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Sea Air to launch flights to Vienna, Munich and Frankfurt |
Croatian start-up airline Sea Air will launch operations from its base in Osijek on May 18. The carrier will operate daily flights to Vienna, Munich and Frankfurt with tickets already on sale. Sea Air will wet-lease an MD-82 from Romanian charter carrier Ten Airways. The jet has the capacity to seat 160 passengers in an all-economy class layout. Since the Osijek-based airline does not hold its own Air Operators Certificate (AOC), it will utilise the one from Ten Airways instead. Ten’s AOC was revoked by Romanian authorities in January but was restored only a month later. It specialises in ACMI and charter operations. The MD-82 that will operate on behalf of Sea Air is 33 years old.
Osijek Airport, which handled almost 30.000 passengers last year, anticipates to welcome some 100.000 travellers in 2015 as a result of the new services. Sea Air hopes to expand its operations from the city shortly after its launch. “We at Sea Air are delighted to inform that we will commence regular scheduled air services from May 18 and operate to Munich, Frankfurt, and Vienna. In addition to these city pairs, Sea Air will extend its operational network to include other European destinations in the second and third phases of its development”, the airline says. It adds, “Sea Air will operate as a low cost airline, however, this will not reflect on our service. Our passengers are our guests and will be treated to an experience where safety and efficiency is our priority”. According to the airline, passengers will be served cold meals and beverages on all flights at no additional cost and will have the opportunity to check-in twenty kilograms of luggage free of charge.
Destination | Launch date | Details |
Munich | MAY 18 | Click here |
Frankfurt | MAY 18 | Click here |
Vienna | MAY 18 | Click here |
Following its entry into the European Union two years ago, Croatia has been flooded with airlines wishing to set up bases across the country with foreign Air Operators Certificates, allowing them to bypass local bureaucratic procedures. Start-up carriers in the country have built up a bad reputation with Air Croatia recently suspending services until June, just several weeks following its first flight. Furthermore, last summer, Zagreb-based Dalmatian suspended all operations less than a week out from its launch. Another newcomer, Limitless Airways, hopes to introduce services from Rijeka this summer. Unlike others, Limitless has been registered in Croatia and has already advertised for several job vacancies including cabin crew positions.
haha, great, low cost with a 33 year old aircraft. it's even older than JU's hahahaha
ReplyDeleteŠta je ovo? Epidemija u startu propalih kompanija u hrvatskoj?
ReplyDelete+100 hahaha
DeletePranje para. USKOK to treba investigirati hehe
DeleteMa opusteno, to mora da he zbog Liberlanda
DeleteAgain I think this has to be regulated somehow. Wish them luck anyway but it's unlikely they will survive beyond a month.
ReplyDeleteThey could barely survive with this much capacity in Zagreb, even less so in Osijek. Maybe it would have been wiser to have started out as a charter airline during the summer months.
DeleteKako to mislis regulisati? Sve je ovo posledica ulaska Kroejshe u EU, Radosti Evrope. Imate samo da cutite i da budete srecni.
DeleteHmm I guess the difference here is that they will have 3 daily rotations every day. But is there really that much interest from Osijek to Vienna, Munich and Frankfurt?
ReplyDeleteNo. 160 passengers daily each way (PDEW) is a huge O/D market. If these markets existed, they would probably be the biggest untapped markets in the entire ex-yu, and there would have been no chance that Lufthansa and Austrian would have not served such large markets if they truly existed.
DeleteLike Tuzla?
DeleteA lot of pax to Tuzla land there and then with the car go to places within Bosnia. Also I know a few people from BEG who used Tuzla. Tuzla is definitely a huge success, but I am still aiming that if wizz had base in Sarajevo things would change. The O&D market is present in Tuzla, but not to the extent most people think.
DeleteAnd also, Wizz in Tuzla doesn't offer daily flights to any destinations. They have a bunch that are 1-3 weekly. Also, they fly a very efficent aircraft and the size and experience of the company allow them to offer fares that are extremely low.
DeleteI'm sure we will have drones of Western European and Korean tourists flooding into Osijek this summer, to enjoy the exceptional Danubian coastline. :) Joke aside, with Zagreb only 280km away, and 250km to Belgrade, all linked by good highways, It's anyone's guess how this antiquated airplane will fill 160 seats on daily flights.
