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Air Serbia looking into new routes and second wide-body jet |
The Chairman of the Air Serbia Supervisory Board, Siniša Mali, has said the Serbian carrier is considering launching new services, among which are Kiev and St. Petersburg. According to Mr Mali, the airline is also eyeing a second wide-body Airbus A330 aircraft and hopes to conclude a deal on the lease of the jet as early as this month. "With it [A330] we will be able to fly to other cities in the United States and Canada", Mr Mali said yesterday. Recently, Jet Airways' Chief Financial Officer, Amit Agarwal, told analysts in a post-earnings conference call that the Indian carrier is likely to lease A330 jets to its Serbian counterpart.
In contrast to Mr Mali's statement, the Vice Chairman of Air Serbia and President and CEO of Etihad Airways, James Hogan, recently said that Air Serbia could offer flights to Chicago and Toronto in two to three years after it establishes itself on the market with its five weekly service to New York, scheduled to commence on June 23. "We have already considered flights to Chicago and Toronto and these services could be introduced in two to three years. First off, the New York route must become functional. We don't want to make a decision that would set Air Serbia back", Mr Hogan said.
Meanwhile, earlier this year, the Ambassador of Ukraine to Serbia, Oleksandr Aleksandrovych, noted that flights between Kiev and Belgrade were likely to begin this summer season. The Ambassador added that services from Lviv are also possible sometime in the future. Ukraine's Aerosvit Airlines suspended flights from Kiev to the Serbian capital in June 2011 citing "technical reasons". The carrier has since filed for bankruptcy. On the other hand, Air Serbia cancelled plans to launch daily flights to the Ukrainian capital last year due to security reasons. Russia and Ukraine closed their airspace to each other's airlines last October, ending direct flights between the two countries. Foreign carriers are now benefiting, with some 680.000 passengers travelling between the two countries by plane each year.
Interesting that they are speeding up acquisition of second A330 if we trust Mali. I guess they realized that 1 aircraft for transatlantic operation probably isn't the best idea.
ReplyDelete...jedan nikada ni nije bila opcija.
DeleteWouldn't it be so much smarter to have UIA operate KBP-BEG flights? Their E90 would be perfect for this route, it's not only lighter than the A319 but it also has less seats, 104.
ReplyDeleteThat said, UIA seems to be doing well. They are increasing IKA to daily flights and upgauging it to a B737. On top of that they are adding another B767-300 to the fleet.
For those interested, Athens-Belgrade on Aegean's A320 yesterday was about 90% full.
If they start intercontinental routes (what was a huge risk) they should as soon as possible introduce 2nd and 3rd A330 with flights to New York (7pw) Toronto (4pw), Chicago (3pw) and Peking (4pw).
ReplyDeleteLED is the 100% good idea. Especially that Croatia have plans to introduce that route (that is one to northeast). I am no sure Croatia could make this route work but Air Serbia will have 100% success on that route. There is huge demand for that route and it would be perfect addition to SVO route. Kiev would also work, not as good as LED, but for sure there could be 4 flights per week in beginning.
I thing Air Serbia should start immediately flights to:
- St.Petersburg
- Kiev
- Madrid
- Barcelona
- Ohrid
- Mostar
- Niš
- Rijeka
- Priština (double daily)
- doulbe daily to Skopje and Sarajevo
On the other hand Croatia should fly to:
- Dublin (lot of Croat move to Ireland last two years)
- Lisbon
- Dusseldorf
- Helsinki
- Stockholm
- Oslo
- Milan
- Bucharest
- Sofija
- Athens
- Mostar
- Podgorica
- Tuzla
- Priština (to 7pw)
- Tirana
DeleteLogičan odabir, trebalo je Kiev i St.Petersburg krenuti i ranije. St. Petersburg zasigurno neće omanut, ne vidim načina da ova linija ne uspije. Uz toliko letova Air Serbije i Aeroflota prema Moskvi sigurno ima putnika za St.Petersburg + transferni putnici preko Beograda za exYU. Ovo će biti pun pogodak i vjerovatno najbolja linija Air Serbije općenito. Kako Croatia planira uvesti St.Petersburg bio sam podvojenog stava može li ova linija uspjeti ili ne. Da Croatia jedina iz regije leti tamo linija bi možda mogla imati uspjeh, no ulaskom Air Serbije na liniju ista nema nikakve šanse. Smatram da bi Croatia u slučaju da Air Serbija krene sa St.Petersburgom odmah trebala prekinuti sa planovima za ovu liniju i krenuti letjeti prema Dublinu (u posljendjih 2-3 godine jako puno Hrvata je iselilo u Irsku + turizam + konekcije prema Sjevernoj Americi).
