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Dubrovnik Airport anticipates strong year ahead |
Dubrovnik Airport anticipates welcoming almost 1.8 million passengers next year on the back of a record 2015, during which it became the first and only airport in the former Yugoslavia to handle the Boeing 787 Dreamliner on a regular basis and started construction work on its new terminal. A handful of airlines have already announced new services to the city in 2016, among which are Volotea, Air Berlin, Niki, easyJet and Transavia, while many carriers will boost frequencies on existing seasonal flights. Dubrovnik Airport estimates its passenger numbers will grow between 5% - 6% next year. The airport also hopes to see an increase in Russian tourists, whose numbers have declined significantly since Croatia's entry into the European Union in 2013, which signalled the end to visa-free travel. However, with Russians no longer able to holiday in Turkey and Egypt and with continuing security concerns in Tunisia, Croatia's tourism sector hopes to benefit.
Over the past eleven months, Dubrovnik Airport saw its busiest year, handling 1.675.517 passengers, an increase of 6.8%, surpassing its 2014 end-of-year result and positioning itself as the third busiest in Croatia, following Zagreb and Split. International passengers accounted for 86.7% of all travellers passing through the airport this year. Some 67 airlines operated flights to the city in 2015. A total of 37.2% of all passengers were carried by scheduled carriers, 37% by low cost airlines and just 8% on charter flights. London was the busiest route, accounting for 13.7% of all passengers. It was followed by Paris at 6%, Helsinki and Barcelona at 4.2%, Rome at 3.5%, Manchester and Dublin at 3% and Frankfurt at 2.8% of all travellers. The United Kingdom was the busiest market followed by France, Germany, Spain, Italy, Norway and Finland. Croatia Airlines was the busiest airline operating out of Dubrovnik, followed by easyJet, Norwegian Air Shuttle, Thomson Airways, British Airways, Vueling Airlines, Lufthansa and Austrian Airlines.
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Dubrovnik Airport's new terminal under construction |
This year, Dubrovnik Airport began work on its 36.500 square metre passenger terminal. The airport expects for construction to be completed by the end of 2016 and for the terminal to be operational by the spring of 2017. As a result, Dubrovnik will have the capacity to handle 3.5 million passengers per year. The building will be located next to the current terminal and will be connected to it. It is part of a major 274 million euro expansion project, which includes the construction of new storage facilities, access roads, a car park and the lengthening of the runway and taxiways. Next year, the airport plans to begin work on expanding its apron and taxiways, while the overhaul of the runway will start next winter. It will last three years, with work to be carried out only during the winter months so as not to affect air traffic. The entire expansion project is scheduled for completion in 2019.
Congratulations Dubrovnik. Interesting to see Helsinki so high up on the list of top destinations.
ReplyDeleteAY svugde gde se pojavi napravi cudo za mene jedna od najboljih Evropskih kompanija , i ja mislim da je toliko velik broj zbog Azijata koji ih koriste.
Da dobra su kompanija, iskoristili su svoj geografski položaj, ali i oni poprilično lutaju. Avantura sa FlyNordic im nije trebala, nasreću Norwegian ih je izvukao iz toga. I Kar-air kao subsidiary im nije baš prebiše pomogao.
DeleteJoš više lutanja je sa njihovom regionalnom kompanijom. Prvo su 1979. imali Finnaviation, pa su kupili Finnish Comunter Airlines i 20% u Finncomm, pa su vrlo brzo odkupili još dio kompanije i zatvorili je te sa Flybe osnovali Flybe Nordic, pa nakon samo 4 godine odustali od suradnje sa Flybe i osnovali Nordic Regional Airlines. Sa svim tim kompanijama su ili imali 100% vlasništva, ili različita suvlasništva (neke 20%, neke 40%, neke 60%), a kod nekih su davali samo franšizu.
