Belgrade’s T2 expansion to begin in December

Belgrade Airport to complete terminal expansion by August 2016

The multi million euro expansion of Belgrade Nikola Tesla Airport’s Terminal 2 building will begin this December and is scheduled for completion by August 2016. The 15.2 million euro project is being touted as the airport’s first greenfield investment in years. The new wing of the terminal (pictured) will be sphere-shaped and made of steel. Furthermore, it will feature a round roof and a glass exterior. “Along with the façade, a grand atrium will be constructed and the entire building will stretch over 11.000 square metres”, the airport’s Managing Director, Saša Vlaisavljević, says. The new part of the terminal will also feature large areas for commercial space, such as a duty free, shops and restaurants. Mr Valisavljević sees this as an opportunity for the airport to significantly boost its revenue.

The new part of the two-level terminal will also feature passenger boarding bridges, primarily intended for larger, wide-body aircraft. Two common waiting lounges will also be built, with the waiting room on the upper floor equipped with four jet bridges (four parking position for single-aisle aircraft or two for wide-body jets), while the second, ground floor lounge, will have four gates from which passengers will be bussed to remote stands. The upper level will be reachable by both elevators and escalators. A contractor has already been chosen and the airport expects to be granted all necessary permits by November, in order for construction to begin a month later. “It is obvious that air traffic is booming in our country, and this trend is still on the rise”, the Managing Director says, adding that the new wing of the terminal will boost capacity.

Mr Vlaisavljević also notes, “We have to contemplate airport capacities at least several years ahead. Existing infrastructure capacities are sufficient for the current volume of traffic, but responsible business operation entails the timely preparation for expansion”. He adds, “I would point out that Belgrade Nikola Tesla Airport will develop its infrastructure, while at the same time purchase equipment with the aim of developing both technically and technologically. This means that, apart from the adaptation and expansion of infrastructural capacities, the airport will constantly be modernised". The expansion of its Terminal 2 building and the ongoing overhaul of its Terminal 1 facility is part of a wider, forty million euro, push to expand the airport’s capacity by 35%.

Future look of new Terminal 2 wing


  1. Anonymous09:05

    It looks like a whole separate terminal but I like it. I am just unsure they will able to build in just 9 months.

    1. Anonymous09:19

      Yeah, 9 months sounds like a wet dream.

      Hopefully the departure zone will finally be separated from the arrival zone.

    2. Anonymous13:14

      looks good I agree, but as to 9 months, I'd say is tad optimistic.

      Deign reminds me of Dubrovnik airport new terminal just a lot smaller and perhaps a lot cheaper too, wonder if they'll install automatic luggage sorting facility, so far only Zagreb Airport's new terminal will have it in entire region.

      I mean they should consider this as they're adding whole new section. Extra $12 million should be affordable for Belgrade airport, after all they supposedly had huge profits last year.

    3. Anonymous14:25

      "supposedly had huge profits last year"
      SUPPOSEDLY is the key word!

    4. Anonymous14:45

      Sta je tvoj problem? BEG je imao profit i najveci je aerodrom izmedju BUD i ATH.

    5. Anonymous14:58

      Anonymous August 13, 2015 at 2:25 PM

      Dude, no need to sound so hysterical. Lol.

      I'm sure you would love Belgrade airport to file for bankruptcy, but it ain't gonna happen. Its firmly in the black and it's using its own money to expand further. Sorry to burst your bubble, but its ex-YU's biggest and most profitable airport, and it will become even more so once it expands.

    6. Anonymous19:12

      @ above comments

      exactly the point, if it is most profitable, shouldn't airport be equipped with all the mod cons ?

      They should consider provisioning extra space, so what it'll cost what %12-20 million, but it'll offer passengers more comfort and faster processing.

      After all this is what most major airports offer,
      I am sure Serbian Government can kick in with $20 million, if airport can't afford it at this time.

  2. Anonymous09:11

    Any observation deck planned for visitors?

