Belgrade Airport concludes first phase of terminal overhaul |
Belgrade Nikola Tesla Airport has completed the first phase of a multi million euro overhaul announced in April, which envisages an increase in capacity and revenue by 35%, as well as the addition of four air bridges. Last week, the airport completed the first phase of the refurbishment of its Terminal 1 building, built in 1962, and used primarily by low cost and charter carriers. Passengers checking in at Terminal 1 will now be separated from those using the busy Terminal 2 building and will pass through separate passport and immigration control into the shared departures area. Work on the refurbishment of the terminal will continue throughout the summer with the addition of commercial space. A total of 5.000 square metres are expected to be refurbished in the terminal by the end of September at a price tag of 2.16 million euros.
Reconstructed Terminal 1 |
Commenting on the project, the airport said, “The new passport and immigration control is primarily aimed at passengers checking in at Terminal 1, but it will also have the ability to handle a portion of passengers who are using Terminal 2, which will ease congestion. Additional commercial space will be opened, which will increase revenue from non-aviation related services”. The area connecting Terminals 1 and 2 will also be reconstructed, while work on a dedicated Air Serbia Business Class Lounge has begun and will be located in the departures area.
Reconstructed Terminal 1 |
The largest portion of the forty million euro project involves the expansion of the Terminal 2 building by 11.000 square metres, which will include the addition of four air bridges with the capacity to handle four narrow-body or two wide-body aircraft. The new area will include 3.000 square metres of commercial space, with work expected to be completed by mid-2016. The project also entails the construction of a 3.55 million euro de-icing platform, which will have the ability to handle aircraft such as the Boeing 747 and Airbus A380. An additional 20.500 square metres of jetways and platforms will be constructed to cater for the de-icing area. Construction is expected to start this year. Finally, a new staff building, costing 550.000 euros is planned for completion in 2015, while a fire and rescue base, costing eight million euros, will be finished by 2017. In 2016 and 2017 the airport will overhaul its runway to the tune of 45 million euros. All of the construction work is being financed from the airport’s own funds. Belgrade Airport expects to handle its five-millionth passenger in December this year.
Belgrade Airport expansion 2015 - 2017 (click to enlarge) |
Needs automated baggage handling.
ReplyDeletewon't happen, they need to dig deep down under terminal for that, no money for that. Alternatively would be cheaper to knock down both terminals and go build all new terminal there capable of handling 10 million pax. As is, it is a mess, you can't do much, all solutions take space Belgrade airport lacks.
DeleteNew runway will be built?
ReplyDeleteNo, it says the runway will be overhauled.
DeleteYeah, I've read it in text also. What confuses me is the second runway in the picture, that is long term plan? BEG needs second runway if it plans to be a proper hub. Sooner they start building it, better.
Delete2nd runway ain't cheap, I hope you understand that.FYI brand new 3.5km runways is around $120-150 million.
DeleteThat certainly is big sum, but it will get bigger with time, because of inflation and deteriorating economics in serbia. And since airport is still state property, state should take credit while it is still able and invest. And BEG still is one of few good projects of this government. Alternative is painful refurbishment of only runway, and incapability of building second one, which is needed for any serious hub in the world.
DeleteHere we go again. Let the big and furious topic about BEG 2nd runway start. If you want to see what other people on here think just go find an article where there is like 40+ comments about it, which I believe dates back 2-3 months.
DeleteWhy build a second runway when the current one isnt being used no where near capacity? Wasted money considering the luggage sorting is done manually, airside lacks decent food outlets, no smoking facility is available, arrivals is a zoo, parking is horrible and the asphalt around the airport is full of potholes.
DeleteActually, it would cost much less to connect the airport to the railway network than to build a second runway.
@AnonymousJune 22, 2015 at 4:56 PM
DeleteI should have been more specific, assuming the airport owns the land and land is cleared of any abnormalities, i.e small hill or a structure on it. Building access roads and taxiways won't be cheap either, adding these to the runway can set you back by another $50-70 million + cleared land.
Serbian state budget right now is really bad shape, not sure Serbia can afford to splash out $200 million on a project really it doesn't need. To remind you that is about 45% of Serbia's Defence spending, or around 8% Serbia spends on healthcare.
then good luck with operations (especially regarding US and Asia long haul). Alternate airports are too much undeveloped for serious business, and repairing runway during night is too slow.
