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Adria, Air Serbia and Croatia Airlines to employ different strategies for future growth |
Airlines and airports from the former Yugoslavia have been attending the World Routes summit, which ended yesterday in Durban, South Africa, where the most senior representatives from airlines, airports and tourism authorities met, planned and discussed new and existing global air services. World Routes, which took place over the past three days, is the largest global annual event of its kind and the largest and most prestigious event in the Routes portfolio. Attending among the 250 airlines and 650 airports were Adria Airways, Air Serbia, Croatia Airlines, Limitless Airways, Trade Air, Pula Airport, Rijeka Airport, Zagreb Airport, Zadar Airport, Skopje Airport and Ohrid Airport.
Adria Airways is planning to expand its services in the coming year. The Slovenian carrier has said it will add additional routes from Ljubljana and Tirana, with the latter to become the airline's newest hub, joining Pristina and Lodz in Poland. Adria is the third busiest carrier operating out of the Albanian capital. “Next year we plan to base an aircraft in Tirana and have three daily flights to a number of destinations. We are considering at least two new routes. Italy is a very real possibility”, Mark Anžur, Adria's CEO, has said. Earlier this year the airline launched flights from Tirana to Brussels and Paris, complementing its services from the city to Frankfurt and Ljubljana. From the Slovenian capital, Adria is also considering additional routes with Spain and Italy the main focus points for 2016. Furthermore, Lodz Airport has noted that Adria is mulling new routes from the Polish city, after basing a Bombardier CRJ700 aircraft there in March. Paris is among the new services being considered, according to sources close to the airport.
At the Wold Routes summit, Air Serbia was identified as one of the fastest growing airlines in Eastern Europe. Air Serbia recorded the largest year-on-year capacity growth between 2013 and 2014 with a rise of 68.3%. While the airline plans to discontinue services to Budapest and Larnaca this winter season, it has stayed coy on future expansion plans. Earlier this year, Air Serbia's CEO, Dane Kondić, noted that the carrier will work on improving its average cabin load factor before expanding its operations. “It was always envisaged that we would go hard at trying to drive our load factor. Last year we closed at 70% load factor. It shows there is plenty of room to grow in the existing network”, Mr Kondić said. He added, “Unless there are specific opportunities that present themselves, we really need to go fitter and faster with what we have. Once we get to that 80% plus average load factor, then we can look at expansion”. Previously, Zadar Airport confirmed it was in talks with Air Serbia over potential services from Belgrade. Zadar Airport’s Managing Director, Irena Ćosić, which attended the summit in Durban, said, "This is a great opportunity for Zadar because we know this route would have excellent loads. Today, new routes are secured by offering your product on the market. You can’t sit with your hands crossed. As a result, we have to present our offer to carriers that could be interested in our market and Air Serbia is one of those". The Serbian government has said the airline will launch services to New York during the first quarter of 2016. Air Serbia has applied for a license to operate services to the US through a codeshare agreement with Air Berlin, which could eventually lead the airline to operate the flights with its own metal. Caitlin Harvey, from the United States Department of Transportation, says Air Serbia's application is "under active Department consideration", adding that the processing time for applications varies from case to case.
Croatia Airlines is also planning on expanding its destination network next year, with a greater focus on Eastern Europe. According to CEO Krešimir Kučko, the airline plans to lease two Embraer E190 aircraft and is considering opening bases outside of its home country, with Sarajevo being a likely option. “At first, Eastern European countries within the European Union are our priority. At a later stage we intend to fly east outside of EU boundaries”, Mr. Kučko said. According to its CEO, the airline’s ultimate goal is to expand across the Atlantic. “We should not forget the significant demand for flights between North America and Croatia and we are keeping an eye on this market as well. But to achieve this goal we will first have to significantly develop our regional network”, Mr. Kučko noted. Croatia Airlines’ restructuring process, which has limited its opportunities for network growth over the past four years, will be completed at the end of 2015.
