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Adria considering year-long flights from Maribor following successful start |
Adria Airways, which launched seasonal flights from Maribor Edvard Rusjan Airport to London Southend this Monday, is satisfied with the route’s performance and will consider exteding the service throughout the winter months by the end of June. The Slovenian carrier has sold over 5.000 tickets on the route so far. The inaugural flight from Slovenia’s second largest city, operated by an Airbus A319, had 105 passengers on board. The airline plans to maintain services three times per week with a mix of A319 and Bombardier CRJ900 jets, although the latter will be more widely used. The airline has said it will be flexible with its equipment and will deploy aircraft based on demand. According to early booking figures, the average cabin load factor on each flight amounts to around 60%. Adria is satisfied with the figure seeing as ticket sales were launched only recently and that the peak of the summer season is yet to come.
The new flights, which mark Adria’s first scheduled service out of Maribor in fifteen years, have naturally generated the greatest interest among Slovenians, however, the flights have also been selling well in Croatia, Austria and the United Kingdom. Services from Maribor could particularly be of interest to travellers across the border from nearby Graz, which is less than an hour’s drive from Maribor. A decision on whether to extend the service on a year-long basis will be made by the end of the month and will be based on ongoing ticket sales. If the flights are performed during the winter as well, Adria will look at adding frequencies on the route during the 2016 summer season.
The CEO of Adria Airways, Mark Anžur, says there is still a real possibility for Maribor to become the airline’s low cost hub, with a single aircraft to be based in the city. This would lead to the launch of new routes. “Flights to Germany are being considered and we see great potential there due to Graz’s close proximity. Even Spanish holiday destinations would be of interest. In the long-term, Maribor would be very appealing to eastern markets because of its short distance from many tourist destinations that would be interesting to Russians”, Mr Anžur said. Unconfirmed reports suggest that Berlin and Barcelona are being considered for next year. Maribor Airport’s Managing Director, Marko Gros, said, “We had to start somewhere so we started with London. We are hoping for an increase in the number of routes”. Maribor Airport handled some 18.000 passengers last year, the majority of which were flown on charter flights. It estimates to handle 35.000 passengers in 2015.
How big is Maribor's catchment area outside of Slovenia? I suppose road infrastructure is good so the airport is easily accessible.
ReplyDeleteCan't answer your question but Apple Maps lists Zagreb to Maribor Airport as 1hr 15 min, which is about 30 minutes less than Zagreb to Ljubljana airport.
DeleteWell, I doubt many from Zagreb would fly out of Maribor unless fares are considerably lower. My guess is that the biggest potential is in south-west Hungary and south-eastern parts of Austria.
DeleteMaybe this will help. Distances from Maribor airport:
DeleteMaribor: 10km
Ljubljana: 120km
Graz: 73 km
Zagreb: 111km
Vienna: 258km
Venice: 369km
Budapest: 348km
Klagenfurt: 133 km
DeleteTriest: 220 km
Well, I think the last three are irrelevant.
DeleteWill be interesting to know what German routes they are considering. I am sure Frankfurt or Munich are high on the list.
The article says its going to be Berlin most likely
DeleteWell done Adria. A good example for airlines and smaller airports. Hope Air Serbia can learn something from it.
ReplyDeleteYes a good model for Banja Luka and Nis as well. But out of the small airports in ex-Yu, Ohrid will do best this summer.
DeleteI don't get how most Slovenians say that they often use Venice airport. It is almost 400km from Maribor. Is is wroth it? Even the CEO's of MBX and LJU always say how Venice is their biggest competition.
ReplyDeleteWell, VCE is possibly oversupplied, has many destinations/carriers and fares are generally (significantly) lower than ex LJU, ex VIE and ex ZAG. At the same time, it is easy to get to VCE so quite a few passengers have no problem to travel longer by road to get lower fares.
DeleteNeverujem da ce bog zna koliko ljudi leteti iz GRZ iz razloga sto su jeftino povezani sa VIE (Vozom-Busom).
ReplyDeleteA i ne znam kako im se isplati slati CRJ 900.
First of all, "neverujem" se pise ODVOJENO "ne verujem" kao i sve ostale glagolske negacije.
DeleteDrugo, da li ti sve sto nema veze Air Serbia (ciji sam veliki postovalac, ali sa dozom mjere) moras da poklopis sa nekim negativnim komentarom?!
Da, ljudi iz Graca ce da lete iz Maribora, posto su cijene iz Beca (posebno za London uvijek visoke, cak i sa Easyjet!!!!), prema tome, ukoliko je karta jeftinija naravno da ce da lete!
