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Alitalia, Korean Air, Montenegro and low cost carriers sizing up Zagreb flights |
Zagreb Airport is aiming to attract new carriers and offer more destinations to travellers in 2016, with LOT Polish Airlines, Czech Airlines and Air Transat all confirmed as new arrivals for next year. However, Alitalia, Korean Air and Montenegro Airlines are eyeing potential services to the Croatian capital as well. The consortium running the airport has delivered good on its January 2014 promise to attract Air Serbia, Czech Airlines, LOT and a Canadian carrier as its new customers. Just prior to its takeover by Etihad Airways, Alitalia confirmed its plans to launch Zagreb flights by 2017. “The Balkans and Eastern Europe play an increasingly important strategic role in the Alitalia Group. Committed to meeting the demands of the ever growing business travel market between Italy and Eastern Europe and the Balkans, Alitalia intends to add new flights to Zagreb". The Italian national carrier operated up to two daily flights to the Croatian capital prior to its financial problems in late 2008. Last year, Etihad Regional cancelled plans to launch a four weekly service from Rome to Zagreb.
Korean Air is considering turning its seasonal summer charters into scheduled year-long flights. The two countries recently concluded a Bilateral Air Service Agreement, which allows for the South Korean national carrier to operate daily flights to the city and offers the potential for more codeshare agreements between airlines operating out of both countries. "By concluding this agreement, the primary assumption is that regular nonstop flights between our two countries will be established”, the Korean Ministry of Foreign Affairs said. The Croatian Minister for Tourism added, “We are seeking to establish regular flights to Korea to cater to a surging number of Korean tourists visiting Croatia. Korea is the most important market for us in Asia”. A total of 316.566 Korean tourists visited Croatia between January and October, with the figure surpassing the 300.000 mark for the first time this year. The Korean Embassy in Zagreb estimates that over 350.000 Koreans will visit Croatia this year.
Over the past two years, Zagreb Airport has attracted a handful of new carriers including KLM, Brussels Airlines, Swiss International Air Lines, Air Serbia, Flydubai and European Coastal Airlines. Despite plans to launch services to the Croatian capital this year, Montenegro Airlines' CEO, Daliborka Pejović, recently confirmed her airline is considering services to Croatia in 2016. Furthermore, Croatia Airlines itself has said it is looking to expand out of its main hub next year, citing better connectivity with Eastern Europe as it primary short-term goal. In October, Bucharest Airport expressed hope to establish links to Zagreb in the coming period. Late last year, Romania's TAROM ruled out the potential service for the time being.
The French-led consortium running Zagreb Airport has also emphasised its intent to attract more low cost carriers in the coming years. However, one of the region's busiest budget airlines, Wizz Air, says high fees are deterring it from flying to Zagreb. "Croatia is very expensive. If Zagreb Airport becomes more reasonable we will certainly consider that airport as an opportunity for expanding our network but this is not yet the case”, Wizz Air's CEO, Jozsef Varadi, told EX-YU Aviation News earlier this year. The airline suspended operations to Zagreb in 2011. “Nevertheless, we have continued discussions with a number of airports at the same time, so hopefully, at one point, we can go there [Croatia]. I think the market is good”.
Credit should be given where credit is due. The French have done a very good job at running ZAG and attracting a whole load of airlines over the past few years like it says in the article. I am certain Alitalia will be the next announcement but it might actually be from Milan rather than Rome. Korean Air is also a real possibility and from what I hear contact has been made but I think 2016 will still be charter only, while in 2017 we will see scheduled flights. A good indicator will be the amount of charters they schedule for 2016.
ReplyDelete+1 french have done a good job. A good model for other airports in the region.
DeleteGo Zagreb, new terminal looking great!
DeleteGo Zagreb?
DeleteGo, go, Power Rangers!
I've said it while back Allitalia, SAS, Czech, LOT, Brussels Air, KLM .... and so on are coming to Zagreb. Said SAS and Allitalia will most likely come in mid to late 2016, I also mentioned Finnair, AirBaltic, Agean and Korean Air, however these suppose to come in 2017, mid to late. Czech Airlines was also one of my suggestions and got some heat for saying that on this blog, yet Czech Air is coming.