Škoda, da Adria v svojem razširitvenem planu ne omenja možnosti novih letov oz. novih povezav oz. razvoja baze na MBX letališču, kjer so možnosti velike, če bi stacionirali manjše letalo (recimo CRJ700) bi bila letala tudi iz MBX polna.
ReplyDeleteNe vem o kakšnih širitvah govori Anžur, ker v ponedeljek so v medijih pisali, da je Adria pred kolapsom in da spet grozi tezava z likvidnostjo. Da placujejo reacune po 2 meseca zamude od dneva valute.. in podobno... S cim bo on pozicioniral CRj700 v MBX? Tako letalo je treba prvo najet, najem mesecni pa ni majhen, kaj pa posadka katera bo v MBX, v glavnem to so taksne logisticne tezave in visoki stroski. Bodimo realni MBX je charter flight letalisce + letalisce za ucenje pristajanja z touch & go, tako kot to dela Nikki in Swiss. Ta del Slovenije realno treb pogledat, da recimo dosti ceneje se da letet iz Graza v tujino, recimo kupil sem pred kratkim karto Graz - Dunaj - Atene - Dunaj - Graz za 180 eur. Pravkar sem bookiral karto za 88 eur Graz - Istan bul - Graz z Turkish Airlines za november. Ista ta Adria mi prodaja karto za 179eur, moram se peljat iz MB v LJU kar mi je dlje kot da grem v Graz, pa se Turkish mi da malico in pijaco na letalu v ceni karte, Adria pa mi bo prodajala sendvic in coca colo za 8 eur. Hvala ampak takih ponudb res ne rabimo. Adria je nekonkurencna.
Deleteojej, tebi je pa tuja aviacija, kajne?
DeleteAnonymous at 9:06 PM
DeleteNa koga je to letelo? Na prvega ali drugega?
Na drugega :)
DeleteSe popolnoma strinjam, anonymous ob 9.06 in 11.52 PM
DeleteThere will be no Adria in the coming year.
DeleteMeni se zdi da eni imate mokre sanje glede te Adrije, in bi ne vem kaksne destinacije imeli, najbolj se nasmejem ko berem da bi nekdo imel pozicionirano letalo v MBX z posadko, po drugi starni pa nimajo likvidnega casha za wc papir :D
Deletemislim c'mon...
Stalna baza bi za Maribor bila edina smiselna. Pilotov imajo nekaj iz tistega konca, kar pomeni prihranek pri potnih stroških. Načeloma pa sama posadka predstavlja najmanjši problem pri parkiranju letala v Mariboru. Bistveno večji strošek, ki je eliminiral praktično vse, kar so z Londonom zaslužili so bili stalni ferry flighti in tukaj pa se denar stran meče. S postavitvijo nekaj atraktivnih linij (Moskva, Barcelona,...), ki bi osmislile stalno navzočnost v Mariboru pa bi odpadla potreba po teh letih. Očitno ti stroški v aviaciji res niso jasni, če kot največji problem navajaš, kam se bo dalo posadko spat.
DeletePa še nekaj kratkih glede prvega posta. Če obstaja možnost pojasnila za čarter letališče? Mislim, se pravi po tej logiki je trenutno vloga in pozicija letališč v regiji zabetonirana na veke vekov. Z nekaj ustreznega upravljanja, pomoči države (pa ne mislim v denarju) in lokalne skupnosti, ima MBX odlično lego. Po isti logiki bi bil tudi Treviso pred 15 leti obsojen na večno stagnacijo, ker je bil dobesedno hlev. Danes pa?
Drugače pa kar se cen kart tiče. Res bravo za primerjavo redne in akcijske cene. Vzamemo pa nek drug datum pa dobiš Adrio za 140€ in Turkisha za 230€. In? Bom sedaj vpil kako ni Turkish nič vreden in kako je nekonkurenčen? Pa tudi 180€ do Aten ni neki za dol past glede na to da se voziš dobesedno okoli riti v varžet in to naštevaš v istem odstavku, v katerem jamraš, da se moraš voziti v LJU na letalo. Kaj bo naslednje, Qatar iz Zagreba na Dunaj?
