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Government fails to create airport operator and decide on future expansion |
The Serbian government has failed to meet several key deadlines it set relating to the future of the country’s busiest airport in Belgrade, as its facilities reach the upper limits of its capacity. Two months have passed since the government planned to create a state-run operator to manage up to 25 of the country’s airports. According to the Ministry for Construction, Transport and Infrastructure, the set-up of the new state-owned operator is still on the table but is awaiting the approval of other ministries and government agencies involved in its creation. The idea to establish a single operator was seen as a move to privatise the country’s airport infrastructure. Initial plans called for the renaming of the public company running Belgrade Airport to “Airports of Serbia” with more than twenty smaller airports to be added to its managing portfolio. However, it is no longer clear weather Nikola Tesla Airport will fall under the new Airports of Serbia public enterprise, with the ministry saying the matter is still up for discussion, two months after failing to meet its April deadline. Previously, the Minister for Construction, Transport and Infrastructure, Zorana Mihajlović, said, “Airports of Serbia is not just an idea, its formation is planned for March or April. We are not setting up a stand-alone company, rather, these airports will be added to the “Aerodrom Beograd” operator which manages Belgrade Airport”.
Furthermore, the government is still undecided whether to offer a concession or invest in Belgrade Airport on its own. This is despite statements made by the country’s Prime Minister, Aleksandar Vučić, that the airport’s future expansion model would be known by June. So far, the government has only ruled out plans to sell the airport. According to Ms. Mihajlović, “Belgrade Airport must expand and have a quality partner. It is only a matter of choosing the right model”. French concession and construction company Vinci reaffirmed its interest to vie for a concession of the airport following talks between French investors and the Serbian government in March.
With several deadlines come and gone, Belgrade Airport has initiated a short-term investment cycle. “We are close to the limit of our capacities at the moment. That's why we decided to start a short-term investment cycle. Once it is completed, we will expand capacity to 7 - 7.5 million passengers a year", Ana Luković, the airport’s Director for Development and Investment said recently. The airport will spend fifteen million euros of its own funds in expanding Terminal 2 by building eight new gates and a new departures area. Furthermore, the airport has begun a two million euro reconstruction of its Terminal 1 building, which is used primarily by low cost and charter airlines. Passport and immigration control will be reintroduced at the terminal, which has, for the past several years, been used solely for check-in purposes. Work is expected to be carried out through to September. “The new passport and immigration control is primarily aimed at passengers checking in at Terminal 1, but it will also have the ability to handle a portion of passengers who are using Terminal 2, which will ease congestion. Additional commercial space will be opened, which will increase revenue from non-aviation related services”, the airport says. A further three million euros will be spent on new de-icing equipment.
Dont be a silly. It already has 16 airbridges two times more than MZLZ will have. With 4 more C gates airport capacity will be around 12 m pasangers per year.
ReplyDeleteI guess you know better than the airport's development and investment director who says capacity will be 7-7.5 million with the expansion.
DeleteFor sure better than Ana Lukovic.
DeleteThere are other limiting factors to an airport's capacity other than airbridges, such as baggage sorting facilities, check in facilities, passport control facilities, etc.
DeleteNot surprised. The incompetence of this government is staggering.
ReplyDeleteGoS - SNS Fail
DeleteOh why am I not surprised... this government has been all talk and no action. Then again, we see that delays are back in Air Serbia so maybe they should sort out some of their internal issues before moving onto megalomanic projects.
ReplyDelete"Airports of Serbia is not just an idea, its formation is planned for March or April" nice work Ms. Minister. Checked the calendar lately?
ReplyDeleteRuku na srce. Gde je mnogo babica tu se deca radjaju sa bruhom. Bez potrebe za velikim objasnjavanjem, ocigledno da vise agencija koje su ukljucene u realizaciju "'✈Aerodromi Srbije✈, su pretvorili onu ''decu sa bruhom'', hocu reci Aerodrome Srbije u ''nedonoscad''. Meseci lete, inkopetentnost ruinira napor Gospodje Mihajilovic. Sve to zajedno potvrdjuje bezbroj puta, da drzava nemoze da efikasno, efektivno na otvorenom (ili poluotvorenom...) trzistu. Bez private inicijative, privatnnih ivestitora...!. Kako god juli mesec dolazi, za Kraljevacku ✈MORAVU✈, tako isto vazi I za Aerodrome✈ Beograda, Srbije. Inkopetencija birokratskih aparatcika u sistemu radjaju ''big bulshit''. Da nije tako, ova tema nebih bila u zizi. ''Toplo, hladno'', bloody politics. ''Zarozane carape moraju se podignuti''. A neodgovorne ''zbog objektivnih I subjektivnih'' razloga ''izleciti''. Postujuci Vas Ministarko, i vasu dinamicnost, zelim ponovo glasati za Vas. Odavde iz Sydney-a ili iz Kraljeva. Svejedno. Hoceteli mi to zadovoljstvo uciniti? Zelim da hocete. Ali ''izlecite babice'', da bi ✈Aerodrom Nikola Tesla'' postao kapija Srbije, a Aerodromi Srbije sa Trenutnim statusom ✈MORAVE✈ stvarnost. Rodney and People of good will. Sydney✈✈✈Kraljevo. .
