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Wizz Air expected to launch Skopje - Bratislava flights next summer |
Low cost carrier Wizz Air plans to launch flights from Skopje Alexander the Great Airport to Bratislava next year, according to the "Slovak Aviation" portal. The aviation website notes that services will begin next summer season, with the new route to be announced shortly. The Slovak capital is just fifty kilometres east of Vienna, with shuttle busses running between the two airports. Austria is home to a sizable Macedonian diaspora, while Vienna is Skopje Airport's third busiest route following Istanbul and Zurich. Wizz Air itself has still not commented or confirmed the route launch. According to the portal, besides Skopje, the airline will also fly from Sofia to Bratislava. Wizz Air last operated from the Slovak capital in 2010, when it suspended its four weekly flights to Rome.
The Managing Director of Bratislava Airport, Ivan Trhlik, said in August that flights between Bratislava and Skopje will launch by March 2016. He did not discuss the service in further detail, leaving out which carrier would operate the route. At the time, Ryanair's intention to launch flights to Skopje were linked to Mr Trhlik's statement, as the airline opened its 71st base in the city this March. However, "Slovak Aviation" writes, "Flights to Skopje will run two times per week and will operate with a Skopje-based aircraft". The portal notes that the low cost carrier aims for the route to primarily serve Macedonians living in Austria. Due to its costs, few no-frills airlines fly to Vienna.
Wizz Air introduced thirteen new routes from the former Yugoslavia from four different cities and opened its third base in the region this year. In Macedonia, it based its third aircraft in Skopje and introduced five new routes from the capital. In addition, the airline inaugurated one seasonal and one year-long service from the country’s second international airport - Ohrid. During the first three quarters, Wizz Air was Skopje's busiest airline, handling 49% of all passengers. The low cost carrier will launch flights from Belgrade to Baden-Baden next summer, its first newly announced route from the former Yugoslavia for 2016.
Excellent. I hope they also consider Belgrade - Bratislava.
ReplyDeleteThey are considering flights to SOF,BEG,OTP, TLV,KUT and a few other destinations (from BTS)
DeleteWizz in BTS is a challenge to Ryan and Easy (in VIE). If they don't respond aggressively, W6 will continue expanding further into U2 and FR turf. They can't pretend to ignore them any more.
DeleteOvo znaci rat i FR ce sigurno odgovoriti.
DeleteDoes this mean that FR wont commence flights to/from SKP?
ReplyDeleteFR flies to much more destinations than Bratislava.
DeleteHmm... Wizz Air's market share in Macedonia is unhealthy. There is no way they will ever operate flights out of Macedonia and pay the fees that other operators must pay. Which is fine if authorities are happy to do so and avoid any penalties under European regulations. Otherwise, imagine the scenario whereby SKP/OHD are negotiating with Wizz Air and they threaten to exit the market. That's over 50% of the Macedonian market under threat, not a good hand for Macedonian side.
ReplyDeleteIf Ryanair were to enter the market this scenario would be significantly less likely to happen.
DeleteAnd now, the truth:
DeleteWizz Air is already paying full fees at SKP for all routes except new, previously unserved ones. This has always been the case.
What you have just described is Air Serbia in BEG regarding fees and Ryanair in ZAD regarding negotiating tactics.
Wizz Air truly has SKP and OHD by the balls.
DeleteWithout a domestic airline the government has no other choice but to agree to all demands that Wizz Air has.
You mean TAV? I don't see them being worried too much. Quite the contrary, all the extra capacity paid for by someone else must look good on their P&L.
DeleteThats why the government wants to bring FR. Whether it will be successful it will be seen in the following months.
DeleteIf the government thinks that it pays too much to W6 wait until they start dealing with FR.
DeleteThey would be crying for the Hungarians to save them from Martin O'Leary's tactics.
@ 10:21
It's Michael not Martin.
DeleteWhat is Air Serbia's share of flights from BEG and how much are they paying for airport taxes?
DeleteAir Serbia doesn't pay anything.
DeleteThe airport is owned by the government and istead of paying direct subsidies to JU from Serbian budget they instead let JU use BEG for free.
BEG increased the charges on all other airlines to make the difference in revenue.
Not true.
DeleteAir Serbia is not paying to BEG as "investment" of Republic of Serbia in Air Serbia.
In same time Republic of Serbia did give 70 million EUR of subventions in 2014. That 70 million + no paying in BEG + all debts to Republic of Serbia + more subvention in 2015.
