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Sales for Belgrade - New York service start strong |
Sales for Air Serbia's new service from Belgrade to New York, scheduled to launch on June 23, have started off strongly, with the airline saying they have exceeded their expectations. The route was formally presented during last week's Belgrade International Tourism Fair. In a statement, the carrier noted, "The announcement generated strong interest in Serbia and the United States, with travel agents in both markets reporting positive feedback, and resulted in a large volume of calls to the Air Serbia contact centre". The airline's CEO, Dane Kondić added, "The International Tourism Fair was once again a very successful event, providing a great platform to present our highly-regarded and Serbian-inspired travel offering. The response from industry professionals and the travelling public to our stand was overwhelmingly positive and the number of tickets we sold to and from New York over the four day period surpassed our expectations by more than 30%". He continued, “It was a great start to our sales campaign and a clear sign of the high travel demand from Serbia for non-stop services to the United States".
The head of the Serbian Civil Aviation Directorate, Mirjana Čizmarov, confirmed that Air Serbia's first wide-body aircraft, the Airbus A330-200, will touch down in Belgrade during the first week of May. She noted that pilots are currently undergoing type training in Rome at the Alitalia Training Centre, with the first batch already successfully completing their training. On the other hand, cabin crew members will be trained at the Etihad Airways Academy in Abu Dhabi. Furthermore, a number of Serbian crew working on long haul services at Etihad Airways will be brought in for the flights, in order for the airline to boast experience within its cabin crew ratio.
Commenting on the new service, the Chairman of Air Serbia and the Mayor of Belgrade, Siniša Mali, said, “The Air Serbia New York service will have a huge impact upon Serbia and the city of Belgrade, bringing many thousands of business and leisure travellers from the United States. Tickets going on sale mark a great moment and we look forward to the build-up over the coming months when the A330 aircraft arrives in Belgrade and the moment the inaugural flight takes off in June". On the other hand, Belgrade Nikola Tesla Airport says it is ready to handle wide-body jets and is in the process of installing metal detectors at each gate in line with United States Transportation Security Administration recommendations.
Good to here. I wonder if the A330 will be used on Abu Dhabi route in June before New York flights start so the crew can familiarize with the aircraft. From what I've heard, it will be registered YU-ARA.
ReplyDeleteThis comment has been removed by the author.
DeleteДа да да... Има великих шанси да буде баш како кажеш "FOOL success" :)
DeleteVikendom će nakon obavljenog B checka avion imati i do 30 h praznog hoda. Gde li će ga slati, ako će?
Zar neće jedan let biti subotom?
DeleteSpustit će se on u srcu sezone i do Splita i Dubrovnika.
DeleteDa naravno to sam zaboravio i TIV.
This comment has been removed by the author.
DeleteKao onomad "desetkom" za TIV
DeleteI thought and I saw that metal detectors are already installed at every gate ...what is now the fuss about installing new ones?
ReplyDeleteYes same. My guess is they are installing new ones.
DeleteMaybe new detectors will detect new materials.
DeleteGood news. I notice that JU is particularly targeting Greece. ATH-BEG-JFK has been advertised a lot with good fares and there is a lot of chatter about it. Interesting that it is the first market they went after.
ReplyDeleteNot that surprising given it's the biggest market. I'm sure they did their research. Both Athens and Thessaloniki connect really well onto the New York flights.
DeleteWhat about advertising in other countries, any info?
DeleteAir Serbia has been advertising in Greece for a long time now. There were even whole buses covered in Air Serbia commercials. Looked pretty cool actually.
DeleteThe only question is how successful this campaign was given that they ended up suspending the night flights.
For those interested, Aegean's flight departed this morning with just 50 passengers.
How they connect well in JFK flight when you have stop over for almost 8 hours on some days?
DeleteYou can connect onto three out of five flights!
Deletenot true. Back to Greece you have to wait for 8 hours on 3 flights per week, and 3 hours on 2 flights. That is not to "connect well".
DeleteActually for OTP and ATH you will nice connection if you count flight with their codeshares partners. So practicly they will have three or even fourth flights per day.
