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Air Serbia content with passenger numbers to Montenegro and Croatia |
Air Serbia says it is satisfied with both its passenger numbers and general performance on regional markets such as Montenegro and Croatia. Speaking to the “SEEbiz” portal, the carrier says, “We are satisfied with our loads on all routes. Our average cabin load factor on our entire network amounted to 67% in 2014, an increase of 3% compared to the year before. This is a relatively good result, keeping in mind that during that same period we significantly increased our capacity, by 74%”, the airline explains. During the first quarter of 2015, Air Serbia handled 453.000 passengers, an increase of 26% compared to the 359.000 travellers welcomed over the same period last year.
Commenting on its performance on the all-important Montenegro market, which is the busiest for the carrier, Air Serbia says it has divided the frequency of its services to Tivat into three blocks based on demand. The route will peak at 26 weekly flights during the summer. On the other hand, services to Podgorica will be maintained three times per day since the route is not as seasonal as Tivat. “We are very happy with our cooperation with both airports in Montenegro. We also have decent cooperation with Montenegro Airlines, although there is always room for improvement”, the airline says. According to Belgrade Airport’s financial report, Podgorica was Air Serbia’s third busiest route during the first quarter, behind only Zurich and Paris, with 25.363 passengers handled, an increase of 1.9% on the same period last year.
With four destinations served in Croatia during the summer season, the airline has said it will continue to maintain flights only to Zagreb during the winter months. “At the moment, we are very satisfied with our loads to Dubrovnik and Split. Flights to Pula will resume on June 16 and we are certain they will be very successful”, the airline says. It adds, “We will run services to Dubrovnik until October 24, that is, until the end of the summer season. Currently, we do not plan to maintain this route throughout the winter”. Recently, Zadar Airport’s Managing Director revealed that Air Serbia is considering launching flights to the city in 2016. Following talks with the carrier and its part-owner Etihad Airways, the airport said a decision on the future flights will be made “in a few months”.
Good thing that EY has reversed its decision to reduce AUH to a single daily flight. I just hope EY keeps flying to BEG so that JU doesn't have to take over.
ReplyDeleteOriginally Air Serbia planned to add more ATRs but I can't find the source for that info. More ATRs would mean more regional services. Original plans also called for regional acquisition, I posted a link last week. It looks like regional plans were more aggressive but some external reason slowed down those plans. It could be any number of things, like input from owners (GoS or Etihad), EC, regional politics, competitors etc. Whatever the reason, it seems more likely that Air Serbia originally wanted to keep expansion in full force (in TOGA detent as Airbus pilots would say) but external forces pulled back the throttles.
ReplyDeletePerhaps additional ATRs will continue to arrive on short notice, just as YU-ALV arrived without there being too many leaks.
DeletePersonally, I think that consistent and continuous regional expansion is the only way that JU can succeed. Air Serbia should carve for itself a key market of Ex-YU, Romania, Bulgaria, Greece, and Hungary where the aim should be to serve every airport possible. ATRs are well suited for these routes, and Air Serbia should try to increase the fleet by 2-3 every year.
The reason why I think South East Europe should be the cornerstone of JU's customer base is because there is no established legacy carrier right in this geographic location, and the nearest ones are Aegean, Turkish, Alitalia, and Austrian. This allows JU to carve out a niche in the market where they can specialize in serving these countries.
Tarom, Wizz Air, Bulgaria Air, sa Balkana i iz okruzenja svi imaju slicne ili vece flote od Air Serbie. Air Serbia mora da pokrene Pristinu, Veneciju Trevizo, Moldaviju, Ohrid
Deletepa cak i Mostar da bi znacila nesto vise na Balkanu.
Istina je treba doci jos koji ATR a za ovu godinu je sigurno da ce biti 1 .
Other regional airlines are in need of buyer and Middle East investors have reportedly shown some interest. West would rather see Qatar then UAE investor in regional airlines, is that true?
ReplyDeleteZagreb numbers are finally out. 235133 or 8% increase.
This means that for the first time in years Zagreb has made some ground on Belgrade. lol!
Good numbers. If I am reading this correctly, a million passengers should be achieved in the next few days, if it hasn't been achieved already.
DeleteThe passenger traffic at Belgrade's Nikola Tesla airport rose 9% on the year to 1.68 million in the first five months of the year, company data indicated.
DeleteIn May alone, passenger traffic was up by an annual 6% to 406,121 data published on the airport's website showed.
It does seem to be the case Aleksander.
Delete@ Anonymous,
In terms of passenger numbers proper Belgrade is still gaping Zagreb, I was referring to the higher percentage growth.