ReplyDeleteRadovane, jel možete bez 'poetske slobode' da u 5-6 rečenica napišete šta ste hteli da kažete? Ali bez političke intonacije, bez hvaljenje bilo koje političke struje, bez ''decu sa bruhom'' tipa komentara? Direktno, šta vi mislite da treba da se radi sa 'Aerodrom Nikola Tesla'? I da, svi znamo da ste iz Sydney-a i Kraljeva. Ne morate ponoviti stvari koje ste već rekli.
DeleteS poštovanje.
Ja ga jednostavno preskačem. Pa tko bi čitao ovako dugačke tekstove i to još prožete patetikom, religijom, epikom, a povremeno i kičenom lirikom. Kao da čitaš Homera, a ne strukovu raspravu.
DeleteJa citam sa zadovoljstvom!
DeleteEtihad Airways is reported to be in talks with potential investors, seeking to raise around USD$1 billion through a debut bond issue.
ReplyDeleteThe Abu Dhabi government-owned airline is planning to launch its bond through a unit or special purpose vehicle housing its equity stakes in global airlines, Reuters news agency quoted two unnamed Gulf-based sources as saying.
It will use the proceeds to lend to its global partners, fund its own expansion plans and partly for general purposes, one person said. It owns stakes in Alitalia, Virgin Australia, Air Berlin, and India's Jet Airways, among others.
The airline also expects to take delivery of 16 aircraft in 2015, it said in May, purchases which will cost hundreds of millions of dollars.
Unlike Dubai-based rival Emirates, Etihad has based part of its expansion on investing in other carriers, which has helped it boost revenues and marketing opportunities in key markets.
Etihad declined to comment.
The potential fundraising comes at a time of intense interest in Etihad's finances, amid allegations by US airlines that Gulf carriers have received more than USD$40 billion in government subsidies, which the Gulf airlines including Etihad have denied.
Etihad has traditionally funded itself with cash from local and international banks, export credit agencies as well as lease financing.
Last year, the company said it would raise USD$2 billion in loans to fund its equity investments and aircraft purchases.
hm hm hm
So they are looking at issuing bonds?
DeleteI wonder what percentage they will be offering and who will guarantee the bonds.
"ONLY a matter of choosing the right model"
ReplyDeleteshe is such a smartie pants spin majstor...she is spinning the idea that she has so far done a lot and now its ONLY the matter of chosing the right model. This is actually the WHOLE job!!!!!!!!! And as expected nothing is being done, while precious time passes and all we get is cheap spin.
OT: Adria lease 3 A319 from CSA for summer charters.
DeleteMy guess is that despite the slight unprofessionalism in communicating with the media and sticking to a strict schedule, the government is waiting to see how the whole US/long-haul idea is gonna play out before making any long-term decisions. Based on the type of traffic and its magnitude, it is a whole different direction of investment we're talking about. Hence the April/May date, which is by when they were expecting to receive a final call by the US agencies involved in the process (the whole US-ME3 mess certainly isn't hurrying things up). Without those, with some notable dysfunctional segments at the airport such as the luggage processing that need to be addressed, the airport can do with the current and slight expansion for the next 5 years, any larger investment being simply out of picture and not crucial to the functioning of AirSerbia in its current format. Talking of the later, it is its dysfunctionalities that are becoming more and more evident than the ones of the airport, as we could witness by the events from the weekend and last week.
ReplyDeleteGreat post!