DeleteOf course:
ReplyDelete- Air Serbia is profitable, but one can not mention 22 million EUR subsidies per year
- Air Serbia has perfect results but one can not mention 50% decline in transfer passenger
- Air Serbia will stop using 737-200 in 2014 but still has it in fleet
- Air Serbia sell much more tickets than planed on JFK route, but we don't have real numbers just PR imaginary percentage
- Air Serbia is surprised with interest even without connection in USA and no real information of connections from feeding routes in BEG
that is typical PR what we saw so many times with Air Serbia.
...and yes, I know this comment will be deleted!
I honestly hope it doesn't get deleted, because watching you foam at the mouth as good news pour in is endlessly entertaining.
DeleteDa znas nesto o ASL znao bi da nemaju u floti B737-200...
Delete737-300 sorry typo!
DeleteIt is political line, just before elections, of course numbers must be perfect. Especially when you can not check it.
Delete@ Anon February 23, 2016 at 10:06 AM
Love it when the same guy gives himself +1s and comments on his own posts :3
DeleteYou are right. Judging by his poor English 10:06 and 10:27 is exactly the same guy. Oh well.
DeleteI can assure you that I've gave the +1 and it's not me who worte the comment. If you want to believe that it's the same person, please, do - it's your problem.
DeletePosto ne znate koje Avione u Floti ima moze se uzeti za zakljucak da se ne mozete uzeti za ozbiljno.
"Air Serbia is surprised with interest even without connection in USA and no real information of connections from feeding routes in BEG"
DeleteWhat do you refer to exactly as "real information on connections from feeding routes in BEG"? As in, now only fake information is available?
Or maybe you don't have to wait for the "real info", just go ahead and do a dummy booking, or use Kayak, or whatever, as you would with any other airline in the world. Sense of entitlement when it comes to JU hard and soft product is ridiculous.
By the way, I am still looking for that one voter who was swayed by the PM and his effort to make this route happen that they would vote for his party, while otherwise they wouldn't. Does anybody seriously believe that any citizen out there is bothered to check JU LF before deciding on who are they voting for?!
DeleteYou do know what "typo" means, right?
I am potential passenger and I want to make SKP-BEG-JFK route. In this moment connection is very bad. I will not use that route, but OS instead. But I can read here there will be some changes in feeding route. What changes, when will I have opportunity to use it? I have to buy ticket. It is just 5 months before my flight.
And yes, of course Air Serbia has everything with political promotion. People want nice stories which show them how country run into progress. Especially when they can not check it or does not use the service. That looks perfect, we have connections, business in on the way because of it, there will be huge amount of tourist to come to Serbia because of it, results are already here, and now with JFK flight we will be Switzerland in second. Every country have those kind of "future" paradise stories. In Montenegro that is tourism and huge investors which will just start to invest, and every year same story. In Serbia it is Air Serbia, Smederevo željezara, FIAT, Morava Airport, Beograd na vodi... And between those Air Serbia is only "successful one" but it shows that all other paradise project will have "same success" .
I said it before, I'll say it again - if we truly (or I, as you're based in SKP) live in a country where voters chose their options according to success government had in running or supporting an airline, then I have to say we've come a long way. Of course, that's an illusion.
DeleteJU is only being hurt by portraying it as a "political project" - it is being antagonized by at least half of its home market - and mind you, it is not the government that's doing it. Actually, if I was JU's competition, this is exactly what I would have been doing - don't know if they would actually be willing to resort to this.
But, anyway, come April 24, I don't for a second believe anybody will have JFK route in mind when going to the polls.
@ Anon February 23, 2016 at 2:12 PM
Anonymous February 23, 2016 at 2:12 PM
DeleteYou have excellent connections from SKP to JFK via BEG at 400 EUR. Unfortunately you didn't bother to check as you couldn't care less. You are here for the politics.
I do not for a second believe that you are based in SKP as I don't think there is a single Macedonian so obsessed with Serbian politics that they would go on an AVIATION website and write about Vucic every day there is news relating to Serbia. It is also quite sad you write responses to yourself and + whatevers. Give politics a break. If you couldn't care less about aviation just leave.
Kazete da ste iz SKP a znate bolje sta se desava u SRBIJI.
Pa? U Beogradu imas koliko hoces Makedonaca.
DeleteSo what do you want to say, that I am Serbian? If even so, and I am not, that argument is still on. One from Macedonia (and I presume) some other markets can not plan the trip in this moment. Or connection at this moment is very bad, or we have to wait for announced changes. And for sure that does not make this route so attractive that selling would be so good.