Kiev sigurno neće biti toliko uspješan no i to je logičan odabir. Ova linija će sigurno biti dobra linija Air Serbije.
Air Serbija planira u roku od 3 godine uvesti i 2 A330 sa letovima prema Chicagu i Torontu, što je logično. I dalje mislim da je puno prevelik rizik bilo porketanje letova prema JFK, rizik koji bi mogao potpuno uništiti cjelokupan sustav Air Serbije, no ako su se već odlučili upustiti u ove letove drugi A330 je "must" i pokretanje letova prema Torontu i Chicagu su svakako obvezni. Uz to Air Serbija bi trebala razmisliti o bar jednoj liniji prema istoku, pri čemu je Peking najbolji odabir. JFK bi dolaskom drugog aviona svakako trebalo povečati na bar 6 tjednih letova, sa intencijom da linija postane svakodnevna. Za opstanak long-haul linija optimalna bi bila tri aviona sa 7pw do New Yorka, 4pw do Toronta, 3pw do Chicaga i 4pw do Pekinga.
Sto se tice JFK-a, treba videti sta je plan za ovu zimu. Po meni, zbog split schedule-a, linije mora ostati na istom broj ucestalosti kao i leti, to jest 5x.
DeleteOno sto malo ljudi shvata na ovom blogu je da postoji jedan odredjeni broj nedeljnih frekvencije ispod kojeg nijedna kompanija ne bi trebala da se spusti. Jedna linija koja se retko spominje a koja bi dobro punila JFK je Ankara. Potraznja postoji a Beograd bi mogao da bude pristojna alternativa dzungli zvanoj IST.
Sto se tice ASL pre bi isla linija atr-om do Venecije nego do Mostara ili Ohrida. Kako god ove najave prosirenja reda letenja svakako iziskuju povecanje flote i to ne samo turbo-prop vec i dodatne airbus ili jos bolje RJ avione.
DeleteSačekajmo ipak da vidimo da li će se bilo šta od ovih linija ostvariti...
DeletePo mom mišljenju ESB ima veći potencijal i od LED i pogotovo od KBP ali nisam siguran da li bi turski direktorat dao dozvolu...
I think they would because Turkish carriers are in breach of the ASA and in such a way it would balance things out, especially if JU was to launch daily flights.
DeleteWe shouldn't forget that ESB is rather underserved as many carriers have suspended flights from there. Even Anadoloujet's and Pegasus' European network leaves a lot to be desired. Lufthansa seems to be performing really well there and I heard that there are times when they have up to 16 rows of business class!
Purger, Gothenburg Landvetter sezonski bi bilo dobro isto kad bi Croatia Airlines uvela tu destinaciju iz Zagreba. Ima jos uvijek dosta dijaspore u Svedskoj koja nece da ide sa Wizz u Tuzlu nego je njima jednostavnije do Zagreba pa onda u Unsko Sanski kanton i u Bosansku Krajinu.
DeleteMozda bi i Air Serbia se mogla vratiti u GOT, sezonski? Nema veze sto je tu Wizz sa GOT-BEG.
Nemjee a sta kad dodje vreme za C check?
Delete1.Lease E190 from MGX.
ReplyDelete2.Start flying to Yerevan and/or Tbilisi and Baku.
Good PRing from JU in Greece as ATH-JFK via BEG is massivley advertised last couple of days. Anybody has the transfer time required in BEG to catch JFK if arriving from ATH and vice versa?
Delete05.00 0 05.40
07.30 - 12.00
Last time I placed my bets on Hogan's prediction for next widebody destination - and lost: it was JFK, not ORD or YYZ. Now I am going with Mali's prediction of sooner rather than later intro of those services.
ReplyDeleteGood for ASL! I was hoping for some expansion news this spring/summer!
ReplyDeleteSomebody mentioned yesterday that C-series could be a solid regional/medium haul aircraft for the future! Air Canada got a huge discount on its recent order and I bet BBD is desperate to sell this jet. Would this be a good move for ASL? It would compliment the fleet and cover the wholes that are just too big for ATR and small for A320?
ReplyDeleteMy first choice is and will always be a fleet of Q400s :)
The cheapest and best option for JU would be the SSJ.
Deletemnoge kompanije se zele otarasiti ASAP Q400 pa bi to trebao biti alarm za ASL. SSJ bi bio zaista avantura i doneo bi nezeljeni image. moj izbor bi bio CS100 ili CRJ900 kao prva alternativa.
