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Air Serbia's summer |
The 2015 summer season is just a month away and will come into effect on March 29 until October 24. According to its preliminary schedule, Air Serbia will be making several changes to its operations this summer. The airline will boost services to Amsterdam, Brussels, Ljubljana, Prague, Tirana and Tivat. The carrier will operate double daily flights to Amsterdam and Prague on select days during the summer, amounting to a total of ten weekly services. Compared to last year, flights to Brussels will operate daily, while services to Ljubljana will be doubled to fourteen per week, with a mix of ATR 72s and Boeing 737-300s maintaining the route throughout the season. In addition, flights to Tirana, which were launched three times per week late into last summer, will be increased to daily. Although Air Serbia will maintain three daily flights to Tivat, it will operate an additional five weekly services to the city during the peak summer months of June, July and August. A mix of Airbus and ATR aircraft will run the service. The airline will resume all of its seasonal flights which include Split, Dubrovnik, Pula, Varna and Malta.
On the other hand, Air Serbia will also reduce frequencies to several destinations. Notably, the airline will decrease services to Rome by seven and Banja Luka and Tel Aviv by two weekly flights. Following Etihad's acquisition of Alitalia late last year, the European Commission feared that a monopoly on flights between Rome and Belgrade could lead to higher prices and a loss of service quality for passengers. As a result, Air Serbia and Alitalia submitted commitments to release up to two daily slot pairs at Rome Fiumicino and Belgrade airports to one or more interested new entrants, which has resulted in a drop in the number of weekly frequenecies operated on the route by both airlines. According to early changes in the Global Distribution System (GDS) in late December last year, services to Banja Luka were initially planned to operate nine times per week this summer but these have since been scrapped. This summer, the carrier also plans to cut one of its weekly services to both Split and Dubrovnik. Air Serbia will continue to use its Boeing 737s on several scheduled routes this season, mostly on flights to the Adriatic coast, with Ljubljana being the exception. The airline will maintain a significant number of charter flights during the summer months through its leisure brand Aviolet.
Air Serbia will continue to operate daily flights on its signature route to Abu Dhabi and will run another daily service between the two cities on Etihad's behalf, with its own crew and equipment, until June 1, after which the Emirati carrier will resume flying between the two capitals with its own aircraft and staff.
Please note that the changes listed below are preliminary and based on current availability in the GDS. Air Serbia is prone to making additional changes mid-way through the season, as was the case last year when it announced services to Pula and Tirana well into the summer and boosted frequencies to Dubrovnik, Split and Prague. Furthermore, the table below displays the peak weekly frequency on each route during the course of the summer season. Increases in frequencies, particularly to Athens, Larnaca, Warsaw and Tivat do not come into effect until later on in the summer. Seasonal flights to Split and Dubrovnik will run until the end of the summer season, while services to Pula, Varna and Malta will operate until mid-September.
EX-YU Aviation News will be bringing you summer season changes for each national carrier in the former Yugoslavia over the next month.
EX-YU Aviation News will be bringing you summer season changes for each national carrier in the former Yugoslavia over the next month.