DeleteWizzAir won't be coming and Zagreb Airport won't be making any deals with them, like ever! They are open to cooperation with GermanWings,EasyJet and other LCC carriers, but they're not about to make free landing rights to Wizz air, cause this is what WizzAir is demanding and no airport tax either.
Also with their demands WizzAir has very much burned what little credibility they've had in Croatia. Perhaps Zadar, Osijek, Rijeka and Pula might do a deal but of 3 major airports in Croatia they won't get a budge.
2016 will be exciting even more than 2015 was, 2017 is expected to do be really exciting and 2018 arrival of low cost carriers nanelly EasyJet, GermanWings, Vueling, Norwegian should ensure rapid expansion of Zagreb airport. Terminal 1 will be done up, and made in to low cost hub, after renovation in 2018 T1 should be able to handle 3.0 million pax per year and with terminal 1 handling up to 5.5 million there should be plenty of room for growth.
What do people think Zagreb's growth will be next year?
ReplyDeleteAround 10%
DeleteWill be interesting to see what OU's summer time will be like. A few new frequencies and services from Zagreb and 10% to 12% should be achievable. An improving Croatian and European economy as well as Zagreb becoming a destination too will help achieve this level of growth I think.
Delete"Zagreb becoming a destination"? Zagreb is already the largest tourist destination in Croatia. Do some research before you post and embarrass yourself.
DeleteNo its not its 4th.
Delete1. Dubrovnik
2. Plitvica
3. Pula (Istra)
4. Zagreb
Up until really the past 2 years not seen as a place foreigners thought of visiting in any substantial number especially compared to the coast. Zagreb has done a great recent job to put itself on the tourist map and is now getting widespread recognition for this.
So in conclusion, becoming a destination which is a good thing for Zagreb because it mean there is a lot more growth to come.
these are the facts:
Deletenumber of arrivals: Zagreb #1 in Croatia and Ex Yu (1.1 million)
number of overnights: zagreb #7 or 8 in Croatia, (1.8 mil), this is due relatively short average stay (1,7 nights/per visitor)
Thanks Petar.
Deleteyou are welcome :)
DeleteZagreb is becoming a city brake destination, I spend nice weekend in Zagreb and must admit Advent was rather good pr. However, there's loads of things that need to improve, Façades on older buildings need urgent repair, almost 50% of all buildings in central Zagreb need urgent repair, Zagreb needs tourist, but with buildings that look like time forgot, sorry this might be quaint to few tourist, but most will find it rather boring.
DeleteThis year Zagreb expects around 1.04 million visitors, and 1,85 million nights, I've posted information on previous blog posts, this number should double by 2020. however falls short of what some major regional cities already have, Vienna, Budapest, Munich, Milano.
Cekaj, jesam li ja to dobro skuzio da bi i Etihad Airways mogao uvesti liniju za Zagreb?
ReplyDeleteLose si skuzio. To nigde ne pise.
DeleteThe new terminal sure does look impressive
ReplyDeleteThere must be some markets Wizz Air would be very keen on being a part of but can't now because they cannot get the price to fit their business model. The day Wizz Air cracks (if that day comes and it could come when they need to find work for the 50 plus A321s that are coming) and they start flying to more airports which they may consider expensive could be the first day Wizz starts to find itself in trouble.
ReplyDeleteJust an opinion.
It worked just fine for Eazyjet and then for Ryanair to start flying from more expensive and big airports.
DeleteThey can charge higher prices as the market showed.
So Wizz Air will be fine as well.
EaZyjet, really?
DeleteYou mad bro?
DeleteTo be honest I'm surprised that a low cost airline hasn't opened a base in Zagreb. At least Eurowings. It probably means that fees are too high.
ReplyDeleteJust saw in GDS that QR upgraded ZAG to 10 weekly non stop services year round, effective April.
ReplyDeleteCrazy! Great news.
DeleteThis will start one month after they start direct Sydney so I guess they hope the Sydney service will be a winner for the Croatian community there.
