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Zagreb Airport maintains 2015 growth |
Zagreb Airport welcomed its millionth passenger for the year on Friday, eight days ahead of 2014. As a result, the airport handled 88.948 travellers so far this month. The millionth passenger, Ivana Bišćan, came off a Croatia Airlines flight from Frankfurt. “I am delighted to welcome Zagreb Airport’s millionth passenger in 2015, especially since the figure was achieved eight days ahead of last year. These results are a group effort and testament to the growing passenger numbers which have been recorded since the start of the year. During the first five months of 2015 we registered cumulative growth of 8.5% compared to the same period last year”, the airport’s Chief Commercial Officer, Isabelle Dubois, said. The millionth passenger received a gift voucher from the airport and two return tickets from Croatia Airlines to a destination within its network.
The million passenger mark was achieved following a solid performance by the airport in May. During the month, Zagreb welcomed 235.133 travellers, an increase of 8% compared to last year. The airport also saw its number of operated flights grow, from 3.512 last May, to 3.724 operations this year, up 6%. During the first five months of the year, Zagreb Airport handled 911.052 passengers, an increase of 8.5%, positioning itself as the second busiest airport in the former Yugoslavia. In addition, the number of flights operating to and from the airport grew by 8.7% to 16.124 operations. This month, SkyGreece Airlines will launch transatlantic flights from Toronto to the Croatian capital, while start-up Air Croatia hopes to resume operations from Zagreb to four destinations.
Foreign carriers have generated the majority of the airport’s passenger growth so far this year. Croatia Airlines’ Sales and Marketing Director, Ivan Družeta, said, “We are glad to have carried Zagreb Airport’s millionth passenger on board our flight. During the first five months, Croatia Airlines has seen its passenger numbers grow by 1% compared to the same period last year, with a 3% increase in passengers on scheduled international services”. Since the beginning of the summer season, Swiss International Air Lines launched daily flights to Zagreb, while several other carriers have boosted their frequencies to the city. On the other hand, LOT Polish Airlines will temporarily suspend its operation to Zagreb starting July 1, as a result of its restructuring program and European Union regulations. The service is scheduled to resume on January 2, 2016.
Month | PAX | Change (%) |
JAN | 150.667 | ▲ 11.0 |
FEB | 141.833 | ▲ 10.5 |
MAR | 185.693 | ▲ 12.3 |
APR | 197.726 | ▲ 2.7 |
MAY | 235.133 | ▲ 8.0 |
Congrats to ZAG.
ReplyDeleteOT: What happened to YU-APG this morning, on its JU650 BEG - SVO flight? It took off on time, but returned to BEG shortly after entering Hungary.
Computer problem.
DeleteCongrats to Zagreb Airport! New terminal is in final process, I've been there and it looks excellent in this phase of construction!
ReplyDeleteI just want to say hello to all my friends from this blog, I've stopped commenting and reading comments because of trolls like INN-NS which take the utmost effort to destroy every article and every discussion and trash the effort the admin(s) of this site are taking.
P.S. One big, very big, good news from OU coming in next few weeks.
Lijepi pozdrav svima!
Could you give us a hint about OU?
DeleteLets see what this possible news could be.
OU announces a renegotiated order with Airbus?
OU orders a 100 seat type?
Personally I think the first 2 scenarios would be considered once OU's future is determined so it would have to be news of a potential buyer.
Korean Airlines maybe.....
Could it be new route announcement? :)
Deletecould be that too.
DeleteGospodine ne znam gde sam vas pitao za komentar o mom nacinu pisanja?
I kao drugo samo sto se ne slazemo oko nekih stvari ne daje vam za pravo da nekoga nazivate trollom.
Posto mene spominjete u tekstu onda je mozda kupac u pitanju , da vidimo i to.
+1 for your comment..
DeleteWhich comment do you refer to?
DeleteCome on, 9A-CRO, at least a small hint, the news about OU is it about new planes, new routes, new owner, none of the above?
DeleteEx-Yu, do you maybe know what this big news about Croatia Airlines could be? You don't have to tell us now, but have you heard anything? Thanks!
DeletePa strpite se ljudi. Uopce nije receno da ce biti big news. Ili da ce uopce biti koja news vezana za OU. Vise puta su tu bile neke najave pa nista.
Delete"...One big, very big, good news from OU coming in next few weeks."
DeleteKako nije rečeno? 9A-CRO uglavnom ima pouzdane informacije i zato pitam!