Ne gre za mokre sanje, gre za normalno debato. Na koncu pa seveda za malo naslajanja nad hejterji, ki o sami dejavnosti nimajo blage in so ponosni nase, ko natrosijo kup neumnosti.
Treviso ima tri specifične vrste potnikov:
Delete1. Turisti, ki hodijo v Benetke, ki je svetovna znamenitost (Ryanair)
2. Smučarje, ki smučajo v Dolomitih (Ryanair)
3. Ekonomske migrante iz Romunije (Wizzair)
Da bi AD Maribor prosperiral, bi morali skupaj stopiti zdravilišča, ki so v krogu 50-70 km od letališča. Vsaj 12 jih je. Govorim o skupni internetni strani, o skupnem katalogu, o skupnem nastopu na sejmih.... Ampak to pomeni finančni vložek, ki je za zdravilišča popolnima nepotreben, dokler imajo kapacitete zapolnjene z nezahtevnimi avtobusnimi penzionisti iz Avstrije in Nemčije, za katere je vrhunec obilica hrane za večerjo. Da pa bi stacioniral letalo v MBX in potem čakal na potnike, zato ker bi pet ljudi hotelo na tekmo Barcelone je pa bolj bosa
Zreduciral si pa Treviso na istem nivoju, kot bi za LJU trdil, da obstaja le zaradi diaspore in Bleda za angleže.
DeleteKar se pa Barcelone tiče. Ne vem, nazadnje sem slišal, da gre za eno bolj obleganih evropskih prestolnic. Poleg tega je po okoliških letališčih precej bedno zastopana in nenazadnje španci potujejo nadpovprečno. Ponovno neka čez palec sodba. Res, čestitke.
"under active Department consideration", adding that the processing time for applications varies from case to case.
ReplyDeleteIn other words, hardly
Highly probable that application will be approved. What is more telling than actual DoT response is timing of that response. Late response amounts to Air Serbia being effectively shut out of JFK during summer 2016 season except for Air Berlin codeshare.
DeleteIn the first eight months of 2015 JU transported 1.767.000 passengers with average LF 69,5%. Not a sinle all year round route reached LF 80%, the best were Paris 79% and Amsterdam 76%. Only seasonal routes surpassed LF 80%, like Split 85%, Malta 82% and Pula 80,5%. Among the poorest routes were Ljubljana LF 57,5%, Vienna 60,5% and Abu Dhabi 60%. Traditionally the worst were Budapest and Warsaw.
ReplyDeleteI am not surprised by Vienna as JU desperately needs a regional jet for the route. OS has roughly 70% of the market-share and once their jungle jets arrive they will hurt JU even more. The thing is that the Atr is great but it's slow and uncomfortable. Airbus/Boeing are too big when not in season. On the other hand OS has enough frequencies to be a threat and their prices are the same as JU's.
DeleteATR is just fine for me. 250+330EUR price for a 1-3 day trip is not. I used the care yestarday. 20 eur vignette HU+AT and 100 eur for diesel. 4h30 minutes out of Novi Sad. Every additional person in the car is making it an even better deal.
DeleteYap. And it is not Purger's trip up to 500 km. Price for Vienna flight is insane.
DeleteIt is 532 km!!!!
DeleteSo what is your point?
620 km kolima shabane vozio letos. Apsolutno preskupe karte za tako kratak let bez obzira na aerodromske takse.
DeleteJU is rarely under €200 which is crazy for such a short flight. In winter time you can find for €170 but it's no that common.
DeleteThe thing is that JU is up against OS which sends a much more comfortable and faster aircraft, that is the Q400 and the Fokker fleet.
Q400 is a bit faster aircraft, but it's still turboprop, noisy and vibrating. ATR is in same league with Q400.
DeleteI always found the Q400 to be so much more comfortable than the Atr. Don't know why when their cabins are pretty much the same size; I doubt the 5cm cabin height really makes all the difference.
