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Nikšić Airport to open for commercial use this year |
Montenegro is preparing to open its third international airport next year year, in the town of Nikšić, in the country’s west. Over 1.6 million euros have been invested in the airport’s redevelopment since work began in 2012. Local authorities have contributed several thousand euros for the construction of two taxiways (TWY A and TWY C) and two aprons (AP2 and AP3), while 85% of the finances were provided by the European Union Instrument for Pre-Accession Assistance. The airport’s runway, which is 1.450 meters long, can accommodate smaller general aviation aircraft, as well as regional planes such as the ATR, with the capacity to seat around sixty passengers. Currently, work is being carried out on the final stage of the project which includes the construction of a control tower, lighting system and a small terminal building.
The country’s two international airports, Podgorica and Tivat, are operated by the state-run company Airports of Montenegro. However, Nikšić Airport will not fall under its jurisdiction. Local authorities hope to operate the airport jointly with a private enterprise through a public-private partnership agreement. “One of the requests is to extend the runway. There is a possibility to do so during this final phase, which would allow larger aircraft to land, especially since low cost airlines have shown interest”, Nikšić’s Mayor, Veselin Grbović, says. He adds, “This is a good project and I believe we will complete it on time”. The final phase of the project is scheduled for completion in September.
Nikšić is the second largest city in Montenegro, while the Municipality of Nikšić is the largest in the country, covering an area of 2.065 square kilometers, which presents 14.9% of Montenegro’s territory. It counts more than 70.000 inhabitants. The airport, locally known as Kapino Polje, is only three kilometers from the city centre. It was built seventy years ago and was used primarily for pilot training. Following the breakup of Yugoslavia, the airport fell into disuse. Prior to its redevelopment, the airport already featured a single taxiway as well as a hangar. Montenegro’s two international airports handled just over 1.6 million passengers last year. The European Union is supporting Nikšić Airport's redevelopment project as part of the Cross-border Air Networking initiative, which aims to strengthen and integrate existing infrastructure of small airports in Slovenia, Croatia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Montenegro, Serbia and Italy.
Lepo, lepo ali mogli bi i Berane malo da srede.
ReplyDeleteWaste of money...
ReplyDeleteWhat;s more of a shock is that they actually went through with this
ReplyDeleteI don't think this is such a bad idea. Airports of Montenegro would loose their monopoly and they would have to become much more competitive. A few days ago we read that Wizz Air was interested in flying to Kukes. Why wouldn't they fly to Niksic instead of Podgorica and Tivat? It's close to both anyway.
ReplyDeleteYes they'd consider flying there - IF they had an embrear or smaller in their fleet. Dont even have a IATA certification and Code and a rwy w less than 1,900 m...
DeleteIs there some epidemic in ex-Yu that everyone puts "Airport" in front of the name? Airport Nis, Airport Kraljevo, Airport Niksic. It's completely wrong.
ReplyDeleteThree massively successful airport right there :D
DeleteNo it is just Serbenglish.
DeleteBNX too. I flew again from BNX last week and every time I see "Airport Banja Luka" ask myself how people do such ridiculous mistakes when they do these things! Don't they ask anyone what is the correct way?
DeleteNo any member of the BNX Board of Directors speaks any English. The rest of the employees know a few words, but they are not familiar with grammar at all.
DeleteWhy dont you erase posts as this one exYu?
Deletewhy should the admin delete them? It's stating the obvious that writing Airport "City name" is wrong and should be the other way around.
DeletePonovo vredjate ljude da su ne pismeni , a otkud vi znate da ne znaju oni engleski kad znaju ne bas svi ali vecina
These posts shouldn't be removed at all. These posts prove those airports are led by wrong guys. Bribery and corruption at its pretty high level. English is the official language in civil aviation. Those who are not familiar with the language should be dismissed from those positions.
DeleteNaravno i treba vas takodje da bude obrisan zato sto sirite ne istinu da je korupcija u BNX.
INN-NS, "ne pismeni" se piše sastavljeno kao "nepismeni".
DeleteU dodatku, kako neko ko ne zna engleski može čitati "Manual-e" na engleskom i kako može razumjeti ugovor koji treba potpisati sa kompanijom?
Kako može odgovoriti na telefonski poziv nekog kolege iz kompanije iz inostranstva?