ReplyDeleteOverall, I don't understand this phenomenon of self-sacrificial air carriers trying their luck in in Croatia. The market is already pretty saturated. Even more developed tourist destinations like Spain and France have struggled to maintain a permanent plethora of air carriers, let alone smaller markets like Croatia.
Good luck to them, nonetheless.
They need like 60 tickets per plain to return money. That is not big problem.You and big expert Purger just forgot how good is MD series for such companies.
DeleteI didn't say I was an expert. But I am realistic. A fuel efficient airplane is not worth much if there are no passengers to fill it with, on a regular basis. So I'm glad you think that this "is not a big problem". These start-ups should take note of the mistakes of past endeavors like these that went belly up.
DeleteI do not know will they thrive but they have good airplain. They have whole southern Hungary for charter flights from Osijek too. I not sure only for Vienna flight it is like 4 hours with car from Osijek. He he.
DeleteMD is much cheaper to rent.
MD is cheaper to rent for sure, but anything that is that old equals a massive gas consumer. We have seen this story over and over again in Croatian market. What is up with this companies?
Delete"You and big expert Purger just forgot how good is MD series for such companies."
DeleteYeah, you bet. That's why MDs are only flown in Africa and Ten Airways is dying since its first days...
Nema apsolutno nikakve šanse da netko tko nije u alijansi uspije napuniti svakodnevni let za FRA, MUC i VIE niti iz SPU i DBV, a kamoli iz ZAD, PUY i RJK. Osijek toliko ne bi napunio niti da LH bazira avion ovdje. Q400 do VIE ili MUC možda 5 puta tjedno, eventualno u top sezoni svaki dan i to ako govorimo o OU, LH, OS, ali tri linije iz OSI svaki dan uz Trade air za ZAG i OU za SPU i DBV, te Ryanair za London, nema ni teoretske šanse. Pogotovo ne sa avionom toliko velikog kapaciteta.
ReplyDeleteOvaj projekt ili rade diletanti ili prevaranti koji će ljudima oteti novac.
OSI ima šanse sa turboprop do VIE ili MUC, nekoliko puta tjedno SPU (ili svakodnevno RJK-SPU) i DBV, tri puta tjedno IST, tri puta tjedno OMO (velik broj hercegovaca u Slavoniji), te pokoju LCC i charter liniju.
I think Trade Air could maybe do flights to Munich or Vienna from Osijek with the Brasilia.
DeleteWhat is Trade Air doing with its F100 except from the occasional flight for Croatia Airlines? To me it seems they have potential to become a full service scheduled airline..
DeleteThey do various charter for both travel agencies and sports teams, basically the stuff that Aviogenex should be doing in Serbia.
DeleteAviogenex is a history now. I am waiting for news to be published soon. It's all silent about it still.
DeleteIf Osijek could attract a serious airline like Lufthansa or Austrian, I am sure people in western Serbia near the boarder would use it.
ReplyDeleteLast year I was flying from BEG to Tunisia for a holiday and was surprised by the amount of Croatians on board. Most were from Osijek and they said it is much cheaper to book their holidays with a Serbian tour operator which is why they were flying from BEG.
People from western Serbia will not go to Osijek. Learn basic geography.
DeleteI'm Croatian and I have to agree with the last poster... unless there are some unbelievable deals why would someone cross the border and go through extra customs when they could drive a similar distance to Belgrade.
DeleteBecause Ryanair is in Osijek, and they offer flights to London as low as 50 euros. This is enough of a deal to attract passengers from very far places.
DeleteIn our region, price is by far the biggest factor when choosing flights. Seat pitch, aircraft type, and food is irrelevant for the vast majority of travelers. Many will still complain, yet they won't pay more for it.
They obviously meant Western Vojvodina. Now, the trouble is, economic outlook is not that great in Bačka and population density is fairly low. Also, there's a lack of public transit connections between the regions (vs. BEG, with multiple daily departures) and if they take a car is it going to be safe and where to park it... Crossing the border is not an issue I would say.
DeleteWhat are their fares like?
ReplyDeleteThe only question is will they suspend flights before they start flying or afterwards
ReplyDeleteIt doesn't necessarily have to be like that. With these start up airlines in Croatian, I think the main question is what sort of capital do they have. Who is behind them. Because all of these airlines go belly up because they don't have cash, meaning they don't have a strong financial backing.
DeleteWell, so far it seems they all share the same business model: if we can sell out each and every flight we stay up, if we can't fill the aircraft for 5 straight days we cancel everything. This is pure gambling and as such is doomed to failure - especially in a lower yield market such as Croatia.