DeleteWhy not invest in second runway now, when traffic is still not at full capacity, make US operations take off easy, and increase value and appeal of airport for foreign investors. Let them invest then in an airport with full hub capacity.
Deletebecause investing in something not needed is a waste. BEG is prone to dense fog in the winter months, meaning that not only will money be spent in building a new runway, more will be put into making it capable for such situations. On top of that, taxiways will need to be created to get to the runway. The 2nd runway in the plan will be around where the alternate route to the airport is located, the one going towards Ledine/New Belgrade and Surcin. That itself is an addition cost to either keep it or remove it.
Lets not forget that there are vast periods of the day when there is no traffic at the airport, and the current facilities are not being used to the fullest. Money should be spent more in accommodating more ac rather than an additional runway, as currently in the peak periods most stands are occupied.
Money should be invested in accommodating larger ac. Money should be invested in a new cargo facility, more equipment. baggage handling, resurfacing the taxiways and aprons. There is many things that are higher on the priority list rather than a new runway.
"There is many things that are higher on the priority list rather than a new runway."
DeleteExactly! I really do not get people who are for the 2nd runway since there is not enough traffic ( not even close) and just look at the airport facilities and the airport itself. Also many of you are forgetting that we are talking about Serbia and not oil rich Middle Eastern countries.
btw I am pretty sure that people who support construction of the 2nd runway are bigger "dreamers" than the ones who are talking about ASL getting 2-3 A330.
2-3 A330's aren't a dream, they're just a bit distant reality...
DeleteOT Oko 1.400 putnika poljske državne avio-kompanije LOT ostalo je u nedelju prizemljeno na međunarodnom aerodromu "Frederik Šopen" u prestonici Poljske zbog toga što su hakeri napali kompjuterske sisteme.
ReplyDeleteHakeri su oko 16:00 časova upali u kompjuterske sisteme koji regulišu rad na zemlji, a posledice tog sajber napada otklonjene su oko 21:00, navodi se u saopštenju LOT-a. Međutim, za tih pet sati LOT je morao da otkaže 10 deset domaćih i međunarodnih letova, objasnio je portparol državne avio-kompanije Adrijan Kubicki.
The new area looks nice. Remember using it in 2004 and it was awful. They closed it down in 2006. Looking forward to the next phase.
ReplyDeleteWhile generally i am supportive of these improvements, i have to wonder if its a big waste of money? I mean i get the de-icing and runway thing, but the terminals shouldn't have more money thrown at them, its a waste, a new modern terminal is desperately needed.
ReplyDeleteThank you admin for the pics but they illustrate what im talking about, its "brand new" but it still looks really old, outdated and claustrophobic. Get that new terminal going ASAP and stop throwing money. After all were talking about a significant sum here!
Have you been to any other airport around the world?
DeleteAgree with 11:03, except that it's not a lot of money. Two million for this and new commercial space is not much. You can spend more renovating Dedinje mansions.
DeleteJos jednom se vidi da se vredno radi na LYBE .
ReplyDeleteI jos da cujemo dobre vesti iz Milana pa da slavimo :
I? Jel slavis? ;)
DeleteFar from it. Istanbul will build one of the largest world hubs in the world in 5 years, Doha built a new airport in a few years, yet Belgrade is still renovating a small airport with 16 gates after 10 years!
Delete@JATBEGMELJune 22, 2015 at 6:17 PM
DeleteU can't say that to Inn-NS he'll go ballistic, all lies you know !
JATBEGMEL videcemo i mi za 6-7 kako ce LYBE izgledati.
DeleteNe znam sto ste toliko zlobni i samo kritikujete sve .
Deletekritikujem jer je cinjenica da se aerodrom renovira vise od 10 godina! sta hoces od mene, da se radujem? ne razumem.
It is far from certain Istanbul is getting that new airport and when.