For the year to the end of May, Zagreb is 911052 or an 8.5% increase.
Referring to the higher percentage growth in May I meant.
DeleteWhat is your problem? It is just report for BEG. exYu does not like my strong language but most
Deleteof people here behive as lunatics. We live in separate countries now and this is just business.
As you can see growth in Belgrade is bigger in percent and in number of passangers up to the end of May.
Anonymous 1:03pm, are you the same Anonymous as 11:04am?
DeleteIf so re read my comments. You will be surprised to find that I am actually agreeing with you! So no 'problem' here.
My contribution today was meant to be light hearted!
The rest of us understood.
DeleteApples and Oranges. Belgrade should be compared to similarly sized Budapest (which gets roughly twice the traffic) and Zagreb should be paired with Ljubljana for comparison.
DeleteAnyone knows Adria's CLF in 2014. The ones that we have are:
ReplyDeleteCroatia Airlines - 69.2%
Air Serbia - 67%
regarding on Adria's annualy report LF was 71,1%
DeleteThanks so:
DeleteAdria Airways - 71.1%
Croatia Airlines - 69.2%
Air Serbia - 67%
ReplyDelete8.6. 108/93 a319
6.6. 104/110 a319
4.6. 79/64 a319
1.6. 73/73 a319
What about SPU?
DeleteTo je vrlo loša popunjenost za jun i to još Tjelovo kao velik praznik u Zapadnoj Europi. Druge kompanije u Dubrovniku u to vrijeme imale su daleko veću popunjenost.
Delete"i to još Tjelovo kao velik praznik u Zapadnoj Europi"
Pa prazbnik jest, dobar dio katlika ga ozbiljno doživljava, u dobrom dijelu Europe jest praznik i to je činjenica, zato je velik. A kad je praznik ljudi više putuju, poglavito kada je blizu vikendu pa se spaja, što je ovaj puta bio slučaj.
DeleteMolio bih vas da se ne ismijavate sa vjerničkim blagdanima, u najmanju ruku je nekuluturno.
Ne smeje se on prazniku, nego tebi, bolidu!
Deletemogu vam reci, da je popunjenost za bec mnogo bolja nego sto je bila! Juce sam leteo BEG-VIE 737-300 bilo je par prazni mesta! Ipak cesce se salje 737 i A319! Ok je da je nekad manje putnika, ali ta linija raste! Tako da nije razlog samo manjak ATR zasto se salje za VIE! Zato je Austrian cesce vidjen sa fokkerom umesto airbus!
ReplyDeleteASL regularly send A319 or B733 to Vienna. According to the schedule majority of evening flights are operated by these aircraft, although the average load factor is still low, in April and May around 61%. AUA send very rarely A319 to Belgrade, published equipment is F70 for morning flights, 100 for afternoon flights and DH4 for evening flights.
DeleteEvo ja sam bas danas leteo onim letom u 13:0. Iz Beca sa Austrianom A319. Poluprazan avion je bio. Ja sam bio u pretposlednjem redu i od 6 mesta samo je 2 bilo popunjeno. Izgleda da je taj Bec ne vise toliko popularan..
DeleteWhy is not Adria flying from Ljubljana to Split and Dubrovnik during the summer, I mean Croatia have daily flights from Zagreb but none from Ljubljana and as I understand Slovenians are one of the main tourists in Croatia
ReplyDeleteI wonder the same, since there are more than 1 million of us going to Croatia every year.
DeleteLetjela je Adria za Split dok nije izgrađena autocesta do Splita.
DeleteSo you mean croatia airlines will stop flying to split because the highway us ready.
DeleteWhat a stupid answer
No, but since there is highway Croatia reduce capacity to SPU at least to half. Also to Zadar.
DeleteStupid is you comment. Before highway you need some 6 hours from Zagreb to Split, and now less then 3. From Ljubljana it is less than 5 hours to Split by car. So more people use car today and less plane.
DeleteYou don't need phD to udnerstand this.
Nema tog lcc koji bi ucinio porodicni odmor slovencima jeftinijim nego kolima.
DeleteAny recent trip on Qatar BEG-DOH since the Sofia switch?
ReplyDeleteI took the trip month ago
Deletegive us info on loads,service and so on then
DeleteOn the BEG-DOH leg out of Belgrade around 75 guests, mostly Koreans, on return flight airplane was full up to the last seat but mostly with group of Bulgarians coming back from Thailand. Only 15 people continued to Belgrade. Service was perfect!
DeleteQatar doesn't have guests, they have passengers.
Deletepassengers then ;)
Deletedo you get any food/drink on the BEG-SOF segment?
DeleteIn regards to loads 75 is decent and highest load I heard of till now, while 15 is of course terrible.
Yes, you get the food bag on the BEG-SOF sector.
Deleteyes, Qatar is serving drink and sandwich on BEG - SOF leg..also on SOF - BEG..Flight is just 35 minutes
Deletethat is generous of them, but I suppose they serve something only because the BEG pax will have to wait in SOF for an hour. QR loads have been bad since beginning and until BEG gets 60-70 pax average per flight I do not see them going direct.
DeleteQR is going to Belgrade for fun, not for profits
DeleteI would like to see EK flying to BEG "for fun", as you said for QR!
Delete1. EK flies for a profit, make profits, and their financial results are public. QR on the other hand hasnt shown any financial results.
Delete2. I have written a few times before that EK was looking into BEG, seems like that could be on the side as BUD isnt showing the best results, premium demand is really low. Even WAW is still seeing more A332 opps rather than the usual B777 upgrade, however performs better than BUD.
BUD is being upgraded to a B777-300 from December I believe. I have read somewhere that EK is struggling to fill the premium cabin in BUD as you said, while at the same time economy class is full most of time and hence its the reason for the upgrade. When it comes to BEG, I doubt we will see them before FZ goes daily.
DeleteLet's not forget the big goal for Air Serbia: USA. It's been quite some time that bilateral was signed but so far no public outcome of the feasibility study has been published. If the outcome is positive, application will be the next step.
ReplyDeleteNo airline can fly without applying for it, and so far there's no docket with Air Serbia application. You can follow the status at airlineinfo.com or other sites. It might take couple of months for decision, so there's not much time left to get everything in order for flights to start next summer.
Ins't Serbia till FA 2? If it is, then there is no need to plan even.
DeleteSerbia got FAA Cat I last year.
DeleteLetovi krecu pre leta to je sigurno .
For the sake of Air Serbia, I hope they don't intend on launching north American flights because of:
Delete1. inadequate airport infrastructure.
1.1 the luggage sorting facility (incoming one) is tiny and is already at full capacity. Adding transatlantic flights would be too much.
1.2 you don't have where to park the aircraft especially since you need most of the gates for your current operations. BEG needs a proper intercontinental gate before these flights take place.
2. Air Serbia lacks regional frequencies in order to offer the most convenient connections.
3. They need to get some decent slots at TLV.
There are many more reasons why Air Serbia should not go for transatlantic flights (for now). There is still a lot to be done, both at BEG and in JU.
I think it's worrying that JU can't sustain year-round double daily flights to Athens or that Aviolet birds are still flying around.
+1 Nemjee, as much as I would love to see ASL fly to North America, it seems that there are still many issues BEG airport and ASL should sort out before taking this the big step.
DeleteTo ste upravu da bi cesto bio fiasko ali ce desiti , mozda ovaj put u Srbiji rese jednom nesto brzo pa i te probleme na LYBE :)
Exactly. Plus, if you pay close attention to how BEG was built, you will notice that it was never intended to be a transfer hub but an airport where passengers start/finish their journey.
DeleteIn other words, JU and BEG are more or less incompatible. Sure, JU can cope with it now when they are a small, mostly regional airline but if they plan on growing then a new terminal is more than needed... it's a must.
Nije problem napraviti novi T3 i da mu je kapacitet 10 mil pax do sledec leta .
DeleteAli ne znam kako ce resiti do prvog kvartala 2016 taj problem.
Извини? Наравно да је немогуће сем ако не планирају да саграде металну чатрљу коју ће одувати прва кошава.
DeleteИзградња новог терминала траје барем две године.
Moze da se napravi od betona ako se radi 24/7 jednu celu godinu i ako se ukljuci dovoljno radnika. Opet treba nesto gotovo da bude dok letovi pocnu sledece godine .
Ar Serbia does not own the airport! It would be nice to build T3 in a year but it's not realistic.
DeleteWhat can be done is using remote stands and buses for USA and Canada flights until permanent solution is found. Those passengers can be fully segregated from others with minimal investement and in time for next summer.
Ali letovi pocinju pre leta 2016 , moze cak da se desi i krajem ove godine ali zavisi od direktorata ASL je spremna .
Nemjee, i absolutely don't agree with some parts of your post. While some improvement is badly needed and ASL lines need synchronization, 90% of the airports in the world that have flights to US are in a much worse condition than Belgrade. After all, even Zagreb is having TATL. Sure, expansion is needed but for that you need money. If long-haul can generate the needed funds then it should happen as soon as possible. Until then park them on remote stands, it's not the end of the world. It amazes me how Balkan people have such high standards.
DeleteNe znam samo zasto ste toliko uoprni sa tim ne moze se leteti za usa,zbog ovoga ili onoga i tu ste u pravu to su tehnicke stvari ali ima jedno veliko ali nece asl krenuti sa 10 destinacija u usa vec 2,ili najvise 3.Znamo pravac razvoja ko je obracao paznju sta se prica sedece 2 god nece biti koncesije aerodrom finansira sam "manje" radove u medjuvremenu asl "razradjuje" linije za usa.Ako se poklopi da usa letovi donose zaradu i ako je dobar lf tad dajes koncesiju jer ces imati aerodrom sa 5.5-6 mil putnika u tom momentu i veliku perspektivu rasta zbog usa letova.Bar bi ja ovako uradio da sam u menadzmentu ili vladi koja se bavi stvarima oko aerodroma i asl jer iako su to 2 razlicita preduzeca ona su skoro pa jedno propast ili zaostajanje jednog vuce i drugo u ponor.
Deletethere just isnt enough pax for these flights if we exclude June-September period. For god sakes LH, OS and LX have trouble filling their flights in off season. How would ASL do better then?
DeleteNe bojte se nije niko u EY-ASL mutav pa da se brinete imaju dobar plan , samo se ceka srpski direkotorat.
Just because other airports did it before they were ready doesn't mean Belgrade has to as well.
DeleteFurthermore, you can't compare Belgrade and Zagreb because these transatlantic flights would be of a different kind.
In Zagreb you have primarily O&D/ethnic passengers while in Belgrade it would be primarily transfer ones. That means that the desired/needed infrastructure is very different.
Even if you use remote stands from where will you board the 250+ passengers from? A4a and A4b? C7? It just doesn't work... I mean, of course it can work in theory but in practice the passenger experience wouldn't be as great.
Then there is the issue of the luggage sorting facility. The arriving one (where transfer luggage is sorted) is tiny and it becomes a living nightmare during rush-hours. Then, you can't have tail to tail either as it would become an even bigger mess; that can work now but not for transatlantic flights.
In conclusion, we lack the infrastructural means to offer our passengers a great experience. If both Belgrade and Air Serbia want to be internationally competitive then they have to look at what is offered by their direct competitors in Athens, Istanbul, Munich, Vienna...
And before people start using Qatar and Turkish Airlines as examples of airlines using remote stands for their widebodies, I would just like to add that they have become brands and symbols of quality among the travelling public.
DeleteThey are global airlines with intercontinental hubs so they can afford to do it.
Are you seriously considering the passenger experience in Istanbul as something great? BEG is a heaven compared to that.
DeleteBEG was already boarding 300+ pax planes before so i don't see why they can't do it now. Sure, improvements are needed on all levels and with additional revenue from long-haul flying they're for sure more likely to happen. Otherwise we can wait 10 years playing with Airbusici before reaching your standards.
DeleteI have boarded wide-bodies with the bus in many airport around the world and i don't see it impacting my passenger experience the slightest. There's nothing to afford or not, it's simply a different procedure.
Delete"For god sakes LH, OS and LX have trouble filling their flights in off season. How would ASL do better then?"
Deletea: lex specialis that forbids citizens of Serbia from using LH, OS and LX
b: free plum brandy (sliwowitz) on long haul in all classes
INN-NS at 8:54 "...brinete imaju dobar plan..."
DeleteA plavuše, jel i one imaju dobar plan?
No. I said that TK can afford to do it because they have built a brand and even if IST is turning into a zoo, people still return to fly through there.
DeleteNaturally, it also helps that less than a third of TK's passengers are coming from an international flight and connecting onto another international flight. So the rest is O&D and domestic on international.
Yes, Belgrade used to do that but today it would be slightly more difficult because JU can't afford to place an A330 on two air-bridges when it needs them for its own operations. The circumstances have changed since the times of the DC-10.
Well, you might be the exception to the rule then because the increasing number of airbridges and airlines using them seems to indicate that you belong to the minority.
@ 9:56PM
DeleteImaju jos ako dobro izgledaju pa da ih stavimo kao stw na A330 ima svako da leti sa ASL.
ASL ima dobro resenje ko je ce svako videti samo da direktorat pozuri .
INN-NS daj povuci neku vezu u direktoratu da to požure malo!