Kako direktori i visoki šefovi mogu čitati i razumjeti šta piše u ICAO i IATA "Manual-ima" ako ne znaju službeni jezik odnosno engleski u ovom slučaju.
DeleteDa znaju jezik, i da su pročitali, znali bi da se garaža za aerodromsku opremu ne smije pretvoriti u hladjaču a aerodrom nastaviti raditi bez garaže, kao što je slučaj na BNX-u.
Kad takvi vode aerodrom zar to nije korupcija i negativna selekcija?
Niko ovdje nikog ne vrijedja na način koji ti ističeš, to je obično iznošenje činjenica. Medjutim, korupcija i negativna selekcija i te kako vrijedjaju one koji su svjesni iste, nisu korumpirani, a ne mogu ništa da urade.
1 Nema korupcije.
Delete2 Ne zna vecina engleski ali ostali znaju .
3 Da se niste vi kandidovali na tu poziciju ? :) ako jeste recite.
Koriscenje garaze radi izvoza mesa nije normalna primedba vec cist jal. Jak vam aerodrom ako ne moze bez garaze.
DeleteI dont know if there is corruption in BNX or to what level, but one thing I know is that in all ex yu countries there is drastic corruption levels when compared to rest of the western world ( common sense). I always ask people abroad, why have you left Serbia or the ex yu? Some of the answers are low wage, difficulty getting a job in a fair manner, no future in the field of the studies, constant "ponizavanje" from the bosses ( In Canada this does not occur, if it does consider yourself lucky since you can lawsuit), conflict/war and finally they are sick of seeing all the corruption in the country. Anybody care to add some more?
DeleteBefore writing back to this post, all those abroad should consider why they left ex yu? Also those fanboys of Serbia from abroad who come for 2 weeks and say Serbia is great, would you consider living in Serbia for rest of your life with 200-600 Euros per month with no extra funding from family abroad?
BTW I lived in Serbia for a number of years before that is from where I got the impression on this manner
Dear INN_NS,
Deletean image was posted in the news, and a guy noticed the airport name was wrongly written, and also claimed many airport names all around former YU were wrongly written but in English. And a discussion about it was held between the visitors of this news.
What does it have to do with your the last question whether the guy with whom you had some correspondence in Serbian had applied for the BNX general manager position? Nothing I'd say.
I wish you'd answered his questions about how such directors or high positioned heads could read the ICAO brochures and company's manuals if didn't know the language, and how could they have the airport names written properly in their airport banners if they were not at all or close enough familiar with the language! And if so, according to you, there is no a trace of bribery and corruption in such cases. Interesting.
DeleteI don’t know what you do in Canada but if you think there is no corruption here you are sadly mistaken. Take a look at our roads, highways any other infrastructure in Toronto. Can you explain me how SmartTracks (regional rail) that is supposed to be 52km long, running on 92% of existing GO rails (they need some stations and to electrify it), will cost billions ($6B if I’m not mistaken). In the same time cost estimates for French companies to build subway in corruption ridden Serbia come at 700-800M euros (there is no existing tracks there). What am I trying to say is that there is corruption everywhere. What makes a difference is that economy here is doing good, there is lots of jobs, if you have a good profession you don’t have to look for “veza”. But you never know what can happened tomorrow.
And before you attack me, I do live in Canada and probably will never leave for multitude of reasons. In the same time I’m trying to be realistic and evaluate everything on even terms.
DeleteOf course there is corruption in Canada and I agree with everything you said. Corruption is present everywhere although the magnitude of corruption is different in say Serbia than Canada and that is as you said due to bad economic situation in Serbia. I am sure there would be similar scenario in Canada if economy collapsed and there were drastic reductions in workforce. If Serbian scenario were to happen in Canada it might be even worse due to diversity so Chinese would hire only Chinese if you know what I mean by that. That is already happening actually, but it would worsen with deteriorating economic situation.
You told me before that you lived in Canada so I know your familiar with what is going on here and of course I will not "attack you" lol, we are just having a discussion.
The entire BNX Managing Board should be dismissed immediately since they are not familiar with the IATA recommended practices and they do not understand the work process at the airport, and they do not understand the corresponding aviation-law regulations nor do they care about it
DeleteLet alone the regulations, all the airport equipment would be thrown out of the garage and kept in the open space by idiots only. The airport operator should go under a radical shake-up!
I've seen it with my own eyes, the airport technical platform, the space under the big technical object canopy and the whole place near the bottom gate looks like a junk yard. The whole BNX looks like a piece of shit.
