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Government announces “with all certainty” transatlantic flights in near future |
The Serbian government has announced that Air Serbia will launch flights to the United Stated towards the end of the year or during the first quarter of 2016. Speaking in the Serbian Parliament yesterday, the Minister for Construction, Transport and Infrastructure, Zorana Mihajlović, said both Air Serbia and Belgrade Nikola Tesla Airport are ready for transatlantic services. “The launch date depends both on the airline and airport, not their technical capabilities, as they are already prepared, but rather on market conditions. With all certainty we can expect these flights to commence either at the end of the year or in the first quarter of 2016”, Ms Mihajlović said, echoing earlier statements made by the country’s Prime Minister. She added that Serbia would be the only country in the region to offer nonstop flights to the United States. “This is good for us as passengers from neighbouring countries would gravitate towards Belgrade”, she noted.
Air Serbia has not officially announced any services to the States. Recently, its CEO, Dane Kondić, said, “No decision has been made. There has been a lot of talk about it. We haven’t actually said anything about it”. Questioned by followers on social media to comment on the issue, Air Serbia said in a tweet recently, “We cannot confirm or deny at this moment. Besides, 2015 is not finished yet”, the airline said, responding to claims that the carrier would launch flights to New York by year’s end. On Tuesday, during the sitting of the Serbian Committee on Spatial Planning, Transport, Infrastructure and Telecommunications, members of parliament adopted the recently signed Bilateral Air Transport Agreement between Serbia and the United States, which paves the way for future services between the two countries.
@markoradisic111 We cannot confirm or deny at this moment. Besides, 2015 is not finished yet.
— Air Serbia (@airserbia) June 29, 2015
In late May, the Serbian Prime Minister, Aleksandar Vučić, said, “The first destination will be New York and not Chicago as previously announced, but ultimately it is up to Air Serbia to decide. During the first two years we won’t lose too much money, but afterwards these flights will be extremely profitable for our airline”. Before launching services to the United States, Air Serbia must first apply for a permit with the United States Department of Transport. Furthermore, the carrier does not have the necessary equipment to operate such flights. Mr Kondić previously noted that Air Serbia’s analysis of future transatlantic flights has been based around Airbus A330-200 aircraft. He said the airline would follow a similar process in leasing the jets as it did with other members of its fleet.
Don't know what's sadder, the fact that politicians are making these statements or that people actually believe them.
DeleteАл врх су ми коментари на б92. Све врви од ботова!
Anonymous July 22, 2015 at 9:21 AM
DeleteI really don't understand why anyone in Serbia who agrees with any government policy is automatically labelled a "bot"? It seems that, to agree with any government move, one is straight away labeled as being weak and dimwitted. Get over your complexes and be proactive, by providing alternatives if you don't agree with something, and not just keep complaining like some old grandmother. These people were voted into power by the majority and are doing something. And, their intent, in this instance, is good, albeit with slightly unrealistic time frames.
Зато што постоји јасна разлика између конструктивног коментара и ботовског. Сви који живе у Србији су упознати са чињеницом да у Београђанки седи армија ботова која има само један, добро познат циљ.
DeleteAs expected, only a handful of reasonable comments today like the one at 11:36 AM (sigh...) most of the rest can be divided in two categories:
Delete1: "everything is perfect" that reflects similar sentiment as in most mainstream media comments, like the b92 example. Govt bots or not, it's always sunny for them
2: "everything is a disaster" is more common here than in mainstream media. Perhaps "bots from the other side" or bitter ex-employees, competitors, neighbors or some travel agency, it's always negative spin.
Reasonable voices of those who have constructive criticism or comments or questions have been drowned out by extremes on both ends.
This coming from the same duo that were announcing airports of Serbia and airport concession by June.
