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Doha - Sarajevo service imminent, government says |
Bosnia and Herzegovina's Minister for Foreign Affairs, Igor Crnadak, has said that flights between Doha and Sarajevo are likely to launch next year. The comments came after Mr Crnadak met with the Qatari Minister for Economy and Commerce, Sheikh Ahmed bin Jassim bin Mohamed al-Thani, in Doha on Wednesday. The two agreed for a new route to be established as soon as possible and signed several trade agreements to encourage mutual investments. It follows on from earlier talks between the Bosnian Ambassador to Qatar, Tarik Sadović, and the CEO of Qatar Airways, Akbar Al Baker. Mr Sadović said Qatar Airways will introduce services to the Bosnian capital in the near future, making it its third destinations in the former Yugoslavia following Zagreb and Belgrade.
In 2013, Bosnia and Qatar made amendments to the existing Air Services Agreement between the two countries, which regulates the rights of airlines of both contracting parties to establish direct flights to one another. The arrival of Qatar Airways in Sarajevo would be a major coup for the airport following Flydubai’s service launch last year. The Qatari carrier would not only become the first from the Middle East Big Three (which also includes Emirates and Etihad Airways) to operate flights to Bosnia and Herzegovina, but also the only airline from the Onewrold alliance to fly to Sarajevo. Qatar would provide competition to its rival Flydubai on the route but also Turkish Airlines. Turkish relies on a significant number of transit passengers on its flights to and from Sarajevo, a portion of which could be taken over by Qatar Airways.
The Bosnian Ambassador to Qatar says the flights would cater for both the sizable Bosnian diaspora working across the Middle East, but also those living in far off countries such as Australia. Furthermore, Bosnia has seen an influx of tourists from the Middle East in recent years. Qatar Airways itself has said it will reveal all of its new route launches for the coming year in due course. So far, the Qatari carrier has announced the introduction of services from Doha to Los Angeles, Ras Al Khaimah, Sydney, Boston and Atlanta in 2016, while planed nonstop flights Tbilisi have been put on hold and continue to operate via Baku. Sarajevo Airport’s Managing Director, Ivica Veličan, recently said, “We are currently holding talks with a number of airlines which plan to connect Sarajevo with several attractive destinations. We have the necessary capacity and are open for cooperation, both with full fare and low cost airlines. The introduction of new routes depends on the airline’s assessment of the market and is purely a commercial decision”.
The person that goes by the nickname Sarajevo commented here a week ago that Qatar Airways and Sarajevo Airport have signed an agreement and that flights will start in 2016.
ReplyDeleteWhile that would be great I find it hard to believe that Sarajevo Airport or anyone from the Bosnian side would be able to keep their mouth shut for over a week about these flights. Someone would have taken the credit by now.
DeleteAnon 9:31
That was me, but 4 weeks ago.
DeleteRegards from Sarajevo.
Bad news for ASL but good news for Bosniak passengers. Competition is always good.
ReplyDeleteМислим да је Ер Србија постала ирелевантна у Сарајеву што се Азије и Аустралије тиче од како је flydubai кренуо да лети.
DeleteПоврх свега тога, не заборавимо да из Београда не постоји адекватна конекција из региона за Абу Даби. Путници из Сарајева за Абу Даби морају чекати на аеродрому од 16.10 до 23.15.
Anonymous October 17, 2015 at 10:09 AM
da, nastavlja se serija losih vesti i bice vrlo zanimljivo iscekivanje letnjeg reda letenja. jasno je da je optimizam u nekoj vrsti defanzive. sve u svemu zanimljiv period je pred nama i vrlo brzo ce biti jasno kakva je perspektiva kompanije.
DeleteНаравно, треба сачекати и видети како се развија ситуација. Ја се најискреније надам да ће стићи још два ваздухоплова јер у супротном летњи ред летења ће бити катастрофа.
DeleteМени је само жао што се кренуло преамбициозно у целу ову причу и што се управа компаније није боље снашла.
@10:09 No, hajde da vidimo koliko je "losa" ta konekcija. trenutno pre nego sto QR uvede direktni let za SJJ. Ako si vec dao prolazno vreme do BEG zasto nisi dao uporedjenje vreme/cena do recimo MEL? Evo mene nije mrzelo. februar 2016 ASL - SJJ-MEL - ukupno vreme 29:45h, cena 746eur. QR - ukupno vreme 29:55h - cena 927eur.
DeleteShall we see QR routing DOH-BEG-SJJ?
DeleteI wouldn't be surprised to see it tagged to something. Maybe BEG is the logical choice since QR needs to drop SOF stop to be more competitive, but at the same time maybe would have trouble filling flight on its own especially considering local competition.
