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Airport admits to jeopardising other projects for Sea Air start-up |
Osijek Airport has cancelled several projects with other carriers in favour of Sea Air, a Croatian start-up which was to open a base in the city back in May. Three months on, the carrier has delayed its launch for a fifth time. Despite selling over 2.000 tickets on planned flights to Munich, Stuttgart and Frankfurt, “operational reasons” have forced the airline to cancel its inaugural service time and again, with the latest launch date now set for August 23. In a statement, Osijek Airport conceded, “Sea Air’s actions have created big problems for us, as we were unable to fulfil projects with other companies in order to allow the airline to base an aircraft and hire at least ten staff”.
Following the latest cancellation on August 9, Osijek Airport has apologised to all passengers for the Sea Air fiasco, which it has endorsed over the past six months. “Becoming a hub airport is our utmost priority and that is the only reason we have tolerated some of Sea Air’s mistakes. However, it is now evident that despite the support from Osijek Airport, the City of Osijek, and select government ministries, this project will not come to life and has damaged our reputation”, the airport said. It added, “As a result, we no longer support this project”. Osijek Airport, which welcomed almost 30.000 passengers last year, anticipated handling some 100.000 travellers in 2015 as a result of Sea Air’s flights. Furthermore, the airport believed the services would appeal to travellers not only from Croatia but also from neighbouring Bosnia and Herzegovina, Serbia and Hungary.
Prior to Sea Air’s launch three days ago, the airline wrote the following to Osijek Airport (in English), “Dear Osijek Airport ladies and gentlemen, Sea Air, the youngest part of your family of airlines, learns how to walk. But due to the fact that we are not prepared enough we are delaying our first flight until August 23, 2015. By then we do hope we can walk and run and fly. For any inconvenience we would like to apologise. Yours, Sea Air Team”. It remains to be seen whether Osijek Airport itself will be held accountable for going into business, and jeopardising other projects in the process, with a start-up airline which has proven itself as unprofessional on several occasions. Furthermore, the airline’s cancellations have disrupted plans for thousands of passengers which have been hoping to travel from Osijek to Germany since May. Osijek Airport is served by Croatia Airlines (from Dubrovnik and Split) and Ryanair (from London Stansted) on a seasonal summer basis. Furthermore, Trade Air runs year-long commuter flights from Zagreb.
I have question for the Osijek Airport team. Before they went into business with these clowns, did they actually investigate who was behind the company, how serious they were and what their credentials are? The title of the article is perfect. It was a gamble and a complete and utter cock-up. I’m sure their money would have been better spent on supporting another Ryanair route. It’s the only reason they have almost 30,000 passengers. Before that it was around 1,000.
ReplyDeleteNot only that but also that idiot who runs the airport has been seairs face out, if you see in all their pressreleases and info on their site, there is never any names or company info because the people behind the company is hiding and then let the idiot running the airport speak for them, at least until know
DeleteSeems they use ex russian airlines from georgia and ukraine on their AOC
Question is, was there any demand at all on those german routes or did this morons screw it up anyway, my guess is there is no real demand to fill even in summer
They did sell 2000 tickets. That's amazing for a shady company with little promotion. Shows that there is potential there if it were a serious player.
DeleteI dont think they sold any 2000 tickets as passengers could not pay the tickets, even if they did sell 2000 tickets since launching the site in march, it is like 300 tickets per month or 10 per day. I would not call that any high demand for thouse routes
DeleteCompletely agree with comments at 9:06 and 9:18. What was the airport thinking?!
DeleteNearly everyone on this site (majority of whom are amateurs) could have informed the "professionals" at Osijek Airport that failure was going to be the logical conclusion.
ReplyDeleteIt does not say anything as most guys on this site could not even run a hot dog stand
DeleteI am disgusted to hear that airports and governments subside low cost airlines. Personally I think they are free to start business or go somewhere else if not happy to do it. I think this practice should be illegal. On other hand this circus called sea air should be strictly banned by Croatian government as they don't have minimum resources to commence flights!