Destination | Frequency S2014 | Frequency S2015 | Change | Notes |
Abu Dhabi | 7 | 7 | - | - |
Amsterdam | 7 | 10 | ▲ 3 | - |
Athens | 14 | 14 | - | - |
Banja Luka | 7 | 5 | ▼ 2 | - |
Beirut | 5 | 5 | - | - |
Berlin | 7 | 7 | - | - |
Brussels | 6 | 7 | ▲ 1 | - |
Bucharest | 7 | 7 | - | - |
Budapest | 7 | 7 | - | - |
Copenhagen | 7 | 7 | - | - |
Dubrovnik | 6 | 5 | ▼ 1 | resumes MAY16 |
Dusseldorf | 7 | 7 | - | - |
Frankfurt | 7 | 7 | - | - |
Istanbul | 7 | 7 | - | - |
Larnaca | 7 | 7 | - | - |
Ljubljana | 7 | 14 | ▲ 7 | - |
London - Heathrow | 9 | 9 | - | - |
Malta | 2 | 2 | - | resumes JUN16 |
Milan | 7 | 7 | - | - |
Moscow | 14 | 14 | - | - |
Paris | 14 | 14 | - | - |
Podgorica | 21 | 21 | - | - |
Pula | 3 | 3 | - | resumes JUN16 |
Prague | 8 | 10 | ▲ 2 | - |
Rome | 14 | 7 | ▼ 7 | - |
Sarajevo | 7 | 7 | - | - |
Sofia | 7 | 7 | - | - |
Split | 5 | 4 | ▼ 1 | resumes MAY15 |
Skopje | 14 | 14 | - | - |
Stockholm | 7 | 7 | - | - |
Stuttgart | 7 | 7 | - | - |
Tel Aviv | 7 | 5 | ▼ 2 | - |
Tirana | 3 | 7 | ▲ 4 | - |
Tivat | 21 | 26 | ▲ 5 | - |
Thessaloniki | 14 | 14 | - | - |
Varna | 4 | 4 | - | resumes JUN15 |
Vienna | 14 | 14 | - | - |
Warsaw | 7 | 7 | - | - |
Zagreb | 0 | 14 | ▲ 14 | - |
Zurich | 14 | 14 | - | - |
The sixth Atr is supposed to come in about two months so I am sure more changes are to come.
ReplyDeleteRegards from AUH
Malta would be nice if would be more than twice. Or from Niš. Too many Niš people in Malta, who go to Sofia or Budapest.
ReplyDeleteGreat to see Tirana up. I don't think anyone else is interested in flying to Rome. I noticed Alitalia also had to reduce its frequency to BEG this summer because of this commitment to European Commission.
ReplyDeletesamo jedan ATR, pa bilo je dosta n.p. UTair Ukrainovih..?
ReplyDeleteYou can also count SKP in the cities with reduced frequency, its 14 weekly only during peak season unlike last year when it was double daily troughout SS14.
ReplyDeleteKada jednog dana Air Serbia odluči da penzioniše 737 mogli bi jedan avion, umesto da ga iseku, da pretvore u spomenik na aerodromu. Ako ne zbog skoro tri decenije besprekorne službe, onda bar zbog zasluga za sprečavanje raspada reda letenja u zadnjih godinu i po dana. Živelo prasence!
ReplyDeleteTe godine besprekornog rada su najviše zbog izuzetno malo sati eksploatacije izmedju 1990 i 2003.
DeleteSve je super ali umesto 10 do ams mogli su 3 do bcn. i umesto 9 do lhr, mogli su 2 do osl.
ReplyDeleteSa pozicije aviokompanije, ne bi bilo baš pametno jer bi er srbija morala da dampinguje cene jer se bori sa vuelingom na istoj liniji. I umesto da nabije cene preko leta kao i svaka normalna kompanija, morala bi da smanjuje, a i ovako nema neki predobar LF. Plus i sam taj vueling ide tri puta nedeljno, što nije prevelika potražnja. Što znači da ni avioni ne bi bili skroz puni.
DeleteSa Oslom se u potpunosti slažem sa tobom.
da ti kazem nesto. dok je spanair leteo 3x nedeljno za bcn nesto vise od godinu dana, svaki let je bio gotovo pun krcat. tacnije tih nekih 10ak letova koje sam ja koristio. barselona je od izuzetne vaznosti kao destinacija. daleko daleko jaca od npr madrida. a opet, gotovo svakih 10 dana u toku leta koristim liniju za solun, na kojoj je u proseku 70 ljudi i to samo oni letovi u 13:20. ne smem ni da pomislim koliko je ljudi na nocnim letovima za ath ili skg. zaista su 319ce za ath i skg mogle da se iskoriste za nove destinacije. ako nemas direktnu ponudu, nemas ni direktnu traznju. mnogo ljudi koristi lufthansine letove preko muc-a i fra da bi stigli do ham-a ili pak haj-a, ili cak wizz do dortmunda da bi kasnije vozom ili busom otisli do hamburga. treba razmisljati o sirenju ponude. a ako cemo u lf-u, ima ga samo na 5-7 jakih linija. cak je i london cesto los u zimskim mesecima, ali to ne znaci da ga treba smanjiti sa 7 na 5.. da zakljucim, jednostavno ne mogu da pronadjem logiku da asl nikako ne uspeva da pokrene pitanje letova za bcn. evo npr waw. cene karata na lotu za povratne letove sa svim tax su gotovo mesecima oko 10ak hiljada din. nije mi jasno kako se to lot-u, a i asl-u isplati?