Ono što mi se kod njih sviđa je logičnost flote:
Od 71 avion imaju
12 ATR 72
2 E170
12 E190
9 A319
10 A320
11 A321 (još 2 naručena)
8 A330
6 A340 (sve će ih zamijeniti sa A350, kojih imaju 18 naručenih, ostali služe za ekspanziju)
Uz to interesantno je da im A321, A330 i A340 imaju različite konfiguracije i broj sjedala, pa isto mogu efikasno kombinirati i mijenjati za različite rute
Deletenemojte mješati FlyNordic (LCC) i Flybe Nordic (regionalnu kompaniju)
Ne treba zaboraviti da su doziveli pravi boom sa E190 posto su opipavali linije.
DeleteKoliko su dobri sa svojim brendom toliko su imali cirkusa sa tim regionalnim brendovima to se slazem.
Great job!
ReplyDelete'International passengers accounted for 86.7% of all travellers passing through the airport this year.'
ReplyDeleteHow do they count passengers who are connecting in Zagreb with OU? Do they still consider them domestic or are they international?
I'm assuming they meant people entering with non-Croatian passports.
DeleteYeah but I am referring to those who flew, for example, MUC-ZAG-DBV. Do they count them as domestic because they came on a ZAG-DBV flight or are they international because they came from MUC?
DeleteI think they would be counted as international. When you consider how many domestic operations there are from Dubrovnik, 13.3% domestic passengers seems reasonable.
DeleteThanks. It would be also interesting to know what percentage of OU passengers between DBV and ZAG are p2p and what are transfer. I always had the impression that the route was mostly there for connections, though I might be wrong.
DeleteApparently Dubrovnik gets more point to point passengers than Split! Maybe Purger can confirm this but the Domestic market is quite decent between Dubrovnik and Split to Zagreb. I can only assume the extra distance, travel time required by car or bus from Dubrovnik to Zagreb makes flying more appealing compared to Split.
DeleteMaybe ZAG-DBV could be compared to BEG-TIV. Both have a considerable O&D market while the geography makes flying a far more appealing option.
DeleteZAG-SPU could be the equivalent of BEG-BNX, another market with a large O&D potential but where driving or taking a bus is more appealing.
I use ZAG-SPU and ZAG-DBV very often. It is hard to say how much of those passengers are domestic and how much foreigners. For sure you have lot of domestic and foreigners on board in each flight. Of course on „pekarski“ flights (5:45 in morning) flights you will have just domestic, but in all connecting flights you have a lot of passengers speaking different languages.
DeleteZAG-SPU had even bigger frequencies and planes than ZAG-DBV just few years ago, but today ZAG-DBV has more passengers and bigger planes. Of course it is about distance (SPU 400 km and 3 hours driving, DBV 600 km but part of it is without highway and you have to pass 2 border control what is some 6 hours driving) and fact that you have lot of bus lines to SPU from many Croatian and international destinations and train routes (6 to Zagreb per day of which some are tilting fast trans and night ones are sleeping trains; and routes to Vinkovci, Osijek, Budapest).
For sure if I would plan those routes I will put winter time table like:
06:40 07:25 A319 1234567
07:40 08:20 A319 1------
13:00 13:50 Q400 1234567 (123-56- from FCO)
15:50 16:40 Q400 1234567
19:40 20:30 Q400 12345-7
08:00 08:50 Q400 123456- (123-56- to FCO)
14:20 15:10 Q400 1234567
17:30 17:20 Q400 ----5--
17:55 18:45 Q400 1234-67
18:30 19:15 A319 ----5--
21:15 22:00 A319 1234567
06:30 07:25 A320 1234567
07:30 08:25 A319 1------
12:15 13:10 A319 123-56-
12:55 13:50 A319 ---4--7 (from FCO)
15:50 16:55 Q400 1234567
19:25 20:30 Q400 123456-
19:35 20:30 A319 ------7
08:00 08:55 A319 ---4--7 (to FCO)
08:30 09:25 A319 123-56-
14:15 15:20 Q400 1234567
17:30 18:35 Q400 ----5--
17:55 18:45 Q400 1234-6-
18:00 18:55 A319 ------7
18:30 19:25 A319 ----5—
21:10 22:05 A320 1234567
In summer I would put more flights A319/A320 instead Q400 + more flights on Saturday
Znam da bi zelo dugo naoaravit a rad bi vidil kakov radoored bi vi naoravili, barem iz Zagreba , za CTN. Koji h
DeleteBi jos gradova bi jos dodali.