Ne zeljeni imidz? Kod koga tacno? SSJ je sastavljen uglavnom od zapadnih delova i ako se ne varam tehnologija je uglavnom iz Italije. Dakle nema nikakvog imidza tu.
DeleteNa kraju krajeva, vecina putnika ni ne razlikuje jedan regionalni avion od drugog. Ako Interjet moze da salje SSJ u SAD bez problema onda ne vidim zasto i JU ne bi mogao da ga uspesno koristi.
Ne zaboravimo da ce SSJ leteti za AF kroz dogovor sa City Jet-om.
Zašto ga se žele otarasiti?
DeleteA opcija Q400 sa 90 sedista?
Q400 ima zaista tragican safety record. Bacite pogled na avherald, gotovo svaki dan neki Q400 ne uspe da uvuce ili izvude tokoe, ili se dimi nešto u kabini... . U poređenju sa ATRom, Q400 je lepo upakovan trabant
Deleteanon 10:50 "SSJ bi bio zaista avantura i doneo bi nezeljeni image"
DeleteZašto avantura? Do sada sa SSJ pokazao jako dobro, preležao je prve godine i 'dečije bolesti' a kod Interjeta i Aeroflota radi kao Golf dvojka. Interjet ih od prvog dana šalje na po 6 do sedam rotacija dnevno
Tragičan safety record?? Govoriš kao da si lično radio servisiranje na njemu ili si upravljao tim Q400? Ja se ne bi složio sa tobom, a verujem da imam mnogo veće licno iskustvo na tom avionu od tebe. 95 posto je bilo pozitvino. ATR osim po potrošnju nemoze da se meri sa Q, ako ne ubacimo 600 seriju u poredjenje.
DeleteOn routes shorter than 500 nm the Atr outperforms Q400 by a massive margin.
DeleteWe are talking about an aircraft that has versatility to do a good enough job on short haul, regional routes, and an excellent medium haul aircraft to replace A319 when the load is not sufficient enough to dispatch it. That is something that ATR can not do.
DeleteOther option is CRJ700/900 but I don't know how well it would do on short routes (ex. TIV, TGD, SPU, SOF, TSR) because of high fuel burn? C-series is a good potential jet to compliment Airbus but again it can not provide the fuel burn match of a turboprop....so I don't see a better prop replacement for the ATR..maybe Saab 2000...it's tough to say.
That's why I believe the Q400 is a good option. Its not ideal but it's better then the current situation with old ATRs.
The Atr makes sense for JU because it can use it from Venice to the west, to Krakow and Prague in the north, Kishinev and Odessa in the east and Thessaloniki in the south. There is a huge market between that would be better served with an Atr rather than a Q400.
DeleteDon't forget Lviv which would be a much more logical and less riskier option to operate than Kiev.
Realistically speaking the first Ukrainian destination should have been Odessa but only after they introduced Kishinev which should be higher on their list of priorities.
Deleteubacivati Q400 pored vec aktuelne atr flote i obucenih posada nije bas racionalan potez. ukoliko odluce da izbace turbo prop flotu onda se ERJ, CRJ ili MRJ namecu kao opcija, dok je C serija kocka. SSJ svakako nije opcija jer je taj neuspesan projekat pred gasenjem. SAAB 2000 u bliskoj perspektivi nema sta da trazi na evropskom nebu kao ni foker 100.
Huh? SSJ pred gasenjem? Druze, ako zanemaris anti-rusku propagandu onda ces shvatiti da je veca verovatnoca da se BBD program ugasi nego SSJ.
DeleteSto se tice SSJ-100, za sada je isporuceno 71 vazduhoplova, 368 je poruceno, 130 su opcije. Dakle nije tako lose. Posebno je ohrabrujuce to sto je Interjet vise nego zadovoljan.
A samo da dodam, taj MRJ koji predlazes kao opciju je povucen privrenemo zbog tezine a BBD (CRJ) nije isporucio ni jedan avion u 2015. godini. Dakle, ne bih stavio SSJ bas na dno liste. ;)
Deleteocigledno smo na terenu subjektivnog osecaja, ali vratimo se faktima - SSJ ima nesto vise od 70 isporuka za 10 godina i to uglavnom u zemljama ex SSSR. CRJ je u floti najjacih kompanija danasnjice, ali je u senci embraera koji je trenutno hit. MRJ je kao i C serija poprilicno neizvestan u ovom trenutku.
I te iste velike kompanije polako ali sigurno povlace CRJ iz razloga neekonomicnosti. Postoji razlog zasto su ih Brazilci unistili.