ReplyDeleteThe bus company lobby has spoken!
Delete...and old fashioned communist guy
DeleteGovernments subsidize railroads.
DeleteGovernments indirectly subsidize bus lines and truck transporters by spending billions of dollars on motorways.
Governments subsidize urban transport.
Why should aviation be any different? Of course there are also routes in aviation which are important for various social and economic reasons but are not economically feasible.
To je samo na reginalnim vladam da daju takve subvencije kao npr sto je Nis davao Crnogorcima
Deletepa je posle Beograd bio kriv sto nemaju letove. Ili Dubrovnik koji casti svoje gradjane pa uglavnom placaju putarinu, a ne lete.
Question: Can the Ministry of Transport or any regulator in Croatia ban these phantom airlines from popping out and scheming people?
ReplyDeleteDo EU regulations have any threshold in the number of allowed delays before the AOC is automatically revoked by the authority?
DeleteThe company’s name, logo and website is a good indication of how serious of a company it is.
ReplyDelete...as well as their apology statement above (in English). It's beyond amateurish.
DeleteNekoliko puta sam pisao o tome i to bitno prije nego je Sea Air trebao prvi puta krenuti sa letovima. Ne mogu vjerovati da su ljudi u ZL Osijek tako što ignorirali i u svojoj želji da imaju više putnika zasljepljeno vjerovatli ovakvom diletantizmu, u stvari vjerovatnije ozbiljnoj financijskoj prijevari.
ReplyDeleteEvo jednog od mojih osvrta:
Ako je Air Croatia i djelovala kao firma koja bi mogla nešto napraviti, dalmatian.hr i ovaj Sea Air po svemu su vidljivi da nemaju pojma, ili im uopće nije namjera pokrenuti zrakoplovnu firmu ili su toliki diletanti da to ne znaju napraviti. Iskreno ne znam što je gore. Jer:
- najaviti 3 različita tipa aviona u minijaturnoj floti,
- LCC model sa prastarim i neisplativim devetkama (koje više nisu isplative ni za chartere),
- Boeing 737-500 koji nije isplativ ni jednoj kompaniji na svijetu pa čak i kad ga ima u vlasništvu,
- svakodnevne letove iz Osijeka za FRA, MUC i VIE, i to sa 150-seaterom,
- konektirane letove za Niš (gdje 10-tak kompanija do sada nije uspjelo napraviti letove),
- pa ruski avioni za cargo iz Osijeka,
- pa letovi sa Saabom koji i kada ima 100% LF nije isplativ osim ako se opako subvencionira, a ovi letovi se ne subvencioniraju,
- LCC sa Saabom - vrlo revolucionarna ideja, u stvari ne revolcionarna nego debilna (sve čekam kad Ryanair ovo vidi pa krenu nabavljati minijaterune prastere Saabove)
- Saab 340 za FRA ne može biti isplativ radi cjenovne politike aerodroma na kojem žele manje letova sa većim avionima, pa su i duplo veći turbopropi neisplativi za letove na FRA
- da ne pričamo o mijenjaju flote i strategije svakih par mjeseci (malo bi LCC, pa regionalne letove, pa chartere, pa cargo - a od toga se nije ostvarilo ništa do sada)...
- uz to otkazali su letove već tri puta, prošla im je sezona (sada pokretati letove je više nego glupo jer po zimi tu putnika nema), izgubili povjerenje putnika, komitenata...
O ovakvim stvarima treba ne samo pisati nego URLATI i to iz dva razloga
1. Spriječiti da uzmu pare još nekim naivnim ljudima i pokušati zaštiti potencijalne putnike, ne samo radi gubitka novaca nevinih i naivnih ljudi, nego i radi gubitka povjerenja u sve potencijalne projekte u zrakoplovstvu u Hrvatskoj
2. Isforsirati da hrvatski regulatori uvedu mehanizme koji bi spriječili ovakav diletantizam i varanje potencijalnih putnika. Jer ovo je sada već nekih 4 primjer u samo godinu dana.