DeleteSad truth is, any startup anywhere in exYU would have a lot of cash reserve to survive the first year and build its brand. And even then, there would be no guarantees it would pay off on a longer run.
Correction: would need a lot of cash reserve...
DeleteEven with a lot of cash reserve, Sea Air is still not going to do well.
DeleteČlanovi Vlade Republike Srbije i uprava Air Serbie jučer su bili u Bruxelles da objasne nesmrazmjer upravljanja i vlasništva Etihada u Air Serbiji, te subvencije države i Aerodroma Beograd u toj kompaniji. Interesantno kako to nitko od medija nije prenio.
ReplyDeletePočelo je, počelo!
A tvoj izvor je?
DeleteA kako si ti to iz susjedstva saznao?
DeleteŽivot ti je napokon dobio nekakav smisao, to jest, počeo je? Čestitam :)
DeletePreporucio bi vam savetovanje neko posto imate ceste pijave halucinacije.
DeleteNiko iz Vlade nije bio juce u BRU zato sto su docekivali Nemackog Gosta.
sinko ne dočekuje cijela vlada njemčakog gosta pa bila to i Merkelica. Ne pričaj gluposti.
DeleteEto ponovo vam se prividja nesto sto se nije desilo .
DeleteMoze jedno pitanje sto ste toliko pakostni iljubomorni.
A moze jedno pitanje? Kada ces da naucis osnove pravopisa?
DeleteParadajz patriotizam.
Ovo jest činjenica. I glupost je tvrditi da se nešto nije desilo o čemu postoje službeni dokumenti. Konačno jako je teško sakriti da su članovi Vlade i uprave Air Serbie u Briselu. Koliko god ti želio da to nije tako,ipak je krajnje neinteligentno demantirati činjenicu.
DeleteJel imas neki dokaz da je to cinjenica. Gde ima taj sluzbeni dokument?
DeleteA to zna jedan Anonymous .
DeleteAdmine molim vas ljubazno da obrisete ovo .
Hvala unapred :)
@12.58 A sta je pocelo? Jel mozes svoju radost da podelis sa nama? ASL je nesto drugo od AB, AZ, F7....
DeleteLako je objasniti drugu deo o "subvencijama". To je deo kupo-prodajnog ugovora po kome su se 2 strane dogovorile o ulaganjima u zajednicku kompaniju. Srbija jedan deo svojih ulaganja izvrsava preko Aerodroma Beograd (koji je u vecinskom drzavnom vlasnistvu) putem otpisa dela aerodromskih taksi.
DeleteOno sto je ovde po meni sporno je to da Aerodrom Beograd ima i male privatne akcionare koji su osteceni kroz smanjenje profita Aerodroma, odnosno dividende koje to preduzece isplacuje akcionarima.
INN-SNS je tutuban.
Slažem se ali:
Delete1. Srbija daje i direktne subvencije Air Serbiji
2. Omjer investicije Etihada i Srbije nije 49:51 nego daleko više daje Srbija, dakle ostatak sredstava jest subvencija.
@5.01 tako je, Srbija je retardirana pa daje više od onog što je u ugovoru. ;)
DeleteJednako kao sto "retardirano" daje de facto vise upravljackih prava nego sto je ugovoru.
DeleteUgovor je jedno. Tajni anexi i stvarno stanje na koje vas netko natjera nesto posve drugo.
Kao i isplata dividendi, niko ih ne moze naterati na to ako upravni odbor nece.
DeleteDrzave ne mogu biti retardirane, to je karakteristika samo zivih bica. A ljudi koji vode drzave takodje uglavnom nisu retardirani, ali su zato vrlo skloni da kroz raznorazne nejasne ugovore kojima "drzava daje vise od onog sto je u ugovoru", ostvaruju svoju licnu korist. Prijatno!
A vi ste imali uvid u ugovore svaka cast
@9.11 kada neko sumnja u korupciju onda za to mora da ima dokaze ili da prestane da lupeta...
DeleteСумња је сумња баш зато што нема доказа.
DeleteДа има доказа онда не би било потребе за сумњом већ би било чињенично утврђено да корупција постоји. Плашим се да једини кој овде лупета си ти.
@7.50 sumnja bez dokaza je lupetanje.