DeleteBut I also think that anyone who has been travelling from Belgrade over the past several years has some traumatic experiences when it comes to the Atr. Here are some of the fantastic routes we had:
BEG-KBP (these were operated in the 1990s if I remember correctly).
I am sure there were more.
ASL pod hitno treba da nabavi regional jetove umesto ATR-ova ako zaista misli da privuce putnike iz regiona. sve ostalo se svodi na dumping sto je legitimno ali ne donosi profit. Q400 svakako nije resenje koje je superiornije od ATR flote.
DeleteAdmin, what about the airports that were attending this summit?
ReplyDeleteAre they planing on having any new routes/airlines?
Or is that post planned for another day?
Thanks in advance.
Earlier this year, Air Serbia's CEO, Dane Kondić, noted that the carrier will work on improving its average cabin load factor before expanding its operations.
ReplyDeleteI think its quite clear whos pushing the transatlantic flights (AV) and who is being careful (DK) now
DeleteMa to se sve radi zbog izbora... Posle ce Vucic mali milion puta da potencira to kako DS tolike godine nije uspeo da vrati transatlantic letove, a Sv. Vucic je to uspeo... Ciste gluposti. U normalnim zemljama premijeri se ne mešaju u rad avio kompanija.
Delete“We should not forget the significant demand for flights between North America and Croatia and we are keeping an eye on this market as well. But to achieve this goal we will first have to significantly develop our regional network”
ReplyDeleteThis is the best.
so what was the outcome for ex_yu airports and airlines from WorldRoutes? slow news day ...
ReplyDeleteBelgrade airport was not in Routes???? Airport that is in top 100 world airports was not in Routes?!?!?!?! WTF????
ReplyDeleteThat shows how dedicate they are to open new routes with other carriers exempt Air Serbia?!?!?! So the only reason why they exist is to support Air Serbia and their expansion and not to allow other airlines to grow.
DeleteIf it was legally possible I think they would just kick out all other airlines from BEG and give Air Serbia the monopoly.
Air Serbia share at BEG is smaller than LH share at FRA or Delta share at ATL. Or Wizz at Tuzla and Nis.
DeleteI don't think BEG is anywhere near being in the top 100 airports in the world by traffic numbers :)
DeleteIt's 84th in Europe (in 2014), and it will take a lot of traffic to get even remotely close to top 100 in the world :)
For now, and Airport is working hard to put Air Serbia on top of that list!
DeleteNot really, Airport is ignoring Air Serbia so much they don't have JU premium lounge on airport's web site and airport map.
DeleteMozda kada JU krene da placa sve kao i drugi, aerodrom ce poceti da pise o njihom salonu. No dobro, 2016. nije tako daleko tako da zivi bili pa videli. Ako i posle toga se subvencije nastave to onda znaci da je JU u finansijskoj buli.
DeleteBEG doesn't have gate C7 on it's map. It takes time to update it. Don't read too much into it. I do wonder though if JU is paying BEG for the ~400sqm space they are using for the Premium lounge.
DeleteThe Serbian government has said the airline will launch services to New York during the first quarter of 2016. Air Serbia has applied for a license to operate services to the US through a codeshare agreement with Air Berlin, which could EVENTUALLY lead the airline to operate the flights with its own metal.
ReplyDeleteEVENTUALLY? This word makes huge difference than previous announcements.
I think it is far more likely that JU will codeshare on Air Berlins and later Alitalia's flights to North America than start its own operation direct from BEG.
DeleteBoth A.B. and Alitalia are loss making and need the support instead of competing with JU for the same passenger flows.
"Air France & KLM plus moćni američki prevoznik Delta imaju snažno prisustvo na tlu Evrope, a posebno kod nas u Srbiji. Njihove cene za ovu jesen su fantastične. Izabrali smo najvažnije gradove i njihove cene prikazali na mapi i u tabeli.