DeleteThis is the game for big players which is not the case with ASL. They could be just a little bit bigger than AZA/ETD feeder, but with current fleet-no chance at all.
DeleteJesus, Buddha and Mohhamad... is there a single aviation news in this world that would not be "bad news for Air Serbia"? What kind of mushrooms make you people link everything with Air Serbia? What kind of a weird disease is that??
DeleteSince ASL was mentioned... Air Serbia commercials playing on Albanian TV constantly since yesterday.
DeleteI u HR na RTL
DeleteThey are doing the same on the Greek TV as well.
DeleteComplete waste of money I think.
Passengers would appreciate better frequencies instead of flights for only 3/4/5 days a week.
Anonymous October 17, 2015 at 12:01 PM
Did they also advertise that they charge €200 to fly from ZAG to BEG?
Delete@12:01 nema potrebe da se sekirate za ASL, kao regionalni feeder deo je velikih ;)
DeleteAnon 4:13 PM
DeleteI think they only advertised the porcelain plates, metal cutlery and pretty blond air hostesses with too much red lipstick.
@4:13 vidite, linija ZAG -BEG sluzi za letenje dalje, e u tom slucaju je skoro dzaba, pitajte Purgera.
DeleteThey were at the same time too ambitious and at the same time not enough, what ultimately led to a series of half-way solutions which led to the cuts we're seeing now. We have to pay attention to the fact that Air Serbia didn't penetrate successfully almost a single new market. Budapest is just being cut, Kiev was cancelled before the launch (not even Odessa was launched by Atr as a replacement if you really want to play it safe), Warsaw is hanging on the ropes. Almost all of the other routes that were launched were served at some point or another during the past decade, with the notable exception of Zagreb. I wouldn't call that being overly ambitious since at its core Air Serbia's network is nothing new and not tried before. To make things even worse, they're showing failures where Jat was able to succeed.
"air hostesses with too much red lipstick."
DeleteHa ha ha ha ha you win the internet for today! Air Serbia has awesome new lounge, great service, real business class seats on Airbus short haul, wifi and mobile phone service, and you complain about too much lipstick? Ha ha ha ha ha comment of the year! With A330 going to the paint shop, it will be major crisis time for ASL h8ters! LOL, you made my day!
They'll probably paint it with red lipstick. And use too much of it as well.
DeleteAlready painted: https://www.behance.net/gallery/22404193/Air-SERBIA-Airbus-A330-Special-Paint-Scheme
DeleteThat is photoshoped, you fanboys are hilarious!
DeleteHope for Alitalia from Rome and Milano and a line Paris-Sarajevo
ReplyDeleteThere is absolutely no need for that. There are more than enough one stop options from SJJ. You guys think you are something like Frankfurt. lol
DeleteAli su BEG i ZAG Frankfurt? Predpostavljam da si ti hrvat ili srbin, i zato glupo zvuci kad ti kazes da SJJ i bosanci misle da su Frankfurt kad BEG misli da je na istom nivou kao naprimjer FCO i smijesno je kad srbin uporedi BEG sa FCO i stvarno misli da Air Serbia moze biti na nivou Alitalie i imati jednaku flotu. Takoder je smijesno kad neki hrvat na ovom forumu kaze da ce svaka velika kompanija u Evropi doci u ZAG i sjecam se par osoba koji su nabrojavali silne kompanije ovdje te ova te ona. Neki je bas pisao da ce naprimjer Ukraine International Airlines doci u ZAG, ali tu nema nikakve realnosti jer je kao prvo ekonomska kriza u Ukrajini, rat je u istocnoj Ukrajini, narod u toj drzavi nema nikakvu vezu sa katolickom Hrvatskom i nista njih nece privuci u Zagrebu a takoder je Hrvatska u EU i mora se imati vizu za putovanje u Hrvatsku a vjerujem da i bijeda i siromasan narod u Hrvatskoj nema para za Kiev i kad bi imali vjerujem da Kiev nije na prvom mjestu za turisticku destinaciju.
DeleteNek sada samo dode neki hrvat ili srbin pa da kaze da ce Emirates doci u BEG i ZAG jednim letom dnevno haha i to sa Airbus A380 ili Boeing 777-300 haha.
Djecak iz Srbije svaki dan prica o SAD letovima koji nema i koji nece dugo godina biti a neko je govorio da ce Air China doci u BEG. Treba biti malo realan.