ReplyDeleteJa razumem da ovo pisu Kurir, Blic, B92... Ali mi nije jasno zasto vi ovo prenosite? Da li je moguce da cete i vi da uzimate i prenosite politicke propagande, politicara koji nemaju apsolutno pojma o avio saobracaju, a posebno o AS, sto dokazuju iz dana u dan svojim izjavama.
ReplyDeleteOh but wait even the icon of most commentators here DANNY KONDIC announced in FEBRUARY that flights will begin between 12-14 months! Then he made up how he never said anything about lol.
DeleteA sto da ne prenosi? Vazan zakon je izglasan u skupstini, koji stvara prostor za trans-atlantske letove. Druga stvar je koliko smo mi trenutno daleko od realizacije takvih letova, ali vest kao vest, je vazna za region. Zadni put kad se na ovim prostrima vecalo o tome je bilo 70-ih godina proslog veka.
DeletePredispozicije za letove se stvaraju - nadam se da ce letovi isto tako uskoro da se realizuju. Kondic je iskocio sa informacijama pocetkom godine i zbog toga dobio packe od mama Etihad-a. Njihov modus operandi je da se uvek sve drizi u tajnosti do pocetka mogucnosti za unovcavanje.
Licno ne verujem da ce biti letova ove godine, ali sa nadom prizeljkujem da nasa avio kompanija konacno poleti preko bare, sto pre.
Anon @ 9.22am ... sorry to disappoint you, but you are wrong ... what the "icon" was actually quoted as saying, was - "we HOPE to realise USA flights in the next 12-14 months" ... he didn't state categorically that they would with certainty be flying .... if English is not your first language, then let me help you out somewhat - there is a huge difference between someone saying that "they hope to do something" vs someone saying that "they will do something" ....
DeleteFurther, no one from the airline has ever gone on record to confirm this - not Hogan, Kondic or anyone else. The only people who have been propagating this, not unexpectedly, have been politicians ....
Correct, officially it was aspiration, not commitment. There are still things out of their control that may force postponement or change of plans, why commit to something you can't deliver because of someone else?
DeleteI'm sure he knew what he was saying - that's probably why he said what he said, knowing that there are many factors still outside of his control ....
DeleteGovernment has no competence to talk about long haul flights!
ReplyDeleteThat's only a decision based on business and market development, stop talking BS mihajlovic i ostali!
If that is true, it makes no sense cutting BUD whatsoever.
ReplyDeleteseriously...lets move on to another topic, because this one will go to nowhere at the end :)
... ko se zadnji smeje, najsladje se smeje ;)
DeleteAnd when the planes do finally take off for America, your cynical laugh will fizzle away into anonymity.
DeleteI'm laughing at the politicians my friend....I believe ASL will fly overseas..but don't think until spring/summer 2016, unless Etihad brings their A330s here in the fall/winter and flies with their own crew (like those two A6 A319s did at the beginning).
Delete@11:33 politicari su politicari... ne treba gubiti vreme na njihove izjave.. Ako letova bude, bice ih kao sto ti kazes, prolece/leto 2016.
DeleteIs the airport ready? Security doesn't seem to be "US-level" yet...
ReplyDeleteIt's not for the airport to decide if they are ready or not. It boils down to the inspections from the US to make that call. So far, based on their last visit, they gave a list of things that needed to be changed/upgraded, and most of those have been done. A key thing, an independent air accident investigation body was approved by the parliament yesterday, along with the air traffic agreement, covering the legislative parts of the requirements.
DeleteIt will be really a big surprise if ASL starts flying to US during next winter period, given that they plan to perform 6,5% fewer flights compared to last winter. Reduction in capacity will be even higher (more than 11%) cause they will maximize using of turboprops.
ReplyDeleteOne of the first routes to be watched in the US is LAX. A333 would be the most suitable a/c for those operations since i don't think JU needs the range of the A332 while the extra pax and cargo space for nearly the same operating weight can always come in handy. Another route to seriously contemplate on the more regional level is IKA, traffic from Iran is set to boom in the near future.
