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Croatia tops 2015 airport connectivity report among EX-YU countries |
The countries of the former Yugoslavia offer fewer connections to passengers travelling by air, both direct and indirect, compared to their European rivals, according to Airport Council International's (ACI) latest connectivity report. Connectivity is the metric by which airports live - the more connected an airport is to the wider world, the more attractive it becomes to its users and the greater the value it provides to the community and local, regional or national economy it serves. The 2015 report looks at Europe's total airport connectivity (direct and indirect), onward connectivity from Europe and hub connectivity. In essence, the report defines the connectivity of an airport as the weighted number of weekly flights available from that airport to non-stop destinations and to one-stop destinations involving flights of the same airline or of two airlines in an alliance or codeshare.
According to the report, Macedonia has the lowest national connectivity level of all former Yugoslav countries and one of the lowest in Europe, ahead of only Slovakia and Monaco. Although Macedonia has seen significant growth in passenger numbers over the past decade, as well as strong government support for air travel, the dominance of low cost carriers has impacted its report figures. Within the EX-YU region, Macedonia is followed by Bosnia and Herzegovina, Montenegro and then Slovenia. Serbia ranked second best on the connectivity scale with Croatia following closely on top with several active international airports. Kosovo was not included in the study. Germany has the highest level of airport connectivity, followed by the United Kingdom and France. The top five, which also includes Spain and Italy, provide 65% of EU connectivity and 51% for Europe as a whole. The leading non-EU countries are Turkey, Switzerland and Russia.
European rank (out of 44) | Country |
24 | Croatia |
26 | Serbia |
35 | Slovenia |
40 | Montenegro |
41 | Bosnia and Herzegovina |
42 | Macedonia |
On the other hand, individual capital city airports from across the region have seen robust connectivity growth over the past decade. Between 2005 and 2015, Podgorica was the fastest-growing capital city airport within the former Yugoslavia in terms of connectivity, averaging growth of 341%. It is followed by Belgrade at 118%, Sarajevo at 61%, Zagreb at 46% and Ljubljana at 21%, while ACI reports that Skopje's overall connectivity declined 5%. ACI uses the report as an opportunity to stress the importance of public policy and regulation in facilitating and enhancing connectivity, which is closely linked to the economic wealth of countries. ACI has called for progress on issues such as airport capacity, the liberalisation of market access, the lowering of navigation charges and aviation taxes and lighter economic regulation for airports.
Interesting. But the thing I don't get is how Skopje's overall connectivity declined. I mean they have so many new flights with Wizz Air.
ReplyDeleteVery easy. MAT which flew to capital city airports across Europe and had codeshares ceased to exist. Also CSA and Malev (big transfer airlines for Macedonian passengers) also stopped flying. And voila. If you follow ACI's methodology, it makes sense.
DeleteDidn't BA also fly to SKP at some point?
Delete@Nick yes, in Winter 99 three weekly LGW-SKP. Im not sure but i think they suspended it 2001
DeleteOlympic Airways and Aeroflot also flew to SKP at some point in late 90's and early 00's . LH in 2001
It's a report using dated methodology. It's time to get with the program.
DeleteWizz is not making it into the statistics, thats the only explanation. Truth is there is a stagnation with legacy carriers at SKP
DeleteThis report is biased against Macedonia and I am sure it was commissioned by a certain lobby group.
DeleteLOL are you kidding me. They reported figures for the entire continent. Sure they did 10 years worth of analysis so they could write something against Macedonia. I mean how dare they rank "the cradle of civilization" so low on the connectivity scale. It must have been commissioned by Zaev. Are you for real?!?
DeleteYeah, I am and it's because of people like you that it happens because you are forcing everyone to turn a blind eye...
DeleteYeah, ACI has been around longer than an independent Macedonia. But I'm sure it's main objective was to tarnish Macedonia's stunning reputation in the aviation world.
DeleteYour intolerance and hatred towards the Republic of Macedonia is disgusting.
DeleteIt;s neither hatred nor intolerance. But I detest these conspiracy theories in the name of patriotism. Neither is your aviation industry the best in Europe and neither is anyone's from ex-Yu. If you can't admit to that then you are not a patriot at all. You are just closing your eyes to a problem,
DeleteHahahaha no worries, I was just teasing you. The situation here is horrible so this comes as no surprise. Just wanted to see if anyone would take bait.
DeleteAnon 2:18,
DeleteGreat experiment, hat off to you. Will you then be among those who complain on INN-NS and what he does here?
No, I won't so no worries.