DeleteWhy would government wait to see how the whole long haul idea will play out? They saw growth plans and announced new runway and terminal through sale or concession back in 2013, then postponed for 2014 and later for mid-2015. They had million+ growth last year, doesn't that prove something? Zagreb didn't have to wait for any of that to start building. And if they wait for the first year of Air Serbia long haul and finaly get that proof, then they have to wait few more years to build it. Makes no sense.
DeleteIt's not just things you mentioned at the airport. Checking was already a mess last year, this is a scene from few days ago (hope that Ex Yu Av won't mind posting this pic):
Can you imagine how much worse it is going to get in August, and then next year etc? Arriving passport control is not planned for expansion, some other sections are already under strain and are not planned for expansion. How is this good enough for the next 5 years? And even if it is, in 5 years you admit BEG needs to have operational new terminal. Time to start working on that new terminal is now.
Da li si ti ikada video ozbiljan aerodrom?
DeleteIn the case of Zagreb i think it was quite straightforward and there were not that many options to choose from, the current terminal being so shitty that building a new one was the only option, there was no way of expanding that match-box. The new one isn't nothing special either, once built it'll have half the capacity of current Belgrade terminals.
Delete@AnonymousJune 15, 2015 at 8:44 PM
DeleteWhat you have posted in-there is a pure mark of ignorance. That photo is a common sight for airports all around the world, from CDG to TLV, from BUD to LCA... Actually, the queue doesn't tell anything about how quickly the passengers can be processed, what at some airports can take up to 3 hours, yet people are still flying.
Najveci je i jedini problem saradnja sa Novinarma i sto se mnogo cuti pa se misli da se nista ne radi a u stvari ljudi rade punom parom.
Lepo pise u tekstu gde je zapelo. Moras da pocnes da citas tekst, makar prvi pasus pa ce ti biti jasnije.
DeleteProcitao sam ceo tekst kao i uvek sam dodao svoj komentar da se mnogo cuti od konkurencije valjda.
kamo srece da nam je "najveci i jedini" problem skromnost politicara koji rade punom parom pa nemaju vremena da se hvale pred medijima..upravo suprotno je istina - rade malo, uglavnom ofrlje a NAJVAZNIJE im je da se puno hvale i najavljuju buduce 'uspehe'. A mi puno uspeha sa njima nismo imali pa se moze reci i da puno lazu. Sve ostalo je prica u koju veruju tinejdzeri tako da ti je u svakom slucaju oprosteno INN ;)
Deletehahahaha, kakav lik... nasi politicari cute o bilo cemu a pogotovu o tome kad rade...kako ono rece... "punom parom"
DeleteObicno samo preskacem kad citam tebe i onog Rodoljuba ili kako se vec zove, ali sad ti moram odati priznanje na duhovitosti.
ee da i da ti dam jedan savet. Uzmi pa kopiraj sta pises ovde, kopiraj i stavljaj u notes na neki cloud (google account predpostavljam da imas)
Da vidis kako ces da umeres od smeha kad to budes citao za koju godinu ;)
Ignor INN
DeleteAgain three flights per day to USA and Canada is only 300k passangers more not a big deal. Air Serbia functioning OK no canceled flights.
ReplyDeleteOT: Danas trebao kupiti kartu sa SkyGreece iz Toronta za Zagreb 29.6. i let rasprodan, izgleda da im dobro ide prodaja.
ReplyDeleteWhat is currently the largest MRO company in Ex-YU, Jat Tehnika or Adria? I know that Croatia is far behind.
ReplyDeleteThank you Ex Yu Aviation for this update. Beobuild published airport plans back in April where new T1 border crossing opening date was June 25. Now Airport is postponing it to September. This is a critical evidence how incompetent they are. If back in April they planned for June 25 and now they are pushing it three months for such a small and straightforward project, it just proves they have no experience and no responsibility for project deadlines. Airlines and passengers need this crossing to help ease congestion during peak months June to September, not so much after September!
ReplyDeleteIf they missed scheduling so badly on this small renovation, it means larger project like extending C concourse (estimated for completion by July 2016 in the same Beobuild article) is going to be late at least 6 months or more. That means Air Serbia widebody operations will likely not have jetbridge gates until 2017. Another indication things are moving in that direction: Airport recently published tender for passenger bus purchase. It will be ironic to see Korean A330 or 777 docked at new ZAG jetbridges while Air Serbia A330 is parked at remote stands in BEG.