DeletePa nece moci da kete sa 333 do LAX ali nema od te linije nista dok ne dodje 359 .
The A333 can make it to LAX with some payload restrictions, i don't expect it to be running at MTOW anyway.
DeleteNajduza linija 333 je SEA-LAX od LH ali imaju valjda restrikcije za cargo .
DeleteAli ja mislim da od toga nema nista dok ne dodju 359 :)
Мачко, цицко, Луфтханса не лети између Сијетла и Лос Анђелеса.
DeleteSEA - FRA je pogresio sam zato sto se radi o LAX.
And what a reply from Air Serbia...."Besides 2015 is not finished yet"...so unprofessional , agressive and sarcastic...
ReplyDeleteI think it's quite quirky. Keeps us guessing, I suppose. And, indicates the possibility of flights this year. It definitely reveals more than just the first sentence alone.
DeleteI think that the stumbling block on the routes to the US isn't the number of pax but lack of cargo to support them. To put it simply, without good cargo loads there's no long-haul flying, since it is an utter waste of equipment and that is why besides charters we barely see any LCC long-haul operators. I would assume that Air Serbia is trying to boost their cargo base before starting those, but having that in mind, opening first lines to PEK/PVG/SZX would make much more sense, especially that no Western or even ME airlines fly to the later.
DeletePerhaps Air Serbia could benefit from FIAT, when it comes to cargo. JAT used to transport Yugos abroad its DC-10's, back in the 80's. Could we see a similar scenario with FIAT and Air Serbia, with regards to the US market?
DeleteNi u reklami, Serdjo Markione nije toliki ludak.
DeleteJeste, sad su spremni i BEG i JU... Ne bih bas bio saglasan sa recima jedne neupucene ministarke...
ReplyDeleteIf Vucic needs it to win the elections in december, Etihad will do a few New York trips via Belgrade and call it a success. If legaly possible...
ReplyDeleteI doubt that they will use the sensitive issue of US relations for local politicking points.
DeleteVlada ne bi dala izjavu samo tako, moze i biti da ce neka americka kompanija da krene letove umesto air srbije ili zajedno. Ima prostora da svaka kompanija leti za pocetak 3-4 nedeljno!
ReplyDeleteGdje ti živiš čovječe? Pa u našem dijelu svijeta Vlade baš i daju sve izjave samo tako - preskočio si zadnjih 60 godina?
DeleteBez obzira sto podrzavam ASL pricu, slatko si me nasmejao sa komentarom "Vlada ne bi dala izjavu samo tako.." :))))
DeleteMnogo je danas ljubomornih ali ovo je istina na vasu stetu .
ReplyDeleteETOPS Training se radi vec na 3 linije tako da je sve istina.
A 90% je da ce doci 332 zbog kargo kapaciteta.
dobro jutro inn-ns, dobro dosao...
Deletenovi manje vise!
uvek kazem iz tvojih usta u bozije usi, samo od realnosti jos mnogo mnogo daleko!
veliki je to korak sa postojecom flotom, lf, i mrezom. a to ti pricam iz iskustva...
naj lakse je nabacit etops aprooval, od arapa lizingovat 332, i sta onda? neko treba i da kupi kartu, a to konstantno! a ne da taj avion posle leti u toku sezone za ZRH primera radi kao svojevremeno 10tka... pozz
Pa di si bre ti Anonimno dete iz INN, vec smo se zabrinuli.
DeleteDali vi mislite da su ludi u EY i da ne znaju nista ne radi se to zbog Vucica kao sto vi pricate nego zbog kompanije.
Pa nije se EY ili JU oglasio na tu temu, jedino politika priča.....a vjerovati političarima je prilično naivno, zar ne.
DeletePa recite mi kad neka kompanija najavljuje nesto unapred uvek prvo kazu politicari a onda cete cuti od kompanije.
Aj ti meni reci u kojoj zemlji letove najavljuju politicari?
