Tivat terminal construction expected in late 2015

Tivat Airport eyes forty million euro investment

The construction of Tivat Airport’s new multi million euro terminal is expected to begin in late 2015 if all necessary funds are secured on time. Montenegro’s busiest airport has stepped up talks with the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD) for a twenty million euro loan. The entire project, which comes at a price tag of forty million euros, includes the construction of a new terminal building, jetways, apron and a parking lot. Within the next three weeks, tender procedures for the selection of a project consultant will begin, although this development has been somewhat delayed as the current planning phase was expected to be completed back in March. Operator Airports of Montenegro, which manages the country’s two international airports, says a loan should be secured during the second half of the year.

Tivat Airport has been facing capacity issues over the past few years. In 2014 it handled a record 910.533 passengers, the bulk of which came in July and August. It is now the former Yugoslavia’s eighth busiest airport, ahead of Sarajevo and Podgorica. So far this year, it has seen its passenger growth average 1%. In a statement, the Montenegrin government said, “Passenger growth at Tivat Airport has exceeded even the most optimistic of forecasts and has pointed towards the necessity to implement this investment as soon as possible. It is important to note that several meetings have taken place with the EBRD and that a principle agreement has been reached for the bank to approve this loan”. The government adds that it is in the process of purchasing nearby land at TIvat Airport from the Montepranzo Bokaprodukt company in order to fulfill its investment plans.

The CEO of Airports of Montenegro, Milovan Djuričković, says the new terminal is of high priority for Montenegro and will help further develop its tourism industry. Tivat Airport’s existing terminal was opened on September 25, 1971. It was damaged by a devastating earthquake in 1979 but was quickly repaired and expanded. In 2006, the terminal was again refurbished and developed. The apron has seven parking positions. In October last year, the Serbia and Montenegro Air Traffic Services Agency (SMATSA), which controls the airspace of both countries, announced plans for the construction of a new control tower at Tivat Airport. At the time, it was said the new facility would be opened in early 2016. SMATSA is yet to reveal further project details.


  1. Anonymous09:08

    Finally! Long overdue.

    1. Anonymous09:50

      what they are waiting for years long?

  2. Anonymous09:19

    Really disappointing growth so far this year but it is not unexpected. The number of Russian tourists is down a lot which I think affected numbers at the airport.

    1. Anonymous05:40

      Unofficial: Number of Russian tourists has increased compared to last year . But the number of tourists from Ukraine decreased by 30 to 40 %.

  3. Anonymous09:26

    Probably nothing is going to happen with the tower just like with the one announced for Belgrade. Radojica Rovcain - the head of SMATSA is the best example of nepotism and party politics. He knows absolutely nothing about aviation and is an embarrassment.

    1. Anonymous09:52

      Same can be said for Milovan Đuričković

  4. Anonymous09:47


    YU-AND turns 30 today.

    1. Anonymous09:52

      Passengers flying to Skiathos were given a small chocolate.

    2. Anonymous09:57

      YU-AND turns 30 on August 8 so you are obliviously misinformed or lying.

    3. Anonymous10:05

      Well, there is a picture on social media with the crew and a banner celebrating 30 years of YU-AND. So if JU did it then it probably means there is a reason they are celebrating it today.

      Maybe August 8 was its first commercial flight.

    4. Anonymous10:08

      I to je razlog za slavlje? Pa vi niste normalni, majke mi...

    5. Anonymous10:11

      No it arrived in BEG on 8 August which means Air Serbia doesn't know it's own history which is not surprising since Dane Kondic brought a guy to confiscate all JAT memorabilia from offices and throw it out on the street when he came. And also even if it was 30 today it is nothing to celebrate.

    6. Anonymous11:46

      Ja nadjoh da je isporucen 31.7.1985

    7. Anonymous12:42

      @10:08 ne za slavlje kao što ti kažeš.. ali jubilej vredan respekta sa više aspekata, ali ti, kao neko ko ne oseća vazduhoplovstvo u krvi to ne možeš da skapiraš...