Ovo je OT, ali svakako ima posljedice na našu regiju, posebno što će prva Eurowingsova baza izvan Europe biti upravo u Beču (od 11. do 3 mjeseca otvaraju: Alicante, Barcelonu, Bastiu, Düsseldorf, Faro, Hamburg, Hanover, London-Stansted, Palma de Mallorcu, Rome-Fiumicino i Valenciu
Lufthansa je zainteresirana da preko svog novog low-cost prijevoznika Eurowingsa pokrene letove long-haul letove iz Berlina. Eurowingsom se Lufthansa nastoji boriti protiv Ryanaira i easyJeta na letovima unutar Europe po uzoru na Air France-KLM (Transavia) i British-Iberiu (Vueling). No, za razliku od ostala dva prijevoznika EUB3 Lufthansin Eurowings će već od samog početka krenuti sa dva long-haul zrakoplova, koji će već ove zime letjeti na Kubu, Dominikansku Repuliku, Dubai, Bangkok i Phuket. Karsten Muehlenfeld, CEO Berlinskih aerodroma već je najavio da iako zbog kašnjenja otvaranja BBA imaju problema sa slotovima da će ipak pronači nekoliko praznih termina za long-haul letove Eurowingsa.
No, ono što je mene šokiralo je da je Lufthansina regionalna kompanija Cityline dobila prvi širokotrupac A340-300 od Lufthanse, te će ih još 13 dobiti tijekom 2016. Prvi long-haul letovi će im biti za:
Panama City, Panama (od 16.11.2015.)
Cancun, Meksiko (od 8.12.2015.)
Male, Maldivi (od 9.12.2015.)
Port Louis, Mauricius (od 10.12.2015.)
Philadephia, SAD (od 17.12.2015.)
Montreal, Kanada (od 13.5.2016.)
San Jose, SAD (od 30.6.2016.)
I sad, potpuno razumijem logiku da Eurowings kreće sa long-haul low-cost letovima kao odgovor MEB3 i Norwegianu, ali kakva logika je da regionalna kompanija koja leti sa Embraerima i CRJ kreće sa long-haul letovima????
Costs. Both Eurowings and CityLine have roughly 15%to 20% lower labour costs than Lufthansa mainline.
DeleteAlso, I might be wrong but I think their plan is to have all of those other airlines merged into one. In the end there will only be Lufthansa and Eurowings.
DeleteBez obzira što će letovi iz Berlina biti udarac na easyJetovu bazu u Berlinu i najavu Ryanaira za otvaranje baze u Berlinu, long-haul letovi iz Berlina pokazuju da ovaj projekt prvenstveno jest udarac na Air Berlin.
DeleteEurowings će svoju najveću bazu imati u Dusseldorfu gdje kreću sa 34 linije i gdje je easyJet prisutan simbolično sa tek dvije linije, a Ryanair niti ne leti. Potom će ekpanzija krenuti i na Berlin, gdje će imati i long-haul letove, ali ne na njegovu LCC zračnu luku Schonefeld, nego na Tegel. Schonefeld je baza easyJeta a biti će i Ryanaira, no Air Berlin je baziran na Tegelu. Uz to baze Eurowingsa će biti i Hamburg, te Beč, gdje Air Berlin ima svoje baze (Hamburg baza Air Berlina, Beč baza njihovog subsidiariesa NIKI-a.
Sve ovo nisu dobre vijesti za posrnuli Air Berlin, a očito je Lufthansa odlučila prvo počistiti u svom dvorištu i eliminirati neposrednu nacionalnu konkurenciju (pri čemu mislim na širu regiju: Austriju i Švicarsku gdje je Air Berlin u svojoj ekspanziji kupio NIKI i belair, a Lufthansa Austrian i Swiss). Air Berlin u Njemačkoj, Švicarskoj i Austriji svakako jest ozbiljna prijetnja Lufthansi preuzimanjem od strane Etihada. U kombinaciji sa Etihadovim preuzimanjem Alitalije i Air Serbije ova opasnost još je bitno veća.
