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Niš Airport registers strong passenger growth |
Niš Constantine the Great Airport is on course to record one of its busiest years since opening its doors for commercial use in 1986. The airport handled 12.500 passengers by August 20, a significant increase compared to the 1.335 travellers who passed through the terminal in 2014. In July alone, it welcomed almost 7.000 passengers, as a result of Wizz Air's newly launched services from Basel and Malmo. The three weekly flights from each city were only introduced in late June. Previously, the airport had no commercial airlines serving it. Authorities believe that Constantine the Great Airport will handle just over 25.000 passengers by year's end. These are down on the Serbian government's estimates for 50.000 travellers in 2015. Since reopening twelve years ago, Niš has struggled to attract both passengers and airlines. However, 2006 remains the airport's busiest year on record, as it welcomed 35.518 passengers and was served by both Jat Airways and Montenegro Airlines.
Wizz Air's low cost flights to Niš have proven popular with consumers. However, the airline will reduce its operations from Malmo to two flights per week starting September 15, as the peak summer demand eases. "At first there were much more incoming passengers, while now there are more outbound travellers", Mladen Stanković, the airport's Ground Handling Manager says. Managing Director, Vladica Djurdjanović, believes the airline will introduce additional routes from the city in 2016. “They are satisfied with the number of passengers and they have announced that maybe from next year there will be additional routes”. Previously, Mr Djudjardjanovic said the no frills carrier is planning on opening a base in Niš in 2016.
Several airlines have shown interest to fly to Niš over the past month, some of which include Montenegro Airlines, Pegasus Airlines and the Croatian start-up Sea Air. City authorities have said that another low cost airline had expressed interest to fly to Niš, but gave up on the idea after the city refused to provide requested subsidies worth 200.000 euros. On the other hand, The Regional Development Agency for Southern Serbia said the airport is in talks with a Spanish low cost carrier over potential flights to the city. The head of the Agency, Aleksandra Lugović, notes the carrier has significant coverage in Western Europe. Niš Airport has contacted over forty airlines following Wizz Air’s successful debut in the south-east Serbian city two months ago.
Looks like 40 000 for 2015.
ReplyDeleteDoubt it. Numbers will fall big time in September and October. Nis is highly seasonal and they handle only diaspora passengers, no one else. That's why they are already reducing flights.
Delete"Authorities believe that Constantine the Great Airport will handle just over 25.000 passengers by year's end. These are down on the Serbian government's estimates for 50.000 travellers in 2015."
DeleteGovernment of Serbia Estimate Fail
Basically any LCC flying to areas of diaspora concentration will be able to fill their flights to Nis. This model has been proven in lots of secondary cities in Romania and Poland and also Tuzla.
ReplyDeleteAustrian from Vienna or Swiss from Zurich are probably the only two full service airlines that could have any possible chance of being profitable in Nis.
It`s fascinating to see state of the art A320 landing in Niš without ILS/IGS using just plain old VOR approach. Maybe they should get some new airstairs first.
ReplyDeleteNot much flights will land without the ILS from the end of September when the fog season starts.
DeleteYou probably don't know that Nis is a town with maybe the least foggy days in Serbia
DeleteIt's not even fog. A simple mist with reduced visibility or a low cloud ceiling is enough to screw the non-precision approach. You can not even try. That is why no commercial airport in Europe exist without ILS.
DeleteThe adjoining road and especially rail infrastructure is sub standard for both cities. That's why in the winter Stara Planina in Bulgaria gets thousands of tourists and Kop was struck off EU travel agencies and why Budapest gets 10m passengers a year and Nikola Tesla gets 5m. Once you land in Serbia it's a real pain in the arse to get anywhere. They should start with a rail link from Nikola Tesla airport to Prokop.
ReplyDeleteBut there are plenty of taxi drivers waiting in BEG to take you anywhere you want.
DeleteAnd they are very honest too, especially with tourists.
They give a great first and last impression for Serbia.
You must be joking. Everyone who lands has to take a taxi (or bus).... really?
DeleteShame that your malicious comments no longer applies to BEG since they introduced the taxi booth in the luggage sorting facility.
DeleteYou also failed to mention two bus lines, 72 and that little private bus that takes you to Slavija.