DeleteНе. Прича без основе/разума је лупетње. Прича без доказа је спекулација.
DeleteDali je moguce da ponovo jedna privatna Aviokompanija ne odrzi rec oko flote kaao Air Croatia .
ReplyDeletePrvo bice 733 i 735 ako ne mogu da odrze obecanje bolje da ne navode nista .
Nemoze iz Vecih gradova da se napuni toliko putnika a ne iz OSI.
Nadam se da ce sutra biti one divne vesti o ASL od juce.
Ne pocinji opet.
DeleteVi ste dizali ovde revoluciju kako cete me ignoristi a vi ponovo na novo.
DeletePrestani sa svojim lupetanjem, air Croatia nije tema oni su vec otisli, vec Sea Air.
DeleteJa mogu da pisem sta hocu .
DeleteSamo sam ih uporedio , a vidi se da ne mozete da odrzite obecanje i revoluciju od juce da cete me ignorisati.
Ignore INN!
DeleteNe pridaj toliku paznju sebi samo par njih je juce pisalo da te ignorisu. Ne pocinji prepirke sa Rvatima sa Air Croatiom i sl. Nije to tema. Slicno
Deletece biti i u Srbiji kada udje EU.
Ja ne pridajem sebi paznju niti je provokacija.
DeleteSamo sam rekao kako nijedna ni druga nisu odrzale obecanje oko flote.
Vidi se koliki si klinac. Mislis da je tako lako naci i iznajmiti avion po zelji, a tanak si sa parama? Pokusavaju i trude se. Nazalost prate ih neuspesi.
DeleteJa znam da nije lako naci pare ali ako znam da nemam za nesto bolje od MD-82 necu pricati onda o 733 , 735 i A320.
DeleteA takodje mi e malo sumnjivo sto pocinju da lete iz OSI vise bi razumeo da je iz DBV.
Malo macku govedja glava. Sta ti znas o DBV? Dole je guzva 4-5 meseci od jacih igraca iz Evrope, u Oseku imas pristup trzistu severa Vojvodine, pola Slavonije i juzne zupanije Madjarske oko 3 miliona ljudi.
DeleteNikad nisam cou od nekog da iz Vojvodine leti preko OSI naravno da ce uvek iz BEG.
DeleteA leasing jednog MD82 je 31000 usd nadam se da ce im uspeti to u OSI mada mislim da bi bilo bolje u DBV.
INN, oni su odmah najavili Devetku, ali uz nju još i 737-500, 737-300 i ATR.
DeleteDa se odmah razumijemo, to što su najavili MD ne znači da je to dobar potez. Avion jest jeftin za nabaviti ali je još isplativ samo za chartere kad je avion pun 90 i više posto i kompanija ne riskira. Jednostavno devetka je prežedna i preskupa za eksploataciju, posebno tako stara. MD80 serija ždere preko 4000 litara na sat vremena, dok bitno veći 737-800 troši tek 3.200 litara. Mislim da u Europi više nitko ne koristi devetke osim Bulgarian Air Chartera, od redovnih kompanija nitko. Tek u SAD-u one još uvijek lete (tamo je gorivo bitno jeftinije), ali i temo ih rapidno umirovljuju.
Uz to planirati tako šaroliku flotu je već samo po sebi samoubojstvo. Na 4 aviona imati 4 različita modela je ludilo. Totalna glupost. To ne može proći ni u vicevima. Ni Chuck Norris kao CEO tu ne bi mogao biti profitabilan.
Isto tako planirati u današnje vrijeme komercijalno letjeti sa 737-500 je grotesno. Čisti diletantizam. Ovaj avion je odavno postao neisplativ i svi su ga se rješili tko je mogao. Još samo oni koji su ga isplatili koriste ga za manje frekventne linije, a i oni ih se rješavaju. Lufthansa će se svojih posljednjih 17 rješiti do 2016. Čak se i TAROM rješio svojih 500-tki.
za razliku mesecne cene lizinga u odnosu na b737-800 mogu da lete jos jedno 300 sati i da
Deletesu i dalje u prednosti kada je potrosnja u pitanju.
Pa nije baš tako, jer da jest onda bi svi letjeli sa starim devetkama kojih stacioniranih ima nekoliko stotina.
Delete@ AnonymousApril 29, 2015 at 2:55 PM
DeleteJa znam ljude iz Vojvodine, koji su išli za OSI da bi leteli sa RyanAir-om za STN... Tako da, teorija o tome kako niko iz Vojvodine ne ide tamo da leti. pada u vodu.
