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Adria looking to expand outside of Slovenia |
Adria Airways is considering expanding operations from its base in the Polish city of Lodz, as the airline looks to grow outside of Slovenia. Adria currently offers eighteen weekly flights out of the central Polish city, with twelve weekly services to Munich and a further six weekly flights to Amsterdam. In late March, the airline based a 70-seat Bombardier CRJ 700 aircraft in the city and employed local pilots and crew members. “We are very pleased with the performance of Adria’s new routes, especially with Munich”, Lodz Airport's spokeswoman, Ewa Bienkowska, says. Paris is among the new services being considered, according to sources close to the airport.
The CEO of Adria Airways, Mark Anžur, previously noted that the Slovenian carrier will put a greater emphasis on its operations in Poland in the coming period. “The question is, what are the chances for further expansion out of Ljubljana. We should not rush from Ljubljana, I think Lodz has much greater potential at the moment”, Mr Anžur said. He added, “Strategically we want to be a European carrier and not only a Slovenian carrier. We are embracing internationalisation. There are many reasons for this. One of them being that the Slovenian market is very limited. Through this segment of our strategy, we expect a 5% increase in our passenger numbers”.
Apart from Lodz, Adria also boasts a base in Pristina. Furthermore, the carrier has announced plans to station an aircraft in the Albanian capital Tirana next year. “We have a 5% market share in Tirana and we are the third busiest carrier. Albania is fast growing and traffic is mainly focused on Italy. On the other hand, there is also strong growth in traffic between Albania and Germany”, the CEO said. He added, “Next year we plan to base an aircraft in Tirana and have three daily flights to a number of destinations. We are considering at least two new routes. Italy is a very real possibility”. In addition, later this summer, Adria will make a decision on whether to push forward with plans to open a low cost base closer to home, in the Slovenian city of Maribor. Adria, which posted its first annual profit in 2014 following seven consecutive losses, plans to increase its passenger numbers by 20% this year and improve its revenue by 15%. At the same time, the Slovenian government is seeking to sell a 91.6% stake in the carrier.
Niš has certainly started strong. The first flight to Basel came with 160 pax and departed with 170.
ReplyDeletePerhaps Adria should consider some flights such as VIE-INI, which I think would be rather successful with a CRJ.
Actually, this is very good idea ��
DeleteI am quite impressed with INI.. Apparently sales of tickets for both Malmo and Basel goes very well. Hopefully Wizz will introduce some german city in the future ��
Wow :) Where do you get these numbers? Does the airport publishes it? I'm very interested...
DeleteFly from Niš blog publishes that... The challenge would be to maintain those outbound numbers during winter. Also Memmingen was mentioned a couple of times as a this year's destination. And I agree, Vienna would be fantastic with Adria.
DeleteI doubt you will see Adria in Nis. They need all the aircraft they can get and they need to increase revenue per pax which you definitely won't get from a low-yielding market such as Nis where you can fill a plane only if you offer dirt cheap prices. They tried that with Banja Luka and failed miserably with 5 passengers per flight despite a strong marketing campaign and support from the airport (by that I mean free of all charges). Nis might have worked years ago when Adria had a completely different strategy and that was to funnel ex-Yu passengers through Ljubljana to western Europe. They were considering Nis then but even then they gave up on that idea,
DeleteWeren't Adria's fares out of LJU crazy high?
DeleteI think JU does well in BNX because the lowest return flight is €54 so it actually makes sense to consider flying.
Out of BNX, not LJU. Sorry.
DeleteWowowow go Nis! Let's hope they announce Memingen and maybe Eindhoven bynext summer.
DeleteHope they announce Memingen by next winter.
DeleteDo you have the loads of the today's flight to malmo?
DeleteThis is a good strategy. At least they are thinking outside of the box.
DeleteAt this rate, they won't have any planes left in Slovenia soon.
ReplyDeleteExcellent news for Adria and very smart strategy to move to higher yield markets (Munich).
DeleteI wonder is Lufthansa is driving this expansion for Adria from Lodz. Also I wonder does Lodz pay Adria to fly there?