Split should take note of how to run an airport from Dubrovnik's example.
ReplyDeleteBravo Dubrovnik!! Primjer za sve aerodrome u regiji. Vrlo moguće uz BEG vodeći u regiji za nekoliko godina.
ReplyDeleteApslutno, posebno zimi kada ima 13-20.000 putnika mjesečno. E stvarno se svašta pročita na ovom blogu.
DeleteBilo bi zanimljivo znati procenat svih prevezenih Turista ( udeo CTN ) posto ova analiza pokazuje celu godinu i naravno ce tu CTN da bude prva .
ReplyDeleteJel zna neko iz HR kakvo je njihovo stanje leti ?
Ne znam samo za ljeto, ali tijekom cijele godine:
Delete24,22% Croatia
10,28% Easy
7,44% Norwegian
5,87% Monarch
4,63% Vueling
4,36% Jet2
4,14% British
3,96% Austrian
3,88% Luthansa
Obzirom da je tijekom zime promet vrlo skroman (13.000-20.000 putnika ovisno o mjesecu), u to vrijeme uz CTN leti još i British, te tijekom 11. i 3. mjeseca i novogodišnjih blagdana još i Lufthansa, easy, Vueling, Norwegian, Iberia, nije pretjerano velika razlika u učešću tijekom ljeta i zime.
Hvala :)
Molim :-)
DeleteEx YU region making real progress. Very nice to see that
ReplyDeleteOT Zagreb won Best European Xmas market title ahead of Strasbourg....
I saw that and it was nice to see.
DeleteZagreb has invested a lot of money and effort promoting itself as a year long destination which included a huge focus on Christmas this year. They seem to be getting a lot of attention for there efforts.
One of biggest sponsor of Advent in Zagreb is Turkish Airlines!
DeleteDuring Advent center of city is totally blocked, so many people. There is more than 100.000 tourist during Advent. The best project of Zagreb tourist board!!!!
I just spent few days in Zagreb with a group of friends, we stayed in a very nice hostel cause staying in a hotel would be too expensive for four of us. The place is packed, our hostel had 32 rooms, all booked out till the end of December and we only managed to get a room in a larger 8 room dorm as another group cancelled, we wanted to get AiBnb but most places we looked at for 4, were booked out well in advanced till mid January. On the streets of Zagreb loads of foreigners, i spoke to Zagreb tourist bureau and they are expecting around 70 000 foreign visitors this month, not as much as spring and summer months of the year, but still good, considering November had only 40 000~ foreign visitors.
DeleteZagreb tourist figures for this year should be impressive, at least 1 million visitors and 1,7 million nights, last year Zagreb had 970 000 visitors and 1.5 million nights. Zagreb tourist numbers are expected to improve in 2016 and 2017 significantly due to ever increasing numbers of visitors to the city. In 2016 city expects to host 1.2 million visitors and 1.85 million nights and in 2017 1.5 million visitors and 2.2 million nights. By 2020, Zagreb hopes to attract 2 million visitors with 3.7 million nights spent in the city.
Zagreb is really beautiful, especially at this time of year! Hope this could bring more carriers to Zagreb airport at least during Christmas holidays or they could upgrade some existing routes! Congrats!
DeleteZagreb Tourist Board has also a very nice website. Croatia has being doing really great efforts to promote itselves. If you look how many new hotels they hve built or renovated. Big compliment to them. And their efforts are being paid off, I think this year with more than 14 mio tourists
DeleteZagreb tourist board put extra effort and money to promote Zagreb as tourist destination but also into product (there are lot of events and little touch in city like historical figures in the original clothes walking around city, street organ, themed tours of the city as a "Grič witches", "secret passages of upper town", "yards of the upper town", concerts in city squares, Fair of traditional crafts, street festivals, “Cest is the best”, folk festival, lot of events, rural estates with events and local cuisine around Zagreb...).