This might also be a reason why BEG is now mentioned as possibly out of scope for Airports of Serbia. That project is slowing down BEG airport. Projects like new T3, hotel and others needed to start yesterday, so cut the deadweight and move on. Prokop train station is moving ahead well with funds from Kuwait, no good reason why T3 should not move ahead right now with similar funding, GoS ownership and professional, experienced international management. No time to wait and see if T3 is needed, it was clear back in 2013 it was needed.
You are talking nonsense as many times before. Plan published on Beobuild is also nonsense. They do not have proper airbridges for wide body airplains. Even an additional building is wrong
Deletesta ocekivati od partijskih pacova - cinjenica da si na polozaju u drzavnoj firmi preko partije (citaj partijski pacov) sama po sebi iskljucuje osobine potrebne za uspesno obavljanje te funkcije kao sto su radna etika, postenje, mogucnost slobodnog razmisljanja, kreativnosti i vizije. Zato nam i treba dobra koncesija koja stiti interese aerodroma i drzave srbije i dobar profesionalni menadzment da vodi aerodrom. Do tada cemo se nagledati probijenih rokova, ofrlje odradjenih 'prosirenja' kapaciteta, neobjasnjivih promena planova itd.
Delete@AirCEO, it could be that the June 25 deadline is just for boarder crossing. This article mentions all T1 upgrades which will be done in phases until September and I think includes bus gates as well.
DeleteMa svako je partiski pacov ko napise nesto pozitivno.
I am tired of "good" concession tenders run by Djindjic, Kostunica, Vucic, Marjanovic governments. Stop talking nonsense.
Deletepartijski pacov se odnosio na direktore drzavnih preduzeca koji su tu postavljeni od strane partije. 'deratizacija' drzavnih preduzeca je bila jedno od izbornih obecanja ali je evidentno da ni tu nije nista uradjeno. Ili se mozda radi punom parom a da mi to ne znamo? Inn ti si dobro obavesten u tvojoj decijoj sobe u insbruku pa nam reci da li se radi po tom pitanju?
DeleteYou don't need to worry; there will be no Air Serbia's A330; not at the jetbridges nor at the remote stands
Ne lupetaj vise. Direktore postavljene od strane partija imas po celoj Evropi. Odrastite vec jednom.
DeleteDelays and incompetence happen everywhere. I don’t care if Berlin BER is 10 years late, over budget and what government is to blame. Except as a temporary measure until T3 is built, I don’t even care much for BEG T1 and T2 as they can’t be transformed into modern terminal Air Serbia needs for the next decade and beyond. What I do care about is new Terminal 3 and probably most of (extended) C concourse that could one day become part of T3.
DeleteAs pictures from ZAG confirm old rule that "deeds speak", so far there was little evidence of good (construction) progress at BEG. That’s not a good sign for what’s ahead. And complete lack of concession, financing or any other firm T3 decision now that we are already in June of 2015 is even more disturbing.
How many times you need explanation that there are no exact times in government promises? Only when they are talking with foreign creditors when they will return portion of borrowed money they are getting fixed schedule.
ReplyDeleteIts really hard to read comments today and many of them are pointless and not related to aviation at all. From poetics, to hate, to f...... around with people, to wishes, etc. Unfortunately this is becoming everyday thing.
ReplyDeletePriča se da je Kroacija našla kupca...ljudi da li je moguće?
ReplyDeleteJel KE kupac?
Priča se da je netko puno jači zainteresiran, to ne znači da će i kupiti OU, znat će se uskoro!
DeletePa recite sta ste ucutali recite makar kontinent :)
Ma samo se šalim, nemam pojma o kome se točno radi, ali se priča da postoji kupac koji je ozbiljno zainteresiran! Šteta da nam 9A-CRO jučer nije otkrio više o nekakvoj velikoj vijesti vezanoj za OU, ali valjda ćemo saznati uskoro o čemu se točno radi!
DeleteNe znam kad je vec pomenuo sto nije makar rekao cega se boji .
DeleteJa mislim da je KE u pitanju.
Ili jel mozda zna G Purger pa neka nam nesto malo oda .
Uglavnom bice zanimljiva trka ako bude bilo kupca.
Ako i postoji kupac koji je jak barem približno kao Etihad, putnici iz svih zemalja regije dugoročno mogu samo profitirati!
DeleteDa i takmicenje pocinje ko ce prvi za SIN i SYD =D Samo mi je zbog toga drago da ce naci mozda Kupca.