    1. Yes! observation deck is crucial... Any respected airport must have platform for onlookers. Choy's and chance are belong to travellers. Must! In regard to decision makers at Nikola Tesla Airport. Let build platform. Do not ignore. Serve the customers! What is solution? Soon we will see.
      Rodney with people in concerns. ✈❇😊🌏

    2. Anonymous09:37

      Prestani da lupas ni OHara ni Newark ni JFK ni Frankfurt nemaju nista takvo.

    3. Anonymous10:27

      Yes, Frankfurt has:

    4. Anonymous10:46

      As does JFK...

    5. Dejan Milinković11:27

      Na stranu sad što je anonimus at 9:37 prvo izneo nešto što je nebitno i kao takvo potpuno besmislen argument, da stvar bude gora, što je dobrim delom i neistinito, ali ono što mene zapanjuje je ta vrsta rečnika, ta ničim izazvana agresivnost. Prvo. gospodin Radovan je jedan od najpozitivnijih osoba ovde, ne moramo se naravno uvek slagati sa njim ali čovek je krajnje kulturan i nikad nikog ne vređa. Drugo, svi znamo da je čovek u penziji i ako ništa drugo, bilo bi normalno da se poštuju njegove godine i njegovo dragoceno iskustvo u avijaciji. Isto naravno važi i za Purgera i mnoge druge koji na kulturan i normalan način iznose svoje stavove i koji u svakom slučaju na konstruktivan način doprinose kvalitetu diskusije na ovom blogu. Zar neki ljiudi ne mogu na normalan i uljudan način da izraze svoje neslaganje umesto da vređaju? Za kraj, da primetim još i ovo. Zar ne bi bilo normalno da se jedan pravi avio-entuzijasta (kakvi su uglavnom posetioci ovog bloga) zalaže za izgradnju terase za posetioce i spotere?


    6. Anonymous11:45

      Ne i za putnike aerodroma u sigurosnoj zoni. Ne postoji.

      Namestite terasu na ovaj obli krov, o cemu vi pricate?

    7. Dejan,

      Mongo se slažem sa tobom.

    8. Anonymous12:06

      Milinkovicu avioentuzijasti moraju da znaju da se na zgrade terminala ne mogu kaciti dodatne terase.
      Nekada pre aviomostova na staroj zgradi u sedamdesetim je postojala terasa na krovu.

      Probajte kod SMATSA mozda vas oni prime na novi toranj. Purger je covek koji se vozi 500 km radi jeftinije karte dajte nemojte sad o problemima vazduhoplovnih udruga.

    9. Anonymous12:48

      @Dejan Milinkovic


    10. Anonymous13:58

      Svaka ti je na mjestu Dejane!

      Takav način izražavanja pogotovu prema starijim osobama je samo dokaz o nivou kucnog vaspitanja pojedinih ljudi koji ovde dolaze. Mene bi bilo sramota!

    11. Anonymous14:08

      @Dejan Milinkovic



    12. Pera Kojot14:20

      @Dejan Milinkovic

      +1, svaka na mestu!

      @AnonymousAugust 13, 2015 at 12:06 PM
      Takav poznnavalac bi trebalo da zna kada lupi glupost ... eto primer PRG-a recimo... a ima ih dosta gde postoji normalna terasa za izlazak čak možeš i piće da popiješ.

    13. Anonymous14:26

      Speak English please!