Extra flights on Monday's Wednesday's and Saturday's.
DeleteNo, on Tuesday, Thursday, Sunday as per GDS.
DeleteYeah you are correct Anonymous. I had a look at Qatar's website and had the departure as Sydney so I got Mon, Wed and Sat...., my bad.
DeleteYes, new flights do not connect to SYD as theyy arrive in DOH soemtima at 1AM. Seems more to China, Japan etc...
DeleteSo what are the times now? Can someone post them?
DeleteSummer ZAG DOH: daily 13:05/1930, days 2,4,7 additional service 1845/0110
DeleteWinter ZAG DOH: daily 1210/1930, days 2,4,7 additional service 1740/0105
I belive that this is a direct attack to TK and ASL (Etihad)
DeleteASL has no real relevance for ZAG in terms of QR. They sell, but far from having some high share. More TK, LH and only partly FZ. I would say this has to do with significant expansion in AU (SYD, ADL) and retiming of MEL. They need more seats for non AU destinations.
DeleteShould be so. As Etihad has a partner in BEG so Qatar is seems to get one in ZAG who is becomming less and less *A hub
Delete"I belive that this is a direct attack to TK and ASL (Etihad)"
DeleteWhy would this be an attack on ASL? It's not like QR mostly flies O&D pax between ZAG and DOH. In fact, most of them are pax transferring to Australia and the far east who would need to have 2 stops if using ASL from ZAG. Therefore, ASL does not even compete for those passengers, it is Lufthansa, Turkish and others who are being "attacked".
EY bi jednino mogao da uzvrati udarac na ovom trzistu jedino da uspostavi letove sa 333 ili 77W i tako bi osvojio EX YU trziste.
Naravno da ne bi osvojio trziste jer ne bi mogao da konkurise Kataru i Flydubaiu koji imaju direktne letove za gradove kao sto su SKP, SJJ, ZAG i izgleda uskoro TGD.
Delete2 stop je nekonkurentniji od 1 stop-a. Svako ko se razume u avijaciju to zna, no dobro, navikli smo na tvoje lupanje.
INN-NS, niko normalan ne bi leteo npr. do Australije ZAG-BEG-AUH-SYD, ako moze da leti ZAG-DOH-SYD, ZAG-DXB-SYD
DeleteMislim da sa svojim produktom i pricingom QR uzima ogromnu većinu putnika između Zagreba i Australije. FZ/EK će ovo ljeto imati dodatni pritisak jer će QR početi uzimati veći dio SYD i ADL koje do sada nije letio. K tome, QR ima daily tj uskoro 10 tjedno a FZ samo 3 leta. Sa nova 3 leta dodato poboljšava svoju povezanost sa ostalim QR destinacijama. U svakom slučaju, veliki izazov za konkurenciju, najviše TK, LH i dijelom FZ sa EK - što je naravno odmah dobitak za putnike.
DeleteOtkako je otvorio prodaju SYD, QR svakodnevno prodaje po cca 50 povratnih karata ZAG-SYD-ZYG ili SYD-ZAG-SYD. Zato i ova 3 nova dodatna leta. A postoji i realna mogucnost da od 2017, sa novim terminalom, QR krene za ZAG sa Dreamlinerom. Informacija je od coveka iz QR ZAG.
DeletePrije će, ako 10 tjedno bude uspješno, ići na double daily. Mislim da je wide body više moguća kao ad hoc zamjena u vrhu sezone ponekada nego kao stalni avion. Više koristi frekvencija na manjem avionu (let je ipak do 6 sati) nego wide body na jednom dnevno. A 2017 je ionako predaleko da se planira. Nije ni ovo još počelo.
Delete2017 je predaleko za planiranje konkretnog reda letenja, ali ne i za okvirni plan kroz strategiju sirenja. Sto se tice duzine leta zbog koje bi kao avion morao biti uskotrupac, da Vas samo podsetim da QR leti VIE sa istim vremenom leta sa 787.