Meni je drago i radi ljudi koji rade u OU, ne mislim na Kučka, naravno, on je budala! A i mislim da Hrvatska treba i zaslužuje normalnu, stabilnu nacionalnu aviokompaniju sa što manje uplitanja politike!
DeleteI meni je drago najvise zbog zaposlenih ali ne znam sto cute ako znaju i mene zanima bas:)
Ali razumes zasto se cutalo o dolasku Etihada....
DeleteZnam ali makar ko zna moze reci koji je kontinent u pitanju :)
Nece se valjda prodati kao JAT, bez tendera?!?!?! A transparentnost? Evropo, ne daj se
Delete@9:37 Jat se više puta prodavao preko tendera pa je guzva bila tolika da nisu mogli da se odluče...
DeleteŠta je bre ovo? Velo Misto? Jema puno lipi stvari, ma nesmin kazat? Haha.. ;)
DeleteGospodine Aleksandre .
Delete1 Da nije bilo EY Jat bio u jos gorem stanj nego sto je bio do 2013 .
2 BEG nebi imao danas toliko transfernih putnika kao sto ima danas .
3 I dalje bi leteli 733 i nebi imali tako dobru uslugu,catering i WI-FI.
4 Dali bi se znalo za Jat kao za ASL sada ?
Nebi imali ovaku mapu destinacija kao trenutno.
5 Dali bi toliko mladih Pilota i novih Pilota dobilo sansu kao u ASL ne i ostali zaposleni koji trose taj novac u Srbiji.
6 I na kraju najbolje dali bi krajem ove ili pocetkom sledece godine poceli letovi za SAD.
Nisam Aleksandar, ali da ti odgovorim :
Delete1. Da nije bilo EY, gradjani Srbije bi iz svojih poreza placali manje za "onaj" JU, nego za "ovaj" JU
2. Sav prihod od tiog viska transfernih putnika, Aerodrom je "otpisao" da pokrije gubitke kompanije kojoj pevas hvalospeve, svakodnevno
3. 733 lete i dalje, usluga je bolja samo u biznis klasi koja je skoro uvek prazna, wifi ima JEDAN avion
4. Globalnu popularnost JUGOSLOVENSKOG AEROTRANSPORTA koji je leteo na 5 kontinenata, "tvoj" "ASL" NIKADA nece postici
5. O tome koliko su zaposleni zadovoljni govore njihove tuzbe Direktoratu,
6. Prvo skoci pa reci hop. Letova za Ameriku NEMA i nece ih ni biti. Barem jos 2-3 godine, a verovatno ni tada
Delete@10.59 taj vas JU iz 80tih nema veze sa olupinom od kompanije 23 godine posle! Ta bruka od kompanije ne bi vise postojala vec krajem 2013. Ne uporedjujte babe i žabe. Ono što smo imali je nešto što nisačim normalnim se ne može uporedjivati.
Delete+1 anon 10:59. The only thing I disagree is point 3 since you do have a greater chance to catch the A319 which is still somewhat new compared to B737. Catering has improved significantly in Y, at least on flights to CDG, LHR, and other routes like that. Also the staff attitude is way better and FA are way more friendly.
Delete@10:59 "globalna popularnost" :) lol
Delete1 Ako vi znate sta se kako placa i i kako se sta otpisuje u Drzavi Srbiji ja cu biti novi Gradonacelnik Novog Sada .
Delete2 733 i A319 A320 je suludo uporedjivati .
3 A ta biznis klasa nije uvek prazna kao sto predstavljate nikad nije.
4 WI-FI nema samo jedan avion.
5 ASL ce leteti na vise od 5 kontinenata , i vec je sad poznatija u Evropi od JATA i ako je sad duplo veca Konkurencija.
6 A letovi za S Ameriku pocinju kad je rekao Premijer.
Budimo realni, JU ne bi bio ugasen kao sto nijedno gubitasko preduzece nije ugaseno. Pogledajte sta je sve uradjeno da se ne zatvori jedna glupa zelezara... Tako da ta prica o zatvaranju ne pije vodu.
Delete@6.59 opet uporedjujete nešto što se ne može uporedjivati. Da, vrlo sam realan. JU ne bi mogao da izgura još par meseci. Više nije bio u stanju ni plate i dnevnice da isplaćuje a kamo li spoljne obaveze. Da ne pričam o zadržavanju aviona u Grčkoj, Švajcarskoj, Francuskoj... ali sada je potpuno druga situacija, pa se lako zaboravlja sta je bilo pre samo dve godine...