It seems the owner doesn't care.
The worst thing is that the Bosnia Regulator's eyes are closed to all of this. It's all about collapse of the system there.
Hvala bogu pa je sve uredu u BNX posto je vode pravi ljudi .
INN-NS, sramota je šta izjavljuješ vezano za BNX. Odvratno!
DeleteNaravno da nije celu rs i bnx vode pravi ljudi a to sto vama nije po volji mene ne zanima.
INN-NS: I usually do not reply to your posts but today I will make an exception.
DeleteShut up!
It is fine to have an opinion but you show a complete lack of manners when you disregard others opinions. It's also fine to have dreams and an imagination but seriously stop being so rude towards other users on this blog on a daily basis. Also you show a complete lack of knowledge and maturity in saying point blank that there is no corruption. First of all how on earth do you know that and second you do not live in ex-yu nor do you have as much experience of the place as others on this blog so to dismiss their comments is outright rude and immature.
Lastly I sincerely hope you are banned from the new forum on this blog as you kill all sensible discussion on this blog and bring a very negative atmosphere.
And before you go on about how I am anonymous, I will for the first time add a signature.
Delete1 Svaki dan ljudi ovde pricaju o korupciji , naravno da je ima ali nisu vam krivi politicari ako nesto uspe posto ste vi glasali za njih dozvolili im.
2 Ja nista ne znam , nisam nikakav strucnjak niti se hvalim da znam sve ali da vidimo dali ce da potraje vas taj potpis ovde duze od ovog posta da vidimo sta vi znate.
3 Ne vredjam ni ja prijatelje vase familije . A nema potrebe da me blokira zato sto nikoga ne vredjam nego delim samo svoje misljenje .A takodje dovoljno je da dodjem 1 mesecno u Novi Sad i znam vise od vas sta se radi.
4 Vas potpis govori dovoljno o tome koliko vam smeta moja slika koju imam .
DeleteI actually still live inToronto. Most kf my life was spent here actually.
One thing I'd like to correct you. In terms of magnitude, I thinkthat corruption is much worse here. Of course you have to take GDP intoaccount here.
What bugs me is that it's exactly westerners who did everithing in their power to buy our banks,land, factoriesfor next to nothing.so it was them who bribed locals to buy Smederevo steel mill for 12M, heck they even bombed us to bring right people to power because the before them wouldn't give in.. Now, those same peopleare telling us how oug goverment etc. is corrupt.
"What bugs me is that it's exactly westerners who did everithing in their power to buy our banks,land, factoriesfor next to nothing.so it was them who bribed locals to buy Smederevo steel mill for 12M, heck they even bombed us to bring right people to power because the before them wouldn't give in.. Now, those same peopleare telling us how oug goverment etc. is corrupt."
DeleteI get what you are getting to, but that would better fit countries such as U.S., Germany and UK. After all Canada is being told what to do by the U.S. side.
На бањалучком аеродрому, некакав карго - 45Т сировог меса за Турску два пута седмично - гура по сваку цијену директор Мирослав Јањић који прије доласка на мјесто генералног директора аеродромског оператора није никада радио ама баш ништа што би могло имати везе са ваздушним саобраћајем, ваздухопловством, или техником везаном за ваздухопловство уопште. Дакле човјек нема ама баш никаквог ни искуства а ни знања везаног за тај посао, посебно нема знања из фундаменталних природних наука. Нити има капацитета да може да научи. Обичан апаратчик који ће слушати и поступати по директиви и потписивати шта треба. Инжењер друмског саобраћаја, радио на аутобуској станици у Новом Граду.
DeleteПрича о том каргу је почела још у октобру, а први транспорти почетком децембра прошле године. Ако занемаримо хигијенске и узмемо у обзир само климатске услове (температуру ваздуха) могло се то сирово месо некако претоварати и на техничкој платформи, а током те благе зиме требало је хитно отпочети изградњу објекта за карго. Од октобра до данас, прошло је 8 мјесеци.