DeletePristojnije izgleda. Zaista vreme je doslo da se ulaze. Nitije terminal do sada bio za danasnja vremena, niti je bio muzej. Bar sto se tice Terninala 1. Kroz Njegova vrata prvi sam put prosao prije 44 godine, na letu iz Melburna. Do sada se pretvorio u ''stone hendge'', njegova unutrasnjost. Svaki covek ko voli Beogradski aerodrom obradovace se svakoj, pa i najmanjom promeni. Bez gradnje Treceg terminal i bez istinske investicije od ozbiljnog investitora, krpljenju valjda dolazi kraj?. Mozda je to moja zabluda... Definitivno Srbija mora da izadje iz krpa i krpljena, za sada u tome.Potrebno je strpljenje, ali istinska transformacija sa efikasnom, brzom primenom. Avio infra-sruktura se ozbiljnije, dinamicnije menja u okolnim drzavama. Bez sumlje da te efikasne promene i primene kod njih dolaze zbog privatnih investicija. Drzava je neefikasna u stose tice efikasnosti, odgovornosti, duzine odluka. Pravi ''dinosaurus''. Izuzetci su veoma retki. Ljudski je nadati se I zeleti. Ali je ljudski biti odgovoran za transformaciju AERODROMA NIKOLA TESLA, sa paralelnim radom na projektu ''Aerodromi Srbije. Tu prvenstveno je, krucijalan razvoj, Niskog Kraljevacke Morave, zatim Uzicke Ponikve...
ReplyDelete✈Rodney Marinkovic✈, Wenworthwille Sydney Australia.
Danas BEG-BER jedva 50 pax.
ReplyDeleteJa ne znam da je Brandenburg otvoren , kako vam se svidja.
DeleteNe znam odakle ti ta info.
DeleteDanas BEG-TXL 75Y, TXL-BEG 120Y 8J na a319.
U povratku avion bio potpuno pun...
DeleteBER is currently the IATA code for all airports in Berlin.
DeleteBEGTXL (BER) is one of most expencive routes from BEG to Europe. London prices are also high, but WIZZ to LUT is good alterantive that BER do not have.
DeleteHaha, good one INN :)
ReplyDeleteKonacno nesto dobro i od INN.
So... What happened in Milan today? Ajde kazite pa da slavimo... Mozda gazda bloga zna nesto vise.
ReplyDeleteAir Serbia named one of its A319 after football player Dejan Stankovic
DeleteOoooomg they made all the fuss for that?!?!
DeleteI wonder how much he paid for it.
We have a winner!
Delete- A330
- ATR 72-600
- naming future A320neos
- Embraers (170-190)
- naming an existing A319 <---- !!!!!
- Boeing 737-800
- naming YU-ALV (ATR72-500)
- A330 airplane model reveal
Those who suggested A319 get a FREE comment today (just like everyone else).
EPIC FAIL! HAhahahah
DeleteDobro, sad mi je malo lakše ;)
DeleteInn sprema saopštenje za javnost ;)
DeleteJa nigde nisam reko sta ce biti samo je bilo nagadjanje moje.
DeleteZato sto direktorat nije odobrijo jos nista tako da me zaobidjite sa tim.
The next is a winged bicycle to be named after Zoran Babic.
DeleteNo no, dete, to već nije lepo. Još jednom nauk, ne trči pred rudu.
DeleteImao sam osecaj da nece biti A330 zbog direktorata koji ce se cekati jos 1-2 a vezbe za ETOPS su pocele .
DeleteA slobodno proverite ako imate gde .
Sve si to pricao. Suti malo moj andjele plavi Suti.
DeleteHahahah opet inn ns fail koji je tvrdio dolazak A330
DeleteINN-NSJune 20, 2015 at 8:24 PM
DeleteNeo dolazi tek od 2018:
A samo cu reci ne ide se dzabe na EXPO a vi sad nagadjajte dalje dali ce biti regionalni ili wide body avon ;)
INN-NSJune 20, 2015 at 8:25 PM
Recap of options mentioned today and yesterday, someone might be right:
- A330
- ATR 72-600
- naming future A320neos
- Embraers (170-190)
- naming an existing A319
- Boeing 737-800
- naming YU-ALV (ATR72-500)
- A330 airplane model reveal
INN-NSJune 20, 2015 at 11:44 PM
Da dolijem ja malo ulja na vatru .
Jedino sto sam sazno od zaposlenih ASL je da zaobilaze u razgovoru taj dogadjaj ali otkrili su mi da je izabrano 18 Capt i 9 fo za sim
Ja mislim da se radi o zadnjoj stavci sto je rekao @ 11:03 PM
Nisam uspeo da saznam vise posto jejedna osoba da pooslovnom putu
Bravo anonymus 4:05, bas sam to htio sada naci, svaka cast. Znaci totalno je fulao i sada se kao po obicaju izvlaci. I jos je nepristojan i vrijeđa ("mentalno ograničeni")
DeletePa pise ti!!! "Ja mislim da se radi o zadnjoj stavci sto je rekao anonymus 11:03"
DeleteZnas citat?