A ja se nadam da niko nece nista rec. Nije prob malo sacekat. Nadam se da ce se isplatiti.
DeletePa jel znate da skontate kad mene spominje kupac je u pitanju .
One big news would be that OU will codeshare with JU on BEG-ZAG. That would be very surprising and big news.
DeleteHocemo to otkriti na glavnoj skupstini 13.07.?
Nice sarcastic comment from Aerocroatia which take the topic to highlight some common problems in the region :D
it was not even sarcastic, it was stupid...
DeleteIt wasn't stupid. It is ironical and sarcastic. You could put name of any Balkan state and it would me true
DeleteAmong all neighbor-haters: great Zagreb!
ReplyDeleteMjesto da se svi radujete svakom putniku, vecina vas samo sije mrznju.
OU V1 aborted takeoff on SPU flight last night. Flight cancelled!!
ReplyDeleteKad uskoro pocnu da stizu bolesnici iz Koreje moracemo da blokiramo granicu.
ReplyDeleteCongratulations to Zagreb Airport :) Those results are even more impressive when new airport is getting roof and will be the most beautiful in SEE.
ReplyDeleteAgree with 9A-CRO that this was a great blog before INN-NS was born.
Greetings from Greece!
Pa recite sta vam najvise smeta .
DeleteUstvari znam i ja sam sto ne sirim lazno bratstvo jednistvo :)
Evo što mene smeta kod tebe INN:
DeletePoluinformacije koje potenciraš kao ekskluzivne informcije
Zaključci i pretpostavke predstavljaš kao informacije bez ikakvih konkretnih podataka i pravih informacija. I time se želiš predstaviti kao blizak vrhu Air Serbije i Republike Srbije, nadaš se kako ćemo te ozbiljno doživjeti. A rezultat je zapravo suprotan.
Svakodnevno forsiranje i beskrajno ponavljanje tih i takvih poluinformacija. U beskraj pišeš takve nebuloze, a kad se ispostavi da nisu istinite onda ih samo ignoriraš (u anale je ušla glupost sa A330 koji dolazi u 3. mjesecu, a koju je svaki srednjoškolac zrakoplovne škole znao da nije realno da se desi)
Apriorno podržavanje svega što je Air Serbija, patološko branjenje onog što se braniti ne može, ali baš sve i stvari koje stvarno nisu u redu, umjesto da konstruktivnom kritikom pomogne razvoju ASL-a.
Nevjerovatna mržnja i podcjenjivanje svega što nije Air Serbija, pa ispada da sve što nije Air Serbija ne valja, smrdi, odvratno je i pitanje je dana kad će nestati.
Svi ostali samo smetaju Air Serbiji, uključujući i Lufthansu, Austrian, Croatija, Adrija, Turkish... te su odvratni, jasni, ne valjaju...
Nevjerovatno si iritantan u svojoj potrebi da se svađaš stalno i konstatno, da namečeš svoje nezrele stavove i da kontriraš apsolutno svima ovdje.
Na kraju komentari su stvarno na nivou tvojih godina, ali ih uzdižeš kao da su komentari akademika. I nisi ni svjestan da kad te ljudi ignoriraju ili ti ne komentiraju to ne znači da su fascinirani tobom ili da se slažu nego se samo od srca smiju!
Jel dovoljno, ili želiš deteljnije?
Prije puno godina i ja sam bio u tvojim godinama, ali su me roditelji naučili poštivati starije i naučili su me da sam balav i da znam malo, pa da se ne postavljam kao da sam popio svu pamet ovog svijeta. Ne mogu ti zamjeriti tvoje godine, ali mogu i moram tvoju nevjerovatnu nemogućnost da shvatiš kako to nije prihvatljivo.
G Purger
DeleteHvala na toliko velikom tekstu .
Ja ne govorim da sam blizak da bi neko ozbiljno shvatio nego da se zna odakle mi to.
A to za 3 mesec proverite u ASL slobodno ako imate kod koga.
Ja bi voleo da se ljudi ne lepe na moje komentare ali to je ne moguce kako mozemo da vidimo.
Vi pisite sta hocete posto se potpisete a sigurno necu da tolerisem pojedine Anonymous-e da pljuju ovde.
I na kraju jedno pitanje dali je ono dole normalno ako i jedan ASL -ov avion zakasni vise od 1 H da se pise to jos nisam video ni za jednu drugu aviokompaniju.