DeleteKoji saban ovaj Sajko ima navodno iskustvo, a prica o letu desetke za Zurich.
DeleteRazmišljanje da je normalno da političari najavljuju letove je zaista bolesno. Tu je u pitanju izvrnuto poimanje sveta oko nas. U normalnim zemljama političari se ne mešaju u rad aviokompanija i jedino možda pre javnosti budu upoznati sa komercijalnim analizama koje pokazuju da bi neki letovi na nekoj ruti bili isplativi pa će se sa njima i startovati.
DeletePricaj to malo Obami. Otkada se to politicari ne mesaju u rad avio kompanija, u kom crtanom filmu? Pricate neke zamisljene gluposti.
DeleteThis comment has been removed by the author.
DeleteNemoj da vredjav pevacke sposobnosti sabana anonymus 1:55 PM!
DeleteSto se tice desetke,
Decko otvoris lepo airliners.net i pronadjes slike...
Medju ostalom nismo niko ovde dosli da bi vredjali druge, ako ne uvazavas necije misljenje, na sta imas pravo, nepotrebno je da vredjas!
Ne da AS nebi pozelio te letove, nego krajnje sumljam u isplativost istih...
2:04 Jos nisam cuo da Obama najavljuje neku novu liniju AA, UA... Prosvetli me?
DeleteLetovi za SAD su, za Srbiju, koliko ekonomsko toliko i politicko pitanje. Zato se i najavljuju iz oba tabora.
DeleteOvo sa Obamom je ironija, vic ! U Americi bi se smejali kada bi se predsednik oglasio na tu temu, ustvari ne bi verovali svojim ušima, mislili bi da je odlepio kad se meša u rad privatnih firmi.
Delete@2:21 zasto je onda sprzio milijarde dolara za americke aviokompanij? To je najzasticeniji sektor "privatne" privrede u USA. Samo vi zivite u oblacima.
DeleteNe treba da se vredjamo .
DeleteAli ja ne shvatam ljude koji sole pamet a pritom ne pisu IATA kodove i ne znaju neke stvari koje su ubicajne u svetu .
Nazvati ih budaletinama nije vredjanje vec ono sto oni jesu. Sire nebuloze koje nemaju nikakve veze sa modernom avio industrijom. Nisu nikada ziveli u USA, pisali zasto kupuju kartu kod evropske a ne americke kompanije koja tamo ne leti, nikada nisu videli neki ugovor kako se deli avio trziste, ne citaju novine ni Internet koliko para su spucali na aviokompanije. Samo su tupavi Srbi koji ne zasluzuju pristojnu aviokompaniju.
DeletePa vi ste upravu ali opet ih ne treba zvati tako zato sto cete ispasti vi krivi sto ih vredjate.
DeletePa vecina srba voli da pljuje svoje sto jos ni jednom nisam video od hrvata ili bosnjaka da vredja toliko svoje politicare kao ova druzina ovde.
Пљување по СНС-у је мање више почело од како си ти почео да пишеш овдје.
DeletePa kakve veze ja imam sa SNS kad ja.licno njihov clan.
DeleteG Ananas ajde.jednom nesto napisite o vazduhoplovstvu .
2:37 vrlo logicno, milijarde su ulozene, da bi se spasila propasti jedna jako bitna grana privrede za njih i vise desetina hiljada radnih mesta.
DeleteA šta će Vučić, em mora gurati svoju kompaniju em je političar populističke orjentacije.
ReplyDeleteE jel moze neko da mi objasni, kod code-share kodova kako ide finansijski deo? Ukoliko npr EY leti AUH-BEG-JFK, JU ima svoj kod na delu BEG-JFK da li novac od prodatih karata sa JU oznakom, uzima JU ili EY?
ReplyDeleteJa sam jednom postavio slicno pitanje i ono sto mi je receno da tu nema nekog pravila i da sve zavisi kako se dogovori
DeleteНарод не схвата поенту, ова линија се уводи за хиљаде људи који ће бити отпуштени из државних установа. Само је РТС отпустио око 450 запослених прошле недеље.