DeleteOve cene su ukupne cene, sve je uključeno u cenu, pored same karte tu je i prtljag (1 kofer do 23 kg) i posluženje na letovima, sve takse, kao i naknada za izdavanje karte. Nikada se karta iz Beograda do Vankuvera nije mogla kupiti za samo 559 evra. Koštala je 1000 evra, znaju to oni koji su putovali. Las Vegas je bio oko 800 evra, sada je 579 evra. Ni jedan grad sada nije skuplji od 600 evra."
LH grupa je jako jeftinija kada se leti iz BEG
DeleteWord eventually/eventualno has different meanings in English and Serbian languages.
Deleteit seems usa project is postponed ufn
DeleteEven though some in the Serbian gov can't stop talking about Air Serbia expansion, what we have seen so far for Dane is that he keeps everything very close to his chest so I wouldn't be ruling anything out just yet!
DeleteSo does this confirm the OU will be adding 2 aircraft to its fleet?
ReplyDeleteAnd what will be the most likely new destinations?
Also, I say this lightly but can we see a new race to North America between Air Serbia and Croatia Airlines? If Air Serbia does push back plans to launch Trans-Atlantic flights and the new flights from Toronto to Zagreb prove successful along with any flights to North America by Air Serbia will definitely also focus flying tourist to Croatia, could this force OU's hand to then consider going long haul?? Croatia could also arguable offer long distant flights to parts of Asia as well.... Could be interesting times ahead!
Jel ovaj Kucko pijan? Kakve to gluposti izjavljuje? Ebraer???? Sto cemu to sranje , sto ne bi uzeo CRJ900? Ili jos koji Airbus 319 kao sto je Adria iznajmila S5-AAX. Da mi je znati kakve on to ima zamisli i koji su im planovi za "eastern europe". Brate mili, da mu nema ovih lokalnih subvencioniranih letova do SPU i DBV, jos bi im bio minus veci.
DeleteCRJ je teško sranje u usporedbi sa Embraerima. Embraer je bar tri klase iznad. Jedina prednost CRJ-a je što je isti proizvođač kao i Q400 pa bi se tu možda nešto dalo ušičariti. No, svima je jasno da je Embraer uzet po direktivi Lufthanse koja se mora rješiti svog viška.
DeleteI hvala ti bože da je tako. Jer Croatiji treba bar 8 100-seatera da poveča broj frekvencija na postojećim linijama, zamjeni Q400 sa manjim jetovima (posebno BRU), te uvede neke nove linije.
prosto receno ta tema vise nije u fokusu.
ReplyDeleteGood to see such a big presence from Croatian airports and airlines at routes :)
ReplyDeletePrevious years there was also DBV and SPU on Routes.
Deleteand LJU?
DeleteIf you are owned by Fraport, of course you are there.
DeleteIt seems that AC/JU interline agreement is working well for both. My travel agent just sent me an email that they are selling YYZ-BEG for $855. the dates are from now to June 6, 2016 excluding holidays. What's interesting is that they are offering two free bags to check in.
ReplyDeleteCould this be a sign of further cooperation in Canadian market if JU decides to go long haul?
It seems that AC/JU interline agreement is working well for both. My travel agent just sent me an email that they are selling YYZ-BEG for $855. the dates are from now to June 6, 2016 excluding holidays. What's interesting is that they are offering two free bags to check in.
ReplyDeleteCould this be a sign of further cooperation in Canadian market if JU decides to go long haul?
To SM.....people always have to shop on the web. This passed summer, I flew YYZ-ZAG for $880 return. I stayed from July 4 to Aug 16. The sale was posted in December of 2014. It was on AC's site and was a seat sale at that time. So my word of advice shop the airline sites when you get a chance. Couldn't believe the price. But the catch was I had to pay then and there was no refund.
DeleteGood for you, $880 is a great price any time let alone in summer (high) season. I definitely do a wide search (travel agents, different web sites) when I'm booking but my experience tells me that the seat sales limited number of travel agents have through so called consolidators (large agencies buying bulk seats) are usually hard to beat.