Sto se tice SJJ, SJJ-FCO bi mogao biti dobro popunjen pogotovo zato sto brojni talijanci dolaze u BiH u Medugorje i u Sarajevo a trenutno ima samo carter letove za Mostar a Alitalia nije Star Alliance i lijepo bi bilo da dode jedan konkurenat i da se mozda zaustavi dominacija Lufthanse i ostali kompanija iz istog Alliance. A zasto bi bosanci isli u BEG ili u ZAG da bi dosli do Rima? Vjerujem da bi vama bilo krivo kad bi Alitalia dosla u Sarajevo. Lijepo sto ce Qatar doci a bas mi je neki dan tata rekao da bi British Airways mogao uvesti SJJ-LHR i ako BiH gradanima u vecini treba viza Englesku moglo bi se privuci engleski turista u BiH a moglo bi biti i transfer putnika preko bare da lete na LHR pa dalje za SJJ.
Bas sam neki dan citao kako je Vels navijacima bilo lijepo u Sarajevu i u BiH, jedan od njih kaze da je bio u dosta drzava sirom svijeta ali da je BiH i Sarajevo jedno od bolji mjesta koje je obisao.
Jeftino pivo (to se trazi kod engleza i ostali sa tog kraja Irska, Vels, Skotska), odlicna hrana, ima dosta vidjeti i ima dobri cura i zena.
Ako Ohrid i Skopje mogu privuci engleze, zasto ne bi BiH mogla isto tako uraditi?
Jedan hrvat je rekao da ce ZAG za nekoliko godina imati 12 miliona putnika i da ce samo broj putnika biti veci i veci haha. Tako je kad covjek nema veze sa realnosti.
DeleteZAG je uvijek bio (prije raspada Jugoslavije) mali po Evropskom standardu sto se tice glavni gradova i uvijek ce biti mali aerodrom ako uporedis sa drugim glavnim gradovima po EU.
BEG samo moze sanjati o istom broju putnika kao Budapest ili Bukarest, barem dok smo mi na ovom blogu zivi.
Sorry to break it to you but I am not a Croat or a Serb but an Albanian living in Germany, my family is originally from Tirana but I have some family in Kosovo.
DeleteI think you should apologise to the Croats and Serbs now.
And no, you can't compare SJJ with ZAG or BEG. There is no commercial sense to have a flight for 4.5 passengers per day flying between SJJ and FCO or even MXP which is not even served from ZAG. lol
Wake up bruh.
BEG je imao ne isti nego visi broj putnika nego Budimpesta (a da ne govorimo o Bukurustu) pre jedva 20 godina.
DeleteIs JA officially dead?
ReplyDelete@ Admin: QR already flies to TBS and BAK as a tag, what plans have been put on hold, delinking those?
ReplyDeleteAs far as SJJ goes, it is going to be interesting to see if this materializes (since only bosnian government announced it) and in which form and frequency. Placing direct non stop flight seems like a challenge considering that bigger regional destinations such as ZAG and BEG started as tagged - and BEG is still tagged. I wouldn't be surprised if we see this service tagged to BEG (and subsequent delink BEG and SOF) or tagg to additional new destination (such as SKP or TIA). I would be very surprised to see SJJ initiated as non stop service. If that somehow happens, maybe max 2 or 3 times per week, but I would definitely expect SJJ tio share capacity with some other destination in favor of more frequency.
I flew the route last year somewhere around this time. TBS-GYD was 100% full, with 90% of pax going out in Baku. I don't see them de-linking those, especially since the fares were far from cheap.
DeleteMeanwhile, AZ keeps adding frequencies, and announces plans for the future:
ReplyDelete13 Oct 2015 15:00
Alitalia today unveiled a series of customer service enhancements that will improve the travel experience for air passengers. The national airline of Italy also confirmed that its three-year business plan was on track for profitability by 2017.
The Chairman of Alitalia, Luca Cordero di Montezemolo, and Vice Chairman of Alitalia and President and Chief Executive Officer of Etihad Airways, James Hogan, today revealed the details of a range of new initiatives that will be introduced in the next few weeks.
Two new long haul destinations, the first chauffeur service for business travellers, the opening of new VIP lounges and the refurbishment of existing ones at airports, new cabin interiors and Internet and email connectivity on board, as well as a focus on improving customer service at Fiumicino airport, are the highlights that were announced.
The airline yesterday briefed 2,000 staff at a special meeting in Rome.
Chairman Luca Cordero di Montezemolo said "Our performance is in line with the business plan. And, for the first time since 2009, the load factor for the quarter exceeded 80 per cent and we are on track to meet our objective of reaching profitability by 2017.
“We are announcing today two new destinations in Latin America, new services for business customers, significant investment in ground services at Fiumicino airport and an aggressive program to improve the medium-haul fleet. These will be introduced shortly and will help to transform the travel experience for customers flying with Alitalia."
Vice Chairman James Hogan added: "Together we have come a long way. Alitalia is ascending but it still has challenges and to maintain momentum we need to accelerate cultural and operational change at every level within the company.
"Being part of Etihad Airways Partners will help Alitalia succeed in its drive to profitability and with market confidence growing, its customers will have much to look forward to and experience in the next six months and beyond."