DeleteIn this moment connectivity is bad for all markets exempt Belgrade. If there would be no changes that is not good for future of route. Also there is no possible connection from BEG. And I have big doubts that selling is so good on point to point passengers (BEG-JFK). I don't find this information about good selling true. Not at this moment. When they will make good connectivity and possibility to connect from JFK to other USA and Canada destinations than maybe. Bur now for sure not. I hope they are not satisfied with 50% LF if so than they can find present selling good.
You have been given a a timetable with quite good connections. So your "very bad" argument does not stand at all. Absolutely no one from the airline has announced any "changes" so this is another one of your inventions. You have neither checked the timetable nor looked through other markets. So please spare me your crystal ball predictions. Third of all buy a ticket on an other airline and give Vucic and politics a rest.
DeleteBaš ste čudni na ovom blogu. Jednom kažete kako su "komšije" pune brige za JU i fascinirani ste time, a drugi puta kažete kako "komšije" ne mogu znati toliko mnogo o političkoj situaciji u Srbiji.
DeleteMajko mila, pa ne moraš biti politički znalac da kao susjed koji povremeno boravi na ovom blogu vidi koliko je politika involvirana u Air Serbiju, posebno na liniju za JFK. Pa Vučić je najavio tu liniju, Mali je najavio koji će se avion uzeti, pa političari najavljuju broj frekvencija a bilo bi logično da sve to napravi CEO. Onda na sve to Vučić prodaje karte, pa Mali govori o drugom zrakoplovu i letovima za Toronto i Chicago, pa najavljuje nove linije za ljeto. I opet sve to ne radi CEO nego Vučić i Mali. Kako to da u Hrvatskoj i Sloveniji premijeri najavljuju nove linije, nabave aviona... Zamisli sprdavanja da premijer najavi dolazak RJ i otvaranje 4 nove linije Croatia Airlinesa. Pa javnost bi ovdje kod nas umrla od smjeha.
Naravno da je sve ovo politička igra i da je JFK posebno politički projekt koji nije isplativ nego je stvar "prestiža" kako je to lijepo rekao, vidi molim te i opet, premijer.
Anonymous 10:06 AM
Ja sam video da ambasador Hrvatske u SAD najavljuje razgovore sa kompanijama da lete do Zagreba i da mu je zao sto to nije OU jer nema kapaciteta. Da OU otvara liniju za JFK siguran sam da bi vam premijer bio medju prvima da najavi ili ministar saobracaja, a ne bi se bavio imenovanjem Zagrebackog aerodroma kao sto to sada cini. Isto tako vidim da ministar saobracaja u Sloveniji najavljuje Adrijin dolazak u Budimpestu
DeletePa ima vas i jednih drugih. Ti si primjer lukavoga susjeda koji je raskrinkao veliku političku zavjeru. Onaj drugi je primjer domačeg političkog aktivista koji se lažno predstavlja kao susjed. I sve to, sva ta mržnja, zloba, pakost i političke aktivnosti - zarad jednog avio prijevoznika. Zapitajte se obojica što vam to treba i da li je zdravo biti toliko posjednut negativnim osječajima.
DeleteOf course I did. So I have to fly to JFK on Saturday 9th July with flexibility of +/-1 day:
DeleteFRA 8.7. stop in BEG is 7:20 hours
SAT 9.7. stop in BEG is 7:20 hours
SUN 10.7. no flights
Back I have to go on Sunday 24th July, flexibility +3 days
SUN 24.7. no flights
MON 25.7. stop in BEG is 8:00 hours
TUE 26.7. stop in BEG is 7:55 hours
WED 27.7. no flights
All together I have to pay for ticket 770-790 EUR
Most of passengers want to travel Friday there, Sunday back. And that for sure is not good connectivity, especially not for this price.
Austrian in same time have flights every day, to JFK stop is 4:10 hours, back 1:50 hours and price is from 942 to 985 depend of day of flying.
For 150 EUR I would rather fly with Austrian and will not have to wait for 15 hours in BEG (10 hours more than in VIE).
Nije neuobičano da amasador najavljuje moguće linije. I Američki ministar u Srbiji je najavio letove za SAD. Da ne govore samo o ratovima i politici, nego i o kulturnim vezanam, povezanosti, ekonomskim vezama... To i je njihov posao. I da resorni ministar i ambasador budu na prvom letu bilo koje nove linije i to je normano. I to je njihov posao. I opet povezivanje dviju nacija...