Умјесто да буде изграђено климатизовано карго складиште, директор улази у небулозан посао преправке гараже за аеродромску опрему у некакву импровизовану хладњачу. Сву аеродромску опрему је избацио напоље из те гараже која је дакле намјенски изграђена за ту опрему. Сада троши субвенцију Владе РС на зидање тог свог Скадра на Бојани у техничком објекту. Механичарска радионица је затрпана којекаквим стварима које су исто избачене из гараже. Кроз ту радионицу се не може лако ни проћи а камоли нешто радити у њој. Гдје он на зиму мисли увести главно ватрогасно возило, које је иначе вангабаритно, највеће до сад произведено у ту сврху (Росенбауер - ТИТАН)?
Хемикалија на бази комплексних алкохолних једињења за одлеђивање и заштиту од залеђивања ваздухоплова и хемикалија за одлеђивање и заштиту од залеђиванја писте стоје у оригиналним, пластичним паковањима на сунцу. Наравно да постоје услови које произвођач (Цлариант) захтјева за складиштенје таквих материја (гликола).
Молим некога ко ради карго на аеродромима у окружењу да каже цијену по којој би 45 тона сировог меса било хендловано у нпр Београду, Загребу или Сарајеву? Максимални тежина пуног авиона је 170Т (МТОВ). Мислим да се ради о Аирбасу серије 300, можда је у питању старији модел А306. Еуропалете с месом на истим се виљушкарем узимају из каминских хладњача, те постављају и учвршћују на авио-палете. Некада се јунеће полутке ручно пакују на специјане носаче и постављају на авио-палете. Дакле колико би коштао ландинг и хандлинг?
С друге стране, нпр Тузла се на прави начин припрема за карго и овај карго који се на овај начин одвија на аеродрому Бања Лука, би лако могао на љето или јесен отићи у Тузлу. Тузла ће испуњавати све услове а Бањалука неће. Те приватне фирме које извозе то сирово месо су из околине Тузле и Травника. Користе аеродром Бања Лука зато што Тузла још није спремна. И шта је директор урадио? Омогућио другом да преузме те послове тек кад буде спреман то јест кад буде испуњавао све услове. А све на штету аеродрома Бања Лука на којем је направио хаос.
Карго авион који превози то месо на релацији од Бања Луке до Истанбула - 1050 плус 1050км - никада још није узео керозин на аеродрому Бања Лука него га довлачи из Турске. Тиме себи прави додатни трошак али је тако сигуран у исправност горива.
Ни Ер Србија не точи гориво на аеродрому Бања Лука, а не ради то ни БХ Ерлајнс. То је зато што немају повјерења у гориво ускладиштено у стабилном постројењу аеродрома Бања Лука. Потпуно исправна пословна политика тих компанија јер кад пилоти виде цистерну, све им је јасно. Не требају компаније слати инспекторе да испитају ствар до у детаље.
INN as a matter of fact I live in BG so no you cannot judge what's going on by one monthly visit. It's ok to share your thoughts/ideas but please do so without trashing other users and their ideas as you currently do.
DeleteLastly, I support ASL and they are one of my favorite companies in Europe so again you are being rude to other posters this time to myself directly. I like your dreams for TATL flights and believe they will happen eventually but other users have a right to their own view and for their own view not to be trashed.
The current Safety Manager at Banjaluka Airport is a guy who, until recently, had worked in ticketing. He worked as a accustomed salesman of avio-tickets in the JAT's ticket agency in Banjaluka.
DeleteNow he takes care about airport safety and the airport equipment too.
Prva linija INN LYNK sa A380 cim produze pistu. Inace pista je iz 2010, ko zna u sta su otisle pare EU.
ReplyDeleteNe, prva linija za Trebinje via Kraljevo Morava :D
DeleteGod you are all so negative! It's an EU financed project so what's the big deal. They redeveloped an airport that was falling apart. It's fantastic that the runway is already long enough for planes like the ATR. I completely see that this could be of interest to low cost airlines if they extended the runway farther and like someone said they wouldn't be under the spell of Airports of Montenegro. I don't remember reading the comments to a single article in the last few months where there wasn't a party pooper parade present.
ReplyDelete+1, I think it great that somebody doesn't want to participate in a State corrupt company like Airports Montenegro.
DeleteAnd Niksic is well known anticorapt city.
DeleteMogu da produze pistu 200-300 m do reke Zete. EU projekat.
"this could be of interest to low cost airlines if they extended the runway"
DeleteIf by "they" you mean low cost airlines, then Ryan, Wizz or Easy should first pay millions for airport infrastructure upgrades so they can fly there. Great idea, much better than Nis where Wizz doesn't even pay enough fees to cover basic airport expenses, let alone millions required to upgrade airport infrastructure.