ReplyDeleteЕр Србија је спремна за прекоокеанске летове. Има моћну флоту од 10 Ербаса и 6 Атр-а од чега може да се рачуна на 4 авиона. Њена регионална мрежа је застрашујућа и ове зиме има да охлади Луфтхансу и све њене пулене...
Samo 450? Malo je to.. Vidim prijatelju da si ti zalutao na ovaj blog...
DeleteNije zalutao. Sve je povezano. Civilni vazdušni saobraćaj, kao tercijarna grana privrede mnogo zavisi od svih ostalih. Vučić zasniva razvoj države i drštva na megalomanskom forsiranju nekakve avio-kompanije. A ona zadnja u lancu ishrane. S tim da je sve drugo poravnato.
DeleteТако је. Држава се спрема да на јесен отпусти 9,000 људи из државне управе што ће додатно смањити број потенцијалних путника, да не спомињен то што се овде не прича само о 9,000 појединаца већ 9,000 породица.
DeleteДржава као и Ер Србија су суочене са огромним изазовима а летови за Америку би требало да буду последњи на њиховој листи приоритета. Но добро, стижу избори па морају да крену са обећањима, кулама и градовима... посебо што су им Београд на води и Јужни ток пропали.
Delete@2:18 vazdusni saobracaj tercijalna grana privrede?! I ti si zalutao na blog prijatelju..
Delete@2:59 Drzava je skupa bas zahvaljujuci ogromnom broju viska zaposlenih.. zahvaljujuci particima, ima ih bar 100.000 viska. I dalje mislim da gubis vreme na vazduhoplovnom blogu, idi na neku politiku druze.. Vazdusni biznis je, jedna od retkih grana privrede koja donosi lovu ovoj jadnoj zemlji.
DeleteNe u ovom trenutku posto drzava daje ogromnu kolicinu novca na ASL. Jos treba da vidimo ako ce biti beneficija od onolikog ulaganja.
Drzava ne daje novac vec zakida deo profita ANTu i na to ima pravo kao vecinski vlasnik. Ako ANT da pod koncesiju odrice se tog prava. Da li je to tesko da shvatite?
DeleteJeste tesko da shvatimo, jer koncesija ne mora da pocne od sutra, vec od 31. decembra 2016 kad prestaju subvencije.
Delete@4:56 znaci, ipak vam je tesko da shvatite. Ok, nije problem, pitajte slobodno, koji deo vam nije jasan?
DeleteZasto se sada, kad je najavljeno, ne objavi dodela koncesije koja bi pocela od 1. jan 2017 godine? Do tada bi se mogli napraviti detaljni planovi razvoja aerodroma u fazama, obezbediti finansiranje, ugovoriti izvodjaci radova tako da 1. jan 2017 pocinje gradnja (kargo centra ili novog terminala ili sta je vec prioritet). Ovako ako se ceka kraj 2016 da se objavi koncesija proci ce godina-dve dok ne pocne gradnja. Vidite koliko je u Zagrebu proteklo vremena od objave koncesije do izgradnje novog terminala.
DeleteDa se objavi? Nisam znao da imamo koncesionara...
Deleteako zagreb ima 5 miliona u najavi onda beograd ima vec 10 miliona plus prosirenje od par miliona u najavi. o cemu se ovde prica? ne moze ant preko te cifre sa putnicima.
Deleteda nisi jedan od 450?
DeleteDoes anyone know if ETOPS training is applicable for 3 and/or 4 engine planes, or just twin engine craft?
ReplyDeleteETOPS extended range twin engine operational performance standards sama rec vam govori o cemu se radi .
dete, pa pogledaj ovo:
ali ok, u INN i u INI nema 747-8... kako bi to onda znao.
Dzaba je vama pricati ja nemam veze nikakve sa nisom opet kazem.
