Air Serbia plans to replace aging ATRs |
Air Serbia plans to replace its turboprop fleet over the next two to three years, the carrier’s CEO, Dane Kondić, has said. In a statement to EX-YU Aviation News, Mr. Kondić noted that the aircraft are getting older but in terms of air worthiness they are in fine condition, having been thoroughly checked over by technical experts from the airline’s part-owner Etihad Airways just three weeks ago. The CEO said it would be easier to lease new aircraft, rather than place orders with a manufacturer, due to the time it would require to deliver them. He added that the replacement type of aircraft will be chosen when the need arises and that the decision will depend on a range of factors such as pricing and other terms and conditions.
Air Serbia currently has five 66-seat ATR 72 aircraft in its fleet with three owned ATR 72-200s and two more modern, leased -500s. The turboprops were refurbished last year with new seating covers and carpets. In addition, the airline has ten leased Airbus aircraft in its fleet with eight A319 and two A320 jets. A further ten Airbus A320neos are on order and are due for delivery from 2018 onwards. Meanwhile, four owned Boeing 737-300 aircraft have been transferred to the carrier’s dedicated charter brand Aviolet and operate in a high-density all economy layout. Since its transition from Jat Airways to Air Serbia in late October 2013, the airline’s daily fleet utilisation has doubled from just 5-6 hours to 12-13 hours.
The carriers's CEO says there are currently no plans to buy new aircraft. “As part of our normal fleet review exercise, we are constantly evaluating our future requirements, based on the five year plan we have. There are no plans at the moment to go to the market to purchase new aircraft - other than the ten A320neos we announced in November 2013”, Mr. Kondić told EX-YU Aviation News. JAT Yugoslav Airlines ordered three ATR 72s (all of which are now part of Air Serbia’s fleet) on December 16, 1987. The first landed in Belgrade on July 14, 1990 with the other two following shortly after. The first ATRs in the airline’s fleet were three smaller ATR 42s, which were leased in 1987. They were all returned to their owner upon the breakup of Yugoslavia.
Good news. ATR are great aircraft.
ReplyDeleteThey will need more aircraft..i hope it will not end as it did with malev..
ReplyDeleteFirst you say they need more aircraft, only to contradict yourself by saying they won't need any as they will go bust? How about making up your mind, ha?
DeleteATR's are crap, it's nice if you fly from ZAG-Ljubljana but everything further than thet it gets crappy and slow.
ReplyDeletee pa vidis meni je draze da letim duze nego krace. postoje ljudi koji uzivaju u samom letu, a ne da sto pre stignu do cilja. uostalom pola sata, sat duzi let nije nista strasno. i konacno, nemamo svi tu nesrecu da zivimo brzo, a ne zaradjujemo nista, ima i nas koji zivimo polako, a zaradjujemo mnogo... prema tome, gledaj ti da sto pre sa svojih 250e mesecno stignes kod tetke u frankfurt, a ja cu da uzivam u letenju i po 5,6,7 sati.. nemam taj problem koji je vasoj svesti na zalost nametnut..
Deleteogromna većina putnika ne shvata letenje kao način rekreacije, već kao najbrži način putovanja. Nadam se da ako cene nafte ostanu relativno niske Atr budu zamenjeni regionalnim džetovima E195, CRJ700 ili možda Sukhoi. Superjet. I remember when in 2003 Jat Airways were thinking on whether to get Embraers or CRJ700, I saw the prospects back then and liked the Canucks for their greater cargo capacity.
DeleteThere's one thing that worries me a bit - Kondić said "no fleet expansion" - does that necessarily mean "no widebodies and no long haul"?
problem sa atr-om je prvenstveno buka (manje na 500ki od 200) posebno ako se sedi pored krila ili prednjem delu kabine. ako je taj problem resen u novom modelu atr onda je avion ok za krace relacije. mislim da u svakom slucaju VECINA ljudi voli da leti mlaznjacima i da sto brze stigne do odredista. i nemojte zbog komentara o atr da spoticete ljudima da su protiv air serbie kao INN-NS. Ja sam recimo srbin, ponosan na uspeh air serbie (cesto letim i placam i vise ponekad da bih leteo sa air serbiom) ali u isto vreme bih voleo da nema turbo prop aviona u floti.
DeleteNo read carefully. He says no BUYING of aircraft. Any widebody will be leased not bought.
DeleteAnonymous at 11:41 AM
DeleteNikad nisam nekoga napao kad je rekao da ne valja ATR .