'It's an EU financed project so what's the big deal' - I am generally in favour of the UK staying in the EU, but when I read comments like that I really wonder...
OT Pod uticajem mocne Adrije cela Lufthansina grupa preuzima njihov koncept i uvodi nove tarife kao za LCC kompanije. Economy Light.
ReplyDeletePitanje, da li 737 leti za Bec ponekad zbog kolicine putnika ili manjka flote? JU600 juce 59 putnika, JU605 72. Vise bi im se isplatilo na JU605 da su prebukirali putnike za ujutro i pustili ATR?
ReplyDeleteLack of Atrs.
DeleteI could see an airline like Ryanair usibg an airport like this. Its simmilar to many secondary airports in western europe.
ReplyDeleteSo Niksic airport would be to Podgorica what CRL is to BRU? Podgorica is crowded, 22M passengers per year airport like BRU so Ryan has to move to Niksic, a 6M passengers per year secondary airport?!? I am trying to find similarity here.
DeleteWhat's more amazing is that Ryan has been moving BACK to that expensive, crowded BRU to hurt competition. Imagine Ryanair moving back from Niksic to Podgorica because Wizz moved in, LOL!
With Trebinje having airport "ambitions" and Middle East investors looking to build airport in Ulcinj/Velika Plaza, that would bring the number of commercial airports in about 100km range to six (Dubrovnik, Trebinje, Niksic, Tivat, Podgorica and Ulcinj). That's total of only 3M passengers with commerical airport density that rivals London or Los Angeles areas. Makes no commerical sense, why would EU invest in Niksic?
Prevoz kokaina i tako to.
DeleteJos malo pa ce u CG vazdusnom saobracaju biti veca guzva nego na Gazeli .
ReplyDeleteJa stvarno ne znam ko ce da leti za Niksic a poritom je pista tako malena.
Pista je veca od one u Kraljevu. Uzgred CG ima najveci broj putnika po glavi stanovnika od svih ex-yu drzava.
DeleteDa i skoro isti broj putnika kao jedan regionalni Aerodrom u Austriji.
Bwahaha! +1 INN
Deletema bitno da mica nama zna kakva je guzva na Gazeli, verujem da ju je prosao celih 3 puta u zivotu hahah
DeleteJa svaki put kad sam u srbiji prodjem tuda posto moram obici prijatelje po BG.
Ne lupaj gluposti pista je kraca za 700 m.
ReplyDeleteLOT is definitely leaving Belgrade, rumours or truth ? Very shortly. EX-YU, have you heard something about that ?
ReplyDeleteWhere did you read that rumor? I know you asked the admin specifically for an answer but I am also curious since they offer from time to time sick prices from YZZ and NYC. If they do leave then the only cheap alternative to across the pond flights will remain 9W.
DeleteKo bi rek'o da je nekad teklo med i mleko, a sad znoj i suze: http://www.vreme.com/cms/view.php?id=1299373
DeleteNema taj clanak veze sa LOT-om. Kad smo vec kod Vremena, Vreme se zalaze da se Srbija ugleda na napredne drzave kao sto je recimo Kanada? Slazem se, evo kako drzava donosi zakone protiv sindikata pilota kako bi zastitila avio prevoznika. Posto je donet hitni zakon tokom strajka a po novom zakonu nisu vise mogli da strajkuju, sindikati su morali da popuste i prihvate teze uslove avio kompanije. Er Kanada sada posluje profitabilno. Hocete da Srbija ima visi standard, bolje zakone i profitabilnu avio kompaniju kao Kanada? Naravno, onda zaboravite na sindikate i strajkove i vidite kako se to radi:
It seems like it's a truth. I just got an breaking news email from my travel agent that says as of July 1st they are stopping flihgts. Too bad as they were one of the best and often cheapest options on YYZ-BEG route
DeleteGreat news, this will boost ASL numbers for WAW flights. ASL has beaten yet another competition. I wouldn't be suprised if they cancel ZAG flights aswell, heard planes are almost empty on that line.
DeleteWould be smart for LOT now to codehare on Air Serbia WAW flights like Adria did on BEG-LJU.
DeleteLong time ago I said LOT will have drop BEG once Air Serbia starts flying TATL. With today's news, it's all but a done deal.