DeleteTo all those with illusions that this is some important region... that table sums it up quite well.
ReplyDeleteI can guarantee that if they generated this report 5 years ago the figures for BEG and Serbia would have been very different. I assume most of the growth was produced in the last 2 years thanks to Air Serbia.
ReplyDeleteI agree. Air Serbia did increase connectivity a lot, especially since they have lots of codeshares + new destinations of course. BUT a few years ago you also had Air France, British, CSA and Malev flying to BEG which had a big cake of the transfer market and probably had a big role in connectivity back then.
DeleteA few years ago we had flights to Kiev with Aerosvit, Riga with airBaltic, LHR with BA, CDG with AF, MAD and BCN with Spanair, a few additional destinations by Wizz Air... so I don't think connectivity would have been much worse.
DeleteIt would be interesting to compare the situation today to the one in 2005 when JU flew to Kuwait, Damascus, Cairo, Tirana, Sarajevo...
Serbia's connectivity rankings will improve a lot when JU next year starts flying to USA and Canada and later to China.
ReplyDeleteThe haters are going to stop complaining then.
Completely agree. Air Serbia haters are becoming unbearable. Admin should immediately delete their comments.
DeleteHaters laugh with idiots who think that next year Air Serbia will be flying to the Us and Canada
DeleteAnd China too!
Exactly because we all know that an airline that can't find a replacement for Jat's Boeings for over two years is not ready to start long-haul flying.
Deletepeople, forget USA flights for a while, currently is something else is in focus, expect announcement soon.
DeleteSummer 2016 new destinations, regional acquisition, old ATR72-200 replacements, different longhaul announcement (aka China) or 737 fleet replacement?
Deletecombination of above mentioned except beijing I guess.
DeleteUSA and Canada would be most important, with 737 replacement second. Maybe even the other way around, as 737 replacements without existing business seats might have to be used not only for charters but also to fight Wizz and Eurowings type of competition.
Deletewho will finance that?
DeleteWho else? The tax payers!
Deleteafter China probably the moon will be the next step for ASL.
DeleteWell done Croatia! :)
Deleteare LCC's included in the "connectivity" model?
ReplyDeleteMy guess is yes otherwise Croatia wouldn't rank as high.
DeleteYes they are. Also just a sidenote, ACI compiles this data over the past 10 years for the peak summer months. It's actually really good for airports. They get much more thorough analysis and can really use it to see where they are lacking connections and where they have to improve (of course if they pay for the report).
DeleteWell obviously you haven't read the article that well then! LCCs do not count!
Deletewhich LCC lands at a HUB???
Erm... Belgrade, Ljubljana, Bucharest, Sofia... are all kind of hubs and they all have lowcost carriers landing there.
DeleteA good example of how stupid your comment is Amsterdam which is also a base for both easyJet and Ryanair.
your comment is even stupider if you consider Belgrade, Ljubljana, Bucharest ans Sofia as hubs....
Deletebtw Amsterdam is nothing but an exception
That's why I said kind of hubs.
DeleteWell, there is Athens, Brussels, Copenhagen, Oslo, Madrid, Barcelona... or are those exceptions too?
Anon 9:55 is correct.
DeleteAnon 6:02 is an idiot.
To already mentioned airports add Berlin, Orly, Manchester, Gatwick, Hamburg, Brussels and so much more.
Anon 6:02 needs to deal with the fact that ex-yu airports have very low connectivity rankings.
And it is not because of some global conspiracy in measuring their connectivity.
Sea Air je objavio novi, reducirani i bitno izmjenjeni red letenja (ponovo!!!!). E sad ono što je tu čudno (a što sa tom kompanijom do sada nije bio čudno?):
ReplyDeleteE sad ono što je tu čudno (a što sa tom kompanijom do sada nije bio čudno?):
1. Linije se otvaraju i ukidaju svaki čast, broj frekvencija se stalno mijenja:
* jasno je bilo da FRA nema kruha, pa ipak su krenuli, izgubili pare i povukli
* što je sa ukinutim linijama i frekvencijama, kaliko koštaju kompenzacije putnicima
* još jedna neozbiljnost, koja sigurno ne pridonosi privlačenju potencijalnih putnika
2. Hajmo pokušati vidjeti kako se tu leti
OSI 0900 - 1200 STR 1300 - 1600 OSI
OMO 1000 - 1200 STR 1300 - 1500 OMO
* obzirom da je i isti broj leta (MLT 611/612) vjerovatno je ovo linija OSI-OMO-STR-OMO-OSI
* zašto onda ne postoji u redu letenja OSI-OMO-OSI ponedjeljkom?