DeleteNaravno da EY moze uzeti velik broj putnika ako leti sa 77W zato sto ce karta onda biti mnogo jeftinija nego sa QR A320.
Ne definira wide body samo broj putnika, nego i cargo a prije svega business class demand. Naravno da se može sa wide body letjeti i sat vremena leta, promašio si poantu; poanta je da je let ZAG DOH više nego dovoljno preživjeti sa 320. A konkurenciju u VIE je sa OS direktnim letovima za Aziju i Indiju te EK - sve wide body, čega nema u našim krajevima, dakle nije imperativ. A o potencijalu tržišta, pogotovo dubljeg džepa u Austriji i u Hrvatskoj ili bilo gdje u ex YU mislim da ne treba previše raspravljati.
DeleteStrategije, tj više teoretske ideje se rade ranije naravno, a i ja iznosim svoju teoriju razvoja za koji mislim da je vjerojatniji.
INN-NS, misliš u smislu da EY otvori ZAG sa 77W? Mislim da nema osnove za to. A da stavi 77W na BEG je opet 2 stop produkt itd...ne može to odvući previše prometa, tim više što ima jako puno sjedala sa 1 stop opcijom. Nije ZAG London, kao ni BEG pa da mu treba takva masa sjedala kakvu nudi 77W. O cargu i business class da ne govorimo.
Delete@ 4:14
Deletea ja samo kazem sta mi je rekao covek koji radi u QR u ZAG. Da nije nemoguce da u 2017 QR redovno leti za ZAG sa 787. Niti je to moje misljenje, niti ga imam potrebe braniti. A ko je od vas dvojice bio u pravu, videcemo za godinu, godinu i po dana
Ma nisam te ni napao da ga braniš (ispričavam se ako si tako doživio), diskutiramo, sve 5. Hvala ti na informaciji. Možda bude, možda ne, nema druge nego pričekati i vidjeti :)
DeleteNaravno da nisam mislio da EY leti sa 77W za ZAG nego BEG.
DeleteJeste vi svesni koliko je Kargo narastao u BEG ?
Ocigledno se vi ne razumete pa nemam nameru da pisem Knjigu o ovome kako je to profitabilno.
Točan red letenja Qatara od travnja je:
DOH 06:50 - 12:05 ZAG 13:05 - 19:30 DOH
DOH 12:30 - 174:5 ZAG 18:45 - 01:10 DOH
Oba leta sa A320
Taj robni rast je primarno zbog tk karga, solinair i ostalih. Ne toliko zbog ju, barem ne primarno.
DeleteINN-NS, ne bih očekivao da EY stavi 77W na BEG zbog QR u ZAG....mislim, da ga uopće stavi u BEG. Ima mjesta gdje se to isplati stavljati, ali to nisu mala ex YU tržišta.
DeleteTakođer, trebao bi raditi takav divljački dumping cijene da sa svojim 2 stop konkurira 1 stop opciji i pritom počast putnika besplatnim ZAG BEG ZAG dijelom leta. Nema smisla dizati veći avio u BEG zbog potpuno drugog tržišta u ZAG. JU uzme tih par putnika iz ZAG jer radi totalni dumping cijene, ali s obzirom da su cijene iz ZAG odlične kao i produkt, doista nema nikakvog rezona to uopće pokušati dići na viši nivo da se direktno bori za prevlast na tržištu Hrvatske. Osim nekog ego tripa, ali taj film mislim da nećemo gledati.
Rast carga? Da je cargo toliko moćan kao i tržišni potencijal, već bi imao wide body u BEG (redovan putnički). Nemaš ga. Zašto? Jer je isplativije dati wide body drugdjem isto je i sa ZAG do daljnjega. Plus što je outgoing/incoming tržište skromno u pogledu business class, što zbog lokalnog siromaštva, nedostatka corporate, a što zbog inncoming etnike i leisure baze.
Purgeru, kako vi vidite budući razvoj QR u ZAG i kako doživljavate ovo povećanje operacija?
DeleteSolinair ne leti za BEG več od 7. mjeseca.