G Purger to ste upravu bole da su dodali jos toliko i uzeli jedan 752 i leteli
Mislim da bi tako bolje opstali nego ovo sto sad rade sa tim tenkom.
Sta mislite koliko ce opstati oni.
Nema potrebe za 752. A320 ili 737 bi bili vise nego dovoljni. Ali za DBV vec nekoliko kompanoja leti iz Londona (imaju vise letova tjedno iz Londona nego Beograd i Zagreb zajedno), kao i za MAN, HEL i ARN. Za HEL npr lete cak 4 kompanihe iz DBV
DeleteZacuduo bih se da obave prvi let, slagirao da prezive mjesec dana. Ali ako prezive do kraja godine plesat cu gol na sred Trga bana Jelacica
Ja sam dao primer MD 82 leasing je 31000 usd dok je za 752 62000 usd a ne verujem da bi se njima isplatio 320 ili 738.
DeleteKoju bi im vi predlozili bazu u HR i gde da lete.
Hvala unapred :)
Deletejedan manji turboprop
* 3 puta tjedno, a 3 puta tjedno OSI-OMO-PUY-OMO-OSI, 3 puta tjedno OSI-MUC-OSI (subotom popodne i nedjeljom ujutro nema OSI-RJK-SPU-RJK-OSI, umjesto toga OSI-MUC-OSI)
Kad promet poraste dolazi drugi avion i povečava se broj letova prema DBV-ZAD, OMO uvodi se OSI-PUY, OSI-MUC postaje svakodnevni, te se uvode čarter linija prema Grčkoj i/ili Turskoj, a eventualno tri puta OSI-IST
2 jet 100-seater
Jedna svakodnevna linija prema MUC, ZRH, CDG ili FRA
Linije sa 2 ili 3 polaska prema ostalim gradovima koju su gore navedeni, a nisi svakodnevne + MXP, FCO, AMS, BRU, LGW, SVO, CPH, PRG, te linija prema DBV za turiste ujutro, odlazak dolje, navečer povratak nazad, evenutalno code-share sa nekim prijevoznikom te fidanje njegovih linija u dva vala (AZ FCO, AF CDG, OS VIE, LX ZRH, LH MUC, KL AMS, JU BEG)
SPU nemaju šanse.
Eventualno deal sa DBV sa dva jeta i preuzimanje ovih putnika koje subvencionira grad i njihova turistička zajednica:
- shutle do ZAG (5 puta dnevno, petkom i nedjeljom 6 puta dnevno)
- cjelogodišnje subvencionirane linije za CDG, LGW, ZRH, AMS, FCO, CPH
- code-share deal za fidanje u dva vala za (AZ FCO, AF CDG, OS VIE, LX ZRH, LH MUC, KL AMS, JU BEG)
dva jeta i manji turboprop, ali samo i isključivo ako se uđe u deal sa Croatijom, te se u code-share pokriju linije koje one ne žele letjeti (MAD, ARN, HEL, OSL, HAM, GVA, FCO, MXP, DME, OTP, SOF, CAI, OMO
alternativa feeding linije za prijevoznike koji nisu Star Alliance (AZ, AF, OK / BA, IB, AY / JU, AB)
Ili potpuno drugačiji koncept i dislocirano baziranje aviona i pokrivanje linija u regiji koje se subvencioniraju od lokalnih aerodroma i lokalnih turističkih zajednica, sa mogućim letovima iz:
- Maribora
- Portoroža
- Pule
- Rijeke
- Zadra
- Brača
- Lošinja
- Dubrovnika
- Osijek
- Varaždina
- Mostara
- Tuzle
- Banja Luke
- Niša
- Morave
- Skopja
- Ohrida
- Prištine
- Balatona
- Debrecina
- Klafenfurta
- Tirane
ReplyDeleteThat was published here last week when it happened.
DeleteGood post!
ReplyDeleteOT: ima li neko sliku ovog 747 trenutno na BEG?
ReplyDeleteOT: Any news about privatisation of Croatia Airlines
ReplyDeletehaha, good one
DeleteThis is the second time in 3 days that I see A321 from QR in BEG. Does anybody know is it due to extra demand or operational reasons? Any info on the loads from both BEG and SOF.