* koja je logika da se preko juga ide za sjever tj. iz OSI via OMO (jug) za STR (sjever), ovo poskupljuje priču i nepotrebno produžuje let
OSI 0800 - 1140 DUS
BSL 1745 - 2105 OSI
* znači li ovo da avion ima ferry let DUS-BSL što enormno poskupljuje cijelu priču
OSI 1310 - 1640 MUC
STR 2245 - 0200 OSI
* i opet znači li ovod da avon ima ferry let MUC-STR, što je protiv pameti?
OSI 0800 - BSL 1130
DUS 1730 - OSI 2050
* ponovo ferry let?!?!?!
OSI 0800 - 1130 STR
MUC 1730 - 2030 OSI
* ponovo ferry let?!?!?!
Zašto, do vraga, ovi ferry letovi? Ako su se orjentirali na dijasporu i žele sa što manje letova prezimiti (a mogu si dozvoliti da im je avion prizemljen), zašto ne lete npr.
----5-- OSI STR-OSI (kasno popodne, nazad navečer)
-----6- OSI-MUC-OSI (ujutro)
-----6- OSI-DUS-OSI (popodne)
------7 OSI-BSL-OSI (kasno popodne, nazad navečer)
3. OMO-OSI-OMO let po principu
-2--5-7 OMO 1030 - 1115 OSI 1800 - 1845 OMO (nedjeljom jutarnji let sat i pola ranije)
* znači avion je OMO
* postoji pokoja moguća konekcija iz OMO via OSI (petak za MUC, nedjelja za STR), ali ni jedna nazad (letovi iz Njemačke dolaze 2-6 sati prije nego isti odu za OMO)
* ako se nije išlo na konekcije, koja je svrha čučanja od 7 sati u OSI, zašto se odmah ne vrača nazad????
4. OSI-MUC ----5-- a MUC-OSI -----7- mi nema baš nikakvog smisla. OK jednom tjedno za dijasporu drži vodu, ali zar ne bi bilo logičnije da je obrnuto MUC-OSI ----5--, OSI-MUC ------7, tj. da dijaspora dođe na kraju tjedna, i vrati se na kraju vikenda? Ovako to stvarno nema nikakvog smisla.
Delete5. OSI-STR 1-----7, STR-OSI 1---5--, e sad ovo je nešto logičnije. Logična je priča da putnika iz STR leti za OSI petkom, a vrača se nedjeljom nazad. Upravo suprotno od MUC. No, nelogično je da lete dva dana za redom (ponedjeljak i nedjelju za STR), nazad ponedjeljak i petak. Ako si nekim čudom mogu dozvoliti preskup ferry (v. gore), i da imaju putnika za čak dva tjedna leta (a mislim da je to više nego nevjerovatno) onda bi logičnije priča bila OSI-STR -2--5--, STR-OSI -2---7
6. OSI-DUS --3---- DUS-OSI -----6- Koja je ovo logika? Zašto pobogu? Tko očekuje da će dijaspora iz DUS doći do Osijeka subotom (to nije glupo), ali da će ići nazad srijedom (ovo je preglupo). Pa oni ili ostaju ovdje tjedan dana, ili preko vikenda uz uvijet da je karta jeftina pa da mogu skočiti malo ovdje na dva dana. Daleko bi logičnije bilo da je let samo subotom OSI-DUS-OSI
7. Ista stvar kao i DUS je i BSL.
8. Jedina logična brija je OMO. Idealno. Tri tjedna leta, vikend involviran, hercegovska dijaspora u Slavoniji totalno pokriva sve svoje zatjeve... Naglašavam da sam već rekao kako je broj Hercegovaca u Slavoniji stvarno velik, kako su financijski vrlo jaki (vlasnici nekih od najvećih tvornica), kako je veza vrlo loša (vrlo dug put automobilom, nešto autobusa). No, ako već imaš toliko letova zašto nema ni jedne jedine konekcije iz OMO na letove via OSI. To nema nikakve logike, baš nikakve.