    8. Is it hard to believe that some people have developed a bond with an object they have flown, worked on, or traveled with for much of their lives?

    9. Anonymous17:03

      Pa ne mogu da skapiram. Taj krs je odavna trebao da ode u Afriku. I mi da slavimo nove avione. To sto je on ovdemoze samo da se tuguje. Stamota. Jedino slavlje bi bilo da ove u muzej vazduhoplovstva.

    10. Anonymous17:09

      baš stamota.

    11. Anonymous19:47

      @5:03 i 5:09 krš?????? Da volote avijaciju, odali bi rispekt i avionu i ljudima koji ga odrzavaju i aviokompaniji, ovako, pitam se sta radite na ovoj stranici?!

    12. Anonymous19:55

      @5.09 šta je sramota???!!! Jel si zaboravio 90te?! Ziveli smo u normalnim okolnostoma pa smo mogli da kupujemo avione kad smo hteli, hellooooo?

    13. Anonymous23:13

      Imo bi ja respekta da je taj avion u muzeju ili da je obnovljen u retro stilu pa leti istorijske letove ko oni u Južnoj Africi. Ovako imam respekta kao i za taxi od 30 godina ili ASPov bus iz osamdesetih. Od silnog respekta samo što se ne ispovračam i psujem što mene baš to dopadne a ne nešto novo.

    14. Anonymous23:23

      Da na njemu pise Gemanwings ili Austrian ( a imaju avione od 27 godina u floti) ne bi komentarisao... americke kompanije da ne spominjem..

    15. Anonymous23:23

      Haha, that's so funny. It's great that they've kept a plane in good shape for 30 years... but to celebrate this event with pax? I wouldn't want to know that the plane I am flying is 30 years old... who the f*** is doing marketing and PR for Air Serbia?!

    16. Anonymous23:29

      @Anonymous in Serbian 11:23
      You are completely right. If it was a foreign airline, things would be completely different. Here is an example: http://sinekpartners.typepad.com/.a/6a00d834525fff69e201287659990e970c-pi

    17. Anonymous01:01

      Baš tako. Imaš groblje od 30 godina, pokrij se po ušima i ne brij o tome. A kamoli da to još i slaviš i častiš putnike radi toga. Majko mila.

      Na ovom linku od Anonymousa at 11:29 ništa ne otvara.

      Po čemu bi bilo drugačije da se radi o Austrianu ili nekom drugom? Nimalo nisam sretan kad letim sa 25 godina starim Austrijanovima avionom, to je argument zašto ću prije odabrat nekog drugog, a još bi manje bio sretan da mi netko kaže "evo čokoladica jer nam je avion prastar 30 godina". I potpuno mi je svejedno jel to Austrian, Lufthansa, Air Serbia. Glopost kod bilo kojeg od njih.

      I ima jedna mala razlika. Austrian, Lufthansa i drugi imaju pokoje staro groblje. Air Serbia ima 7 prastarih groblja od 20 aviona. To je 35% flote. ATR-ovi iz vremena SFRJ su stari po 25 godina, Boeinzi još stariji (30 godina), a ima i Airbusa koji su stari po 16 godina. I onda se o tome ne galami, do vraga.

    18. Anonymous08:28

      @1:01 u vazduhoplovstvu postoje ISPRVNI i ne ispravni avioni, jedino tako i nikako drugačije.

    19. Anonymous08:33

      @1.01hehe, ako ti je starost flote prvi kriteriju u izboru kompanije svaka ti cast ;)

    20. Anonymous08:51

      Halo Anonymous July 13, 2015 at 8:28 AM,

      ako već dijeliš avione na ispravne i neispravne, moraš biti svjestan da kod svih tih ispravnih aviona,
      vjerovatnoća otkaza ipak raste sa brojem godina i to ne linearno nego eksponencijalno.


    21. Anonymous11:00

      @8:51 Ne delim ja tako avione pobogu. Vazduhoplovstvo je uredjena stvar. Avion ili ima plovidbenu dozvolu ili ne. Da znate nesto o vazduhoplovstvu i odrzavanju ne biste tako pricali. Odrzavanje aviona je strogo propisano i regulisano a ne odokativno kako vi to mislite gospodine.