Replacing old -200s with -500 would do for now. Newer -600 are great but are harder to find and would keep two tiny subtypes in the fleet. They have glass cockpit unlike -500, so either go with all -600 fleet (nice but not likely) or go with an all -500 fleet. Completely replacing ATR fleet with some RJ or Q400 does not make a lot of sense. My bet is on all -500 fleet.
DeleteI think all out -600 fleet would be great, but I don't know what would the wait time be for delivery. Getting NEW 500s would be also a step in good direction. But why not include Q400 in this game? The plane could be available sooner (due to lower demand) and ASL could get deep discount as well. ...Jets don't make too much sense, I agree as well.
DeleteI like Bombardier and hope they get out of financial trouble soon. Q400 should be invited to ASL's RFP. Q400 would probably make more sense if it becomes part of some bigger C series + Q400 deal, but that would be up to ASL to decide if they want to replace A319/ATR72 with C series and Q400.
DeleteAirbus is now fully committed to building A319NEO and JU could probably switch part of it's NEO order to 319NEO instead of ordering C series.
Advantage Q400 has in terms of speed is not critical for Air Serbia regional network. Doesn't make a huge difference going BEG-SJJ on ATR vs Q400. On the other hand, Q400 is thirstier than ATRs and fuel bill difference ads up over time.
I personally enjoy Q400 more than ATR (and C300 is going to be great airplane one day), but honestly ASL would be a tough sell for Bombardier team.
Q400 has low orderbook for a reason, it's not well designed aircraft, too expensive and bad fuel economy.
DeleteNot well designed? Do you understand that the Q400 is the best regional JET replacement on the market. That was it's design, not to compete on every level with every turboprop out there. I agree that ATR will do the job on short 30min trips from BEG, but once you get in the 1hr+ range up to 2hr no turboprop get even close. It will beat any jet as well. However, it will pay a fuel penalty vs other turboprops, although it will carry more people and allow you more sectors per day. But that's just my 2 cents
DeleteNot a single word about wide-body a/c.
ReplyDeleteWhy is it not possible to fly with all five ATRs at the same time? Always one ATR is out of service.
ReplyDeleteOno što je meni veoma interesanto je to što se u ovoj izjavi ne pominje (ili nije pitano) ništa za status Boeinga 737 u floti Er Srbije. Bliži se na jesen druga godina, a pojedinih dana baš dosta lete, čini mi se da ni u kompniji baš nemaju pojma šta će sa njima. Mogli bi makar jedan da prefarbaju u novu šemu i srede kabinu po ugledu na A319 (u dve klase) pa da im on pokriva kada neki avion ispadne. Ovako stalno se vrti priča gradimo brend, a onda na aerodromu putnika sačeka Aviolet 737 za čartere. Nije fer.
ReplyDeleteda izgleda da jos nisu odlucili da li da ulaze u dodatnu investiciju ili da nastave da kompromituju proizvod kao do sada koristeci charter avione. Po dosadasnjoj frekvenciji letova sa 733 po mojoj proceni fale barem dva aviona da komotno odrzavaju letnji red letenja. nije mi jasno zasto su se zaleteli u povecanje frekvencija ako nemaju dovoljno aviona, sza AS i za cartere. osim ako plan od pocetka nije da se barem dva 733 koriste za redovno letenje a da se smanji broj cartera u odnosu na proslu godinu. ali u tom slucaju mi nije jasno neizdavanje dozvola stranim carter kompanijama...
Delete737 ce leteti za Aviolet sigurno jos ove i sledece godine.
DeleteLet's not forget they initially planned to lease an additional A320 but gave up at the very last minute. They knew the current fleet won't be sufficient and no need to tell how handy that aircraft would be right now.
DeleteVrlo zanimljivo ce onda flota d izgleda sledece godine sa ATR 72--600 i A330.
ReplyDeleteOdakle ti ideja da ce sledece godine kada covek kaze za 3 godine i nigde ne kaze da ce biti 600.
Deleteopet je INN-NS Bot uspeo da prodje kroz recaptcha pitanje...
DeletePre par nedelja je bilo nesto u BG sto od vas niko ne zna mozda. Doce serija 600 sledece god kad ne zna se tacno .
DeleteKao sto znam koliko Pilota ide na obuku za A330.
Ja cu uvek proci recaptcha , da mene placa Austrija da budem bot.