    14. Dejane, Aleksandre,


      Osnovni kucni odgoj ovih dana nije na cjeni izgleda

    15. Dejan Milinković14:43

      Krovova ima raznih a konstrukcionih rešenja gotovo beskonačno mnogo. I da, terase itekako mogu biti na krovovima zgrada, primera koliko hoćete uključujući čak i ovaj koji ste naveli. To što se Purger vozi do 500 km udaljenog aerodroma nije nešto što narušava njegovu reputaciju. Naprotiv, može samo da ukazuje na to da se čovek na odgovoran način odnosi prema novcu, da se ne ponaša bahato i uobraženo. A i da nije lenj. A za moj sistem vrednosti to su pozitivne osobine. Pri tom, to mu dođe kao izvanredna prilika da obogaćuje svoja iskustva upoznajući mnogo veći broj aerodroma i aviokompanija nego što bi inače. I da verovatno, kao pravi avio-entuzijasta, uživa u svemu tome. Ali nije sve ovo zapravo bilo ono najvažnije što sam hteo da kažem već da se sva neslaganja mogu izneti na kulturan način i bez vređanja. Sa moje tačke gledišta prava je šteta što svega nekoliko ljudi svojim nepristojnim i agresivnim ponašanjem konstantno kvari inače vrlo kvalitetan nivo diskusije ovde.

    16. Anonymous14:57

      Pojedini Anonymous nista ne znaju kao i uvek sto mora tarasa za posetioce biti na Terminalu nemora u opste moze biti odvojena i sama napravljena .

    17. Дечко Тзар15:41

      Dejane slažem se sa vama, uživam u vašim fotografijama. Projekat je mogao da uključi terasu ali cena je već porasla sa 15 na 21 milion i ne verujem da će vam izaći u susret. Ako ništa drugo, veliki stakleni zidovi ispred fingera kao i na kraju hodnika će putnicima pružiti priliku da bolje vide ali je to slaba uteha za spotere.

      Sledeća šansa je verovatno hotel koji bi izgleda mogao da bude na mestu sadašnjeg parkinga ispred T2. Ako taj hotel bude imao više od 3-4 sprata što je realno, poslednji sprat bi se mogao iskoristiti za terasu za bar ili klub odakle bi se pružao pogled na dobar deo aerodroma. Da mene pitaju, to je prilika da za relativno male pare Beograd napravi aerodromski hotel koji je svetska atrakcija, sa minijaturnom verzijom beskonačnog bazena kao što je u Singapuru Marina Bay Sands, ali sa pogledom na avione! Ljubitelji avijacije i spoteri iz celog sveta bi dolazili u Beograd kao što sada idu na St Maarten! Staklena konstrukcija bi zimi pokrivala bazen pa bi sezona bila 12 meseci.

    18. Postovani gospodine anon at 9:37
      Vi sto mi pripisujete da lupam, ili me ad hok mrzite, ili neznate sta govorite. Neljudska ponasanja su veoma svakodnevna u ovoj zemlji. Govorim o Srbiji. Na ovim. Ovi aerodromi koje ste Vi naveli imaju terase za posmatranje. Na JFK sam sletao 14 puta, na Newark 1 put, na LaGuardia 2 puta. Na Frnkfutski 16 puta... Ukupno do sada na 176 aerodrome na svim kontinentima. Na mnogima pored terasa, posmatra se I sa vrha auto parking i di devet spratova visine. Necete me valjda pitati ''a ge to ima''. Od Sydney-a, Los Angelesa, Johanesburga, Tokija, Santjaga... Ali ne i sa garaze beogradskog aerodrome. suvise je nizak, mislim na visinu. Ponovo kazem. Vi koji odlucujete, projektujete i dogradjujete Beogradski terminal, izgradite terasu bar do stotink osoba. Jeli to moguce uraditi u Beogradu, a da se ne bakrotira? Ako jeste, sjajno bi bilo. Znanja licnog gotovo nemam. Rada, posmatranja i svedocenja u putnickoj avijaciji posedumem. Licnim sretanjem vise od million ljudi po aerodromima sveta . Sa svim ostalim sto prati svedocenje iskustva dugog blizu 50 godina, dajemi za pravo da vam pozelim svakobdobro.U zelji da Vam razum upravlja srce I dobre misli prema drugim ljudima. Da bi i Vama dobro bilo. Ja Vas postujem, a Vi gdeste se zaputili... Zelim vam svako dobro. ✈Rodney✈ Sydney😊✈❇

    19. Anonymous17:16

      Nema nigde za putnike nemojte se vise prosipati. Ne moze na terminalu koji se dogradjuje za prekookeanske letove.