Luggage pick-up, not sorting facility.
DeleteMnogo bolje za INI bilo bi da je dosao U2 ili DY nego W6 .
ReplyDeleteNadam se da ce uskoro Aerodrom dobiti nova opsluzna vozila.
Најбоље да им је дошао Сингапур Ерлајнз али то није реално, баш као што је случај сам Норвиџаном и Изијем.
DeleteНо добро, навикли смо на твоје непромишљене коментаре. :)
Maybe easyJet Switzerland, but I don't think direct flights to Norway would have great LF. I don't know how many people from Southern Serbia live in Norway. I do know that Sweden is popular destination for Gastarbeiters. A5 should definitely consider Paris flights from INI. And their Embraers would be perfect for this route.
Delete@Marko Lukić
DeleteThe numbers are very expanding recently, considering a number of people from Southern Serbia living and working in Norway. It would be a good investment for Norwegan for the future.
Bunch of idiots. Naravno da ides taksijem ko je jos video da su aerodromi po 45 kilometara od grada kao Malpensa i Newark.
ReplyDeleteAerodrom Newark je 20-25 km voznje od Menhetna.
DeleteIt seems, at "Nis Airport", they don't speak English.
Airport Nis XD
DeleteGreat news for Nis, not so good for Belgrade
ReplyDeletePrilično glup komentar.
DeleteWell, to a certain degree he is right. Many people from southern Serbia who used BEG to fly to Denmark, southern Sweden and Switzerland no longer have to do it. Now they can fly directly from INI.
DeleteI guess that most of these 12.000 passengers would have travelled from Beograd.
Da onda je to loše i za Skoplje i Sofiju.
DeleteNije, zato sto izmedju Beograda i Nisa nema maltretiranja vezanog za prelazak granice kao i psiholoskog trenutka da ides u susednu drzavu da bi putovao. A sto se tice Nisa, pre je lose za Sofiju nego za Skoplje.
DeleteWell done INI! We are looking forward to see new flights from 2016 summer seasson! The facts that all this people leaving crapy comments about it means that they are hurt by reality. With one more destination and few summer charter I hope to see over 100.000 passangers at INI next year :) Lovely!
ReplyDeleteHuh? There are no 'crapy' comments on here today, I think it's just your frustration. Be happy for INI is finally coming alive.
DeleteОва будалаштина против власника сајта је сулуда. Човек има право да пише шта жели и брише шта сматра да треба. Хвала му што је направио сајт и што га држи ажурним.
ReplyDeleteМи остали ћемо или да будемо овде (и да се повинујемо његовим правилима) или ћемо да одемо негде другде.
Какве коментаре читам последњих недеља, треба човек капу да му скине, он мора да прочита сваку боговетну глупост коју разни ______ које штити анонимност овде напишу.
У потпуности се слажем са тобом. Сећам се како је овде било лепо коментарисати и дискутовати пре него што се појавио одређени члан и пре него што је почео са његовом више него досадном реториком.
DeleteНадајмо се најбољем.
Eh, da je jedan...
Nije jedan nego osam.
DeleteHvala bogu ima nas na kubik 😂
DeleteДа ли може ова последња порука да се избрише пошто је обичан спам.