DeleteAli da premijer najavljuje linije, avione, da prodaje karte... Dakle premijer, ne CEO kompanije. Ne vidiš razliku?
Eh sto ljudi iz Skopja dobro zaradjuju bole ih patka za 150 jura...
DeleteSimple Google search will allow you to get acquainted with numerous occasion when PMs, presidents, ministers and such all around the world have been announcing major developments in a national airline, either positive or negative, or have been in attendance for related events.
DeleteI would say introduction of long haul flights is in fact such an occasion.
Jatovanje i antiJatovanje lives on.
DeleteAnon 4:04,
DeleteFly OS and enjoy. Simple as that. You are writing here as if someone is threatening you with a gun to fly JU. It is really not necessary to write essays on why they are not your carrier of choice. You have the choice - make it and enjoy it. Life is too short to spend it in hate.
for Anonymous February 23, 2016 at 4:04 PM
DeleteIf you change schedule for just one day (7.7 and 23.7) each trip will last maximum 13 h and the price will be 755 €. That is the best connection due to Skyscanner.
I have flexibility for few days but I can not leave before Friday (because of job) and I have to stay till end of weekend.
DeleteIf Air Serbia count on passengers which have flexibility more than 3 days they are living in cloud. This days it is very rare that someone have flexibility of more than 3 days. With connectivity of 2 flights per week this route have no future for transfer passengers even with 150 EUR cheaper ticket.
Sto prije Er Srbija kupi ili uzme na lising najmanje sest, sedam aviona mesovite velicine. Sa kapacitetom izmedju 50 i 80 sedista, bice mnogo fleksibilnija. Uspesnija u sirenju mreze I kaptivaciji trzista. Zaista. Mnoge oci su uprte u Srpskog nacionalnog avo prevoznika. Moje iscekivanja su ista sa onima koji iskreno vole putnicku avijaciju. Let za New York jeste prvenac srbije koja treba da postane prava, pravna, odgovorna I postovana SRBIJA Kako od najveceg broja ljudskih dusa koje u Njoj zive, tako i od ostalih u Evropi i drugim kontinentima. Ne sa licemerjom, mimikrijom... Vec iskreno! ✈Rodney✈Kraljevo✈Sydney✈New York✈Belgrade ✈✈✈
ReplyDeleteOf course they are going to say this, what else are they supposed to do?
ReplyDeleteLol exactly
DeleteOT: Zna li neko nešto o komaniji Awex? http://tangosix.rs/2016/22/02/fly-fly-travel-postaje-generalni-zastupnik-hrvatskoj-kompaniji-awex/
ReplyDeleteGood news. Really looking forward to this one.
ReplyDeleteKao sto sam i govorio da ce prodaja ici odlicno i da ce Piloti ici u Rim ali pojedinci mi govore da ne znam nista .
ReplyDeleteMislim da bi bilo odlicno nabaviti jos nekoliko ATR 72-500 i nekoliko A319 .
I sta da rade sa njima da lete poluprazni za Kijev i St Peterburg? U Mediteranu samo Alzir i mozda Malta mogu da se lete. Sa ATR mogu da lete dnevno Ankaru i Veneciju Treviso. Ostalo mora sve po nekoliko dana u nedelji da lete.
DeleteMoguce A319 linije : TBS,AMM,IKA,ESB,GYD,HEL,MAD i LED
Ali bitno je reci nema potencialih destinacija.
Volim čitati kada ljudi ovako pucaju od ljubomore.To je znak da AS stvarno dobro stoji i da je kompanija u velikoj uzlaznoj putanji. Mene lično nije iznenadila ovako velika potražnja pošto su ljudi u cjelom regionu umorni of konekcije na ogromnim aerodromima i ovo im je čista oaza. Meni je preko FRA , CDG i AMS već stvarno dozlagrdilo, koda hodaš u drugi grad a ne da uzimaš konekciju na drugi let. Koliko sam čuo prvi let za JFK je rasprodao 67 mjesta u prva dva dana, to je impresivno. AS želim i dalje dobru prodaju ali se nadam da će biti malo više akcija u kojima nude povoljnije cijene.