Pitam se treba li u tom kontekstu gledati i pregovore hrvatske vlasti sa Lufthansom oko preuzimanja Croatie, te možemo li očekivati da će Lufthansa preko Eurowingsa napasti na Etihad u Njemačkoj, Švicarskoj i Austriji, a preko Croatie (Eurowings Croatia i CityLine Croatia) na Air Serbiu? Potom bi bilo logično da preko Dolomita (Lufthansa Regional specijaliziran za feeding talijanskih sekundarnih zračnih luka), te otvaranjem baze Eurowingsa prvenstveno u Milanu (sjetimo se projekta Lufthansa Italy), ali kasnije i u Rimu, Lufthansa napadne i samu Alitaliju.
The Berlin expansion you are talking about has more to do with AB's decision to concentrate more on DUS rather than on TXL. In a way, this is AB's way of saying that they are giving up and pulling out of Berlin (at least as far as their hub goes).
DeleteBerlin might be the capital of Germany but at the same time it has been notoriously low-yielding, especially when it comes to long-haul flying. One of the reasons why LH wants to have Eurowings flying out of there could also be a way to prevent Norwegian from entering the German long-haul market. They've had a lot of success in the UK and Germany would be the next logical move. Though one could argue the same for Paris given AF's current state.
I think at this point it's safe to assume that Air Berlin is as good as dead. The airline is kept on life support by Etihad and I highly doubt there will be some improvement in the long-run especially since they are being attacked from all sides. Mind you, Ryanair is also after Air Berlin. AB was struggling in normal circumstances, God knows what will happen now.
As far as OU goes, the only way I see it happening is if the Croatian government is ready to allow the replacement of OU by Eurowings. Truth be told, I doubt OU could survive without a bigger player- the same way Jat needed one.
As far as Serbia goes, I am certain that at some point Eurowings will expand in Belgrade. I wouldn't be surprised to see flights from Dusseldorf and Berlin being among the first ones to be launched. Lufthansa will surely want to take away Air Serbia's monopoly in these highly lucrative markets.
In addition to Lufthansa we also have Wizz Air which is not giving up in Belgrade.
People have been complaining about airlines leaving Belgrade but I think this is only temporary and things will change as European airlines stabilise after years of economic hardship.
Nemjee agree with you 100%. Nothing to add to this!
DeleteLH je preuzela ogroman broj slotova u BER i imaju tu ogromne planove navodno se AB nema toliko velike planove sa BER skoro sve ce da presele u DUS .
Namjee, you forget that historically LH was not able to fly into neither West nor East Berlin airports until German reunification as routes were reserved for foreign "Allies airlines" only. Once they were granted rights they already had established their sizeable main hubs in FRA and MUC (yes higher yields there) so TXL just became a secondary and much smaller hub. In the last years they swapped almost all LH traffic with 4U, hence now it is only a 4U hub.
DeleteAB used the underserved market in Berlin wisely and grew fast at TXL.
Btw, the "Eurowings Austria" divison costs will be very well under 20% of the costs of LH mainline. Recently I read a rough estimate of 40% if I remember correctly. If you were referring to the "Eurowings Germany" division, then -15% or -20% could be possible.
Yes, I was referring to the German one. I am not that familiar with the developments in Austria.
DeleteAs far as Berlin goes, of course, I know that but the Berlin Wall fell more than two decades ago and the market has dramatically changed since then. The market is there , no doubt about that and it was always more compatible with airlines such as AB than LH- hence why the transition to 4U. That's why it's kind of catastrophic that AB failed to make it work.
The thing is that AB lacks a concise business strategy and I fear that it might be too late for some soul-searching now.
No big deal. Whole city lived on false budget then bankruptcy. Berlin is nice city but without real money strength as Frankfurt and Munich. It is touristic center but not economical one which means less business class tickets.
DeleteThis comment has been removed by the author.
DeleteU jednom delu Menedzmenta OS se bune zato sto hoce 20% plata FO u Eurowingsu Aut da oduzmu zato sto su mladi ali nemaju drugog izbora ove godine je LH obucila 900 mladih Pilota koji su vezani z njih i koji ce morati na bedne plate da pristanu da lete za Eurowingsu.
If Wizz Air does launch flights from Bratislava to Bucharest, Belgrade, Sofia and Skopje then the next logical step would be to open a base at BTS.
ReplyDeleteIn addition to the four destinations they could also launch Luton, Larnaca and even a few other western destinations. One advantage they would have is the incomparably cheaper costs than their competition operating out of Austria.
Larnaca would be a great move for them as there are roughly 7,000 Slovaks living on the island and several airlines used to operate between these two cities: Air Slovakia, Slovak Airlines, SkyEurope, CSA...
