So, if Whizz do the same at INI, and later at Morava, BEG will experience a significant decline in passengers.
Setting up a Serbian-airport-operator corporation will forestall the deals and taking the passengers away from BEG; and Air Serbia of course.
DeleteGov't will go to great lengths to protect AirSerbia and interests of UAE. After all, $1bn loan is only nominally at concessionary rate. Real cost is much higher.
Air Aerbia, sooner or later.
DeleteIme "Air Serbia" je izabrano da se zamaže činjenica da pola kompanije nje više u vlasništvu Srbije.