For those interested here are some pics of the abandoned Nicosia airport. It's been like this since the illegal Turkish invasion of 1974.
My god this is so ridiculous !
ReplyDeleteAlready when i hear 2Air Serbia wants..." -
I get ear cancer.
And i am Serbian btw.
Pazi ako se javis na vreme lekaru, mozda jos nije kasno.
Deletein that case, can i suggest ear plugs ?
Deletesamo da znate da nece tek tako air france, lufthansa ili austrian dozvoliti odliv putnika sa beg-a do amerike. bice tu svega, samo da ne bude 50ak putnika na ju-u do jfk-a. toga se plasim. ti letovi moraju biti puni ili ce propasti. da se razumemo.
ReplyDeleteRazumemo se!
DeleteTo mi nije palo na pamet..
DeleteE da je samo AirFrance i Lufthansa.. A de su ga Alitalia, Virgin Atlantic, LOT, Swiss.. Nisu svi nasi ljudi u Njujorku. Tamo ih je najmanje. A od turista nema mnogo vajde..
DeleteKonkurencija? Ne moguce, nadam se da su racunali na nju..
DeleteOcete li prestati da lupetate? Sta ce Lufthansa da uradi? Da li uopste znate po kojim cenama leti iz Beograda? 420 Eura do Njujorka, sada u letnjoj sezoni 630 eura mada ih imam na orbitzu sa ponudom od 480 dolara za NYC. Purger ce sesti u kola i odvesti se u Minhen i letece za 700 Eura. JBG.
DeleteProsto letece babe koje ne znaju engleski, poslovni ljudi i turisti preko agencija i ljudi u tranzitu. Najveci problem je vadjenje vize iako traje 10 godina.
I za najobicniju Larnaku je JAT leteo 100 god, pa cim se pojavio Viz, ode u sezonski. Umalo da nam se to desi i na iziju do Milana. Dal ih je Er Srbija oterala ili nije ne znam, ali dobro je da su otisli, da i ovo nase cudo nesto zaradi. Ne daj boze da Viz sledeceg leta pojaca sa 2 na 3,4 weekly.. Ode Larnaka u zaborav!!! I sad ce naravno Larnaka na Vizu kostati koliko i na Er Srbiji. Prosle zime karta po pravcu je bila 1.500 din. na Vizu. Videcemo ovog novembra.
DeleteMislite, najjeftinija karta, kupljena na vreme ;) Da sve karte kostaju 30 evra, ne bi imali ni za taksu ;) Kipar je odavno prestao da bude magnet za srpsku dijasporu, turiste i poslovne ljude.
DeleteКипар никада није ни био магнет за српске туристе примарно јер је прескуп за њих.
DeleteА што се тиче Кипра, тамо има 2,000 Срба што је сасвим довољно да напуни неколико недељних летова посебно јер је тамо наша дијаспора платежно способна, што је могло најбоље да се види по ценама које је Јат држао.
@7:25 vec duže vreme primećujem tvoje postove. Tvoje primitivne packe ljudima koje ne znas su tvoj potpis. Jel si čuo za ironiju, ako si uopste isao u neku nesretnu skolu...
DeleteIronija? Da li si ti normalan?. Opsednuti su botovima i AV, a nisu u stanju da razaznaju da INN nema veze sa Nisom. Niti znaju da je dete do14 godina.
DeletePutnicka avijacija je ozbiljan biznis videli smo kako se JAT zajebavao sa njom u svojim poslednjim godinama. Ovakvi kao YYZ samo sire predrasude i gluposti. Sedeo sam u Apalacima sa likom koji je naucio hrvatskosrpski svirajuci dzez u Vinkovcima.
Imam 17 godina .
Da li sam ja normalan? Mislim da jesam.. Da li ste vi normalni gospodine, nisam siguran, jer niko normalan se ne obraca ljudima na tako nekulturan način.
DeleteOT: Very nice!