18.4. sam na CAF-u napisao:
Delete"Ljudi oni planiraju sa avionom od 150 mjesta letiti 7 puta tjedno (svakodnevno) za Frankfurt, Munchen i Beč iz Osijeka? Pa čoviječe to bi bilo previše i za Split, Dubrovnik, a apsolutno nevjerovatno za Zadar, Rijeku ili Pulu i to u top sezoni. A za Osijek????? Pa jesu oni normalni? Svakodnevni let za Beč sa Q400 možda, ali veliko možda i to uz code-share na Austrian. Munchen uz Beč svaki dan sa Q400 bi bio ultra teški optimizam koji bi uspio samo sa ekstremno niskim cijenama i tonom para utučenim u propagandu. Tri dnevna leta sa Q400 iz Osijeka nemaju nikakve šanse, a sa MD 82 to je više nego totalna glupost.
Ili ovu firmu vode teški diletanti koji o poslu nemaju ni najmanjeg pojma, ili se radi o čistoj pljački ljudi gdje će pobrati pare i pokupiti se nakon nekog vremena."
How do you know that they kept the passengers money and how should they keep them if passengers could not pay the tickets thru the site.
DeleteAs I understand all passengers has been refunded thru the travel agency as this was the only way to purchase a ticket.
But like always you are just guessing and then write your guesses as facts
I didn't say they did, or that I know, but that it is "dilettantism OR serious financial fraud". And I point that I don't know what is worse or those two.
DeleteYou know that they gave money back? I don't have that information. I don't say they did not, but I could not find and information about it. Not even on their web page they did not say something like you can contact us for full refund.
DeleteVjerojatno ekipa u SeaAiru čita ovaj forum čim im na pamet padaju letovi Niš-Osijek-Europa... Pozdravljam ih ovim putem i dajem na znanje da si u Turbo Limaču mogu kupiti dječji set koji uključuje 2 aviona, aerodromska vozila, aerodromsku zgradu i slikovnicu. To sam kupio svome sinu prije 2-3 godina, mali se još uvijek igra s tim... Manje bi štete prouzročili... a mogla bi im se pridružiti i uprava zračne luke, ovo je najveći blam u povijesti ex-yu avijacije.
DeleteHahahaha their response it priceless “Dear Osijek Airport ladies and gentlemen” XD
ReplyDeleteTroll level 1000 :D
DeleteWelcome to EU boys. It will happened in Serbia too.
ReplyDeleteДок на Србију дође време да уђе у ЕУ, половина држава чланица ће је напустити...
Deleteda, da... tako smo i mi u Hrvatskoj govorili
DeleteI find INI and OSI to be very similar airports. If they want passenger they will have to attract low cost carriers.
ReplyDeleteLook how well Wizz is doing in INI
To je istina, ali voditelji ZLO su ili nesposobni ili rade u neciju korist, pa nisu iskoristili probleme koje je WiZZ imao i u BGD i ZG. A lokacija savrsena, na pola puta izmedju ta dva grada,veci dio BiH, dio Madjarske bi mogao koristiti taj aerodrum, samo da su doveli nekoga jeftinijeg
DeleteOT: funny as it seems, QR will send passenger widebody to BEG before EY does. As seen in GDS, QR A330-200 is scheduled DOH-SOF-BEG 16.08.and 01.09. Inside sources confirm it is related to group to SOF which needs more capacity for these dates. Anyway, it is one (actually two cause the group needs to get back) time service this time around (no chance to see it on regular basis as A320 is enough for both BEG/SOF services for now) , but definitely something different for passenger aircraft scenery in BEG on those days!
ReplyDeleteInteresting indeed. Wonder where they'll park it, could it go to a gate?