    20. OK anon 5:16 PM.
      Ako Vi odlucujete da nece biti mesta za onlooker platform, neka bude tako. Sto sam ja ''prosuo mene'' kako Vi kazete, eto ,,pokupiliste''. Kazete ''ne moze naterminalu kojinse dogradjuje''... Nadam se da vas autoraran stav nema uticaja na druge aerodrome. Mnogo uspeha u biznisu. ✈Rod✈🌏.

  3. Anonymous09:17

    Can anyone explain to me what is the cube-like glass thing on the second photo? It doesn't seem to be part of the ground or first floor.

    1. Anonymous14:20

      If you are referring to the cylinder structure, I'd say that's the walkway for incoming pax (i.e. second floor of the structure). Now, for this to be fully utilized, they would also need to add another floor on the existing T2 structure to make it possible to ferry the pax all the way to passport control separately from outgoing pax. Or they'll just bring them back to the first floor and the main corridor outside centralized security for this new sub-terminal.

      The actual cube structure, which is not made out of glass, on the top floor, is HVAC and technical. But I'm guessing you were talking about the cylinder :)

  4. Anonymous09:19

    It does look like a separate terminal to me and while I like the design I think it will look a bit ugly from the outside having three buildings from three different eras connected to each other - T1 - 60s, T2- 80s, new T2 - 2000s

  5. Very nice! Are moving walkways planned? Even now it takes too long from passports to > C6.

  6. Anonymous09:31

    Diletanti. Dvostruki aviomostovi se prave kao jedan izlaz ne da se kombinuju dva jednostruka.

    1. Anonymous10:13

      Blah blah blah.

    2. Anonymous10:19

      You do not travel by airplane?

  7. Anonymous10:12

    Way cool! Nice, modern look with clean and airy structural design. Well done, Belgrade!

  8. Anonymous10:27

    OT: Air Serbia to lease a A330 for $500,000 per month for US flights:

    1. Anonymous10:40

      Od naslova, pa preko govornika sve mi govori da od ovog nema nista. Pri tom koja to kompanija ima jedan sirokotrupni avion i sa njim ce navodno obavljati letove ka tri destinacije... Mozda al u nekom drugom zivotu....

    2. Anonymous10:44

      Ovo je zalosno, premijer jedne drzave brine za prtljag putnika koji presedaju za SAD u BEG. Ja ne verujem u kakvoj banana drzavi mi zivimo.

    3. Anonymous10:48

      Excellent news! Good to see that both the airport and the airline are taking strides to ready themselves for transatlantic flights. 2016 is going to be jam packed with positive developments in Serbian aviation.

    4. Anonymous11:08

      Anonymous August 13, 2015 at 10:44 AM

      Nista u ovom clanku nije zalosno. Daleko od toga, pun je pozitvnih pomaka, koji su nam obecavani vec duze vreme.

      Sad, sto si ti uzeo jedan mali deo cele price i izvukao ga iz konteksta, to je tvo problem, i zalosno od tebe. Distribucija prtljaga kao problem se pojavila u zadnjoj poseti Americke inspekcije aerodromu prosle godine, i to je nesto sto mora da se sredi do njihove sledece i zadnje inspekcije, u Septembru.

      Tako, samo oladi i pusti druge da rade svoja posla.

    5. Anonymous11:13

      AnonymousAugust 13, 2015 at 11:08 AM

      Oces da kazes da je bilo sta iz ovog teksta cime se on bavi posao jednog premijera zemlje?
      Za to postoje ljudi, koji se time bave, a ne prvi covek jedne drzave, ovde vecina ljudi bolje znao opis njegovog posla od njega samog, sto se dokazalo godinama unazad. Ja ti necu navoditi primere, vec ih se ti sam seti BOTU.