DeleteMožda zato što ima 40 milona Poljaka ;)
DeleteBanjaluka u ljetnjoj sezoni smanjena sa 7 na 5 puta. Menadžment aerodroma Banjaluka nije ništa uradio da dovede aerodromske službe u red i to se osjeća na saobraćaju. Nikakvog napretka. Na ovaj način, vremenom bi mogla pući ta linija.
DeleteБања Лука је првобитно планирана са 9 недељних летова, чак су били унети летови у систем. Због недостатка летелица ЈУ је била приморана да смањи на 5.
DeleteLOT želi da uzima transfer putnike koliko god može jer leti za ameriku. Želi da se proširi. ASL isto tako cilja na istočnu i srednju evropu, kao i na južnu. Zbog toga prag, varšava, kijev planiran, sofija. Zato mora da u prvo vreme bude neisplativo.
DeleteEr Srbija se ne koncentriše na letnje destinacije. I šta će joj sad barsa? Vidiš kako retko lete i na maltu? Zašto da se bore protiv lou kosta koji je stvarno odličan, sleće na glavni aerodrom? Ne kažem da sam skroz u pravu, ali postoje destinacije poput osla koje nisu još iskorišćene. Er Srbija bi imala smisla da leti tamo minimum dva puta nedeljno, šta će joj manje? A da li ima dovoljno potražnje za 5 letova nedeljno?
Solun ima i usred februara 70 putnika, što barsa nikad ne bi mogla. I zato se ne treba ukinuti. Nema ni podgorica uvek mnogo.. Možda grešim ali tako rezonujem...
Istočna evropa je marketinška niša i time se oni vode.
Rekao si da Er Srbija treba da proširi ponudu. Slažem se ali, zar nije već proširena? Ne možemo da uzimamo neke od linija zdravo za gotovo: budimpešta, sofija, solun, tel aviv varšava. Er Srbija je već dovoljno para izgubila time što leti tamo.
DeleteI naravno kad biraš da li ćeš da letiš u barselonu tri puta nedeljno preko leta ili ćeš da uspostaviš neku naviku kod npr zagrepčana, koja će ti posle nekog vremena biti profitabilna preko cele godine, naravno da ćeš ovo drugo. Ne može i istočna evropa i zapadna i španija i region i sve..
leti aviolet za gironu preko leta, nema zasad dovoljno putnika za barselonu iako su tamo svi iz beograda vec bili.
Deleteer srbija nije ni pokusala da leti za barselonu, za razliku od spanskih aviokompanijama. molim vas samo da mi ne pricate o vuelingu, jer je najjeftinija karta preko vuelinga (pod uslovom da je nadjes) 125e i to sa kofercetom od 55cm, ne zaboravimo da je to lowcoster. ako hoces kofer od 20 kg, onda je cena na vuelingu minimalna 185e, sto je cini tarifom legacy carriera. barselona ima oko 2 mil stanovnika, bas kao i beograd. tamo se nalazi sediste udruzenja srba u spaniji. casa serbia i kulturni centar su u madridu. u barseloni zivi negde oko 5,6 hiljada srba koji tokom godine dolaze u beograd vizerom preko temisvara, budimpeste ili svisom, lh, os preko vec njihovih gradova. barselona se u turistickim agencija prodaje kao city break destinacija upravo sa lh, os ili lx. ne mozes je jednostavnije ponuditi jer nema direktnih letova. da ne pricam o recimo konekciji barselone sa balkanom preko beg-a tokom godine. ponekad er srbija izbaci toliko jeftinu cenu karte (promocije i sl) da se ljudi odlucuju da preko beg-a putuju za split, ljubljanu, zagreb, sofiju i pored toga sto su svi ti gradovi direktnim linijama povezani sa gradovima u koje se putuje. itd itd. bas kao sto lot skuplja srbe preko waw-a za ameriku, skandinaviju i sl, tako moze i er srbija do iberijskog poluostrva. ako su mogli da isprobaju tlv prosle godine 7 pw, a ove 5pw, mogli su i bcn. vueling ima ogromnu cenu do beograda zato sto je bez konkurencije. da ne pricam o tome da na liniji za cph i arn zavisimo uglavnom od gastarbajtera pa su zimi te linije i 4pw. BCN ne samo da bi zavisila i od srpkih turista te spanaca, vec bi bila interesantna za tamosnju dijasporu kao i transfernim putnicima, kao sto je ocigledno i atinjanima i solunjanima iako iz ta dva grada imamo direktne letove po celoj evropi.