Trece, ovo je bio odlican potez Adrie sa Mariborom, a posebno jer su izabrali SEN airport, ljudi iz istocnog Londona obozavaju SEN jer je mali, NOV i super se lako dolazi do SEN (licno iskustvo)!
Cetvrto, ruta je fenomenalno propracena medijski i marketinski, prema tome, dusmani neka samo crkavaju....BTW, I have absolutely no emotional attachment to Slovenia or Maribor, I am simply happy to see positive things happening, regardless where and to whom!
Additional link for everyone who like a good travelling article:
Best wishes to EVERYONE from London
Totally agree... very well written!!
DeleteDa ja svaki dan dobijam ovde novi cin , kakve veze ima ova linija za SEN sa ASL kad ASL nece izgubiti zbog toga ni jednog putnika iz slovenije.
Delete1 U stajarskoj su znatno manje plate nego u ostatku Austriji i manje naroda leti u tom kraju.
2 Za spaniju ne treba ni da misle da ce imati bog zna koliko putnika zbog HG :
3 Jako su dobro povezani sa FRA,ZRH,MUC i VIE
bravo, ano 1.37 pm
DeleteAnonymous, 13.37
DeleteBravo a thousand times.
Maribro kao gradic nije zanimljiv, zivim u MB vec 15 godina i mogu reci da je svake godine slabije i slabije. Puno je gradjana bez posla, jedino sta Maribor spasava su studenti koji borave od oktobra do juna, pa onda je grad malo popunjen, u gostionama jedu na bonove, inace preko ljeta je totalna tuga. Pa tako ne znam koji Englez bi dolazio preko SEN u MBX... i sta bi tu radio. Oni Englezi koji dolaze u SLO oni idu sa Easyjet u LJU.
DeleteI dont think Maribor is boring at all. Look at the article at guardian. Bravi to anonymous at 13:37 very good view on the topic.
DeleteAdria Airways will not fly all year long from Maribor.
ReplyDeleteAt least not at this prices.
Yes start is good because of free corporate tickets, INTRODUCTORY PROMO price and because is a novelty.
Can't see anyone from Graz to choose specifically Maribor.
Turkish starting from Graz too.
So connecting well covered.
Maribor and Styria region is very poor unemployment is very high. Very low potential for tourist travel out of the region. Business jobs are down killed.
Summeri is easier. Everyone (who can) want's to go to the sea or fly somewhere just to say I went.
No problem for people with government job to reach Ljubljana aif they want to fly. Anyway not paid travels must be cheap because money for most is low. But obsession with air travel is high.
For UKm market star is ok than they will be bored with a relatively boring destination. Many choices for destinations starting fromLondon (and around) at competitive prices.
OT : Cathay Pacific starts code-share with Qatar Airways on Hong Kong- Doha -Zagreb v.v. route
ReplyDeleteI believe the QR/CX codeshare on ZAG route has already been in place for some time already.
DeleteYep. Found this from 21st November
Air Serbia is doing extremely well on route to Dubrovnik so instead of combination of A319 and ATR72 (2xA319 plus 2xATR72 per week) they have changed equipment on most flights to A319 and A320. This Saturday first time this season they will use A320 on this route.
ReplyDeleteI think it's the first time the A320 is going there. Does anyone have the loads?
DeleteNe znam tacan LF ali znam da kazu da su uvek skoro puni Avioni svi Avioni sto lete za DBV od ASL.
Joj sta ti ima da komentarises? Smaras.
DeleteThe other day 77 went and 56 returned, it was operated by Aviolet.
In May Air Serbia had 6 flights to Dubrovnik, only one time ATR was used,they transported 920 passengers, average lf was 62%. Why people fabricate figures, loads are available data. And yes, sometimes they will use A320 to Dubrovnik
DeleteJa pricam istinu ne znam sto vam to smeta .
"Why people fabricate figures, loads are available data"
Deletenot to the majority of people, and unless you work for travel agency or in ASL I dont really get how would one find them. Anyhow if there is a way to obtain those figures anybody willing to share info.
Ja ih direktno dobijam iz vrha tako da je moje vecinom tacno
Kada neko nesto zna, onda ne pise, "ne znam tacno kada", "najverovatnije", "bice ali ne znam kada", "trebalo bi"... E sad kad to znas, nadam se da ces sledeceg puta biti jasan i precizan kada budes prepricavao traceve od tvog strikana.