DeleteOf course it can at any C gate like JAT's DC10-s and there have been A330s landing at BEG in the past. It's just a question of whather Air Serbia will want to give up one of its prised C gates (which it has monopolised). A year or two ago a B747 was attached to C gate as well
Maybe they can park it at C6 while blocking off C7 as well? Is something like this even possible?
DeleteА можа га сместе и на Б позицију па искрцавање и укрцавање буде преко степеница, ионако ће бити не више од 40 путника по правцу.
DeleteТакође скоро је Иџиптер имао лет са А330 када је пребацивао српске мировне снаге, мислим да је укрцавање било преко А5 или А6. Да ли је био паркиран на Б позицији такође, а за укрцавање је одређен А6 не знам, али да се проверити
Знајући Катар, сигуран сам да ће инсистирати на томе да добију авио-мост. Наравно, то ће бити тешко изводљиво имајући у виду да слећу тачно у време регионалног шпица.
DeleteThey were parked at A9 today, that must give the premium feeling.
DeleteHahahah #classy
DeleteThat area of the terminal should be bombed, destroyed. It's so depressing. Reminds me of some provincial bust stop in the Baltics back in the 1970s.
Anon @5:52
DeleteThat would be "state-of-the-art five star experience" ;)
SKP Јuly 2015 - 164.431 (+24.4%)
ReplyDeleteOHD Јuly 2015 - 21.380 (+70.3%)
Do you have the figures for OHD for this year so far?
DeleteTotal 823.492
DeleteSKP 773.152
OHD 50.340
OT: Blic kaze da ce beogradski aerodrom dobiti produzetak C gejtova tek u septembru iduce godine, kad prodje letnji talas.
ReplyDeleteDodatni kapacitet ce biti dovoljan do 2020 godine, sto potvrdjuje da nece biti novog terminala pre 2020.
То значи да планирају да га отворе следећег септембра или овог септембра крећу радови?
DeleteProcitaj u blicu. Pocinju da grade u decembru i otvaraju 9 meseci kasnije taman da povecaju kapacitet u zimskom periodu.
DeleteПогледаћу касније, хвала.
DeleteМада, тај део о завршетку радова за свега 9 месеци ми се чини сувише амбициозно, посебно ако се сетимо колико им је требало да модернизују ,,Ц терминал''.
Живи били па видели. :)
In the first 11 days of this August, at BEGBNX route, Air Serbia's had 594 PAX. Averagely, It is 66 per flight. If it were about ATR72 only, the 66-seates guy would have been fully (100%) loaded each time.
ReplyDeleteDuring first 11 days of August Air Serbia flew 8 times to BNX ( no flights on Mondays and Fridays). They used A319*2, B733*1,ATR72-500*3 and ATR72-200*2.
DeleteCould be, still, the average load factor is a perfect one in this month, so far, right?
DeleteI've checked this out, you're right, 8 flights, 533 PAX.
DeleteOT: Pokusavam da kupim kartu za Pariz za 29. ili 30.avgust u jednom smeru. Cena za ASL je 550e. Je l' mislite da ne postoji mogucnost da sacekam jos malo da ta cena mozda padne. Jer je i Wizz za 29.avg 250e
ReplyDeleteOne word - wow. Anything cheaper on other carriers?
Deleteif you are on a budget try from skp or sof.. u might find something for around 150e.
Deleteor BUD
DeleteKraj augusta je ocajan za air travel sve jer je kraj raspusta, skola pocinje, zavrsavaju se godisnji odmori itd. Ta cijena sto vidis je vjerovatno as good as it gets.
DeleteПробај да купиш повратну за неки далек дан и биће ти сигурно јефтиније него само један правац.
DeleteНа Луфтханзи ти је рецимо 240 евра повратна карта, одлазак 29.08 а повратак 29.09.
Da, povratna sa Luftwafe je $348 za povratak 29.09. ali je brat 11 sati, 8 sati presedanje u Frankfurt. Sa presedanjem od 45 minuta je $427.