I wonder what AirCEO has to say since he even found the aircraft he believed fits the description. I honestly am not trying to make fun or anything since I thought a regional jet was coming, just want everybody side of the story.
DeleteINN-(S)NS will be throwing toys out of the pram all day now!!! Out with the popcorn....
DeleteJat tehnika tisina radite nesto .
At least all the fuss and guessing about the plane was FUN. Expectations were sky high so some people are feeling blue now.
DeleteAs for Air Serbia A330, please note that LOT today announced long haul increase to daily to North America and Asia expansion plus double daily to BEG, ZAG and LJU. Another assault on Air Serbia long haul plans.
Correction, LOT to BEG, ZAG and LJU will be DAILY but with skewed schedule to allow better connectivity, and WAW to JFK, ORD and YYZ will be daily year-round. Overall, Star Alliance is getting (too) well positioned to counter ASL.
DeleteJa da sam na mestu nekoga u ASL ja bi mnogo vise rizikovao vec bi sad porucio A359 ali ne znam sto se toga tice mnogo se odugovlaci.
I jos bi u EX YU i bivsom Sov Savezu leteo za svaki grad 2-3 po danu .
Deletei leteo za ove gradove .
JFK A333 7pw
YYZ A333 7 pw
ORD A332 5 pw .
DFW A332 4 pw
ATL A332 3 pw .
LAX A346 4 pw
PEK A333 7 pw
PVG A332 4 pw
BKK A332 4pw
SIN A346 2 pw
Jedino se tako moze odbraniti Etihad Alijansa od Star Alijanse.
"The next is a winged bicycle to be named after Zoran Babic."
Air CEO, where did you see that they are going double daily to BEG?
DeleteAir Ceo you do not have any clue about LH prices to USA? Much lower than LOT.
DeleteAh we are having a field day with the SNS bot(s) today ;)
DeleteJa ne znam ko je od nas Bot .
DeleteI LO stvarno pravi opasnu ofanzivu sto se tice ASL.
Glad to see Lot back into the game in ex yu and nice addition for LJU! I traveled few years back with Lot from YYZ to BEG and even thought it was the older B767 back then I was still satisfied with the flight since it was basic but efficient plus the price was decent. Also the flight with Embraer 170 was smooth and back then catering was something like ASL has on regional routes today (I think now Lot serves only drinks). Also I noticed that from the time Lot acquired the B787 prices went up for flights to N.America.
DeleteIn regards to Milan announcement this was expected to be honest (as I said before) although I was speculating/hoping that an additional regional jet would be added.
Hahahah I'm loving it today :)))) 19 lo I 72 fo I sirokotrupac I kina I wess coast kad ono ispade deki il drago stankovic
DeleteKondic and company are asleep. Last year they were having delays and problems. This summer they could have had some aircraft leased to run smoother than last summer. We'll see how this summer goes with delays , quality of service etc.
DeleteIf they couldn't have been prepared better for this summer, how on earth would they be prepared to fly to North America and Asia. I believe that the competition sees that they are asleep, and therefore will now be able to go full swing flying to other parts of the world.
Don't worry, be happy!
Delete"Air Ceo you do not have any clue about LH prices to USA? Much lower than LOT. "
DeleteOf course I know, but that is for S15. When ASL starts flying things will be different, eroding already low yields for LH. They will likely use other *A minions with lower cost base to fight for ASL destinations from BEG, but will probably be more competitive for premium passengers and destinations unique to LH, like DEN. LX is expanding in ex yu and will later get newer regional planes and dense configs, LO will expand, OS fixed labor issues, is getting newer regionals and adding more USA destinations, TK is growing like mushrooms even in the USA.
More than I year ago I suggested considering Jet Airways moving their European stopover to BEG en route to North America as an option. Look at who OU reached out to fight SkyGreece with bottom of the barrel pricing: not LH or OS but 9W.
@Anon at 6:40
DeleteI don't think ASL is asleep. Remember spring and summer 2013? Once they got green light on Air Serbia deal, amazing things were done in a few short months: Airbus came in for the first time, new routes, restructuring, hiring, crew training, reimaging the brand... even with a lot of external financial and logistical help, I am sure a lot of extra long hours went into making all that happen.