    6. Anonymous11:53

      Anonymous August 13, 2015 at 11:08 AM

      Imas pomalo selektvno shvatanje, tako da razumem tvoje nedoumice. Sta sam hteo da kazem je da je covek obisao rekonstruisani Teminal A nase najvece vazdusne luke, sto je normalna praksa u manjim zemljama sveta, i dok je bio tamo, prokomentarisao je par stvari koje su generalno vezane za aviaciju u zemlji. Nije on otisao na Nikolu teslu da bih dao zvanicnu izjavu o putnickim koferima, kao sto si ti izneo gore.

      Sto se tice tog vaseg "BOT" izraza za svakoga ko nesto pohvali u Srbiji, to je do vas. Nisam neko ko voli da lepi etikete po neistomisljenicima, ali radije bih bio na tom malom "bot" talasu pozitivnosti, u moru negativnih faca kao sto si ti, koje dominiraju nase drustvo.

    7. Anonymous12:31

      Pardon, gornji post je bio za Anonymous August 13, 2015 at 11:13 AM

    8. Anonymous13:16

      Leasing and buying is not the same. PM knows it but those people who will vote for him and who are cheering for these US flights (that they will never use) don't.

    9. Anonymous14:22

      I noticed that to, "kupujemo na lizing" WTF does that mean?

    10. Pera Kojot14:24

      AnonymousAugust 13, 2015 at 11:53 AM

      +1 ah koji dašak svežine! Stvarno bre više nema smisla pokopavati sve što je iole pozitivno. Sasvim je u redu biti kritičan ali s merom i objektivno a ne po zadatku biti negativan.

    11. Anonymous15:23

      Pera KojotAugust 13, 2015 at 2:24 PM

      A ti znas da je on po zadatku kritikovao? Pre bih rekao da si ti tu po zadatku da hvalis rad doticnog.

    12. Anonymous17:49

      Зар нисте чули да многи КУПУЈУ аутомобиле на лизинг? Е, па, како ја схватам, исто начело важи и за авионе. Током трајања уговора, чињенично је да се плаћа ИЗНАЈМЉИВАЊЕ, али, по завршетку уговора, изнајмљиван ("лизован") аутомобил / авион, без додатног плаћања (или неког које није значајно), прелази у ВЛАСНИШТВО изнајмљивача.

    13. Anonymous17:54

      Didn't you hear that many people BUY their cars through lease? So, as far as I understand, the sam principle goes wit aircrafts. During the Lease contract, the fact is that the contractor (leaser) pays for RENT in fact, but when the contract is terminated, leased car / aircraft, without additional or paying that is not significant, becomes OWNERSHIP of the named leaser.

    14. OK, leasing 101in simple terms. Instead of paying upfront the total cost of a car/machine/anything for that matter, what leasing company does is it figures out what the RESIDUAL VALUE at the expiry date of you lease (e.g. car value after 4 years). They deduct this amount from the total cost and let you pay the difference in monthly/quarterly/yearly installments. At the end of your lease term you have the option to pay this residual value at which time it becomes your ownership. How big or small this value is depends on the length of the lease, market conditions (supply/demand) on used market etc. So to correct you, you don't automatically become the owner of anything and the amount is usually not insignificant. Sure, this is in simple terms and everything is negotiable but at least if you are taking about car purchase this is how it works. Both of these are actually the reasons why people usually choose to lease something instead of outright purchase (costs them less monthly, and they don’t have to bother selling it after 4 years for example). Plane leases are naturally much bigger value, hence more negotiable and more complicated, but in general terms...

    15. Anonymous22:07

      Nekada su bile popularne majice sa crtežom Pere Kojota i Ptice Trkacice (bip,bip,bip).