Another company to leave BEG? Will any stay or that will be just Air Serbia Monopoly Airport?
Delete"Great news, this will boost ASL numbers for WAW flights." For ASL its for sure great news, while for the customers its bad news since competition is good in lowering price. Also Lot had good connections and decent prices to N.America. Sad to see Lot leave. Is there any chance that ASL and Lot will make some deal when it comes to N.American pax? Lot is in Star Alliance so I doubt but lets hope something happens.
DeleteI just checked and you cannot book flights across pond with Lot from July 1. I am surprised nobody else is commenting on this. After BA and AF this is probably the biggest loss for both BEG airport and as well as the pax.
DeleteWho cares about LOT when ASL will have direct flights to US.
Deletehow do you not understand that the more carriers in BEG the better!!!! ASL will charge a lot if there is only TK and LH group in BEG.This is not brain science Few foreign carriers=higher prices
DeleteThere was some guy the other day who said 2-3 carriers will leave BEG soon and everybody said/thought he is a troll including me but it partially turned out to be right. My bet is that Belavia and EY are next.
If the info I received is correct bot BEG and ZAG flights are affected.
DeleteThis comment has been removed by the author.
DeleteYup, you can't book ZAG after June 30th as well. I just checked.
Delete@Anon at 2:55pm.
ReplyDeleteIstina , pista je kraca, ali zasto moras da kazes '"Ne lupaj gluposti". ccccccc
Zato sto ne postoji drugi naziv u srpskom za glupost. Ni u drugim jezicima.
ReplyDeleteMogao si da komentarises na puno nacina , bez vredjanja. Ccccccc
ReplyDeleteE, vala bas si mu rekao! Jel' se osecas dobro sada?
Blago tebi....
OT: Sporazum o vazdušnom saobraćaju između Vlade Srbije i Vlade SAD potpisan je danas u Vladi Srbije (tanjug)
ReplyDeleteWow, that was really fast! Wow!!! But there's more:
Radujem se što ćemo u narednih godinu dana imati direktan let ka Americi pa čak i ako to ne bude Er Srbija biće mi drago da to bude neka američka aviokompanija jer će to biti dobro za obe zemlje", naznačio je Kirbi
We heard similar statement few weeks ago and I commented on it not knowing if it's real or not, but second mention means it IS for real! WOW! It could be some US based summer charter (for example National Airlines, not looking forward to it) or one of the Big 3! As I mentioned last time, best option would be partnership between Air Serbia (say, JFK and YYZ) plus AA (ORD, LAX?). WOW!!!
That is possible only if JU becomes an Oneworld member, but it will be barred by EY because of QR.
DeleteSo no AA around, maybe only DL.
DL is not the right fit based on their hubs, they have no hub at ORD (where ASL will not fly for now, so no opportunity for DL to complement ASL). AA is a perfect fit - JFK, ORD, one day even LAX. AA and EY already codeshare, QR has no say in that. There was no need for Etihad to join Oneworld for AA codeshare and there is no reason for Air Serbia to join Oneworld, Skyteam or any other alliance (and Etihad partnership is an "open marriage" when it comes to this).
DeleteMogu da se kladim da cemo za koju godinu citati o uhvacenim svercerima droge koji su leteli malim avionima u Niksic.
ReplyDelete"Radujem se što ćemo u narednih godinu dana imati direktan let ka Americi pa čak i ako to ne bude Er Srbija biće mi drago da to bude neka američka aviokompanija jer će to biti dobro za obe zemlje", naznačio je Kirbi. Sta zar nije sigurno Er Srbija?!
I ponovo sam bio u pravu hhahahahahah pozdrav za sve koji su rekli da juce nije bio bitan dan .
Jeste bitan dan, u pravu si, al' na koga tipujes: Deltu, United, AA ?
Deletewe all now that they will start eventually, and you were not right since you said flights will start this March or April. Anyhow happy to see progress in the process but also do not forget nothing is for sure, until I see it I wont believe. Its not like AA announced BEG today or ASL announced YYZ.
DeleteNajlogicnije je AA mozda iz LAX-ORD sa 788 a ASL iz JFK to bi bilo odlicno .
Deletea sta ostali misle.
Znaci sve je izvesniji ulazak Srbije u Skyteam a Delta ce obavljati letove za BEG. Air Serbia ce biti zasticena od rizika sezonskih fluktuacija a kao feeder Deltinih letova ce jako dobro zaradjivati. Savrseno.