A ja jesam blizak sa vrhom ne licno ali preko familije i kakve to veze tim.
I slobonoda znate da ce 332 doci kad ge rekao Premijer .
Ko mene postuje i ja cu njega
DeletePurgeru opet si se upecao na seljacku navlakusu. S njim nikada ozbiljno - zasluzuje samo povremenu I kratku vaspitni sjlagu.
DeleteSta se palite i primate na pubertetske fore i fazone? Uziva da pusta buve i da smara, jer samo tako moze da skrene paznju na sebe...hehehe...
DeleteCongratulations to Zagreb Airport from Belgrade ;)
ReplyDeleteBy the way the new terminal looks amazing.
This evening JU cannot perform charter flight to Rhodes cause they are short of planes. Two 733s have broken down. No spare aircraft. Shame.
ReplyDeleteDo you know which ones they are? Maybe it's also a problem that they had to send a Boeing to Moscow this morning when APG was forced to return.
DeleteIf this turns into last summer, I hope Kondic wil have enough self-dignity and quit.
And it's still spring! Turisti ce pozeljeti Turaka, al Turaka nidje biti nece!
DeleteReally??? The flight is on the route, IT is delayed but it is not canceled like you wish
DeleteIn the end, they decided to sacrifice evening flight to Podgorica, which will be late for many hours. Flight to Rhodes will start some 6 hours later than scheduled.
ReplyDeleteThis is a disaster. YU-ANJ arrived from SVO and was taken to the hangar which indicates that it has an issue.
DeleteOne positive thing is that both FCO and TGD are close so they might return back with some normal delay (as in not at 02.00 in the morning).
In my opinion, they will cancel some flights.
It is a really terrible week for JU so far... The day with the FRA diversion and now this. This really cannot continue at ASL I hope that someone is held accountable. They should have enough planes to keep the schedule going in the event of a plane breaking down. More A319's ASAP please.
DeleteSo what's broken down now? YU-APF, YU-APG, YU-ANJ and another Boeing??
DeleteAPG went to STR and APF went to FRA.
DeleteSeems like the three B733s have an issue.
Three routes seem to be in a problem: RHO, FCO and TGD.
This is a great example which portrays how unprepared JU is for the charter business.
Oh ok I thought APG and APF were still broken. It isn't just unprepared for charter flights its unprepared for any hiccup in the schedule due to weather or an a/c being broken down etc.
DeleteYU-ANI just landed from AYT and is going to RHO.
DeleteYU-ANJ was fixed and is currently taxying to take-off; 2 hours behind schedule.
Nice to see that JU is consistent as far as delays and incompetence goes. They truly are on track to become a regional leader.
DeleteJust wondering why does JU never use the B stands at BEG? They could have just used those rather than extending that C apron.
DeleteThey needed the extra space for the Atrs. There would simply be no room for both the Atrs and cargo aircraft.
DeleteWhat most of you seem to forget is that ASL has not started charters in full swing and that July/August period was and will be the busiest. I say expect even worse in the following months. I know delays happen even with big organized carriers, but what I am trying to point out is the fact that they arranged more charters than they could operate. Also what the hell is happening with the ATRs? Yesterday when I checked only 4 were active out of the 6.
DeleteLet's not forget something, the main difference between the big airlines and JU is that Air Serbia's delays destroy the schedule for the whole day. It's a complete meltdown primarily because the airline has been incompetent enough to increase regional routes to at least double daily. Like this flights have to delayed passengers causing absolute chaos.
DeleteAgree with anon 8:20! Just as simple example once my connecting flight with LH was late over 2 hours, and guess what happened? I was transferred to another flight which departs in 1:30 min! With ASL this is not possible and that is why it is dumb to compare BA or LH delays with ASL. I checked today there are 5 ATR in service, but does anybody know why were only 4 ATR active in the last week? Where is the 6th one?
DeleteWell, in theory it is used as a back-up.
DeleteWould maybe even be cheaper to wet lease another plane for the summer months so that these big disruptions won't happen because it can't be cheap to put these passengers into hotels and give them the required compensation.
DeleteYou forgot that one A319 Papa Bravo is in the hangar for the last two weeks.
DeleteGetting wifi installed?
DeleteDo leta treba da bude WI -FI na sim avionima mozda su zbog tga kasnjenja.