ReplyDeleteThis is a good way to boost passenger numbers but I am seriously concerned about their financial performance. They managed to make a minimal profit last year (less than 1 million) by selling their aircraft. They were not liquid at all by the end of the year. Every new route (let alone base) carries with it financial risks and I am certain Adria has incurred losses at Lodz. So it's great they are boosting numbers by 20% and flying everywhere but it can only go for so long before their finances take another hit and I am not sure how much they can really take.
ReplyDeleteWell their choice of bases is quite logical. Poland is one of the fastest growing markets and is expected to become one of the most powerful countries in Europe over the next decade. Tirana/Albania is undeserved, it has a fast growing population and visa free travel to EU. Pristina/Kosovo has the youngest population in Europe and at one point they will all want to travel especially when they no longer require visas one day. Plus you have a huge diaspora.
ReplyDeleteI think extremely high unemployment in Kosovo will be their biggest issue. They will have to rely on diaspora.
ReplyDeleteSea Air Fail
yeah, yeah, yeah.of course, and (brand new) ZAG FAIL, and (brand new) DBV FAIL, and (brand new) SPU with 126 DAILY departures/arrivals on Sat FAIL, and only-ex-yu-self-sustained-and-profitable CROATIA AIRLINES FAIL, and Trade Air FAIL, and European Coastal FAIL, and Limitless FAIL, and 7-million-pax-per-year FAIL, but HEY, we also have ASL and ANT mega-giga-ultra-extra-special SUCCESS. GROW UP!!!
DeleteSomeone is butthurt. Lol
DeleteI do not know, to whom author of this article or his source in Adria is lying. Adria did NOT grow revenue in 2015! Revenue for the first 5 months of 2015 is exactly equal as previous year. The only growth at Adria is growing number of passengers and growing number of offered seats for sale! Revenue is not growing! Adria Will face serious liquidity problems after 15th August, as invoices for the airport services and extra hours for the crews Will have to be paid.
ReplyDeleteJako zanimljivo poslovanje ADR , verovatno kad se linije dobro pokazu mozda prebace i jedan A319.
OT: Zagreb Airport (from another forum)
ReplyDelete"...Danas na Plesu u vidljivom redu letenja imamo 56 polijetanja, te isto toliko slijetanja, što dugo nismo imali (od 2011.). Obično smo u špicama tijekom posljednjih godina postizali 52, max 53 operacija u jednom smjeru...
Šteta za LOT koji otpada s 1.07. Vidim kako Lufthansa barem 3 x tjedno šalje a321, a u ostalim danima a320, što je iskorak u kapacitetu u odnosu na prije kada su većinom slali 737-300... (ekvivalent a319).
British već duže vrijeme koristi A320 barem 4 x tjedno, a Turkish je stabilan sa svojim 738/9 mašinama za razliku od lani i preklani kada je gotovo uvijek u večernjim rotacijama slao manji a319..."
Nisam znao da Turkish ima u floti 739?
DeleteIma 16 739 ali jako retko ga salju za LYBE.
Kakve veze ima BEG i B739 kada se ovde pise o ZAG-u?
DeleteBice zanimljivo da vidimo kako se OU nosi sa svom ovom konkurencijom.
Sada vidim da imaju 16 komada, narucili max-8 i max-9. Pametni ljudi... Jos kada bi smanjili broj incidenata godisnje, bili bi najbolja kompanija u evropi.
DeleteS obzirom da sam iz Dubrovnika i jako često putujem, mogu samo reći da su letovi OU u i iz Dubrovnika (u ovom razdoblju) gotovo 100% popunjeni, pogotovo prema i iz Zagreba!
DeleteMeanwhile 88 departures in BEG.
DeleteBut aren't DBV-ZAG flights always full?
Deletemeanwhile over 100 departures in SPU on Saturdays, i.e. highest air traffic in ex-YU per 24 hours.
ReplyDeleteOff topic but still very much related to our region.
ReplyDeleteOn June 16th and June 26th Aegean received brand new A320s both featuring sharklets.
So far in 2015 they received a total of 8 A320s with another one on order. (two are factory fresh)
In total they currently have 34 A320s.
Svaka cast A3 oni imaju A320 CEO .
DeleteNazalost TK i A3 rasturaju ASL.
