Croatia Airlines handles millionth passenger

Croatia Airlines’ passenger numbers unchanged on last year

Croatia Airlines yesterday handled its millionth passenger for the year, one day ahead of 2014, positioning itself as the second busiest carrier in the former Yugoslavia. Mario Popović was the lucky millionth passenger, travelling from Amsterdam to Zagreb. To mark the occasion, Mr Popović (pictured above) was awarded two return economy class tickets to any destination in Croatia Airlines’ international network. During the first seven months of the year, the Croatian carrier handled 1% more passengers compared to the same period in 2014. The airline anticipates welcoming 1.88 million travellers on board its aircraft by the end of the year, which would represent growth of 2 - 3% on 2014.

The figures achieved so far this year are significantly lower to estimates made by the Croatian State Management Office (DUUDI), which published its 2015 outlook for the Croatian carrier late last year. In its report DUUDI expects for the airline to welcome 1.987.231 passengers in 2015, of which 1.908.644 should come from scheduled services and the other 78.587 travellers on charter flights. In addition, the State Management Office forecast an average cabin load factor of 72.4% in 2015. Since launching operations in 1991, Croatia Airlines has flown 30.8 million passengers, of which 21.2 million on international flights, and the other 9.6 million on domestic services.

Meanwhile, Air Canada has concluded a unilateral codeshare partnership agreement with Croatia Airlines, which came into effect last Saturday. As a result, the Canadian carrier and fellow Star Alliance member has placed its “AC” designator code and flight numbers onto Croatia Airlines’ services from Zagreb to Amsterdam, Brussels, Copenhagen, London Heathrow, Paris and Zurich (and vice versa). Furthermore, Air Canada codes will now appear on the Croatian carrier’s flights from Dubrovnik to Paris and Rome and from Split to London, Paris, Rome and Zurich. The new agreement is the latest in a number of high profile codeshare partnerships Croatia Airlines has made over the past few months, which have included deals with Singapore Airlines and LOT Polish Airlines.


  1. Anonymous09:34

    Considering they increased their number of flights this year, the figures are pretty woeful.

    1. Well not too bad when you consider the extra competition and indirect competition on key routes.

      But what this clearly shows is that OU is still relying on organic growth and if Croatia was not having a bumper tourist season then the numbers could have easily been in the negative.

    2. Anonymous09:46

      I'm assuming the numbers probably were slightly negative for the first half of the year but then they had a stronger July.

    3. Anonymous09:59

      July is not in the report, it is just first six months

    4. Anonymous10:04

      "During the first seven months of the year, the Croatian carrier handled 1% more passengers compared to the same period in 2014."

      July ends in 2 days so I doubt they are going to see a boom in the 48 hours.

  2. Anonymous09:48

    Nice they are finally getting something out of their * alliance membership with these new codeshares

    1. Anonymous09:50

      Like someone said yesterday, could this be a response to Sky Greece? It's interesting that it is initiated by Air Canada.

    2. AC is fighting hard against any Cross-Atlantic competition so I wouldn't be surprised they initiated this agreement. Heck, they created completly new brand to fight off AirTransat. If SkyGreece does good and continues flying next year I wouldn't be surprised they announce some seasonal Rouge flights to Zagreb or Dubrovnik.

  3. Anonymous10:22

    OU needs to grow - routes and fleet. Expand towards east, place one plane in Sarajevo, increase winter season frequencies to Dubrovnik and Split. Expand the fleet preferably with jet planes since ,however unreasonable, lot of people prefer to fly jet than propeller

    1. Anonymous10:24

      I think those are their plans for next year. At least the part about expanding east and basing a plane in SJJ.

    2. Anonymous15:43

      So how do they do that when they are not a Bosnian registered company and do not have a Bosnian AOC ?

    3. How does Wizz Air do it?

    4. Anonymous08:50


      Probably the same way they do it in Serbia, they made a deal with the government which turned a blind eye and allowed it. Not that I am complaining, just saying...