"Don't know what's sadder, the fact that politicians are making these statements or that people actually believe them."
ReplyDeleteThat came to my mind while I was reading the article.
JU is cutting frequencies and cutting routes ( BUD and LCA, plus WAW was planned as well but due to Lot....) thi winter compared to last winter. Now with this in mind, how on earth can somebody add up that JU will get A330 and start across pond flights during winter season or mid winter season? I think we should rather hope that all A320 family aircraft stay within JU fleet.
In regards to US flights lets see: 1) Cargo demand is generally very low both ways 2) Flights are very seasonal since even with transfer pax you still must be depend to certain extent on O&D which is non existent in October, November, January, February, March and even April. 3) Dont give me that bull*hit that these flights will attract "tourists from N.America" while in fact average American does not know whether Serbia is in Europe or Asia 4) People here get very little vacation time and usually want to spend that time either going to Cuba, Mexico, etc or going to more safe bet destinations like Paris, London, travelling within US, etc.
Let me know what you guys think and of course this is my opinion/observation of people in the N.America region so no need to respond inappropriately.
DeleteDali vi znate koliko ima cargo potencijala i koliki je rast u cargo prometu u ASL.
A takodje jel znate koliko bi poljaka i skandinacavca letelo sa ASL.
Cross Atlantic – very competitive market with many large players/alliances some of which received antitrust immunity from the regulators. Can ASL find some niche and steal some pax from LH, OS etc. I’d say possibly but at a cost (has to be cheap at first). To me it all depends what’s the appetite for initial losses. But even than I’d expect big players to respond big time, they have lot more room to do that than ASL ever will. In order to have even remote chance they need code share in US/Canada for feed beyond JFK/YYZ as well as vastly improved regional network around BEG. Even than I’d say that this is at best a break even proposition .
DeleteDa li vi dobijate neki novac na prosipanje toliko besmislica? Svaki put kada letite preko bare da li vidite koliko hasidika putuje za izrael? letece i oni.
Deleteu zimskom periodu ne mora da se leti svaki dan.
Na poslednjem letu glavni putnici su bili Italijani pola A380 preko turisticke agencije a letelo se preko Frankfurta u odlasku.
First off, Serbian politicians have been talking about this flights for over two years now and it is always the same story. Last year they said the exact same thing.
Delete"Dali vi znate koliko ima cargo potencijala i koliki je rast u cargo prometu u ASL."
I know ASL has some rapid growth in cargo on the European routes were there is a lot of business happening but there is way less of that between Serbia and US/Canada.
"Da li vi dobijate neki novac na prosipanje toliko besmislica? "
What are you talking about? Out of the 4 points I stated you could not provide a counter argument for any of them. Actually you said that JU could solely rely on transfer pax which is not true (Comparing JU to LH or EK is absurd).
"I’d say possibly but at a cost (has to be cheap at first)"
True, but it has to be cheap permanently to attract pax especially the transfer ones. Once ticket price goes up would there be any reason for a pax to stay with JU?
What people dont understand is that even big companies like LH and AF ( which can rely on transfer pax from everywhere) have a difficult time filling their flights during winter to N.America. I have probably taken 10 flights during low season and only once was the plane packed.
I am not saying these flights will not happen, but I am very skeptical and its funny how on this site if you have a different opinion people are immediately responding with " pises besmislice" and so on.
90 % ljudi ide na pretrazivace i koja je karta najjeftinija njom idu znate kako im je bitna kompanija i tip aviona .
DeleteKad preko Tui-a trazite kartu za SYD u Innsbrucku letite sa AZ i EY tako da vidite.
Pa kada pises besmislice na koje ti dajem odgovore koje se jadni exYu trudi da pobrise. Ne mora svaki dan da se leti iz BGD u zimskoj sezoni, imace lf 80 cenata.