DeletePardon, to je onaj Swift Air ili kako se god vec zvao sto leti iz CGN za SOF preko BEGa.
DeleteDa će biti 7 tjednih frekvencija bez 1stop je bilo za očekivati, ali ovo dodatno povečanje kapaciteta je ipak iznenađenje. Prije bi očekivao da će ubaciti A321 ili čak A330-200 nego da će povečati broj frekvencija. No, u svakom slučaju izvrsno za Zagreb.
DeleteSamo mi nije jasno zašto CTN više ne surađuje sa Qatarom. A imaju što ponuditi. Konekcije na SPU, DBV, ZAD, PUY, SJJ, PRN, SKP, te istovremeno imati code-share na letove za Australiju, Peking, Shanghay, Tokyo i Johannesburg iz Dohe.
Očito su očekivanja prometa iz Australije visoka, tj očekuju jak porast putnika. Novi letovi se bolje konektiraju na Koreju, Kinu i Japan pa vjerojatno na taj način polako rješavaju nadolazeći 'problem' punih letova a i pojačavaju konkurentnost ponude.
DeleteOT Regarding Sea Air, is the airline flying at all ? Air-tickets cannot be booked through airlines' web-site. Dear bloggers, admin, any available information ?
ReplyDeleteBravo Zagreb!
ReplyDeleteBravo Hrvatska!
Where have you been? Was starting to worry!
DeleteThe new terminal look so massive and impressive, just WOW
ReplyDeleteWell, they're making it look on photos. Let me remind you that it only has 8 jet-bridges.
Deletethat good and that big, sorry
DeleteOT: Air Serbia BEG JFK could look something like this:
ReplyDeleteJU020 BEG 0730-1155 JFK 332 14
JU021 BEG 1330-1755 JFK 332 256
JU022 JFK 1430-0515+1 BEG 332 14
JU023 JFK 2030-1115+1 BEG 332 256
Plenty of padded time except on Sat around noon at BEG, several connection options on both JFK and BEG side. You like?
Lupanje i nagadjanja!
Delete+1 anon 3:52. This has been going on for days, plenty times OT which I dont mind, but then again lets change the topic for a bit. When ASL does post the actual schedule then we can talk about how good/bad it is and so on.
DeleteSto ste frustrirani kad neko nagadja plan leta nije mi jasno .
Ma nije frustracija INN-NS nego je malo prečesto i postalo je dosadno. Malo odmora pa neka počne opet.
DeleteDo tada hajdemo nagađati što će biti za jesti na letu! Janjetina s ražnja, možda se može peći u cargo sekciji? Me like!
You're right. It COULD look. But it WON'T.
DeleteBecause all this NYC and long-haul stuff is just part of pre-election campaign. FAA is coming in February to check BEG. After that, it may take them weeks, or months to give permits, and that IF they find conditions that meet criteria for permit, which means that highly likely until April or May, there would be no information weather flights in question can start in June. So my questions are : When will this COULD timetable become IS timetable, and according to that, when will the ticket sale start : tomorrow, in February, April, May, and if it start, let's say in January, and permits are not given by June, what then? Those are questions that I'm much more interested to hear answer to than how NYC timetable COULD look, because thare are so many things in our lives that COULD or COULD NOT BE.
Decko, mnogo, ali mnogo smaras vise. Stvarno ne shvatam poentu da se svaki dan tupi o tim letovima za SAD... posebno ne kada je neka spekulacija u pitanju kao sto je slucaj sa tim redom letenja.
DeleteGuesses, rumors and comments both on- and off-topic are essential part of this site. There was no claim this will be the actual schedule. I used someone else’s times:
as a starting point and filled in the blanks for flight duration and turnaround times by ‘back of the napkin’ estimates.
Ali nisu ako se ponavljaju iz dana u dan. Postoji vreme za sve a ta prica sa redom letenja je postala vise dosadna jer se sve svede na rasprau o necemu sto je cista spekulacija. Sacekajmo da JU objavi red letenja pa onda diskutujmo, ovako samo smarate narod.
DeleteKomentar je potpuno promasen sto broj komentara i pokazuje.