DeleteTalijani iz Italije na Tajland, Spanci iz Spanije za Kinu, Amerkanci iz SAD u Medjugorje, na Jadran,ui Istocnu Evropu, EMIRACANI, KUVAJCANI, TURCI iz svojih zemalja u Ameriku i Kanadu, Englezi iz Britanije u Singapur i Australiju, Egipcani i Tunizani iz Severne Afrike u Skandinaviju. Predstavnistva i poslovnice u glavnim ulicama skoro svih svetskih metropola, reklame u medijima svih zemalja za koje se letelo. Sa flotom od 35 tada ultramodernih aviona, delom sirokotrupnih. U vremenu bez interneta, to je zaista bila GLOBALNA POPULARNOST. A jedino cemu ja mogu reci LOL je tvoj komentar, i danasnja ASL za koju mnogi ovde tvrde da je nesto posebno a ona je u danasnjoj avijaciji jedna potpuno beznacajna kompanijica, i to finansirana i dalje parama svojih gradjana.
@12:49 Da, bila jednom jedna zemlja, ali ako vas ta secanja cine srecnim, ne bih vam to kvario. Samo mi nije jasna patoloska mrznja vas exJAT-ovaca prema ASL.
DeleteTa zemlja mogla je biti mnogo bolja. Ali njena aviokompanija bila je jedna od dobrih stvari u toj zemlji. Ta secanja me cine srecnim, i istovremeno sam tuzan sto svi vi koji radite za ASL, nikada necete imati takva secanja. Ne mrzim nikoga i nista jer sam vernik. A cinjenica da ne razlikujete konstruktivnu kritiku neosnovanih hvalospeva od patoloske mrznje, ne govori nista o meni, nego samo o Vama. Pozdrav i prijatno !
DeleteNe radim u ASL. Imam dovoljno godina da pamtim i bivsu zemlju i bivsu kompaniju. Ako kazete da je JAT bio ponos bivse drzave onda je ASL svakako ponos sadasnje drzave. Ptocitajte komentare stranaca o ASL, pitajte prijatelje koji nemaju veze sa vazduhoplovstvu i svako dobronameran ce vam reci da je ASL jedna jako pristojna kompanija. Patoloska mrznja kazete, na sta? Na onu kompaniju koja nam je ostavila vise stotina milona dolara duga i bila predmet svetske sprdnje?!
Delete@ 1:18
DeleteMolim? Ne mrziš ništa zato što si vernik? onda neznaš definiciju tog reči. I noje mi jasno zašti si tužan, neka AS leti gde god može i uspe. Jeste JAT je bio veći ali ta bremena su davno prošli. Daj 'bože' neka AS bude samo pola veloka kao nekadašnji JAT, pa onda da svi budemo srećni.
Ex JAT-ovci imaju stalnu potrebu za uporedjivanjem. Ja stvarno ne razumem taj poriv?! Alo ljudi, bila je to druga drzava i druga vremena. Srbija je skoro tri puta manja. U ovoj zemlji je stvarno toliko malo toga cime mozemo da se ponosimo, zasto bre ljudi mrzite?!
DeleteKako ne podnosim ove ljude koji samo nesto kenjaju o proslosti kako je nekad nesto bilo,koga bre zabole jat 2012 je bila rusevina od leteceg taksija ni da se nazove aviokompanijom nije zasluzivala.Ta vasa vremena bratstvo jedinstvo,"vremena kad je covek bio siguran" i sav uspeh drzave smo videli 1991.ASL je u rangu cuda,niko ziv nije mogao ni zamisliti da bi etihad dosao a ne ovakve perspektive rasta,narucenih aviona stalnom otvaranju novih destinacija itd.
Delete@7:32 PM
DeleteKabinska posada od 55-60god iz starog "leteceg taksija", vidja se cesto i u "novom taksiju". I to je u "rangu cuda", takodje. Therefore Jat will last forever, or till vintage 737s & c/crews remain flying.
@1:11 da, ostalo je par ljudi i? Jel ste čuli za persere i instruktore?
DeleteCesto nas na ulazu u srpski avijon docekaju bakice ili dekice. Nismo culi za presere, a nismo videli ni Bajagu i instruktore u avijonu. Vi ste stvarno hit!
DeleteOd 200 starog Swe/std osoblja ostalo je 10 u svojstvu persera. Ako vas nesto zanima, posto vidim da ste vrsni poznavalac, slovodno pitajte..