  9. Anonymous10:54

    Jedno ozbiljno pitanje : rečeno je da će se izgradnjom proširenja Terminala 2 povećati kapacitet aerodroma za 35%. Koliko se može videti sa slika ovo proširenje će se nalaziti ispred već postojećih parking pozicija C7-C10, drugim rečima neće biti novih parking pozicija već samo postojati mostovi za ukrcavanje u avione, a tu se trenutno vrši ukrcavanje kao na otvorenim pozicijama. Nigde se ne kaže ni kako i koliko ( a ni gde ) će se širiti teminal 1. Nigde, dakle, nema dodatnih parking pozicija. Iz ovoga što je objavljeno uopšte se ne vidi odakle potiče povećanje kapacita barem što se tiče aviooperacija. Jasno je da će biti više prostora za putnike, ali da li se time meri kapacitet aerodroma. Da li je negde detaljnije objavljena računica koja potkrepljuje podatak o povećanju kapaciteta ? Hvala upućenima na dodatnim informacijama.

    1. Anonymous11:00

      Verujem da kad se ovde prica o kapacitetu, onda se prvenstveno gleda broj putnika. Kapacitet letelica je druga stvar.

    2. Anonymous14:03

      But what does capacity actually mean? There are many airports that are constantly runing over-capacity. Not the ideal situation but doable. So if BEG today is about 5m per anum, then with this expansion they are set for the next 5-10 years.

    3. Anonymous14:11

      Neće biti novih parking pozicija, ali su momentalno B parking pozicije potpuno neiskorišćene, makar iz aspekta putničkog saobraćaja.

      Ovaj dodatak na T2 je takav da mogu da naprave prave bus gates u prizemlju i ti autobusi mogu da voze na B stajanku - proširenje C stajanke završeno prošle godine će prosto biti iskorišćeno za novi deo terminala.

      Prema tome, zapravo imamo povećanje kapaciteta sa novim bus gejtovima.

      Međutim, po svemu ovde rečenom, problem sa BEG nije u broju gejtova i kapacitetom putnika, već prtljagom, nedostatkom automatizacije procesa sortiranja i fizičkim kapacitetom sortirnice i separacijom dolaznih i odlaznih putnika (mada će na nivou ove dogradnje to biti rešeno, ali se opet sve uliva u isti hodnik kod C6...). Da ne pominjemo međunarodne dolaske, parking, nedostatak železničke veze ili hotela... Ovi problemi ostaju isti ili postaju još gori sada.

    4. Anonymous15:04

      @Anon at 2:11

      Tačno tako. Ovaj projekat potvrđuje da je prioritet za BEG na transfernim putnicima a ne na onima koji počinju ili završavaju put u Beogradu. Osim prtljaga koji je gorući problem za sve putnike i naročito za transferne putnike, ostali problemi koje si naveo (parking, deo za dolaske, železnica itd) se ne tiču transfernih putnika. Tek negde u sledećoj deceniji može biti govora o investicijama na aerodromu koji će biti usmereni na putnike koji dolaze i odlaze iz Beograda.

    5. Оно шта би могло да се уради је да се испод новог терминала сагради велика и модерна сортирница која би се користила искључиво за трансферни пртљаг.

      Долазећи летови би могли да имају раздвојен локални од трансферног пртљага а њихова локација би могла бити лепо означена на ,лочиду'. Врло једноставан процес.

      Локалне торбе би биле одмах одвезене у садашњу сортриницу док би трансферне биле пребачене у нову.

  10. Anonymous11:11

    Not 100% the same but similar idea.

    Also, not going to be built in 9 months which unfortunately usually means that it wont happen at all.

  11. Aэrologic12:28

    Will the extension receive a new Terminal designation, such as 2b, cause i see it as a fairly independent structure.

    OT - BEG-WAW yesterday 0J109Y, will write a more detailed report later-on.

    1. Anonymous14:21

      Where are you going this time? Shall we read more interesting reports soon?

    2. Aэrologic23:54

      Nothing much interesting, maybe OTP-BEG in September, i'll write a detailed report when i'll have time.

  12. Anonymous14:00

    Da li je neko od uvazenih avio novinara slikao panele sa dizajnom prosirenja aerodroma koji su ovom prilikom bili izlozeni na T1:

    1. Anonymous14:11

      To su ti renderi koje vidis ovde u clanku (i na video snimku)

    2. Anonymous14:20

      pogledaj bolje, na panelu se vide slike kojih nema u videu (odnosno 8 rendera koji su ranije objavljeni na T6). ima li neko slike sa panoa koje nismo videli na T6 ni na aprilskoj prezentaciji na sajmu?