DeleteThere is one very important thing this schedule is tellings us: not a single new plane joining the fleet this year. Looking forward to the chaos this summer when one Atr brakes down and Aviolet to London <3 <3 <3
Delete^+1 If they could try TLV daily flights last summer, then why on earth would they not try either Barca or Madrid 5pw. This is not dreaming just reality. As for flights to North America as well as destinations to Tehran and Baku is still dreaming.
DeleteAlso +1 for ASL for increasing Tirana since there is potential plus I know from a friend that flights were full when he traveled. With addition of Spain and maybe Oslo BEG would be decently connected to Europe!
To što je Barselona city break destinacija zapravo ide u prilog njihovim cenama. Bude 100-120 evra bez prtljaga, ali meni i drugim omladincima taj prtljag ni ne treba. Uzmemo lepo ili odemo na pet-sedam dana, ili ako ćemo duže, a imamo društvo, podelimo prtljag na dva dela, takođe i cene, pa nas izađe opet dosta jeftinije nego sa nekim legacy carrier-om 160€ maksimum. I svakako nijedna aviokompanija nije luda da usred sezone daje karte po ceni manjoj od 200 evra za let od dva ipo sata. I to za barselonu, ej..
Deletebarselona kao city break se prodaje tokom cele godine, znas? neko ko nije omladinac moze da uzme mini break u februaru, martu, aprilu, maju. u avgustu sam uglavnom na nekom od grckih ostrva, eventualno kanarska ostrva. volim i crveno more, ali i indijski okean. uostalom asl sa 4 dnevna do grcke tokom leta toliko zaradi da bi verovatno finansijski mogli da podrze godisnju barselonu. da ne pricam o sezonskim destinacijama gde asl puni avione. jedna uspesna i vodeca aviokompanija, lider regiona sa uspesnim finansijskim rezultatima ne bi trebalo da oseti slabost na liniji za barselonu. ja do jugozapadne evrope direktno najdalje mogu da odem do milana. malo mi je to heavy. mislim u godini u kojoj se najavljuju amerika i kanada.
DeleteA da uzmes neki atlas u ruke i utvrdis da je milano severno od beograda? znaci samo rim.
DeleteNema novih linija ili?
ReplyDeleteNe znam sa cim da otvore nove linije kada imaju isti broj aviona a veci broj letova. Sedam novih linija prosle godine je bio izuzetak. Sa izuzetkom Spanije pokrivena je cela Evropa. Snovi nekih ovde da ce leteti za svaki grad u bivsem Sovjetskom Savezu nema mnogo veze sa realnoscu.
DeleteFying to Cairo, Madrid, and lets say Oslo ( a lot of people from Serbia+Bosnia) is not a dream. There is decent demand for those flights especially Cairo since it is a huge market ( much much bigger than Beirut which is doing great during summer and alright during winter). At same time I have to agree that some people saying that ASL will fly to Yerevan, Baku, Tehran, etc are dreaming and those are only their "wishes"
Deleteas well as those dreaming of long-haul
DeleteOh, so message is to dream small? Like dream about Belgrade-Tuzla or Belgrade-Kraljevo?
DeleteNo, dream big and make it happen.