DeleteObzirom na medijsku pompu, na "politički" motivisane karte koje mora da se kupe, 67 mesta nije ništa. Ja sam verovao da će da se proda preko 200 od onih koji će morati da kupe do onih koji će to da učine jer tako žele poput Radovana Marinkovića. Na temelju reklame koja je data, u svim medijima, vestima, dnevniku... zbog Vučića, 67 mesta je ništa. Promocije radi, trebalo je da se rasproda 200 karata u prvih 6 časova prodaje. Sve ispod toga je razočaravajuće.
DeleteMajke ti Nenad, ako ja kažem da penzioneri u Srbiji imaju smešnu penziju jer to zapravo pucam od ljubomore i oni imaju super penziju sa kojom mogu lepo da žive?
Procitaj malo sta je napisao. Rekao je 67 karata na prvom letu. Mogli su i 1000 karata da prodaju on govori o prvom letu 23. juna.
DeletePa i ja govorim o prvom letu!
DeleteČoveče toliko reklame, toliko medija oko svega toga, toliko najava, pa još i oni koji "moraju da kupe" jer ih je Vučić zamolio (moš si mislit da takvih nema) i samo 67 karata???? Jako loše.
Da I ja sam cuo da je prvi let do jucer prodao preko 80 sedala, to je vise nego dobro.Bas su ljudi smesni, decko kaze 67 karata za prvi let. Boze ljudi, provo procitajte pa onda stavljajte komentare.
DeleteI po ovome komentaru se vidi tvoja ljubomora, naravno da je veliki uspjeh prodati trećinu mjesta na avionu u 48 sati na jednoj novoj liniji, i to ogromni uspjeh. Ti ako se u te stvari ne razumiješ bolje zadrži komentare za sebe da ti se ljudi ne smiju. Što se tiče ovog drugog momka i penzija to stvarno ne bi komentarisao ali ako te baś zanimaju plate i penzije možeš otići na web stranicu vlade Srbije i tamo čatovati o tako nečemu ovo je ipak avijacija. Hvala
Delete@inn-ns Da bitno je reci da ni jedan od tvojih linija nema potencijal za dnevne letove. Posebno ne INN. Niti ce odatle hvatati letove za ameriku. Pazi samo da ti Azeri ne lete preko Beograda na Mediteran ili u NYC. Gde mislis da ce ti leteti ljudi iz Odese preko Bgd? Prosto ljudi iz BEG jedva cekaju tamo da lete ko zapeta su puska.
DeleteI think the point 3:41 is trying to make is that 67 seats for the VERY FIRST FLIGHT is a bad result, because it is THE FIRST flight. One would expect many aviation enthusiasts to wish to be aboard the first flight, and 67 seats are hence considered a not-so-successful result.
Delete67 seats for a random flight in September, however, would be far more impressive.
Prodati 67 karata u februaru za jun je dobar rezultat. Prodati 67 karata na 1. letu koji je promotivan, koji se toliko reklamirao, na kojem će biti novinari, entuzijasti (fanatici), poslovnjaci, političari, oni koji moraju biti, uopće nije dobar rezultat.
Delete@4:19 PM
DeleteNe znam sto pametujete ako ne znate neke stvari , nigde nisam rekao da ce letovi ici 4 puta na dan.
Azerbejdzanskih firimi ima nekoliko u Srbiji plus transferi prema Nemackoj i Skandinaviji.
Ja opet ne znam gde sam pisao da ce ljudi iz INN leteti za USA sa ASL nego za Balkan .I takodje nisam rekao da treba letovi da se odrzavaju svaki dan.
Why would you guys even talk about how many tickets were sold on the first flight? No matter what, almost all more important inaugural flights are full due to officials, company people,press,etc.
DeleteWhat matters at the end of the day how is general sale going which I would love to know. Another factor which everybody curious is will there be any interline agreements within US and Canada. Maybe AA or DL or AC might not be interested, but I am positive that JetBlue and WestJet would be.
Air Serbia already has an interline agreement with AC, as well as AF, KL, VS and AZ serving many points into the US and Canada over many European points
Delete"Over many European points", that's your problem right there. Dude YYZ is looking for connections via JFK not some effing Euro hub. Show me Air Serbia interline or even better codeshare that continues BEG-JFK flight onto single ticket partner flight from JFK to final destination further into US of A.
Delete"Dude" - if YYZ's destination is BEG, then flying with AC and JU on ONE tkt is possible and easier over one of several European pts instead of changing terminals and clearing US immigration at JFK. Doing so over a European point is much easier, takes less time and an easier experience, as you are simply a transit passenger. Bags get checked through.