Ali meni je zanimljivo da se u A3 ne razmilslja o nabavci A330 posto imaju jaku regionalnu i evropsku mrezu destinacija i svakako sto se toga tice mngo bolje stoje od ASL.
They were considering the A330 but then they decided that they shouldn't solely rely on O&D. That's when they decided to start developing their hub at Athens airport.
DeleteSince CY went belly up they have been working on establishing a dual base in both LCA and ATH. Now, you can fly something like:
Their presence in the Middle East is growing and they are especially strong in TLV. They are growing in Egypt too thanks to their cooperation with Egyptair. By the way, Egyptair started sending their widebodies to Athens as of recently.
p.s. TK's flights to Athens are fully coordinated with Aegean's waves of arrivals and departures.
p.s.2 morning TK flight is usually on an A340/330 while the evening one is always with the B773.
DeleteWhen will A3 flying into ZAG?!?!
Delete@INN - Ali daleko losiji polozaj za transfere za S. Ameriku i Evropu nego ASL.
DeleteZnam to ali imaju zadivnu flotu koju bi voleo da ASL ima takvu flotu.
Upam da jim uspe tudi na ostalih trgih seveda. K temu so primorani odkar je lastnik LJU postal Fraport. Od takrat se osredotočajo tudi na Lodž, Maribor, Prištino in Tirano. Tukaj si seveda najbolj želimo uspeha pri razvoju nizkocenovne baze v MBX, ki bi pomenila velik preboj za Adrio k neodvisnosti od Fraportovih pristojbin na LJU.
ReplyDeleteAdria je edina od vseh ex yu letlskih druzb, ki se vsaj malo obnasa trzno in isce niše za svoj obstoj. Edina prava strategija. Bravo JP
Deletekončno še nekaj slovenščine na portalu.
Pozdravljam, se strinjam.
Deletevseeno ne verjamem v obstoj Adrie brez prodaje.
sm mislu da ih ni na portalu :)
DeleteSeveda smo ampak smo včasih preveč prilagodljivi, ker razumemo vse jezike tukaj v uporabi. Zakaj mislite, da bi bilo AA treba prodat? Anžur je rekel da se lahko sami rešijo.
DeleteOd danes dalje je tender zunaj... javna objava prodaje z vsemi pogoji. Upam na najbolje!
DeleteAA je navadno leglo nepotizma in raznih "monkey" biznisov. Ze zdavnaj je bilo potrebno likvidirati to podjetje in prenehati sanirati vsa ta leta njihove podvige. Vecina zaposlenih je druzinsko in prijateljsko povezana, kar zelo slabo vpliva na naravno selekcijo v nekem podjetju glede sposobnosti, kjer ta ni pomembna. AA naj cimprej prodajo, in tisti ki bo jo kupil naj dela z njo kar hoce, dokler pa je to drzavno podjetje, kaj dejansko davkoplacevalci imamo od tega?
DeleteNjjihova ponudba je totalno nekonkurencna, ze od lanskega leta ko so ukinili vkljucen prigrizek in pijaco v ceni vozovnice in glumijo "nizkocenovca", cene pa so jim krepko previsoke za to kar nudijo.