9. Ono što me i te kako plaši je i dalje:
- kako mogu biti profitabilni ako su LCC sa 737-400 koji više nije isplativ čak ni za kompanije koje ga posjeduju (odavno su ga isplatili), te ih se svi rješavaju, on je dobar još samo za chartere
- kako mogu biti profitabilni sa 30-seater turbopropom koji nije profitabilan nigdje na svijetu osim ako se financira iz PSO, a što ovdje nije slučaj, posebno što oni tvrde sa su LCC, a bogami ne postoji LCC koji leti sa 30-seater turbporpopom nigdje u svijetu
- kako mogu biti profitabilni da im avion ima toliko malu utilizaciju (ne leti dva dana u tjednu, ostale dana tek jedan dnevni let), te da toliko vremena čuči nezaposlen, posebno izvan baze
- jel stvarno moguće letjeti iz OSI sa tako velikim avionom (737-700), ima li putnika za tako što??? Iskreno ne da sumnjam, nego sam siguran da tu nema kruha, čak ni uz povezivanje sa OMO.
10. Maleth Aero (svi letovi iz Osijeka za Njemačku) ima vrlo lošu stranicu, kažu da iznajmljuju poslovne avione, ali pod flotom piše da se stranica rekonstruira. Istovremeno jedini poznat podatak (ne sa njihove stranice) je da imaju samo jedan avion i to Boeing 737-700 9H-GGG, dvije godine star, koji ne leti nego je stored.
- Znači li to da je Sea Air i opet promijenio prijevoznika, da će u OSI doči 737-700?
- Konačno kolika je sigurnost prijevoznika koji ima samo jedan avion (što ako se pokvari),
- Kako stvriti povjerenje kod putnika ako je reference vlasnika aviona toliko loše?
- Zašto je taj avion koji je toliko mlad bio prizemljen?
11. Liniju iz SJJ obnaša Luftline koji također imaju samo jedan 737-400 (4L-GSN). Kompanija je iz Gruzije. Isto tako letove Mostar-Osijek leti AeroJet iz Ukrajine koji raspolažu sa dva business jeta i tim jednim Saab 340...Ne govori li to sve????
* dakle za njih lete kompanije iz Malte, Ukrajine i Gruzije koje imaju samo po jedan avion (totalna nesigurnost), gdje se mora postaviti pitanje sigurnosti tih aviona, održavanja, starosti (osim ovog malteškog), cijene ferry letova iz Ukrajine i Gruzije do Sarajeva, odnosno Mostara...
12. Na stranici ima gomila pogrešaka. Od toga da su petkom u redu letenja zamjenjeni OSI i STR, preko toga da code za Luftline nije LGG nego LLG, pa takve greške ne bi napravili ni pučkoškolci da otvaraju virtualnu kompaniju.
Stop SPAMing!
DeletePurgerSeptember 27, 2015 at 1:01 PM
DeleteI think we can all agree that there is ZERO change that this outfit will ever make any money.
Their business model is completely wrong. Even for the biggest transfer hubs O/D plays a huge role as the base because no airline can only rely on transfer passengers because they are way too low yielding to actually make the whole thing worth the effort.
Even BEG, which I consider the largest O/D market in Ex-Yu is really on the border of what is sustainable as a hub operation.
Unfortunately big and profitable hubs are a game that are reserved for big and rich countries for the most part.
Purger, do you know anything about people who are behind these fail startups in Croatia? Are they some kind of enthusiasts who think they know the business and make their strategies without any expert advice? Or just some rich guys trying to show off as 'airline owners'? Or perhaps there is something fishy there?
DeleteWho on earth is even giving them capitol?
DeleteAny semi-serious bank would never give them a cent because it is obvious that they will never see that money again.
On the other hand, I don't think that they are self financing because most business people don't run into money by being dumb.
WTF, SKP doubled its passenger numbers but connectivity declined??
ReplyDeleteThey are obviously only counting legacy carriers
Srbija nije na losem mestu uopste zanima me od sredine 2016 kako ce napredovati na nekoliko mesta.
ReplyDeleteOd sledece godine ASL :)
Leti za JFK 5Pw
DeleteOT: Vucic announced today at the openning of the Belgrade Waterfront project that JU`s Executive Board has made firm decision to start 5 weekly flight to JFK at the beginning of 2016.
ReplyDeleteI am not saying it is 100% true or he is lying or not, simply reporting what was being said today.
I watched b92 interview and beginning of next year was not mentioned, just next year. Unless there was another interview or you were present during board meeting
DeleteI wish I was present.
DeleteListen to the whole interview...
Awesome news! I love it! L-O-V-E!!!
DeleteNow, not to distract from amazing ASL news, but other than very nice W hotel, there was also a mention of new St Regis in the new tower? Are you kidding me, St Regis in Belgrade!?!?! Expected in China or Middle East, but in Belgrade!??! Their hotel vehicle is Bentley, that says enough about super luxury! Wow!