  4. Anonymous10:43

    ot: Split reached 400k pax in July so far, around 445k pax to be by the end of the month....12%up....

  5. Anonymous10:45

    Isto ce biti i sledece godine kad izadju iz rekonstrukcije.

    1. Anonymous11:30

      Jesi ti i član HDZ-a ili SDP-a pa da znaš i u OU što se sve događa? Pa tebi mora biti dosadno živjeti kada sve, ali baš sve znaš unaprijed....problem je što to tako ne bude, puno puta si se već osramotio. Poput psa dolaziš po još (isprika psima na usporedbi).

    2. Anonymous11:40

      Nisam ja clan ni jedne HR partije .
      Pa evo bice tako samo se nije ostvarilo za PEK.

    3. Anonymous12:12

      U pravu je inn OU je zaglavljena u vremenu i prostoru,bez strateskog partnera(ni u najavi ga nema) nema nikakvog povecanja destinacija a da ne pricamo o novim avionima.OU stagnira sa negativnim izgledima a ja cisto sumnjam da ce god. zavrsiti sa + putnika u odnosu na 2014. a bice zanimljivo videti koliki ce - biti u finansijama ne sumnjam da ce biti poprilican.

    4. This comment has been removed by the author.

    5. What we are not seeing here is a decent amount of probable pressure from the operators of Zagreb Airport on OU.

      MZLZ needs OU to expand operations at Zagreb and compete more widely in the region by funneling transfer pax through Zagreb. OU needs to find a way of doing this while remaining profitable at the same time so I can see at the very least a modest amount of expansion from OU in the coming years or they could risk MZLZ looking for another partner at Zagreb.

    6. Anonymous15:53

      INN-NS jel i dalje EY obavlja let EY 71/72 avionom A330-200, povremeno?

    7. Anonymous16:33

      Da leti jel ne vidite .
      CTN kao prvo nema normalnu flotu za tu ekspanziju a da tek ne pricamo o mapi destinacija.

    8. Anonymous16:38

      Mislim da je EY 787 bio neki dan u BEG. To je iznenadilo čak i INN-NS. To znam jer mi je jedan prijatelj s tog leta presjedao na JU BEG JFK.

    9. Anonymous16:57

      Pa da jeste ako vam trebaju karte javite.
      Kako nije leteo preko ZAG sa CTN kad oni lete 3 na dan za JFK.

    10. Anonymous17:00

      Za njih to nitko nije ni rekao niti najavljivao kao ti za JU budalo jedna :)

    11. Anonymous17:29

      Pa ja najavljujem zato sto ce se desiti a sto me vredjate ponovo prvi jeste ljubomorni mozda .

    12. Anonymous17:35

      OU ima svoje OU brojeve letova na letovima SK iz CPH za New York i Chicago i nazad. Koliko je meni poznato, JU NEMA svoje JU brojeve letova na bilo cijim letovima za Ameriku i nazad. To je prvo. A drugo, kao sto rece covek pre mene, OU cuti i radi. A JU em se mnogo hvali stvarima koje se ne ostvare, em ti jos dodatno o tome laprdas na entu potenciju. prijatno!

    13. Anonymous17:49

      Početkom iduće godine dolaze 2 Embraera 190. INN kako to nije povečanje onda?

    14. Anonymous18:02

      @INN-NS Snovi su kratko trajali... A to ces i sam shvatiti kad te jednog dana ne bude bilo ovde sa komentarima, ako sto si pogebao sa drugih foruma gde si se potpisivao kao Etihad Novi Sad i lupao o prebacivanju 10 sirokotrupaca iz EY u JU

    15. Anonymous18:04

      @INN-NS a sto se tice povremenog A330-200, cesce dolazi TK sa njim...

    16. Anonymous18:14

      Nemorate sve cuti od mene za kodove se raspitajte ;)
      Ja ni na jednom drugom profilu ne pisem niti ce doci 10 nego za sad najvise 2.
      I ajde ne budite toliko ljubomorni.