    22. Anonymous14:50

      Halo Anonymous July 13, 2015 at 11:00 AM

      U svom prethodnom postu si izjavio da u vazduhoplovstvu postoje ispravni i neispravni avioni i nikako drukčije.

      U dodatku, avion može proći sve testove, odredjeni dijelovi mogu prethodno biti zamijenjeni, sve može biti odradjeno po važećim uputstvima, ali, generalno, vjerovatnoća otkaza je i dalje veća na starijim letjelicama nego na novijim.

      Plovidbenu dozvolu smatram garancijom da neko ko je ovlašten, smatra da je vazduhoplov održavan u skladu s propisima. I ništa više.

      Po mom skromnom mišljenju apsolutna garancija ne postoji.

      Naravno da plovidbena dozvola nudi priličnu sigurnost.


    23. Anonymous15:36

      @ drago mi je što si rekao "po mom skromnom mišljenju" bez uvrede, jer se to iz tvog pisanja vidi. Svaki deo i pa i onaj najmanji ima svoj resurs i po njegovom isteku se menja, dakle u vaxduhoplovstvu ne postoje odokativne metode. Gde su one prisutne, prisutne su i nesrece bez obzira na starost aviona.

    24. Anonymous18:31

      Kako te "odokativne" metode mogu biti prisutne ako je vazduhoplovstvo "uredjeno" kao što si upravo izjavio? Jedno drugo isključuje.

    25. Anonymous21:05

      U Jat-u.. ASL svakako ne. Rekao sam "gde su one prisutne, prisutne su i nesrece." Takve kompanije su na evropskoj crnoj listi i ne mogu da lete ka njoj.

    26. Anonymous22:47

      Ne zapali se onaj motor na ATRu u januaru ove godine. Raja provikala.

    27. Anonymous23:43

      @10:47 ?! pazi.. nećeš verovati, sve što su ljudi napravili se i kvari po nekada. Nisi čuo da se kvare i Mercedesi, BMW...? Idi na stranicu aviation herald pa pogledaj listu kvarova na dnevnoj bazi. Nećeš verovati ali se kvare i potpuno novi avioni. Pokusao sam da ti objasnim kako stoje stvari u odrzavanju aviona ali izgleda da ti ni nemas nameru da to skapiras osim da trolujes ASL.. samo napred... pozdrav.

    28. Anonymous09:56

      Samo sam iznio svoj stav da smatram da je - u prosjeku - veća vjerovatnoća otkaza nečega što je staro npr 30 godina od nečega istog takvog što je staro npr 4 godine.

      Ako sam dobro shvatio tvoje postove, tvrdiš da nema razlike što se tiče te vjerovatnoće jer se avioni održavaju pošto je vazduhoplovstvo uredjeno.

      Uzmimo u razmatranje zakovice na oplati nekakvog vazduhoplova.

      Nekoliko takvih zakovica koje nisu bile baš idealne po pitanju strukture materijala a i načina formiranja na mjestu ugradnje, jednog momenta tokom leta, u vrlo kratkom vremenskom roku popucaju jer ne mogu više izdržati sile kojima su dužne opirati se i avion se na 10,000m razleti u komade. Prije toga je letio godinama. Prvo napukne jedna zakovica. Zatim na nekom drugom letu napukne još jedna. Na n-tom letu nakon tog prvog popuca još deset tih zakovica jer im je opterećenje sve veće zbog pucanja prve zakovice.
      Taj materijal je do tada izdržavao zadate napore a onda zbog zamora materijala usljed dugotrajnih vibracija izgubio potrebna svojstva. Rezonancija u elektrotehnici je vrlo korisna stvar a u mašinstvu zna biti vrlo gadna.

      Kakav zaključak izvlačim iz ovog primjera?

      Da vjerovatnoća otkaza jednog te istog materijala raste sa brojem radnih sati.