DeleteSto se tice SSJ, Interjet i CityJet nisu iz USSR-a a postoji mogucnost da ce ih nabaviti i MS.
A i sam si rekao da su MRJ i C serija neizvesni te ne vidim zasto si ih gore predlozio kao adekvatnu i sigurno opciju za JU.
DeleteZa ASL bi najbolja opcija bila E90 ali pre toga bi bilo bolje dovesto ATR 72-500.
SSJ CityJet nabavlja iz razloga sto moze da koristi Lonton City Airport sa izuzetno kratkom pss. Mislim da su 15 komada u opciji. Od kojih ce Air France da uzme nekiliko na lizing.
DeleteNema veze, to ne menja bog zna sta jer SSJ nije jedini sertifikovan da leti na LCY. :)
DeleteNije istina da CRJ nije imao isporuka u 2015. Isporučeno je 36 komada!
DeleteNije SSJ najjeftiniji već Antonov 158 :)
ReplyDeleteQatar is increasing OTP from daily to double daily A320 this summer! Seems that they, just like Ryanair are in expansion mode in the Balkans!
It is quite likely that OTP even surpasses BUD one day. It has seen a huge traffic during the last few years. After all this is a 20 million country. Ryanair are most likely to base more than 3 a/c in the future.
DeleteBut Qatar is becoming so strong in our region. I think they want to prevent Etihad from launching flights and to be ready when Emirates announces theirs.
DeleteQatar has the best business case and solution for the balkans. Their business development is better than anyone's else in the ME. 2 stop traffic like Etihad's is no solution these days.
DeleteFlydubai will also loose ground when they change the airport.
TK and IST (will) have no capacity for some years.
Amen. Not to mention that QR has by far the best product of them all. On top of that they are generous with their miles.
DeleteWill be interesting how Etihad deals with all this. They are the smallest of the bunch.
Qatar is definitely being smart. They've opened a brand new terminal thus avoiding the IST/DXB scenario where congestion restricts growth.
DeleteHowever, as I mentioned once before, Iran will become a great problem for both Qatar and Etihad. Iran Air has already outlined their expansion plans which include the increase of frequencies to some European destinations such as FRA and AMS while a return to Tokyo is planned as soon as the new A332s arrive, sometime in 2016. They've also turned down Airbus' offer to get some cheap A340 until their new planes arrive. Since then two more Iranian carriers have started negotiating with Airbus.
For years now airlines such as Emirates, Etihad, Qatar and Turkish Airlines have profited from the sanctions. Now they will have to face a new threat in the region.
Unlike Etihad, Qatar has invested millions in promoting their brand internationally. They've become synonymous with class and elegance, something like a mini Emirates. It will be interesting to follow the developments in the region, especially since Saudia is also trying to enter the race.
By the way, Kotil of TK has already stated that they will respond to the developments in Iran by not only increasing IKA, but all destinations they currently serve in the country.
So airlines like QR, EK and EY which heavily rely on transfer passengers will be going up against Iran Air, Turkish Airlines and Saudi, all which have incomparably more O&D to rely upon.
Are there any trip reports on QR from this region (Hungary, Romanaia,etc)?
DeleteNo, there aren't any.
DeleteQatar open a massive new airport not just a terminal.
Personally I don't see Iran Air as a threat to the ME3 or Turkish Airlines anytime soon. They will probably develop into something more similar to Saudi Arabia Airlines as I can't see Iran or Tehran becoming a major transit point while the stigma of the current political system in Iran is in place. Not to mention that the current 'deal' is no done deal especially if we see a Republican President in 2017.
If anything, the lifting of the sanctions (for however long that lasts) will give a boost to both Turkish and the ME3 especially if they are able to establish themselves and have first mover advantage in Iran before a new Iran Air can reinvent itself.
DeleteThanks for pointing that out, I wasn't sure if it was a new terminal or a whole airport.
As far as Iran Air goes, as I mentioned once before, I don't think they will build a massive hub at IKA but rather I think that will be up to Mahan.
What I was referring to is that now when the Iranian carriers are able to become competitive once again, Iranians and those heading to Iran will no longer require to transfer in one of the Persian Gulf airports. With more direct options, there is less of a need for connecting flights. Especially since there is going to be overcapacity now when so many airlines rushed in and announced their flights.
For a long period now, Iranians were using DXB as a transfer point for most of their trips, even when heading north-west. Mind you, Iran is planning on doubling its number of tourists (to 20 million per year) and with their home carriers back in the game it will be interesting to see how it all develops.