Nema AS vise kuda da se siri po Evropi, sve iole ekonomski opravdano se vec leti. Mozda bi mogli da pocnu da lete sever Afrike ili jos nesto na Bliskom istoku, uz Bejrut i Tel Aviv ali dok ne pocne long range - to je sto je.
ReplyDeleteDa, jos mozda Spanija i Ukrajina, prva kad se bude imalo dovoljno aviona, druga ako stanje na trzistu omoguci. Na bliskom istoku prvi Cairo naravno, mozda i Kavkaz (Baku, EVN...).
Delete^ Madrid/Barcelona and Oslo are the only two destinations left in Europe for ASL to get a piece of cake.
DeleteOslo mozda. U Madridu/Barseloni nemamo nikakvu dijasporu.
DeleteVolim da mislim da se linije po EU otvaraju samo ka zemljama koje nam na Evrosongu daju 12 poena :)
Ovo je PRELIMINARNI red letenja.
ReplyDeletePa tako piše i u tekstu
Delete"Please note that the changes listed below are preliminary and based on current availability in the GDS":
Znam da piše ali neki su ovde to preskočili. Ajde još jednom ali polako: ovo je PRE-LI-MI-NAR-NO! To znači da broj destinacija, frekvencija i aviona nisu finalni i da će vrlo, vrlo, vrlo verovatno BITI promena! Vidim da se gomilaju kritike i predlozi, ali sačekajte još malo jer nema svrhe komentarisati.
Deletepa kada onda mislite prodati nove letove/linije za ovu sezonu?
ReplyDeleteSuch a disappointment they did not bring OHD back!
ReplyDeleteI agree
DeleteOT: Baggage system chaos in Paris:
Things like that also happen outside of Ex Yu!
Many times both in MUC and FRA. Dont worry.
DeleteNot worried except when bot from certain French owned airport (not in France) calls occasional summer baggage disruption at BEG "unprofessional and amateurish" like it could not happen anywhere else, including Paris.
DeletePametno sto su smanili Rim i Tel Aviv,nema potrebe pretvarati se da postoji neki abnormalan promet na tim linijama.Oslobodjenim a319 otvoriti Oslo i Hamburg.
ReplyDeleteBanjaluku ukinuti i osloboditi atr,koji bi se mogao upotrebiti za Kisinjev ili vise letova ka Splitu.
Maltu povecati na 3.
Uvesti Kairo.
Spaniju prepustiti njihovim prevoznicima.
I to je otprilike to dok se ne priblizimo letovima za Ameriku
Шта лупаш... по којој основи укинути Бања Луку када је то једна од ретких линија која позитивно послује.
DeletePozitivno posluje zato sto dodik dotira tu liniju.Koliko cesto na tom letu ima vise od 20-30 putnika po pravcu???Znam da je atr isplativ i sa malo putnika,ali mislim da bi taj avion tokom leta bio bolje popunjen ka jadranu ili ka nekoj destinaciji za dovlacenje tranzitnih putnika tipa Kisinjev. Sad je naravno kasno za uvodjenje novih destinacija i ostace let za BNX,ali generalno ga treba bataliti i usmeriti avion ka destinacijama gde ce voziti vise putnika bez potrebe da prima subvencije bilo cije vlade.
DeleteIts true that Dodak is subsidizing the line, but nowadays loads are actually in the 40s (+/- 5). Banja Luka is also bringing transfer pax for routes such as Moscow. Banja Luka is NOW definitely a better option than Kishnjev while I agree that Croatian coast is better than Banja Luka.
DeleteInteresantno je da je redom voznje predvidjeno koriscenje najvise 4 ATR-a istovremeno, dok svih 10 Airbus-a uopste ne staje.Na nocnim letovima za Tel Aviv je cak predvidjen B733. Nema niceg dodatrnog bez sirenja flote, a to se ipak, za razliku od mnogo cega, mora platiti.
DeleteSo, Dodik or B&H or whoever is subsidizing the flight, and what? That makes it profitable for Air Serbia. Why shouldn't they fly there?