DeleteNi jedna američka kompanija sugurno neće leteti za BEG.
DeleteG Vaske
DeleteJel vi znate razliku izmedju Kine i Usa .
Rekao sam za kinu .
A niko vas ni ne tera da verujete pa cemo videti ko je u pravu.
"Ni jedna američka kompanija sugurno neće leteti za BEG."
DeleteDa li si procitao sta kaze ambasador? Zasto bi u dva navrata pominjao da ce mozda americka kompanija da leti?
Ambasador je diplomata.. a rekao je: "pa čak i ako to ne bude Er Srbija biće mi drago da to bude neka američka aviokompanija"... dakle niko ništa ne tvrdi.
Delete@INN-SNS: no you are not right again about anything. Have you already forgotten that on Wednesday you stated that BIG things was to be announced in regards of BEG concession yesterday.....and just like all the other "scoops" you come with....they are worth zero.
DeleteNa pisano je dasu vazne stvari ali ne u vezi cega.
DeleteDobro, diplomata je, niko ništa ne tvrdi. Leteće samo JU.
DeleteA onda na RTS naletim na ovu izjavu premijera:
Како је додао, "тући ћемо се на тржишту" са америчким компанијама и хоћемо да победимо у тржишној утакмици.
Pa gde ste sad da vas nije pogodila ova izjava ahahhahah :P
a evo sta je jos ambasador rekao
Delete"И иако ће 'Ер Србија' летети 'ербасом' а не 'боингом' за Америку, надам се да ће неки од делова у авионима, на пример мотори, бити амерички", рекао је Кирби.
@10.25 "tući ćemo se na tržištu sa američkim kompanijama" znači borbu ASL na severno američkom tržištu a ne konkurenciju na letovima za BEG.
DeleteJU piloti već znaju da su ATC u Njujorku poznati su po tome da nemaju strpljenja za novajlije. Uvežbajte se do savršenstva da ne bude kao provincijalac Dasti po prvi put na Kenediju:
DeleteIzvini ali jednostavno je smesno.
I can still remember as it was yesterday when I looked through JAT DC-10 window at those massive General Electric CF6-50 engines as they roared during takeoff at BEG. Well, if you miss GE CF6 you might be in for a treat. From today's news:
ReplyDeleteGovoreći o investicijama, Kirbi je kao primer naveo fabriku Dženeral Elektrik, koja već proizvodi delove u Subotici...Biće im ponuđeno, rekao je Kirbi, da prave delove za turbine i druge mašine..."I iako će Er Srbija leteti erbasom a ne boingom za Ameriku, nadam se da će neki od delova u avionima, na primer motori, biti američki", rekao je Kirbi.
So what does this mean? Well, Etihad has A330-200 with two types of engines, RR Trent 700 and GE CF6-80. Jet Airways only has GE on few of their remainig A330-200. I might be reading too much into this, but I'd say this means Air Serbia will get A330-200 with General Electric CF6-80 engines, same family as the old CF6-50 on JAT's old DC-10's!!! Welcome back, CF6!
Sta vi mislite od koga ce doci avion od 9W ili EY i od koga bi vise voleli da dodje avion :)
RR Trent 700 looks better on the A330 in general ( aesthetically speaking, not sure about economics).
DeleteSećam se pre 20 godina mini bus prevoza na relaciji Nikšić - Aerodrom Podgorica, jedva po nekoliko putnika. Da li se nešto promenilo od tada?
ReplyDeleteHi admin, nice new outlook.
ReplyDeleteG Admine
ReplyDeleteNovi sajt vam je predobar =D
Sve je isto osim boje
DeleteMeni je isto lep ovaj nov izgled, a ima i forum
DeleteWell im gonna disagree, i liked the old version better, the dark background/white letters combo was very relaxing. Anyway, it wont stop me from coming back!
ReplyDeleteSame. I usually visit this site late at night when I am in bed with the lights off, so the darker theme was easier on my eyes. I think it might be too bright now.
DeleteI appreciate all the work you do admin and I will always visit this site regardless of some changes, but this white color is not easy on the eyes. If you do ever consider switching back I think it would be fair to do a vote of some kind (survey) and see what all users like more.
DeleteActually black backgrounds are considered worst for the eye. It tires your eye the most. That's why most sites have gone white. Anyway I like it. Much clearer.