What is currently the shortest flight operated by Wizz Air?
DeleteMaybe Prague-Venice?
DeleteIt will be such a blow to Austrian.
ReplyDeleteWizzair's constant expansion in Wx-Yu markets is bad news for ASL.
ReplyDeleteThey keep the prices down and take a lot of passengers from ASL flights.
I do not agree.
DeleteASL has different type of passengers than WZZ. At first ASL wanted WZZ out and take their pax but with ASL prices it's not possible.
Now somebody will argue that prices in WZZ are not that less which is true if you buy ticket few days ahead.
Majority of WZZ pax plan well ahead and buy minimum fare tickets.
Hopefully someone will realize that giving LCAs normal fares which reflect service they receive on BEG is only positive for business. Even ASL can benefit from this as they heavily count on transfer pax which in a way they can obtain from LCA.
ReplyDeleteCroatia Airlines DH8 today again have problems. We are more then 1h30min late to ZRH and still no take off....
DeleteToday there was just one delay and that was to FRA (19 minutes and that was not Q400). Last week there was no Q400 delays at all. I don't remember that there were some huge delays with Q400 last few months?
So one more time, again????
Yes.Today flight OU461 at 09:35...
DeleteFR24 says that the flight was cancelled while ZAG website doesn't even list it.
Delete"Poštovani, let je otkazan zbog tehničkih problema na zrakoplovu. Molimo vas za strpljenje. Hvala."
DeleteIt is not again. It is one flight today... and I don't remember when it was last time. So it is today and for sure it is not AGAIN!!!
DeleteHa ha. :) +1000
DeleteFala qrc Purgeru i Nemjee imacemo i LCC i ASL. Beogradu trebaju sezonski letovi LCC u jesen i prolece za djacke i druge turiste mart - maj i septembar - novembar. Barselona, Rim, Prag i Nemacka.
ReplyDeleteЈа сам већ неколико пута написао да и даље не схватам зашто Визер не лети из Београда за Праг. Тржиште је огромно посебно када се екскурзије узму у обзир. Два лета недељно би била више него довољна, евентуално три током лета и око новогодишњих празника.
DeleteАко би се ови летови реализовали живо ме занима како би ЈУ одреаговао. Нема се довољно А319 да би заменили Атр тако да им преостаје цена и број недељних учесталости што би им и био главни адут.
Мада, на крају крајева, Визер би примарно одузео путнике од аутобуских компанија, не толико од ЈУ.
@Nemjee, malo je nezgodno organizovati prevoz vecih grupa putnika kao sto su ekskurzije LC kompanijama zbog specificnog tarifnog sistema osim ako to LC kompanije nisu predvidele u sistemu ako se recimo kupuje 60 karata odjednom.
DeleteХмм мада када је Визер летео из Београда за Крф и Родос, зар нису тада сарађивали са туристичким агенцијама?
DeleteMozda sa onima koja su prodavali individualna putovanja.. iskreno, ne znam.
DeleteNe mora cena karata za turiste preko agencija da bude najmanja no srednja i svima lepo.
DeleteNaravno, no tako moze sa redovnim charterom, ne i sa LC kompanijama u slucaju vece grupene bi svi imali istu cenu karte ;)
Delete...ispravka, ne bi imali istu cenu ;)
DeletePametnjakovicu znas li zasto domaci autobuski prevoznici najvise koriste buseve na sprat? Zato sto vecina odeljenja NE IDE na ekskurziju pa onda smeste cetri odelenja u bus od 74 mesta i ostane slobodnih nekoliko sedista. Da prevedem slepcima redovni carteri sa avionima preko 150 mesta ne igraju nista u tom potencijalnom trzistu.
DeleteMudriša... pričamo o prevozu većih grupa putnika LC kompanijama? Kakav je to ton btw?!
DeleteNe nego o trzistu za ekskurzije koje je veliko, ali ograniceno velicinom skola, vremenom i izborom destinacija.
DeleteTotalna je glupost da W6 uvede letove BTS-BEG zato sto bi trebali sami da znaju da nemaju sanse u toj trci.
Nemaju sanse kao sto nisu imali ni za LCA, pa ostadose sami. Uskoro ce JU da izgubi trku i prema Stutgardu i regiji, kad od leta krenu da lete eurowings i wizz...
DeleteBratislava bi bila od izuzetnog znacaja za njih.
INN-NS, seriously...