DeleteIt seems that Air Serbia is fine tuning the timetable in order to maximize yield, TLV is moved to a (hopefully) more suitable flight times which is a good sign. I also agree that Hamburg and Oslo could be future destinations and that Spanish cities should not be tackled at the moment. What do you all think about Lyon, Cologne, Minsk... or perhaps Gatwick? Heathrow is daily now but difficult to develop further due to slot constrainsts. Could they add Gatwick for some O/D London traffic or that would endanger yield in general?
ReplyDeleteJat was flying to Gatwick seasonally right up until Etihad came.
DeleteYou obviously have no idea about aviation Eight. Do you really think that Minsk ( with Belavia 1 weekly flight lol) or TLV with terrible terrible loads even during summer ( sometimes 40 pax in August) would be more successful than Spanish destinations. There is enormous need for them during summer and during winter they could attract transfer pax.
DeleteWhat Air Serbia tries is not to have good loads on all the flights but to establish a habit of using Belgrade as a hub. You can have charters that will fill the planes. Like Palermo, Girona etc.
DeleteThose other people who would use Belgrade for Barcelona already have their own charters, their own seasonal low-costs and their own seasonal flights. You can't create a brand by having flights from Jun to late September. Also, people from Barcelona have their own seasonal flights to their own places like Croatia, Greece etc.
Air Serbia tries to create a freaking brand. You should understand marketing more.
^ wow excellent logic, so you are saying that whole Spain is a small market and that people who have to go there can go either by charters or even to extent to rent their own plane lol. Planes would be decently filled even during winter ( I was from beginning saying that they should either open Madrid or Barcelona as a full year route!). I think either madrid or barcelona was kept as a full year route by Spanair and they did just fine.
DeleteI am sure ASL could attract some Russian, Romanian, Bulgarian,etc transfer pax with decent prices. If they are sticking to TLV why would they not try Spain full year and see what happens. If Spanair was doing fine, then ASL should do even better.
Also how is it trying to create a " freaking brand" without key routes such as Madrid, Barcelona, Oslo,Helsinki, etc. I do say that regional expansion is important, but opening those routes is essential, especially Spain!!!
DeletePeople from Russia (I suppose you mean Moscow since JU only flies there) and especially Romania and Bulgaria have their own flights, some of them year-long, due to huge diaspora.
DeletePeople tend to use seasonal transfers quite less for planing their vacations. Why?
Mainly because those flights are not reliable (you don't always know if they are going to be boosted or cut, are there gonna start earlier or not etc). Also you cannot use sometimes all the days, for example if you want to travel in late May, you won't use Air Serbia since they start in lets say June. Similar thing with September.
I know it is a HUGE drawback that Serbia doesn't have a decent connection to Spain. Spain remains the only important country uncovered by JU. But we can't just go there without prior analysis. It is a huge market with which we unfortunately do not have enough economic and demographic connections with...
^ Again I have to disagree! People from Sofia, Zagreb and Bucharest have direct flights to lets say Moscow but still choose to transfer with ASL, so it does not mean if there is direct flights that nobody will connect with ASL
DeleteDear Eight, I would take out seats from ASL's A320's and put 180 Recaro SL3510 seats in each, then run BEG to FRA, MUC, GVA, ZRH and VIE as many times a day as possible. One way tickets from 15-20EUR (no free baggage, pay for food/drinks etc).
DeleteASL nebi imala korist da leti za LGW mnogo je bolje da lete za LHR.
Nema vise slotova na LHR. Koriste Jatovih devet nedeljnih slotova (vidi cuda nisu bili gadljivi na to, a ne sve ostalo iz Jata jesu)
DeleteNeverujem da im treba jos letova za LHR posto nemaju vise codeshare sa Virginom koliko ja znam a i cisto sumnjam da ima dosta O&D putnika izmedju LGW i BEG.
Spain is a MUST for transit pax from Bulgaria and Romania.
Delete^ Finally somebody who supports me!
Delete"It is a huge market with which we unfortunately do not have enough economic and demographic connections with..."