DeleteBecause of that lot of tourists came to city and private investors put money into opening new hostels and hotels. Today we have more than 100% extra beds than 15 years ago. We have:
20 5***** and 4**** hotels (11 of them are new)
32 3*** and 2** hotels (20 are new)
15 pensions (5 are new)
44 hostels (40 are new)
= 111 hotels and hostels
+ 621 apartments to rent (most of them have more than 1 apartment to rent)
+ 2 campings
What Zagreb is missing:
- more restaurants and bar zones without cars (Tkalčićeva and Bogovićeva streets, Trg P.Preradovića and Europski trg are too crowded and it is hard to find free table, so they should make more streets open to that porpoise like Opatovina, Radićeva, Ilica, Zrinjevac, Gradec old town)
- totally close Gradec old town for cars (Government one included), open more public garage around and public lifts to Old town and open it just for restaurants, bars, concerts, performers, events, museums, galleries, theatres…
- invest even more into Zagreb ZOO as it is one of the best attractions of the city
- open Josip Broz Tito museum, Madam Tussaud vax museum in Zagreb with historical figures of exYU (Tito, Nikola Tesla, Ruđer Bošković, Mehmed Paša Sokolović, Njegoš, Matija Gubec, Dušan Silni, Ban Jelačić, Ljudevit Gaj, Ivo Andrić, Faust Vrančić, Slavoljub Penkala, Ljubiša Samardžić, Boris Dvornik, Dražen Petrović, Zvonimir Bogan, Severina, Toše Proeski, Đorđe Balašević, Oliver Dragojević), Croatian house of flames museum, Zagreb archbishopary museum (it has a huge number of arts, they just have to open it somewhere in Kaptol), reopen Jesuit galery (during Yugoslavia it had huge exhibitions with several hundred thousand spectators per exhibition)…
- merge several small museums in few large for example one huge Mimara fine art museum (which will include Mimara galery, Croatian History museum, Naive Art Museum, Strossmayer galery, Gliptoteka HAZU, Archeological museum, Meštrović studio and some other small museum and galleries); or one Natural museum (to include Croatian Hunting museum, Croatian Natural history museum and Mushroom museum); one big museum (including Technical museum, Car museum, post museum…)
- one luxury specialized shopping center + more luxury shops in city center
- more theatres (as today you cannot buy tickets for theater at least 3 week in advance)
- specialized department for attract and helping in organizing concerts in Zagreb (when U2 had 2 concerts for 3 days you did not have not a one spare bed in hotel or chair in restaurants or place in plane/bus/train)
- huge congress center (one is planed near to Westin hotel)
- more train routes to Austria/Germany, Italy/Switzerland/France, Czech Republic/Poland, Serbia, BiH, Hungary)
- more plane routes especially LCC which is more than modest comparing to other airports in Europe
DeleteCroatian tourism numbers have been published, figure for first 11 months shows 8% yoy growth.
Zagreb numbers are also impressive, 950 000~ visitors and 1.65 million nights, December is very bust month for Zagreb and 150 000 overnights is likely, with at least 70 000 visitors, although with average growth rate of 11% number could be over 80 000 visitors and 175000~ overnight stays.
2016 numbers could be a lot better, with average of 11% yoy growth predicted for 2016 and 2017, Zagreb might reach 1.25 million in 2017 and 2.2 million nights.
Croatian tourist statistics published for period of Jan to Nov. 14 million visitors, 8%~ yoy growth,
DeleteZagreb is also doing well with 952 000 visitors and 1.65 million nights. 11% yoy growth, expected figures for the entire 2015 are 14.25 million visitors and 79 million nights for entire Croatia, and Zagreb is expected to hit 1.03 million visitors and 1.82 million nights. December being quite busy due to the advent.
January first 10 days are also quite busy cause of the world ski event being held each year on Sljeme mountain, so numbers are expected to continue to grow.
Based on current statistic, it is expected Zagreb will handle around 1.15 million visitors and 2.0 million nights in 2016 and 1.27 million visitors in 2017 and 2.2 million nights. At current rate Zagreb could hit 1.75 million foreign and 250 000 domestic visitors by 2020 and 3.7 million overnight stays. Still short of major European destinations such as Prague or Vienna.
OT - Air Serbia finally brought Beirut to a reasonable price, 250 Eur. from BEG round-trip:
Not even, 235. Here are some fares: