Serbian airport operator established

Serbia sets up single airport operator in a bid to attract investors

The Serbian government has established the state-run "Airports of Serbia" company which will manage up to 25 of the country’s airports. It comes over a year after the operator was initially planned to commence work. The move is believed to be in relation to the upcoming concession of Serbia’s busiest airport, through which the future operator could also gain control to the rest of the country’s airport infrastructure. The head of Belgrade Airport's Development Department, Predrag Babić, has been named as the acting CEO of Airports of Serbia. The company will officially start operations during the first half of February and will initially have two employees.

Airports that will be operated by the new state-run enterprise include Niš, Kraljevo and Užice. In a statement, the Ministry for Construction, Transport and Infrastructure, said, “The operator will utilise existing infrastructure at larger military and joint-use airports in Serbia, which could be used for the transport of passengers and cargo. Furthermore, the operator will look into developing new airports and improving security at smaller ones. By developing smaller airports, as well as our busiest, we will improve passenger numbers and boost tourism and traffic”. The Ministry states the company's first objective will be the opening of Kraljevo's Morava Airport. The government plans for it to open for commercial use by mid-2016. Located in central Serbia, the airport’s terminal building was completed in 2012 but has been closed ever since.

The creation of a state-run operator for Serbia’s airports could increase Belgrade Airport’s concession price. Earlier this month, the Serbian Prime Minister, Aleksandar Vučić, said the airport will either be privatised or put up for concession by the end of this year. He noted that procedures to select a privatisation advisor have been scrapped and the government will now enter direct negotiations with a potential advisor. The move comes after six interested parties were unhappy with the offered reimbursement fees. According to Mr Vučić, the airport's concession fee could fetch up to 500 million euros. Recently, sources close to the Turkish-based TAV Airports Holding said it was in talks to purchase rights to operate the airport, with further details to be revealed next month. Meanwhile, Serbian press say that while TAV is in the race, France's Vinci Airports remains the front-runner for the concession rights.


  1. In my opinion, a foreign company should not be allowed too much control over Serbia's airports.

    1. Up to 49% is usual investment. Serbia must developing aviation infrastructure to be equal to western European standard, and twenty first centaury level. Serbia's airports is far away yet. Naturaly, Nikola Tesla closing gap. Uvek uvazavajuci vase misljenje postovani Aleksandre, za ozbiljan razvoj cetiri aerodroma Srbije potrebni su nekoliko stotina miliona dolara. Ne za vreme od sto godina, vec za period izmedju deset i petnaest godina. Investitori su ipak realnost.
      Da ne zaboravim da uz novu kompaniju ''Airports of Serbia'' sjajna je i vest za otvaranje Kraljevacke Morave za letove. ✈. To je pocetak ove 2016 godine na zelji i pod nebom Srbije.
      Spostovanjem Rodney & ✈MORAVA✈.

  2. Anonymous09:41

    Not surprised this project was delayed. They were obviously waiting to find suitable buyers for BEG.

  3. Anonymous10:11

    Somebody is completely insane. Please read the tender at BEG published 28th January.

    1. Anonymous10:26

      where is problem with this?

  4. Anonymous10:14

    While other countries are breaking up airport monopolies to create competition and encourage investment...


    1. Anonymous16:16


    2. Anonymous19:11

      Oh, so you are saying Germany is breaking up Fraport to create competition? LH group has near-monopoly at FRA, so perhaps to allow Ryanair and Wizz to fly from there? Or that Delta 80% marketshare at Atlanta will be broken up by the US government? U funny, real funny.

    3. Anonymous22:17

      Does LH or Fraport have a monopoly in Germany?
      Does DL in the USA?
      You are comparing apples with oranges.
      You want one company to control 100% of our market?
      A foreign company?

  5. Anonymous10:50

    Nidje veze!

  6. Anonymous10:54

    Ministarka se razume u aviosaobracaj kao Marica u .... Tako i Radovan u srpsku politiku i Ladjevce. Tamo nece biti saobracaja dok se pista ne sredi za A320 i B373 familije za chartere.

    1. Anonymous15:06

      373? je l' im to neka nova serija?

  7. Anonymous11:24

    Ja ne znam ko ce da kupi svih 25 Aerodroma od kojih su 6 mozda u normalnom stanju a ostalu su livade .
    Ali se nadam da ce kupac naci brzo resenje za dalju ekspanziju Aerodroma posto je vreme posto dolazi A330 i zato trebaju da se srede neke stvari na Aerodromu.

  8. Purger11:25

    Ne razumijem svrhu ove kompanije?!?!?!?!

    1. Preglupo je BEG stavljati u isti koš sa minijaturnim aerodromima jer će se na ovaj način samo susprezati razvoj BEG i smanjivati njegovi resursi i potencijali. Time će se novac Beograda odljevati na fantomske investicije aerodroma koji nemaju perspektive i koji su rupa bez dna.

    2. Povezati Niš, Užice, Vršac i Kraljevo čak i ima smisla. Ovi aerodromi su minijaturni i imaju komparativne odlike, za razliku od Beograda koji nema nikakvih poveznica sa njima jer mu je razvoj kao velikoj zračnoj luci potpuno drugačiji. Povezivanje ova četiri aerodroma moglo bi:

    - pokrenuti letove u Kraljevu i Užicama

    - ujediniti razvoje (pregovore sa raznim kompanijama)

    - smanjiti troškove poslovanja (jedna administracija, nabava, logistika, smanjenje potrebne opreme...)

    - ujedinjeni bi mogli napraviti neke projekte koje sami ne bi mogli (jedinstvena usluga poslovnim zrakoplovima, školovanje, treninzi, air-show, proizvođači aviona, trenažni letovi, nestrukovne usluge poput auto-utrka...)

    - konačno isti bi u nekim uslugama mogli biti i alternativa Beogradu (poglavito za poslovno i sportsko zrakoplovstvo, školovanje, pa i LCC)

    - uz pametno posloženo poslovanje mogli bi biti alternativni aerodromi u slučaju zatvorenosti Beograda (naravno svi zajedno), t.j. da alternativa ne bude Podgorica kao što je danas

    - ne bi bilo ni tako blesavo investirati (ili pomoći osnivanje) minijaturne kompanije sa dva-tri turbopropa koja bi mogla letjeti iz ovih aerodroma za VIE, ZRH, MUC, IST, TIV, grečke chartere, direktno, u kombinaciji (Niš-Beč-Kraljevo-Beč-Niš) ili uz povezivanje ovih aerodroma (npr. Niš-Vršac-Beč)

    3. Ali uz Niš, Užice, Vršac i Kraljevo nakalemiti još i minijaturna uzletišta (airstrips) poput Bele Crkve, Lisičjeg Jarka, Bora, Čačak-Preljine, Jagodine, Kikinde, Knjaževaca, Kostolca, Kraljeva, Kruševca, Leskovca, Novog Sada, Pančeva, Paraćina, Smedereva,Smederevske Palanke, Sremske Mitrovice, Stare Pazove, Subotice, Trstenika, Valjeva, Zrenjanina... i još tome dodati vojne aerodrome koje bi trebalo pretvoriti u civilno-vojne je stvarno glupost na 1.000 potenciju. Ta miniaturna uzletišta vode sportski letači koji to rade uz entuzijazam i volontiranje. Oni su nisko profilni, niskih troškova, nemaju ambicija ni realnosti da postanu putnički aerodromi... Oni pokrivaju svoju minijaturnu nišu, imaju lokalne specifičnosti, lokalne zajednice ih eventulano podržavaju radi razvoja zračne djelatnosti svog mikrokozmosa, oni razvoj isključivo usmjeravaju ka svojim lokalnim potrebama (hangari, stajanke, eventualno betoniranje piste, prateći restorani, kafići, pecifične usluge, prilagođeno školovanje potenicijalnih pilota amatera, možda jedan-dva poslovna aviona...). Tu jedinstvena uprava i tamo neko rukovodstvo u Beogradu može donijeti smao štete, a ne i koristi. Ono neće pratiti lokalne specifičnosti, pokrivati lokalne potrebe, niti biti senzibilno za lokalni razvoj. A zapravo će centralistički preusmjeravati i ona minijaturna sredstva koja ti aerodromčići imaju. Ta sredstva se neće namjenski koristiti po načelu "okretanja svakog dinara" već će pokrivati mastodonsku administraciju, nerealne magalomanske ambicije i nikako neće donijeti nikakvu uštedu. Jer, takvi minijaturni aerodromčići ni nemaju administraciju, računovodstva, nabavu... nego par entuzijasta to obavlja volonterski.

    4. Ne vidim baš nikakve logike spojiti ova tri modela koja sam gore napisao, nikakve ekonomske isplativnosti i baš nikakvog benefita od toga. Ovo može biti samo još jedan slučaj:

    - pranja novaca i punjenja džepova

    - biti razlog da potencijalni investitor u BEG ne investira, jer zašto bi tako nešto glupo i megalomanski kupio, kupio rupu bez dna umjesto profitabilnog Beograda, te se time stvara vizija da se Beograd želi prodati, ali se u stvari ne može

    - nepotrebno i još više centralizirati Srbiju, te time sputati razvoj drugih zračnih luka u Srbiji

    1. @Purger
      This, I believe, is done to assure any potential investor in BEG that they will have control over all other airports in the country and that no other operator will enter the country and undercut them. It is indicative of just how bad the T&Cs are between JU and BEG, otherwise operators would bit your hand off to get hold of BEG. LJU, ZAG, PRN, SKP had no difficulty finding a PPP partner.
      Good for business, bad for the people.

    2. Anonymous12:17

      Lepo si sve rekao.

      Nisam siguran da je moguce 25 aerodroma ubaciti u ovo preduzece, kao ni da je to ideja.

      Kao sto ni BEG nije u toj prici.

      Verovatno se vode idejom da je zvanicno preduzece nezavisno ali ce beg davati svu logistiku i finansije. STa bi drugo mogla da bude zamisao preduzeca od 2 coveka, ukoliko on nema sve sto mu je neophodno iz postojecih izvora aerodroma.

      Dakle mislim da je ovo samo tacka br 2 iz tvog komentara.

    3. Purger13:22

      Ma koja konkurencija može Beogradu biti Vršac, Niš, Užice ili neki drugi aerodrom, ili još gore poljana sa pošišanom travom koji zovu pistom. Niš je predaleko da bude LCC aternativa, svi ostali trebaju ogromne investicije u proširenje i produženje piste, stajanke, rulnica, terminala, logistike... Konačno, zar onda nema logike napraviti dva poduzeća. Jedno BEG i prodati ga, a drugi Niš, Vršac, Kraljevo i Užice te ga ponuditi u prodaju neovisno ili u paketu sa BEG, ako netko to baš želi (naravno za većni novac). Ali čemu u to sve ubacivati ova uzletišta? Niti su prijetnja, niti korist. Samo gubitak i breme.

      Anonymous 12:17
      Pa od početka je tih 25 aerodroma u igri (bilo ih je čak i više), a i sada se naglašava da je tako. Ako to nije ideja, zašto onda to istiću kao projekt????

    4. Anonymous14:32

      good comments and it all makes sense.
      However, this is Serbia. Another state company can hire around 200 party member at least. Very short sighted strategy by politicians, as usual, irrespective of the party. Get the best price for BEG by bundling all airports, limiting competition and preventing development outside Belgrade. In the end, people will pay for it one way or the other, as usual, sadly...


    5. Anonymous15:04

      Anonymous 2:32 PM
      They are all put together so that the airports outside Belgrade will not develop or even operate commercial flights at all, BEG won't have any competition within Serbia and the operator would be able to charge monopoly prices on 7 million people and foreign visitors.

    6. Anonymous08:34

      Odlicna analiza purgeru. Hvala!

  9. Anonymous14:07

    Vlast diletanata.

  10. Anonymous14:53

    500 million dinars is far more probable than 500 million euros!

  11. Anonymous14:57

    pitam se ima li kraja glupostima ?

  12. Дечко Тзар17:45

    Miško’s daily published what appears to be native advertisement article pointing out how battle for BEG is down to two: Fraport and UAE investor. Expectedly, it failed to mention how EU blocked UAE to invest in BEG and how Fraport goals are to turn BEG into LH-controlled third rate colony with some LCC peppered in. That scenario would push Air Serbia to the brink of bankruptcy, destroying massive GoS and EY investment in JU and wiping out hundreds of jobs and value being created by the new management. With EBRD and IMF now joining the fray, it is imperative for new BEG owner to have interests fully aligned with anchor tenant Air Serbia. It is better to hand over BEG to Air Serbia-friendly owner for discounted price than to Fraport for 500 mil. Battle for future of Air Serbia is battle for BEG airport.

    1. Anonymous18:20

      Samo ti citaj propagandne gluposti, niko ih ne tera da prodaju aerodrom, oni hoce da se ovajde od njega.

    2. Anonymous18:55

      Neće se ovajditi ako ga prodaju u pogrešne ruke i ako taj zapadnonemački kapital uništi aerodrom onako kako je uništio BER, i usput im uništi aviokompaniju onako kako je na putu da uništi većinu avio kompanija na prostoru Balkana.

    3. Anonymous19:03


  13. Purger18:43

    Sutra hrvatski bronačni rukometaši dolaze u 12:35 sati na Pleso. Priprema se doček...

  14. Anonymous18:50

    OT - Purger, what is your prediction on what will become of current OU CEO and mgt team with new Croatian govt now in power ? And, how soon do you expect these changes to happen ?

    1. Purger22:23

      He is history. In April, latest in May he is out!

    2. Imagine the trajectory that OU could take if a qualified and experienced management team is brought in.

      But I fear that another political appointee will become the head of OU.

    3. Purger00:04

      I am also afraid. Nothing shows that it would not be like this again.

    4. What ever you might think of Oreskovic, he is a former board member of a large international company so if anyone in the Croatian government understands the importance of sound management than it should be him.


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