DeleteSeems like you are an infrequent traveller and don't understand how this stuff works. Try it sometime, you might surprise yourself
IDEA (markets) issued a PR statement saying that they bought 10 tickets for their customers aboard the inaugural flight.
DeleteAnd that is it about those who "have to buy" tickets on first flight. Now, lets proceed with NIS, FIAT, Elektroprivreda, Telekom Srbije, Srbijagas...
Delete@Anon at 7:52
DeleteFine salesmanship in promoting Euro hubs, but then your condescending attitude killed the deal. Well, at least I know that YYZ-BEG nonstop is likely to happen next year. Air Serbia could start it with second A330 according to Mali, and if they screw up and start BEG-PEK (aka Bata Živojinović route) instead, Air Transat or Air Canada Rouge could likely jump in and seize the opportunity. Either way, chances are direct flights will be started by one of the three airlines and then “YYZ dude” won’t need EU hubs.
Sorry it killed the deal "Dude". You are way too sensitive and perhaps need to not be on this adults only website.
DeleteAs for flying, YYZ doesn't need to fly YYZ-BEG on AC/JU, he/she can fly on whoever else they want to, but they will still need to fly via a European point to get from YYZ-BEG. Same thing - different packaging
Šta reče, ovo je adults only website? Pa lud zbunjenog, stvarno!
DeleteWell,in particular as conserning the greek market,I don't think this route is going to be successful.For the summer season in athens we have delta,united and american airlines,for direct routes.And for the winter season as a friend said from this blog athens is a star alliance fortress so we have athens-frankfurt or munich-new york,athens-zurich-new york,athens-istanbul-new york,athens-vienna-new york.Also we don't forget athens-london-new york,athens-rome-new york,athens-paris-new york.Most of them with better prices and time connections than air serbia.Anyway good luck to air serbia my best wishes!!
DeleteAthens is extremely competitive and JU's main threat here is Turkish Airlines and IST- not counting direct flights. Because of a massive O&D market between Greece and Turkey, TK can afford lower margins for connecting passengers.
It also doesn't help that Aegean is in Star Alliance and that they will be increasing IST to triple daily.
Without double daily flights throughout the year, JU can't be considered a serious player in ATH.
OT, but still relevant. airberlin's shares are free-falling today, as the stock has lost more than 25% of it's value amid rumors that it will be delisted from the stock exchange.
ReplyDeleteArticle in German: http://www.finanzen.net/nachricht/aktien/Rekordtief-Air-Berlin-Aktie-im-freien-Fall-Delisting-geplant-4747086
Does the article say why they are losing so much value?
Delete"Air Berlin's top shareholders, including Etihad, are discussing plans to delist Germany’s second-largest airline to reorganize the loss-making carrier"
DeleteGreat move for a reorg!
DeleteToliko im dobro ide prodaja, da su ipak produzili jos nedelju dana promo period i spemuju sa mejlovima ko ludi...
ReplyDeleteDefine expectations. :-)
ReplyDeleteWhat a comedy - 3 full months to go before the first flight and people are getting their pants in a knot because of "only" 67 tickets sold on that flight.
ReplyDeleteLet's park the discussion until that first flight departs and then we can comment all we like - good or bad
Definite decision by Croatia Airlines:
ReplyDeleteone Fokker 100 by Trade Air will fly for Croatia Airlines. Mr. Marko Cvijin just confirm me that personally.
Is that good or bad?
DeleteWell that's an anti-climax. They wetlease those F100s every summer.
Deleteznaci li to da nema dolaska RJ za ovo leto, odnosno definitivno zadrzavanje Q400 ?
Deletepa ko je reka da ide Q400?
DeleteQ400 su i trebali ostati. No, planiralo se dovući dva Embraera ili CRJ, a sad se sve svelo na jedan F100. Nije istina da su oni wetlease F100 svako ljeto. Tu i tamo bi ga rentali kad bi neki avion ispao is prometa. Ali ovo govorimo o dužem leasu. Nije to tek par mjeseci.
DeleteCvijin uzima još jednu posadu da bi mogao pokriti sve zahtjeve Croatije.
Btw a koliko bi mogle kostati karte iz ZAG za PRG ili MXP s OU ako krenu?