    17. Ананас20:43

      Ви знате да ја не подносим цицка али то за кодове вам не пије воду јер ако ћемо тако онда ЈУ има много јаче кодове ка Азији и Океанији... а сви знамо где је будућност.

      Америка је old news.

  6. Anonymous11:06

    Admin could you please tell me why was my comment deleted?

  7. Anonymous13:41

    What is going on with Skopje-Split line? It seems that OU has canceled this route?

    1. Anonymous14:32

      Nisu otkazali, letovi se odvijaju prema planu

  8. Anonymous16:19

    looking forward to ou finally finishing its restructuring this year abd for better results in 2016.

  9. Anonymous21:56

    OT : "Odlukom nacionalnog avioprevoznika Air Serbia za sve polaske ka charter destinacijama od 01. avgusta 2015. godine primenice se dodatna naplata YQ takse u iznosu od 10 EUR. Pomenuta taksa odnosi se na promenu cene goriva i kao takva predvidjena je programom putovanja u rubrici NIJE URACUNATO U CENU". Cheers ! God bless national carrier ! Fortunately Serbian citizens cannot fly foreign charter companies.

    1. Anonymous22:15

      Sure they can fly on foreign carriers just like they fly on Anadolujet, Corendon, Aegean, Air Cairo...

    2. Anonymous23:05

      Have quoted foreign airlines also increased YQ tax recently ?

    3. Anonymous23:14

      Ma strasno.. ostale kompanije nikada ne vrse korekcije cena ;)

    4. Anonymous01:39

      Usred sezone?
      Nakon što su agencije već naplatile aranžmane sa fiksiranim cenama? I potom obavest "mora da uplatite još 1200 dinara radi korekcija cena vazduhoplovne kompanije". Zabole mušteriju jel to nametnula Air Serbija, za njih je kriva agencija koja sad još želi da ušičari neku paru. Jer nije plačala kartu posebno Air Serbiji nego je plačala celokupan aranžman agenciji. E sad agencije mogu da plaču što mora da lete sa Air Serbijom (a videli smo da su inostrane kompanije odbijene zbog Air Serbije) i da progutaju pa da plate same tih 10 EUR da ne ispadnu pred mušterijama da ih dodatno pljačkaju, ili mogu da zatraže to od mušterija i na sebe da navuku bes kupaca.

      No, pitam se kakav ugovor to imaju agencije i Air Serbija u kojima im se ne zabranjuje da koriguju cene usred sezone tj. grantuje im se ista cena dok traje ugovor, tj. za one aranžmane koji su prodani unapred i treba da se realizuju pod tim uvetima i tim cenama. Ili i na to ne mogu da utiču jer mora da potpišu što od njih traži Air Serbija koju ne mogu da zamene drugom kompanijom jer se ostalima brani da lete za Srbiju. Dakle to je ucena, a Air Serbija monopolistički zaštičena može da si dozvoli takav neprofesionalizam i reket.

      Zamislite agenciju koja je htela da leti sa nekom od odbijenih inostranih kompanija i sad ne samo da mora da leti sa Air Serbijom pod lošijim uvetima, nego još mora i da trpi ovakve rekete.

    5. Anonymous02:07

      But the price of oil is below $50 per barrel. The price of oil has been decreasing around the world...except in Serbia that is.

      P.S. Ever really understood why this is not included in 'Fare' as opposed to deceitfully bundled with 3rd party fees and Taxes.

    6. Ананас08:49

      Апсолутно нема логике да се доплаћује ово када је гориво јефтино. Ово је таква дрскост да то није нормално. Мој предлог агенцијама је да следеће године праве договор са Туркишем (Анадолу) па да видимо како ће се онда ЈУ понашати и како ће онда да се иживљавају.

      Ем што малтретирају народ ем што се цигане а на крају свега тога превозе путнике у зарђалим конзервама са 147 седишта! Брука.


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