This is in line with the strategy earlier proposed on this blog. Latin America must be the new focus of Alitalia where it needs to diminish the influence of Lufthansa, where they're at a clear geographical advantage. Other than that, next step should be to optimize the short-haul services for them to be served primarily by wide-body aircraft by following the Asian model, in order to compete effectively against the LCC.
DeleteI think the real master of South America is not so much Lufthansa as is the oneworld alliance.
DeleteIberia, of course, i didn't feel the need to mention it for obvious reasons. Let's also not forget Africa.
DeleteAlitalia will also try to feed its transatlantic network with passengers from the Balkans.
DeleteThat would be bad for JU who needs to use Balkan trafic for its future flights to US and Canada.
Imam neki utisak da ce biti neki mali rat izmedju AZ i JU na trzistu za USA .
DeleteA tek da ne pricamo o nekoj mogucoj liniji ASL za Juznu Ameriku kako ce tek biti.
Aerologic, don't forget that LAN/TAM are also in oneworld.
DeleteThank you very much, i lived in that region and happen to know a lot about the both problems and potential of that particular market.
Delete@INN - For the first time, don't exaggerate.
"Alitalia will also try to feed its transatlantic network with passengers from the Balkans.
DeleteThat would be bad for JU who needs to use Balkan trafic for its future flights to US and Canada."
No it won't, it was explained why long time ago. No makeup class for you!
Actually it will. The Balkan markets and ex-Yu in particular are the closest countries to FCO base to feed the transatlantic flights after Italy itself.
DeleteAlitalia is Etihad's big investment and gamble, not JU.
Sorry if that upsets you.
No, it does not upset me. If you choose to be ignorant and avoid understanding their market approaches, that does not upset me at all.
DeleteSve domace ste unistili prodane duse!!!
ReplyDeleteAko je "domace" onda mora da je dobro iako je lose ili pravi gubitke? Prijatelju, u danasnje vreme, postoji podela samo na uspesne i ne uspesne, na one koji placaju porez i na one koji to ne cine.
DeleteTo Anonymous October 17, 2015 at 12:06 PM
DeleteI entirely agree with you!
OT: Danas je kroz BEG prošao 4 miloniti putnik, dve nedelje ranije nego prošle godine.
ReplyDeleteLogicno da je prosao ranije zbog sve ukupnog rasta. E sad to nece znaciti da ce godina biti mnogo bolja od 2014, sada je vec i javno koliko nas manje saobracaja ocekuje na BEG-u. Licno misljenje, kako su se ophodili prema putnicima i stranim kompanijama, nisu bolje ni zasluzili.
Deleteda li postoje izgledi da se na kraju godine makar zabelezi proslogodisnji rezultat za utehu.
Delete@2:29 rast od 5% je ništa jel? Svaka vam čast na "objektivnosti" ;)
Delete@3:31 s šta ti misliš?
Delete@4:10 jel slucajno pre nego sto postujete nesto, procitate komentar tog koga prozivate?
DeleteDa 5:35, pročitao sam, a skoro da sam i siguran da znam i ko ga je napisao. Pa opet pitam, jeli 5% rasta malo?
DeleteNe, ne znas.
DeleteSuper sto znas :)
DeleteAko si procitao ko je napisao da je mesto malo ili tako nesto? Procitaj opet komentar i ukljuci kompas!
E vi vlasnici agencica, smehotresni ste.
DeleteOpet si glup!
Delete''while planed flights to Baku and Tbilisi have been put on hold.''
ReplyDeletePlanned? QR flew to TBS before - via Baku. You mean they dropped the route?
Sorry, nonstop flight to Tbilisi.
DeleteOk, so let's take a look at connections from the ex-Yu to the Middle East. From BEG, FZ, QR and EY fly to their respective bases, and of course there's JU to AUH. Then there's ZAG with QR and FZ. SJJ has FZ and now QR announced. Even SKP has FZ. While LJU has no direct link to the Middle East. Sad.
ReplyDeleteLJU is far.
DeleteFrom where? The ME?
DeleteLJU is probably quite far from ME for A320/B738 (especially from UAE), if you want to use the max aircraft seating capacity. Strong consistent headwind in westbound direction doesn't help either.
DeleteAnd I think there is not enough load to warrant a widebody.
Far? Yeah, its hundreds of nm from ZAG, right?
DeleteNo, there's no load for a widebody, but there def. is for a narrowbody. FZ has a bus service from Ljubljana to ZAG and many people travel on their own to nearby airports.
DeleteAnd yeah, it's something like 90 NM further than ZAG.
Can FZ take full house on DXB-ZAG route to begin with?
ReplyDeleteBravo, Sarajevo!