Once all the green lights for TATL are on, we should see a lot more action.
AirSerbia (or in fact Etihad) has decided to temporarily stop all activities related to pilot's training for A330 crews. Confirmed from high level.
DeleteTrue, last I heard the training selection was moved to October.
DeleteDa istina od jeseni tek posto se ceka Direktorat.
DeleteSamo se zna da ce biti 18 Capt i 9 FO ali ko tacno se ne zna.
Pa koje onda i zasto odlozio planove za A330 - ASL ili Direktorat?!
DeletePo mom shvatanju je direktorat kriv mnogo sporo rade .
А овде што си писао да су већ отишли на тренинг? Шта би са тиме?
DeleteReasons for delaying long-haul flights are exclusively commercial. Simply they will not be feasible nor viable at the moment. Absolutely nothing to do with CAD, involving CAD in the matter is a nonsense.
Delete@10.43 koji je bre tvoj problem?!
DeleteINN-NSJune 20, 2015 at 11:44 PM
Da dolijem ja malo ulja na vatru .
Jedino sto sam sazno od zaposlenih ASL je da zaobilaze u razgovoru taj dogadjaj ali otkrili su mi da je izabrano 18 Capt i 9 fo za sim...
A sad kažeš da se ne zna?!
Nije ti dovoljno što si danas ispao smešan pa nastavljaš da lupetaš?
Jeste kad odobri Direktorat onda idu na SIM a to ce biti uskoro.
DeleteA komercijalan razlog ne postoji ali vi to ne razumete niti imate informacije.
Ovaj nas sve smatra za neznalice, jer "ne razumemo, niti imamo info".
DeleteAj u ćošak par dana i stidi se. Ne samo da lupetaš nego si postao i bezobrazan.
DeleteKako reče klinac, "ja sam baja" ;)
DeletePa nemate informacije iz nutra to mogu da se kladim.
DeleteDa sta je lose sa to glavni baja.
Nije loše, nego je smešno da neko sa toliko godina to kaže..
DeleteKakve veze imaju godine , posto vi svaki dan i ako ste duplo stari ispadate smesni .
Dzaba, toliko si šupalj, da čak ni dobronamerne kritike ne kapiraš. Laku noć, "bajo". ;)
DeleteLaku noc i vama ali nisam supalj posto se vi prvi raspravljate samnom svaki dan .
"Reasons for delaying long-haul flights are exclusively commercial. Simply they will not be feasible nor viable at the moment."
DeleteThat made my heart drop. I had a gut feeling Etihad is not as supportive of ASL TATL as it was before, but I thought they were just waiting for bilateral to go through. Not the case, it' the numbers.
With AB and AZ bleeding left and right, you would think Etihad would be a lot more tolerant to comparatively smaller losses ASL would have to incur to get TATL working. Failure is NOT an option, ASL needs to invent alternatives:
1. Get A330 for ASL and fly TATL seasonally, with Etihad deploying it elsewhere in winter (similar to what was done with Muscat)
2. Wet lease (under very favorable conditions) older Etihad or partner plane for TATL seasonally. There's plane shortage but 789's are coming
3. Explore out of the box, crazy ideas like 9W stopover in BEG on India-Europe-North America or 5th freedom with other airlines
4. EY investment in regional acquisitions and more regional feed for long haul
5. only as a last resort and if possible, route EY AUH-BEG-USA/Canada
6. buy all Boeing + GE instead of Airbus, in return ask US to tell LH team to stay clear of the Balkans. If not enough, offer them to move Rammstein base to Batajnica!
DeleteVrati se INN-NS sve ti je oprosteno ovi su veci ludaci od tebe.
DeleteJU sent its A320 to DBV today, does anyone have the loads?
ReplyDeleteSuch a shame that OU isn't cooperating with JU from SPU. Their flight arrives at 17.20 which could feed a lot of JU flights ex-BEG.
Funny thing TK plane got showered today xD
ReplyDeleteWhat's Air China A330 reg B-6130 doing in Belgrade right now?
ReplyDeleteDelivery aircraft for JU. It should be announed today in Milan.
DeleteNo it's the Chinese Vice president who is in Belgrade today
DeleteNeka kineska korporacija u gostima...
DeleteOT, as per airliners.net, LOT will start LJU, 6 flights per week.