Pa sad je leto, epic fail man
DeleteNo JU cancelation for today. Well done guys, despite 3 temporary AOGs and one 319 on planned maintenance. Just wondering why nobody comments other airlines daily activities so close like ASL?
One 319 is on planned maintenance for 15 days now? Or it is a bad plan or something is very wrong!
Delete3 temporary AOG on 20 planes? 15% of fleet??? Something is very wrong here! Bad maintenance, bad operations planing, bad organization and realization...???
Teba raskinuti ugovor sa JAT Tehnikom i samo ASL tehnika da odrzava Avione sve
With all these delays, passengers will start losing confidence in Air Serbia , and the result will start to fly other carriers. If planes are getting WIFI put in,it should have been done through the slower period. I feel that passengers would be happier to arrive to their destination on time or within a reasonable time rather than having WIFI. These long delays don't look good for Kondic. They reflect on him and his management team.
Delete@1.34 kako mi da raskinemo ugovor sa tobom?
Delete:) :) :) +100 !!!
DeleteI have a question. If ASGS staff are getting their salary reduced by 20% each time they mess up, shouldn't it also mean that top level management should be penalised as well?
ReplyDeleteI mean, it's unfair for Kondic to keep on receiving €25.000 each month and for his screw ups to go unnoticed but then you have someone who earns 30.000 RSD per month who loses 20% of his salary because her lipstick was not fresh or because a guy's tie was not super tight.
Tisina tamo !!! 'El znas ti ciji je on "igrac"? Kakvi penali, da mu se povecaju primanja. Imaju penzioneri u Srb iji para, banda je to, njima uzeti, jos...
DeleteOT : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bB8Rp7yzg_0
ReplyDelete2:24 :)
Zagreb Airport's new terminal is getting along quite nicely. Photos by VKreso, SSc forum.
All the construction works and work on the exterior should be completed by end of august, building should be fully water tights be the end of September and all the works on the exterior and supporting infrastructure completed by end of October. 100 000sqm platform should be also finished by than, 570x175m platform will provide 12 medium sized aircraft potions or two large and 8 medium sized positions.
Work on glass exterior on lower level has already begun and airport has already ordered equipment to be installed for automated luggage sorting facility which will be on ground level.
Ground level however is 5m bellow the ground. Much of the equipment should be installed by end of October as well,
Air Bridges have also been ordered and should be arriving at the airport in mid to late October, with installation beginning shortly after.
In all new terminal will be 67500sqm, slightly smaller than original deign of 74500sqm. Original designed called for main 175x155, terminal building and 325 and 255m piers for total length of 755m from one end to another, and total enclosed space of around 107000 sqm, or total usable space of around 87500sqm, with terminal itself being around 74500sqm.
Current dimensions are 67500sqm main terminal with 4 levels above ground and luggage sorting facility just bellow it, with main terminal being only 140x130m and very short piers, 50m to the right pier and 85m to the left for total length of 275m from one end to the other.
Total capacity of Phase I is estimated at 8 million passengers per year, total capacity of terminal with all expansion added should be around 15 million passages per year.
Terminal is expected to handle around 5 million passengers per year by 2020 when work on Phase II should commence.
DeleteKeep them pictures coming!
Hi anonymous @1:46 AM. Wow, thanks for the photos and the posted information. thank you, thank you...
DeleteOne part that I didn't get (please elaborate more)... You mentioned that Phase I estimated at 8 mil pax ? Did you calculate this by adding the capacity of the old terminal (3mil) with the capacity of the new terminal (5 mil) ? ... or how...
thnx :)
No, this is total capacity of new terminal, or absolute capacity, this is what in architecture is called maximum occupancy rate, or maximum usability rate.
DeleteActual design capacity is around 5.5 million, but design capacity allows for loads of spare capacity. Once terminal hits 8 million, by international air safety standards terminal has reached maximum capacity, which than requires operator to expand the terminal or build a new one.
Reason why design capacity and max capacity there's so much difference, it allows for developer to plan and execute expansion without causing many safety concerns and delays for passengers and airline operators.
Airport's maximum capacity when terminal 2 is completed will be around 12 million, Terminal 1 - 4 million, Terminal 2 - 8 million. Design capacity - 8.5 million, 5.5 million terminal 2, 3 million terminal 1.
Hope that explains everything.
Amazing. Thank you. Short and simple. Finally someone did it ! :)
ReplyDeleteZagreb - Tuzla - Istanbul we want from the nest year!?