ReplyDeleteI already posted similar question once before on here but I am asking again since aviokarta.net reported that there is possibility we will see both BEG and SOF get separate and direct service.
I know that two, three days ago there were 30-something passengers departing from BEG with QR.
DeleteI fear that's the norm. I hope their loads improve once they introduce direct flights.
Ok thanks Nemjee! I knew that SOF flights are filling better since after all they are direct, but I really thought that figures improved.
DeleteDo you guys think that QR will ever start direct flights to BEG or is this just small talk. If there are lets say 35 pax per flight then it would be crazy to start direct flights. Somebody mentioned already that QR is ok with prices in BEG but their promotion and public relations are bad. I am confident that general public in Belgrade has never even heard of Qatar airways! I never saw any ads in regards to those flights.
Jedino nas moze spasiti kargo .
DeleteA za tih 30 putnika nemaju ni za kerozin od SOF do BEG.
ИНН-НС, најфиније бих те замолио да се не довезујеш на моје коментаре. Хвала.
DeleteAnon 19.06
Their loads have been rather weak since the first flight. It's really unfortunate as they are the best airline in Belgrade, in terms of on-board product.
I do believe that they will establish direct flights. Qatar is above everything else a vanity project and for them profit is of little importance (at least for now). They want to built a global, classy brand and so far they have been doing a fine job.
I agree with you that they need a different approach when it comes to marketing in Belgrade. However, things are not as simple. In my opinion there are two great challenges for Qatar in Belgrade:
1. pathetic presence of the oneworld airline alliance which means that they can't really rely on their travellers. Maybe things would have been different if Malév was still around. They had truly fantastic loads in Belgrade and generally speaking, Malév had a lot of faithful customers.
2. the market is just too saturated at this point. There are way too many seats in a market with limited demand.
However, regardless of all logical explanations, Qatar will not leave Belgrade or any other destination where they are in direct competition with their Persian Gulf buddies plus Turkish Airlines. They are here to stay.
On a slightly related note. I was in Nicosia ten days ago and I was surprised by the aggressive marketing campaign they have going on there. Qatar seems to be making a killing in Cyprus. Their loads are actually healthy but then again... that's nothing surprising given the large demand between Cyprus and the markets in Africa, Asia and Australia.
I dont think there is much cargo on that route. Due to the economic situation cargo is very thin in this areas, not just Serbia. What amazes me is that Ljubljana had significantly higer cargo than BEG. The only airline company in BEG which gets a decent amount of cargo is TK actually.
DeletePersonally, I think RAF Avia is the coolest visitor in Belgrade! They really make the airport quite exotic!
Deletealso to add to your comment Nemjee, QR will be increasing Athens from double daily to triple daily which is amazing. I am not comparing BEG and ATH which are in different leagues, but QR is definitely going strong in Greek market.
DeleteNema problema necu. :)
Yeah, the Persian Gulf airlines have been on a roll when it comes to Athens. Over the past ten years they have constantly reinforced their presence there by adding frequencies. The only downside is that they chased away airlines like Singapore Airlines, Thai, Gulf Air... Though both Singapore and Gulf are still there, their presence is quite pathetic when compared to about a decade ago. Emirates had the most ambitious plans for Athens. A few years ago they applied for rights for the LCA-ATH sector. Obviously, they were instantly turned down. lol
DeleteBut my prediction is that Turkish Airlines will become the true master in Athens. Of course, this is because of the massive O&D market and because of the short flight (insignificant backtracking).
By the way, it's not uncommon to see Gulf Air's E-175 in Athens these days. Some years ago their widebodies were common in Athens, even back at the Elliniko airport.
DeleteSvaka cast G Yuri Miroshnikov kako je uspeo da odrzi PS u tako teskoj situaciji.
DeleteI sta mislite koje su sanse da PS dodje u BEG sto bi bilo odlicno.
Boing 737 has actually way more seats than the A319 since 737 do not have biz class anymore. I am pretty sure its due to operational reasons. Anybody know how is that route doing anyhow? Last year the loads were not good at all with massive dumping.
DeleteU zadnja dva meseca se dosta popravio TLV ovo je ozbiljno sad.