DUDE, do we have demographic or economic connections with Lebanon or Israel??? Those flights would rely on vacationers, but most importantly transit pax from neighboring countries. Hell there is even pax travelling from Istanbul ( one of most connected places in Europe) to Prague via BEG since the price i cheaper than TK.
Madrid,Sankt Petersbug even Oslo are too far from Belgrade to fit into to ASL waves. Even with Moscow they have problem to fit. For first (morning) and third (evening) wave destination must be less than 1500 km.
DeleteOnly solution is that aircraft be parked during night on those airport.
Anon @ Mar 1 ... you are absolutely correct ... U are the first person since i have reading all these stupid comments, that has hit the nail on the head as to why JU is not flying to Spain .... The distance is too far to fit into the bank stucture it operates. Flying there would mean missing 1 of the banks so the simple economics of flying 4 sectors with 1 aircraft vs 2 (which would be at extremely low ylds with Spain), does not add up and that is the reason why Air Serbia will not fly to Spain. If Vueling can't make it work, then there's no chance that a full service carrier like JU can either ...
DeleteNope. Distance is same as for Amsterdam. If they get new airplanes they can try 3pw za pocetak za ostale letace-ebace tu je Vueling.
DeleteAmsterdam,Pariz,Brisel ~ 1450
Stockholm ~1660
Moskva ~1700
St.Petersburg ,Oslo~1800
Madrid 2000
Barcelona is 1520 . It could fit but with perfect slot time all others city can't fit.
Barcelona is not far plus Vueling did make it WORK!!! Vueling is not attracting transit pax therefore it only operates during 4 peak months to attract tourists. How can somebody argue that Barcelona is not a good option with 4 weekly flights during winter and daily from June-September.
DeleteIF ASL IS DOING AND KEEPING TLV ROUTE WHY WOULD IT NOT START SPAIN ( Barcelona)??? Nobody can answer this. PLEASE DONT TELL ME THERE IS MORE TRANSFER PAX ON TLV ROUTE, since its doing so catastrophically that if somebody posted loads they would be rated for mature audience :D
If it was that good an option, someone would already be doing it by now Einstein...
DeleteProbably cause they have no planes to operate to that destination. Hopefully when new planes ( if they ever do) and next expansion wave comes we will see routes such as Barcelona ( which I hope you guys see as vital) and Oslo open up.
DeleteCorrect, ASL needs more planes if it wants to expand, current fleet doesn't have much room to support expansion. Plus, regional frequency trumps expansion.
DeleteIt doesn't need more planes, it needs to improve what it is already flying and get higher load factors, which are currently below 70%. Once they are achieving higher load factors, with minor tweaks to the current schedule as necessary, then it can think about more aircraft. Even before then, they need to dramatically improve their yields, which are way too low .... Therefore, much more work needs to be done before going out to spend another USD1-2m per year to lease in additional aircraft. The airline biz is not about flying to places just becoz armchair critics see a gap in the route network. It is abt getting the right balance b/w yield and load factors - something that is a continual work in progress
Delete^ I agree and disagree with that comment. I agree that they need to improve yields and that is a really important point you made. At the same time in order to improve yields overall, a lot of carrier axe a route or two which are under-performing. Three routes which come to mind are TLV, BUD, and WAW. Of course it would be risky to go into areas such as Spain and Oslo during winter, but at the same time its worth giving a shot since obviously those 3 routes are doing bad, really bad.
Delete@11:48 AM etc.
DeleteWrong. We already wrote about that half a year ago. ASL wants to fly to Madrid, not Barcelona. It must be a night flight. Impossible until they source or get ownership of new aircraft.
Oslo pokriva Norwegian nema smisla uletati tamo. Postoji Lion u Fr, Venecija u It mozda Napulj leti, Hamburg u Ne, Ankara u Tr par aerodroma na obalama Balkana, Pr, dovoljno sirenja za dve godine i jos bar pet aviona u floti posle moze i severna afrika i iran.
Delete^ lol man, do you really think that there would be more pax on routes to Ankara or Napoli when compared to Oslo. Norweigian is going there seasonally since it targets only "gajstrabajtere". ASL would collect tansit pax and take them places like Banja Luka, Sarajevo, Beirut, Tirana, Skopje, Athens, etc. Plus of course there is significant number of Serbs in Oslo when compared to Ankara.