Znam I ja koliko ide. To nije nikakva tajna, pitaj bilo kog što radi u ASL. Ali iskreno da ti kažem ništa nije rečeno u vezi -600 još. Pogotovu što sad je Kondic napisao da se planira fleet renewal za 2-3 godine...
Deletemozes ti da prodjes recaptcha pitanje ali si skroz provaljen u svakom pogledu kao INN-(S)NS bot. Veruj mi da u tvojim godinama je puno lepse da se bavis fudbalom i devojkama nego 20-satnim botovanjem za partiju.
DeleteThis comment has been removed by the author.
DeleteNisam ni Vucicev ni Dodikov bot , ne mozete da mi zabranite da branim omiljenu aviokompaniju.
Deleteuzece seriju 600 zato sto je mala razlika u leasingu 20000-30000 eur .
Molim da ne vbrise ovo zato sto je normalna rasprava.
pa niko ne napada kompaniju, urazumi se.
DeleteNe trenutno a predhodnih dana da.
DeleteYour avatar with mockup of A388 in JU livery is quite annoying.
I regard it as highly cynical.
Ne znam sto vam u opste smeta.
I'm sure the aircraft bears the reg IN-NNS :D
Deletetriangular route from Nis via Novi Sad to Innsbruck. Load factor in first class close to 100%, business class always 100% and waitlist for economy class tickets. Of course do not forget those fifth freedom rights between Nis and Novi Sad. NIS EKSPRES GOING BUNKRUPT :D
DeleteCan I just mention- I am embarrassed about NS part of INN-NS.
DeleteThere is nothing, absolutely NOTHING that represents Novi Sad in his/her faffle.
It can be sometimes sweet and amusing but I am embarrassed he has taken the initals of my home town.
Ne znam koja ste vi bitna licnost u Novom Sadu da tako nesto meni kazete. Ja jesam cudan mozda neki nacin za vas sto branim ASL
For some strange reason I still like you and your enthusiasm and politeness (that is Novi Sad I am talking about) sometimes disarms.
DeleteSo dont get me wrong despite my comment!
Mislim da je ovo pametna I očekivana vest menadžmenta. Činjenica da je ATR napunio 25. godinu od kako je sleteo u Jat. Svidelo se to nekom ili ne, njemu je vreme za zamenu da ne bi doveli sebe u situaciju kao što je situacija sa 737 sada. On vrši funkciju, to je tacno, ali još koliko dugo?
ReplyDeleteSad da li je pametno izbaciti turboprop flotu I zameniti je dzetovima, po meni je suludo. Jer jedino ako imate para za bacanje ili ludu sreću da lezite na ogromnoj rezervi nafte, nema tog dzeta koji će zameniti turboprop na rutama DO 90min! Svidelo se to putnicima ili ne.
AnonymousApril 23, 2015 at 1:16 PM
DeleteI agree.
This comment has been removed by the author.
DeletePozdrav iz Sidneja. Verujem da Gospodin Kongic sa svojim timom uspesno upravlja plovidbom Er Srbije, kroz izazove i okolnosti u Srbiji i dobrim delom u Evropi. Kao sti i sam CEO Kondic kaze, zakup aviona je fleksibilniji za sadasnje kretanje poslovanja. Dali ce biti lizinga za samo ATR 72 - 600 ili i manjih, zavisice od aerodroma na koje ce i dalje siriti mrezu turbopropa. Kao sto sam vise puta pisao da dolazi vreme kada ce se oformiti mala cerka kompanija sa mesovitom malom flotom turbopropa sa avionima do 50 putnika koji ce obsluzivati pet, sest centara u sastavu Aerodromi Srbije. Kao i vise malih aerodroma u susednim drzavama. Nish market za sada koliko mi je poznato nepostoji u jugoistocnom delu Evrope. U vise navrata sam za isto ''svetogrdje'' bio zesce napadan da nijebto moguce. Nema ko da leti... Ipak drzavna politika moze da relaksira odnos prema razvoju lokalne mreze za upotrebu nekoliko aerodroma iz korporacije, Aerodromi Srbije. Bez saobracaja, cemu sluze bar sest aerodroma Srbije. Od Batajnice pa do Nisa Vrsca, Ponikava, Kraljevacke Morave... To je moje vidjenje kada sam na Sidnejskom ili Beogradskom aerodromu, svejedno. U Srbiji nije nista jednostavno. Za sada putnicka avijacija, da ne kazem AIR SERBIA, i donekle Aerodrom NIKOLA TESLA, su svetlija strana drzave Srbije. A meni i ne samo meni, jeste radost u koju polazem nadu. Iskreno. Razumem ljude da me ''ne razumeju'' o cemu pisem, ali sam ubedjen da postuju razvoj Srpske aviacije, sa aerodromskom infrastrukturom. Posle ciklona u sada suncani Sidnej pristiglog Rodney - a, tople pozdrave primate.