DeleteNemaju sanse da udju u trku sa OS/ASL zato sto ce oni iako su ne prijatelji raditi zajedno da oteraju W6 kao sto su uradili i HG .
Samo sto HG nije W6.
DeleteSamo sto iza OS i ASL stoje dve svetske i jedne od najjacih aviokompanija na svetu.
A ipak je JU pukla kao zvecka u LCA i dozivela potpuni fail u BUD.
DeleteJU fail.
DeleteNazalost se ja nista ne pitam u ASL pa da se meni zalite posto ja da se pitam bilo bi mnogo drugacije.
DeleteZanimljivo je je da OS otvara od sledece godine 2 puta dnevo letove za IKA .
Očigledno da menadžment spava dok ostali prate tržište...
DeleteHehe, pa svakih mesec dana ASL izbaci nesto novo a po tebi menadzment spava ;) Verovatno "spava" plan i program u Abu Dabiju, hehe...
DeleteGreat news! Austrian will feel it.
ReplyDeleteIt would still be interesting to see FR flying to INI, although the case is now somewhat weaker
Not quite I told you so, but I've argued here for flights to BTS for some time (INI, to be exact).
ReplyDeleteThis was a 'no brainer' in my opinion given the airports relative proximity to Vienna compared to other LCC airports in Europe. (Oslo Torp, anyone ?).
And for some ranting yesterday, it was INI-BTS that would take traffic from Air Serbia.
Does anyone know how wizz air flights are going out of Nis now that the summer season has died down?
ReplyDeleteSo far, so good.
DeleteIn past 3 monts over 18 000 passengers fly from Niš Airport.
Da li je neko izračunao, koliko putnika treba da prodje kroz INI da bi aerodrom, sa ovim cenama usluga, pozitivno poslovao?
DeleteЗар нису исто отворили ресторан на аеродрому? То је још један извор прихода. Само не знам ако је у власништу аеродрома или не.
DeleteŠto se tiče pozitivnog poslovanja, rano je o tome govoriti. Što se tiče restorana, on radi i pod zakupom je.
DeleteGreat news for SKP!
ReplyDeleteI'm sure this flight will proof successful and there won't be a huge impact on the Austrian Airlines flights because most of the passengers are transit.
I'm still hoping for Moscow - Skopje/Ohrid and Warsaw - Skopje/Ohrid flights.
It would be great but I am not sure if it is realistic...
ReplyDeleteSuhoj je bio u poseti Srbiji i ASL .
Bilo bi fantasticno kad bi ASL nabavila kod njih dodatne regionalne avione.
Kako Huti obradjuju Saude uskoro stize nosac iz Amerike da ih stiti. Saude.
DeleteHuh? The UAE has joined Jordan and Egypt in supporting the Russian intervention in Syria. The UAE might be unofficially backing the rebels but they sure as Hell need to make sure the Iranian money and businesses don't go away from Dubai.
DeleteGuys get back to aviation
DeleteFollowing the CityJet Sukhoi deal, i wouldn't be surprised in any Western or other company from a country with different interests purchasing the Superjet. It would be a great addition for JU, better than the A319, as it would enable opening new routes with less risks while operating the current ones with lower losses and would fit perfectly between the Atr and the A320.
DeleteI am also sure that the performance shown by newer generation Russian fighter jets in Syria will help bring build trust in Sukhoi worldwide.
Nema to nikakve veze ko koga podrzava ovde .
DeleteTrebala su doci jos 2 ATR makar to da se ispuni ali ASL su preko portebni RJ koji mogu da lete na vrlo profitabilne linije.
You would have to be dead crazy to order Sukhoi aircraft in this political situation. Not that it's anything else than Russian miniature copy of A320 anyway.
DeleteNe lupaj gluposti ruska verzija cs serije koja nikako da poleti.
DeleteZagreb-Doha 19.10.
133 of 144 seats = 92,4% LF
That is not good for JU/EY.
Deletelol yeah nothing is good for JU/EY. New York - Hawaii lf also not good for JU/EY
DeleteLet me fix that for you - not good for OU/LH
DeleteAnd once LF on certain days gets to 50% or 60% people will say QR doom and gloom in ZAG. For gode sake, all flights are sometimnes full and sometimes empty, even from mega airports. What conclusion can anybody draw from one single flight, regardless of the airline or route?
DeleteQatar flights from Zagreb since they open direct route instead of via BUD had 78% LF. That is very good.