DeleteNis mora da uspe. Sa povecamjem destinacija Nis moze imati
ReplyDeleterealno izmedju sto i sto dvadeset hiljada putnika. Uz njega bih dodao da uz dovrsenje Kraljevacke Morave, moze takodje na ga godisnjem nivou sa LCC i bar tri do cetiti destinacije moze imati do sedamdeset hiljada putnika na godinu. Neizostavno je obavezna gradnja Kargo centra, koji ce biti osnov za transport vazdusnim putem farmerskih proizvoda iz Centralne i Jugozapadne Srbije. Veliki prostor centralne, juzne i jugozapadne Srbije jesu realne baze za dolazak ljudi iz Evrope na godisnjem nivou do iznad 200.000 putnika. sa ova dva aerodroma, od kojih Niski je vec operativan. Potencijal Beogradskog aerodroma nemoze biti ugrozen. Samom cinjenicom da razvijenost, kapacitet i potencijal koji gavitira ovim aerodromom jeste od Subotice, Sombora, Kikinde, Vrsca, Zrenjanina, Novog Sada, Smedereva, Sapca, Pozarevca, Valjeva... Politika, ekonomska i turisticka razvijenost navedenog dela Srbije potvrduje da razvoj Niskog i Kraljevackog aerodroma sa putnickim i kargo potencijalom nemoze ostetiti buduci razvoj glavne Srpske vazdusne luke. Naprotiv. Razvoj ova dva i potencijalnih jos jedan ili dva aerodroma stvara razvoj potencijala Srbije sadasnjosti i ne ''svetle'', vec realne Srbije, koja se pomera napred. Politika i politicari Srbije moraju biti fer prema ovim novim aerodromima. Istini za volju, Izuzev Nisa, gradovi koji gravitiraju Kraljevacki aerodrom su izuzev pojedinih izjava, do sada fruitless. Po prirodi inertni, nepoznajuci stvarni znacaj putnicke i kargo avijacije, vlada neka vrsta ''pospanosti'', ljudi koji bi morali da guraju projekat. Ipak 2016 godina jeste godina pocetka novog doba za prosireni Beogradski, ubrzani razvoj Niskog. i pocetak eksploatacije, uz punu dogradnju Kraljevackog aerodrome, jeste ugaoni kamen zemlje Srbije.
Rodney from ✈MORAVA INTERNATIONAL✈. Kraljevo✈Sydney.
nema vajde da više od dva aerodroma rade u Srbiji.
DeleteTako smo rekli i pre nego da se aktivira ovaj u Nisu. Nema potrebe za jos jednim aerodromom..dovoljan nam je beogradski, kad ono.. Nis ipak polako ali sigurno postaje Tuzla2 :)
Deletepostovani Anon 8:43 PM. Pa to i rekoh . najmanje moguce dva. Niski i Kraljevacki. Beogradski ceka koncesionara za istinski razvoj avio saobracaja, koji u Srbiji nikada nije postojao u tom obimu. Sam razvoj potencijala putnickog, kargo avio saobracaja sa kompletiranjem mreze autoputeva izmedju Subotice i Vranja, Beograda i Boljara, Uzica-Cacka-Kraljeva-Pojata, od Batocine-Kragujevca-Knica do Aerodroma Morava, gde se spaja sa autoputem Preljina Pojate... Ovo je bazna osnova da Srbija moze opstati. Ljudi mogu do bezsvesti ponavljati da ''to ne moze'' u Srbiji. Bez toga nema opstanka Srbije i ljudi ce je napustiti u punom smislu zbog ''NEMOZE''. Nigde u svetu nisam video pristojnu drzavu bez auto puteva i mreze aerodroma... Bez ovoga navedenog Srbija ostaje bez stanovnistva, nade i ''tuzni sirak bez igde ikoga''. Verovatno masovno ce me ljudi napasti, nagrditi... Hvala Bogu Srbija se krece polako napred. Usporavaju je lokalni politicari mnogi i ljudi mnogi sa cuvenim ''ne moze'' to u Srbiji. Mnogo kosta... Zal za prosloscu vezuje za ''ne treba nama niko. Nama treba budak jer imamo zlatnu zemlju''. Pa u Srbiji niko ne zeli budak. Na prvom mestu oni koji proteziraju ''nemoze''. Nemog mnogi shvatiti da nije potreban ''krvavi radnik'' vec pametan covek. Licno nisam prepametan, ali eto pristojno zivim u toku godine na dva kontinenta... Srbija zasluzuje bolje, brze i vise. MOZE!✈😊🌏 !. Rodney & Pozitivni✈
Kad će fr24 da proradi za aerodrom Niš?
ReplyDeletePitaj njih.
DeleteCestitam. Uvek sam zeleo da srbija ima bar 3 aktivna aerodroma. Sto kaze rodney, mozda i kraljevo bude dobar potez. Pre svega za italiju a bogami i austriju i nemacku. Srecno!
ReplyDeleteOteraš wizz iz Bg-a i Niš kao procveta :). Ma važi
ReplyDeleteEvo konacno da neko kaze da je WZZ oteran iz BG zbog visih ciljeva velikog vodje.