DeleteSrba ima malo u Norveskoj. Sad ima nesto malo vise Bosnjaka iz Baznie. Ljudi koji zive u Norveskoj nisu Arapi kojima znaci 50 jura manje karta do Pariza. Oslo odradjuju tri aerodroma imaju dovoljno i jakih LCC i jakih klasicnih kompanija. ASL tamo mozda moze kada bude imao puno aviona.
DeleteTo gastosa ce sakupljati Wizz preko Tuzle citaj malo postove na forumu
P.S. podmladak mi se vratio sa puta po Skandinaviji sa Norwegian-om otisli su
tamo sa Wizz-om.
P.S.S. Hoces da Wizz otvori liniju do Napulja?
What happened to our friend INN-NS. I for sure thought he would be commenting on this.
ReplyDelete+1 hahah
DeleteGive him time. He's on his way, traveling on that A330.
Delete^ haha made my day especially since it spot on when it comes to INN-NS yet not offensive
DeleteAko dodju novi ATR i A319 zanima me gde ce ih poslati .
ReplyDeleteI steta sto ponovi INN nema ko destinacija.
"Pa da li je to moguce, ljudi", sto rece Mladen Delic? Natpis o bosanskoj aviokompaniji juce je pobrao vise komentara nego ovaj o srpskoj danas?! Manjak interesovanja, ili sto li je vec, strucnjaci?
ReplyDeleteIzgleda da je ipak danasnji clanak izazvao vece interesovanje posto je za manje od 24 sata vec u 5 najcitanijih ove nedelje ako pogledas sa desne strane, a bosnakse vesti nema ;)
DeleteOvog februara, isti broj putnika u Banjaluci kao i prošle godine kad je linija startala. Nema pomaka.
ReplyDeleteNije isto,prosle godine mislim da je linija bila svakodnevna,dok je ove zime 3 leta nedeljno,pa sada izracunaj dali ima pomaka ili ne,pozz
DeleteBolje za ASL...
DeleteHalo Anonymous March 1, 2015 at 11:55 AM
Deleteja ne kužim u čemu je pomak ako je prevezen isti broj putnika? Pa valjda je to gore za putnike ako linija nije svakodnevna?
Ako to kompanija uradi sa dva leta manje znaci da mogu da imaju profit i bez Dodika.
DeleteНа аеродрому Бања Лука, Ер Србија је субвенционирана само на начин да не плаћа услугу аеродромском оператору јер је број путника далеко испод границе рентабилности. Компанија не добија никакве паре од Владе Републике Српске. Гориво вуче из Београда што је неповољно. Ни карте нису скупе тако да и то погодује путницима. Чак су путници до Београда ослобођени и аеродромске таксе.
DeleteМеђутим, проблем је што на Бањој Луци мало тога штима, па зато нема ни повећања броја путника у односу на прошлу годину кад је линија стартовала, иако је компанија урадила много на реклами а и летови су редовни.
Свакодневне летове и силну рекламу компаније, морале су пратити адекватне активности аеродромског оператора, али нису, тако да је пропала шанса да се путницима покаже и докаже да је тај аеродром кренуо из почетка и да заслужује да буде све више кориштен. Извршни директори делују више него танки и потпуно незаинтересовани за посао а нови директор који нема баш никаквог искукства у овој бранши, најблаже речено, није се снашао.
Питање је да ли Министарство саобраћаја и веза зна шта хоће. Остаје да се види хоће ли помоћи одређене козметичке промене у Надзорном одбору.
Са милион евра годишнје, Влада РС издржава тај аеродром на начин да обезбеђује новац за комуналије и плате а аеродром упорно не служи сврси.
Ер Србија неће заплакати ако линија, и под горе споменутим условима, након двије године, остане нерентабилна. Компанија не може сервисирати тај аеродром на начин да та линија компанији упорно прави губитке. Дакле ако може може, а ако не може одустаје се. То што су сви прешишали Бању Луку, само је до Управе и Владе.