ReplyDeleteHOME OF QANTASVILLE 1. Sydney.
OT: Adria's third A319 already have registration S5-AAX ;)
ReplyDeleteAdria as the oldest company in the region will manage for sure. ... looking forward JP's 100 anniversary
ReplyDeleteTechnically Air Serbia is the oldest as it's the legal successor to both Aeroput, JAT and Jat.
DeleteFrom this point of view you are right. .. but still taking in consideration the call sign Adria is the oldest
DeleteYes but that's rarely a parameter used when evaluating an airline's age.
DeleteIt is the matter of brand. Many world well kknown brands changed their owners but the name remanded the same. This means that this is quite an important parametr for sure.
Deletecongrats to Ex-YU:
ReplyDelete"Kondić je za portal rekao da još nije doneta odluka kojim tipovima letilica će ATR-ovi biti zamenjeni i napomenuo da Er Srbija nema u planu nabavka dodatnih letelica, osim deset novih aviona tipa Erbas A320 NEO čija isporuka bi trebalo da počne od 2018. godine, kako je najavljeno u oktobru pretprošle godine."
I am still shocked by that "satellite" terminal planned on the future Belgrade airport map next to, or below new deice pad. The only benefit that would outweigh the horror of satellite terminal experience could be turboprops own terminal with jetbridges. Yes, jetbridges for ATRs are possible, like this:
That way crowds at satellite gates would be capped at ATR capacity (unlike long haul masses for example at FCO satellite terminal) and Air Serbia would be able to offer true weatherproof comfort with all-jetbridge hub transfer experience even for regional connections. No other regional hub airport would be able to match that.
wow for the TR bridges. That would be classy
DeleteHow is ASL doing in ZAG lately? Also have loads to BUD improved recently? How are regional loads doing in general? Thanks!
ReplyDeleteBUD is one of the weakest routes in all ASL network showing no improvement. ZAG and LJU are similar. TIA and SKP have TIA and SKP the best loads if ATR was used. TGD and TIA have seen many cancelled flights, obvious overcapacity.
DeleteTirana was the second best route this past winter season, if it was cancelled then it was because of a lack of aircraft... though I don't recall any TIA flights being cancelled.
DeleteLJU and ZAG to me seem to be alot relying on O&D traffic rather than transit pax, or both. The morning departures ex BEG is not seeing proper feed, neither is the late night arrivals connecting to many places.
DeleteIf anyone has noticed, North/West departures are at 07h and 18h whilst South/East departures are at 13h and 23h.
Its been discussed many times before, the midnight wave needs to improve in order to assist the morning departure feed. CAI, ESB, SVX, ROV, AER, TBS, EVN, GYD could be something to look in to, more for transit feed rather than O&D demand.
ReplyDeleteCharter flights explained: "Srbija nema aneksirane bilateralne sporazuma sa Turskom i Egiptom koji se tiču neredovnog avio prevoza" and "juče je održan sastanak sa turskom stranom i Ministarstvo veruje da su nakon tog sastanka teme postavljene na sto i da će obe strane učiniti sve da se problem prevazidje"
Makes sense to have a bit more balance in charter traffic with Turkey, quick resolution would help both sides.
I'm half Croat / Bosniak living in Zagreb. As soon as I open my mouth elsewhere, everybody recognises my 'Purger' accent. Will I have problems when I visit Belgrade next week? Does Belgrade receive a lot of tourists from Croatia? Cheers!
ReplyDeleteBelgrade is the most cosmopolitan city in ex YU ( I am Bosnian), you have nothing to worry about! Enjoy the sights, good food and night life!
DeleteBelgrade has been full of cars with Croatian plates lately, don't know what the reason is, but I certainly haven't heard of any incidents, and having a Zagreb accent generally isn't something that attracts much attention in Serbia.
DeleteBelgrade is generally safe, but of course just in any big city in the world you can can come across some pickpocketors, hooligans,etc.