Nemjee apsolutno potpisujem svaku riječ koju ste napisali u komentaru 9:23 PM i potpuno se slažem
Delete"However, regardless of all logical explanations, Qatar will not leave Belgrade or any other destination where they are in direct competition with their Persian Gulf buddies plus Turkish Airlines. They are here to stay. "
Шансе су нулте али с обзиром на апатију Ер Србије рекао бих да је позитивна нула за PS и негативна нула за JU да покрене ту линију. По украјинском законодавству (које је веома чудно и постаје све чудније), линија за Београд је поверена компанији UT-Air Ukraine, те једино она може да отвори дату дестинацију. BEG-KBP са Ер Србијом уз свеобухватни кодшер споразум са PS би била идеална варијанта, такође мало вероватна.
If it is due to operational reasons then why didn't Air Serbia lease a third A320 last year or simply paint one 737 in Air Serbia colours? This sort of hypocrisy makes me sick. Think TLV-BEG is around 300 bucks o-w to fly in a low-cost configuration, not a way to win the market. As for TLV in general, in regards to the competition, if not double daily you can't make it work, so either be ready to bleed some money or simply pull-out.
The night flight to Tel Aviv is a B733 by default. This is because they could not secure the necessary slots so that the flight returns just before 06.00 as is the case with Larnaca, Beirut... However, I find it especially stupid that it's a B733 and not an A319 especially since that aircraft could rotate later on to London. No one in their right mind will want to spend 3 hours in a sardine can. I have been on those B733 and the legroom is extremely tight. It's ok for flights up to 90 minutes but nothing beyond that. As far as the loads go, they have been fantastic around the holidays but abysmal during the low season.
DeleteWith such a low number of frequencies and an inconsistent product (one flight with the A319, the other with the B733) JU will fail at building up its own faithful travelling public in Israel. Getting rid of a negative image is not an easy thing to do, especially in super competitive markets such as TLV.
Kudos to Air Serbia for that, under inverted comas. I guess someone decided that due to it's a night flight, nobody's gonna see the Aviolet stickers (or the type of aircraft operated). If they could only add an "operated by Air Serbia" small titles underneath, it would already be a whole different experience, like this it showcases terrible inconsistency to what such markets are highly sensible.
DeleteI think there is an "Operated for Air Serbia" sticker near the door on all Aviolet jets.
DeleteFrequencies are pathetic and the O&D pricing strange to say the least, deterring the most 'natural' customers to use them. With half-way solutions all the way, they are headed to the wall.
Delete@AnonymousApril 30, 2015 at 1:21 PM
DeleteThank you, that's a nice touch however there are several things which simply won't allow Air Serbia to take-off on the Tel Aviv market:
- Very low frequencies
- Low and in any case not positive brand-awarness, not improving due to same reasons
- Equipment inconsisctency (as we just wrote above), it is a complete shame to schedule on one of the actual high-profile an a/c that you said you're gonna retire few years before
- Schedule inconsiscteny, i'd say that double daily at same times is the only way to go
- Terriblle O&D pricing, shifting their customers to the likes of Pegasus and others.
With all these put together it is time to ask ourselves the question - "is it really worth it"?
Let's be real - Air Serbia is becoming the hostage of the very goals set to them. To be realistic, in order to become profitable, Air Serbia neded 5 years and a minimum of 12-13 additional aircraft instead of 10 with some of the Boeing fleet still used and repainted into Air Serbia colours. I would say even 15 and two additional turboprops. Like this, in order to be "profitable" too fast, they may just lead the entire project and development to a stall before it even reached its apogee, which of course can't be profitable in any single way.
DeleteTalking of Ukraine International Airlines, they increased Larnaca to double daily and today they even sent their B763.
DeleteIt's crazy how they survive. I think they rely almost only on transit passengers.
DeleteDespite the pessimism i see good chances for even profitable nonstop flights from Belgrade to Doha.
ReplyDeleteOf course dailies would be stupid,but Qatar Airways could begin with three times weekly nonstop flights and turn the others which are stopovers into direct flights in the following years.
Profitable?!?! Are you kidding me? There is absolutely no way Qatar is, or will be profitable on BEG route, nonstop or not. With loads they have, no regional feed, no alliance partners in BEG and massive competition, Qatar is clearly losing money in Belgrade. Business case for the route: erode yield for Etihad and FlyDubai/Emirates.
ReplyDeleteEvery couple of days we get Nemanja&Co here talking about QR. It's not helping QR numbers.
Oh yes, we are most definitely writing about Qatar on here so as to help them sell seats in Belgrade. You caught us. Bravo.
DeleteObjective article from "Air Transport World" 4/21/15: http://atwonline.com/airlines/back-game