DeleteOpet glupost da ce privuci transferne niskom cenom. NECE uvek ce biti skuplji od LH. Samo LH ne prikuplja ljude sa svih aerodroma u regionu. Prosto niko nema toliko razvijenu mrezu. Ne citas detaljno avio magazine u toku leta. Poslednje strane. Tako se na pocetku jednog ceo amerikana nalupa da je najefikasniji prevoz sto se tice goriva avionom dok ti lepo mozes da sednes u Lupa 3l i jos jedna osoba i dobijete bolji rezultat, da ne tovarimo vise ljudi u kola.
"Ne mora svaki dan da se leti iz BGD u zimskoj sezoni, imace lf 80 cenata."
DeleteDude, this is biggest "besmislica" ever since flights have not even been announced yet you know that LF will be above 80%. I usually dont respond to comment like yours, but this is too much.I am sure you used your kristalna kugla to predict LF on JU flights which might start one day.
"Pa kada pises besmislice na koje ti dajem odgovore koje se jadni exYu trudi da pobrise."
I am stating facts such as 1) Trade between N.America and Serbia is still poor 2) N.Americans cannot point on the map where Serbia is 3) Market is highly seasonal ( still could succeed plus lower chance) 4) Business traffic is low in the whole region 5) N.Americans can little vacation time including the diaspora so not every year can you expect them to come 6) Serbian politicians have been talking about this flight for TWO years with exact same lines
Now how is this "besmislice"? My facts must annoy the "poor admin" so much for sure.
DeleteJedno pitanje izvinite sto ste vi toliko sigurni da nece biti letova.
I can tell you right now that JU won't be profitable on transatlantic flights.
ReplyDeleteEven in 2015 and with low fuel prices, not many airlines are making money and margin are still low. What will make JU any different? They can't expect to do the same business strategy as everyone else and then expect to be more successful than everyone else, especially when they won't have the size as big established players with dozens of widebodies and hundreds of feeding flights.
JU can't compete on service, frequency, destinations, mileage plans, etc.
The one and only thing they can compete with on is price. How fortunate that South-East Europe is very price sensitive!
Of course Etihad won't allow anyone to tarnish their image by operating 350+ seat slave ship config A333s. If Air Serbia could do 500-600 Euro round trips between the Balkans and Eastern N. America, maybe then they could achieve break-even.
with how many block hours weekly per 332 do you count?
DeleteNo idea. Impossible to get good utilization with only a few planes.
DeleteOh Alex I don't agree. JU can't compete on service? They said the same thing for European destinations and look at Air Serbia inflight service now. Destinations? ASL does need to cover only a couple of important points, not compete to places like Denver. Frequency? Is JU daily any worse than LH daily? Aviolet didn't tarnish Etihad's image so A330 won't either, etc.
DeleteWell at least I hope your piloting skills are better than this.
I How can ASL compete on service when it is 2015 and they don't have a dedicated lounge at their hub, no online check in, and absolutely no IFE.
DeleteASL doesn't even cover all of Europe lol.
Do you really think that JU will could actually go daily to any destination in N. America? Lufthansa and United have four daily between ORD and FRA, so I think that they might have a bit of an advantage.
JU fanboys....
120 comments, and NOT A SINGLE ONE to note that Serbian "side", its flag carrier and hub airport, are not THE ONLY SIDE who makes decision on (in my opinion distant) future US flights operated by Serbian carrier. What about availability of slots at desired US airports? What about FAA permits (which need to be given despite the Agreement Zorana talks about)?
ReplyDeleteWhat about lobbying of not only big EU, but also big US companies? So, children, just remember Zorana's promises on variety of issues, and just forget it (if you are not bots only, of course)
Well, I though AS has inherited slots from JAT (the old JAT xd). Isn't it so? Or they've sold them?
DeleteSlots expired but they can ask for them. Have to look at IATA rules on historical usage guidelines. If nothing else it will be resolved at IATA slot conference in November in Bangkok. As for FAA, my understanding is that outstanding checklist is complete or almost complete.