DeleteThe only thing I disagree with anonymous 8:30 is about accents. I was born in Serbia but lived for most of my life abroad. Everywhere I go people are friendly, but at the same time they notice that I do not have a Serbian accent and ask me " ti nisi odavde izgleda". Last summer I have been told that like 100 times, from prodavacice to devojke u kaficu.
Nećeš imati problema zbog svog naglaska. Beograd je oduvek bio pun svakakvih naglasaka. Ovde će zagrebački naglasak pre shvatiti kao egzotiku nego kao pretnju. Meni se npr. desilo u Rijeci da se prodavačica izbečila na mene što sam joj tražio paradajz umesto rajčice. Toga ovde nema.
Pavle, ne izmisljaj i ne uvelicavaj. Ako postoji ijedan grad u ex-Yu koji je po svom kozmopolitizmu slican Beogradu, onda je to Rijeka. Ako se izbecila, onda nije Rijecanka, nego je, ne bih sada ovde ulazio u politiku i pricati zbog koga i kada, morala da pobegne u Rijeku. Inace "rajcica" se u Hrvatskoj koristi mozda u 10% slucajeva. Cela Slavonija, i celi ZAGREB kazu upravo PARADAJZ, u Rijeci i Istri su to POMIDORI, ali ako neko kaze paradajz sigurno se ne bece na njega, a u Dalmaciji su to POME, u Dubrovniku POMADORI. Prema tome nadji neki drugi blog, a ne ovaj o avijaciji da pljujes po Rijecanima zbog paradajza. Pozdrav iz Rijeke!
DeleteSta necu sve procitati ovde boze pomozi , vi sto mu objasnjavate ste jos gori od njega.
DeleteDanas sam video u Innsbrucku Setru zlatnu sa registracijam ZG prevoznik ima neko italijansko ime jel zna neko ime.
Kao neko ko je bio u onih 10% idiota koji smo mislili da smo Jugosloveni i ko je 50/50 Hrvat/Srbin i ima rodbinu u srpskim naglaskom dobro razmislim da li govorim o kruhu ili hlebu u prodavnicama u Puli.
DeleteJer sam dobio po tamburi jos pre nego sto se ista desilo.
Ja i dalje verujem u ljude i normalnost - i zao mi je sto ne cujem ZG naglasak češće!
What are you trying to say INN-NS? I thought you supported when people told personal experiences?
DeleteJeez, always same stories. Jut don't be dick, and use common city-wise sense in avoiding idiots.
DeleteIf your accent is different, hair, skin color, whatever, idiot will use it as an excuse. And if you're dick people will treat you the way you deserve (my friend had some minor problems in Zagreb - to illustrate his behavior: on kiosk he complained how poor the choice of chewing gums is compared to Belgrade) - I lived in Zag for 6 months and had no problems at all (with thick Belgrade accent), including asking for "hleb" in the middle of Saturday night surrounded by drunk idiots.
However, there is a general problem in Belgrade with declining safety in last 6 years - retraditionalisation of society, economic crisis, politics, etc.
If you have true "purgerski" accent, from the old times, just be prepared to get few free drinks - end be prepared for endless stories on how your accent should not be the problem, how was it in exYU, who had who in Zagreb, Rijeka, Split, and how it all sucks now.
DeleteCovek provocira a vi ste naseli .
Nece mu niko nista uraditi .
"retraditionalisation of society" How can that lead to a 'decline in safety? o<0
DeleteNa gajbi je pisalo "rajčica". Konzum u Tower-u kraj jula 2010.
Air Croatia suspended operations today.
ReplyDeleteHaha, took them too long. What a joke of an airline, and moneygrabbing scheme.
DeleteDear Ladies/Gentlemen,
DeleteDue to problems occurred by our credit card processor we have decided to cancel the flights for the next few weeks. Unfortunately your flight is affected as well, so it will not be operated.
We apologize for any inconveniences and will inform you about further actions very shortly.
Thank you very much for your understanding!
Best regards,
Customer Relations Department
when I said that this airline is the biggest joke and that the ex yu admin should not even consider covering info about this airline I was being labelled as a hateful Serb.
Deleteat least they managed to perform a handful of successful flights with revenue pax.
DeleteSutra da obavljate otvaram i ja Aviokompaniju.
You say that every time news like this appear. And that happend too many times so far.
ReplyDeleteThis evening flight OU437 from Munich to Zagreb is operated by Montenegro Airlines E190. My wife is on that flight. :-) Does somebody know something more about this?
more than 10 flights in another week will be operated by Montenegro and Trade Air
Deletewhat does this mean?