DeleteDBV 6.6. 104/110 (a319 128 seats)
DeleteDBV 4.6. 79/64 a319
DBV 1.6. 73/73 a319
To je vrlo loša popunjenost obzirom da su u to vrijeme bili praznici u Hrvatskoj i većini zemalja Zapadne Europe (4.6.) i produženi vikend (svi su spajali četvrtak-nedjelja), pa su svi avioni svih kompanija bili prepuni.
DeleteTemeljem ovih 6 letova LF je tek 65% što je vrlo loše za Dubrovnik u junu, a posebno kad su državni praznici.
Youhee, youhee, youhee..... Adria has sold 5000 tickets on route MBX - SEN. Bravo. What a result. Unfortunately now comes mathematic and pure economic..... 5000 tickets means 2500 passengers. UPS... About 50% of those tickets were sold for 69,- EUR, 30% at price of 99,- EUR and 20% at price of 139 EUR. Just a minor amount of tickets sold were more expensive. Calculation brings following numbers: Let's asume, airport taxes are due to subventions from SEN & MBX just 19,- EUR. It means Adria got cca 1250 passengers who paid for travel 50,- EUR, cca 750 passengers who paid for travel 80 EUR and 500 passengers who paid 120 EUR. Total revenue is 62500+60000+60000 EUR. Menas, until now, for 5000 tickets Adria earned 182.500,- EUR. A lot of money... but... but... catch is in small print.. as one return operation LJU - MBX - SEN - MBX - LJU costs approximately 25.000 EUR. So until today, Adria has earned money for 3 (three) wekks of MBX operation... but she Will have to operate 17 weeks. OK, Adria may earn some more money with additional tickets sold. But as there were so many tickets sold for budget price, there is no option, this route might become profitable. So who Will cover loss? Community of Maribor? Taxpayers of Slovenia? Or workers at Adria who Will find themselves at end of this year as unemployed persons, who lost their job due to "political" decissions of their CEO, who is still after 3 years in aviation business not able to separate "number of ticktes" with "revenue and economic reslt of company". Good luck Adria!
ReplyDeleteThis si only a start of a long term project in MBX development... some does not understand that...
Deleteäh, but 69 Euros are oneway, aren't they?
Deleteso your maths is just bs.
Genious at 6:21 PM
DeleteA return ticket is just that from point A to point B and from point B to point A. A ticket therefore is more likely to lead to two passengers, a departing and an arriving passenger.
Need I say more? Need I continue with your other 'arguments?'
Of course it will not work as a business when gains are more than loses.
DeleteLosing money anyway.
It's just old style (Communist) propaganda to justify the parasite Adria the poor Maribor ... we done that . we are great.
Start is always difficult then when ride mast be smooth all together will breakdown.
SEN-MBX is not profitable line, and 60% avarage load factor is not succes.
ReplyDeleteI realiase that for such a small country as Slovenia, two airports are too much. LJU is just enough, this experiment with SEN won't give any good revenue, but in other case owner of MBX is a bank which client is Adria, so this is more for promotion matters than real bussines.
MBX is only interested for charter flights in summer time ,destinations Turkey and Greece with Aeegean and OnurAir, and this way should develop.
On inaugural flight 1.6 was 55 pax and on 2.6 was 47 pax in both flights were A319.
1. 6. It was 105/144
DeleteSlovenian media (Večer)
Yes it says in this article as well that there were 105 passenger on first flight.
DeleteI said SEN-MBX , not MBX-SEN, I know on 1.6 MBX-SEN was around 100 pax (mostly Maribor municipality employes and medias) because next day mayor of Maribor was planting old vine in Greenwich.
ReplyDeleteWho will fly from MBX to Berlin?
You have 2x Berlin from GRZ with Air Berlin, from ZAG you have Germanwings 2x week Berlin, and from LJU you have.
The same is with Frankfurt, Munchen...
Zagreb - Berlin 4x weekly by Germanwings, not 2x
DeletePeople , why you are always trolling with OFFTOPIC?
ReplyDeleteIf this is article about Adria, than write only comments related to this issue, but again INN-NS is writing in every article comments related to Air Serbia....
Well, unfortunately I'm afraid "Adria's strong sales in Maribor" has been exhausted so people have moved on.
DeleteWhile INN irritates me as he has a compulsive need to comment in every single thread even though his comments are worthless, I do want to see ongoing discussion on any aviation-related subject, reglardless of the carrier or the country in question.
Is it off topic? Sure. But why would that be a problem? Not interested? Don't read it. Save yourself some time.
The thing is, if people want to read comments about Adria, they have to read the whole thing.
DeleteIt's annoying as hell, that comments on every single news section somehow manage to include Air Serbia. This site should be renamed to serbianaviation.com.