ReplyDeleteBetter build a wholly new airport further away at the highway to Croatia where space is in abundance.
ReplyDeleteFirst build a new 4000m runway,second the new terminal.
In such way the old airport can work till opening of the new one without any restrictions.
Would be the most easy,comfortable option .
Ask an Arab Investor for financing and running i tand it will also be not lost money.
If Abu Dhabi can build ghost Airports in Albania then they could do so for their partners in Serbia.
Do you realize that you are talking about a billion € investment. And who should pay for that. GoS, which is broke? Investor? Yeah they are lining up to offer to build and pay for it.
DeleteAnd for what? A relatively poor corner of Europe with little chance of any serious economic expansion in the near future, loads of corruption at all levels, etc.
And what about possible potential growth? Well let's be realistic. BEG will hit around 5m pax for 2015. After that it will stabilize at a growth rate of some 5% annually. And BEG today can support up to 7-7.5m pax. So for whom to build a brand new airport for?
OT: Air Serbia Business Class review: http://www.airlinereporter.com/2015/06/business-class-reimagined-why-air-serbia-is-the-one-to-beat-in-europe/
ReplyDeleteAfter reading this review I must say I am proud. Even though I do not work for air Serbia, just being serbian reading this made me proud. I'm surprised with myself :)
Delete...even if it was paid who cares :)
DeleteJust like a proud Klingon.
DeleteIndeed, the service offered by JU is above average. However, one must note that the airline was fully aware that the passenger would write this review, and ensured to deliver it's best (or even over it's best) to get a good review. Come on, airlines don't escort their pax from the plane to the business lounge. When they do, they do it for extreme frequent flyers (e.g. LH Hon's) or first class pax.
Delete"Note: I had purchased my own economy ticket and was upgraded to business class, by the airline, to conduct this review. All opinions are my own."
DeleteOT: where is YU-APB?
ReplyDeleteIt's out of service for more than 3 weeks.
it is being upgraded to a330
DeleteAHAHAHHAHAAHAHAH epic comment.
DeleteHAHA anon 7:00 best comment of the year so far!
Delete:) :) :) Svaka cast majstore !!! Hahahahahahaha!!!
DeleteThank you EX YU admin for lovely EX YU Vintage picture on this page. In the upper right corner of that picture there is a rare piece of cargo history, JAT Express envelope and service van. JAT Express service was part of JAT cargo and was modelled after FedEx with door to door small package delivery available in major cities in Yugoslavia.
ReplyDeleteInteresting. It also sounds like a great name and nice logo for a regional/low cost subsidiary which I sure we would have seen if the country stayed together.
DeleteBoth K1 (de icing pad) and K6 (new fire base) do not allow expanding of TWY F which is planned by every single version of Master plan.
ReplyDeleteBy the way, EX Yu this version of Master plan is old and in the meantime huge change has been made with decision to drop idea of new parallel alternative runway (between rwy and twya), so decision is to go for new RWY on 1920m distance from existing one which will later cover new Terminal.
It is easy to get latest version of this document.
This is the latest version of the document provided by the airport in April at the Construction Fair in Belgrade. The plan shows short term investments, while long term investments still call for a second runway, as can be seen here
They do not have drawings of new C gates same on this material. These are not real plans.
DeleteWhether you choose to think they are real or not it is up to you. They were provided in an official press kit to the media by the airport in April and were published by several other media as well.
DeleteCitas ti nesto o fingerskom hodniku C u izjavama Ane Lukovic?
DeleteIli iz marta meseca: U pogledu razvojnih planova, potrebno je inovirati važeću plansku dokumentaciju, odnosno Detaljni urbanistički plan koji datira iz 1989. godine - navodi Vlaisavljević. - Nakon ažuriranja planske dokumentacije, kroz saradnju sa angažovanom projektantskom kućom, koja radi prethodnu studiju opravdanosti sa generalnim projektom, biće utvrđen planski osnov za dugoročni razvoj i realizaciju proširenja kapaciteta aerodroma. Tek nakon tih promena i izrade neophodnih analiza i studija, bliže će se znati koji su radovi i rokovi pred nama.
On picture number 3 in the news above there is a large board on the right side with plans for terminal expansion. Take closeup photo of those boards for more details because revised Masterplan is not easily available.
DeleteNew passport and immigration control is just officially opened. First passengers made documents check few mins after 9am
ReplyDeleteBelgrade has 3 runways?