Anonymous December 23, 2015 at 4:21 PM
Cene ce biti objavljene 28 Januara a promotivna akcija u New York-u krece od 02 Februara. Bice dosta velika kampanja u New York gradu I stvarno je sve super osmisljeno. Mnogo lepih iznenadjenja u koje nije trebalo uloziti ogromne pare a bice veoma efikasno. Za one koji nagadjaju kada ce se dobiti dozvola, evo ovako- predstavnici americkog biroa za saobracaj dolaze 04-06 Februara i dozvola se dobija 5-10 radnih dana (uglavom se dobije u prvoj nedelji) posto je procedura vrlo jednostavna gde ce komisia odmah na tereni ustanoviti da li je sve spremno ili nije i koju reviziju je potrebno napraviti. U svakom slucaju sve tece po planu tako da nema nikakve bojaznosti da nece biti spremno na vreme. Nema ti nikakve politicke kampanje kako neki izmisljaju nego se sve radi radi sirenja mreze letova sa BEG aerodrome gde je trenutno Severna Amerika prioritet. Jes jedna informacija, drugi sirokutrupni avion bi trebao da dodje u BEG u Julu ako se zavrese pregovori sa nabavlajacem do kraja Februara.
Delete“Malo odmora pa neka počne opet.”
DeleteDobra ideja za odmor! Završavam sa forumom za ovu godinu i idem da letim. Želim vam srećne praznike i novu godinu, da u 2016 Air Serbia poleti za Ameriku i Kanadu a aerodrom Beograd dobije novi terminal, pa se vraćam komentarima kad se vratim sa odmora iza Божића.
The only European capitol city not to get low cost flights from UK? Come on ZAG let those UK city tourists in!
ReplyDeleteRyanair : London-Zadar
or Ryanair's way :
London-Zagreb South (Zadar)
London-Zagreb West (Rijeka/Pula)
London-Zagreb East (Osijek),
so who says there are no LCC's from the UK to ZAG?
:) point taken - but Zagreb need to embrace more lcc like every other major city. Lcc good enough for Paris/Prague/Madrid/Rome/Berlin/Amsterdam/Warsaw/Brussels etc etc etc as well as most of USA and middle eastern & Asian capitals
DeleteI think they don't have space for LCC. In CTN waves there is no free space, especially not for airplane based in Zagreb or several more flights per day. I presume that is why they try o bring legacy carriers in those few free slots, but I am sure that with opening of new terminal there will huge coming of LCC in ZAG. At least 2 planes based in ZAG + 3-4 LCC to come with few routes.
DeleteOT: Etihad Airways buying hefty stake in Air Malta
ReplyDeleteFormal announcement could be imminent, sources say
Etihad Airways is expected to have a significant stake in Air Malta, the Times of Malta is informed.
Negotiations, being conducted on the Maltese side by airline chairman Maria Micallef and senior officials from the Office of the Prime Minister, are known to almost have been wrapped up and a formal announcement could be made in the coming days, according to civil aviation industry sources.
“The deal is almost done, and only minor details have to be ironed out before the government makes a public statement,” the sources said.
“Although Etihad Airways will be a minor shareholder, it will be investing substantial amounts in equity, which will require a complete change in the way Air Malta operates,” the sources noted.
The government has declared on various occasions that it will retain the majority shareholding in Air Malta. However, the deal is expected to be such that the national airline of the United Arab Emirates will have a significant say in the management of the carrier and its day-to-day operations.
Under EU rules, Etihad can only acquire up to 49.9 per cent of Air Malta’s shareholding if the Maltese airline is to continue operating under a European licence.
Source: http://www.timesofmalta.com/articles/view/20151223/local/etihad-airways-buying-hefty-stake-in-air-malta.596606
What these guys are doing? Will they stop buying airlines like we buy bread? In the end all the companies will be Etihad "Partners"...
DeleteThis will most likely be absorbed by AZ. The market is tiny in Malta and the airport is nearly at capacity.
DeleteSo tell me why should Alitalia absorbed Air Malta, but not Air Serbia?