DeleteNot great but good.
DeleteIt's only going to get better as the route matures.
DeleteAnd there would be fewer people on the JU ZAG-BEG flights continuing on the JU/EY for thew BEG-AUH flights.
You do realize it affects OU a gazzilion times more than JU.
DeleteDon't even bother with him. He only comes here to write "JU fail" and "Go Croatia Go"
DeleteIt foesn't affect OU in the slightest.
DeleteOU foes not fly in the Middle East, JU/EY do OU just sees more travelers coming to its hub and possible using its flights for Dalmatia.
The success of the ZAG-DOH route means less passengers traveling between Croatia and the Middle East via BEG.
...or IST...or DXB.
DeleteLoose loose situation for ASL.
DeleteSame time last year there was 40-45 pax per flight and now it is 110-120. Qatat usualy sent A320 or even A321 instead A319.
DeleteErm Qatar has like two A319 and they are LR versions so I doubt they were coming tha often to ZAG.
DeleteGo Zagreb!
DeleteBoth QR's A319 are in all business layout...
DeleteQR has only full business A319. ZAG is operated by 320, sometimes the service ends up on 321, but rarely. Considering successful summer and launch of SYD and ADL, it is going to be interesting to see if QR steps up in ZAG in terms of seats, either in frequency increase or a/c upgrade maybe to daily 321 .
DeleteNothing new to add in-here, as other airlines are starting one by one the destinations discussed for Air Serbia. If it was legally feasible, Wizz Air should start Belgrade-Eilat(Olbia) and Belgrade-Kutaisi, besides Bratislava of course. I don't even know why they waited for so long for the later (not that they announced it yet).
ReplyDeleteHuge, professional analysis of Air Serbia by anna.aero, available on the forum. Worth a visit, as it throws away/confirms some of the claims that have been made here.
Huge? I've read it in three minutes.
DeleteGood analysis.
DeleteGreece's fall is huge, why is that?
I guess they failed to position themselves. The Greek market exploded this year so they can't blame the crisis.
DeleteAegean is growing fast and probably also took a lot of JU's market in LCA through its ATH hub.
DeleteNot only Aegean but other airlines have been adding capacity to Athens like crazy. The other day Swiss sent two A321s with a 30 minute difference from ZRH to ATH. Also, TK has introduced widebodies on two daily flights and what's interesting is that these are set to stay even during the winter.
DeleteAlso, it's worth mentioning that Aegean has doubled its A321 fleet since last year. That's quite a lot of seats, especially when you take into consideration the fact that they are mostly flying out of ATH.
If JU is reducing Greece then it's because they failed to make it work, not because the market is not there.
Oh Volotea has expanded quite a lot and seems like they will keep on adding more flights next summer. The Greek domestic market seems to be responding well to their product. Blue Air is another airline that is adding frequencies and destinations out of ATH and LCA.
DeleteIf Wizz starts flights from BEG to ATH it would be very difficult for Air Serbia to keep its frequencies and be profitable.
Delete@AnonymousOctober 20, 2015 at 10:39 PM
DeleteKnowing our DCA, it will never happen...
Serbia and Greece have an Open Skies agreement so it'not up o them to decide.
DeleteSeems like Tehran is en vogue this year. Lufthansa announced MUC-IKA, three weekly with the A330-300. Austrian Airlines is increasing it from 3 to 11 weekly next summer and Aegean is adding a 4th weekly flight in April and rescheduling it so that it returns at 06.30 in stead of 04.00 as it was up until now.
Delete2015 numbers for passengers between Spain and Croatia:
ReplyDeleteTotal so far: 129.037 passengers
Dubrovnik: 63.591
Zagreb: 33.676
Split: 28.994
Zadar: 2.473
Pula: 362
Lowest for ZAG was in February with 265 passengers and the highest was in August with 8.429 passengers.
Sorry, this is between Barcelona and Croatia.
DeleteThis is for Spain-Croatia
DeleteTotal so far: 304.325 pax
Dubrovnik: 113.532
Zagreb: 48.887
Split: 33.579
Pula: 5.362
Zadar: 3.871
Rijeka: 89
Brac: 5
Bravo Croatia!
DeleteBA is also increasing SPU next summer from 2 to 4 weekly flights! Go SPU! GO!
Deleteabout 60-70% of the comments are not really related to the post, not really respectful.
ReplyDeleteErm why isn't it respectful?