You could see that the Iranians mean business when they refused those second-hand A340s that were offered by Airbus.
Mahan Air has been rather quiet until now and they are the airline to watch.
"Thanks for pointing that out, I wasn't sure if it was a new terminal or a whole airport."
DeleteLOL, i wouldn't see that coming from a 24/7 expert such as you.
Long overdue.
ReplyDeleteIt's expected that Georgians, Ukrainians and possibly Kosovar citizens will no longer require visas for EU countries as of mid-2016, with the exception ok UK and Ireland as usual. So ASL's move to launch Kiev is very good.
ReplyDeleteIs BEG-MOW is doing very well, there is no reason for LED not to. So again, good choice.
Latest news is that Kosovars won't be travelling without visas anytime soon.
DeleteI see my comment is deleted, possibly on the ground of PC.
DeleteOk i will make it more compliant, the comment.
Airlines flying to Pristina should know it might be a different market to that of other cities and ountries in the region, most travelers are business, diplomats, politicians, soldiers of NATO forces and Kosovar diaspora. After that comes Albanians from Macedonia and northern Albania (their passports are visa free)
Locals are just a minor stake in PRN figures. I hope this comment is PC enough and can be approved...
I tried several random dates in June and July for BEG-JFK in Economy cabin, plenty available as expected. Good thing is seat selection even for exit row seats is still free, but icons for paid seats are visible so it looks like premium seat selection will be chargeable in the future.
ReplyDeletethose icon things do not really mean anything. The plane can be completely full or empty and still have some crossed seats or not.
DeleteCheck the same dates again in two months from now, most people who fly TATL in season plan their trips in March, April and May. In February, theres plenty of seats with any airline flying TATL.
DeleteCan you please tell me where you find the seat maps. I must be blind but I cannot find any?
DeleteA6-EYC arrives May 28th in BEG as YU-ARA.
ReplyDeleteSome interesting developments will come with the new JFK service, think Etihad :)
PRN is definately opening, the rest no info. Just to note, JU will hire ALOT of new crew. As for the regional recruiting, it was alot of marketing involved, from Banja Luka 3 were hired and from Podgorica 13. Zagreb could soon see JU recruiting. Next 2 is in Serbia.
More ac to come, however the market is very much seasonal which need additional work to change.
I did mention previosly that EY will send Serbian crew to work temporarily for JU for familiarisation. The crew will be an EY ambasador on the flight, as an additional crew, who will assist the new A330 crew. Not all JU crew will go for A330 training. It is not yet confirmed if the training will be in Abu Dhabi or Rome.
In general, some interesting stuff in process.
Ja koliko sam cuo idu u Rim .
DeletePRN da sigurno ali kako sam cuo nije sigurno za KBP i LED ma da bi ja umesto KBP poceo IKA ili TBS.
Da odlicne vesti su da nece ostati na 1 A330 bice ih vise.
"Some interesting developments will come with the new JFK service, think Etihad :)"
DeleteCan you elaborate on that please.
"More ac to come,"
Could you please elaborate on that a bit also, some of us are curious but have zero info.
Lastly, is it true that 2 B737 will come back into service?
Deleteas always you have bad info. They are still deciding on Rome or Abu Dhabi, Rome most likely.
@ anonymous
think of things available in EY that no other airline in the region offer :) google and patience :)
as for ac, I didnt get much info out, JU is very seasonal as seen with the winter schedule. The summer schedule could grow as big as 30% compared to last year. SOF, OTP, DBV, SPU and BEY will increase in frequencies, PRN will open and JFK is now loaded into the GDS. As I mentioned above I do not have info on LED or KBP or any other potential routes, but JU is busy studying routes and expansion opportunities.
As for the B737, i didnt hear anything about it. I doubt it as even Jat had issues with spare parts for them and maintaining them to fly. Air Serbia is distancing themselves from them hence the Aviolet brand. However, Boeing is Boeing and they are reliable, as we all know, which I personally think is what is making it hard for JU to remove them from the fleet - that and the fact that they are paid for ie not leased. I dont think that JU will increase the B737 fleet, however I think (guess/speculate) that JU will increase the summer charters.
JATBEGMEL, the only service where EY stands head and shoulders above the rest is the Residence, and to some extent Apartment, but they are not even possible on A330. Most other things EY offers, like chauffeur service, are also available from competitors.
Deleteyou went way over board. we already know the cabin will only be business and economy :)
The only thing I can think of are noise cancelling headphones in Y, but it seems EY is pulling them, at least from some routes now.