DeleteThis past summer was a bit odd as there are some really good deals for ZAG from YYZ. I think it was due to SkyGreece and LX's expansion in the Balkans (I noticed SJJ being cheaper as well). While I’ hope I’m not correct, I’m afraid it might be an exception rather than the rule.
May have something to do with currencies I don't know.
DeleteFlew SFO-BEG outbound Sept 2 and sitting at SFO inbound right now which I got for 880 usd on United's website.
Slightly off topic, but more or less related to the charter discussion from the other day, but Rhodes is going ahead in establishing their own airline. It will be called Rhodian Air and it will also have its handling service, training centre and so on. It is backed by Rhodes and by a few other islands in Dodekanyso region. Interest was also shown by several islands in the northern Aegean region.
ReplyDeleteAegean used to have an aircraft based in Rhodes last summer and it had great success there. Let's see how this works out in the end. If this airline does take off then I am sure we might see some of their aircraft in ex-YU, especially Belgrade.
DBV and SPU should do the same!
DeleteASL ce imati dve najduze linije sledece godine svakao a mozda i nekoliko kracis.
Па да, најдужа линија ће бити Београд-Пекинг а друга Београд-Абу Даби. :)
DeleteТо јест док се не одради документација за летове за Америку, проклети директорат. :(
Vocko prskani ste pa nemate pojma .
DeleteЈа сам мање више пренео шта си ти рекао пре неколико недеља тако да ако немам појма... онда немаш ни ти. :(
DeletePa trebalo je biti sto znaju i neki clanovi foruma ovde ali nije doslo zbog kasnjenja kao i sto sad kasni.
bojim se da te je realnost do sada poprilicno demantovala. bez obzira na sve nadamo se svi da ce ASL napredovati. napokon je pocelo racionalno razmisljane (zimski red) i iskreno se nadam da ce se tako i nastaviti.
DeleteLeba ti koji su to clanovi znalI? Ne lupaj.
DeleteKazi sredom ako vam daju sendvice sa sunkom da promene da budu sa tunjevinom jer sredom ne bi trebala sunka, i petkom, naravno
DeleteJATBEGMEL je cuo za to .
DeleteJa sam veci od bota opet kazem
Deletelepo sam ti zamolio da me ne spominjes u tvojim komentarima.
Yes, INN-SNS bot of all bots. Respect JATBEGMEL's wishes.
Deletekoliko dana je preostalo do 17. septembra ?
DeleteIli marta 2015.
DeleteJa nista lazno nisam izneo rekli ste sami da ste culi isto to vezano za PEK ;)
A za ove miseve sto se kriju mozda bude nesto od letova a mozda ne samo steta sto vi ne znate krajini ishod .
Krijes se i ti isto koliko i oni iza tvog tog imena, i ne znas ni ti krajnji ishod takodje, tako da tisina, samo mi reci da li stvarno mislis da neko veruje bilo cemu sto ti napises ovde?
DeleteMarko Cicko INN pošto su letovi za Peking kasnili radi papira, koliko je to kašnjenje? Pa već kasni pola godine? Ko je kriv za toliko kašnjenje? Jel neko odgovarao za kašnjenje? I znači li to da će ti letovi za Peking krenuti kada i ovi za Ameriku, ili su se u ASL predomislili? Pa kad kasni onda su odustali od svega, bacili pare u đubre i neće više da lete za Kinu.
DeleteNekako će pre bit da ti malo kakiš, sine...
Zagreb - Tuzla - Istanbul, 3-4 operations per week with croatians Dash
ReplyDelete+1 That would be perfect
DeleteI think there won't be slots at IST for DH4
DeleteExactly, no turboprops at IST/SAW due to capacity...
DeleteWhat destinations could work:
JP: Bankrupt. LH OS SK SN AZ will take over plus thosw which are already there
DeleteJP bankrupt? Why?
ReplyDelete-5 mio € in first 4 months? No aircraft more to sell and leaseback?