      Ti smatraš da je to glup zaključak jednog laika jer je vazduhoplovstvo uredjeno što znači da se avioni održavaju.

      Drugi primjer. Imaš nekakvu elektroniku na avionu koja se grije tako da je kućište izvedeno tako da se taj dio pričvršćuje na nekakav hladnjak. Hladnjak se namaže termo-pastom za bolje provodjenje toplote. Vremenom, iz nekog razloga ta pasta da tako kažem promijeni svojstva jer bude zaprljana primjesama (garež, prašina, ulje itd) i provodjenje toplote nije dovoljno dobro. Jednog dana ta elektronika se pregrije i izgori. A što se tiče radnog vijeka te elektronike, on je npr 10,000 radnih sati.
      Dakle, količina neželjenih primjesa u pasti se povećavala odnosno ulje ili neka druga hemikalija je izjela tu pastu i promijenilo joj svojstva, isprala tu pastu itd...

      Opet se nameće zaključak da je manja vjerovatnoća otkaza što je broj radnih sati manji.

      Medjutim, ti smatraš suprotno jer se avioni održavaju pošto je vazduhoplovstvo uredjeno.

      Šta misliš da li procedure kontrole uvijek sadržavaju i kontrolu stanja te paste izmedju svakog čipa i hladnjaka? Skidaju li se svi čipovi sa hladnjaka i postavlja nova pasta? Šta misliš da li je moguće svim tim predvidjenim kontrolama iskontrolisati baš svaku zakovicu.

  5. Anonymous10:00

    What a joke this is......2 weeks ago the tender for the reconstruction of Tivat was to be closed. The main contractor HAD to be an Italian company! The tender was published and then nothing..... the SMATSA tender was also canceled 2 weeks ago. Now it has all been moved to sometimes in Q3 2015.....

  6. Anonymous10:32

    OT: It seems that Brac became a mini-hub for Express Airways. Their plane was there during the night and this morning it was ferried to Split for following flights. Anybody knows more about flights and Express A?

    1. Anonymous17:55

      Would love to hear/read more about both - Brac airport and the Slovenian carrier. Express Airways is actually not a charter company but offers scheduled services that can also be booked online through their website. Sadly, the success of Express seems to have pushed Austrian out of Brac. Express is also doing quite a few charters out of Split.

    2. Anonymous18:44

      I was wondering. I read once at this website that the longest ATR route was Sarajevo-Copenhagen (by B&H). We all know that B&H suspended that line and the question is can we now state that the longest ATR line is Brac-Malmo by Express?

  7. Anonymous10:39

    OT: http://www.jutarnji.hr/split---ultrasi--postavili-rekord-u-dolascima-zrakoplova/1380948/

    180 flights in Split during this weekend with 40.000 passengers!

  8. Anonymous12:23

    OT Yesterdays flight from Malme to Niš had 100% load factor. In the winter these flights will be reduced from 3 to 2 weekly somewhere untill march.

    1. Anonymous14:36

      That's just great! I hope the route has a lf of at least 60% this winter. Who knows, maybe they add another weekly flight around the busy Christmas time.

  9. Anonymous14:48

    OT: danas Iberia iz Madrida u Zagreb šalje A321, jučer A320. Nadajmo se skorašnjim letovima kroz cijelu godinu.

    1. Anonymous20:04

      Bravo za Zagreb, samo naprijed! Pohvale i Splitu za rekordan vikend!

  10. JU520 BEGLAX15:13


    OT: some stats to S15 DBV operations..... Spain is Nr. 3 in terms of weekly seats out of DBV !

  11. Anonymous23:32

    WTF is this issue with two passport controls in BEG?! I haven't seen it anywhere except for a few times in FRA for planes arriving from Africa. I've already seen it countless times, with a un-uniformed cop stopping all pax and requiring them to show their passports, before letting them enter the transit area. Then you have a second passport control when you want to enter the country.
    What kind of stupid madness is this?

    1. Anonymous03:01

      It is for passengers arriving from certain countries such as Ebola risk, asylum seekers etc.


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