Kar se tice pristojbin in Fraporta v LJU, vsa ta leta je AA imela poseben status v LJU dokler je to bilo v lasti drzave in tudi jim ni pripomoglo da pridejo "na zeleno vejo". Letos so frabricirali bilance na ta nacin, da so prodali vsa letala razen CRJ200 in jih naslednji dan vzeli v leasing, ter tako prikazovali slovenski javnosti "uspeh s pozitivnim poslovanjem", kar sevead ni res. Novembra, ko jim bo spet zmanjkalo likvidnih sredstev, pa bodo lajali ker ne bodo mogli izplacevati redno plac in prispevkov, da o ostalih stroskih niti ne govorim. Ze zdaj na nekaterih letaliscih ne morejo dotankati letal, ker ne placujejo racunov v normalnem casovnem okvirju. Kar se tice MBX, tisti travnik v Slivnici je edino zanimiv za poletne charterje v Grcijo in Turcijo. Stajerska regija je iz leta v leto bolj obubozana, Maribor pa je socijalna bomba, in tezko da bo kdo letel iz MBX po njihovih cenah, tako da realno gledano da bi neka redna linija iz MBX lahko obstala, to je bolj ze znanstevena fantastika. Osebno mislim da Anzur razlaga pravljice, zaenkrat mu gre dobro ker ima menadzersko placo in uziva vse benefite, ko jim bo v AA nestalo para, potem bomo vidli kako sposoben je najti denar :) Meni kot slovenskem davkoplacevalcu je totalno vseeno, ce bom letel iz LJU z LH, Easyjet, Wizz ali AA. Vse kar se danes gleda je CENA, nacionalni naboj in domovinski ponos se zgubi, ko te nekdo udari po zepu, in se zavedas da te nategujejo :)
Bojim se, da imaš prav, vendar ostanimo obtimistični. Gospodarsko stanje v Mariboru se izboljšuje, letališče je dostopno vsem slovencem zaradi avtoceste, pristojbine pa so proti Fraportovim veliko nižje. Upam, da se vseeno stvari obrnejo na boljše. Naj Pipistrel kupi Adrio pa pokaze, kaj se da naredit iz takih podjetij.
DeleteBodimo realni, AA vec nima nic vrednega, tako tudi posledicno zakaj bi kdo kupoval AA?
DeleteKako nor bi moral biti potencialni investitor, da bi vlagal denar v podjetje, katero je zadolzeno do grla, podjetje katero nima vec lastnine, letala so najeta, hangarji najeti, vse kar so imeli so ze prodali. Novemu investitorju je ceneje ustanovit novo firmo, najet letala in zaposlit pilote in ostalo kabinsko osebje.
To je danasnja realnost AA, ceprav nekateri preko medijev uspešno manipulirajo s slovensko javnostjo ter jim servirajo neresnicne zgodbice in podobno.
There is a Serbian, Croatian, Greek, and so on OT so dont complain next time why there is OT on Croatian topic. I am happy to see conversations going since if we only stick to Adria topic there will be 10 comments max. There have been OT on Serbian topics as well and I am completely fine with that! I personally think that as long as we have productive comments it does not matter whether its OT or not. What do rest of you think?
ReplyDeletebut of course I am against people spamming about A330 coming to ASL almost every freaken day regardless of whether its true or not!
DeleteWhy did you even bring this up? If you even bothered to read the comments you would see there is a lot of discussion about JP. Just because you don't care, doesen't meen there are 10 or none. OT on Serbian topics is minimal. Serbian OTs on every other topic no matter which country or which topic is standard. Personally I don't care.
DeleteAs far as I am aware the admin is ok with ots as long they are aviation related so I don't think it's a problem.
DeleteThere's only one person doing the A330 OT, so banning the kid would actually improve the quality of the blog.
Deletethe admin said a thousand times he doesn't have the ability to ban people....
DeleteThey are probably related...
DeleteUpam da bo Adriji uspelo preživeti vso hudo konkurenco in da se bo razvilo v večje podjetje.
ReplyDeleteJa tukaj smo si v vsakem primeru vsi enotni.
DeleteAdrija se ne more razviti v vecje podjetje, ker enostavo je konkurenca premocna. Drzava pa je dobesedno na psu, in vprasanje kako dolgo se lahko je AA v lasti drzave s taksnimi financami.
DeleteČemu ta resignacija?
ReplyDeleteStrong June at Sarajevo Int. Airport - double digit grow!
Numbers will be released today or tomorrow.
Anybody knows why Solinair stopped flying to Beograd?
ReplyDeleteUPS BEG now flies directly from CGN. There is no reason to operate Saab 340 for 500kg of TNT daily.
DeleteWill they start using L410 on BEG route? I saw they sold both 737s as well, any news on that?
ReplyDeleteThere were plans to start a new route with the Metro or Let410 but TNT is not sold on these two aircraft types.
DeleteSolinair (or rather, the owner MNG) sold both 737's to West atlantic. Solinair will use one of MNG's A300 starting in a couple of months.
Thanks for info. It would be nice to see an article about this, not many times you can read anything else than OU/JP/JU here...