DeleteI think Belgrade has one of the highest rates in Europe of % of pax being greeted by air-bridges. More often than not, after boarding from air-bridge in Belgrade, you are greeted by the bus in the port of arrival. You seem to be contradicting yourself. If the majority of pax is projected to be transit ones, then at least on one of the two flights they won't be bussed but get air-bridges, be it with wide-body or with A319 (rest depending on the other airports which might bus them or not, nothing to do with ASL). So you are telling us that because at 1 of the 4 ends they'll get the bus they won't use AirSerbia. BS.
DeleteI have to agree with nemjee. It will be a circus when those flights eventually do take place. As I have written many times here, the 'expansion' and 'renovations' taking place at BEG are scandelously slow for what it is. I dont have any bit of faith that things will dramatically change in the near future.
DeleteAs for the gates issue, the aircraft can easily fit in C1A, C3A and C5A positions. This will ofcourse take up 2 air bridge positions. Smaller aircraft have 11 other remote stand positions to park (B1-B7 and C7-C10), however only 3 gate waiting areas (C4a, C4b and C7.
No. I did not say that because of that they won't fly with JU. I said that before JU decides to go longhaul they need to match what their competitors are offering, including decent gates which can handle widebodies. Given JU's rapid growth the airport has become crowded during peak hours and adding widebodies will only make it worse.
DeleteJust look how crowded the airport gets when one of the cargo widebodies lands.
Finally, the biggest problem will be the luggage sorting facility. Something people tend to forget/ignore.
FYI luggage is sorted manually at BEG. No technology whatsoever.
DeleteThat of course has to change.
DeleteAny sign of online check-in on the horizon?
DeleteYes. In 2034.
DeleteUnless Carsten and Dane get together tonight somewhere on the Lincoln Rd or Ocean Drive and become buddies after couple of mojitos, I don't think JU will have online check-in or JU/LH codeshare on the horizon.
DeleteNemjee you have mental problems so typical. BEG is going to be crowded. For wb airplains they need different type of airbridges and different positioning of plains. On every corner of C gate construction they can add bridge for first or b. class. You can park and board A380 but you cant imagine that. Also look at Duseldorf airport do they have two bridgis per A340? No but they have 21.000.000 travelers.
DeleteLuggage sorting with A332 is not a problem. A332 is like two A320, no big deal.
DeleteMy luggage sorting experience with JU at BEG: I was checking in at business class counter (in area marked with 1) for a flight to TGD; economy counters were in area 2, few meters to the left.
DeleteI was checked in, given lounge voucher and boarding passes, baggage tag was placed - and then I was asked to carry my bags to economy counter as "they end up in a different sorting facility, and if we don't do it that way, they will surely get delayed."
I did appreciate avoiding the delay part, but come on!
Deleteyou cant land an A380 in BEG let alone park and board one. The runway is narrow, as well as the taxiways, and the airport is not certified for that size aircraft.
As nemjee has mentioned, the luggage sorting is done manually and is one of the biggest problems in JU going by the many complaints about it, which is nicely seen on their official facebook page. It seems as if it struggles with the current load as it is. Flights have been delayed due to incorrect counting of baggage as well. Lets not mention the crappy cargo facility in BEG that desperately needs to be expanded.
JU has made a wonderful turnaround, but BEG hasnt and BEG at the moment doesnt look as if it will change anytime soon, it looks more that it will hinder JU from proper future growth. Lets face it, they cant fix the pot holes infront of the terminal entrance, the parking looks like crap, and the arrivals hall is a zoo.
Da bi se sredilo stanje sa aerodromom, prvo mora da se završi formiranje Aerodroma Srbije. Zorana je obećala da će to biti gotovo još pre par meseci, a navodno je Sertićevo ministarstvo krivo za odlaganje. Da li je to istina ne znam, a da novinari velikih novina imaju ono od čega se pravi kajgana već bi bilo dosta članaka o tome.
DeleteOf course you can land an A380 in Belgrade so JATBEGMEL stop talking b.s. 45m runway is wide enough. A380 ain't that much bigger of a plane than 744, actually it's the size of AN-124 which operates to Belgrade with no problem.
DeleteJatBegMel, you can land an A380 on BEG it is sorted several years ago, 45 m width is OK and shoulders are about 12 m, just you can't board them without new air bridges. Of course I do not see this airplane coming to BEG it is just for an example.
DeleteCPH is currently widening one of its 45m runways by 4 meters on each side, as a part of the preparation process for the A380 service which should start 1 December 2015. The runway had 15m shoulders before.
DeleteAnd here comes the tricky part: It's not because undercarriage is too wide, but because there is a danger that outer engines could suck something from the grass.
The plane had already landed on CPH back in 2010 as a part of a PR campaign, but back then they had to vacuum clean grass :-) around edges of the runway.
But for everyday service they have to widen the runway.