  13. Anonymous14:30

    Hi everyone!

    In December, I will be transitting through BEG flying from SJJ to MEL.

    Spending approximately 7 hours there, I want to ask, are there many places in the terminal where I can plug in my laptop so that I can work?



    1. Anonymous14:42

      Yes there are a lot of places. In the T2 area (near the transit desk) you also have chairs with USB ports and cable plug in.

    2. Pera Kojot22:38

      if you have seven hours, do not spend time on airport, city is just 30 minutes away and you can spend really decent 4-5 hours walking around.

  14. I hope they fix the corridor that links the check-in areas in T1 and T2.
    It's just so horrible and I don't know why they don't do something about it. I would love if they could remove the small offices and leave the glass wall. Then again the same could be done in T1.

  15. Super vijest, gledao sam reakciju Kontica dok je Vucic pricao o letovima za Amriku I on je potvrdno klimao glavom I dao potvrdnu cijenu iznajmljivanja 330. Vrlo je vazno da neko od zvacnika vlade bude jedna od karika ove cele price posto onda sve tece brzim tokom. Dosta je ovdje ljubomornih I zlobnih ljudi ali mislim da ce stvarno ovi letovi krenuti vrlo ubrzo i to vam se nece svidjeti. Veoma ljepe vjesti danas

    1. Anonymous16:40

      Da, da prica o letovima za SAD, otvaranje novog terminala, izgradnja kule.. sve to u trenutku kada je krenulo da se suska o izbornoj kampanji od jeseni.

  16. Anonymous16:47

    77 comments and still not a single one of this horrid "visualisation".

    1. Beograd na Vodi01:59


      If done in nine months...I guess it will look like any other tin can creation called terminal nowdays.

  17. DTWSKP17:28

    The terminal on the video looks amazing. However, 9 months seems unrealistic and if it is completed in 9 months then many can say it was done with cheap materials that will not last long term. All in all, BEG hopefully will get the terminal it deserves.

  18. Anonymous17:42

    OT: Adria and Croatia use their regular fleet and brand for charter and seasonal operations, while Air Serbia uses separate Aviolet brand and planes. When old Aviolet planes retire, is it better to add more planes to regular Air Serbia brand for charter/seasonal as JP and OU are doing or to keep separate brand as some large airlines are doing?

  19. DTWSKP21:22

    OT: Anybody on here able to check passenger loads for JU? I would like to travel on JU with my employee staff travel (non-JU employee) (servis karta) and haven't had luck in checking passenger loads for flights.

    1. Anonymous00:05

      You just have to call the call center or write to and they'll tell you.

    2. DTWSKP08:02

      The frustrating part is i live in the US and i emailed them and they never responded. Perhaps i must email them in Serbian although my Serbian isnt great.

    3. Anonymous09:19

      Hi, I travel regularly with Air Serbia standby, I do the listning via Callcenter or Airportoffice, in my case it's ZRH.

  20. Anonymous22:23

    Get more 320s or even a pair of 321s for those high demand vacation charters. That way you have a flexibility to do charters next summer and supplement the ASL scheduled ops.

    ASL needs to expand its network and risk some new routes, it can't afford to sit back and idle hoping to improve figures...yes, you need to be bold and risk sometimes and try to get there before competition does.

  21. JU520 BEGLAX01:05

    Bravo BEG, I like it. Happy to see that also BEG goes on and further invests in in its infrastructur. It s so exciting to see that so many places in our region are developing their airports.Whether we travel thru ZAG BEG TIV DBV SPU PRN or SKP, we soon will or already do benefit from enhanced travel experience, cool thing!

  22. Anonymous10:36

    That is a really good tip particularly to those fresh to the blogosphere.

    Brief but very precise information? Many thanks for sharing this one.
    A must read post!


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